In California they made it so they can perform vehicle inspections which include under the hood and aren’t considered the same thing as searching the vehicle
@@JustRollintell me about it, but you can bet your ass I’m going to fight this and have it dismissed and come back with a lawsuit. Ca definitely over stepping their authority violating my 4th and 14th amendment rights.
i agree and disagree, i agree that we do have some pretty bs laws here, but i disagree with the statement "its not the cop" because the initial stop was actually unlawful to begin with and an actual benefit to having this happen in California we have a law which makes it illegal for cops to not immediately state the reason for the stop before conducting any type of investigation which he didnt have a reason for the stop and failed to state the reason when he stopped me. im going to go over what happened in detail in my upcoming video.
This is why i dont live in California. Ohio i can drive my drag/drift car with 1300hp down the rd with no plates and get a wave from the local sheriff's haha
Why did you allow him to look under the hood?
In California they made it so they can perform vehicle inspections which include under the hood and aren’t considered the same thing as searching the vehicle
@@BEAMERNOOB I guess the constitution does not apply in foreign countries.
@@JustRollintell me about it, but you can bet your ass I’m going to fight this and have it dismissed and come back with a lawsuit. Ca definitely over stepping their authority violating my 4th and 14th amendment rights.
@@BEAMERNOOB I bet if someone took that to a higher court it would be ruled unconstitutional and repealed since it violates the fourth amendment.
If it passes emissions, it shouldn't matter what modifications were performed. More californication...
Not only a cop but a Master Mechanic as well. Smh
Its a closed system.. the engine runs on magic and butterflies.. and cops know everything there is to know about everything.
I would fight this one. You are legal. He can’t just make up stuff to void a carb test
Its not the Cop if you choose to live in state with these laws
i agree and disagree, i agree that we do have some pretty bs laws here, but i disagree with the statement "its not the cop" because the initial stop was actually unlawful to begin with and an actual benefit to having this happen in California we have a law which makes it illegal for cops to not immediately state the reason for the stop before conducting any type of investigation which he didnt have a reason for the stop and failed to state the reason when he stopped me. im going to go over what happened in detail in my upcoming video.
Move out of California and back to America, but please leave the California politics behind too so you don’t screw up another state.
Police abuse their authority and violate citizens rights all across America it’s not a ca only thing
@@BEAMERNOOB - In America we can have loud exhausts...
Never heard of under hood inspections…. This is definitely some cali bs
@@BEAMERNOOBCA is the only place I've ever heard of an underhood search and I'm 45. Absolutely insane and illegal. No one should tolerate that.
If it's not OEM it's illegal it's plain and simple it's nobody's fault but your own I know it sucks but it's the truth
Are these cops or mechanics ? Lol
You should be fined for living in California.
This is why i dont live in California. Ohio i can drive my drag/drift car with 1300hp down the rd with no plates and get a wave from the local sheriff's haha