Australia we love you 😍🇦🇺! What a way to start our series down under 🤗 make sure you subscribe so you don’t miss an episode! And remember.. we love to hear your comments ❤
Love your appreciation and enthusiasm for my home city! Reminds me to be grateful and not take it for granted that I can visit all those landmarks and enjoy the wonderful vibe the city anytime I want.
I am also incredibly lucky to live in Sydney and I am extra lucky to live in the coolest suburbs, Enmore As Paul Keating once said if you are not living Sydney you are camping out
G'day ! That was great to watch, as someone who Waa born in Sydney & took it for granted for 35 years, to now live 600km away, I love it everytime I get to 'visit' ! .. I've subscribed & looking forward to your other videos of our great country 🇦🇺
Welcome to Sydney. Am so glad you have fallen in love with our city. Around the bend from the Opera House, you should have walked around the Botanical Garden too. The coastal walk from Bondi to Coogee is a must do. A ferry across to Manly Beach and Watson Bay and the walk up to the Light House are also lovely. The Northern Beaches from Long Reef Headland to Palm Beach are amazingly beautiful. Lots of walking tracks over looking the ocean in the Sutherland shire national park must be included if you have time. The Blue Mountains of course must be on your list. Endless coastal vibes and natural beauty indeed. Enjoy your stay here - happy exploring!
Yes I might be Australian who lives in Qld but that Sydney Harbour is magnificent, also the walk from Bondi to Bronte on the cliffs is wonderful also you can walk much further looking at the ocean, it's just magical. Have a great time in the Land from Down Under 😄🦘🦘❤️❤️
When I arrived in Sydney from the UK on a 1 year working holiday visa, I still remember the feeling of love at first site. That was 44 years ago and I've never regretted a single minute. I hope you continue to enjoy this big, beautiful country that I now call home and am proud to be a citizen of.
@@obi-wankenodi861 I was 22. I stayed in a hostel whilst looking for shared accommodation and took any work I could find (mainly in hospitality). After several years of temporary work and travelling right around Australia I decided to stay so went back to school and became a librarian. Just make sure you have enough money to support yourself whilst getting accommodation and work sorted, be hard working and flexible. Good luck
@@michaelmcclown5593 Haha. Visas were much more flexible then and easier to obtain. The government would also offer amnesties to visa over stayers every few years. Unheard of now.
As an Aussie i think we forgot how awesome our country is, though I quickly remember how good it is when I travel for a long time, always very happy to go home. Especially the Coffee!!! best coffee in the world
Unless your trying to drive through sydney or melbourne on a friday arbo :) , but yeah , still a great country to live in , even though it has faults and good points like every country , the biggest fault in oz imo is with the cost of living , its hard to save here unless you are in a good paying job .
It's amazing how many people from overseas keep saying all the time to me that "You do not know how lucky you are living in Australia". i travel a lot & there is nothing that comes close to Sydney, particulary the Harbour.
I’m only 4 minutes in and I’m loving this. I’m Sydney born and bred, have lived here all my life, and this a reminder for me to not take Sydney for granted. Thank you. Looking forward to more content from you guys 🇦🇺❤️
I love Adriana's enthusiasm and accent. I hope you enjoy your stay in Austraya! 😀 BTW...the bird is an Ibis...also known in Australia as a "bin chicken". That's cause they hang around bins making a nuisance of themselves. They can be found in most cities around Australia.
Yeah that's the reality of the situation. I kinda feel sorry for them. I grew up on the Gold coast in the 70s and 80s and there was heaps of swampland. Now it townhouses and house and shops everywhere you look@@paulhunt3307
LOVE AUSTRALIA!!!!! It was my most favorite trip I've ever taken!! Been over 25 years so I'm sure it's pretty different now. But it still looks wonderful!!!
I go over the Sydney Harbour bridge to work everyday and I take for granted how much of a big thing it is. Your joy at seeing my home city and all the landmarks has been awesome and infectious! Thanks for bringing some of that back :)
I live in Sydney & I was getting excited about it when I was watching you guys. Your enthusiasm is what we all need when we travel. It’s such a privilege to experience all the different countries around the globe hey… Thank you
Welcome to Oz guys ! 🙂 wow you are both such positive people showing your excitement for my beloved Sydney town where I was born and bred ,I have been living in Sunshine Coast Qld couple hours north of Brisbane,moved here 15 years ago, you guys have reminded me of how beautiful Sydney is ❤ hopefully you did go inside the beautiful Sydney Opera house as it is definitely worth a look ! You will love it , enjoy your travels while here in Oz hopefully you visit Sunshine Coast cos I reckon you will love it , thanks for a wonderful video 👌👍👏😎
Hello from Melbourne 👋 Welcome to Australia - 🇦🇺- Great to have you here , you are great travel ambassadors - look forward to seeing Oz through your lens ✔️👌👋👍🙏😃
You made me homesick I work in New York but am from Sydney Australia seeing the warm weather and you walking around the harbor I was like I need to go asap.
Thank you both for your wonderful reaction to how you found Sydney and its people. Be assured wherever you travel through Oz the people are no different. We are so welcoming to happy grateful people like you. As a Queenslander, I have got to say that Tazzie makes great beer and James Boag's was a great choice.
Oh awesome that we chose the right beer! Also, turns out… in Australia SA doesn’t stand for south Afrika but south Australia lol so the wine was also a delicious Australian one! 😂
Fantastic video, I love your vibe about Sydney, Sydney Tower is a must do for visitors , you have only scratched the surface , as always you let us share your enthusiasm, there is so much to do and see here, look forward to next installment, Greg, Cronulla.
Welcome to Sydney! You’ve done us proud! The rocks is my favourite place to explore and I’ve lived here most of my life 🇦🇺 but there’s so much more and I hope you get to enjoy all its beauty ❤❤❤
Just discovered your channel, what a gem. After being shut down and closed to tourists for years, it's lovely to see videos from tourists enjoying everything my city has to offer.
