Es gibt Musik, die auf unerklärliche Art direkt die Seele berührt. Wo die Augen wässrig werden und man plötzlich merkt, dass man auf ganz andere Weise mit der Welt im Einklang sein kann. Hania Rani spielt ein paar Noten und die Magie beginnt.
Wunderschön geschrieben! Das schöne ist wenn ich einen stressigen Tag habe, lege ich abends Hania Rani auf und tauche einfach in die wunderbare Musik ein und vergesse einfach alles um mich herum.
120 % Hania Rani addicted - doesnt matter what I search from her on YOutube she have so many different variationzZ of creations . This is hard work and L O V E for music !
We're both caught in the same trap. Eleven days listening to her music and begging for videos of her on TH-cam.
I had the immense privilege to saw her last year at Hamburg's Elbjazz-Festival, she is a fantastic artist: gifted, sensitive, precious. People like her help to forget the void of our times.
Es ist wirklich ein wahres Geschenk, sie unter uns zu haben. Von den Göttern? Vielleicht Apollo und seine inspirierenden Musen? Hmmm, ich weiß es nicht. Wenn sie die Ursache dafür sind, dann auf jeden Fall, weil sie versuchen, das von ihnen verursachte Defizit zu kompensieren, und weil sie sich schuldig fühlen, einen so beklagenswerten menschlichen Zustand geschaffen zu haben. Denn machen wir uns nichts vor: Als Programmierer von allem, was passiert, wissen sie, dass der freie Wille der Kreaturen ein Betrug, eine Täuschung für Unvorsichtige ist.
Sie ist nur eine , die Hände erhalten hat , dieses Geschenk eines nicht fassbaren Instrument von einem Mensch erschaffenen zu beglücken in Gegenseitigkeit der Freude , daß wir mehr sind als Barbaren !! Lass uns allen sagen , wir wollen ein Leben erfüllt durch diese Symbiose von Händen und deren Klang im erschaffen eines unerfassbaren Instruments und kein Mensch will Kriege und und außer diese einzigeartige Welt im gesamten Universum !! Der Mensch ist so unglaublich schön und innovativ und friedlich und so bereit jeden wie sixh Selbst zu lieben für diese Töne im Einklang von Hand und Instrument für das Beenden der Toten im Ukraine Krieg , im Gaza und der Gewalt auf Erden - Wir sind schön und voller Liebe in Gegenseitig alleine für diese Musik von Hand und Instrument !!
Jesaja 45:18-23 SCH2000 Denn so spricht der HERR, der Schöpfer der Himmel - Er ist Gott -, der die Erde gebildet und bereitet hat - Er hat sie gegründet; nicht als Einöde hat er sie geschaffen, sondern um bewohnt zu sein hat er sie gebildet -: Ich bin der HERR, und sonst ist keiner! Ich habe nicht im Verborgenen geredet, in einem dunklen Winkel der Erde; ich habe zu dem Samen Jakobs nicht gesagt: Sucht mich vergeblich! Ich, der HERR, rede, was recht ist, und verkündige, was richtig ist. Versammelt euch, kommt, tretet miteinander herzu, ihr Entkommenen unter den Heiden! Sie haben keine Erkenntnis, die das Holz ihres Götzen tragen und zu einem Gott beten, der nicht retten kann. Verkündet’s, bringt es vor; ja, sie mögen sich miteinander beraten! Wer hat dies vorzeiten verlauten lassen? Oder wer hat es von Anfang her angekündigt? War ich es nicht, der HERR? Und sonst gibt es keinen anderen Gott, einen gerechten Gott und Erretter; außer mir gibt es keinen! Wendet euch zu mir, so werdet ihr gerettet, all ihr Enden der Erde; denn ich bin Gott und keiner sonst! Ich habe bei mir selbst geschworen, aus meinem Mund ist Gerechtigkeit hervorgegangen, ein Wort, das nicht zurückgenommen wird: Ja, mir soll sich jedes Knie beugen und jede Zunge schwören!Apostelgeschichte 4:12 SCH2000 Und es ist in keinem anderen das Heil; denn es ist kein anderer Name unter dem Himmel den Menschen gegeben, in dem wir gerettet werden sollen!
