He left not by choice, he was blacklisted by Hollywood for opening up against the truths of sexual abuse to him and other actors/actresses. After Harvey was arrested for just that amd all this came to light, he was welcomed back with open arms. This man is an absolute treasure!!!
@@prestige515 Sure but speaking negative about the head of the Hollywood press didn't do him any favors either. But good for him for calling out Hollywood's weird sexual harassment culture.
@@folkerseebacher8935 I mean look at him. He looks far different from his mummy days. I kinda feel his movie career will head down the same path as Steven Seagal and Nicholas Cage, lol.
@@alexsilva28 "so this is what the multiverse looks like" Sure thing pal. By the way Brandon Frazier is only one of the most popular faces of the problems that Hollywood is trying to correct… Making his win absolutely 100% political
That's one thing I love about Fraser. Any time he's asked a question about himself or is supposed to talk about himself, he always, without fail, will sing the praises of everyone around him before even mentioning himself.
That rare thing… a genuine speech by a genuine man at the Oscars. A man that doesn’t realise just how exceptionally talented he is and is as humble as the man next door. Incredible Brendan 👏
It's so rare that you feel like an award has gone to someone not just deserving for the work but deserving as a good human being who really deserves recognition and support.
I hope johnny depp gets the same reccognition in his lifetime too. Another pure soul and talent that has been treated terrible by the industry and hus last partner
@@MichelleDelamatter I hope the Depp case really sheds light on how females can be abusers as well. It's insane the lengths Depp had to go to to clear his name of defamation when there is recorded evidence of Heard's abuse.
@@jonfreeman9682 Yep, they both did great but this performance had everything--a dream role for him and so happy for him. Austin's on his way to many Oscar worthy performances as he is young and talented.
The sad thing is, the very industry he dedicated his life to, were the very ones who turned their backs on him (along with his ex-wife). I never stopped being a fan and actually teared up when he won. His speech was epic, truly epic.
The man just got up there and said a heartfelt thank you. No fluff no nothing but vulnerability and honesty just like his winning performance. One of the best speeches. Well deserved 👏
6) В курсе ли американцы и граждане Европы что интеллект и предрасположенность к фашизму никак не связаны. У руских нет иммунитета к пропаганде, даже если есть высокий интеллект. Рецидив имперского величия будет повторяться многократно, пока росейская федерация существует как единое государство. 7) Что США думают о руских политических диссидентах заброшенных ФСБ и формирующих у американского истеблишмента положительное отношение к русской культуре с целью сохранения империи в текущих границах после Путина? 8) Знают ли американцы и европейцы, что верноподданичество, шовинизм и ЛЮТАЯ нетерпимость к чужому успеху - вот главные особенности всех характеров, описанных в русских произведениях? Это основной нарратив, который руские экспортируют на Запад. Вот что писал руский поэт А.С. Пушкин своему сокурснику - "Я конечно презираю отечество мое с головы до ног но мне досадно если иностранец разделяет со мною это чувство". 9) Известно ли американцам что Соловьев, Киселев, Попов, Скобеева и Симоньян (главные ведущие в prime-time на центральных TV каналах россии последние 10-15 лет) не виноваты в расчеловечивании (дегуманизации) россиян? Каждый день в своих эфирах они угрожают американцам и европейцам, только потому что простые русские люди (80-84%) мечтают нанести по вам ядерный удар. Путин - это не просто президент, а скорее отражение русской ментальности. Путин - это вожак стада, с абсолютно криминальным сознанием. В своем подавляющем большинстве русские хотят только одного - крови и реванша за распад СССР. Русские не смогут смирится с вашим успехом никогда. 10) Понимают ли в США разницу между Геббельсом и ведущим аналитических программ Соловьевым, с которым его часто сравнивают? Если Геббельс действительно вдохновлял немецкое общество на тотальную войну, то в россии было все наоборот: простой русский народ вдохновил Путина на войну против цивилизации, не дав Владимир Владимировичу потратить награбленное. Бенефициарами проекта "специальная военная операция" являются простые руские люди
I've never been so happy for any actor to win this award. I haven't cared about the Oscar's in a decade. But I know this matters to a good man, and that good man won out for once. Kindness and integrity won out for once. Kudos Brendan and Darren and all!
It's not often you see your childhood hero fall and the rise to then top again like a phoenix. But this, this brought me to tears. I am so grateful I live in this timeline where Brendan has done just that.
A big big big moment in the history of Oscars...Huge Respect 💞 Loss of mother at a critical phase of life, fall of a successful career, painful divorce, depression, health issues, allegations and assaults...He lost everything... 💔 But look at him, he came back to reclaim what he truly deserves...Such a happy day for those who never give up❤️
You can scrap son with autism from the list. I agree that it's amazing that he's here now, but don't list a son with autism along these hardships. It may not always be easy, but it is not a hardship.
I never cared about the Oscars but I'm actually really happy to know that Brendan Fraser won. What a come back! After the turns in his life and his career. Wow. This award is so well deserved. He is extremely talented and he puts his heart into his performances, a credit to the art!
There was no actual turn in his career, more like he got molested, then tried to complain publicly, gets blacklisted, and with internet help his story got publicity, and only DECADES later unblacklist him smdh. Those degenerates will pay for their sins, brendan never needed an award, he will always be the legend from the mummy
6) В курсе ли американцы и граждане Европы что интеллект и предрасположенность к фашизму никак не связаны. У руских нет иммунитета к пропаганде, даже если есть высокий интеллект. Рецидив имперского величия будет повторяться многократно, пока росейская федерация существует как единое государство. 7) Что США думают о руских политических диссидентах заброшенных ФСБ и формирующих у американского истеблишмента положительное отношение к русской культуре с целью сохранения империи в текущих границах после Путина? 8) Знают ли американцы и европейцы, что верноподданичество, шовинизм и ЛЮТАЯ нетерпимость к чужому успеху - вот главные особенности всех характеров, описанных в русских произведениях? Это основной нарратив, который руские экспортируют на Запад. Вот что писал руский поэт А.С. Пушкин своему сокурснику - "Я конечно презираю отечество мое с головы до ног но мне досадно если иностранец разделяет со мною это чувство". 9) Известно ли американцам что Соловьев, Киселев, Попов, Скобеева и Симоньян (главные ведущие в prime-time на центральных TV каналах россии последние 10-15 лет) не виноваты в расчеловечивании (дегуманизации) россиян? Каждый день в своих эфирах они угрожают американцам и европейцам, только потому что простые русские люди (80-84%) мечтают нанести по вам ядерный удар. Путин - это не просто президент, а скорее отражение русской ментальности. Путин - это вожак стада, с абсолютно криминальным сознанием. В своем подавляющем большинстве русские хотят только одного - крови и реванша за распад СССР. Русские не смогут смирится с вашим успехом никогда. 10) Понимают ли в США разницу между Геббельсом и ведущим аналитических программ Соловьевым, с которым его часто сравнивают? Если Геббельс действительно вдохновлял немецкое общество на тотальную войну, то в россии было все наоборот: простой русский народ вдохновил Путина на войну против цивилизации, не дав Владимир Владимировичу потратить награбленное. Бенефициарами проекта "специальная военная операция" являются простые руские люди
11) Понимают ли в США что войну можно остановить только развалив Россию на суверенные государства? Что плохого в 30-50 независимых государствах, которые были под оккупацией русских сотни лет??? Зачем нужно внешнее управление? Чтобы что? Русских воспитывали цари, воспитывали коммунисты, воспитывали демократы и нечего не воспитали. Вы хотите потратить еще триллионы долларов или евро налогоплатильщиков, чтобы усмирить бешенную собаку? Не проще ли и гуманнее будет ее усыпить? Я не знаю ни одного украинца убитого американцем или англичанином. Но я знаю тысячи украинцев, замученных и убитых рускими тварями, под эгидой руского мира. Не бурятского, не чеченского, не российского, а РУССКОГО. Именно руские гонят бурятов на смерть а не наоборот. 12) Почему США бояться, что утечет ядерное оружье? В РФ всего несколько баз хранения, их сложно проконтролировать? Продукты даже слабого распада оставляют радиационный след? Нет ничего опаснее чем оружье в руках русских имперцев ненавидящих весь мир. Что думают на счет денуклеаризации (denuclearization) российской федерации? Смогут ли помочь с утилизацией ядерных зарядов, у которых давно истёк срок годности? 13) США и Европа обеспокоены тем что не смогут справится с беженцами в случае гражданской войны в россии??? США и Европа рассматривают сценарий, при котором регионы, оккупированные рускими просто отделятся на основании признаков национального самоопределения? От куда утверждение что будет гражданская война? Возможно возникнет несколько небольших вялотекущих конфликтов из-за спорных территорий (Чечня-Дагестан и т.д.). Что они думают об этом... 14) США обеспокоены тем что распад РФ усложнит логистику сырья и повысит цены? Да, гнать за бесценок сырье больше никто не будет. Может дело и правда в том что Западу просто нужна одна помойка с централизованным управлением, которую выгодно доить? Верно ли предположение, что так как текущий владелец русской свинофермы выжил из ума, то США ищут нового претендента на трон, в среде так называемых "хороших русских", умело притворяющихся русской оппозицией? Все чем занимается "русская оппозиция" в Европе - это лоббированием интересов Кремля, внутри европейских политических партий
@@Arman-ch5vi Also his wife leaving him and paying her alimony to the tune of million a year, while not having any acting roles for a long time. This guy was really in a dark place. I'm glad he won. He deserved this.
