I have a mountain of grey shame that is constantly getting bigger as I can't seem to assemble and paint my backlog before falling to new and shiny treasures. But your quick and easy technique will help me get through it quicker. 😉👍
I got back into LotR MESBG after many years and picked up the Pelennor Fields box set last year, but only got around to painting it last week) So far I've just primed them, but I'll most likely go and buy more LotR minis because my local shop is planning on putting them on clearance since no one is buying them... so my pile of shame will likely end up being pretty big, lol.
Been watching you for years, had no idea you were into tabletop games until I started to get back into Warhammer 40k three months ago. Popped up on my recommended for minis. lol
Yes! You're the first youtuber I've watched that's finally told people the best way to drybrush! What an awesome thing to do my dude! Took me a few months to find out that way and when I did it makes such a huge difference!
Quick suggestion for quick and easy skintone: once you've drybrushed and have the shading you want, all you need to do is use a flesh wash. From a table length you won't be able to tell and it can look just as good as using skin paints. The flesh wash will sink into the details, adding natural shadows, so you really don't even need to do eyes if you don't want to.
I have lots and lots of unpainted stuff and that is an understatement. The problem is, the rate of buying new stuff far, far exceeds the rate of painting the stuff I have. This is because I keep getting drawn into new, cool things that I want for my armies. Me and my friends have mostly grey armies but it doesn't hinder the immersion we feel when playing the game. We just play to have fun and I've begun to realise that the grey doesn't matter all that much to me at least. I prefer the building and playing to painting, because painting normally feels too slow and you spend hours on one small thing and it feels like nothing is getting achieved.
VERY NICE!!!!! I like the application of the 3 layer dry brush added to the thinned paint!!!!! I'm a dry brusher by nature and it has strengths and weaknesses. This is a great way to quickly use its strengths and not try to dry brush small areas with color which is a pain!!!!!
I'm currently sitting on an entire ork army of 160 individual miniatures and several vehicles/ walkers. Lol I like painting but dread painting all of 5hem at the moment. Good video Thank you for sharing
Really awesome video. After seeing this, and the previous vid, I just went "right, I've gotta buy me one of those sets". I dont use contrast paints, but I used this drybrushing technique on my orcs, and gave them a few flesh and metal highlights, and they looked brilliant. You could always try a video where you do specific details, but only for the heroes.
I'm painting a Norman army (66 figures, including 12 cavalry and 6 command) and a Saxon army (again 66 figures, all infantry, including 6 command) for Lion Rampant 2nd Ed. Yes, they're all Victrix minis. 😁 Yet I primed all of them in light brown, overbrushed in sand, drybrushed in off-white, and did a rough edge highlight with watered down pure white for my own personal grisaille technique approach. Metallics will be done and shaded with regular acrylics, everything else in Contrast. If edge higlights or broad layers are required, my go-to recipe is a very light cold (pale turquoise or green) or warm tone (yellow) plus diluted Contrast of the underlying tone, then a glaze a very much diluted Contrast (6 to 1 ratio) of darker tone to smooth it out. Works wonders.
Im planning on doing a dark ages victrix project sometime this year when i defeat my backlog of napoleonics. This technique sounds awesome, would love to see them
I watched one of your videos the other day and was thinking that you looked like the guy I used to watch back in the Skyrim days! I just realized it is you! I love you brother! I will sub and support your mini videos too! I hope you have some plans for the next elder scrolls games, but if not I understand and look forward to what you do! Glad I found your content again
To paint I have: a whole halfling army to paint for Mantics KoW, about 2300 points. About 2000 points of marauders (Orks) for Mantics firefight. A couple boxes of games workshop ork Klan's. Somewhere between 40-50 individual minis I've bought over time cos they're super cool, and will deffinately, maybe, probably get around to painting at some point. 3 commission jobs on hold, each of which between 5-10 models. Jeez I need to paint more...
I am currently working on a 20 metre long (ish) dioram of World History in miniature - I estimate I have about 3000 figures to paint - all 1/72 scale. The fun never stops!
Btw, get yourself some matte medium from craft store and then some airbrush paint thinning agent. 50/50 mix of them you can create contrast style paints for slapchop painting when you mix that mix with paints or acrylic inks on wet palette.
I've just returned to the hobby after many years and I now have the entire Leviathan box set to paint and only 27 of those are even built yet, as well as still having numerous 5th edition 40k models to build and paint, that I never got around to back then. At least now my Son is 22 and he's helping with the process, as we went halves on the Leviathan set. It's actually been so long since I last painted that all of my Ciradel paints are solid blocks, so I've had to start buying new ones.