Goodness, how I love her to pieces. What a sweet and beautiful angel of the piano she is. A magnificent musical savant and utterly brilliant artist. How blessed we are to be alive at this time with her. ❤
Watching her play has become a very special kind of meditation to me Tears rolling down my Cheeks Of Gratefulness and joy So simple and true So beautiful
Exact!!..Can't hear and see her without the tears appears in my eyes. I have heard one time and other and other and think "Now no tears.." Impossible!!
When I first time heard "Esja", I was almost sure that it's a new piece of Hans Zimmer! Hania, your piano skills, music creation and fantastic performance takes listeners to another dimension. I am so happy I had a chance to listen to your subtle tones and wonderful music. Heart-warming. Thank you
Wer die Werdegänge dieser Musiker und Komponisten verfolgt wird erkennen, dass Hans Zimmer die meisten seine erfolgreichen Stücke aus lauter Fragmenten bereits da gewesener Stücke zusammen gesetzt hat und diesen sehr ähnlich sind. Nur, dass die Vor-Komponisten nicht die Kontakte in Hollywood hatten und haben wie Herr Zimmer. Wirklich eigenständige künstlerische Eigenleistung sind nach meinem Empfinden und Recherchen eher Stücke von Ludovico Einaudi, Didier Squiban, Philip Glass, Yann Thiersen und Hania Rani u.e.m... Was nicht heißt, dass viele Stücke von Hans Zimmer nicht wunderbar anzuhören sind..nur eben nicht selbst aus dem Äther der Sphären "geholt", sondern zusammengestellt aus Vorhandenem. Hania scheint eindeutig die Gnade und den Zugang zur "Essenz" zu haben und kann diese in Form von Frequenzen "holen" und ausdrücken. Das ist es was tief berührt und Vieles verstehen läßt und Menschlichkeit, Respekt vor dem Leben, vor der Schöpfung, Verständnis und Bewusstsein wachsen läßt. Anyone who follows the careers of these musicians and composers will see that Hans Zimmer put together most of his successful pieces from fragments of previously existing pieces and are very similar to them. It's just that the pre-composers didn't have the contacts in Hollywood that Mr. Zimmer had. In my opinion and research, truly independent artistic achievements are pieces by Ludovico Einaudi, Didier Squiban, Philip Glass, Yann Thiersen and Hania Rani and others... Which doesn't mean that many of Hans Zimmer's pieces aren't wonderful to listen to... just not "taken" from the ether of the spheres, but put together from what's available. Hania clearly seems to have the grace and access to the "essence" and can "fetch" and express it in the form of frequencies. This is what touches you deeply and allows you to understand a lot and allows humanity, respect for life, for creation, understanding and consciousness to grow.
The Transcendental Nature of her compositions/musicianship is stupefying. This heightened "State of Being and Consciousness" is experienced not only by this viewer, but is plainly evident in how her gaze frequently becomes fixed upon "elsewhere" and her body is filled with energies that beget involuntary movement. This phenomena is so apparent is essentially ALL of her live performaces. I treasure her and her music immensely, as it always transfers my mind and soul far beyond this madding world. Namaste and Cheers!
Einzigartig in ihre wundervoll schöne Musik einzutauchen, umso brutaler dann die plötzlich einsetzenden Werbebloecke, wenn sie wenigstens in die Pausen gesetzt würden
Wow! Any description in words would impoverish what I feel when enjoying this concert. But since we are animals specialized in the use of verbal language, I will try a conceptual approach: the existence of someone with the luminous and warm creativity of Hania Rani reconciles me with the immeasurable cruelty of the depraved, miserable and maddened human condition. That's how powerful my feeling must be to compensate for such a monstrous aberration as a whole.
@@guidocannone6060 I'm glad you appreciate my words. That means that you share to some degree what I feel when listening to the music that Hania Rani composes and performs. The feelings I expressed in my comment 4 months ago were sincere then and remain so today.