@John Smith just because you have no empathy, emotional intelligence or general taste, doesn't not warrant your ignorance posted on a video about a beautiful moment.
@John Smith so you made an account 2 days ago, named yourself John Smith and since then made 20 troll comments across the video. How bored are you exactly?
So honest, so humble, so overwhelmed... I don't think I ever say one winner being so shocked and scared of his so deserved success. He's now a 12 of 10 on my sympathy scale!
@@ccefc_families297 Hello, I’ve seen quite a handful of your likes and comments on my post and I just wanna go out of my way to appreciate those people whose comments and good wishes encourages me!
Watch when Roberto Benigni wins his oscar for best actor in Life is beautiful,I can proudly say that he is the most enthusiastic and happiest guy in the oscar history.😂❤❤
I’m crying actual tears. I love this man. So well deserved. I grew up with him and was afraid we were never going to see him again. Then he comes back like this. His speech touched my heart so deeply. I’m so happy for him. Congratulations Brendan❤️
I don't know anyone in Hollywood more deserving. Acting aside. Just as a human being. I love Brendan Fraser so much. Such a kind & loving soul. What a comeback.
“Only whales can swim at the depths of the talent of Hong Chau” what an incredibly meaningful and heartfelt compliment, Brendan Fraser is astounding. This is well deserved. Congratulations on everything. ❤
@@blablablabla4245 it was a compliment to her stellar performance and that it was that of which could not be put into a word greater than magnificent, superlative or marvellous. He gave her the highest accolades possible in a statement.
That, folks, is what the ENTIRE Academy Awards show used to be like. Smiles, tears, words of praise, expressions of gratitude, reminders of brilliance from films that inspired, amazed, warmed hearts, and challenged us to be and to do our best.
Growing up and looking up to him as a kid this is the most emotional acceptance speech I’ve ever seen. He’s still the same Brandon we all loved and hearing his voice again on screen really is amazing. Such a well deserved win for a humble human being
This was a tough category with all phenomenal performances, but I believe Brendan put all his chips into this role and it outshined and touched us all. He deserves this comeback
Hollywood doesn't deserve Brendan. He is real, big hearted, humble, kind and a good human being. No wonder why he didn't survive in that world. Happy he won and it's redemption and vindication that those with beautiful spirits and hearts do triumph in this dark world. Love you, Brendan!!!!
Brendan Fraser and his movie roles were a massive part of my childhood. He’s one of the few people that I actually respect and wish the best for in this industry. He’s incredible.
Really? he was raped and all the people in that room turned their back on him. And he kissed all of their feet to get into that dark and evil industry again..
Exactly what I came here to say. Could not care less...didn't watch it...this just came up and I thought W O W, now there is some true, sincere gratitude.
Brendan Fraser definitely deserves that Oscar. His performance in The Whale proves that he's still a great actor. Congrats on the Oscar Brendan, you deserve it.
This one really got me. I ADORED this man when I was a child, and seeing what the industry did to him over the past few decades has been heartbreaking. I'm so happy that he's back and thriving.
@@cuzmcc When did Nicole Kidman disappear from acting? When she was younger, I couldn't stand her acting, but she redeemed herself with Cold Mountian and has proven to be a good actress since, but she never disappeared.
I grew up watching his movies. It breaks my heart to know that we can no longer see the same smile from the movies he was in. He experienced a lot of ups and downs in his career but he never forget to stay humble. This is why I love Brendan Fraser.
@@claudiocorleone7856 He got black-balled in the industry for a while. He also had quite a few other things happen in his life all in a short period of time which did a number on him generally. It's great to see he's back and making such a impact with his return to acting.
@@claudiocorleone7856 He got blackballed because he called out a Hollywood scumbag who SA’d him. Then his wife divorced him around the same time and made him pay thousands of dollars in alimony checks. Just brutal stuff
@@claudiocorleone7856 It’s a tough read with what happened to him. He was in a dark place for a long time. Look up what happened to him if you’d like but it’s sad and upsetting.
As an artist, this man is heroic in my eyes. All of that guff about how the Oscars are just fluff and none of it matters among the elite's elite, this guy persevered through so much scrutiny, criticism, and likely self-doubt, and ended up a champion in spite of all of it. This is one of those victories for the "dreamers of dreams" and I won't apologize for being ecstatic for him. You finally got your crown, king 🤘
6) В курсе ли американцы и граждане Европы что интеллект и предрасположенность к фашизму никак не связаны. У руских нет иммунитета к пропаганде, даже если есть высокий интеллект. Рецидив имперского величия будет повторяться многократно, пока росейская федерация существует как единое государство. 7) Что США думают о руских политических диссидентах заброшенных ФСБ и формирующих у американского истеблишмента положительное отношение к русской культуре с целью сохранения империи в текущих границах после Путина? 8) Знают ли американцы и европейцы, что верноподданичество, шовинизм и ЛЮТАЯ нетерпимость к чужому успеху - вот главные особенности всех характеров, описанных в русских произведениях? Это основной нарратив, который руские экспортируют на Запад. Вот что писал руский поэт А.С. Пушкин своему сокурснику - "Я конечно презираю отечество мое с головы до ног но мне досадно если иностранец разделяет со мною это чувство". 9) Известно ли американцам что Соловьев, Киселев, Попов, Скобеева и Симоньян (главные ведущие в prime-time на центральных TV каналах россии последние 10-15 лет) не виноваты в расчеловечивании (дегуманизации) россиян? Каждый день в своих эфирах они угрожают американцам и европейцам, только потому что простые русские люди (80-84%) мечтают нанести по вам ядерный удар. Путин - это не просто президент, а скорее отражение русской ментальности. Путин - это вожак стада, с абсолютно криминальным сознанием. В своем подавляющем большинстве русские хотят только одного - крови и реванша за распад СССР. Русские не смогут смирится с вашим успехом никогда. 10) Понимают ли в США разницу между Геббельсом и ведущим аналитических программ Соловьевым, с которым его часто сравнивают? Если Геббельс действительно вдохновлял немецкое общество на тотальную войну, то в россии было все наоборот: простой русский народ вдохновил Путина на войну против цивилизации, не дав Владимир Владимировичу потратить награбленное. Бенефициарами проекта "специальная военная операция" являются простые руские люди
This man deserves a film on himself! What a comeback it was! One of my favorite actors as a kid, left Hollywood because of the disrespect and humiliation he had to face, years later came back with a film not so big in budget, but what a banger. A comeback with an Oscar! Didn't forgot to mention Austin Butler. My Brother literally smacked that performance, I thought it's gonna be him, but either way. One is a rising talent, another is rusted gold polished again!
Bro, this is one of the most emotional speeches I’ve seen from an actor. You can just tell this meant more to him than anything else. Just the way he holds the Oscar and looks at it is just beautiful
Brendan was so lucky to be cast in a film by Darren Aronofsky. He always manages to bring out the best in his actors (like Natalie Portman in Black Swan, Mickey Rourke in The Wrestler or Ellen Burstyn in Requiem for a dream). Brendan Fraser is a great actor, but he needed someone like Aronofsky who believed in him. So I'm extremely grateful that Aronofsky wanted him for the role. And Brendan could finally show how great he really is.
