Here’s an idea to get a bearing in there. Take a bearing and get it red hot in a vice then use needle nose pliers to handle it, carefully force it down into the chassis where the bearing would be. You literally melt the chassis to fit a bearing I’ve done it before in a pinch in racing off-road. After the bearing has cooled down hit it with a little PB blaster so it’s easier to remove then replace it with a fresh bearing, I personally would prefer ceramic bearings concerning the force your putting into the driveline...
Why not find a bearing to fit over the driveshaft gear is ? Like over the grub screw. And set it in there and Dremel out there the bearing sits that way you won't have that friction. ? Just my thoughts
Good vid man, I was actually able to get 71 on the stock 48p setup with the optional gearing. Got a vid on my channel. Just recently swapped over to a castle setup.
Wasnt aware you could run a 1 to 1 gear ratio on a vxl-3 motor and esc.i literally just bought the vxl-6s motor and esc today to try getting my slash 2wd up to or over 100mph.ill be running the XO-1 34t pinion gear with a integy 34t spur gear.just got the hot racing tranny case as well as the hot racing aluminum diff.people say you cant run a diff locker with the aluminum diff from hot racing but 1 way or another I'm gonna try to figure it out and make it all work together and properly.still unsure if I want to run a slipper or try going with the slipper eliminator.any thoughts from you or anyone reading this would be nice on whether to run a slipper or not with 6s power.know itll be stupid fast and hard to control till I get used to it but all in good fun.lmao
@@Ltoxic13148 to be honest I'm really not guessing it pretty much all depends on what you plan on doing with your rig.being that my build will be mainly for speed runs I wanted to run a locker so that I could put down all power to both rear wheels and not a lot of power to 1 wheel and hardly none to other.ended up just using the gears and packed diff with 20 million weight.hopefully someone else here that has more experience with rc vehicles other then myself who's only bashed the hell out of my 2 can better answer this question for you cause I don't want to steer you in wrong direction for what you want to do. couldnt have just made some you even rc bruh. Baaaah.for real,the challenges in this hobby that make us go nuts are the same things that keep us hooked....look..3 vlogs and a shave later and you dremmeled it anyway...d'oh
Here’s an idea to get a bearing in there. Take a bearing and get it red hot in a vice then use needle nose pliers to handle it, carefully force it down into the chassis where the bearing would be. You literally melt the chassis to fit a bearing I’ve done it before in a pinch in racing off-road. After the bearing has cooled down hit it with a little PB blaster so it’s easier to remove then replace it with a fresh bearing, I personally would prefer ceramic bearings concerning the force your putting into the driveline...
there is a facebook group with many members for the 4tec 2.0 many go over 100mph easy. We help ppl out with modding info to get ppl runniong quick.
Do y’all got an ig?
This car fills with rocks, dirt, leaves 🍁 exposed gears ⚙️ kaboom 💥
It’s a street car , it’s not gonna get any of that on it
I went with 2 Hot Racing 24t Steel Mod 1 Pinion Gear 5mm and I was able to get the lil bearing back on with just a little mod
how fast does your car run i did 24/24 also going to try it on 6s on the new 3.0 4tec
Why not find a bearing to fit over the driveshaft gear is ? Like over the grub screw. And set it in there and Dremel out there the bearing sits that way you won't have that friction. ? Just my thoughts
Good vid man, I was actually able to get 71 on the stock 48p setup with the optional gearing. Got a vid on my channel. Just recently swapped over to a castle setup.
Wasnt aware you could run a 1 to 1 gear ratio on a vxl-3 motor and esc.i literally just bought the vxl-6s motor and esc today to try getting my slash 2wd up to or over 100mph.ill be running the XO-1 34t pinion gear with a integy 34t spur gear.just got the hot racing tranny case as well as the hot racing aluminum diff.people say you cant run a diff locker with the aluminum diff from hot racing but 1 way or another I'm gonna try to figure it out and make it all work together and properly.still unsure if I want to run a slipper or try going with the slipper eliminator.any thoughts from you or anyone reading this would be nice on whether to run a slipper or not with 6s power.know itll be stupid fast and hard to control till I get used to it but all in good fun.lmao
Are diff lockers better than the small gears inside the diff cup
@@Ltoxic13148 to be honest I'm really not guessing it pretty much all depends on what you plan on doing with your rig.being that my build will be mainly for speed runs I wanted to run a locker so that I could put down all power to both rear wheels and not a lot of power to 1 wheel and hardly none to other.ended up just using the gears and packed diff with 20 million weight.hopefully someone else here that has more experience with rc vehicles other then myself who's only bashed the hell out of my 2 can better answer this question for you cause I don't want to steer you in wrong direction for what you want to do.
can't wait to see the speedrun on this dope car...
Friday! it's a good one!
Im sick of this vxl over heating, whats a good swap?
Where did you get that spur gear?
I like your videos Mark Zimmer :)
I hate you!
Mark Santa Maria I’m dying here 😂😂
Which, tooth did you use for the spur gear?If you don't mind me asking.
Looks like you could at least put some kind of bushing in there to take the slop out
I put the gear cover on to spun the motor and let the new 24th cut
Cool project
I think im going with aarma infraction. Just better all around speed vehicle. It better be for 600.
Bro do you reply Santa Maria lol jk good job bruhhh
Do you think the 3.0 can do this ..?
What MOD 1 Gearing Sizes For Spur And Pinion Gear?
just run a 40t and 55t spur it will fit with hot racing cover and should hit a 100 plus
Is that a 40 T pinion gear and 55 t spur w the aluminum cover?
@@landinrautenkranz6499 yes with the hot racing cover
Is that the only way to get those high speeds
wheres race vlog?
i just got my 4tec 2.0 vxl
Who works on Traxxas jato 3.3
Can only say one thing here, 👍
Make it a 4s system like I did
never seen gearing like that.
Go to a bearing shop couldnt have just made some you even rc bruh.
Baaaah.for real,the challenges in this hobby that make us go nuts are the same things that keep us hooked....look..3 vlogs and a shave later and you dremmeled it anyway...d'oh
Dragging it out to much
WDYM? It’s not even a 10 minute video
I didn't finish it last time... sorry bud