And to think this is only “the start” of your work Hania. I know you have played with bands and did more musical projects, but you are still young and I can only wonder and imagine what you will be able to accomplish as a composer in life. I love your poetic playing, the careful thoughtfulness that goes into the velocities, the flow, the magical atmosphere you spin. And... this style! Minimal, but maximal at the same time; the rhythm, the fast playing of the notes which must require immense concentration (I myself don’t play), and to have other artists join in.... home with that celloist is beautiful, but also thinking of maybe even symphonic pieces in a non-traditional way, other artists like you employing traditional instruments in new ways; hard to explain but though familiar it feels new and fresh, fast and ethereal while a symphony to me is often heavy. Could it be different, like your playing, I envision it but it’s hard to explain what I mean. Listening, it’s as if it’s something new, a genre that has now begun. I know there’s more music like it, I try to create it digitally and you are an inspiration, elevating complexity to levels of seeming simplicity like a true master, and paired with such amazing sound design it’s a dream. Looking forward to follow your musical journey to see where it will lead. The depth of not just the selection of the harmony, intricate melodies but the sensitivity is almost... new. Vulnerable but confidently so. Masterfully exposing feelings, a performance that can never be played with such effect without the connection to the deep world of feelings. And your meditation experience is also audible. So nice when people put their heart and souls into creating beautiful things and I am happy your talent is recognized. Something is added to the world of beauty and value with your work and that’s my aspiration too, even though I don’t always know what that would be. It’s so inspiring... thinking now... your music is making the world only more beautiful and in no way can harm it. Sending you love and wellbeing Hania.
Beautifully stated, your comments of her work . It will be amazing to see where she takes her musical talent. Such a fresh new beginning with so much talent :)
I play and some of her pieces are extremely complicated. Self taught pianists will pick up her work much easier than academia types. She is everywhere, genre-bending to be fair... rhythmic rather than atonal, but atonal when you pull the magnifying glass back...sounds classical at first glance...then you realize there is a huge edm/electronica element, jazz, pop, and even folk. It's extremely complex, leaves critics just writing for their narcissistic need because the rabbit hole is too deep for them to understand as they never touched ivory, never will, and never experienced anything like this...probably never heard Satie either...not that anyone listens to these "want to bes" anymore...sadly, unbeknownst to me, they are still employed lol. Fact is many of her pieces are very complicated and personally i love the little mistakes in the hardest parts....from a maker of music...i love it :D If you play the right notes, you call it sight-reading. If you play the wrong notes you call it improvising. And truer words have never been spoken. Here is to live performances.
Wow, simply Wow! Someone could say that Hania is an angelic figure, like those that adorn many chapels, but no. Not at all. It would be undervaluing her and to a certain extent offending her. Hania Rani is a true goddess, capable of creating a new Universe born from her talent, her creative imagination and thousands of hours of study and rehearsal. But above all, thanks to her audacity in daring to connect with those emotions that beat in the depths of her being and allowing them to be expressed through the keys of that piano. And if anyone finds my statement excessive, arrogant or even blasphemous, I'm sorry, but I'm telling you in advance that I'm not going to retract it.
like waves on the shore, wind in the trees, the flow of a river, the beating of a heart...a force of life...Will find a way to purchase vinyl for my collection.
I was very lucky to see her perform in a tiny club in Los Angeles recently. It was a special experience, especially knowing how far her musical genius will take her.
@@neurotransmi77Er she played at a newish hotel on Sunset Strip. I think it's where the House of Blues once stood. There is a tiny, unremarkable club space with an improvised stage at the ground level. We were practically sitting two tables away from her.
Listening to Hania play is like taking a journey through the deepest corners of our soul, where each note speaks to the emotions and every melody echoes in our hearts. She is really good!
Hania alone with a piano and so much feeling and sensitivity in her playing.I didn't want it to end.The sound quality is excellent.She has a sweet,pure and unforced singing voice.'Nest' is exquisite and her regular concert feature:'Leaving'.I can only speculate and look forward to the wonders that Hania will compose in the future.Every composition is better than the previous one.Thank you also for the captions saying what each piece of music is.This is very helpful.I wish it would occur more often. Those who love Hania's music,should listen to Hinako Omori elsewhere on TH-cam .'Richest Garden In Your Memory','Heartplant' and especially the Bishopsgate Lunchtime Concert are all well worth seeking out.
Captivating in the beginning then it's a trance. It really is a different place we have never been, we haven't been here before, where is this place, what are we, tf is going on kinda thing...
My son introduced me to her music and I was hooked. I go through lots of different emotions high and lows as if the sounds are transformative and go places I’ve never subconsciously been to before. Sounds poncy I know but it’s true. Seeing her in Brighton soon and cannot wait.