... Okay lets not get ahead of ourselves here XD He is a good guy and I do love his personality and the movies he has been in. When all that is said and done, saying he is the one who has deserved an oscar the most in history is to me a bit of an overstatement :P Its a good comeback story I will agree there.
Geez…he’s absolutely petrified, and dry heaving, and seemingly in shock, and overwhelmed with the praise from his peers, as well as overcome with an emotional toll of finally reaching the picturesque summit of his at times rather topsy-turvy journey. I couldn’t be happier for someone who seems like a genuinely nice person.
I couldn't be happier for him. He made it about the role, he wasn't pretentious . So humble so sweet. He's a class act. Only bigger and better things from here!
Yes..this reward is his right. But now you are happy for him how do you feeling for other rewards? I m writing for all of you Its clear and obvious That night happend inequity and injustice They ignored and offended to Fablemans and tar. In directory . Act and writing What should Their cast and crews do ? Should we revive the legends of cinema like a ford . or hitchcock or kubrick so they admire and acclaim them that oscar was convicted . What ? If you say yes So do it or no Dont forget panning oscar Good luck
@John Smith I thought his acceptance speech was kind of cringe, I didn't expect him to speak like that idk. I know he's been on a mad journey but still
As an 80's baby and a 90's kid this was by far my favourite Oscars. 2 people I loved and entertained me throughout my childhood years both winning their categories for acting after years of being dismissed. Congratulations Ke and Brendan
I cant think of anyone more deserving. His performance in The Whale was nothing short of incredible. He left everyone in my theatre balling their eyes when the movie ended. ❤
The emotion in his face when his win is announced, it shows just how much this award means to him. I can't tell if it's relief or sheer joy, but I cannot think of a more deserving actor for this award. Also, the image of him hugging his sons is such a joyful image, I love it.
I havent seen the film, but something is telling me this is more of a "welcome back" than a "you were the best actor of the year". Or was he really that good in the film? He's a very fond childhood memory and I want all the best for him, but after Leo won best actor for that Bear film, I dont really trust it anymore.
An actual reaction and a heartfelt speech. I know its cool to be emotionless and say a few words and get the oscar but this speech with so much emotions just hits different!
Brendan deserves this and so much more. He was already cheated and disappointed by the industry when he was younger and it’s so refreshing to see him make such a comeback ! And win!!!
The Brennaisance has arrived, and we're all here for it. He deserves every bit of this recognition - he is one of the most humble, genuine people in the industry. Even after he was abused and blacklisted for speaking up, he can forgive and find joy in the journey. Every time I see him in the media, and his sincere overwhelm by the magnitude of it all and his gratitude pours over, my heart swells a little. I am disillusioned with all of Hollywood, but this guy has risen above it all.
Disagree here... hiang s. Ngor survived everyone he knew getting murdered in concentration camps then he won an Oscar in the movie the killing fields about the same genocide. It was his acting debut.
What About With ? Jean-Paul Belmondo, Alain Delon, Christopher Plummer, Christopher Lee, Steve McQueen, John Malkovich, Ian McKellen, Bill Murray, Ralph Fiennes, Johnny Depp, Samuel L. Jackson, Morgan Freeman.... And so on.....
Greatest comeback in history. Brendan left such a big impression for me since I first saw him in the original mummy movie, I’m so happy that he finally received the recognition he deserved!!! We love you, Brendan ❤️
@@glowimagery634 Gee you went ahead and asked each one of them what they felt like ? At least Brendan is a non-fake hollywood celebrity I would take his awkwardness any day
This man had a huge influence on me growing up with the Mummy series. It feels so good to be living in this version of the multiverse, where Brendan wins a best actor Oscar after a long hiatus from mainstream work. Love and prayers to you Brendan, you deserve all of this!
I'm so happy for him, he deserved it ! I can't stop watching videos relating to his success. Last year, my husband and I watched "The mummy" several times and once I saw a video, in French, made by a fan who wondered why Brendan Fraser, his favourite actor, disappeared from the cinema industry... Like many movie lovers, I did not expect to testimony his come back and what a come back ! He is a very talented actor and one of the best human beings and we wish all the best for him, as he said he's going "to find a job" thanks to the oscar. Huge congratulations from Switzerland.
Brendan Fraser has made one of the greatest comeback ever. Hollywood shunned him and for a moment he's nowhere to be seen. Today I'm extremely happy for him. Congrats 👏
yes but sometimes the parent can be cruel to the kid such as Fritzl who rape his daughter for 24 years in the basement before she was release, I don’t think it will appropriate for Fritzl to thank his daughter if Fritzl win best actor, however it is still youre opinion so i respect that
I am SO proud of him right now, I feel like my best pal won the Oscar ! His reaction compared to other nominated is everything, he deserves it most than anyone else. His sensitivy melts my heart.
The nominees this year have proven to be very down to earth people. Happy for all and for Fraser. I don't know if any of Butler and Fraser were more deserving than the other, I would be happy with both. Although there's no doubt The Academy took the edge with Fraser to compensate his career, what is more apparent after seeing Curtis and Yeoh win... At least Fraser deserves it.
"Proof of the multi-verse!" Even after hearing about the outpouring of support he's received from fans online, you can still see that he still doesn't necessarily put himself among the ranks of the people he was up against. Brendan, you're right. You're not in their ranks because you're so far above them it's not even close. You are such a humble human being and a national treasure. You deserve all the love and success that you've received recently and then some. I really hope this is just the kick-start of what is to come.
I'm so happy that Branden Fraser is back at it again, a man that has defined my childhood since I was born in 1997, I'm so thankful for making my childhood so much fun with great movies like Bedazzled, The Mummy franchise, George of the Jungle and so much more. Really well deserved, I really hope he continues to make great movies and get more and more awards and recognition. He truly deserves it, we love you Branden Fraser 🎉🎉
Listen to his speech without watching the video. You can FEEL every facial expression he makes. You know, without a shadow of a doubt, how genuine and honest Brendan is with his speech. He's so deserving of this honor, and I am incredibly happy for him.
Grew up watching him man. The Mummy trilogy, School Ties. This is immaculate to see such a recognizable face win an Oscar finally. He had it good and he had it tumultuous. He almost disappeared and now he's trending in the news as if it was 1999 again. Truly one of the centuries finest comebacks. Bravo Brendan!!
The raw humility and innocence of that man cannot be understated. Truly deserving for the whale and the best comeback story I’ve seen in years. He’s back where he belongs.
This brought tears in my eyes. He's first actor I used to be huge fan in my childhood. I've watched the mummy 100 of times and I still watch it. He was always criticised for his acting and jumbo movies but he finally proved himself. This award was so satisfying after all those years of suffering. Thank you Brandon you deserve it
Yes. That movie was so strong and his part was complex and vulnerable. And still the same sweetheart he always has been even after he got blacklisted. How does he stay so dear? He's just amazing as a person and performer.
Finally getting the recognition he deserves. He was outed and humiliated, then they gave all his roles to other actors. Glad to see him rebound after such a hard time. That's true success
@@h3arty As I understand it, a producer sexually harassed him and he reported it. But that was in the days when Hollywood's go to play was to hush up such things and for daring to try and shine a light on it, Fraser was blacklisted. He was shunned, roles he was previously up for were withdrawn and numerous doors were closed to him for daring to rock the boat. When you combine that with the psychological stress and the physical injuries he'd accumulated from years of filming stunts and action scenes, he just couldn't take it and stepped away from Hollywood.
I've seen him win other awards and he always seems to be truly grateful. It really seems like he can't believe this is all happening to him, and his career has had this remarkable comeback. He comes across as a really nice, down to earth guy. I'm glad he's getting this well-deserved recognition.
Man disappears from the film industry for almost a full decade, comes back for one movie and wins an Oscar from it. What a legend
He was better in the Mummy.
@@redmanlaw0002 not only the mummy...i have all his movies...i love his character
Wonder what he sold to get back in.
He left not by choice, he was blacklisted by Hollywood for opening up against the truths of sexual abuse to him and other actors/actresses.
After Harvey was arrested for just that amd all this came to light, he was welcomed back with open arms. This man is an absolute treasure!!!
@@larrygill2223 so you think big bad Harvey is gone all I good in Hollywood? Lol
The only actor I ever cared if they actually won. This man is a living legend
I can name a few others, but this man definitely deserved it! Such humility.
