I think in this day and age, promoting this kind of violence is wrong: being kicked there can lead to life destroying issues: an attack to the genitals is the equivalent of sexual harassment combined with battery and assault. you have pretty much ignored something quite serious that young/teenage boys can go through(could be bullying etc), wedgies etc. Perhaps it would be a good thing to explain that it is not acceptable, as an education channel. childbirth is a beautiful thing, the other can be an unwarranted assault.
@@paddyola1 Considering this was a simple comparison of what is felt, not the reasons for why it might be caused and at no point does the video promote any kind of violence I have to wonder if we watched the same video.
Right. On one side of my family, my mom experienced great pain with birthing me, but not my siblings. On the other side, my dad watched surgeons repair his nose because they couldn't safely put him under (They were worried about killing him with an overdose). I think threshold is the main deal, since it's how we interpret pain that really matters, and that can vary wildly from person to person.
@@HexIsme also we have different thresholds for different kinds of pain for example I've lived with joint pain for years so it's no big deal but I can't handle a headache
For me, They've always used the 1-10 scale, 1 is pain free, 10 is the worst pain you've ever felt. After a motorcycle accident, what would of been a 10 on that scale is now more like a 3.... Which makes the scale kinda pointless.
I hit my nuts on a rail skateboarding couldn't breathe normal cause my abdomen hurt as well. Ive been in the maternity room at least they can get an epidural.
I cant argue one way or the other, but I dont think the question is about the length of time the pain is endured, so much as the pain at any given instant.
@@EmoKen Dude, you know that many women still feel the epidural years after the injection right? It's not a small shot. In any case, having your vagina ripped apart (because yes, it freaking rips vertically during childbirth) vs a kick in the balls doesn't seem like a comparison that should be done, period. No serious person would ever compare the two. Child birth historically had a high mortality rate for a reason.
@@FilAlexa a small tap to the nuts can take a man down for hours, a hard kick in the nuts can knock a man out, purely out of pain.. don’t ever tell a guy that that pain is not to be compared to childbirth.. i personally would rather have the pain of a broken finger for my whole life, than get 1 strong kick in the nuts.
What if, hear me on this, also im a guy this hurts me. What if we have guy kicked everytime a woman feels contraction pain. With this the two will have same amount of time and number for whatt cuased the pain.
EXACTLY! Which is why childbirth should be compared to being kicked in the crotch REPEATEDLY for however long the average birth takes, which is many hours
Limi V and then there’s those of us with endometriosis who experience childbirth level pain every period, and some will get it again when they ovulate. I had an ovarian cyst rupture once and for the first several hours of excruciating pain I only thought “oh I must have started early” and just tried to watch tv
Katherine Terria I’ve had surgery to fix my sternum. It was concave. I had a bar put in my chest to push it out. It was excruciating. I’ve also passed a kidney stone. The surgery was much worse than the kidney stone.
Just starting. As a guy, without knowing how painful childbirth is, I'd take being kicked in the nuts because A) it's familiar, and B) it's shorter lived. Even if it did hurt more, it doesn't last nearly as long.
I live with chronic pain, and find that the same kind of pain is experienced differently on different days. And when I have a specific pain for any duration of time, I simply have to reset the baseline. I just concentrate on the pain, find tiny fluctuations, then learn to notice and find relief from the moments when the pain spikes but then diminishes, even if it diminishes to another level of pain, it’s better than during the spike, so the pain I experience after the spike just becomes the new ‘normal’ or the new baseline. Sounds complicated, but it works for me.
Chronic pain is, of course, a different kind of animal from acute pain (as presented in the video). Just like when discussing cancer, most are oblivious that the label is misleading/incorrect. Cancer was originally thought to be a singular disease. Then modern medicine proved that wasn't the case. It's cancers. Same is true for pains. And modern medical science is woefully in the dark as to treating the full panoply of pains. For certain kinds of acute pain, there are efficacious solutions (thankfully). Not so much for severe chronic pain. I've taken vicious shots to my genitals (having played a lot of sports). I now look back on those times fondly. And, sadly, there's a mother out there who lives with severe chronic pain who'd say the same about childbirth.
That's interesting. I don't have chronic pain, but when I have pain that I know is going to be around for a while (period cramps or tension headaches), my strategy is usually to imagine that I exist within a shell in my brain, and the pain is still there, but it's outside the shell so it can't hurt me as much. I wonder what other strategies people come up with.
@@rizahawkeyepierce1380 That’s great! I imagine there are so many different ways to handle pain. Unfortunately our medical professionals seem to believe that all relief must come from a pharmaceutical, and they pass this belief on to their patients. It doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. Thank you for sharing your strategy. I will give it a shot!
@@iamdigory go easy on these people that can control parts of your life because they force their responsibility! (the blame wouldnt be on them if drugs were legal over the counter, maybe it would hurt some people but we cant hold everyone's hand, if they hurt themselves thats on them)
I'm a guy, and I've experienced crotch kicks before, but child birth just seems like an absolute nightmare, especially when it tears, or so I can assume.
@Dagwood Dogwood A buddy of mine had his kidney stones linked to his drinking. But... he wasn't a 2-3 a week kind of guy. Or even 2-3 an hour... unless you average over his sleeping hours.
I have chronic pain and found this video to be super interesting! I have also given birth but the worst pain I have had was from both kidney stones and gallbladder stones. Wouldn’t wish those on my worst enemy!
I heard birth can differ a lot depending on multiple factors. Being hit in the crotch depends a lot on impact force and impact area... and probably anatomic factors as well
I think kidney stones are more painful than childbirth. Having had both, I can say the pain is very similar, yet, since childbirth comes in waves, I'd rather have more kids than stones. Kidney stones are intense, extreme pain with absolutely no breaks. I almost went into shock from my stones. Shitting a living cantaloupe never came close. From what I understand, getting kicked in the nads is intense, extreme pain that is temporary. And I've never heard of a man going into shock from that. Fetal position, bawl, cry, whimper, & curse in a church, but never shock. So why not, say, ask a guy who has had bad stones & been kicked.
During my labour, I got NO breaks. Baby came quickly, suddenly, and extremely painfully. It went from a 5 to a 10 pain-wise too fast for them to even give me an epidural. On top of that I had back labour, so although the pain was greater with contractions, it was PERSISTENT AF. So you know....back to the whole "each their own" thing. :) I really cant imagines getting kicked in the stones as painful as my experience.....it definitely isn't likely to last as long! (but you know, im not a dude so...nor have I had kidney stones!).
WatchingMyLifeFlashB still varies though, I’d rather pass kidney stones than have my ‘severe’ menstrual cramps. The pain from the stones settles with medication and so far has never lasted more than a few hours after proper treatment. My ‘severe’ menstrual cramps on the other hand don’t react to medication anymore. I need strong pain meds, anti inflammatory meds, and a heat pack... if I’m lucky it settles after 1-2 hours, if not it at least decreases to the point where I can stomach food and water, generally lasting 1-3 days.
I know of a few people who nearly died after being kicked in the balls. From crushed testis going septic fast to internal bleeding causing the ball sack to swell up to the size of a small watermelon. To say that a person can't go into shock just shows how little people know about the matter. You can die from getting kicked hard. Most people only have minor damage or permanent loss of function with weak kicks but that in itself can come with risks to the persons life.
Paul Tamborello I have had two kids naturally - completely comfortable compared to Rheumatoid Arthritis pain. I think one thing that gets burgeoning mothers is the social conditioning that it is the worst pain one can experience.
@@teambeining No, for some women the pain is so bad they could die from it The experience of giving birth is not the same for all women, but Im pretty sure its rightfully exaggerated...
I've been kicked in the balls and I would imagine it's more like a single contraction or cramps. So maybe if I got kicked in the balls every 10 minutes for several days could I say I experienced something close to childbirth or having a period.
Thats the thing though what you felt was a nerve, the same nerve is effected by child birth. You body doesn't have specialized nerves in that area so it simply triggers that nerve cluster.
Jordan Fire Star Many women experience severe cramping during their periods that ibuprofen won’t fix. I’ve seen a few of my close friends and family will have to stop and take deep breaths because the pain is so bad.
I agree, but I think by childbirth they mean the final few minutes when the baby is actually delivered. Plus, men can get kicked in the balls many more times than a woman can give birth, would that ever happen? Probably not; but, for example, I doubt too many women will give birth when they are 12 while playing soccer during recess.... you know, just a normal Tuesday recess.
I hope they will also adopt the german phrase "Ich versteh' nur Bahnhof" which means 'I only understand railroad station', and is used to express utmost confusion.
@@markschultz2897 Check the video at 4:12. A soufflé can also mean the French dessert that's like a fluffy pancake in a cup. They're usually sweet but some can be savory. Which language are you using to mean "blown", by the way?
Lucien Richardson I've been stung by a bullet ant, which has been described as someone continuously putting a cigar out on your skin for hours. I think that beats childbirth.
Do you ever hear guys saying "hit me in the nuts again?" No? But I do hear females saying "lets have another baby" there getting kicked in the nuts hurt more.
Some stupid man : Lego has 9 dol that pain full more than drowning but Kicked in the balls is 52 and childbirth is 57 dol Mr me: no zippers are more painfull
AAAAHG the pain scale is ZERO to ten, not one to ten! Sorry... I am a pharmacy teacher and my students constantly get that fact wrong too. I know it may seem a worthless distinction to most people, but psychologically having 0 as the option for no pain makes the rest of the scale make more instinctual sense to the average patient since zero is the absence of a value.
Brandon Lee Majors you still want a full scale to contextualize it. If you say "i'm having severe pain" they don't give you a scale of 5-10 even though that's likely where your pain lies.
@@buymy92accord the pain scale still comes up as a general question during some doctor visits that are not about pain though, so in those cases 0 would definitely be an option.
Besides all the nuance involved in comparing subjective experiences like types of pain, I have always been one to take into consideration that people who go trhough childbirth, even in the best of cases, don't tend to have just some minutes of pain and then it's over as it usually happens with a kick in the crotch. I will obviously never experience it myself, but seeing all the women I know that have or are going through pergnancy and childbirth, the pains start in the first months and it's repercussions can last for years even without adding obsterician violence and malpractices. Labour lasts hours until the baby is out and then the minumum time to recover are days so even if childbirth was "less painful" than a kick in the nuts, the added pains during all the process would totally make up for it. So overall, i feel like the comparison is just not fair and really, not necessary either. What reason would anyone have to want to put down a person's pain during one of the most vulnerable times of their lives just to say "i hurt more" ? Oh, right.
Agustin well I think the two are hard to compare. Personally I would prefer high pain over a short period of time rather than even just moderate discomfort over an extended period of hours. While by definition the former is more painful, i think it is still more preferable than the latter in most cases. I think there might be a *very* general formula level of pain x duration of pain that determines how unbearable something is.
I don't think it's putting down the pain. Also, it could be argued that getting kicked in the testes is way more intense all at once (pain is subjective after all. Some people might be especially sensitive there.)
