Hello, wonderful info you are sharing here with us. Happy I discovered you now. Sorry I did not met you earlier. Can I also ask you to send me the worksheet on my email? I am from Romania. Thank you very much. My email is kristina_munteanu@yahoo.com. Best regards! :)
What’s the demographic and psychographic profile : married, kids, own house / an achiever mindset (do you want to get better? Vs are you broke want to get out of the hole and back on top?) What are their bias and think of companies like yours? When buy what are the top 3 events that caused them to do it now? (Have you out grown your current X because they do Y?) What criteria do they look for when researching the need? (What’s most important to you when...?) What is single benefit they are really buying? What trends are going on in their industry? What are the 3-9 events - publications - websites do they regard as top? What 10 main apps and biggest frustration? What KPis do they pay most attention to? What is the fastest product or service to get into to market and their time?
Really good stuff here Robin - love the questionnaire onboarding idea and "3 questions you'd ask Robin" gold.
Such an awesome video! Need more roadshows in 2016!
This was really good Robin....thank you! You mention in video that there was a worksheet but....I don't see any download link
Call my office and ask for Debi Bush - she can send it to you: 615-790-5011.
Hello, wonderful info you are sharing here with us. Happy I discovered you now. Sorry I did not met you earlier. Can I also ask you to send me the worksheet on my email? I am from Romania. Thank you very much. My email is kristina_munteanu@yahoo.com. Best regards! :)
Did you get the worksheet?
What’s the demographic and psychographic profile : married, kids, own house / an achiever mindset (do you want to get better? Vs are you broke want to get out of the hole and back on top?)
What are their bias and think of companies like yours?
When buy what are the top 3 events that caused them to do it now? (Have you out grown your current X because they do Y?)
What criteria do they look for when researching the need? (What’s most important to you when...?)
What is single benefit they are really buying?
What trends are going on in their industry?
What are the 3-9 events - publications - websites do they regard as top?
What 10 main apps and biggest frustration?
What KPis do they pay most attention to?
What is the fastest product or service to get into to market and their time?
there is no attachment or worksheet ... i would love to have a copy of this 12 powerful questions
Hey David, email my office ask@technologymarketingtoolkit.com and I can give you a more updated version of these question.
What was the last thing that made you choose us?
What 6 questions would you ask?
relevant talk is very less..