I have been playing warhammer for about 3/4 off a year and i am not proud of my pile of shame. I have almost an entire age of darkness box unpainted, a couple of loose AoS and 40k models that also needs painting and i am seriously thinking of buying the warhammer 40k elite edition.
Nice! I'm building and painting a Skaven army at the moment, and just before they were sold out for good I hoarded 3x boxes of Island of Blood. Mainly for the High Elves at the time, but even back then I had plans on Skaven some time in the future. So I assembled and painted all 120 clanrats in 1 big assembly line...... Safe to say it does burn you out a bit. Didn't quite get to time the whole thing, but it took WAY longer than 7,5 min/mini for sure! Even with slapchop I did put in more effort/details than needed, including painting the claws/teeth on all of them, as well as the eyes (white first, then fluorescent orange on top). Quite a process, but I finished and boy was that a great feeling! I've never finished an entire army before, so it got me excited!! Next up now is just a small batch of 40x Plague Monks! :D Great vid though! It's all the army speed painting bids that the community has made in the last 2-3 years that has really motived me to get my units/armies done too! Waiting in excitement for the basing follow-up! For the record I'd say some plain, slightly rocky base is good, with some dried grass-tufts, to represent the roxkyness of the hills in Rohan and the lands around it (ref the landscape when they're on their way to Helm's Deep)
Faster and better results process: #1 Spray everything in the most used colour in as bright nuance as possible. #2 Paint details such as metall or leather and add the variety you want (such as different clothes) #3 Dip in oil based shade that goes with the nuance you want. Done
I have to paint: The starter set for LOTR so Mines of Moria, some reminants of Battle for Skull Pass the WHFB starter set, and Imperial Bastion and the rerelease of Space Hulk. I am saving that last one for when I can do good NMM.
Minus 40 chainrasps, I have the entire Nighthaunt collection from the mortal realms magazine including multiples of some units. Basically every single Nighthaunt miniature including the Morris Engine and the Black coach. Plus multiple plastic scenery
I’m not accurate on numbers but I have an entire wardrobe in my room along with what was meant to be a display case but is now storage for unpainted minis.
The foam games workshop used to pack finecast models with… put in a small bowl. Dampen foam… free dampening pad versus paying over $100 for “Artis Opus”. Imo artis opus is over priced and of average Walmart brush quality.
I have: 20 Saurus Warriors, a set of 10 Primaris intercessors, a box of Fire Warriors, Commander Shadowsun, a broadside battlesuit, and an entire combat patrol Tau box unpainted…
I have 3 Razor Backs, Two Land Raiders, 2 Predators, about 180 Marines, 5 Ironclads , a Box of Tau from GW needing paint, A 8 model Character set, 16 Mouslings and 8 Yokai from Reaper wanting some pigment and now my greatest pile which is Corvus Belli Minis - 84 Defiance minis + scenery and of course the Megladorn, The Kaldstrom starter Box and expansions, The Red Veil Box and expansions, 1/2 The Crimson Stone Box and expansions, The JSA army box, the Coldfront Box and Expansions, the Spiral Core army Box, The Blackwind Box, Literally every Pan Oceania model from N3 through to N4 (over a hundred probably over 200) , Two drawers full of individual blisters, every Bootleg model, The Outrage and Betrayal character packs and ltd edition KohDahli, all of the Dire foes 1-11 3 minis or more each, all the Dire foes Alpha Beta Gamma etc, all of the Tags and remotes for Nomads, PanO, Aleph, 012 and Ariadna (about 20-30 dreadnought and HW team sized models) A Lux Umbra Equipe Mirage (75mm) and a stack of collectible/ltd edition minis from CB. I probably have the equivalent to about a 10th of that painted. The issue is we now have a baby and I lack any time to get painting done and I am primarily a painter and collector so I have a minimum level I want each model to hit - having an airbrush helps a lot but with the compressor able to wake up the baby the freaking universe has to align in a very specific way for me to be able to use it. TBH though these are all my treasures and I will continue to paint when I can and buy minis that I love the look of. I hate clean up and assembly it is by far the biggest time sink for me a I paint a lot of metal minis.