G'day it's Steven from Sydney Welcome to all our international friends. I think we take for granted how lucky we are to be Aussie's, and indeed how fortunate we are to be Sydney siders. Sydney is the gateway to our beautiful country, and yes we are without a doubt the Australian capital of dining, our cafe culture is second to none, and "we do not ever consume percolated coffee". I'm so pleased y'all are loving Sydney so much, you may have noticed that we have a lot of construction and development across our city, it feels like it's neverending, our city is so popular that it feels like we're truly an international city, though we still haven't completely recovered from the effects of the pandemic. There's so much for you to see and do, oh and it's true we don't all say "g'day mate"...😊 Take care and have fun
It really seems like the city is forever renewing and expanding (but for good reason - there are so many people to accommodate)! We absolutely loved our time in Sydney 😍
Thank you soo much you young people ❤ As an 67 yr old Aussie its soo nice to hear. I went to England then Sweden in 1977 when in the military for the Queens Silver Jubilee, soooo many years ago. Pleased you had a great time 😊
Even in poor weather - a trip round the harbour can be magical - you should see it on a bright sunny day. As suggestions visit some famous beaches - Bondi and Manly are likely the standouts for tourists - and catch a train to Katoomba and see the three sisters at the lookout point. Sydney is so much more than its world class city - hope you get the chance to explore it and go walkabout!
In 1977, Swedish pop phenomenon ABBA visited the big white sails, greeted by a sea of Australian fans, so many famous singers have been there including Olivia Newton John X
I have lived here 40 years coming from England and it was so good to see your very infectious enthusiasm. It was brilliant. A girl after my own heart in loving mushy peas. I actually buy tins of them imported from England in one of the large supermarket chains.😺
I did the whole travelling around Australia for a year in 2009/10 and loved every minute. I so wanted to live out there (and still want to but not quite there yet). The people are the most friendly you could ever meet and the country is just stunning. Have fun guys.
@@2Passports1Dream I visited quite a few places so if there is anywhere you are thinking of going I might be able to recommend (if still there and if I can remember :) ) just let me know
Welcome to Australia! Enjoy Australia to the maximum! I hope you will experience the Outback too. I am watching your TH-cam channel since you visited the Philippines. You guys made me smile.
Well put together edit...your enthusiasm oozes through and whats not to like accept for the reality of higher prices but there's still plenty of choices around Sydney especially if you like walks and a picnic..
Love how excited you both are. No idea how I got to your channel but happy to have watched this vid. I used to catch the ferry everyday to work. It was beautiful every time. I miss it but now I live on the northern beaches, which is just as good ☺️
It is lovely to see your reactions to my home town of Sydney. If you get back to Sydney you really must take the ferry from Circular Quay to Manly which will let you see more of the foreshores of Sydney Harbour. Make sure you have a swim at Manly and take a walk along the promenade that lines Manly beach. There’s so much to do in Sydney elsewhere in New South Wales - hope you’ve got plenty of time to explore as much as possible. Enjoy! 🇦🇺
Welcome to Oz. I am very happy you found Sydney so nice. I have never got tired of Sydney and its harbour. I hope the rest of your journey is enjoyable.
I love The Rocks area. Never get tired of it. If you want some Sydney architectural history with a drink, food and markets, this place is just perfect.
Glad both of you are having a good time in Sydney. Australia is known as the land of milk and honey and for a good reason. They have great fresh produce, fresh fruits and greens, nice weather and food and good weather too. Guy Sebastian is now a judge on The Voice Australia.
The vibe or should I say culture here is drinking all year round but summer does make us thirsty. Love how excited they are about our country. Hope every box is ticked, and more!
I’m from Sydney, i’ve lived in Hong Kong the last 5 years and i’m moving back to Syd in about a month and a half. I’m nervous because it’s changed a lot, but I’m excited because I miss it so much (and my fam). Glad you are having such a good time!
As an Australian all I can say is that it makes me happy that you guys are happy. And you guys have the perfect vibe for this country. You will fit in really well. Welcome to Oz and have a great trip. 👍
I was born in Sydney (Kogarah) 60 years ago. Although I only lived in Sydney a few years in my life, my family comes from there, and it will always feel like home to me. I never get sick of the harbour area around Circular Quay, No matter how many times I go there, I never get tired of it. I sometimes think us Aussies take this beautiful country for granted.
The bird is a bin chicken!! Im also from Porthmadog but lived here in oz for over 20 years, work in sydney regularly, so its nice to see it through the eyes of someone experiencing it for the first time,
Wonderful episode. Im 72 and lived in Sydney most of that time and its so great to this beautiful country through the eyes of young travellers. Just subscribed xx. Bummer with the van locking itself..I thought at first the wine might be the culprit but no..just weird locking system and the 2 washers for towels was genius.
Welcome to Australia! Ive subscribed literally because you're super cuties & I love seeing foreigners explore & fall in love with our INCREDIBLE country ❤
As a Sydneysider it was really nice to watch you two just soak it up, its easy to take for granted what I have on a daily basis. Not sure exactly how I got recommended the channel but I'm glad I did.
I live in what we call outback Australia and I do love visiting Sydney as well. Just love your enthusiasm and I'm glad Australia/Sydney has meet all your expectations so far and sure you will love all what you will see, have a great time.
Can I just let you know that the bird you encountered is the Australian White Ibis - we here down under "affectionately" refer to them as Bin Birds! They are often rummaging through rubbish bins. Enjoy Australia, and try to travel the Great Ocean Road, known as the GO Road. Extremely scenic. All the best, and hope the weather treats u well
I love your enthusiasm for my great city. I hope you enjoy your holiday. I think it’s the weather that makes everyone so laid back. Also we are miles away from any other country!! Have fun 😊
Welcome guys! I love watching vids like this and getting your perspective of our great country. I really hope you both have an awesome experience. Safe travels 😁❤
Wow! My fist video on your channel and I loved it. Love your content and will be following. Sydney is my home but living in London for 17 years now, so it is great to see Sydney makes you happy.