@@erichaberman3812 Join the queue ... There's many of us ... Everybody comments on her otherworldly piano playing, which is so overwhelmingly beautiful, but surprisingly nobody comments on her voice, which is just as wonderfully extra-terrestrial
@@normanmesser5271 True! But really the thing that puts her way above any of her peers is her dynamics. That's probably the thing that hits all of us fans so directly in the soul
I have watched this many times, and just noticed how spare and plaintive Hello is here. Later versions were more lush and hypnotic. Amazed at how she can change the feelings for every one of her songs. In my opinion, this version of Hello captures the feeling of being up late at night in such a helpless state, alone and searching. She has said that there is also a state where your creativity is so strong that it keeps you up; more fitting for the upbeat versions I have heard. Can't wait to see her live in DC!
Entendre l’écoute des sons, de l’instrument est un bonheur, un partage.... Une grande musicienne qui mêle ses doigts à ses oreilles pour faire vibrer l’âme. Merci.
In my opinion she´s the greatest Artist of our time. Please never stop doing this.😌
Nils Frahm
@@axouldu78 Agreed, but she's fantastic too! 🙂
Hania and Nils are the best
@Drummer's Corner thanks for this,agreee!!!!
@The Drummers Corner agreed 100 percent. Music is not a competition. this is such a special compare it to anything else is pointless.
Es gibt Musik, die auf unerklärliche Art direkt die Seele berührt. Wo die Augen wässrig werden und man plötzlich merkt, dass man auf ganz andere Weise mit der Welt im Einklang sein kann. Hania Rani spielt ein paar Noten und die Magie beginnt.
Sie ist ein Geschenk.
Wunderschön geschrieben!
Das schöne ist wenn ich einen stressigen Tag habe, lege ich abends Hania Rani auf und tauche einfach in die wunderbare Musik ein und vergesse einfach alles um mich herum.
Completely agree! ❤❤❤
absolutely agree
What a beautiful comment
120 % Hania Rani addicted - doesnt matter what I search from her on YOutube she have so many different variationzZ of creations . This is hard work and L O V E for music !
We're both caught in the same trap. Eleven days listening to her music and begging for videos of her on TH-cam.
i have some cds of her but nothing beats live.
Sitting on my porch as the rain comes down. I have this playing softly in the background. I am a satisfied human being at this moment.
Haha same here when under the vicinity of Hania 😊
I had the immense privilege to saw her last year at Hamburg's Elbjazz-Festival, she is a fantastic artist: gifted, sensitive, precious. People like her help to forget the void of our times.
I was there too and her concert was way too short, sadly. I could have listened for hours.
Nooooo ads please!!! This music should not be interrupted 🙈🙈🙈
Diese Frau ist ein Geschenk der Götter. Grade in diesen Zeiten. Und noch so jung. Bitte so weiter machen , Haina.
Es ist wirklich ein wahres Geschenk, sie unter uns zu haben. Von den Göttern? Vielleicht Apollo und seine inspirierenden Musen? Hmmm, ich weiß es nicht. Wenn sie die Ursache dafür sind, dann auf jeden Fall, weil sie versuchen, das von ihnen verursachte Defizit zu kompensieren, und weil sie sich schuldig fühlen, einen so beklagenswerten menschlichen Zustand geschaffen zu haben. Denn machen wir uns nichts vor: Als Programmierer von allem, was passiert, wissen sie, dass der freie Wille der Kreaturen ein Betrug, eine Täuschung für Unvorsichtige ist.
Sie ist nur eine , die Hände erhalten hat , dieses Geschenk eines nicht fassbaren Instrument von einem Mensch erschaffenen zu beglücken in Gegenseitigkeit der Freude , daß wir mehr sind als Barbaren !! Lass uns allen sagen , wir wollen ein Leben erfüllt durch diese Symbiose von Händen und deren Klang im erschaffen eines unerfassbaren Instruments und kein Mensch will Kriege und und außer diese einzigeartige Welt im gesamten Universum !! Der Mensch ist so unglaublich schön und innovativ und friedlich und so bereit jeden wie sixh Selbst zu lieben für diese Töne im Einklang von Hand und Instrument für das Beenden der Toten im Ukraine Krieg , im Gaza und der Gewalt auf Erden - Wir sind schön und voller Liebe in Gegenseitig alleine für diese Musik von Hand und Instrument !!