Donald Baird well that’s why I said level of pain x duration. While at is say getting kicked in the testes is more intense than a slowly constricting clamp on them, the duration of the lesser pain outweighs the the extent of the greater. Likewise I’d prefer a third degree burn on my elbow to a kick in the nads. Although the former would last for weeks, I’d rather bare the mild pain than the immediacy of the kick.
you can ask most women who have given birth ...would you like to have another child someday and most will say yes ...you will never hear a man say however Oh I'd love to get kicked in the balls again someday ...it's such a wonderful experience
@@guruofbarbeque It's also worth noting biology floods women with Oxycontin immediately after childbirth to induce some form of physical amnesia. During childbirth, most women WOULD tell you never again. It's so horrifically painful, evolution needed us to forget, or we WOULD never do it again. If we remembered the pain as it really was, we'd never bond with our babies - you just can't love something who hurt you/physically broke you that much, and look after them to your own neglect for years, under any rationality, so evolution stepped in to, effectively, brainwash us. And even now, lots of women DO have trouble bonding with their newborns for that exact reason. It can take years for women to choose to do it again, if they ever do.
i always felt like its a dumb question in the first place.. one is continuous pain for hours and hours, that gets very exhausting. one is very intense pain for like 5-15 minutes. not super comparable.
And for some women, problems during the birth can make it even more painful. I was too big for my mother and she said it was the most excruciating pain she ever felt and she had her head split open once.
@iBiana Doubt My 3rd birth was my hardest. Every labor is different. And pain after birth can last weeks as well. The swelling down there makes taking a pee excruciating. And afterpains are a thing as well, which get worse every time. And you don't know pain till you have a head half way out of you between contractions. They probably aren't super comparable types of pain. Given that in regular circumstances one lasts a few minutes to maybe half an hour on average and the other can last 8-18 hours on average. I've heard people compare giving birth to kidney stones though.
It is not a question people normally debate. One is child birth and all the nope (yes there is not comparison) that comes with it and the other is assault that can course meany problems later on in life. What we have is a channel pushing Gender politics
I think i remember a study that looked at the nerves around both genitles (male and femalw) and i think both are the same nerve bath ways and often experience similar pain. I.e. nausea, etc. My nards have been lightly grazed and that can hurt so much.
Thank you for really getting into the minority of cases. It's really insightful that people undergoing HRT change in pain level. The "common sense" logic is that, since the female sex reacts to pain more strongly, they're just less "tolerant". Nope, they just experience MORE pain. This is why I hate when people just say "it's common sense dude". Almost nothing is unquestionable, or simple. Especially when it comes to perception across the very diverse human population
@@RingwelskiJacek I have also heard this. It would make sense. Childbirth is something that every reproducing woman experiences. It would not make evolutionary sense for that to be more painful than kidney stones.
I'm a man, and I'm like 1000% sure childbirth is more painful. Yes, getting kicked down there hurts but it subsides in a few minutes. Just "walk it off" as they say.
I know someone who got hit hard in the nuts and passed out from the pain, and he dealt with pain quite well. When I was much younger, my bike hit something and instantly stopped while I slid forward onto the frame. That did not feel good. I literally could not breath for several seconds because my whole body froze up and I couldn't move from the pain. After that went away, I still couldn't stand up for several minutes because the pain was so much that my legs didn't work. Not sure what the number is on the pain scale that you become paralyzed.
Benjamin Cronce ya but I think that’s a little better then having a pain so intense that they have to inject the pain killer straight into your spine to treat it and it also takes several hours
@@BenjaminCronce it's not like women can stand and move on with their lifes after giving birth. Also lots of women are injected a medication (I dont know the English name for it) which makes it easier to give birth and even like this it still hurts much worse than a kick and it leaves the women completely numb after giving birth.
Ironic. Our medical research on pain has been done almost exclusively on the gender forbidden from admitting weakness, which includes showing signs of pain
You can’t even really compare cramps. Every women experiences them differently. The worse most painful menstrual cramps would probably hurt more than getting kicked in the nuts but someone’s more mild. cramps might not compare. There’s not even an average amount of cramp pain. Even my own vary from month to month. Sometimes the pain is bad enough to make me throw up. Sometimes it’s barely noticeable. Also cramps can cause all over body pain because the hormones that cause them can travel in the blood stream.
@@solarmoth4628 Kicking someone in the balls hard usually has a side affect of making someone throw up as well as i would aliken even just simply getting your balls lightly tapped by a weak kick to someone dumping a bucketful of liquid nitrogen onto your stomach
I always hate when they ask the pain scale question. Hospital visits are not always about PAIN. A much smarter question would be "How much impact does your problem have on your daily activities".
There is actually a pain scale for both of those. Your option could work for chronic care, but in acute care and critical care this just isn't feasible. The intensity of pain is also a part of the differential diagnosis for illnesses. Being that pain is so complicated we can't definitively say that a certain level of pain correlates to being unable to do a specific set of activities. Pain can only be defined by the patient, not their abilities, not their outward appearance (unless the patient cannot communicate their pain).
A similar feeling to being kicked in the balls is if you've ever had your eye hit by something. Close one eye and just gently flick it with a finger. It's the same sharp sensation. Imagine that feeling, but much worse, down below.
Yes! I've struggled to find an accurate comparison because the pain is so unique but that is almost exactly it. Just with the sensitivity and pain much more extreme.
I took driver's ed from a guy in a wheelchair, who crashed his motorcycle and landed spine-first on a rock. He said the pain was so extreme his heart stopped twice in the ICU.
@@billyosullivan4514 well not all people who have children actually want children. So no, I wouldn't say that it is the one of the most rewarding things one can do.
@@imnotawatermelon9105 Because of a minority its not rewarding? Some people dont find life rewarding does that mean it isn't just because you dont find parenting rewarding doesn't mean most people dont hence why we still haven't growing population? Also adoption is anything btw and i would like a citation on how many people regret having kids.
@@billyosullivan4514 how do you know that only a small minority of people don't find parenting rewarding? It's generally not socially or culturally acceptable to express regret about having children without bombarded by insensitive comments. So I assume a lot of people would not be very open about expressing themselves.
my way of describing levels of pain to my medics: I don't need medication, it is distracting and I could do with some medicine, it doesn't let me sleep or wakes me up and I need stronger medicine, I've exhausted my options at controlling the pain and it is making me very anxious, I have a severe lack of appetite, I feel like I might faint or throw up, I thew up and am unwilling to even drink..... screaming banshee
As a male, I have to admit that I am biased. I think that a shot to the testicles can be more acutely painful; that said, there is something I think is more painful than both. I had an inguinal hernia as a result of weight lifting that resulted in my intestines entering my scrotum. I was technically conscious, but the pain was so severe I was totally incoherent. If you can imagine having your most sensitive bits being crushed in a vice while on fire, that might come close to the feeling.
I've never been truly kicked in the balls, but I'm pretty damn sure childbirth would hurt more. It takes a lot longer, and from what I have been told about the process it sounds extremely painful for a good portion of that time.
I think the difference is, for giving birth you’re feeling a lot of pain over a longer period of time, whereas being kicked in the balls is loads of pain really suddenly, so they’re both bad for different reasons
@@DeathbyProxy the thing is Men have a higher pain threshold then women while women have higher pain tolerance so if we get hit with the same amount pain Men feel less while women can handle more Meaning if balls are put on the same level as childbirth in terms of pain If women had to feel getting kicked in the nuts it would hurt them more And childbirth would hurt us less then it would hurt you
The joint doctor I went to had a chart where 0 was no pain, and ten was vomiting, blacking out, etc, with fairly good descriptors for everything in between. Still not perfect, but pretty good.
That's a good reference. If your pain is 10/10, the provider probably isn't asking what your pain level is. It's incapacitating and the patient is going to be screaming or crying or in a daze. I've experienced that level a few times and it kind of transcends what level of pain seems possible. Almost like it's something different than pain.
It's pretty scary how pain feels differently depending on how you are emotionally. When I'm really sad or scared I could prick myself with a needle and hardly feel it, while the rest of the time it would hurt as normal
0:10 (paraphrased) "If you're a guy, you'd likely argue strongly that being kicked in the crotch hurts worse than childbirth" - as a guy, absolutely not. child birth is so complex and such a long process, i can't see how that's even a debate honestly.
Once I got hit in the balls with a... ball... a soccer ball. I felt pain for 3 days. GoT season three still hurts, it has been three weeks so far. It still hurts...
i’ve been kicked in the balls. ive stomped on a screw, it scraped my bone, it had to be twisted out... the screw was far worse both on impact and after. theres your pain test.
ThatGuyMike - while giving a tour of our house construction to a neighbor, my husband stepped on a nail. I found out when the neighbor went home and husband asked for a ride to the hospital. I stood right next to him and he hadn’t changed expression. When he told me something hurt, I respected that.
@@TheSuzberry To be fair, whilst that still sounds horrible, I reckon that a nail is gonna be a lot more bearable than a screw because if nothing else it's at least relatively smooth.
Never been kicked in the crotch, but a friend of mine did accidentally pass a basketball into my crotch. It was... unpleasant. Worst pain of my life was appendicitis. That was tear-inducing levels. For hours and hours.
I don't know if I'd say it was common. Not like it's a regular topic of conversation, but I've never known anyone else that had theirs removed. And to be clear, mine didn't burst; they can usually get it out before that happens.
@@violet-trash Maybe you should not base incidence of a medical condition on your personal experience lol? Easy to look this up, and no Britain does not have a significantly lower incidence. If you compare Europe and North America, north america actually has a lower incidence based on this recent paper: ovidsp.dc2.ovid.com/sp-3.33.0b/ovidweb.cgi?QS2=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
@@violet-trash I don't think it's more common in the states, just more talked about/ written about. It's a really, really easy plot device due to it being sudden and intense. All very dramatic.
There’s so many factors playing a part in our individual perception of pain. One not mentioned is being continuously abused throughout ones life. That seems to skew perception drastically.
JennyG Alternatively, just having to put up with a lot of discomfort as a part of your lifestyle. I’d imagine a farmhand to be much more resilient to pain than an office worker, unless the office worker were so jaded with life and so welcoming of death that pain simply doesn’t cross their mind anymore
That doesn't quite seem fair to judge those Scientists. Because hormonal cycles could affect pain and it probably wasn't possible for them to track the ovulation and levels of every mouse. They probably just wanted to get the most useful data they could by generalizing. Not perfect but I honestly believe they had good intentions.
The problem is that if differences in women’s physiology such as hormone cycles aren’t considered in testing, then medication given to women may be ineffectual or have unexpected consequences. Female mice are not good for this since their cycles aren’t reflective of female humans, however an alternative should be used in medical testing. Using the white male default as the standard of medical knowledge and treatment is really dangerous for everyone who isn’t a white male.
@@mollytovxx4181 Using a white male as a default study group may not be ideal for everyone who isn't But or not does not necessarily mean that all of the people involved in those studies did so out of prejudice or bias. The 1st thing I was taught About scientific experiments is that you minimize the amount of variables. The 2nd thing I was taught is that everything is limited by your funding and by the participant you have available ( Because you can't force someone to participate in a scientific study,). Thirdly and the pursuit of knowledge you must put human safety above all else, Therefore if your study could anyway Endanger someone's baby It is Extremely unethical to include someone in the study who might have a baby Even without their knowledge To avoid harm to the baby and perhaps psychological harm to the mother. I'm sure very soon funding will become available for a study that will track the Ovulation and hormonal levels of a 1000 racially diverse women at 1 time And be able perform safe tests at various times during their cycle And be able to compare the results across all similar levels of hormones And perhaps even find drugs that are less affected by the hormonal level changes that women experience. But let us not be cruel to the men that have tried their best Just because they did not have the funding to do so.