If you use a Gray and White Spray Can you get a better Version and a faster one of you use the Grey Can at a 45° angel and the White Can Just from above
I recently completed a Guard army before the new minis came out. I'm building an infantry heavy army with the new models. One Vanquisher LR is the only mini not being "updated". So I've 80 shock troops, two command squads, a castellan, 4 armoured Sentinels, 4 field ordinance batteries, 5 bullgryns, 20 kasrkin and a Rogal Dorn. So 125 minis? I've painted 33 so far.
bro tbh, you should have painted the helmets and chainmail as well, the minis just look unfinished this way but I get what you were saying about the non reflective metal
I have three armies (Thousand Sons, Mordor, Seraphon), three BloodBowl teams (Humans, Orks and Skaven) and several boxes of necrons (Destroyers, heavy destroyers, Cryptek, Flayed Ones and Imortals).
Currently, getting together a Bolt Action 8th Army. I have 72 Desert Rats, 30 British Commonwealth, artillery plus crew,plus about 10 vehicles and crew. Right now, this may take me almost a year :/
I like to use similar only as a base, use dark gray then higlit white dry sand and air sand that from above and sped paint on a large part then all the details normal colors now unfortunately I already have a few boxes on my pile of shame now I want to finish some clones and wookies for Star wars legion 😍
Roughly over the years I'm ashamed to say I probably have about thousand miniatures unpainted 😱from various game systems. But the stuff I do have fully painted is the stuff I mainly play with.
Great advice on the proper drybrush technique. Way to many advise paper towel. Um..unpainted miniature count? About 1500 across 40, WFB, LOTR, Necromunda, Adeptus Titanicus, BFG, Warmaster and various historicals.
I need to repaint and finish an entire High Elven army, 12 Knights of Rivendell along with the new Glorfindel and Elrond. I have an entire Isengard army that needs repainting as well as Moria and Minas Tirith. Too much work lol.
I have multiple DnD miniatures to paint, they're not ready, bc I have Dr. Who miniatures I need to finish which I bought after the DnD ones, but those aren't finished, bc I got a whole Seraphon army only primed and need to paint them, but they're not painted bc I have to assemble half of them still, but that's not finished bc I started my Star Wars Legion Emperial army. So yeah 😅
-180 maronnen orcs -60 gondor soldiers -60 rohan soldiers -6 mordor trolls -50 riders of rohan -40 army of the dead -36 rangers -18 warg riders -4 nazgull on fellbeast -2 mumakills -72 dwarves -120 elves -120 uruk hai -17 heroes on horseback -25 heroes on foot -7 mounted villains -12 villains on foot -a full army of space wolfs -about 500 combined miniatures from all factions of star wars legion (+20 tanks) -a small army of khorne -shatterpoint starter set -and last but not least, a litteral mountain of 3d printed miniatures of all kind of settings and about 25 buildings
My Backlog currently is 1 Repulsor Executioner 3 Repulsor 50 Primaris Space Marines of different kinds 2 Dreadnoughts 2 Knights 1 Great Unclean One 30 Plague Marines 20 Aeldari Guardians 1 Wraith Knight 1 Avatar of Khaine 1 Silent Kind 3 Doomsdark Arks 70 Necron Warriors 20 Immortals All Necrons from the Imperium and one more Indomitus Necron Part the release box of the Votann ive got issues
I have an Excel file with all my miniatures, scale and historical period or game. I have miniatures from 10mm to 54mm (old airfix, matchbox and Italeri). In total I have 9083 miniatures, I painted 2804 miniatures so... I need to paint 6279 miniatures, 1414 in 54mm.
I think a very conservative estimate for my own collection is between 2000-3000 unpainted miniatures. Frankly I fear the real number is more than twice as high x)
My own estimate exactly. I have a 3d printer running almost 24/7... Not helping ;-) Just in the Space Dwarves and the Grim Guard corner I have some two or three hundred in the last couple of days alone, not counting now 40 Corrupted Grim Guards. And then the rest. I have boxes of the Dark Eldar still in shrink wrap from when they were first released... I really am 'that guy' with regards to a pile of grey to slay.
@@johandejong2292 Aye. I feel you. "Luckily" I can not afford to buy a 3D printer yet, but my friend lets me use his. Its not that I am not painting, I crunch out probably 1000 minis a year, its just that I get more in than out x)
Lets see... I have Genestealers from old SC-box and half of the Shadowthrone, Pelennor Fields box that I picked up, zombies from 2021 Soulblight Battleforce and the Cursed City, Flesh Eater Courts from SC and Broken Realms and finally an unidentifiable amount of Nighthaunts. I like Undead armies, but they have been on my backburner for a while. I guess I need to practice my rare skin colours...
I’d be interested to see what this would look like if instead of using a gray gradient paint undercoat you used a full brown instead. Some of the colours might fit with the undercoat a bit better. 🧐
40 elves, , 20 numenorians, 24 riders of rohan, , 60 goblins,, 36 morannon orcs, 26 warriors of rohan, 24 warrior of minas tirith , 24 warriors of the dead, plus nearly every hero. ive gotten through the fellowship and most of the way done with the 40 elves. but a long way to go yet.