Legend? 🤔 you people are too emotional
One of a few for me, well said👍
What does an oscar mean though?
Legend? That is a bit of a stretch.
He spoke up against abuse and he was blacklisted. He deserves this comeback and he deserves this oscar
What abuse? What did he say
Suki come on back = comeback
@@Suki-xu9xs search on Google or TH-cam, he said he was abused 20 years ago
He was not blacklisted his countless injuries put him on the shelf and that led to depression, his own words!!!!
@@prestige515 Sure but speaking negative about the head of the Hollywood press didn't do him any favors either. But good for him for calling out Hollywood's weird sexual harassment culture.
He was one of my childhood heroes due to the Mummy movies, what a redemption it has been for him. Kudos.
@Brendan Fraser if you are a troll shame on you ..if not i love you.....🤷🤷🤷
yes i want see the mummy return
@@dimitrakapa4887 it is probably a troll because check the spelling
Same, dude. Same
The only actor who made us feel like we all won. All our prayers .
Very well said. Brendan Fraser is a legend.
Same with Leonardo
Him and Michelle Yeoh
This is the first Oscar’s where I think EVERYONE deserved it. Ke, Michelle, Jamie as well.
Well said.
I feel so happy for him. After almost disappearing completely from movies, this is indeed a comeback for the generations.
Just incredible comeback.
The Greatest comeback in history!
@@shamusteakiawa it is not. Something is just over if it is just over and this is not
@@folkerseebacher8935 I mean look at him. He looks far different from his mummy days. I kinda feel his movie career will head down the same path as Steven Seagal and Nicholas Cage, lol.
@@shamusteakiawa ummm, that was mean and not necessary.
It was refreshing to hear an old-school acceptance speech.
What a good and humble man.
No politics, no cringe or drama. No awkward jokes. Pure emotion and gratitude as it should be.
@@alexsilva28 "so this is what the multiverse looks like"
Sure thing pal. By the way Brandon Frazier is only one of the most popular faces of the problems that Hollywood is trying to correct… Making his win absolutely 100% political
@@owexsolo Oh shut that cakehole.
that's how we do it canada lol
Its been a long while, I thought he would never win anything post the mummy but here we are...gg Brendan
I adored this man during my childhood…so glad hes doing well now
@Brendan Fraser bro are u for real
@Brendan Fraser
Me, after the mummy. Thanks for your contribution to the cinema.
@@rdt777 imposter and pervert 😆😂
@Brendan Fraser are you for Real?? 😒😳😳
So humble . Took no credit. Gave everyone else the credit. That’s why we love Fraser.
They all do that dummy
Encino Man won an Oscar.... My God.... The multiverse is real
That's one thing I love about Fraser. Any time he's asked a question about himself or is supposed to talk about himself, he always, without fail, will sing the praises of everyone around him before even mentioning himself.
He didn't give us the fans an acknowledgement... Lol
@@tzchilestmemo I'm sure i heard him mention your name
Enough to make a grown man cry
watching how he fall for so many years and then came back little by little ........ emotional damage
@@Bronxsahh you've just made that up in your own mind!
And that’s ok!
I did. I'm so happy to see this comeback.
We won an Oscar 😪
What a comeback story, and what a wholesome man. No moral lecturing, no arrogance, no drama. Fraser is the man.
Everyone loves a good comeback story, right?
@Osw719her comeback felt plastic
@@nohtso own that bozo👏🏽💯
@@nohtso 💀💀💀
@Oswaldo Zuniga parks and recs refference 🤣🤣🤣
That rare thing… a genuine speech by a genuine man at the Oscars. A man that doesn’t realise just how exceptionally talented he is and is as humble as the man next door.
Incredible Brendan 👏
it was a little cringe, he also seems off
I could not have cared less about the Oscars, but when hearing about Brendan's win this morning, I was very happy for such a humble man.
Me too, the only reason I'm watching this video.
Me too.
Same. Haven't watched any of these films. But I'm just happy to see a kind and humble star for once win. He deserves it.
It's so rare that you feel like an award has gone to someone not just deserving for the work but deserving as a good human being who really deserves recognition and support.
I hope johnny depp gets the same reccognition in his lifetime too. Another pure soul and talent that has been treated terrible by the industry and hus last partner
@@MichelleDelamatter I hope the Depp case really sheds light on how females can be abusers as well. It's insane the lengths Depp had to go to to clear his name of defamation when there is recorded evidence of Heard's abuse.
@@MichelleDelamatter He's definitely not pure 😂. Great actor and possibly a good person, but definitely not pure
That's a little harsh to say rare, I think most Oscar winners are incredibly gracious and deserving.
@@JACpotatos explain
I think it is so wonderful that he won the Oscar.
Totally agree. I think Butler did great but Brendan Fraser deserves this win more.
@@jonfreeman9682 Yep, they both did great but this performance had everything--a dream role for him and so happy for him. Austin's on his way to many Oscar worthy performances as he is young and talented.
@@OpheliaDarkling but this was his moment. He was robbed
Totally disagree 👎
@@lexkanyima2195The Elvis movie sucked.
This man here is a live example of how one can make comeback even in the darkest nights!!!
One of my favorite 2000s video games, Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation, put it this way:
“Even after the darkest nights, morning still comes.”
The sad thing is, the very industry he dedicated his life to, were the very ones who turned their backs on him (along with his ex-wife). I never stopped being a fan and actually teared up when he won. His speech was epic, truly epic.
The man just got up there and said a heartfelt thank you. No fluff no nothing but vulnerability and honesty just like his winning performance. One of the best speeches. Well deserved 👏
6) В курсе ли американцы и граждане Европы что интеллект и предрасположенность к фашизму никак не связаны. У руских нет иммунитета к пропаганде, даже если есть высокий интеллект. Рецидив имперского величия будет повторяться многократно, пока росейская федерация существует как единое государство.
7) Что США думают о руских политических диссидентах заброшенных ФСБ и формирующих у американского истеблишмента положительное отношение к русской культуре с целью сохранения империи в текущих границах после Путина?
8) Знают ли американцы и европейцы, что верноподданичество, шовинизм и ЛЮТАЯ нетерпимость к чужому успеху - вот главные особенности всех характеров, описанных в русских произведениях? Это основной нарратив, который руские экспортируют на Запад. Вот что писал руский поэт А.С. Пушкин своему сокурснику - "Я конечно презираю отечество мое с головы до ног но мне досадно если иностранец разделяет со мною это чувство".
9) Известно ли американцам что Соловьев, Киселев, Попов, Скобеева и Симоньян (главные ведущие в prime-time на центральных TV каналах россии последние 10-15 лет) не виноваты в расчеловечивании (дегуманизации) россиян? Каждый день в своих эфирах они угрожают американцам и европейцам, только потому что простые русские люди (80-84%) мечтают нанести по вам ядерный удар. Путин - это не просто президент, а скорее отражение русской ментальности. Путин - это вожак стада, с абсолютно криминальным сознанием. В своем подавляющем большинстве русские хотят только одного - крови и реванша за распад СССР. Русские не смогут смирится с вашим успехом никогда.
10) Понимают ли в США разницу между Геббельсом и ведущим аналитических программ Соловьевым, с которым его часто сравнивают? Если Геббельс действительно вдохновлял немецкое общество на тотальную войну, то в россии было все наоборот: простой русский народ вдохновил Путина на войну против цивилизации, не дав Владимир Владимировичу потратить награбленное. Бенефициарами проекта "специальная военная операция" являются простые руские люди
@@alexmikh828 Why are you writing in Russian to an English speaker about politics that have nothing to do with his comment?!
Most importantly No 'be vegan, don't kill animals' speech and 'this is for the alphabet gang' speech
@@munehboi Instead it was an “Ogres are like onions” speech
@@munehboi those are good speeches
I've never been so happy for any actor to win this award. I haven't cared about the Oscar's in a decade. But I know this matters to a good man, and that good man won out for once. Kindness and integrity won out for once. Kudos Brendan and Darren and all!
You are not the only one.
My exact thoughts
Well put and agreed 💯
SAME !!!!
Give him one for Airheads too!
It's not often you see your childhood hero fall and the rise to then top again like a phoenix. But this, this brought me to tears. I am so grateful I live in this timeline where Brendan has done just that.
You cried ….?
@@exterminator_1986 you trolled?
He never fell
@@jonpendragon2066 They pushed him and he got back up - always being true to himself.