@@Suger5zero The bias is the assumption that medication tested for one group will work in the same way for other groups. Bias is not the same thing as malicious intent- if anything it shows the complete opposite of intent. To put it another way- nobody is "being cruel" when they point out that lack of knowledge on sanitation in the past led to many deaths from infections in hospitals. Nobody is claiming that these doctors weren't washing their hands before surgeries because they WANTED the patients to become infectious and die. It's simply an example of how things used to be and why we should strive to be better. In the same way I don't think that scientists in the past were discounting other groups for some evil reason. That doesn't mean that their bias hasn't had a negative impact on science and medicine. I can provide you with some examples of these negative effects if you are interested (such as how the symptoms for heart attacks in women were assumed to be the same as men- which isn't always true and has led to many deaths). We talk about this as a reminder to do better.
sure, but I've heard that contractions are super painful, happen every minute or few minutes for multiple hours, even 12 hours. on a side note, there are risks to being pregnant(e. g. dying due to an embolism as blood clotting is favored during this time, losing teeth due to lack of vitamins - stolen by the fetus, certain changes in behavior due to hormone fluctuation), giving birth (e.g. having your vulva rip open during normal birth, or having a c section)(just the general high mortality rate of mothers who've recently given birth)(post partum depression), nursing. All of these take multiple years to complete and permanently alter a woman's body and mind, not comparable to the few minutes of pain you claim to be so devastating.
@@ander936 so are we taking only the contractions into account? Even then the frequency and duration of each one + the act of pushing the baby out are a part of childbirth process and should be taken into account when comparing the pains. I think we can agree pain that is intense but goes away quickly is considered better than moderate or somewhat strong pain that lasts longer. Yes? It will definitely affect how the patient reports the pain, at least. But to be completely honest I’m not sure why people decided to make this into a competition to begin with...
Labour often goes on for HOURS AND HOURS! So sorry but I don't think they can be compared. I hear that passing a kidney stone can be pretty gruesome though
While it's far from being publishable, the MythBusters found that women have a higher tolerance for pain through an ice bath test. Also, I've been told that a woman kicked in the crotch can hurt plenty too. Don't need a dangling target for sensitive nerves to protest abrupt blunt trauma.
Yeah definitely, in fact women have a lot more nerves in that area, and particularly a higher nerve density. I haven't been kicked exactly, but bumping yourself on the corner of a desk or something can feel like life-threatening pain lol
I live in fear of getting pregnant and giving birth. I have such a low pain tolerance: my period cramps are the most painful thing I have ever experienced to date.
I work in a chronic pain research lab in a hospital. This is a great video, very consistent with current evidence. In a nutshell pain is so hard to measure. And those differences between men and women might just reflect their social conditioning for how to express pain and emotions - not the pain they are actually experiencing. When we measure pain in study participants, we always combine questionnaires with a physiological measure, like fmri or blood tests for bio markers, to try to get a more accurate measurement. But there is still a lot of grey area
Yes, I don't see how we can distinguish between pain and the expression of pain. If I were to rate pain on a scale of 1 to 10 for example, I should place the worst pain I have experienced or can imagine no higher than four, given how much worse pain exists. Others might think that this belongs at ten or really anywhere else on the scale. In the end the crux is that we are really trying to measure consciousness, which doesn't seem to have any effect whatsoever.
@@MrCmon113 I've passed a kidney stone and cracked a tooth. Those are my gold standards for a 10, but that's my subjective experience. Giving birth looks way worse to me, but my wife told me a toothache was worse for her. There's the rub.
I got kicked in the nuts once and I remember I immediately felt dizzy and light headed, and I puked as I hit the ground. It was the most embarrassing day in my life. The pain hits your brain like a wave of weakness.
My friend who has been kicked in the nards, drowned alive (barely survived) and had kidney stones says the stones were worse than any pain imaginable, even water in his lungs. I suppose size of kidney stones matters, just as how hard a kick is lol.
As someone who lives in chronic pain I know my experience of pain is very different from those who aren't in chronic pain. When I had to go to hospital my pain was at 9, by the end of the night it was 11 - only now that 11 is a 10 because the scale is based on what you've already experienced. I remember what happened but my mind has blocked the memory of how it felt as it was so traumatic. I actually learned earlier today that almost all medication hasn't been tested on any females (mice or human) as they are worried that menstruation will affect the results. That's over 50% of the population that may be taking medication that isn't designed to work alongside their bodies. It's more shocking that all these biases you mention are still happening today among the medical and scientific community.
Hell still isn't. Like you can only apply if you are a woman if you are post menopauze. Sometimes and that's rarely, you can also participate if you are doing double birth control, and i have seen once that they allowed lesbians, who are in a relationship.
Sure if giving birth lasted 1 minute you could may this comparison or debate. Giving birth sometimes lasts days of massive pain!!!!!! There shouldnt even be a debate or a comparison.
If you've ever experienced a colonoscopy without anesthesia or pain meds, that's the level of pain I experience whenever I have a cramp during my period. Except that it fluctuates in waves and lasts 9 days. Sometimes it even knocks me out for a day and I can't walk. Common point of reference is probably a better way to evaluate these things.
@@andreafeelsfantastic It's only rare in north America, it's very common in Europe. Anesthesia can cause unnecessary complications for things as simple as a colonoscopy. If I had another basis for comparison, I would offer it to you. But there aren't a lot of things that other people commonly experience that matches the level of pain of a period. I guess, it could be close to having a second degree burn in one's intestine with a scab that is being torn off slowly over the course of several days.
@@andreafeelsfantastic It's just culturally accepted. Like how it's culturally accepted for people to endure such painful periods and still be expected to work. But as much as it's painful to go through a colonoscopy, it's much safer to do it without anesthetic. Especially for the elderly.
@@Teshia okay… y’all have fun with that… honestly I am surprised they don’t force us to do it that way here as it seems like the main benefits are it’s cheaper and you get back to work quicker. Maybe America’s gastroenterologists are hiding this idea because they can tell we all need a nap and a day off. I doubt it is that much safer.
You can enjoy a proper kick for a lot longer than 30 seconds. A really good and powerful kick can basically shut you down for half a day after which it'll still hurt like hell.
@@darthplagueis13 Yeah, but if the whole region gets ripped during child birth you could be looking at months of recovery. Like, I fully acknowledge that it hurts to get kicked in the balls, but women's genitals are sensitive too. And it's common for the average woman to require multiple stitches to put things back together down there after the loin biscuit makes it's grand exit, where usually the balls remain intact. Like, if you had the skin ripped the whole length of your taint, like balls to anus ripped open, and then the doctor had to sew it back shut, wouldn't that in and of itself be worse? Even if you put all the other stuff aside?
Yeah, the title was a touch clickbaity, since it really isn't about whether being kicked in the balls or giving childbirth is more painful at all. Still an interesting video.
That makes me think that SciShow wants to descredit studies that compared the pain of childbirth to the pain of being kicked in the balls, and found out that the former is more painful.
I don't know why this is even a debate. A man getting kicked in the groin isn't pain that usually lasts days nor does it feel like your insides are being stretched and your bits are being ripped open.
Once in kindergarten i decided to climb a tree (i was 4 i think) and after climbing over a branch my foot slipped and my nutsack hit the branch faster than a formula 1 car, after that i screamed so loud that the kindergarten next to us heard it. I think i passed out since the next thing i remember was that i was in the medical room with an ice bag on my nuts and i was shaking more than a cold dog
I would never, ever assume that anything in my life could ever hurt as much as childbirth. Even if in 100 years a scientist comes out with a flawless study that shows being hit in the nuts is four times as painful as childbirth, I'd tell them to run the numbers again and advise they don't make eye contact with any mothers on their way back to the lab.
While I think this is an interesting video, the title is very misleading/clickbait-like, as the main subject is about pain, how we measure it and the issues surrounding how it has historically been assessed/researched. Good content, poor title.
Childbirth isn’t just childbirth though... it’s 9 months of pain and feeling uncomfortable... the birth... and then months of pain after as you heal... show me a guy who experienced over a year of pain from getting kicked in the crotch
Mtf trans girl here. After being on estrogen I can definitely say my pain tolerance is drastically lower. I used barely feel pain for most things (heat and pressure). Now everything seems to hurt so much more.
The pain scale story. Doctor: can you specify the level of pain. Me: well these numbers seem subjective. Let's assign a value to an experience. Doctor: okay. you're right they are subjective. Me: Ok the two worst pains I've ever felt, ..... My current pain is a 5 in comparison. Doctor: well that's not good. I think describing the most painful experience you had helps the doctors understand better.
@@redriver6541 Once it's made it to your bladder you can usually pee it out no issue, but when it's coming down from your kidneys... oooh boy, grab onto something and try not to pass out because you're in for at least 15 minutes of the worst pain a human being can experience.
@@ashurean I hope and pray that I only have to take your word for it.... I have seen one of the toughest men I have ever known brought to tears and screams of agony.
Some of the worst pain I've ever felt were from a few migraines I've had in the past. I'd be throwing up and heaving, praying for the relief that passing out would provide. People who have experienced migraines and kidney stones tend to rank the stones higher on the scale. It terrifies me that there is something worse out there.
I may have an hint about this. I'm a man and I've been kicked there a couple of time. I remember a sharp paralyzing pain that lasts for a few minutes before getting more bearable. I've also had the unfortunate experience of a pain caused by nerve damage. Six months in a bed with a pain similar to the one aforementioned except it was almost constant bar from the sweet release of unconsciousness. I know a woman that had a similar experience and also had a couple of children. She is very clear on one thing : the level of pain does not compare (childbirth is a walk in the park compared to it) I would thus suspect that the kick between the legs is at the very least as painful as childbirth.
That's a very interesting question, although it makes me wonder whether the duration of childbirth would make it worse, if the pain of getting kicked starts to subside so quickly. I can't really say, because I will never experience either scenario. I do think you got at the more important thing, though. The argument over childbirth vs being kicked in the groin is a little silly. There are worse types of pain out there, from cluster headaches to kidney stones or some kinds of nerve pain. In my personal experience, having my tonsils removed as an adult was the single most painful thing I've ever been through. I am not sure how that compares to other things like childbirth or a kick in the groin. But kidney or gall stones are the pain I'm personally the most terrified of possibly having to face someday.
I recall a Spider Robinson novel in which one of the characters had the disorder where they can't feel pain. In the course of the story, the whole group of folks experienced a kind of telepathic communion, during which this one guy felt pain for the first time. He was outraged and demanded to know why anyone ever puts up with any level of pain ever. We do have a long, long way to go in all sorts of ways as we study pain and what we can do about it. I am glad to live in a time when no one is going to poke me with a burning thing though!
That sounds super interesting. Do you remeber the title? I searched for the authors name, but the amount of published novels, made it difficult to find. I would like to read it. :)
@@Faefire The series is about a bar called Callahan's. I think that story takes place in the 3rd book, Callahan's Place. I'm actually re-reading the first book with a book club (Callahan's Crosstime Saloon), so I may be inaccurate on that just now... I'll try to find the book again soon!
It's entirely possible to give birth without anesthesia and without fainting. It is not possible to have your testicles destroyed via crushing without fainting. Therefore, the latter maxes out sooner.
@@sourgreendolly7685 There are actually several recorded cases where men have died from neurogenic shock when having their testicles crushed... Simply put, that's death by pain. Your central nervous system gets overwhelmed, you blood stops in your tracks, you die. You body is at its limit of what it can comprehend, so it stops functioning. When women die giving birth, it's not from pain. There are also cases where men have fallen into a coma from having their testicles squeezed due to shock. A kick in the testicles that is too hard and DEATH are one and the same evolutionarily. Don't you get that? Of course a man's body and psyche will react accordingly.