Guys I visited Sydney so many years ago but I still remember that place and you bring back so lovely and wonderful memories Thank you so much and have a amazing time in Australia
Glad you enjoyed! The public ferries are definitely the better option. Not just cheaper, but just as you guys did, you can sit outside at the front, back or sides which gives you uninterrupted views. The costlier cruises/'fast' boats are often enclosed with no outside area so you're stuck looking at the harbour through a sea-stained window.
Hope you are enjoying your holiday in Sydney! A great place you must go to is the botanical gardens and have lunch in Barangaroo there are so many restaurants with such great food! Have a great holiday! :)
I’m on the way to my office in the city where you passed by when taking the ferry. You make me more appreciate the journey to office. The bird you encountered is ibis also known as bin bird as they search bin for food. They are pretty docile as long as you keeping a decent distance and not chasing them. Slowly walking pass is fine.
The concert is Australia Day Concert is on Friday 26th Jan. Dami Im who also did Euro Vision is performing. Fireworks will also be around that location.
This made my day☺️ Sydney you've done it again ❤️👋🇳🇿nz .So much to do ,free cheap or expensive!...i definitely think you're right, the inflation around the western world has levelled the feild . So pleased you got such a warm welcome 😎😎❤️
Loved this video, especially love Dylan‘s accent because it reminds me of Bryan Cox, my favourite scientist. 😀The reason you didn’t know how fantastic Australia was because we try not to tell too many people because we don’t want too many people to come here of course, LOL. Hope you come back to live, you won’t regret it! Happy travels!
I am from Sydney and I recently visited Stockholm. I found a lot of similarities. Especially the waterways. People in Stockholm really know how to enjoy the water and so do Sydney people.
So glad you enjoyed my home Country, I think it’s always been great but I’m biased. We’re known as the lucky Country. I’m in Queensland but all of Australia is beautiful. Have fun. You are too funny Adriana ‘Gday mate’. ❤
The Sydney Opera House is as much a piece of sculpture as it is a piece of architecture that complements the natural beauty of its surroundings. It is like a butterfly landing on a flower.
@@2Passports1Dream the IBIS was a sacred bird to the ancient Egyptians, they are depicted in tomb paintings ... they're at the other end of the scale in Sydney, ha ha.
Fun fact - they are quite intelligent and adaptable and get a bit of a bad wrap for scavenging city park bins, but human habitation and spread through Sydney has removed the majority of their natural wetlands/habitat and they have adapted to this new lifestyle to survive.
I wanna go to Sydney! When Anja and I had our Australia/ New Zealand trip, we never made it to Sydney (although Anja was there before). It looks super nice. Watching this made us want to go back, and slow travel there a bit. So much more to see. Looking forward to seeing where else you guys end up. 😃
G’day and welcome to Oz, your energy and enthusiasm for our city is just great … Hope you enjoy your stay here , tell your friends we are a friendly place 😊
I grew up in Sydney, and I've travelled the world and nothing's better than flying into Sydney airport and seeing the Bridge and the Harbour. I also worked in Stockholm for a while, and I had the same feeling like "what am I do on the opposite side of the Earth!" I loved Stockholm, I could seriously move there. Also, I worked in quite a few of the skyscrapers in Sydney, and I watched them film The Matrix stunts out my window where the two stunt men were hanging from the helicopter. It was very cool. I worked in the octagonal building you see from the Sydney Tower, and I had a window desk seat and I used to daydream watching the planes take off and land at the airport. I love Sydney so much. Looking forward to your next video, because The Harbour and CBD are just the touristy and business distraict of Sydney, there's so much more to see, different food quaarters, beaches, chill restaurants and pubs. Sydney is huge, has many rivers and national parks etc etc.
Oh wow we had no idea they filmed some of the matrix in Sydney! That’s so cool!! 😍 That’s such a memorable scene too! Interesting how many swedes go to Sydney, and how many people from Australia dip their toes into Sweden too!! Even though we are from opposite sides of the globe there seems to be an invisible string pulling the places together! 😊 we absolutely loooved our time in Sydney, we would be back in a heartbeat if it wasn’t so far away!
@@2Passports1Dream at the time they were filming The Matrix I used to frequent a nightclub called Black Market. That’s where Neo first meets Trinity for the first time. The underpass where they filmed Trinity taking the bug out of Neo was just north of the Harbour Bridge, across the street from where my ex-wife worked haha.
It's so nice to see people so excited to visit the beautiful city I'm lucky enough to call home I'm originally from the UK but I've lived in Sydney for more than 40 years and it is never boring the view of the harbour and city skyline never gets old, we heard you were coming arranged the weather for you 😂
Good on you. Have a good time. I worked around the corner from you in Pyrmont for a year or so (builing the Metro) and loved walking around that part of town. My grandmother used to live in the next suburb over (Glebe). the bird is an Ibis, and theyre friendly.
Welcome to Sydney, guys. Enjoying your enthusiasm and positivity. You've probably been warned already, but prices in the inner city area tend to be very tourist-oriented (read: expensive).
I'm glad you're enjoying our city. I do hope the weather plays nice while you're here, it's been a very unpredictable Summer so far. I highly recommend the Bondi to Cooge coastline walk, and to also take the Ferry to Manly. It is a touristy thing, but it's a great trip if the weather is good and the seas are calm. Also if you're able to hire a car, a trip out to the Blue Mountains / Wollongong / Central Coast are also worth the effort. Of course you can take a train to these places, but it's going to be quicker by car.