I thought we'll never see Brendan Fraser again but he didn't disappoint us and won best award for himself in the world.
A big big big moment in the history of Oscars...Huge Respect 💞 Loss of mother at a critical phase of life, fall of a successful career, painful divorce, depression, health issues, allegations and assaults...He lost everything... 💔 But look at him, he came back to reclaim what he truly deserves...Such a happy day for those who never give up❤️
This video made me cry
You can scrap son with autism from the list. I agree that it's amazing that he's here now, but don't list a son with autism along these hardships. It may not always be easy, but it is not a hardship.
He literally thanks his sons at 2:30
One of these things is not like the others.
What’s so bad about having a son with autism?? 🤨
I never cared about the Oscars but I'm actually really happy to know that Brendan Fraser won. What a come back! After the turns in his life and his career. Wow. This award is so well deserved. He is extremely talented and he puts his heart into his performances, a credit to the art!
There was no actual turn in his career, more like he got molested, then tried to complain publicly, gets blacklisted, and with internet help his story got publicity, and only DECADES later unblacklist him smdh. Those degenerates will pay for their sins, brendan never needed an award, he will always be the legend from the mummy
6) В курсе ли американцы и граждане Европы что интеллект и предрасположенность к фашизму никак не связаны. У руских нет иммунитета к пропаганде, даже если есть высокий интеллект. Рецидив имперского величия будет повторяться многократно, пока росейская федерация существует как единое государство.
7) Что США думают о руских политических диссидентах заброшенных ФСБ и формирующих у американского истеблишмента положительное отношение к русской культуре с целью сохранения империи в текущих границах после Путина?
8) Знают ли американцы и европейцы, что верноподданичество, шовинизм и ЛЮТАЯ нетерпимость к чужому успеху - вот главные особенности всех характеров, описанных в русских произведениях? Это основной нарратив, который руские экспортируют на Запад. Вот что писал руский поэт А.С. Пушкин своему сокурснику - "Я конечно презираю отечество мое с головы до ног но мне досадно если иностранец разделяет со мною это чувство".
9) Известно ли американцам что Соловьев, Киселев, Попов, Скобеева и Симоньян (главные ведущие в prime-time на центральных TV каналах россии последние 10-15 лет) не виноваты в расчеловечивании (дегуманизации) россиян? Каждый день в своих эфирах они угрожают американцам и европейцам, только потому что простые русские люди (80-84%) мечтают нанести по вам ядерный удар. Путин - это не просто президент, а скорее отражение русской ментальности. Путин - это вожак стада, с абсолютно криминальным сознанием. В своем подавляющем большинстве русские хотят только одного - крови и реванша за распад СССР. Русские не смогут смирится с вашим успехом никогда.
10) Понимают ли в США разницу между Геббельсом и ведущим аналитических программ Соловьевым, с которым его часто сравнивают? Если Геббельс действительно вдохновлял немецкое общество на тотальную войну, то в россии было все наоборот: простой русский народ вдохновил Путина на войну против цивилизации, не дав Владимир Владимировичу потратить награбленное. Бенефициарами проекта "специальная военная операция" являются простые руские люди
11) Понимают ли в США что войну можно остановить только развалив Россию на суверенные государства? Что плохого в 30-50 независимых государствах, которые были под оккупацией русских сотни лет??? Зачем нужно внешнее управление? Чтобы что? Русских воспитывали цари, воспитывали коммунисты, воспитывали демократы и нечего не воспитали. Вы хотите потратить еще триллионы долларов или евро налогоплатильщиков, чтобы усмирить бешенную собаку? Не проще ли и гуманнее будет ее усыпить? Я не знаю ни одного украинца убитого американцем или англичанином. Но я знаю тысячи украинцев, замученных и убитых рускими тварями, под эгидой руского мира. Не бурятского, не чеченского, не российского, а РУССКОГО. Именно руские гонят бурятов на смерть а не наоборот.
12) Почему США бояться, что утечет ядерное оружье? В РФ всего несколько баз хранения, их сложно проконтролировать? Продукты даже слабого распада оставляют радиационный след? Нет ничего опаснее чем оружье в руках русских имперцев ненавидящих весь мир. Что думают на счет денуклеаризации (denuclearization) российской федерации? Смогут ли помочь с утилизацией ядерных зарядов, у которых давно истёк срок годности?
13) США и Европа обеспокоены тем что не смогут справится с беженцами в случае гражданской войны в россии??? США и Европа рассматривают сценарий, при котором регионы, оккупированные рускими просто отделятся на основании признаков национального самоопределения? От куда утверждение что будет гражданская война? Возможно возникнет несколько небольших вялотекущих конфликтов из-за спорных территорий (Чечня-Дагестан и т.д.). Что они думают об этом...
14) США обеспокоены тем что распад РФ усложнит логистику сырья и повысит цены? Да, гнать за бесценок сырье больше никто не будет. Может дело и правда в том что Западу просто нужна одна помойка с централизованным управлением, которую выгодно доить? Верно ли предположение, что так как текущий владелец русской свинофермы выжил из ума, то США ищут нового претендента на трон, в среде так называемых "хороших русских", умело притворяющихся русской оппозицией? Все чем занимается "русская оппозиция" в Европе - это лоббированием интересов Кремля, внутри европейских политических партий
@@Arman-ch5vi Also his wife leaving him and paying her alimony to the tune of million a year, while not having any acting roles for a long time. This guy was really in a dark place. I'm glad he won. He deserved this.
Couldn't have said it better. Love that guy.
He already won our heart since he's back.
Now he won an Oscar, and when he was trying holding his tears, that was a really emotional moment.
@John Smith just because you have no empathy, emotional intelligence or general taste, doesn't not warrant your ignorance posted on a video about a beautiful moment.
@@user-wp9mb5yq5e couldn’t have said it better. given how he has NO idea who brendan fraser is, he’s definitely way too young to understand.
@@johnsmith-qv9hv dont comment again. got it
@John Smith He's also in the upcoming Killers of the Flower Moon by Martin Scorsese
@John Smith so you made an account 2 days ago, named yourself John Smith and since then made 20 troll comments across the video. How bored are you exactly?
It really hits you in the feels when you see someone show how much something means to them.
Every 90s kid out there remembers that this guy was our childhood now he's a Oscar winner! How amazing!
yes austin butler ke huy quan and golden men Brendan fraiser made their comeback wow gongratulation guys you deserve this success
the only thing i remember from him in the 90s is george of the jungle
King of the jungle 💪
"This is what the multiverse looks like" broke my heart
Poor guy didn't think he'd ever be here
We're so proud of you Brendan ❤️
Hearing him mention the multiverse, I imagine myself say: "In the Multiverse, everything is possible. Including dreams come true."
It’s what the Multiverse should look like. Marvel sucks now. Brendan Fraser is the OG of everyone’s childhood.
@@theodorecarter6601 My son is 7 and Brendan's movies are his favorite thus far. Until VR movies are a thing, Brendan's movies will live forever.
Ironically, in this universe in which he won best actor, he looks nothing like a major movie star.
@@mikewhocheeseharry5292 It's nice to see a star for once that looks normal and hasn't had a metric tonne of plastic surgery, though.
So honest, so humble, so overwhelmed... I don't think I ever say one winner being so shocked and scared of his so deserved success. He's now a 12 of 10 on my sympathy scale!
Very very very happy for him!
Hello, I’ve seen quite a handful of your likes and comments on my post and I just wanna go out of my way to appreciate those people whose comments and good wishes encourages me!
Watch when Roberto Benigni wins his oscar for best actor in Life is beautiful,I can proudly say that he is the most enthusiastic and happiest guy in the oscar history.😂❤❤
I agree ❤
You can't fake that sort of insecurity or scale of emotion. Unless you're as once-in-a-lifetime actor. Either way, he is.
I’m crying actual tears. I love this man. So well deserved. I grew up with him and was afraid we were never going to see him again. Then he comes back like this. His speech touched my heart so deeply. I’m so happy for him. Congratulations Brendan❤️
I’m so happy for him. He was invisible in the film industry for some time. Now he’s bigger than ever. He deserves it all.
He is not bigger, that is irrelevant. He is acknowledged, that is what matters.
But whales are big
unintended joke lmao
Nah you didn’t just ..
He was ripped apart.