There is a difference between developing a meter for pain that you can use for everyone to find the exact level of pain vs a pain scale that is meant to be subjective and only really allows personal input into treatment and status. Think of how Dole failed vs the 0-10 scale succeeded. Around the 7 minute mark, they talked about how Women rated their pain higher. What they said about this was exactly that, that women rated their pain higher. Whether they are actually feeling more pain or are perceiving pain higher, both need to be understood. Hence why the 0-10 scale is good, but can't distinguish an exact pain level. Someone's 6 may be someone's 7. And having an actual "dole" would be allow us to find out instead of guessing.
As Scishow pointed out years ago,women can also feel intense pain from getting kicked there.But the target is much smaller and thus less likely to get a direct hit.
Getting kicked in the balls once absolutely is NOT equivalent to giving birth. Getting kicked there repeatedly for hours would be closer. It takes minutes to recover from a nut shot, it takes a while to recover from birth. If men had to give birth, goodbye humans!!! I had a kidney stone, which some say is the equivalent, my gf found me on the floor of the shower, and took me to the doc. I've seen women in my family get through labor just fine, I'd fail so hard.
E S because you don't get anything good out of getting kicked in the nuts, whereas when you're done giving birth, you get a child. plus evolution has caused women to subconsciously actually want to have children.
Getting kicked is more painful nowadays, because the worst feeling is when you can't do anything about it. With Childbirth you are prepared and can receive some sort of anesthesia while getting kicked in the balls it's often sudden and you can't really ease the pain, the feeling of hopelessness creates a mental breakdown which multiplies your feeling of pain.
Hear, hear. My migraines are painful enough that I misjudge how painful things are superposed to be. It took me 5 days to go to emergency with a broken collar bone because I thought it was just a bruise.
Genuine question. What would hurt more. Getting shot in the chest, Or getting shot in the head. It'd be interesting if there was an actual way to be able to measure it.
They could have told us more about pain reception, make some jokes or give viewers stuff that actually makes sense to watch. They chose to play some weird racist politics game instead.
@@salzstangl They didn't really say racist, and what they are saying is true. The US medical field is weird, high demand for medical professionals with not enough supply. We still vet amazingly well but obviously some concessions are made. When it comes to diagnosing pain and gathering a patient history, Nurses and nurse aide's are at the front of the average medical case. If they haven't gotten their BSN or are not experienced, their medical knowledge is limited to their training and personal experience that they have to apply. Considering the hundreds of patients that are cycled through in a given day, many may not need to return ever during your career, people do make false assumptions or superstitions all the time. The full moon drives certain people more crazy, women may hit you more, your hospital is haunted, etc A lot of times, people make assumptions for the best interest of people and their employers. No different is here (Baring obvious exceptions). Legitimately, some people are unaware that the skin thickness between Caucasians and African Americans is the same. This can come from people just having a harder time finding the Radial Artery as the skin near the Fascia (Elbow) is darker on Black people (Obviously) and end up with patient with a weird placement of their artery where the Nurse has to hunt around. They may conclude from this experience they have thicker skin making it harder to "reach" And considering how some people may not get to treat African Americans often, they may not have enough experience to find out their assumption was wrong. This doesn't happen often, but they do occur.
@@Metal_Tao There are differences between races. Since you have to eliminate as many variables as possible in your test you want similar people. The most common race is caucasian? Then taking caucasians is easier. It was said that race is mostly not connected to pain, so why repeat all the research already done? There where black subjects (even if less), so it is possible to make a good choice between raci pain research and actual pain research You can see a person pushing a side if they dont adress any counter-arguments. Btw: Women have a different skin composition, which actually is more vulnerable. Does it make a difference for pain-reception?
Correction: The pain scale is numbered 0 to 10, not 1 to 10. The 0 gives patients the option to indicate they have no pain at all.
But existance hurts
@@RezyGD not for everyone tho
Thank you for the correction, I wish more of my patients would realize 0 is an option 😁
I think in this day and age, promoting this kind of violence is wrong:
being kicked there can lead to life destroying issues: an attack to the genitals is the equivalent of sexual harassment combined with battery and assault.
you have pretty much ignored something quite serious that young/teenage boys can go through(could be bullying etc), wedgies etc.
Perhaps it would be a good thing to explain that it is not acceptable, as an education channel.
childbirth is a beautiful thing, the other can be an unwarranted assault.
@@paddyola1 Considering this was a simple comparison of what is felt, not the reasons for why it might be caused and at no point does the video promote any kind of violence I have to wonder if we watched the same video.
Men and women arguing which is more painful: kicked the crotch or childbirth
Kidney : hold my stone
Ancedotal evidence, but: My mom gets kidney stones and can confirm that they can be as bad or worse than childbirth.
@@sutematsu Now we need a man who has also suffered from kidney stones to tell us whether they are worse than being kicked in the balls.
@@Tursiopstruncatus I'm sure we can find plenty of test cases.
@@Vicioussama Correction I'm sure we can find plenty of testies cases.... sorry had to xD
Stephine Jose to put passing a kidney stone and a single kick on the same level as labor is just silly. They exist in another realm.
I would like to think the researches walk around asking, "Would you like to get kicked in the balls for science?"
Or giving birth for research?
There is an snl sketch like that not the birth but the hitting the gonads for science.
OMG WTF are those tests?! 😧😧
@@andreicabantog3299 for that i think they would just ask someone who's already pregnant........
For anyone complaining about stuff in this video, i think the main point is “pain is ridiculously complicated and we can’t compare it”
Right. On one side of my family, my mom experienced great pain with birthing me, but not my siblings. On the other side, my dad watched surgeons repair his nose because they couldn't safely put him under (They were worried about killing him with an overdose). I think threshold is the main deal, since it's how we interpret pain that really matters, and that can vary wildly from person to person.
@@HexIsme also we have different thresholds for different kinds of pain for example I've lived with joint pain for years so it's no big deal but I can't handle a headache
I have cronic pain. So my base for what bothers me is really high. I'm so used to pain, it takes me a while to figure out I have hurt myself.
actually yes i can
I've never had a baby. . .but I had an ER doc snap my foot back into place after breaking my ankle. THAT moment was my only true 10.
For me, They've always used the 1-10 scale, 1 is pain free, 10 is the worst pain you've ever felt. After a motorcycle accident, what would of been a 10 on that scale is now more like a 3.... Which makes the scale kinda pointless.
Not QUITE pointless. . . but often less than helpful.
I’ve had worse. Try having a metal bar put in your chest pushing your sternum out because it’s concave. That is excruciatingly painful.
You win
Hours of contractions seems worse than a single kick in the nades, that said, I live in fear of kidney stones.
I hit my nuts on a rail skateboarding couldn't breathe normal cause my abdomen hurt as well. Ive been in the maternity room at least they can get an epidural.
I cant argue one way or the other, but I dont think the question is about the length of time the pain is endured, so much as the pain at any given instant.
@@EmoKen Dude, you know that many women still feel the epidural years after the injection right? It's not a small shot. In any case, having your vagina ripped apart (because yes, it freaking rips vertically during childbirth) vs a kick in the balls doesn't seem like a comparison that should be done, period. No serious person would ever compare the two. Child birth historically had a high mortality rate for a reason.
@@FilAlexa a small tap to the nuts can take a man down for hours, a hard kick in the nuts can knock a man out, purely out of pain.. don’t ever tell a guy that that pain is not to be compared to childbirth.. i personally would rather have the pain of a broken finger for my whole life, than get 1 strong kick in the nuts.
What if, hear me on this, also im a guy this hurts me. What if we have guy kicked everytime a woman feels contraction pain. With this the two will have same amount of time and number for whatt cuased the pain.
Personally, I measure my own pain by comparing to a toothache.The duration makes a LOT of difference.
EXACTLY! Which is why childbirth should be compared to being kicked in the crotch REPEATEDLY for however long the average birth takes, which is many hours
@@limiv5272 i feel like in that case getting kicked would easily win
Limi V and then there’s those of us with endometriosis who experience childbirth level pain every period, and some will get it again when they ovulate. I had an ovarian cyst rupture once and for the first several hours of excruciating pain I only thought “oh I must have started early” and just tried to watch tv
Makes getting tattoos a breeze lol
Between childbirth and getting kicked in the "nards" it's obviously more painful to have kidney stones lol.
Ha! Trick question. The right answer is passing kidney stones.
@Richard Vanwinkle do you often get asked why the long face?
It’s actually stepping on a lego.
I heard that broken ribs are more painful than kidney stones. And infants often break their mother's ribs.
@@twilightfox014 damn. As if living inside mom rent free for nine months wasn't hard enough, they damage her property on the day they're evicted.
Katherine Terria I’ve had surgery to fix my sternum. It was concave. I had a bar put in my chest to push it out. It was excruciating. I’ve also passed a kidney stone. The surgery was much worse than the kidney stone.
Just starting. As a guy, without knowing how painful childbirth is, I'd take being kicked in the nuts because A) it's familiar, and B) it's shorter lived. Even if it did hurt more, it doesn't last nearly as long.
Exactly thank you. I am imagining a guy getting kicked in the nards every couple minutes and then asking him again which is worse 😖🤣
@@sacredweeds ya do know that umm there's a thing ya know called uhhh I don't
@@jeckkosira5614 , thank you for showing the world just how ignorant you are regarding childbirth.
RB01138, 💋. And that doesn’t even take into consideration the pain from perineal tearing during childbirth.
@@movingforwardLDTH just saying anesthesia are used in childbirth so what's your point lmao
I live with chronic pain, and find that the same kind of pain is experienced differently on different days. And when I have a specific pain for any duration of time, I simply have to reset the baseline. I just concentrate on the pain, find tiny fluctuations, then learn to notice and find relief from the moments when the pain spikes but then diminishes, even if it diminishes to another level of pain, it’s better than during the spike, so the pain I experience after the spike just becomes the new ‘normal’ or the new baseline. Sounds complicated, but it works for me.
Chronic pain is, of course, a different kind of animal from acute pain (as presented in the video). Just like when discussing cancer, most are oblivious that the label is misleading/incorrect. Cancer was originally thought to be a singular disease. Then modern medicine proved that wasn't the case. It's cancers. Same is true for pains. And modern medical science is woefully in the dark as to treating the full panoply of pains. For certain kinds of acute pain, there are efficacious solutions (thankfully). Not so much for severe chronic pain. I've taken vicious shots to my genitals (having played a lot of sports). I now look back on those times fondly. And, sadly, there's a mother out there who lives with severe chronic pain who'd say the same about childbirth.
That's interesting. I don't have chronic pain, but when I have pain that I know is going to be around for a while (period cramps or tension headaches), my strategy is usually to imagine that I exist within a shell in my brain, and the pain is still there, but it's outside the shell so it can't hurt me as much. I wonder what other strategies people come up with.
The Tapping Solution almost alleviates all my menstruation pain and headaches. I use the app, but it’s all over TH-cam now.
@@rizahawkeyepierce1380 That’s great! I imagine there are so many different ways to handle pain. Unfortunately our medical professionals seem to believe that all relief must come from a pharmaceutical, and they pass this belief on to their patients. It doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. Thank you for sharing your strategy. I will give it a shot!
@@snowleopard4890 Thanks! I will absolutely check it out. Sadly, I’ve never even heard of this solution. Thank you for the info!
"I'm sorry but you're not in pain you're trying to get pain killers."