My Tau army is what I call "passive aggressive gray". Grey, Magenta, Gunmetal... Suck it, 3 color standard. You can also prime black, then prime gray over black, then drybrush a lighter gray/white. Should save you some time in the second bit.
Off the top of my head I have an unpainted Tomb Kings army, half painted Daemons army, unpainted Chaos Marines army, half painted Dark Angels army, unpainted Easterlings army, half painted Fiefdoms of Gondor army (currently working on this), unpainted Kill Team Octarius starter box, unpainted Pelennor fields box set, unpainted Battle for Skull Pass box set, half painted Necrons army, unpainted Rangers of the North army, and the entirity of Imperium Magazine is unpainted. There will be other things I have forgotten, and individual models I impulse bought. In my defense I now have a rule where I cannot field anything that is unpainted, so I am slowly getting through my armies and painting them all up (though some will remain untouched as I’ve lost interest in them, like Tomb Kings… go figure).
i have roughly 10,000$ worth of space marines from GW and forgeworld that i was collecting from 2005-2009... i just kept buying them, thinking i would one day have an entire chapter (i had all the fluff and company breakdowns, and everything)... i began painting a single tactical squad which i never finished..... very sad.
Roughly about 135 models tau 10 fire warrior, 10 pathfinder, 9 steath suits, 1 darkstrider, 1 shadow sun, 2 cadre fierblades, 2 etherial, 1 ghost keel, 32 kroot carnivors, 1 devilfish, 1 hammerhead, 2 tau commanders, 2 broad side, 9 crisis suits, 2 keootox, 12 kroot hounds, a Seraphon start collecting box, and the into the dark kill team box, and all the drones that come with the tau boxes way to much to count. In my defense most of this is from a trade where I got a lot of tau to paint his army. I’m painting all of his stuff before touching mine.
I have a mountain of grey shame that is constantly getting bigger as I can't seem to assemble and paint my backlog before falling to new and shiny treasures. But your quick and easy technique will help me get through it quicker. 😉👍
I share both your pain & shame.
I got back into LotR MESBG after many years and picked up the Pelennor Fields box set last year, but only got around to painting it last week) So far I've just primed them, but I'll most likely go and buy more LotR minis because my local shop is planning on putting them on clearance since no one is buying them... so my pile of shame will likely end up being pretty big, lol.
The only shame I have in box are robot models saved for a rainy day. All minis get built the same week.
Been watching you for years, had no idea you were into tabletop games until I started to get back into Warhammer 40k three months ago. Popped up on my recommended for minis. lol
Yes! You're the first youtuber I've watched that's finally told people the best way to drybrush! What an awesome thing to do my dude! Took me a few months to find out that way and when I did it makes such a huge difference!
My god I had no idea about the kitchen roll! I would get so annoyed with the models looking so chalky
Quick suggestion for quick and easy skintone: once you've drybrushed and have the shading you want, all you need to do is use a flesh wash. From a table length you won't be able to tell and it can look just as good as using skin paints. The flesh wash will sink into the details, adding natural shadows, so you really don't even need to do eyes if you don't want to.
Thanks for the tip about kitchen towels. I had been doing that sometimes.
Kitchen roll and drybrush 🤯 instant subscribe
I own a 3d printer. Printing Minis has started to be a hobby on its own. My grey pile is in the hundreds
I have lots and lots of unpainted stuff and that is an understatement. The problem is, the rate of buying new stuff far, far exceeds the rate of painting the stuff I have. This is because I keep getting drawn into new, cool things that I want for my armies. Me and my friends have mostly grey armies but it doesn't hinder the immersion we feel when playing the game. We just play to have fun and I've begun to realise that the grey doesn't matter all that much to me at least. I prefer the building and playing to painting, because painting normally feels too slow and you spend hours on one small thing and it feels like nothing is getting achieved.
VERY NICE!!!!! I like the application of the 3 layer dry brush added to the thinned paint!!!!! I'm a dry brusher by nature and it has strengths and weaknesses. This is a great way to quickly use its strengths and not try to dry brush small areas with color which is a pain!!!!!
I'm currently sitting on an entire ork army of 160 individual miniatures and several vehicles/ walkers. Lol
I like painting but dread painting all of 5hem at the moment.