I don't know anyone in Hollywood more deserving. Acting aside. Just as a human being. I love Brendan Fraser so much. Such a kind & loving soul. What a comeback.
Thank you, anne frank
Joaquin Phoenix
Acting aside as if it wasnt the whole purpose of the best actor award 💀
@@ney5980 I was about to comment something along these EXACT lines lol
You don’t him. Not saying he’s a bad person, but don’t really know him at all.
“Only whales can swim at the depths of the talent of Hong Chau” what an incredibly meaningful and heartfelt compliment, Brendan Fraser is astounding. This is well deserved. Congratulations on everything. ❤
What it mean tho ?
@@blablablabla4245 than Hong Chau is so "deeply" talented only a whale can dive that far down
@@blablablabla4245 it was a compliment to her stellar performance and that it was that of which could not be put into a word greater than magnificent, superlative or marvellous. He gave her the highest accolades possible in a statement.
@@blablablabla4245 It means she should swim to the bottom of the ocean and stay there, and maybe she should lay off of the krill
she had to win the best coadjuvant actress
I was crying before he spoke. Such a wonderful and talented man. The most well deserved award in years! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻❤️
Hello Fiona... thanks for your support
That, folks, is what the ENTIRE Academy Awards show used to be like. Smiles, tears, words of praise, expressions of gratitude, reminders of brilliance from films that inspired, amazed, warmed hearts, and challenged us to be and to do our best.
Well said!
Yep I remember how one destroyed it (and self-destruct too) last year. Goodness.
Still is
@@CapizFlier bro the oscars were definitely a disaster before last year 💀
@@CapizFlier who?
Growing up and looking up to him as a kid this is the most emotional acceptance speech I’ve ever seen. He’s still the same Brandon we all loved and hearing his voice again on screen really is amazing. Such a well deserved win for a humble human being
His name is Brendan. Did 214 people thumbs this up and not realize he just called him Brandon?
@@mrwednesdaythursday some things are beyond words.
Great job butchering his name.
There’s no stopping him anymore. He will shine like the shooting star he is! Congratulations to the man that made most of our childhood!
He can't breathe!
I remember him in Looney Tunes Back in Action! I enjoyed him as a kid, he was the perfect actor for us, bold but humble.
@@apostolodipadova2420that one is my favorite movie with him
This was a tough category with all phenomenal performances, but I believe Brendan put all his chips into this role and it outshined and touched us all. He deserves this comeback
Hollywood doesn't deserve Brendan. He is real, big hearted, humble, kind and a good human being. No wonder why he didn't survive in that world. Happy he won and it's redemption and vindication that those with beautiful spirits and hearts do triumph in this dark world. Love you, Brendan!!!!
Yeah. He’s better than this stupid Oscar.
They don't deserve him. BUT they DO need him.
The sad thing is he was blacklisted for speaking out against sexual abuse he recieved while in hollywood
@@thrash208 Which is why he didn't attend the Golden Globes. It was a member of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association who committed said abuse.
"There are no depths that cannot be swum, no heights that cannot be conquered." Thanks Brendon for reminding everyone that you can restart your life.
You can swim to the bottom of the Mariana trench? Good for you.
THIS. And it's always the right time! It's never too late!!
@@KaiserBlade didn't that cameron guy do it.
Bless him, he's practically hyperventilating in shock. He so deserves his award, more than most of the people who get one do!
Brendan Fraser and his movie roles were a massive part of my childhood. He’s one of the few people that I actually respect and wish the best for in this industry. He’s incredible.
This speech is so touching. You can feel that he's not only a great actor, but also simply a good human. He truly did deserve this Oscar❤️
Really? he was raped and all the people in that room turned their back on him. And he kissed all of their feet to get into that dark and evil industry again..
Dyane Johnson will not achieve it ever
If someone make a biopic of him.. That film will also get an Oscar for sure...
@Brendan Fraser scam artist.
yes indeed. 💕
I generally don't give af about awards shows, but this is so moving and well deserved. Just awesome.
Exactly what I came here to say. Could not care less...didn't watch it...this just came up and I thought W O W, now there is some true, sincere gratitude.
Best acceptance speech EVER! Straight from this man’s heart.
Havent seen McConaugheys i take it?
Satanic Hollywood, celebrates anti Christian movie, and rewards υςεfυl ιdιοτ actors who bend the knee. Wow, how brave and exciting.
No. The best speech ever is from Joaquin Phoenix.
no. but he deserved this one.
@@conejos-blancos 🤡🗑️
You can see how overwhelmed he is by this win. Well done, Brendan! You've truly earned this Oscar. ❤❤❤
Brendan Fraser definitely deserves that Oscar. His performance in The Whale proves that he's still a great actor. Congrats on the Oscar Brendan, you deserve it.
This one really got me. I ADORED this man when I was a child, and seeing what the industry did to him over the past few decades has been heartbreaking. I'm so happy that he's back and thriving.
Man just made the greatest comeback of all time .. name me one who disappeared for a long time and then come back and snatch the award of a lifetime ?
Well said!! I was a bit emotional
same airheads was my go to
@@lazybum9732 countless people dude alot of actors fall away then they get the role of a life time Nicole Kidman is one
@@cuzmcc When did Nicole Kidman disappear from acting? When she was younger, I couldn't stand her acting, but she redeemed herself with Cold Mountian and has proven to be a good actress since, but she never disappeared.
I grew up watching his movies. It breaks my heart to know that we can no longer see the same smile from the movies he was in. He experienced a lot of ups and downs in his career but he never forget to stay humble. This is why I love Brendan Fraser.
Why did Hollywood give up on him? This is why Hollywood has gone down the drain last 10 years. Too woke. Glade to see Brendan win well deserved.
@@claudiocorleone7856 He got black-balled in the industry for a while. He also had quite a few other things happen in his life all in a short period of time which did a number on him generally. It's great to see he's back and making such a impact with his return to acting.
He got blackballed because he called out a Hollywood scumbag who SA’d him. Then his wife divorced him around the same time and made him pay thousands of dollars in alimony checks. Just brutal stuff
It’s a tough read with what happened to him. He was in a dark place for a long time.
Look up what happened to him if you’d like but it’s sad and upsetting.
@@johnsmith-qv9hvike your room? go clean it up BOY
Giving heartfelt credit to others = mensch. Beautiful.
As an artist, this man is heroic in my eyes. All of that guff about how the Oscars are just fluff and none of it matters among the elite's elite, this guy persevered through so much scrutiny, criticism, and likely self-doubt, and ended up a champion in spite of all of it. This is one of those victories for the "dreamers of dreams" and I won't apologize for being ecstatic for him. You finally got your crown, king 🤘
The fact that him and also Short Round both had similar victories is awesome
snapjackal: meh. The only people who think the Oscars don't matter are the internet fanboys upset because their favorite bro-movie did not win.
My boy Brendan! One of the ambassadors of my childhood! So deserved! I am beyond happy, I cried tears of joy to see him get his acknowledgement!
6) В курсе ли американцы и граждане Европы что интеллект и предрасположенность к фашизму никак не связаны. У руских нет иммунитета к пропаганде, даже если есть высокий интеллект. Рецидив имперского величия будет повторяться многократно, пока росейская федерация существует как единое государство.
7) Что США думают о руских политических диссидентах заброшенных ФСБ и формирующих у американского истеблишмента положительное отношение к русской культуре с целью сохранения империи в текущих границах после Путина?
8) Знают ли американцы и европейцы, что верноподданичество, шовинизм и ЛЮТАЯ нетерпимость к чужому успеху - вот главные особенности всех характеров, описанных в русских произведениях? Это основной нарратив, который руские экспортируют на Запад. Вот что писал руский поэт А.С. Пушкин своему сокурснику - "Я конечно презираю отечество мое с головы до ног но мне досадно если иностранец разделяет со мною это чувство".
9) Известно ли американцам что Соловьев, Киселев, Попов, Скобеева и Симоньян (главные ведущие в prime-time на центральных TV каналах россии последние 10-15 лет) не виноваты в расчеловечивании (дегуманизации) россиян? Каждый день в своих эфирах они угрожают американцам и европейцам, только потому что простые русские люди (80-84%) мечтают нанести по вам ядерный удар. Путин - это не просто президент, а скорее отражение русской ментальности. Путин - это вожак стада, с абсолютно криминальным сознанием. В своем подавляющем большинстве русские хотят только одного - крови и реванша за распад СССР. Русские не смогут смирится с вашим успехом никогда.