- Dr Asshead -
Wayne Hampton
Frank Gallagher has left the chat.
Try alcohol on an open wound its fatality
Go easy on doctors, the opioid epidemic was and is terrible, I have no idea how they make those hard calls.
@@iamdigory go easy on these people that can control parts of your life because they force their responsibility! (the blame wouldnt be on them if drugs were legal over the counter, maybe it would hurt some people but we cant hold everyone's hand, if they hurt themselves thats on them)
@@iamdigory "The" opioid epidemic, thats how i know you dont know what you are talking about, there are an unlimited number of opioid epidemics.
I'm a guy, and I've experienced crotch kicks before, but child birth just seems like an absolute nightmare, especially when it tears, or so I can assume.
Me yelling: *KIDNEY STONES*
@Dagwood Dogwood to bad I'm a minor
@Dagwood Dogwood I drink beer regularly and I suffer from kidney stones. Sooooo.... BS
@Dagwood Dogwood
A buddy of mine had his kidney stones linked to his drinking.
But... he wasn't a 2-3 a week kind of guy. Or even 2-3 an hour... unless you average over his sleeping hours.
Had 3 babies without drugs. Kidney stone. Definitely kidney stone.
The Lego is up there tho I give you.
My mom passed kidney stones while in labor, for 9 hours when she gave birth to me
I have chronic pain and found this video to be super interesting! I have also given birth but the worst pain I have had was from both kidney stones and gallbladder stones. Wouldn’t wish those on my worst enemy!
I heard birth can differ a lot depending on multiple factors. Being hit in the crotch depends a lot on impact force and impact area... and probably anatomic factors as well
Wow you really "won the lottery", chronic issues and every type of stone. Did you ever get really lucky in your life as compensation?
phileas007 I was born with Spina Bifida too lol. No monetary luck here, but I have my own wonderful family ^_^
Sadie79 my wife dealt with gallbladder stones. It was the worst thing to see.
i have kidney stones
and trust me its nothing compared to beeing kicked in the balls
I had a kidney stone a few weeks ago and have to say that pain was far beyond every crotch kick ive had combined
I think kidney stones are more painful than childbirth. Having had both, I can say the pain is very similar, yet, since childbirth comes in waves, I'd rather have more kids than stones. Kidney stones are intense, extreme pain with absolutely no breaks. I almost went into shock from my stones. Shitting a living cantaloupe never came close.
From what I understand, getting kicked in the nads is intense, extreme pain that is temporary. And I've never heard of a man going into shock from that. Fetal position, bawl, cry, whimper, & curse in a church, but never shock.
So why not, say, ask a guy who has had bad stones & been kicked.
During my labour, I got NO breaks. Baby came quickly, suddenly, and extremely painfully. It went from a 5 to a 10 pain-wise too fast for them to even give me an epidural. On top of that I had back labour, so although the pain was greater with contractions, it was PERSISTENT AF. So you know....back to the whole "each their own" thing. :) I really cant imagines getting kicked in the stones as painful as my experience.....it definitely isn't likely to last as long! (but you know, im not a dude so...nor have I had kidney stones!).
WatchingMyLifeFlashB still varies though, I’d rather pass kidney stones than have my ‘severe’ menstrual cramps. The pain from the stones settles with medication and so far has never lasted more than a few hours after proper treatment. My ‘severe’ menstrual cramps on the other hand don’t react to medication anymore. I need strong pain meds, anti inflammatory meds, and a heat pack... if I’m lucky it settles after 1-2 hours, if not it at least decreases to the point where I can stomach food and water, generally lasting 1-3 days.
I know of a few people who nearly died after being kicked in the balls. From crushed testis going septic fast to internal bleeding causing the ball sack to swell up to the size of a small watermelon. To say that a person can't go into shock just shows how little people know about the matter. You can die from getting kicked hard. Most people only have minor damage or permanent loss of function with weak kicks but that in itself can come with risks to the persons life.
gallstones too jfc i had to go to the er from the pain and normally i have a good pain tolerance.
True, kidney stones beat babies . I have 3 kids and ive had stones. The nerves in the kidneys are so sensitive
On a related note, I have a cousin that had given natural childbirth and had kidney stones - she said the kidney stones were way worse.
Oh my gosh I can’t imagine
Paul Tamborello I have had two kids naturally - completely comfortable compared to Rheumatoid Arthritis pain. I think one thing that gets burgeoning mothers is the social conditioning that it is the worst pain one can experience.
That makes sense, mammals evolved to give birth, but not to urinate crystals
@@teambeining No, for some women the pain is so bad they could die from it
The experience of giving birth is not the same for all women, but Im pretty sure its rightfully exaggerated...
There's usually a happy ending to giving birth as well, which doesn't happen with kidney stones.
I've been kicked in the balls and I would imagine it's more like a single contraction or cramps. So maybe if I got kicked in the balls every 10 minutes for several days could I say I experienced something close to childbirth or having a period.
Thats the thing though what you felt was a nerve, the same nerve is effected by child birth. You body doesn't have specialized nerves in that area so it simply triggers that nerve cluster.
tf? having a period isnt that painful
Jordan Fire Star Many women experience severe cramping during their periods that ibuprofen won’t fix. I’ve seen a few of my close friends and family will have to stop and take deep breaths because the pain is so bad.
I agree, but I think by childbirth they mean the final few minutes when the baby is actually delivered. Plus, men can get kicked in the balls many more times than a woman can give birth, would that ever happen? Probably not; but, for example, I doubt too many women will give birth when they are 12 while playing soccer during recess.... you know, just a normal Tuesday recess.
@@jfs5873 normally true, but I've had a few periods that made me pass out or skip work or class due to pain.
Everyone else: "But a lot of the time it's complete nonsense."
Scishow: "But a lot of the time it's complete s o u f f l é."
Mad Libs strikes again! (Mad Libs is a genius creation!)
Well souflés are mostly nonsense tbh
I hope they will also adopt the german phrase "Ich versteh' nur Bahnhof" which means 'I only understand railroad station', and is used to express utmost confusion.
What do you mean by "soufflé"? "Soufflé" means blown.
@@markschultz2897 Check the video at 4:12. A soufflé can also mean the French dessert that's like a fluffy pancake in a cup. They're usually sweet but some can be savory.
Which language are you using to mean "blown", by the way?
I'm a guy and giving childbirth seems way more hurtful.
Imaging squeezing something the size of a watermelon out of a lemon.
Yeah, I think a kidney stone is a much better comparison
@Silicone Julie Ever had one? And are you a guy?
Lucien Richardson
I've been stung by a bullet ant, which has been described as someone continuously putting a cigar out on your skin for hours. I think that beats childbirth.
Do you ever hear guys saying "hit me in the nuts again?" No? But I do hear females saying "lets have another baby" there getting kicked in the nuts hurt more.
ICE KING 100 wanting another baby doesn't magically make the pain go away.
Nothing beat the pain of stepping on Lego.
kf160k160 CEO of dead joke
Call me when you embed a cultivator into your heel.
Some stupid man :
Lego has 9 dol that pain full more than drowning but
Kicked in the balls is 52 and childbirth is 57 dol
Mr me: no zippers are more painfull
Stepping on a goat head is way worse
AAAAHG the pain scale is ZERO to ten, not one to ten! Sorry... I am a pharmacy teacher and my students constantly get that fact wrong too. I know it may seem a worthless distinction to most people, but psychologically having 0 as the option for no pain makes the rest of the scale make more instinctual sense to the average patient since zero is the absence of a value.
If I say I'm there for pain, and you ask me to describe my pain, it starts at ONE because me saying there is pain excludes ZERO!
Brandon Lee Majors you still want a full scale to contextualize it. If you say "i'm having severe pain" they don't give you a scale of 5-10 even though that's likely where your pain lies.
@@buymy92accord the pain scale still comes up as a general question during some doctor visits that are not about pain though, so in those cases 0 would definitely be an option.
Besides all the nuance involved in comparing subjective experiences like types of pain, I have always been one to take into consideration that people who go trhough childbirth, even in the best of cases, don't tend to have just some minutes of pain and then it's over as it usually happens with a kick in the crotch.
I will obviously never experience it myself, but seeing all the women I know that have or are going through pergnancy and childbirth, the pains start in the first months and it's repercussions can last for years even without adding obsterician violence and malpractices. Labour lasts hours until the baby is out and then the minumum time to recover are days so even if childbirth was "less painful" than a kick in the nuts, the added pains during all the process would totally make up for it. So overall, i feel like the comparison is just not fair and really, not necessary either. What reason would anyone have to want to put down a person's pain during one of the most vulnerable times of their lives just to say "i hurt more" ?
Oh, right.
Agustin well I think the two are hard to compare. Personally I would prefer high pain over a short period of time rather than even just moderate discomfort over an extended period of hours. While by definition the former is more painful, i think it is still more preferable than the latter in most cases.
I think there might be a *very* general formula level of pain x duration of pain that determines how unbearable something is.
I don't think it's putting down the pain. Also, it could be argued that getting kicked in the testes is way more intense all at once (pain is subjective after all. Some people might be especially sensitive there.)
Donald Baird well that’s why I said level of pain x duration. While at is say getting kicked in the testes is more intense than a slowly constricting clamp on them, the duration of the lesser pain outweighs the the extent of the greater. Likewise I’d prefer a third degree burn on my elbow to a kick in the nads. Although the former would last for weeks, I’d rather bare the mild pain than the immediacy of the kick.
you can ask most women who have given birth ...would you like to have another child someday and most will say yes ...you will never hear a man say however Oh I'd love to get kicked in the balls again someday ...it's such a wonderful experience
@@guruofbarbeque It's also worth noting biology floods women with Oxycontin immediately after childbirth to induce some form of physical amnesia. During childbirth, most women WOULD tell you never again. It's so horrifically painful, evolution needed us to forget, or we WOULD never do it again. If we remembered the pain as it really was, we'd never bond with our babies - you just can't love something who hurt you/physically broke you that much, and look after them to your own neglect for years, under any rationality, so evolution stepped in to, effectively, brainwash us. And even now, lots of women DO have trouble bonding with their newborns for that exact reason. It can take years for women to choose to do it again, if they ever do.
4:21 "Wouldn't it be great if we could see when someone's in pain?"
This is why we have so many serial killers.
"I'm a scientist."
- Serial Killer
i always felt like its a dumb question in the first place.. one is continuous pain for hours and hours, that gets very exhausting. one is very intense pain for like 5-15 minutes. not super comparable.
And for some women, problems during the birth can make it even more painful. I was too big for my mother and she said it was the most excruciating pain she ever felt and she had her head split open once.
Yes the duration, intensity and feeling are different so it's pretty hard to compare.
@iBiana Doubt My 3rd birth was my hardest. Every labor is different. And pain after birth can last weeks as well. The swelling down there makes taking a pee excruciating. And afterpains are a thing as well, which get worse every time.
And you don't know pain till you have a head half way out of you between contractions.
They probably aren't super comparable types of pain. Given that in regular circumstances one lasts a few minutes to maybe half an hour on average and the other can last 8-18 hours on average. I've heard people compare giving birth to kidney stones though.
It is not a question people normally debate. One is child birth and all the nope (yes there is not comparison) that comes with it and the other is assault that can course meany problems later on in life.
What we have is a channel pushing Gender politics
I think i remember a study that looked at the nerves around both genitles (male and femalw) and i think both are the same nerve bath ways and often experience similar pain. I.e. nausea, etc. My nards have been lightly grazed and that can hurt so much.