Jesaja 45:18-23 SCH2000 Denn so spricht der HERR, der Schöpfer der Himmel - Er ist Gott -, der die Erde gebildet und bereitet hat - Er hat sie gegründet; nicht als Einöde hat er sie geschaffen, sondern um bewohnt zu sein hat er sie gebildet -: Ich bin der HERR, und sonst ist keiner! Ich habe nicht im Verborgenen geredet, in einem dunklen Winkel der Erde; ich habe zu dem Samen Jakobs nicht gesagt: Sucht mich vergeblich! Ich, der HERR, rede, was recht ist, und verkündige, was richtig ist. Versammelt euch, kommt, tretet miteinander herzu, ihr Entkommenen unter den Heiden! Sie haben keine Erkenntnis, die das Holz ihres Götzen tragen und zu einem Gott beten, der nicht retten kann. Verkündet’s, bringt es vor; ja, sie mögen sich miteinander beraten! Wer hat dies vorzeiten verlauten lassen? Oder wer hat es von Anfang her angekündigt? War ich es nicht, der HERR? Und sonst gibt es keinen anderen Gott, einen gerechten Gott und Erretter; außer mir gibt es keinen! Wendet euch zu mir, so werdet ihr gerettet, all ihr Enden der Erde; denn ich bin Gott und keiner sonst! Ich habe bei mir selbst geschworen, aus meinem Mund ist Gerechtigkeit hervorgegangen, ein Wort, das nicht zurückgenommen wird: Ja, mir soll sich jedes Knie beugen und jede Zunge schwören!Apostelgeschichte 4:12 SCH2000 Und es ist in keinem anderen das Heil; denn es ist kein anderer Name unter dem Himmel den Menschen gegeben, in dem wir gerettet werden sollen!
Thank God this girl exists...
Hania making music is one of the most inspiring things I've ever seen.
Goodness, how I love her to pieces. What a sweet and beautiful angel of the piano she is. A magnificent musical savant and utterly brilliant artist. How blessed we are to be alive at this time with her. ❤
Watching her play has become a very special kind of meditation to me
Tears rolling down my Cheeks
Of Gratefulness and joy
So simple and true
So beautiful
I agree with you, friend.
This happens to me too, the tears come when I see her play...
Exact!!..Can't hear and see her without the tears appears in my eyes. I have heard one time and other and other and think "Now no tears.." Impossible!!
When I first time heard "Esja", I was almost sure that it's a new piece of Hans Zimmer! Hania, your piano skills, music creation and fantastic performance takes listeners to another dimension. I am so happy I had a chance to listen to your subtle tones and wonderful music. Heart-warming. Thank you
Wer die Werdegänge dieser Musiker und Komponisten verfolgt wird erkennen, dass Hans Zimmer die meisten seine erfolgreichen Stücke aus lauter Fragmenten bereits da gewesener Stücke zusammen gesetzt hat und diesen sehr ähnlich sind. Nur, dass die Vor-Komponisten nicht die Kontakte in Hollywood hatten und haben wie Herr Zimmer.
Wirklich eigenständige künstlerische Eigenleistung sind nach meinem Empfinden und Recherchen eher Stücke von Ludovico Einaudi, Didier Squiban, Philip Glass, Yann Thiersen und Hania Rani u.e.m...
Was nicht heißt, dass viele Stücke von Hans Zimmer nicht wunderbar anzuhören sind..nur eben nicht selbst aus dem Äther der Sphären "geholt", sondern zusammengestellt aus Vorhandenem.
Hania scheint eindeutig die Gnade und den Zugang zur "Essenz" zu haben und kann diese in Form von Frequenzen "holen" und ausdrücken. Das ist es was tief berührt und Vieles verstehen läßt und Menschlichkeit, Respekt vor dem Leben, vor der Schöpfung, Verständnis und Bewusstsein wachsen läßt.
Anyone who follows the careers of these musicians and composers will see that Hans Zimmer put together most of his successful pieces from fragments of previously existing pieces and are very similar to them. It's just that the pre-composers didn't have the contacts in Hollywood that Mr. Zimmer had.
In my opinion and research, truly independent artistic achievements are pieces by Ludovico Einaudi, Didier Squiban, Philip Glass, Yann Thiersen and Hania Rani and others...
Which doesn't mean that many of Hans Zimmer's pieces aren't wonderful to listen to... just not "taken" from the ether of the spheres, but put together from what's available.
Hania clearly seems to have the grace and access to the "essence" and can "fetch" and express it in the form of frequencies. This is what touches you deeply and allows you to understand a lot and allows humanity, respect for life, for creation, understanding and consciousness to grow.