10) Понимают ли в США разницу между Геббельсом и ведущим аналитических программ Соловьевым, с которым его часто сравнивают? Если Геббельс действительно вдохновлял немецкое общество на тотальную войну, то в россии было все наоборот: простой русский народ вдохновил Путина на войну против цивилизации, не дав Владимир Владимировичу потратить награбленное. Бенефициарами проекта "специальная военная операция" являются простые руские люди
How do you know Brendan?
Bro.... Encino Man won an Oscar.... My God.... The multiverse is real
@@Itsthecreative What is that supposed to mean?
This man deserves a film on himself! What a comeback it was! One of my favorite actors as a kid, left Hollywood because of the disrespect and humiliation he had to face, years later came back with a film not so big in budget, but what a banger. A comeback with an Oscar! Didn't forgot to mention Austin Butler. My Brother literally smacked that performance, I thought it's gonna be him, but either way. One is a rising talent, another is rusted gold polished again!
Gold doesn't rust but I get what you're saying and I agree.
@@31webseries Somehow I feel that because gold doesn't rust, that just makes the point even better.
@@semaj_5022 right?
Butler is young and has a long career ahead of him. It just wasn't his time, it was Brandon's. What a great guy he is and so deserving.
@@31webseries that's the thing! Gold never rusts! He never rusted! Idk what I thought writing that, but it felt good!
Bro, this is one of the most emotional speeches I’ve seen from an actor. You can just tell this meant more to him than anything else. Just the way he holds the Oscar and looks at it is just beautiful
More than his marriage, more than his self-respect, more than his scruples, more than his conscience.
Brendan was so lucky to be cast in a film by Darren Aronofsky. He always manages to bring out the best in his actors (like Natalie Portman in Black Swan, Mickey Rourke in The Wrestler or Ellen Burstyn in Requiem for a dream). Brendan Fraser is a great actor, but he needed someone like Aronofsky who believed in him. So I'm extremely grateful that Aronofsky wanted him for the role. And Brendan could finally show how great he really is.
Ellen should have won instead of Julia. One of the biggest injustices by the Academy ever.
And Russell Crowe in Noah.😂😜
The comeback he deserved, the respect he deserved. Soo happy for Brendan ❤
but not many said why he needs to come back...
@@danieljeremias5298 or how the come got there in the first place..
really been a big fan of him from his many roles back 2010s and below
Quite possibly the most deserved Oscar in film history. Way to go, Brendan!!!!!! ❤
Totally agree 👍💯
I so agree with this! It s well-deserved!
... Okay lets not get ahead of ourselves here XD He is a good guy and I do love his personality and the movies he has been in. When all that is said and done, saying he is the one who has deserved an oscar the most in history is to me a bit of an overstatement :P Its a good comeback story I will agree there.
@@warlorddk2070 always has to be that guy 🙄
Omg I actually cried for this man’s success. I’m so happy for him! 🤧❤️🔥✨🎉
I’m so happy for this dude. What a comeback. He made an incredible movie and deserves the Oscar
2nd chances exist 💪!
He deserved that 100%, his comeback was truly deserved and it makes me happy to see people celebrating him.
Bought and paid for retartd
Geez…he’s absolutely petrified, and dry heaving, and seemingly in shock, and overwhelmed with the praise from his peers, as well as overcome with an emotional toll of finally reaching the picturesque summit of his at times rather topsy-turvy journey. I couldn’t be happier for someone who seems like a genuinely nice person.
They aren't his peers, less than a handful of the people in that entire building has the acting chops Brendan does
@@victorkreig6089 Brendan had few serious roles, so he's good but not the greatest. Quite a few people there are not only his peers but surpass him
@@sharknado623 Brendans films were always lighthearted but the endings always got me. He’s master at pouring it on at the wrap up
I saw the movie twice & cried both times, Thank you, Brendon Fraser.
I couldn't be happier for him. He made it about the role, he wasn't pretentious . So humble so sweet. He's a class act. Only bigger and better things from here!
it was cgi
Yes..this reward is his right.
But now you are happy for him how do you feeling for other rewards?
I m writing for all of you
Its clear and obvious
That night happend inequity and injustice
They ignored and offended to
Fablemans and tar.
In directory . Act and writing
What should Their cast and crews do ?
Should we revive the legends of cinema like a ford . or hitchcock or kubrick so they admire and acclaim them that oscar was convicted .
What ? If you say yes
So do it
or no
Dont forget panning oscar
Good luck
@John Smith right👍
@John Smith I thought his acceptance speech was kind of cringe, I didn't expect him to speak like that idk. I know he's been on a mad journey but still
He suffered so much, from the death of his mother to the sexual harassment he faced. Great to see him back and winning this award.
@Joseph Ocasio. He also was financially devastated after divorce and had to start all over again.
Also the back injury sustain during the making of one of The Mummy films practically crippled him
and his horrible, disgusting ex wife
Nobody deserved it more. What a humble, selfless man. Love you Brendan!
@@BullshitMan4 shut up
@@BullshitMan4 because
@John Smith Wow, you are literally just on TH-cam to waste time. Good on you kid.
@John Smith No need. You don’t do or say anything productive, boy. Couldn’t help but notice.
His performance in Whale was hands down something different. I wish him all the best after all the stuff he went through
As an 80's baby and a 90's kid this was by far my favourite Oscars.
2 people I loved and entertained me throughout my childhood years both winning their categories for acting after years of being dismissed.
Congratulations Ke and Brendan
What about Jamie Lee
It is cool to see he and Jamie win
@@mikeimpressionsreviews I was over the moon for her too
@@A-small-amount-of-peas for Brendan I love The Scout movie. I will always know him as the Legendary Steve Nebraska, pitcher for the NY Yankees
Brandon fraser is a legend from my childhood i like a lot his bedazzled Movie i Can recommend it to everyone when Someone didnt watched it
Brendan Fraser is so old school classy he almost makes me believe the oscars aren't trash. I am sincerely happy for him.
I cant think of anyone more deserving. His performance in The Whale was nothing short of incredible. He left everyone in my theatre balling their eyes when the movie ended. ❤
Bawling, he hasn't been ballin for while
The whale sucked
Are you out of your mind, what about NTR in RRR
@@localneo-graphic4647 I am sure he is with that lady next to him.
Every single person was so happy for him. Such a humble and wonderful man. So glad he won. We love you Brendan. ❤
This acceptance speech made me cry. He's so honest and humble. He deserves it ~his performance was brutally brave and gut wrenching. Bravo!
@@drewshaheen go outside
@@drewshaheen Ko
The emotion in his face when his win is announced, it shows just how much this award means to him. I can't tell if it's relief or sheer joy, but I cannot think of a more deserving actor for this award. Also, the image of him hugging his sons is such a joyful image, I love it.
I havent seen the film, but something is telling me this is more of a "welcome back" than a "you were the best actor of the year". Or was he really that good in the film? He's a very fond childhood memory and I want all the best for him, but after Leo won best actor for that Bear film, I dont really trust it anymore.
@@inoox Watch the film; you will happily answer your own question very quickly
Dude, the revenant was amazing
@@inoox we'll tell you nothing. Just watch it: you will understand everything yourself. It is worth your time, trust me
@@uusimaa5646 Agreed, the Revenant is easily one of the best movies ever created!
An actual reaction and a heartfelt speech. I know its cool to be emotionless and say a few words and get the oscar but this speech with so much emotions just hits different!
Brendan deserves this and so much more. He was already cheated and disappointed by the industry when he was younger and it’s so refreshing to see him make such a comeback ! And win!!!
Thanks for the kind comments and support. How long have you been a fan
The Brennaisance has arrived, and we're all here for it. He deserves every bit of this recognition - he is one of the most humble, genuine people in the industry. Even after he was abused and blacklisted for speaking up, he can forgive and find joy in the journey. Every time I see him in the media, and his sincere overwhelm by the magnitude of it all and his gratitude pours over, my heart swells a little. I am disillusioned with all of Hollywood, but this guy has risen above it all.