I love how your chosen scientific vernacular is "nards". Carry on you wonderful people.
Ever been to Oxnard?
@@W.H.V. Dream on little boy.
@@JimFortune Come on, hater, get on the elevator.
@@W.H.V. You obviously haven't heard about meter, have you?
@@JimFortune Press L 'cause you're going to the lobby.
Thank you for really getting into the minority of cases. It's really insightful that people undergoing HRT change in pain level. The "common sense" logic is that, since the female sex reacts to pain more strongly, they're just less "tolerant". Nope, they just experience MORE pain. This is why I hate when people just say "it's common sense dude". Almost nothing is unquestionable, or simple. Especially when it comes to perception across the very diverse human population
The most painful feeling is obviously stepping on a lego. No debate here.
Or stepping on it
two legos
@@darkmage123345 i DoN't KnOW eRiK,hOw aBOuT iNfinItE LeGOs???
@@darkmage123345 Actually, as the number of legos increases, the pain decreases. Like stepping on a bed of nails, vs 1 nail 😆
UK power plug is worse.
Crotch kicks are a walk in the park compared to kidney stones.
There was a survey of women who both gave birth and passed kidney stones and a vast majority said the kidney stones were more painful.
@@RingwelskiJacek I have also heard this. It would make sense. Childbirth is something that every reproducing woman experiences. It would not make evolutionary sense for that to be more painful than kidney stones.
@@RingwelskiJacek I'm curious, did this take into acount that woman forget the pain of childbirth?
I'm a man, and I'm like 1000% sure childbirth is more painful. Yes, getting kicked down there hurts but it subsides in a few minutes. Just "walk it off" as they say.
I know someone who got hit hard in the nuts and passed out from the pain, and he dealt with pain quite well.
When I was much younger, my bike hit something and instantly stopped while I slid forward onto the frame. That did not feel good. I literally could not breath for several seconds because my whole body froze up and I couldn't move from the pain. After that went away, I still couldn't stand up for several minutes because the pain was so much that my legs didn't work.
Not sure what the number is on the pain scale that you become paralyzed.
Benjamin Cronce ya but I think that’s a little better then having a pain so intense that they have to inject the pain killer straight into your spine to treat it and it also takes several hours
@@BenjaminCronce it's not like women can stand and move on with their lifes after giving birth. Also lots of women are injected a medication (I dont know the English name for it) which makes it easier to give birth and even like this it still hurts much worse than a kick and it leaves the women completely numb after giving birth.
I think they are called Epidurals.
Yeah but riley reid Wouldnt feel pain
Ironic. Our medical research on pain has been done almost exclusively on the gender forbidden from admitting weakness, which includes showing signs of pain
Me:literally dying
doctor: are you in any pain currently?
me:i feel fine. everything is fine.
If it was all culturally based, then they would have noticed a discrepancy with the animal testing.
Video: "after starting on testosterone, the participants reported less pain"
@spindash64: "men are obviously forbidden from expressing pain"
As a guy I still say childbirth
A more fair debate would be menstrual cramps vs kick in the crotch and passing a kidney stone vs childbirth
As a pregananananant man, you would know how child birth feels. 😆
Is your wife looking over your shoulder as you post comments? Hyphen for yes, elipsys for no.
You can’t even really compare cramps. Every women experiences them differently. The worse most painful menstrual cramps would probably hurt more than getting kicked in the nuts but someone’s more mild. cramps might not compare. There’s not even an average amount of cramp pain. Even my own vary from month to month. Sometimes the pain is bad enough to make me throw up. Sometimes it’s barely noticeable. Also cramps can cause all over body pain because the hormones that cause them can travel in the blood stream.
@@solarmoth4628 some women even have no period pain/cramps... So lucky :(
@@solarmoth4628 Kicking someone in the balls hard usually has a side affect of making someone throw up as well as i would aliken even just simply getting your balls lightly tapped by a weak kick to someone dumping a bucketful of liquid nitrogen onto your stomach
I always hate when they ask the pain scale question. Hospital visits are not always about PAIN.
A much smarter question would be "How much impact does your problem have on your daily activities".
There is actually a pain scale for both of those. Your option could work for chronic care, but in acute care and critical care this just isn't feasible. The intensity of pain is also a part of the differential diagnosis for illnesses. Being that pain is so complicated we can't definitively say that a certain level of pain correlates to being unable to do a specific set of activities. Pain can only be defined by the patient, not their abilities, not their outward appearance (unless the patient cannot communicate their pain).
A similar feeling to being kicked in the balls is if you've ever had your eye hit by something. Close one eye and just gently flick it with a finger. It's the same sharp sensation. Imagine that feeling, but much worse, down below.
Yes! I've struggled to find an accurate comparison because the pain is so unique but that is almost exactly it. Just with the sensitivity and pain much more extreme.
Yes I like this
I took driver's ed from a guy in a wheelchair, who crashed his motorcycle and landed spine-first on a rock. He said the pain was so extreme his heart stopped twice in the ICU.
That sounds like an oxymoron
I would argue that childbirth is more painful as being kicked in the crotch can only temporarily disable you, childbirth can kill you.
Being kicked in the balls can kill you
Giving birth is more painful because then you have to live with it
Giving birth not the after affects
Se you saying having babies is bad its one of the most rewarding things some one can do
@@billyosullivan4514 well not all people who have children actually want children. So no, I wouldn't say that it is the one of the most rewarding things one can do.
@@imnotawatermelon9105 Because of a minority its not rewarding? Some people dont find life rewarding does that mean it isn't just because you dont find parenting rewarding doesn't mean most people dont hence why we still haven't growing population? Also adoption is anything btw and i would like a citation on how many people regret having kids.
@@billyosullivan4514 how do you know that only a small minority of people don't find parenting rewarding? It's generally not socially or culturally acceptable to express regret about having children without bombarded by insensitive comments. So I assume a lot of people would not be very open about expressing themselves.
my way of describing levels of pain to my medics: I don't need medication, it is distracting and I could do with some medicine, it doesn't let me sleep or wakes me up and I need stronger medicine, I've exhausted my options at controlling the pain and it is making me very anxious, I have a severe lack of appetite, I feel like I might faint or throw up, I thew up and am unwilling to even drink..... screaming banshee
Ball : Hitting me is painful
Childbirth : No, its me
Toe finger after getting hit on a rock : How are you kids
As a male, I have to admit that I am biased. I think that a shot to the testicles can be more acutely painful; that said, there is something I think is more painful than both. I had an inguinal hernia as a result of weight lifting that resulted in my intestines entering my scrotum. I was technically conscious, but the pain was so severe I was totally incoherent. If you can imagine having your most sensitive bits being crushed in a vice while on fire, that might come close to the feeling.
Endometriosis then...
I've never been truly kicked in the balls, but I'm pretty damn sure childbirth would hurt more. It takes a lot longer, and from what I have been told about the process it sounds extremely painful for a good portion of that time.
No it's balls because they can just do it at any time it's not fair how much power females have
I think the difference is, for giving birth you’re feeling a lot of pain over a longer period of time, whereas being kicked in the balls is loads of pain really suddenly, so they’re both bad for different reasons
The pain in the balls kinda stays there for a while, you feel like something has been kicked to the wrong place
@@spacesandwich5593 True, but it’s nowhere near as long as it takes for a lady to give birth lol
Contractions can be a very sudden and sharp pain as well.
@@DeathbyProxy the thing is
Men have a higher pain threshold then women while women have higher pain tolerance so if we get hit with the same amount pain
Men feel less while women can handle more
Meaning if balls are put on the same level as childbirth in terms of pain
If women had to feel getting kicked in the nuts it would hurt them more
And childbirth would hurt us less then it would hurt you
@@XIX965 That sums everything up!
Okay, but this doesn't even compare accidental killing your dog in Minecraft
I did this just a few hours ago 😔
Or falling in lava with all ur diamonds
"what hurts the most was being so close & having so much to say. Watching you walk away."
The joint doctor I went to had a chart where 0 was no pain, and ten was vomiting, blacking out, etc, with fairly good descriptors for everything in between. Still not perfect, but pretty good.
That's a good reference. If your pain is 10/10, the provider probably isn't asking what your pain level is. It's incapacitating and the patient is going to be screaming or crying or in a daze.
I've experienced that level a few times and it kind of transcends what level of pain seems possible. Almost like it's something different than pain.
You guys side stepped the ENTIRE question but, it was still a great video! The title should be "How we're trying to understand pain"
That title is not nearly as attention-grabbing.
I would choose the title "Why pain research is sexist and racist"
@@salzstangl Haha! Yes, I think you have a good video title there!
There's a difference between sidestepping a question, and there just not being an answer.
@@pranamd1 I agree with you but, if there isn't an answer why would you not have a different video title?
It's pretty scary how pain feels differently depending on how you are emotionally. When I'm really sad or scared I could prick myself with a needle and hardly feel it, while the rest of the time it would hurt as normal
0:10 (paraphrased) "If you're a guy, you'd likely argue strongly that being kicked in the crotch hurts worse than childbirth" - as a guy, absolutely not. child birth is so complex and such a long process, i can't see how that's even a debate honestly.
Upvote for the use of "Nards". It's been a long time since I've heard that word. ;)
downvote for using "upvote", not long enough since i've heard that word
Wolfmans got nards!
Kick in the crotch, or Season 8 of Game of Thrones?
Once I got hit in the balls with a... ball... a soccer ball. I felt pain for 3 days.
GoT season three still hurts, it has been three weeks so far. It still hurts...
Kick in the crotch always.
Maybe because I wasn't mature to analyze GOT S8.
i’ve been kicked in the balls.
ive stomped on a screw, it scraped my bone, it had to be twisted out...
the screw was far worse both on impact and after. theres your pain test.
ThatGuyMike well duh
ThatGuyMike - while giving a tour of our house construction to a neighbor, my husband stepped on a nail. I found out when the neighbor went home and husband asked for a ride to the hospital. I stood right next to him and he hadn’t changed expression. When he told me something hurt, I respected that.
@@TheSuzberry To be fair, whilst that still sounds horrible, I reckon that a nail is gonna be a lot more bearable than a screw because if nothing else it's at least relatively smooth.
Depends on how hard you were kicked and how deep or slow the screw went in
Never been kicked in the crotch, but a friend of mine did accidentally pass a basketball into my crotch. It was... unpleasant.
Worst pain of my life was appendicitis. That was tear-inducing levels. For hours and hours.
Why is appendicitis so common in America? I live in the UK and I've never known or heard about anyone who's appendix has ruptured.
I don't know if I'd say it was common. Not like it's a regular topic of conversation, but I've never known anyone else that had theirs removed. And to be clear, mine didn't burst; they can usually get it out before that happens.
@@violet-trash Maybe you should not base incidence of a medical condition on your personal experience lol? Easy to look this up, and no Britain does not have a significantly lower incidence. If you compare Europe and North America, north america actually has a lower incidence based on this recent paper:
@@violet-trash I don't think it's more common in the states, just more talked about/ written about. It's a really, really easy plot device due to it being sudden and intense. All very dramatic.
@slam zamillion
It's actually not useless, just isn't vital. Without it, we are more prone to infections.
There’s so many factors playing a part in our individual perception of pain. One not mentioned is being continuously abused throughout ones life. That seems to skew perception drastically.