Good video
Thank you for sharing
Really awesome video. After seeing this, and the previous vid, I just went "right, I've gotta buy me one of those sets". I dont use contrast paints, but I used this drybrushing technique on my orcs, and gave them a few flesh and metal highlights, and they looked brilliant. You could always try a video where you do specific details, but only for the heroes.
I'm painting a Norman army (66 figures, including 12 cavalry and 6 command) and a Saxon army (again 66 figures, all infantry, including 6 command) for Lion Rampant 2nd Ed. Yes, they're all Victrix minis. 😁
Yet I primed all of them in light brown, overbrushed in sand, drybrushed in off-white, and did a rough edge highlight with watered down pure white for my own personal grisaille technique approach. Metallics will be done and shaded with regular acrylics, everything else in Contrast. If edge higlights or broad layers are required, my go-to recipe is a very light cold (pale turquoise or green) or warm tone (yellow) plus diluted Contrast of the underlying tone, then a glaze a very much diluted Contrast (6 to 1 ratio) of darker tone to smooth it out. Works wonders.
Im planning on doing a dark ages victrix project sometime this year when i defeat my backlog of napoleonics. This technique sounds awesome, would love to see them
Thank you so much, first time someone has pointed out why using paper with my dry-brush was coming out chalky!
I watched one of your videos the other day and was thinking that you looked like the guy I used to watch back in the Skyrim days! I just realized it is you! I love you brother! I will sub and support your mini videos too! I hope you have some plans for the next elder scrolls games, but if not I understand and look forward to what you do! Glad I found your content again
Great Video. What is the picture called at 1:10 by the way?
I don't own a single miniature! Just love tour content, Danny!!
Can't wait to see the finished lot and the transport hack 😀
Wow, looks so good!! I might have to make myself a Dunland army too :)
To paint I have:
a whole halfling army to paint for Mantics KoW, about 2300 points.
About 2000 points of marauders (Orks) for Mantics firefight.
A couple boxes of games workshop ork Klan's.
Somewhere between 40-50 individual minis I've bought over time cos they're super cool, and will deffinately, maybe, probably get around to painting at some point.
3 commission jobs on hold, each of which between 5-10 models.
Jeez I need to paint more...
Ooo I forgot about my dakka jet and bag of old space marines (about 60 of the little guys)
Step 1) Spray black
Step 2) Say it's a night fighting army.
I am currently working on a 20 metre long (ish) dioram of World History in miniature - I estimate I have about 3000 figures to paint - all 1/72 scale. The fun never stops!
When you showwed those Lord of the rings battle boxes I felt so called out lol
Btw, get yourself some matte medium from craft store and then some airbrush paint thinning agent. 50/50 mix of them you can create contrast style paints for slapchop painting when you mix that mix with paints or acrylic inks on wet palette.
I've just returned to the hobby after many years and I now have the entire Leviathan box set to paint and only 27 of those are even built yet, as well as still having numerous 5th edition 40k models to build and paint, that I never got around to back then. At least now my Son is 22 and he's helping with the process, as we went halves on the Leviathan set. It's actually been so long since I last painted that all of my Ciradel paints are solid blocks, so I've had to start buying new ones.
Great info will be trying this as I’ve just started Lotr I’ll start with 10 👍😉
Snowy terrain!
Great video ☺️
I have been playing warhammer for about 3/4 off a year and i am not proud of my pile of shame.
I have almost an entire age of darkness box unpainted, a couple of loose AoS and 40k models that also needs painting and i am seriously thinking of buying the warhammer 40k elite edition.
If I drybrush like you suggested (without a soft tissue), it is not dry! Its all wet and all over the miniture. I will give it another go, though.
Most excellent !
Love how well the Vikings just blend in . I got a few starters I need too take care of but I’ve been doing miniatures for others .
Nice! I'm building and painting a Skaven army at the moment, and just before they were sold out for good I hoarded 3x boxes of Island of Blood. Mainly for the High Elves at the time, but even back then I had plans on Skaven some time in the future. So I assembled and painted all 120 clanrats in 1 big assembly line...... Safe to say it does burn you out a bit. Didn't quite get to time the whole thing, but it took WAY longer than 7,5 min/mini for sure! Even with slapchop I did put in more effort/details than needed, including painting the claws/teeth on all of them, as well as the eyes (white first, then fluorescent orange on top). Quite a process, but I finished and boy was that a great feeling! I've never finished an entire army before, so it got me excited!! Next up now is just a small batch of 40x Plague Monks! :D
Great vid though! It's all the army speed painting bids that the community has made in the last 2-3 years that has really motived me to get my units/armies done too! Waiting in excitement for the basing follow-up! For the record I'd say some plain, slightly rocky base is good, with some dried grass-tufts, to represent the roxkyness of the hills in Rohan and the lands around it (ref the landscape when they're on their way to Helm's Deep)
Selfishly hoping for the snowy tundra bases since I have a Conquest army I'm planning on doing that with.