I agree totally with you... He was and is still a great actor and he is and always was a good guy humble as they come
Agreed, girl! Very well put ♥️🙌🏼
I’ve never cared about the Oscar’s but when I heard he won I had the biggest smile on my face
No other actor in history deserved an Oscar more than Brendan did. This is the comeback he was rightfully owed by life
If he didn’t get this, I would’ve died. Mr Fraser deserves every bit of this. ❤❤
@@helenivanic1628 oh my god, same. I'm literally crying 😭
Disagree here... hiang s. Ngor survived everyone he knew getting murdered in concentration camps then he won an Oscar in the movie the killing fields about the same genocide. It was his acting debut.
What About
With ? Jean-Paul Belmondo, Alain Delon, Christopher Plummer, Christopher Lee, Steve McQueen, John Malkovich, Ian McKellen, Bill Murray, Ralph Fiennes, Johnny Depp, Samuel L. Jackson, Morgan Freeman.... And so on.....
Vivian Leigh deserves all her awards. Have you seen “Gone with the Wind” or a “A Street Car Named Desire”?
one of the best acting comebacks he definitely deserves it.
Greatest comeback in history. Brendan left such a big impression for me since I first saw him in the original mummy movie, I’m so happy that he finally received the recognition he deserved!!!
We love you, Brendan ❤️
He's still in the queue and the end of the Revenge of the Mummy ride at Universal Studios
he was awkward and you could tell the audience were uncomfortable.
@@glowimagery634 Gee you went ahead and asked each one of them what they felt like ? At least Brendan is a non-fake hollywood celebrity I would take his awkwardness any day
Congrats, Brendan!
@@glowimagery634 what's it like to be dead inside ?
The way he touches the Oscar is disbelief is heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time. He put everything into that role.
This man had a huge influence on me growing up with the Mummy series. It feels so good to be living in this version of the multiverse, where Brendan wins a best actor Oscar after a long hiatus from mainstream work. Love and prayers to you Brendan, you deserve all of this!
I'm so happy for him, he deserved it ! I can't stop watching videos relating to his success. Last year, my husband and I watched "The mummy" several times and once I saw a video, in French, made by a fan who wondered why Brendan Fraser, his favourite actor, disappeared from the cinema industry... Like many movie lovers, I did not expect to testimony his come back and what a come back ! He is a very talented actor and one of the best human beings and we wish all the best for him, as he said he's going "to find a job" thanks to the oscar. Huge congratulations from Switzerland.
Brendan Fraser has made one of the greatest comeback ever. Hollywood shunned him and for a moment he's nowhere to be seen. Today I'm extremely happy for him. Congrats 👏
Did you see the movie?
@@callummcintyre1877 I saw the movie and he was marvellous in it.
When parents give their children a shout out it breaks me every time. What a man! Fair play Brendan 👏🏻
yes but sometimes the parent can be cruel to the kid such as Fritzl who rape his daughter for 24 years in the basement before she was release, I don’t think it will appropriate for Fritzl to thank his daughter if Fritzl win best actor, however it is still youre opinion so i respect that
@@blob2092Well blob, I don't know if you're aware of the concept of contextualization, but it seems to be a loss on you.
My Parents have never acknowledged me ...I was strong but Now I'm weak and hopeless...just living till dying
@@blob2092 this comment made my head hurt
@@blob2092 Wrong time and place.
I am SO proud of him right now, I feel like my best pal won the Oscar !
His reaction compared to other nominated is everything, he deserves it most than anyone else.
His sensitivy melts my heart.
I bet he even cries at sunsets.
@@ItsMeKukhai so what if he does?
@@Ronam0451 it's a reference from his character in the movie Bedazzled, where one of his wish verses said he cried when he saw a sunset
It's well deserved.
@@ItsMeKukhai And sing songs about dolphins !
just read about his life and why he was "gone" for a time and you love him even more. this guy is a humble and lovly person.he deserved this.
What a comeback and a heartfelt and moving acceptance speech, full of gratitude. Brendan Fraser wins us over once again! Congratulations!
The nominees this year have proven to be very down to earth people. Happy for all and for Fraser. I don't know if any of Butler and Fraser were more deserving than the other, I would be happy with both. Although there's no doubt The Academy took the edge with Fraser to compensate his career, what is more apparent after seeing Curtis and Yeoh win... At least Fraser deserves it.
"Proof of the multi-verse!" Even after hearing about the outpouring of support he's received from fans online, you can still see that he still doesn't necessarily put himself among the ranks of the people he was up against.
Brendan, you're right. You're not in their ranks because you're so far above them it's not even close. You are such a humble human being and a national treasure. You deserve all the love and success that you've received recently and then some. I really hope this is just the kick-start of what is to come.
Wow, hi's got it!
Don't know what is his Oscar movie but he deserves it as Elliot in Bedazzled ;)
You said this so perfectly 🤗 I wish I could like it twice!! ✨️
I'm so happy that Branden Fraser is back at it again, a man that has defined my childhood since I was born in 1997, I'm so thankful for making my childhood so much fun with great movies like Bedazzled, The Mummy franchise, George of the Jungle and so much more. Really well deserved, I really hope he continues to make great movies and get more and more awards and recognition. He truly deserves it, we love you Branden Fraser 🎉🎉
You forgot Encino man
@@MARHVINXII They probably don't know since they were just born.
@@WhyTH-camWhy I wouldn‘t consider a prob 25 year old as „just born“, but ok
also monkeybone
I love Brendan Fraser. I grew up watching him and seeing this makes me so happy for him. He’s such a genuine human
Listen to his speech without watching the video. You can FEEL every facial expression he makes. You know, without a shadow of a doubt, how genuine and honest Brendan is with his speech. He's so deserving of this honor, and I am incredibly happy for him.
He is an amazing actor! He earned it many times over. Congratulations, Brendan Frasier!
Grew up watching him man. The Mummy trilogy, School Ties. This is immaculate to see such a recognizable face win an Oscar finally. He had it good and he had it tumultuous. He almost disappeared and now he's trending in the news as if it was 1999 again. Truly one of the centuries finest comebacks. Bravo Brendan!!
I love School Ties. Loved him there. That one line of his in that movie that I will never forget..."And you'll always be a prick"
@@-toadstoolicious-9851 Indeed! I love that line! The whole movie is so memorable and that whole cast was full of Hollywood A-listers.
He gave me such wonderful memories of childhood, and I’m so happy for him that he won❤ He suffered so much 😢
He really did! The poor man got hurt in George of the Jungle stunts too…
The raw humility and innocence of that man cannot be understated. Truly deserving for the whale and the best comeback story I’ve seen in years. He’s back where he belongs.
This brought tears in my eyes. He's first actor I used to be huge fan in my childhood. I've watched the mummy 100 of times and I still watch it. He was always criticised for his acting and jumbo movies but he finally proved himself. This award was so satisfying after all those years of suffering. Thank you Brandon you deserve it
O'Connell I want one last the mummy movie than my life will complete
My kids love Encino Man just as much as I do. They were born in the 90’s and 2000’s. It’s still awesome today lol
Ditto! ❤
Anyone who saw Fraser in "Gods and Monsters" (1998) with Ian McKellen knew he was a genuine talent. It's about time that he's being recognized for it.
Yes. That movie was so strong and his part was complex and vulnerable. And still the same sweetheart he always has been even after he got blacklisted. How does he stay so dear? He's just amazing as a person and performer.
It's Sir Ian to you!
@@lh3557 He is still Gandalf to me...
Magneto... As well
He deserved every clap, every honour. What a performance. Bravaaa
Finally getting the recognition he deserves.
He was outed and humiliated, then they gave all his roles to other actors.
Glad to see him rebound after such a hard time. That's true success
Outed and humiliated? How? :o
@@h3arty As I understand it, a producer sexually harassed him and he reported it. But that was in the days when Hollywood's go to play was to hush up such things and for daring to try and shine a light on it, Fraser was blacklisted. He was shunned, roles he was previously up for were withdrawn and numerous doors were closed to him for daring to rock the boat.
When you combine that with the psychological stress and the physical injuries he'd accumulated from years of filming stunts and action scenes, he just couldn't take it and stepped away from Hollywood.
Ousted... Not outed
I've seen him win other awards and he always seems to be truly grateful. It really seems like he can't believe this is all happening to him, and his career has had this remarkable comeback. He comes across as a really nice, down to earth guy. I'm glad he's getting this well-deserved recognition.
Such humility
He truly deserves it. You can see he's truly happy for the award, he can barely hold his tears.
He was able to hold back his tears, I wasn’t 🥲🥲
He proved he is a amazing actor ❤