Alternatively, just having to put up with a lot of discomfort as a part of your lifestyle. I’d imagine a farmhand to be much more resilient to pain than an office worker, unless the office worker were so jaded with life and so welcoming of death that pain simply doesn’t cross their mind anymore
Nards, I forgot about the word nards. Welcome back to my vocabulary.
Nards and nads were a definite go to for me growing up lol
Wolfman's got nards!
Isn't it supposed to be nads? Short for gonads. I've never even heard "nards" until this video and it makes no sense.
Wait wair wait. Im a guy, and i do NOT argue "for getting kicked in the crotch". Actually, I am fully against getting kicked in the crotch.
That doesn't quite seem fair to judge those Scientists. Because hormonal cycles could affect pain and it probably wasn't possible for them to track the ovulation and levels of every mouse. They probably just wanted to get the most useful data they could by generalizing. Not perfect but I honestly believe they had good intentions.
I think in anouther video the said the they "go in to heat evey 7 day" wich makes measuring anyting difficult
The problem is that if differences in women’s physiology such as hormone cycles aren’t considered in testing, then medication given to women may be ineffectual or have unexpected consequences. Female mice are not good for this since their cycles aren’t reflective of female humans, however an alternative should be used in medical testing.
Using the white male default as the standard of medical knowledge and treatment is really dangerous for everyone who isn’t a white male.
@@mollytovxx4181 Using a white male as a default study group may not be ideal for everyone who isn't But or not does not necessarily mean that all of the people involved in those studies did so out of prejudice or bias. The 1st thing I was taught About scientific experiments is that you minimize the amount of variables. The 2nd thing I was taught is that everything is limited by your funding and by the participant you have available ( Because you can't force someone to participate in a scientific study,). Thirdly and the pursuit of knowledge you must put human safety above all else, Therefore if your study could anyway Endanger someone's baby It is Extremely unethical to include someone in the study who might have a baby Even without their knowledge To avoid harm to the baby and perhaps psychological harm to the mother. I'm sure very soon funding will become available for a study that will track the Ovulation and hormonal levels of a 1000 racially diverse women at 1 time And be able perform safe tests at various times during their cycle And be able to compare the results across all similar levels of hormones And perhaps even find drugs that are less affected by the hormonal level changes that women experience. But let us not be cruel to the men that have tried their best Just because they did not have the funding to do so.
@@Suger5zero The bias is the assumption that medication tested for one group will work in the same way for other groups. Bias is not the same thing as malicious intent- if anything it shows the complete opposite of intent. To put it another way- nobody is "being cruel" when they point out that lack of knowledge on sanitation in the past led to many deaths from infections in hospitals. Nobody is claiming that these doctors weren't washing their hands before surgeries because they WANTED the patients to become infectious and die. It's simply an example of how things used to be and why we should strive to be better. In the same way I don't think that scientists in the past were discounting other groups for some evil reason. That doesn't mean that their bias hasn't had a negative impact on science and medicine. I can provide you with some examples of these negative effects if you are interested (such as how the symptoms for heart attacks in women were assumed to be the same as men- which isn't always true and has led to many deaths). We talk about this as a reminder to do better.
I’m a guy and I argue that they are very different and can’t be compared. I say it is like comparing the number 57 with the an octopus
sure, but I've heard that contractions are super painful, happen every minute or few minutes for multiple hours, even 12 hours. on a side note, there are risks to being pregnant(e. g. dying due to an embolism as blood clotting is favored during this time, losing teeth due to lack of vitamins - stolen by the fetus, certain changes in behavior due to hormone fluctuation), giving birth (e.g. having your vulva rip open during normal birth, or having a c section)(just the general high mortality rate of mothers who've recently given birth)(post partum depression), nursing. All of these take multiple years to complete and permanently alter a woman's body and mind, not comparable to the few minutes of pain you claim to be so devastating.
@@velicanmaria7772 I understand, but we are not talking about health issues, we are talking about immediate pain.
@@ander936 so are we taking only the contractions into account? Even then the frequency and duration of each one + the act of pushing the baby out are a part of childbirth process and should be taken into account when comparing the pains.
I think we can agree pain that is intense but goes away quickly is considered better than moderate or somewhat strong pain that lasts longer. Yes? It will definitely affect how the patient reports the pain, at least.
But to be completely honest I’m not sure why people decided to make this into a competition to begin with...
I don't get it: 57 compared to octopus? Same spiral thunder purple.
Labour often goes on for HOURS AND HOURS! So sorry but I don't think they can be compared. I hear that passing a kidney stone can be pretty gruesome though
While it's far from being publishable, the MythBusters found that women have a higher tolerance for pain through an ice bath test.
Also, I've been told that a woman kicked in the crotch can hurt plenty too. Don't need a dangling target for sensitive nerves to protest abrupt blunt trauma.
Yeah definitely, in fact women have a lot more nerves in that area, and particularly a higher nerve density. I haven't been kicked exactly, but bumping yourself on the corner of a desk or something can feel like life-threatening pain lol
organs are different though, like kidneys testicles have viceral pain, bone and skin don't (which is what you are kicking)
I think it would be Irving birth because literally there’s something ripping through Your Vajayjay for hours and don’t forget about the contractions.
I live in fear of getting pregnant and giving birth. I have such a low pain tolerance: my period cramps are the most painful thing I have ever experienced to date.
@@92RKID epidural
@@shorttking2074 Epidurals don’t magically remove all the pain
Even with an epidural birth can be absolutely unbearable
@Joe Burrow or it can last your entire life.
@Joe Burrow yeah that's also true, but I was talking about the permanent damage, so you can't have babies anymore. Rip babies
This video could have been 5 seconds long. "Pain is subjective and we can't measure it properly."
But then where would they fit the entire chapter on women and black men being rated lower and the hystoric racial biases.
@griffith did nothing wrong But they do! How else will we pitiful ignorant masses know about the oppression?
Testosterone is both a powerful antidepressant and it helps jump start the healing process. As far as I can tell, it's a helluva drug.
Still don't wanna take it tho.
For those who want the answer but dont want to watch the 11 mins:
They dont answer it.
Thank you
The MOST painful is getting kicked in the balls _while_ giving birth. Case closed.
Thanks hermaphrodite. Only you would know. 😂
While stepping on a Lego.
@@TheftTone6 pitting one subjective pain against another?😑 Why not say both? 😛
@@paco4756 There you go! We're turning up the dial on the pain scale here.
I work in a chronic pain research lab in a hospital. This is a great video, very consistent with current evidence. In a nutshell pain is so hard to measure. And those differences between men and women might just reflect their social conditioning for how to express pain and emotions - not the pain they are actually experiencing. When we measure pain in study participants, we always combine questionnaires with a physiological measure, like fmri or blood tests for bio markers, to try to get a more accurate measurement. But there is still a lot of grey area
Yes, I don't see how we can distinguish between pain and the expression of pain. If I were to rate pain on a scale of 1 to 10 for example, I should place the worst pain I have experienced or can imagine no higher than four, given how much worse pain exists. Others might think that this belongs at ten or really anywhere else on the scale.
In the end the crux is that we are really trying to measure consciousness, which doesn't seem to have any effect whatsoever.
I wonder how many men remember as a child being told by a parent, "Don't be a crybaby," for a childhood scrape or cut.
@@MrCmon113 I've passed a kidney stone and cracked a tooth. Those are my gold standards for a 10, but that's my subjective experience. Giving birth looks way worse to me, but my wife told me a toothache was worse for her. There's the rub.
I got kicked in the nuts once and I remember I immediately felt dizzy and light headed, and I puked as I hit the ground. It was the most embarrassing day in my life. The pain hits your brain like a wave of weakness.
My friend who has been kicked in the nards, drowned alive (barely survived) and had kidney stones says the stones were worse than any pain imaginable, even water in his lungs. I suppose size of kidney stones matters, just as how hard a kick is lol.
Even a small stone is worse than having your balls break your fall with your whole weight behind it.
As someone who lives in chronic pain I know my experience of pain is very different from those who aren't in chronic pain. When I had to go to hospital my pain was at 9, by the end of the night it was 11 - only now that 11 is a 10 because the scale is based on what you've already experienced. I remember what happened but my mind has blocked the memory of how it felt as it was so traumatic.
I actually learned earlier today that almost all medication hasn't been tested on any females (mice or human) as they are worried that menstruation will affect the results. That's over 50% of the population that may be taking medication that isn't designed to work alongside their bodies. It's more shocking that all these biases you mention are still happening today among the medical and scientific community.
Hell still isn't.
Like you can only apply if you are a woman if you are post menopauze.
Sometimes and that's rarely, you can also participate if you are doing double birth control, and i have seen once that they allowed lesbians, who are in a relationship.
what a timely video. I just got over a gallbladder attack. My god, it's like having glass inside you.
Felt like a burning piece of coal to me :)
I know this happened a year ago, but I hope you okay :)
Sure if giving birth lasted 1 minute you could may this comparison or debate. Giving birth sometimes lasts days of massive pain!!!!!! There shouldnt even be a debate or a comparison.
A study should be done on the intensity of pain caused by stepping on a Leggo.
I truely believe, THAT is the greatest pain in the entire world.
If you've ever experienced a colonoscopy without anesthesia or pain meds, that's the level of pain I experience whenever I have a cramp during my period. Except that it fluctuates in waves and lasts 9 days. Sometimes it even knocks me out for a day and I can't walk. Common point of reference is probably a better way to evaluate these things.
But having experienced a colonoscopy without pain meds or anesthesia is quite rare afaik so that’s maybe not a good reference point?
@@andreafeelsfantastic It's only rare in north America, it's very common in Europe. Anesthesia can cause unnecessary complications for things as simple as a colonoscopy. If I had another basis for comparison, I would offer it to you. But there aren't a lot of things that other people commonly experience that matches the level of pain of a period. I guess, it could be close to having a second degree burn in one's intestine with a scab that is being torn off slowly over the course of several days.
@@Teshia that seems brutal. How do they convince anyone to get screened for colon cancer?
@@andreafeelsfantastic It's just culturally accepted. Like how it's culturally accepted for people to endure such painful periods and still be expected to work. But as much as it's painful to go through a colonoscopy, it's much safer to do it without anesthetic. Especially for the elderly.
@@Teshia okay… y’all have fun with that… honestly I am surprised they don’t force us to do it that way here as it seems like the main benefits are it’s cheaper and you get back to work quicker. Maybe America’s gastroenterologists are hiding this idea because they can tell we all need a nap and a day off. I doubt it is that much safer.
Getting kicked in the nuts is like a 30 second experience and child birth is like hours to days long. I dont see how you can compare them
You can enjoy a proper kick for a lot longer than 30 seconds. A really good and powerful kick can basically shut you down for half a day after which it'll still hurt like hell.
@@darthplagueis13 Yeah, but if the whole region gets ripped during child birth you could be looking at months of recovery.
Like, I fully acknowledge that it hurts to get kicked in the balls, but women's genitals are sensitive too. And it's common for the average woman to require multiple stitches to put things back together down there after the loin biscuit makes it's grand exit, where usually the balls remain intact.
Like, if you had the skin ripped the whole length of your taint, like balls to anus ripped open, and then the doctor had to sew it back shut, wouldn't that in and of itself be worse? Even if you put all the other stuff aside?
I think some men are just pathetic and always have to act like they suffer the most.
@@Ninjaananas Stfu
Foolish of you to feel addressed.
*Post a 11 minute explanation video*
*End the video by saying it will remain a mystery*
Yeah, the title was a touch clickbaity, since it really isn't about whether being kicked in the balls or giving childbirth is more painful at all. Still an interesting video.