Do we really need to contrast them, after this drybrushing?
Love it! Huge fan of your older Skyrim videos and just stumbled across this!! This video is wonderfully put together!
How would you recommend painting actual metals?
Faster and better results process:
#1 Spray everything in the most used colour in as bright nuance as possible.
#2 Paint details such as metall or leather and add the variety you want (such as different clothes)
#3 Dip in oil based shade that goes with the nuance you want.
I've watched almost all of the videos on Your tabletop channel, I don't even own a miniature 😅 (Love the vids btw)
as a beginner, I got a pretty decent collection going.
80 miniatures (34 space marines & 46 necrons) all grey except for 9 not finished
I have to paint: The starter set for LOTR so Mines of Moria, some reminants of Battle for Skull Pass the WHFB starter set, and Imperial Bastion and the rerelease of Space Hulk. I am saving that last one for when I can do good NMM.
Battle for skull pass is a legendary starter set tied up dwarfs and a pony drawn cart can't beat it lol
Would you recommend this method to someone with hand tremors?
8:33 only downward strokes? Forget slapchop, this method needs to be called hetfielding! 😂
You earned a new subscriber.thanks mate!
My unpainted miniatures are:
1/2 Dominion Box
1 Cursed City Box*
1 Blackstone Fortress Box*
1 Slaves to Darkness Starter Box*
4 edge of the universe boxes*
1 Kill Team Octarius*
1 War Cry Starter Box*
4 Mandrake Eldar Miniatures*
* - Unopened
30 ork boyz, a Warboss, 9 bikers and 10 grotz still all in there boxes from November. I won't mention the built stuff I'm working through
They look great, and are the victrix mini's?
Great process for painting an army
Minus 40 chainrasps, I have the entire Nighthaunt collection from the mortal realms magazine including multiples of some units. Basically every single Nighthaunt miniature including the Morris Engine and the Black coach. Plus multiple plastic scenery
My dry brushing doesn’t even look like dry brushing. It’s streaky, wet, and doesn’t really stick. How can I fix this?
I’m not accurate on numbers but I have an entire wardrobe in my room along with what was meant to be a display case but is now storage for unpainted minis.
i have 20 regulare infanterist, 12 special infatery/Cavalery and and a huge Corrector. they are for my nurgle armie in warhammer fantasy
For even better results when dry brushing use a dampening pad to keep your brush moist (see Artis Opus videos) 👌
The foam games workshop used to pack finecast models with… put in a small bowl. Dampen foam… free dampening pad versus paying over $100 for “Artis Opus”. Imo artis opus is over priced and of average Walmart brush quality.
i only got 4 painted orcs by now... well and a whole army (approximately 4000 pts) lined up for paintig ^^
I have:
20 Saurus Warriors, a set of 10 Primaris intercessors, a box of Fire Warriors, Commander Shadowsun, a broadside battlesuit, and an entire combat patrol Tau box unpainted…
I have the full dominion box, a set of chaos space marines, half of the age of sigmar starter box, and many more 3d printed minis to paint
What miniatures are those that you're painting in the video?
I have 3 Razor Backs, Two Land Raiders, 2 Predators, about 180 Marines, 5 Ironclads , a Box of Tau from GW needing paint, A 8 model Character set, 16 Mouslings and 8 Yokai from Reaper wanting some pigment and now my greatest pile which is Corvus Belli Minis - 84 Defiance minis + scenery and of course the Megladorn, The Kaldstrom starter Box and expansions, The Red Veil Box and expansions, 1/2 The Crimson Stone Box and expansions, The JSA army box, the Coldfront Box and Expansions, the Spiral Core army Box, The Blackwind Box, Literally every Pan Oceania model from N3 through to N4 (over a hundred probably over 200) , Two drawers full of individual blisters, every Bootleg model, The Outrage and Betrayal character packs and ltd edition KohDahli, all of the Dire foes 1-11 3 minis or more each, all the Dire foes Alpha Beta Gamma etc, all of the Tags and remotes for Nomads, PanO, Aleph, 012 and Ariadna (about 20-30 dreadnought and HW team sized models) A Lux Umbra Equipe Mirage (75mm) and a stack of collectible/ltd edition minis from CB.