You kept saying how sunny it was, but every time you filmed it was either overcast or partly cloudy. I guess, when you come from the UK, even that weather can be considered satisfactory 😁
WOW! My first solo trip to Sydney Australia was in April 23. Awesome! I also travelled BA business but straight through with brief re fuel at Singapore. Also visited Melbourne and Noosa then back to Sydney before flying home. This makes me want to do it all again! Happy travels :)
Australia we love you 😍🇦🇺! What a way to start our series down under 🤗 make sure you subscribe so you don’t miss an episode! And remember.. we love to hear your comments ❤
I am growing inpatient for this vlog guys❤ best timing ever to visit Ozzy 🇳🇿🌺 cover your necks with hat's ❤
Hehe SOON! Thank you thank you! It was an INCREDIBLE time 😍🇦🇺
@@2Passports1Dream 🌺
I hope you took lots of money with you - you’ll need every last penny in Australia as it’s stupidly expensive!
You'll be surprised when you watch the video. We found it affordable!@@johnkilmerstone
Love your appreciation and enthusiasm for my home city! Reminds me to be grateful and not take it for granted that I can visit all those landmarks and enjoy the wonderful vibe the city anytime I want.
So true - it’s a gorgeous place 😍 you’re lucky to call it home!
I am also incredibly lucky to live in Sydney and I am extra lucky to live in the coolest suburbs, Enmore
As Paul Keating once said if you are not living Sydney you are camping out
G'day ! That was great to watch, as someone who Waa born in Sydney & took it for granted for 35 years, to now live 600km away, I love it everytime I get to 'visit' ! .. I've subscribed & looking forward to your other videos of our great country 🇦🇺
Never seen someone so excited about being in Sydney. Welcome to Australia guys. Hope you have a wonderful time.
Hahaha thought I was going to explode 😂😍 Thank you so much!
Welcome to Sydney. Am so glad you have fallen in love with our city. Around the bend from the Opera House, you should have walked around the Botanical Garden too. The coastal walk from Bondi to Coogee is a must do. A ferry across to Manly Beach and Watson Bay and the walk up to the Light House are also lovely. The Northern Beaches from Long Reef Headland to Palm Beach are amazingly beautiful. Lots of walking tracks over looking the ocean in the Sutherland shire national park must be included if you have time. The Blue Mountains of course must be on your list. Endless coastal vibes and natural beauty indeed. Enjoy your stay here - happy exploring!
Amazing! Thank you for the recommendations! 😍🇦🇺
Ferry from Circular Quay to Manly with a return trip at night is wonderful.
Yes I might be Australian who lives in Qld but that Sydney Harbour is magnificent, also the walk from Bondi to Bronte on the cliffs is wonderful also you can walk much further looking at the ocean, it's just magical. Have a great time in the Land from Down Under 😄🦘🦘❤️❤️
When I arrived in Sydney from the UK on a 1 year working holiday visa, I still remember the feeling of love at first site. That was 44 years ago and I've never regretted a single minute. I hope you continue to enjoy this big, beautiful country that I now call home and am proud to be a citizen of.
That’s incredible! We know exactly what you mean 😍 How amazing! 😊
How old where you coz I wanna travel there but Idk where to stay or how to get money (I’m 17)
Dam talk about overstaying your visa.
(sarcasm alert).
@@obi-wankenodi861 I was 22. I stayed in a hostel whilst looking for shared accommodation and took any work I could find (mainly in hospitality). After several years of temporary work and travelling right around Australia I decided to stay so went back to school and became a librarian. Just make sure you have enough money to support yourself whilst getting accommodation and work sorted, be hard working and flexible. Good luck
@@michaelmcclown5593 Haha. Visas were much more flexible then and easier to obtain. The government would also offer amnesties to visa over stayers every few years. Unheard of now.
As an Aussie i think we forgot how awesome our country is, though I quickly remember how good it is when I travel for a long time, always very happy to go home. Especially the Coffee!!! best coffee in the world
It really is!! 😍 We’ve travelled to so many places and never have we had a coffee that’s just hit the mark so much for us 😂 incredible!
Unless your trying to drive through sydney or melbourne on a friday arbo :) , but yeah , still a great country to live in , even though it has faults and good points like every country , the biggest fault in oz imo is with the cost of living , its hard to save here unless you are in a good paying job .
It's amazing how many people from overseas keep saying all the time to me that "You do not know how lucky you are living in Australia". i travel a lot & there is nothing that comes close to Sydney, particulary the Harbour.
When you both come back to Sydney
Come and visit wollongong. 1 hour south drive
You guys are like the perfect tourists! Your smiles and enthusiasm and energy is amazing. Have a ball! Cheers from Oz.
Thank you so much!! ❤️
I’m only 4 minutes in and I’m loving this. I’m Sydney born and bred, have lived here all my life, and this a reminder for me to not take Sydney for granted. Thank you. Looking forward to more content from you guys 🇦🇺❤️
Ah that’s so lovely!! 😍 Thank you!
I love Adriana's enthusiasm and accent. I hope you enjoy your stay in Austraya! 😀 BTW...the bird is an Ibis...also known in Australia as a "bin chicken". That's cause they hang around bins making a nuisance of themselves. They can be found in most cities around Australia.
Hehe thank you so much! Absolutely love the unofficial name of “bin chicken” 😂😂
Well, if their natural wetland habitats weren't disappearing they wouldn't need to invade cities...
I've also heard Seagulls being called "Beach chickens" 😁
Yeah that's the reality of the situation. I kinda feel sorry for them. I grew up on the Gold coast in the 70s and 80s and there was heaps of swampland. Now it townhouses and house and shops everywhere you look@@paulhunt3307
All bin chickens are named Gladis.
LOVE AUSTRALIA!!!!! It was my most favorite trip I've ever taken!! Been over 25 years so I'm sure it's pretty different now. But it still looks wonderful!!!
Oh wow!! Honestly it’s been incredible 😍
Aren’t you both so positive and appreciate what Sydney has to offer ?Enjoy your stay in Australia !!
Thank you so much 😍😊
I go over the Sydney Harbour bridge to work everyday and I take for granted how much of a big thing it is. Your joy at seeing my home city and all the landmarks has been awesome and infectious! Thanks for bringing some of that back :)
Lucky!! 😍 Hehe thank you so much, it’s such a wonderful place that you’re able to call home 😊
I used to do the same, never got old, made me really happy driving across the bridge each day for work.
