The thatched storage structures at the beginning are interesting as are the old stone walls. What did you mean when you said there are sticks to hit things along the walls??!! (Maybe it was the Japanese to English translation that didn't make sense?) That banyon tree roots at 21:34 are great! Good drone shots at the end!
The thatched storage structures at the beginning are interesting as are the old stone walls. What did you mean when you said there are sticks to hit things along the walls??!! (Maybe it was the Japanese to English translation that didn't make sense?)
That banyon tree roots at 21:34 are great!
Good drone shots at the end!
Thank you as always 😊 Apparently there are poisonous snakes (habu) hiding in the stonework. So there is a stick to hit the snake.
2013年 西古見から屋鈍に抜ける道がレンタカーの ナビに表示されてて 宇検林道から 曲がって入って行ったら・・いきなり数日前?の大雨で道路が陥没 危うく遭難するところでしたが寸前でブレーキが利き 一命をとりとめたことが有りました 今になっても笑えません!