In the early 1960s, with my grandfather, (a shipwright on the blue Funnel Line), I would watch vessels entering the Mersey, and try to identify them, estimate size, discuss where they had came from. Other relatives gave me an atlas and questioned me about where I was going to travel to. Now having lived and worked in 7 different countries all around the globe, Now I am back (though not quite home yet), and still fascinated by ships on the River Mersey. Thank you for posting this video.
In the early 1960s, with my grandfather, (a shipwright on the blue Funnel Line), I would watch vessels entering the Mersey, and try to identify them, estimate size, discuss where they had came from. Other relatives gave me an atlas and questioned me about where I was going to travel to. Now having lived and worked in 7 different countries all around the globe, Now I am back (though not quite home yet), and still fascinated by ships on the River Mersey. Thank you for posting this video.