I live in Sydney & I was getting excited about it when I was watching you guys.
Your enthusiasm is what we all need when we travel. It’s such a privilege to experience all the different countries around the globe hey…
Thank you
You’re so right, we are extremely lucky to be able to travel like this 😍 it’s been fantastic
Welcome to Oz guys ! 🙂 wow you are both such positive people showing your excitement for my beloved Sydney town where I was born and bred ,I have been living in Sunshine Coast Qld couple hours north of Brisbane,moved here 15 years ago, you guys have reminded me of how beautiful Sydney is ❤ hopefully you did go inside the beautiful Sydney Opera house as it is definitely worth a look ! You will love it , enjoy your travels while here in Oz hopefully you visit Sunshine Coast cos I reckon you will love it , thanks for a wonderful video 👌👍👏😎
Thank you for the recommendations! 😍😊
Watched this episode twice. I am so glad you love Sydney especially Adriana. Her action speaks volumes ❤️
Ah thank you so much!! 😍❤️ It was such an amazing day!!
Adriana gushing over Sydney is so cute! I'm leaving on a huge cruise ship at the quay tomorrow 😊 The city is beautiful ❤
Oh wow, have an awesome time on your cruise!! We really want to book one one day 😍
So jealous I am leaving on it in July!!
Hello from Melbourne 👋
Welcome to Australia - 🇦🇺- Great to have you here , you are great travel ambassadors - look forward to seeing Oz through your lens ✔️👌👋👍🙏😃
Thank you so much 😍🇦🇺
You made me homesick I work in New York but am from Sydney Australia seeing the warm weather and you walking around the harbor I was like I need to go asap.
Hehe we hope you manage to head over very soon! 😍 The weather & the vibes warmed our skin AND hearts hehe 😊
Go take a walk in Central Park, grab a coffee.
@@aflaz171 no come home now. I live in Sydney and adore it. So lucky to be born here
Thank you both for your wonderful reaction to how you found Sydney and its people. Be assured wherever you travel through Oz the people are no different. We are so welcoming to happy grateful people like you. As a Queenslander, I have got to say that Tazzie makes great beer and James Boag's was a great choice.
Oh awesome that we chose the right beer! Also, turns out… in Australia SA doesn’t stand for south Afrika but south Australia lol so the wine was also a delicious Australian one! 😂
Hope to see you in Tassie. It's like a mini New Zealand.
Fantastic video, I love your vibe about Sydney, Sydney Tower is a must do for visitors , you have only scratched the surface , as always you let us share your enthusiasm, there is so much to do and see here, look forward to next installment, Greg, Cronulla.
Oh yes there’s so much to explore 😍 thank you so much!
Welcome to Sydney! You’ve done us proud! The rocks is my favourite place to explore and I’ve lived here most of my life 🇦🇺 but there’s so much more and I hope you get to enjoy all its beauty ❤❤❤
Wow what a place to live ey? 😍 We have so much left to explore!!
Just discovered your channel, what a gem. After being shut down and closed to tourists for years, it's lovely to see videos from tourists enjoying everything my city has to offer.
Thank you!! 😍 We are happy to be allowed back in hah!
G'day it's Steven from Sydney
Welcome to all our international friends.
I think we take for granted how lucky we are to be Aussie's, and indeed how fortunate we are to be Sydney siders.
Sydney is the gateway to our beautiful country, and yes we are without a doubt the Australian capital of dining, our cafe culture is second to none, and "we do not ever consume percolated coffee".
I'm so pleased y'all are loving Sydney so much, you may have noticed that we have a lot of construction and development across our city, it feels like it's neverending, our city is so popular that it feels like we're truly an international city, though we still haven't completely recovered from the effects of the pandemic.
There's so much for you to see and do, oh and it's true we don't all say "g'day mate"...😊
Take care and have fun
It really seems like the city is forever renewing and expanding (but for good reason - there are so many people to accommodate)! We absolutely loved our time in Sydney 😍
Thank you soo much you young people ❤ As an 67 yr old Aussie its soo nice to hear. I went to England then Sweden in 1977 when in the military for the Queens Silver Jubilee, soooo many years ago. Pleased you had a great time 😊
Thank you!! 😍❤️ oh that’s so cool! Hope you enjoyed Sweden and the U.K. too! 😊😊
this was actually quite endearing to watch! it gives a renewed appreciation of Sydney... Enjoy your trip guys
Hehe thank you! 😊
Even in poor weather - a trip round the harbour can be magical - you should see it on a bright sunny day. As suggestions visit some famous beaches - Bondi and Manly are likely the standouts for tourists - and catch a train to Katoomba and see the three sisters at the lookout point. Sydney is so much more than its world class city - hope you get the chance to explore it and go walkabout!
Thank you so much!! So much more exploring to be done 😍
In 1977, Swedish pop phenomenon ABBA visited the big white sails, greeted by a sea of Australian fans, so many famous singers have been there including Olivia Newton John X
Wohoooo!! 😍 that’s so cool!
First time viewer. Subscribed because of your enthusiasm and genuine delight. Enjoy your visit to Australia. Climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge if u can.
Thank you so much!! 😊😊
It takes an overseas visitor to show the locals that we do live in an amazing country. Thanks for sharing. Hope you get to visit Melbourne.
Hehe thank you! 🥰🥰
I have lived here 40 years coming from England and it was so good to see your very infectious enthusiasm. It was brilliant. A girl after my own heart in loving mushy peas. I actually buy tins of them imported from England in one of the large supermarket chains.😺
Hahaha brilliant! Can’t go wrong with mushy peas 😍
That’s hilarious, I lived in London for 11 years (LOVED it), and still could not get my head around mushy peas! 😂😂
That was pleasant to watch...cute and authentic.
Thanks for posting and...welcome to AUS!
Thanks so much! 😊
I did the whole travelling around Australia for a year in 2009/10 and loved every minute. I so wanted to live out there (and still want to but not quite there yet). The people are the most friendly you could ever meet and the country is just stunning. Have fun guys.