I probably have the equivalent to about a 10th of that painted. The issue is we now have a baby and I lack any time to get painting done and I am primarily a painter and collector so I have a minimum level I want each model to hit - having an airbrush helps a lot but with the compressor able to wake up the baby the freaking universe has to align in a very specific way for me to be able to use it.
TBH though these are all my treasures and I will continue to paint when I can and buy minis that I love the look of. I hate clean up and assembly it is by far the biggest time sink for me a I paint a lot of metal minis.
This guy teaches me better than my art teacher
Let's see stuff that I need built and painted? Yes
If you use a Gray and White Spray Can you get a better Version and a faster one of you use the Grey Can at a 45° angel and the White Can Just from above
I would paint some of them with the tundra and some of them with the snowy mountains as if they were coming out of the mountains onto a battlefield
I have a pile of western minis, this will be a great help, but will be doing in browns due to all the leather and exposed skin
They look sepia toned photos with hand painted coloring, 100+ minis down to just giving individual touches in a day. Another 100+ to go after that
I hope you see this comment, how i can thin normal gw color to be used in slapchop?
I was wondering when you'd start painting 40k
HapsburgerDonkey does a version of this that I think is the best I've seen so far...he primes white, washes them, then dry brushes...it's amazing...
I recently completed a Guard army before the new minis came out. I'm building an infantry heavy army with the new models. One Vanquisher LR is the only mini not being "updated". So I've 80 shock troops, two command squads, a castellan, 4 armoured Sentinels, 4 field ordinance batteries, 5 bullgryns, 20 kasrkin and a Rogal Dorn. So 125 minis? I've painted 33 so far.
bro tbh, you should have painted the helmets and chainmail as well, the minis just look unfinished this way but I get what you were saying about the non reflective metal
personally, the bases of the color they are currently in my opinion are very nice and go very well with those miniatures
Cool tutorial
I have three armies (Thousand Sons, Mordor, Seraphon), three BloodBowl teams (Humans, Orks and Skaven) and several boxes of necrons (Destroyers, heavy destroyers, Cryptek, Flayed Ones and Imortals).
Currently I have about 200 minis waiting for painting
Currently, getting together a Bolt Action 8th Army. I have 72 Desert Rats, 30 British Commonwealth, artillery plus crew,plus about 10 vehicles and crew. Right now, this may take me almost a year :/
I like to use similar only as a base, use dark gray then higlit white dry sand and air sand that from above and sped paint on a large part then all the details normal colors now unfortunately I already have a few boxes on my pile of shame now I want to finish some clones and wookies for Star wars legion 😍
Excellent video, thank you for the content and sharing;
"10 guys?" How cute. I have probably 200 HH Space Marines......that's the very tiny tip of the iceberg.
Roughly over the years I'm ashamed to say I probably have about thousand miniatures unpainted 😱from various game systems.
But the stuff I do have fully painted is the stuff I mainly play with.
Great advice on the proper drybrush technique. Way to many advise paper towel.
Um..unpainted miniature count? About 1500 across 40, WFB, LOTR, Necromunda, Adeptus Titanicus, BFG, Warmaster and various historicals.
ESO do you sell these?
i just got started so sadly none yet, but i hope soon to have a mountain of plastic
I need to repaint and finish an entire High Elven army, 12 Knights of Rivendell along with the new Glorfindel and Elrond. I have an entire Isengard army that needs repainting as well as Moria and Minas Tirith. Too much work lol.
I think about 500 minatures are in my backlog, well at least 490 from all the miniatures i have are already painted.
I have multiple DnD miniatures to paint, they're not ready, bc I have Dr. Who miniatures I need to finish which I bought after the DnD ones, but those aren't finished, bc I got a whole Seraphon army only primed and need to paint them, but they're not painted bc I have to assemble half of them still, but that's not finished bc I started my Star Wars Legion Emperial army. So yeah 😅
-180 maronnen orcs
-60 gondor soldiers
-60 rohan soldiers
-6 mordor trolls
-50 riders of rohan
-40 army of the dead
-36 rangers
-18 warg riders
-4 nazgull on fellbeast
-2 mumakills
-72 dwarves
-120 elves
-120 uruk hai
-17 heroes on horseback
-25 heroes on foot
-7 mounted villains
-12 villains on foot
-a full army of space wolfs
-about 500 combined miniatures from all factions of star wars legion (+20 tanks)
-a small army of khorne
-shatterpoint starter set
-and last but not least, a litteral mountain of 3d printed miniatures of all kind of settings and about 25 buildings
i'm sat looking at nearly 60 unpainted minis and about the same i need to build lol
i nearly have 500 minis and more coming in the mail and those sets add up to over 200 minis
What game are the mini from
My Backlog currently is
1 Repulsor Executioner
3 Repulsor
50 Primaris Space Marines of different kinds
2 Dreadnoughts
2 Knights
1 Great Unclean One
30 Plague Marines
20 Aeldari Guardians
1 Wraith Knight
1 Avatar of Khaine
1 Silent Kind
3 Doomsdark Arks
70 Necron Warriors
20 Immortals
All Necrons from the Imperium and one more Indomitus Necron Part
the release box of the Votann
ive got issues
I have an Excel file with all my miniatures, scale and historical period or game. I have miniatures from 10mm to 54mm (old airfix, matchbox and Italeri). In total I have 9083 miniatures, I painted 2804 miniatures so... I need to paint 6279 miniatures, 1414 in 54mm.