This version of Home is heart-breaking in most beautiful and vulnerable - good way - it opens it. Thank You Hania, my hero.
Home starts at 45:38
The Transcendental Nature of her compositions/musicianship is stupefying. This heightened "State of Being and Consciousness" is experienced not only by this viewer, but is plainly evident in how her gaze frequently becomes fixed upon "elsewhere" and her body is filled with energies that beget involuntary movement. This phenomena is so apparent is essentially ALL of her live performaces. I treasure her and her music immensely, as it always transfers my mind and soul far beyond this madding world. Namaste and Cheers!
Your comment describes my observation too. She is in a transcendental place. Absolutely awesome.
I agree she is in another dimension when she creates these notes
Einzigartig in ihre wundervoll schöne Musik einzutauchen, umso brutaler dann die plötzlich einsetzenden Werbebloecke, wenn sie wenigstens in die Pausen gesetzt würden
Wow! Any description in words would impoverish what I feel when enjoying this concert. But since we are animals specialized in the use of verbal language, I will try a conceptual approach: the existence of someone with the luminous and warm creativity of Hania Rani reconciles me with the immeasurable cruelty of the depraved, miserable and maddened human condition. That's how powerful my feeling must be to compensate for such a monstrous aberration as a whole.
Incredibly put! Bravo!
I'm glad you appreciate my words. That means that you share to some degree what I feel when listening to the music that Hania Rani composes and performs. The feelings I expressed in my comment 4 months ago were sincere then and remain so today.
And to think this is only “the start” of your work Hania. I know you have played with bands and did more musical projects, but you are still young and I can only wonder and imagine what you will be able to accomplish as a composer in life. I love your poetic playing, the careful thoughtfulness that goes into the velocities, the flow, the magical atmosphere you spin. And... this style! Minimal, but maximal at the same time; the rhythm, the fast playing of the notes which must require immense concentration (I myself don’t play), and to have other artists join in.... home with that celloist is beautiful, but also thinking of maybe even symphonic pieces in a non-traditional way, other artists like you employing traditional instruments in new ways; hard to explain but though familiar it feels new and fresh, fast and ethereal while a symphony to me is often heavy. Could it be different, like your playing, I envision it but it’s hard to explain what I mean. Listening, it’s as if it’s something new, a genre that has now begun. I know there’s more music like it, I try to create it digitally and you are an inspiration, elevating complexity to levels of seeming simplicity like a true master, and paired with such amazing sound design it’s a dream. Looking forward to follow your musical journey to see where it will lead. The depth of not just the selection of the harmony, intricate melodies but the sensitivity is almost... new. Vulnerable but confidently so. Masterfully exposing feelings, a performance that can never be played with such effect without the connection to the deep world of feelings. And your meditation experience is also audible. So nice when people put their heart and souls into creating beautiful things and I am happy your talent is recognized. Something is added to the world of beauty and value with your work and that’s my aspiration too, even though I don’t always know what that would be. It’s so inspiring... thinking now... your music is making the world only more beautiful and in no way can harm it. Sending you love and wellbeing Hania.
Beautifully stated, your comments of her work . It will be amazing to see where she takes her musical talent. Such a fresh new beginning with so much talent :)
Wilco,you need a special commendation for these comments.You have said it all.So well expressed.
This is the greatest youtube comment I have ever read!
@@TiMMiT11 I agree.There isn't much else to say after reading this prose poem disguised as a comment.
I play and some of her pieces are extremely complicated. Self taught pianists will pick up her work much easier than academia types. She is everywhere, genre-bending to be fair... rhythmic rather than atonal, but atonal when you pull the magnifying glass back...sounds classical at first glance...then you realize there is a huge edm/electronica element, jazz, pop, and even folk. It's extremely complex, leaves critics just writing for their narcissistic need because the rabbit hole is too deep for them to understand as they never touched ivory, never will, and never experienced anything like this...probably never heard Satie either...not that anyone listens to these "want to bes" anymore...sadly, unbeknownst to me, they are still employed lol. Fact is many of her pieces are very complicated and personally i love the little mistakes in the hardest parts....from a maker of music...i love it :D If you play the right notes, you call it sight-reading. If you play the wrong notes you call it improvising. And truer words have never been spoken. Here is to live performances.
She is a producer, cinematographer, and actress who presents amazing films using only her piano. + Storyteller!!!