We completely agree! It’s just such a gorgeous and welcoming place!! That sounds like a good plan 😍
@@2Passports1Dream I visited quite a few places so if there is anywhere you are thinking of going I might be able to recommend (if still there and if I can remember :) ) just let me know
I’m so glad you’re enjoying yourselves here.
Welcome to Australia! Enjoy Australia to the maximum! I hope you will experience the Outback too. I am watching your TH-cam channel since you visited the Philippines. You guys made me smile.
Thank you so much!! 😍🥰
Western Australia
Well put together edit...your enthusiasm oozes through and whats not to like accept for the reality of higher prices but there's still plenty of choices around Sydney especially if you like walks and a picnic..
Ah yeah very true!! 😊😍
Enjoyed your video and your enthusiasm! You are very welcome to stay in Sydney!
I hope you enjoyed the rest of your stay in Australia.
Thank you so much 😊
Love how excited you both are. No idea how I got to your channel but happy to have watched this vid.
I used to catch the ferry everyday to work. It was beautiful every time. I miss it but now I live on the northern beaches, which is just as good ☺️
Hehe thank you so much! Oh wow what a trip to take every morning, dreamy 😍
Wonderful video. It makes me want to go and visit Australia even more ... Enjoy your stay!
Oh we would definitely recommend it! 😍 Thank you so much!
Paul come down to Australia we’d love to have you…Cheers❤️🦘🦘🇦🇺
It is lovely to see your reactions to my home town of Sydney. If you get back to Sydney you really must take the ferry from Circular Quay to Manly which will let you see more of the foreshores of Sydney Harbour. Make sure you have a swim at Manly and take a walk along the promenade that lines Manly beach. There’s so much to do in Sydney elsewhere in New South Wales - hope you’ve got plenty of time to explore as much as possible. Enjoy! 🇦🇺
Thank you so much 😍
Welcome to Oz. I am very happy you found Sydney so nice. I have never got tired of Sydney and its harbour. I hope the rest of your journey is enjoyable.
Thank you so much! 😍😊
Western Australia
I love The Rocks area. Never get tired of it. If you want some Sydney architectural history with a drink, food and markets, this place is just perfect.
So true! It’s got it all 😍
Glad both of you are having a good time in Sydney. Australia is known as the land of milk and honey and for a good reason. They have great fresh produce, fresh fruits and greens, nice weather and food and good weather too.
Guy Sebastian is now a judge on The Voice Australia.
Oh is he?! That’s so cool! Thank you for the info 😍😊
I'm so pleased you love our country and I'm so glad everyone was nice to you both 👍
Hehe such a welcoming place 😍
Love that you love ❤️ Australia 🇦🇺 our home! 🎉
It’s a lovely place to call home 😍😊
The vibe or should I say culture here is drinking all year round but summer does make us thirsty.
Love how excited they are about our country. Hope every box is ticked, and more!
Great sharing. I enjoyed watching it and loved it as always. You are the best. Thanks. 👍👍👍😍😍😍
Thank you so much 🥰
g'day guys welcome to Sydney. i can see the excitement in your video your buzzing. enjoy you're time and enjoy everything Sydney has to offer. cheers
Thank you so much!! 😍
I am SO happy you had such an amazing day in Sydney and loved it SO much❤ If only it weren't SO far away... (says mum, with a sigh)
Hehehe we will have to take you with us 😂😍
Mum will have to make a trip here as well 👍👍🦘🦘
I’m from Sydney, i’ve lived in Hong Kong the last 5 years and i’m moving back to Syd in about a month and a half. I’m nervous because it’s changed a lot, but I’m excited because I miss it so much (and my fam).
Glad you are having such a good time!
Hopefully you'd have sorted accommodation as we're having a housing crisis right now. Good luck
@@jcc1889 i’m moving back with my Mum for a while, I know that is the biggest change 🥹. I always look up the rentals and it’s absolutely insane
We hope you absolutely love coming back 😍 We really loved our stay and I’m sure it’ll feel just like home for you, even though it’s changed!
Welcome to Australia! I’m in Melbourne but Sydney is just as beautiful. Glad you enjoyed it here 😊
Thank you so much! We’ve got some Melbourne episodes coming up too 😍🇦🇺
As an Australian all I can say is that it makes me happy that you guys are happy. And you guys have the perfect vibe for this country. You will fit in really well. Welcome to Oz and have a great trip. 👍
Western Australia
I’ve enjoyed Sydney more than boring Melbourne
Sydney's objectively more beautiful than Melbourne. Melbourne's cool, but you can't compare the classic Aussie aesthetic.
I was born in Sydney (Kogarah) 60 years ago. Although I only lived in Sydney a few years in my life, my family comes from there, and it will always feel like home to me. I never get sick of the harbour area around Circular Quay, No matter how many times I go there, I never get tired of it. I sometimes think us Aussies take this beautiful country for granted.
The bird is a bin chicken!! Im also from Porthmadog but lived here in oz for over 20 years, work in sydney regularly, so its nice to see it through the eyes of someone experiencing it for the first time,
No way, that’s awesome! 😍 Honestly, it’s been such an experience to come to Australia! 🇦🇺
Ibis aka bin chicken
Wonderful episode. Im 72 and lived in Sydney most of that time and its so great to this beautiful country through the eyes of young travellers. Just subscribed xx. Bummer with the van locking itself..I thought at first the wine might be the culprit but no..just weird locking system and the 2 washers for towels was genius.
Hahah thank you! Yeah the van locking itself was terrible, we got so lucky that we got back in! We can't wait to return to Australia again soon!
Welcome to Australia! Ive subscribed literally because you're super cuties & I love seeing foreigners explore & fall in love with our INCREDIBLE country ❤
Thank you so much 😍🇦🇺
As a Sydneysider it was really nice to watch you two just soak it up, its easy to take for granted what I have on a daily basis. Not sure exactly how I got recommended the channel but I'm glad I did.