Buy a set of good make up brushes, they also seem to just last longer, & various ying sizes come in handy.
snow bases with extra snow highlighting!!
I think a very conservative estimate for my own collection is between 2000-3000 unpainted miniatures. Frankly I fear the real number is more than twice as high x)
My own estimate exactly. I have a 3d printer running almost 24/7... Not helping ;-) Just in the Space Dwarves and the Grim Guard corner I have some two or three hundred in the last couple of days alone, not counting now 40 Corrupted Grim Guards. And then the rest. I have boxes of the Dark Eldar still in shrink wrap from when they were first released... I really am 'that guy' with regards to a pile of grey to slay.
@@johandejong2292 Aye. I feel you. "Luckily" I can not afford to buy a 3D printer yet, but my friend lets me use his. Its not that I am not painting, I crunch out probably 1000 minis a year, its just that I get more in than out x)
Lets see... I have Genestealers from old SC-box and half of the Shadowthrone, Pelennor Fields box that I picked up, zombies from 2021 Soulblight Battleforce and the Cursed City, Flesh Eater Courts from SC and Broken Realms and finally an unidentifiable amount of Nighthaunts.
I like Undead armies, but they have been on my backburner for a while. I guess I need to practice my rare skin colours...
only 1 chaos lord in terminator armor, kinda proud of myself
I’d be interested to see what this would look like if instead of using a gray gradient paint undercoat you used a full brown instead. Some of the colours might fit with the undercoat a bit better. 🧐
It creates warmer undertones, works great for leather
40 elves, , 20 numenorians, 24 riders of rohan, , 60 goblins,, 36 morannon orcs, 26 warriors of rohan, 24 warrior of minas tirith , 24 warriors of the dead, plus nearly every hero. ive gotten through the fellowship and most of the way done with the 40 elves. but a long way to go yet.
My Tau army is what I call "passive aggressive gray". Grey, Magenta, Gunmetal... Suck it, 3 color standard.
You can also prime black, then prime gray over black, then drybrush a lighter gray/white. Should save you some time in the second bit.
Off the top of my head I have an unpainted Tomb Kings army, half painted Daemons army, unpainted Chaos Marines army, half painted Dark Angels army, unpainted Easterlings army, half painted Fiefdoms of Gondor army (currently working on this), unpainted Kill Team Octarius starter box, unpainted Pelennor fields box set, unpainted Battle for Skull Pass box set, half painted Necrons army, unpainted Rangers of the North army, and the entirity of Imperium Magazine is unpainted. There will be other things I have forgotten, and individual models I impulse bought.
In my defense I now have a rule where I cannot field anything that is unpainted, so I am slowly getting through my armies and painting them all up (though some will remain untouched as I’ve lost interest in them, like Tomb Kings… go figure).
i just use cheap black paint from walmart cause sure its not as dark as citadel but costs about a 3rd as much
i have roughly 10,000$ worth of space marines from GW and forgeworld that i was collecting from 2005-2009... i just kept buying them, thinking i would one day have an entire chapter (i had all the fluff and company breakdowns, and everything)... i began painting a single tactical squad which i never finished..... very sad.
Roughly about 135 models
10 fire warrior, 10 pathfinder, 9 steath suits, 1 darkstrider, 1 shadow sun, 2 cadre fierblades, 2 etherial, 1 ghost keel, 32 kroot carnivors, 1 devilfish, 1 hammerhead, 2 tau commanders, 2 broad side, 9 crisis suits, 2 keootox, 12 kroot hounds, a Seraphon start collecting box, and the into the dark kill team box, and all the drones that come with the tau boxes way to much to count.
In my defense most of this is from a trade where I got a lot of tau to paint his army. I’m painting all of his stuff before touching mine.
I have about 120 mini's that need painting