Wow, simply Wow! Someone could say that Hania is an angelic figure, like those that adorn many chapels, but no. Not at all. It would be undervaluing her and to a certain extent offending her. Hania Rani is a true goddess, capable of creating a new Universe born from her talent, her creative imagination and thousands of hours of study and rehearsal. But above all, thanks to her audacity in daring to connect with those emotions that beat in the depths of her being and allowing them to be expressed through the keys of that piano. And if anyone finds my statement excessive, arrogant or even blasphemous, I'm sorry, but I'm telling you in advance that I'm not going to retract it.
Yes, so lovingly expressed, and thank you Hania... Precious beyond compare!
like waves on the shore, wind in the trees, the flow of a river, the beating of a heart...a force of life...Will find a way to purchase vinyl for my collection.
She is just incredible. I just found out about her work a few weeks ago and am I speechless! PROTECT HER AT ALL COSTS
Because of the ads in this link, I choose a different concert from her. She is not worth this interruption in the middle of the melodies.
First pianist I’ve listened to more than once since Liz Story.
That is high praise.
de Berlin... de Merlin, para TimmiT
I am a huge fan of Liz Story. Hania tells a different story (bad pun).
Her music is as beautiful as all this incredible comments. Hania the world loves you ❤
She goes to different places and takes us along.
Buka is my favorite ❤
She's worth 100 Messis (all respect to the best footballer)
6 days ago Hania played in Melbourne. What a great show and great performance .
Ich bin total fan von Hania, Sie destilliert eine luftige, flauschige, kristalline und einhüllende Musik.
Hania Rani...your somewhere out there in the future, beckoning...I am eighty four and you have inspired my piano work - Cafe Wounded Piano - on YT.
You are right Jerome. Hania is from the future with the good stuff beckoning for us to come and enjoy going to find it.
Best of wishes to you ✌️❤️
I was very lucky to see her perform in a tiny club in Los Angeles recently. It was a special experience, especially knowing how far her musical genius will take her.
Where did she play?
@@neurotransmi77Er she played at a newish hotel on Sunset Strip. I think it's where the House of Blues once stood. There is a tiny, unremarkable club space with an improvised stage at the ground level. We were practically sitting two tables away from her.
0:19 Esja
6:22 Glass
12:19 Hello (vocals 🎤)
17:46 Ombelico
22:00 F major
28:17 Nest (vocals 🎤)
34:22 Buka
40:06 Leaving
45:32 Home
51:50 Hawaii Oslo
😢😢😢😢 to straszne, ale tej pięknej muzyki nie da rady wysłuchać, hałaśliwymi reklamami co 2 minuty 😢😢😢
I can watch these magical hands dancing over the keys for hours.
❤ today i'm 40 years 🎉 thanks for the présent 🎁
No me canso de escucharte!!!!...Sos algo sobrenatural que tenes es esas manos y en tu corazón!!!...Que Dios te siga iluminando!!!
Such beauty and passion. Especially "Bucha" & "Leaving". I'm crying again.
The piano melodies are great. But your voice, Hania, my gosh...
Wonderful performance... spoilt by the rediculous amount of adverts the channel has allowed
Listening to Hania play is like taking a journey through the deepest corners of our soul, where each note speaks to the emotions and every melody echoes in our hearts. She is really good!
she is just phenomenal, someone from a different level, so profound...sublime
She plays some of the most powerful unique chords and melodies in her concert set!
Hania truly plays from her heart. She is a true artist...simply beautiful music!
These vocals are one of the most beatiful things i have ever listend to. So peaceful, so emotional, so great! An angel has fallen on planet earth.
Beautiful music, beautiful woman. Thanks for shairing your music.
Super nice.well worth sharing some time in life 😀🙏🏿🙏🎶
she is just phenomenal, someone from a different level, so profound...sublime. She goes to different places and takes us along..
Glass is her masterpiece. 11:10 that look in her face.😳😍
Beautiful, mesmerizing and takes me to another world and place. The perfect escape from the mundane daily activities.
