0:00 High medium low strikes 1:26 Engage to clinch 2:24 body feints 3:31 clinch fighting (engage, low strikes, disengage) 4:15 Keeping distance (strikes from range) 5:08 "Chicken Scratching" moving leading/front leg away and back 6:42 Punching - with sword, horizontal to helmet, vertical to body, (rare: hammer fist, hook punch) 9:52 "what it looks like" summary
If you do a similar video in future could you provide some more tips/detail on avoiding giving yourself tennis elbow or other issues when doing this? I find if I've been striking a lot during sparring, my forearm gets really sore the next day, and it doesn't feel like DOMS. But I do think the sword is too heavy for me, and I have bad forearm strength.
0:00 High medium low strikes
1:26 Engage to clinch
2:24 body feints
3:31 clinch fighting (engage, low strikes, disengage)
4:15 Keeping distance (strikes from range)
5:08 "Chicken Scratching" moving leading/front leg away and back
6:42 Punching - with sword, horizontal to helmet, vertical to body, (rare: hammer fist, hook punch)
9:52 "what it looks like" summary
Dude! Thank you so much!!!
If you do a similar video in future could you provide some more tips/detail on avoiding giving yourself tennis elbow or other issues when doing this? I find if I've been striking a lot during sparring, my forearm gets really sore the next day, and it doesn't feel like DOMS. But I do think the sword is too heavy for me, and I have bad forearm strength.
Why do you use the buckler over other shields such as punch shields or kite shields?
I find it easier for throws and more power with my close shield punch’s
fits in carry on luggage
Much better audio choice, having the mike on your head rather than your shirt
Thanks dude!