Hehe thank you!! Such an amazing place to visit 😊😍
I live in what we call outback Australia and I do love visiting Sydney as well. Just love your enthusiasm and I'm glad Australia/Sydney has meet all your expectations so far and sure you will love all what you will see, have a great time.
Awesome! Thank you so much!!
Can I just let you know that the bird you encountered is the Australian White Ibis - we here down under "affectionately" refer to them as Bin Birds! They are often rummaging through rubbish bins. Enjoy Australia, and try to travel the Great Ocean Road, known as the GO Road. Extremely scenic.
All the best, and hope the weather treats u well
Hahahaha bin birds is hilarious! They look a lot classier than seagulls and pigeons - I’d take a bin bird any day! 😂😊
More commonly called bin chickens 😊
Never ever heard them called Bin "birds" , only Bin Chickens. Elsewhere know as (Sacred) Ibis
I love your enthusiasm for my great city. I hope you enjoy your holiday. I think it’s the weather that makes everyone so laid back. Also we are miles away from any other country!! Have fun 😊
We love it :)
Welcome to Sydney! I Moved here 20 years ago from UK! Initially as a holiday but never went back 🙌😂
Hahaha no way! 😂😍 that’s brilliant! What a dream.
Western Sydney
Welcome guys! I love watching vids like this and getting your perspective of our great country. I really hope you both have an awesome experience. Safe travels 😁❤
Thank you so much!! 😍😊
Fun & entertaining video! I'm glad you're enjoying Australia.
Thank you so much 🥰🇦🇺
Wow! My fist video on your channel and I loved it. Love your content and will be following. Sydney is my home but living in London for 17 years now, so it is great to see Sydney makes you happy.
Thank you so much!! 😊😍
That was such a fun video! Can’t wait for more! ❤
Yay! Thank you so much!! ❤️🇦🇺
Guys I visited Sydney so many years ago but I still remember that place and you bring back so lovely and wonderful memories Thank you so much and have a amazing time in Australia
That’s awesome, so happy to hear it! 😍 Thank you!
New subscriber here. Really enjoying your vlogs. Keep inspiring us to travel the world.
Thank you so much 😊🕺🏻
Glad you enjoyed! The public ferries are definitely the better option. Not just cheaper, but just as you guys did, you can sit outside at the front, back or sides which gives you uninterrupted views. The costlier cruises/'fast' boats are often enclosed with no outside area so you're stuck looking at the harbour through a sea-stained window.
Hope you are enjoying your holiday in Sydney! A great place you must go to is the botanical gardens and have lunch in Barangaroo there are so many restaurants with such great food! Have a great holiday! :)
Thank you so much 😍😊
I’m on the way to my office in the city where you passed by when taking the ferry. You make me more appreciate the journey to office.
The bird you encountered is ibis also known as bin bird as they search bin for food. They are pretty docile as long as you keeping a decent distance and not chasing them. Slowly walking pass is fine.
Wow what a brilliant view on your way to work! 😍
Make sure you get a Train to Cronulla, and catch the ferry to Bundeena....... Its paradise.,
Jibbons Beach
@@MitchellBPYao and all walking distance, aboriginal carvings, even wedding cake, and of course , Figure 8 pools... ;)
@@Rhythmattica great filming locations
The concert is Australia Day Concert is on Friday 26th Jan. Dami Im who also did Euro Vision is performing. Fireworks will also be around that location.
Ah that’s so cool!
Take the ferry to Manly Beach it’s quite nice there!
Heheeh awesome! Thank you ❤️
Oh dear, what a crazy time to visit, it might be sunny but it’s humid af here atm! Glad you enjoyed though ❤
We quite love the heat 😍
This made my day☺️ Sydney you've done it again ❤️👋🇳🇿nz .So much to do ,free cheap or expensive!...i definitely think you're right, the inflation around the western world has levelled the feild . So pleased you got such a warm welcome 😎😎❤️
Thank you!! 😍 ah yes, if couldn’t have been better!!
Western Australia
Loved this video, especially love Dylan‘s accent because it reminds me of Bryan Cox, my favourite scientist. 😀The reason you didn’t know how fantastic Australia was because we try not to tell too many people because we don’t want too many people to come here of course, LOL. Hope you come back to live, you won’t regret it! Happy travels!
Haha you think!? oh yes, you’re probably right… it’s a well kept secret 😉
I am from Sydney and I recently visited Stockholm. I found a lot of similarities. Especially the waterways. People in Stockholm really know how to enjoy the water and so do Sydney people.
Oh amazing, yes that’s very true 😆
Mate I just commented the same, I worked in Stockholm for 5 weeks and fell in love. I didn't want to come home.
I have Swedish friend who lived here for many years. She calls herself a Swaussie!
@@paulhunt3307 Ha Ha Ha. I'm part Danish, does that make me a Daussie?
@@markleon411 lol, I guess it does!
I'm so pleased you are enjoying Australia as much as Australians do!
😍 loving it!
So glad you enjoyed my home Country, I think it’s always been great but I’m biased. We’re known as the lucky Country. I’m in Queensland but all of Australia is beautiful. Have fun. You are too funny Adriana ‘Gday mate’. ❤
Haha the G’day mate MADE MY DAY! 😍 Brilliant place! 😊
Western Australia. Sydney
Australia is a beautiful place. Though historically, the term “lucky country” was used ironically to describe Australia 😂
What a lovely day in beautiful Sydney.
It really was 😍
@@2Passports1Dream Lovely. 😀
You are awesome! Welcome to Australia!😊
Thank you so much!! 😍
Western Australia
Amazing video!
I can't wait to see the rest of the series!
Thank you ❤️😊
Welcome to Sydney 🎉
Thank you so much!! 😊
Western Australia
The Sydney Opera House is as much a piece of sculpture as it is a piece of architecture that complements the natural beauty of its surroundings. It is like a butterfly landing on a flower.