Hania, jesteś wspaniała, nie dość, że tworzysz piękną muzykę to jeszcze bije od Ciebie takie ciepło i dobroć, wpaniała
Wuau! Hania Rani compose & execute in piano like angel music. One of the bests artist who make me feel in Heaven. Thanks Hania ;)
Like from another star....💫💫❤️❤️❤️😇
The sounds of creation. I imagine the life of a butterfly. Flying over life🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋
magic is an understatement and then in this amazing and lonely place in Pasewalk near the Polish border… very special
Softness of beauty
Hania alone with a piano and so much feeling and sensitivity in her playing.I didn't want it to end.The sound quality is excellent.She has a sweet,pure and unforced singing voice.'Nest' is exquisite and her regular concert feature:'Leaving'.I can only speculate and look forward to the wonders that Hania will compose in the future.Every composition is better than the previous one.Thank you also for the captions saying what each piece of music is.This is very helpful.I wish it would occur more often.
Those who love Hania's music,should listen to Hinako Omori elsewhere on TH-cam .'Richest Garden In Your Memory','Heartplant' and especially the Bishopsgate Lunchtime Concert are all well worth seeking out.
Captivating in the beginning then it's a trance. It really is a different place we have never been, we haven't been here before, where is this place, what are we, tf is going on kinda thing...
My son introduced me to her music and I was hooked. I go through lots of different emotions high and lows as if the sounds are transformative and go places I’ve never subconsciously been to before. Sounds poncy I know but it’s true. Seeing her in Brighton soon and cannot wait.
Love Hania's Music
Hania Rani je nejdokonalejší skladatelka♥️ Nádhera, už se těším na koncert. 🥰💕
Maravilloso concierto. "Hello" concluye con una atmosfera que evoca a los nocturnos de Chopin. La música de Hania es alucinante.
Thank you for the feeling, that you do not pretend .... you are real and natural ... and beautiful ...
Such marvellous music by just a piano and a young girl! How awesome!
Thank YOU.
this could be the perfect music for movies like interstellar. love it
Absolutely gorgeous 🙏💗
Im insanely in love with Hania.
Right?! At first sight! After the first couple notes...
@@erichaberman3812 Join the queue ... There's many of us ... Everybody comments on her otherworldly piano playing, which is so overwhelmingly beautiful, but surprisingly nobody comments on her voice, which is just as wonderfully extra-terrestrial
... and she is so good looking too !!!
@@normanmesser5271 True! But really the thing that puts her way above any of her peers is her dynamics. That's probably the thing that hits all of us fans so directly in the soul
I have watched this many times, and just noticed how spare and plaintive Hello is here. Later versions were more lush and hypnotic. Amazed at how she can change the feelings for every one of her songs. In my opinion, this version of Hello captures the feeling of being up late at night in such a helpless state, alone and searching. She has said that there is also a state where your creativity is so strong that it keeps you up; more fitting for the upbeat versions I have heard. Can't wait to see her live in DC!
Incredible. Buka and Leaving are amazing pieces, just can't stop listening.
Created a second account to like this twice. I love your music, Hania! It’s so centering and peaceful.
👏👏🥰🥰👍 I only wish I had started it earlier than 1am.
thank you so much for the best session.
ขอบคุณครับ from Thailand
Leaving is such a masterpiece
I've been waiting for this for a long time :)
Tellement beau etherique et sublime
absolutely brilliant. keep doing you!
Entendre l’écoute des sons, de l’instrument est un bonheur, un partage.... Une grande musicienne qui mêle ses doigts à ses oreilles pour faire vibrer l’âme. Merci.
Always a pleasure to listen her playing the sound is a healer, a restful & joyous affair to journey together 🫳🎹🥰just an amazing pleasure to 🎧
Vai ser incrível ir em um concerto dela algum dia no Brasil.
So much strong music coming out of such a tender person!
Wonderful art
34' - Buka. The best track from her. It deserve to be used in some great movie. So many good vibes and emotions in there...
Love the flow of your creativity lovely lady!💞🕉️🌺🙏
great-job, hania... !!!
Just amazing! Her music transports you places in this world or any other you feel roaming
Just Superb. You are wonderful ❤️ . I enjoyed very much your performances. Thanks.
Eine Klasse für sich 🎉
Njutning på hög nivå! Tack Hania Rani.
Une très grande poétesse du piano ! Merci;
Su música es de una belleza increíble. Produce una hermosa sensación de paz al alma
Absolutely beautiful piece/Set thank you 🙏 for such a great upload
Hania could teach Jarre and Oldfield a thing or two.
Mesmerising, always...
So beautiful.
music from a nice soul ❣️
sogar im Schlabberpulli HAHA
Just great and inspiring! Thank you so much for sharing your music!
This tunes are absolutely love!
Nowa generacja poezji w muzyce i energii