You forgot the part where "the big mean evil white man" was oppressing women and minorities.
Like half there videos now are bs, my science teacher is ashamed
@@Wild_D Yup typical progressive "wokeness" contaminating it.
That makes me think that SciShow wants to descredit studies that compared the pain of childbirth to the pain of being kicked in the balls, and found out that the former is more painful.
I don't know why this is even a debate. A man getting kicked in the groin isn't pain that usually lasts days nor does it feel like your insides are being stretched and your bits are being ripped open.
Nothing good comes from being kicked in the balls though. At least the pain from childbirth creates new life.
@@Jack-ns9sz yeah, they are completely incomparable things
Once in kindergarten i decided to climb a tree (i was 4 i think) and after climbing over a branch my foot slipped and my nutsack hit the branch faster than a formula 1 car, after that i screamed so loud that the kindergarten next to us heard it. I think i passed out since the next thing i remember was that i was in the medical room with an ice bag on my nuts and i was shaking more than a cold dog
I would never, ever assume that anything in my life could ever hurt as much as childbirth. Even if in 100 years a scientist comes out with a flawless study that shows being hit in the nuts is four times as painful as childbirth, I'd tell them to run the numbers again and advise they don't make eye contact with any mothers on their way back to the lab.
Well, passing a kidney stone for one is far, far, far more painful than giving birth. Just ask literally any woman who has done both.
They both hurt a lot but at least with childbirth there’s a prize, a reward. A kick down there is just pain
Deserved if you are a soyjack
Unreasonable if you didn't do anything wrong
You know, doc, I think I would describe my pain as megalomaniacal yet silly with spiteful overtones. Got anything for that?
Great, add three new dimensions to the chart.
*plays Megalovania*
While I think this is an interesting video, the title is very misleading/clickbait-like, as the main subject is about pain, how we measure it and the issues surrounding how it has historically been assessed/researched. Good content, poor title.
Childbirth isn’t just childbirth though... it’s 9 months of pain and feeling uncomfortable... the birth... and then months of pain after as you heal... show me a guy who experienced over a year of pain from getting kicked in the crotch
Obviously it isn't even exponentially half as painful as childbirth
@@nasman7492 no its not just the guys, watch their other video, they said its still very painful for girls to get hit there
Mtf trans girl here. After being on estrogen I can definitely say my pain tolerance is drastically lower. I used barely feel pain for most things (heat and pressure). Now everything seems to hurt so much more.
i feel like menstrual cramps might be a closer comparison to getting kicked in the balls
The pain scale story.
Doctor: can you specify the level of pain.
Me: well these numbers seem subjective. Let's assign a value to an experience.
Doctor: okay. you're right they are subjective.
Me: Ok the two worst pains I've ever felt, ..... My current pain is a 5 in comparison.
Doctor: well that's not good.
I think describing the most painful experience you had helps the doctors understand better.
Add herniated disc to the argument along with Kidney stones....then you'll have a more well rounded conversation.
Imagine passing a large kidney stone as a man. That would hurt a lot more than just being kicked there
@@donaldbaird7849 I flinch and wince just thinking about passing a piece of gravel through my urethra.
@@redriver6541 Once it's made it to your bladder you can usually pee it out no issue, but when it's coming down from your kidneys...
oooh boy, grab onto something and try not to pass out because you're in for at least 15 minutes of the worst pain a human being can experience.
@@ashurean I hope and pray that I only have to take your word for it.... I have seen one of the toughest men I have ever known brought to tears and screams of agony.
Some of the worst pain I've ever felt were from a few migraines I've had in the past. I'd be throwing up and heaving, praying for the relief that passing out would provide. People who have experienced migraines and kidney stones tend to rank the stones higher on the scale. It terrifies me that there is something worse out there.
I may have an hint about this. I'm a man and I've been kicked there a couple of time. I remember a sharp paralyzing pain that lasts for a few minutes before getting more bearable.
I've also had the unfortunate experience of a pain caused by nerve damage. Six months in a bed with a pain similar to the one aforementioned except it was almost constant bar from the sweet release of unconsciousness.
I know a woman that had a similar experience and also had a couple of children. She is very clear on one thing : the level of pain does not compare (childbirth is a walk in the park compared to it)
I would thus suspect that the kick between the legs is at the very least as painful as childbirth.
That's a very interesting question, although it makes me wonder whether the duration of childbirth would make it worse, if the pain of getting kicked starts to subside so quickly. I can't really say, because I will never experience either scenario.
I do think you got at the more important thing, though. The argument over childbirth vs being kicked in the groin is a little silly. There are worse types of pain out there, from cluster headaches to kidney stones or some kinds of nerve pain. In my personal experience, having my tonsils removed as an adult was the single most painful thing I've ever been through. I am not sure how that compares to other things like childbirth or a kick in the groin. But kidney or gall stones are the pain I'm personally the most terrified of possibly having to face someday.
@@millenial90 Very good point.
It's not kicked in the crotch versus childbirth.
It's kicked in the crotch versus period pain
I recall a Spider Robinson novel in which one of the characters had the disorder where they can't feel pain. In the course of the story, the whole group of folks experienced a kind of telepathic communion, during which this one guy felt pain for the first time. He was outraged and demanded to know why anyone ever puts up with any level of pain ever.
We do have a long, long way to go in all sorts of ways as we study pain and what we can do about it. I am glad to live in a time when no one is going to poke me with a burning thing though!
That sounds super interesting. Do you remeber the title? I searched for the authors name, but the amount of published novels, made it difficult to find. I would like to read it. :)
@@Faefire The series is about a bar called Callahan's. I think that story takes place in the 3rd book, Callahan's Place. I'm actually re-reading the first book with a book club (Callahan's Crosstime Saloon), so I may be inaccurate on that just now...
I'll try to find the book again soon!
both feelings can hurt to the point of fainting, so which gives more pain doesn't matter, since you will reach the maximum point in both.
It's entirely possible to give birth without anesthesia and without fainting. It is not possible to have your testicles destroyed via crushing without fainting. Therefore, the latter maxes out sooner.
Morthra Is that so? I’d love to see those studies...
There are actually several recorded cases where men have died from neurogenic shock when having their testicles crushed... Simply put, that's death by pain. Your central nervous system gets overwhelmed, you blood stops in your tracks, you die. You body is at its limit of what it can comprehend, so it stops functioning.
When women die giving birth, it's not from pain.
There are also cases where men have fallen into a coma from having their testicles squeezed due to shock.
A kick in the testicles that is too hard and DEATH are one and the same evolutionarily. Don't you get that? Of course a man's body and psyche will react accordingly.
First half of the video: This scale is garbage, it doesn’t work.
Second half: Bases conclusions off of the scale that doesn’t work
There is a difference between developing a meter for pain that you can use for everyone to find the exact level of pain vs a pain scale that is meant to be subjective and only really allows personal input into treatment and status.
Think of how Dole failed vs the 0-10 scale succeeded.
Around the 7 minute mark, they talked about how Women rated their pain higher. What they said about this was exactly that, that women rated their pain higher. Whether they are actually feeling more pain or are perceiving pain higher, both need to be understood. Hence why the 0-10 scale is good, but can't distinguish an exact pain level.
Someone's 6 may be someone's 7. And having an actual "dole" would be allow us to find out instead of guessing.
Why is your profile pic so sexy?
As Scishow pointed out years ago,women can also feel intense pain from getting kicked there.But the target is much smaller and thus less likely to get a direct hit.
The worst pain in the world is having a slow internet aaaaarrrghh
Getting kicked in the balls once absolutely is NOT equivalent to giving birth. Getting kicked there repeatedly for hours would be closer. It takes minutes to recover from a nut shot, it takes a while to recover from birth. If men had to give birth, goodbye humans!!! I had a kidney stone, which some say is the equivalent, my gf found me on the floor of the shower, and took me to the doc. I've seen women in my family get through labor just fine, I'd fail so hard.
I highly doubt being kicked in the dangly bits is as bad as child birth. That being said, I wouldn't be suprised if kidney stones beat out both.
@E S haha perfect
@E S yes they do. All the time. There are millions of videos of guys doing for fun.
E S because you don't get anything good out of getting kicked in the nuts, whereas when you're done giving birth, you get a child. plus evolution has caused women to subconsciously actually want to have children.
What’s the hardest part of giving birth to a shampoo bottle?
Head and shoulders
Getting kicked is more painful nowadays, because the worst feeling is when you can't do anything about it. With Childbirth you are prepared and can receive some sort of anesthesia while getting kicked in the balls it's often sudden and you can't really ease the pain, the feeling of hopelessness creates a mental breakdown which multiplies your feeling of pain.
I've never given birth but I've had migraine's which were definitely more painful than being kicked in the crotch.
Hear, hear. My migraines are painful enough that I misjudge how painful things are superposed to be. It took me 5 days to go to emergency with a broken collar bone because I thought it was just a bruise.
Having your diamonds fall in lava is the most painful thing in the world, more painful than both of these things
But not nearly as painful as accidentally killing your dog while mining ⛏ .
or accidentally deleting your world
Man this is like Vsause intro was, "what hurts more?" and then went way down the rabbit hole.
Genuine question.
What would hurt more.
Getting shot in the chest,
Or getting shot in the head.
It'd be interesting if there was an actual way to be able to measure it.
@@MazeMaker4Life shot in the chest obv
So.... made video to say that it’s not possible to answer the question. Thank you for the confirmation.
They could have told us more about pain reception, make some jokes or give viewers stuff that actually makes sense to watch. They chose to play some weird racist politics game instead.
0:22 they give the answer right away
@@salzstangl They didn't really say racist, and what they are saying is true.
The US medical field is weird, high demand for medical professionals with not enough supply.
We still vet amazingly well but obviously some concessions are made.
When it comes to diagnosing pain and gathering a patient history, Nurses and nurse aide's are at the front of the average medical case.
If they haven't gotten their BSN or are not experienced, their medical knowledge is limited to their training and personal experience that they have to apply.
Considering the hundreds of patients that are cycled through in a given day, many may not need to return ever during your career, people do make false assumptions or superstitions all the time.
The full moon drives certain people more crazy, women may hit you more, your hospital is haunted, etc
A lot of times, people make assumptions for the best interest of people and their employers. No different is here (Baring obvious exceptions).
Legitimately, some people are unaware that the skin thickness between Caucasians and African Americans is the same. This can come from people just having a harder time finding the Radial Artery as the skin near the Fascia (Elbow) is darker on Black people (Obviously) and end up with patient with a weird placement of their artery where the Nurse has to hunt around. They may conclude from this experience they have thicker skin making it harder to "reach"
And considering how some people may not get to treat African Americans often, they may not have enough experience to find out their assumption was wrong.
This doesn't happen often, but they do occur.
Metal Tao @ 0:22 or 6:00.. should have been a better thumbnail and a caption. people who watched the video wanted to know the answer. click bait!!!!
@@Metal_Tao There are differences between races. Since you have to eliminate as many variables as possible in your test you want similar people.
The most common race is caucasian? Then taking caucasians is easier.
It was said that race is mostly not connected to pain, so why repeat all the research already done? There where black subjects (even if less), so it is possible to make a good choice between raci pain research and actual pain research
You can see a person pushing a side if they dont adress any counter-arguments.
Btw: Women have a different skin composition, which actually is more vulnerable. Does it make a difference for pain-reception?