Oh wow that’s a beautiful way of putting it! So true 😊
5:50 - The Australian Ibis aka The Bin Chicken - natural habitat is KFC Carparks
Hahahaha that’s hilarious! It looks so cool 😂
@@2Passports1Dream the IBIS was a sacred bird to the ancient Egyptians, they are depicted in tomb paintings ... they're at the other end of the scale in Sydney, ha ha.
Fun fact - they are quite intelligent and adaptable and get a bit of a bad wrap for scavenging city park bins, but human habitation and spread through Sydney has removed the majority of their natural wetlands/habitat and they have adapted to this new lifestyle to survive.
I wanna go to Sydney! When Anja and I had our Australia/ New Zealand trip, we never made it to Sydney (although Anja was there before). It looks super nice. Watching this made us want to go back, and slow travel there a bit. So much more to see. Looking forward to seeing where else you guys end up. 😃
Oh it’s definitely such an awesome city to visit 😍 We want to go back already, too! Haha!
If I had $10 for everytime you guys used the word vibe in this video I would be able to buy a fortnights shopping and maybe a carton of beer !
Hahaha what about taking a sip of beer everytime we say the word “like” 😂 you’d be under the table in mere moments!!
G’day and welcome to Oz, your energy and enthusiasm for our city is just great … Hope you enjoy your stay here , tell your friends we are a friendly place 😊
Thank you so much! Hehe will do 😍
Great video. Well shot and edited. Your excitement is fun to see. Welcome to Oz.
Thank you so much! ☺️
Are you coming to Melbourne? @@2Passports1Dream
What a fantastic video on Sydney, well done you 2, hope the rest of your trip is as good for you....
Thank you so much 😍
I grew up in Sydney, and I've travelled the world and nothing's better than flying into Sydney airport and seeing the Bridge and the Harbour. I also worked in Stockholm for a while, and I had the same feeling like "what am I do on the opposite side of the Earth!" I loved Stockholm, I could seriously move there.
Also, I worked in quite a few of the skyscrapers in Sydney, and I watched them film The Matrix stunts out my window where the two stunt men were hanging from the helicopter. It was very cool. I worked in the octagonal building you see from the Sydney Tower, and I had a window desk seat and I used to daydream watching the planes take off and land at the airport. I love Sydney so much.
Looking forward to your next video, because The Harbour and CBD are just the touristy and business distraict of Sydney, there's so much more to see, different food quaarters, beaches, chill restaurants and pubs. Sydney is huge, has many rivers and national parks etc etc.
Oh wow we had no idea they filmed some of the matrix in Sydney! That’s so cool!! 😍 That’s such a memorable scene too! Interesting how many swedes go to Sydney, and how many people from Australia dip their toes into Sweden too!! Even though we are from opposite sides of the globe there seems to be an invisible string pulling the places together! 😊 we absolutely loooved our time in Sydney, we would be back in a heartbeat if it wasn’t so far away!
@@2Passports1Dream at the time they were filming The Matrix I used to frequent a nightclub called Black Market. That’s where Neo first meets Trinity for the first time. The underpass where they filmed Trinity taking the bug out of Neo was just north of the Harbour Bridge, across the street from where my ex-wife worked haha.
Actually at 12:05 is exactly where the famous girl in the red dress scene was filmed in front of the fountain
Oh my god! That’s scene has literally scarred me and almost gave me a belly-button fear 😂😂😂 that’s so cool though!
No way!? This just gets cooler and cooler!
It's so nice to see people so excited to visit the beautiful city I'm lucky enough to call home I'm originally from the UK but I've lived in Sydney for more than 40 years and it is never boring the view of the harbour and city skyline never gets old, we heard you were coming arranged the weather for you 😂
Hahaha appreciate the fantastic weather 😍 thank you!! Haha! Amazing place
Good on you. Have a good time.
I worked around the corner from you in Pyrmont for a year or so (builing the Metro) and loved walking around that part of town. My grandmother used to live in the next suburb over (Glebe). the bird is an Ibis, and theyre friendly.
Oh that’s so cool! Thanks for sharing!
Welcome to Sydney, guys. Enjoying your enthusiasm and positivity. You've probably been warned already, but prices in the inner city area tend to be very tourist-oriented (read: expensive).
Ah that makes total sense! Thank you 😊
Good coffee doesn't need "flavour". Glad you're enjoying yourselves.
You’re so right!
Welcome to Australia,This is the best vlog I have seen highlighting the city of Sydney.I just subscribed to your channel.
Wow, thank you! 😍
I'm glad you're enjoying our city. I do hope the weather plays nice while you're here, it's been a very unpredictable Summer so far. I highly recommend the Bondi to Cooge coastline walk, and to also take the Ferry to Manly. It is a touristy thing, but it's a great trip if the weather is good and the seas are calm.
Also if you're able to hire a car, a trip out to the Blue Mountains / Wollongong / Central Coast are also worth the effort. Of course you can take a train to these places, but it's going to be quicker by car.
Thank you for the suggestion! The next episodes are actually going to be a bit of a road trip 😍😍
You kept saying how sunny it was, but every time you filmed it was either overcast or partly cloudy. I guess, when you come from the UK, even that weather can be considered satisfactory 😁
You think?! It was pretty much blue skies?? Apart from at lunch when we had some rain hehe
Great video welcome to Australia 🦘🦘🦘🙂👍🇭🇲😎
Thank you so much 😍
WOW! My first solo trip to Sydney Australia was in April 23. Awesome! I also travelled BA business but straight through with brief re fuel at Singapore. Also visited Melbourne and Noosa then back to Sydney before flying home. This makes me want to do it all again!
Happy travels :)
Oh amazing!! We are already dreaming of our next trip to Australia haha!!
So glad to see you guys here in Australia! Are you coming to Adelaide?? Total hidden gem 💖💖💖
Not this trip, but we will put it at the top of the list for next time 😍
It's absolutely great that you two enjoyed Sydney, thank you two so much!
Thank you 😍