My personal recommendation for Kronii (aside from Body Pillow being an insta-pick) is to aim for the Snow Queen super collab as fast as you can. Not only does it freeze the enemies around you making it easier to avoid knocking yourself out of Perfection, it also raises crit chance by twenty percent allowing for even more frequent Kroniicopter procs. Aside from that, ranged dps is probably the thing she's lacking the most, so either Dragon Fire or Bone Bros should be your next priority.
Of course Kronii needs the Body Pillow; she fell in love with her own Dakimakura!
So close, perfection stays up with Injection-Type Asacoco if it's in hardcore.
Kronii was also the first character to teach me that PUR is gud.
My personal recommendation for Kronii (aside from Body Pillow being an insta-pick) is to aim for the Snow Queen super collab as fast as you can. Not only does it freeze the enemies around you making it easier to avoid knocking yourself out of Perfection, it also raises crit chance by twenty percent allowing for even more frequent Kroniicopter procs. Aside from that, ranged dps is probably the thing she's lacking the most, so either Dragon Fire or Bone Bros should be your next priority.
Dragon fire is bad on her, because it starts out maxed out on haste so neither Perfection or stat up Haste don't boost it's haste any further
She’s perfect. Absolutely perfect.
Best character in the game