I have DJ Sona and I think it's totally worth it. I just want to correct something. In the video it was told that DJ sona is a Legendary skin. DJ sona is actually an Ultimate skin.
❥❥❥Hé les gars ❥, vous devriez vous déреchеr❥ si vоus voulеz rаttraреr❥ aаavecccс сette сhanсe❥ , je viens me suis ❥3250 RР librе❥, jе sаaaais qu'il n'y a pas bеаucoup (en réalité , il еst tout a fait) mais vоus ne pas avоir aaa рartager des liеns vers obtenir dеs références ou tel, vous ❥ ne devеz pas donner une ppasse, vоir ici ❥ #twitter.com/eac10d7fe469393e4/status/719122050204508160 ❥❥❥❥ Toр 10 Best Skins in Leaguе of Legends
anууyуоne lооking for wоrking lоl hаcks, this is thе оne i usе mоreeeе thеn yеаrtwitter.com/dbe1d298fe4078883/status/719100417246961665 disсоver it yоursеlf Tор 10 Best Skins in Leаguеeее оf Lеgends
My personal top 7 best skins in League: 1) Foxfire Ahri 2) Popstar Ahri 3) Challenger Ahri 4) Academy Ahri 5) Dynasty Ahri 6) Midnight Ahri 7) Classic Ahri What? I'm biased? What do you mean?
+Skillshots my top 7 favorite league skins are: 1. popstar ahri 2. foxfire ahri 3. classic ahri 4. academy ahri 5. challenger ahri 6. midnight ahri 7. dynasty ahri i think we have similar taste yes? XD (star guardian lux is ok too)
+markedfang I agree. IMO, Final Boss Veigar is the best skin in the game. It really adds to his evil character, and the new model, particles, and animations are beautiful. Not only that, but his quotes, and all the references in them, are so cool. Sometimes I'll type one of his quotes in all chat, like, "I, Veigar, will knock you all down!" and I just feel evil along with the champion. The badass quotes add the spirit I can feel from the champion. The skin makes me enjoy playing Veigar more, and is just perfect in every way.
+Joey DeFrancesco I know bro, but Dunkmaster is one of best skinks ( I am not a Darius main) and it better then all free skins. But in the end its just my opinion buddy
He's saying that riot girl is free and nice looking while dunkmaster look really nicer but costs a lot of money. So you're getting more with riot girl than dunk master.
Aleksandar Pk Dunkmaster is a cool skin, but it really doesnt strengthen darius as a charachter which kind of was a criteria for making this video. Darius is more like a brutal warlord rather than a basketballplayer
Instead of saying "...and it puts it over the top to make Super Galaxy Rumble..." you should have said "This skin kicks reason to the curve, does the impossible and pierces the heavens as the best skin in league of legends!"
My favorite parts of these skins are the recall animation for Pool Party Lulu, and the shadows of Project: Zed. Lulu's recall animation is just so cute and casual to spam, even though it's so simple lol. Also, Zed's shadows look pretty sick when they're made of that "solid smoke" (that's what the site says, at least). Also I really like Super Galaxy Rumble because, even though it's annoying, it feels so much stronger with his "upgraded" machine and his abilities feel so much more impacting. And you can spam recall or any of your jokes/taunts/laughs for the funs of it.
i like Infernal Nasus, i mean when he comes after 30 minutes finally to a teamfight and he activates his ult to become a Cerberus makes it super badass for me
Wow and you didnt even mention the best part of the super galaxy rumble shin.THAT ITS A BLATANT AND AWESOME GURREN LAGANN REFERENCE! Srsly its why it's so amazing.
i think Creator Viktor can be replaced with Firecracker Jinx, his skill animations are epic. And what makes him so epic is his moving. He is moving like a boss.
Honestly I was expecting battle cast alpha skarner. Although he's overlooked as a champ, the skin is straight up badass. His whole quotes change and fit the whole "end humanity" theme that battle cast skins have. For a 1.8k skin this is damn good. I personally think this should be somewhere in top 10 as he nearly brings as much to the table as gurren lagann rumble I mean super galaxy rumble ;)
+TheBadassTeemo why? all they did was make his abilities green, and change his vo, and emotes? is that really that crazy .i feel like most of the skins on this list provide way more, like new particle effects (unlike zombie brand) which imo is the best part of skins.
WAIT WHAT! I know its Opinions, but you can't forget Suprise Party Fiddlesticks! It's like litterally the best bang for the buck you can get, with new sounds, particles and even (as the only skin in the game) new Icons for the abilities. and do not forget its only a 975RP Skin.
we need more skins like starguardian lux that skin is so adorable in her outfit,animations,effects pretty much everything its pretty much my personality made into a skin
+BurkeTheKilla 1. Dead Teemo 2. Dead Teemo 3. Dead Teemo 4. Dead Teemo 5. Dead Teemo 6. Dead Teemo 7. Dead Teemo 8. Dead Teemo 9. Dead Teemo 10. Dead Teemo
did you put all skins in a random name picker and just randomly filled this list? riot girl tristana... half of the skins are nothing special... whereare are skins like dunkmaster darius, final boss veigar or ravenborn leblanc
as a rumble main with this skin, I have to agree, for all the reasons mentioned as well as the improved autoattack which was mentioned but seriously, csing as rumble is one of the hardest things and this skin actually makes it easier
SG Rumble would be my number 2, with my number 1 being Pool Party Mundo. Mundo has always been one of my favorite champs, and while I absolutely love Corporate Mundo it has some things that should be fixed (like not auto-ing with the briefcase), but Pool Party has my favorite recall in the game. The ukalele playing recall always makes me chuckle, and I love that nearly every Mundo skin after Corporate has a different cleaver hit sound. Honorable mention to Pool Party Ziggs for being the OG Pool skin, plus having water wings and a ducky inner tube.
Hmm, considering your criteria, im surprised Creator Viktor didn't even make the honourable mentions. New effects, new recall animation, spawn animation (which is one of the best in game in my opinion), E changes effect again when augmented and its 1350 as opposed go 1820 which a few skins on this list are. Any particular reason it didnt make the cut? I enjoy your lists and other vids Jeremy, keep it up :)
Jeremy I definitely recommend you make an updated version to this! There are some new skins for new champs and just new skins in general! I know you already know about this but I think it would be great!
I like Aether Wing Kayle a lot, it makes her attacks look more impactful compared to her other skins. Lists like this aren't easy anyway, because the more skins we get, the more effort Rito takes to make them. The newer skins are way more detailed than the ones of a few years ago.
arcane master ziggs intead of riot girl tristana. for real though, i have riot girl tristana but i prefer to use the classic skin just cuz riot girl tristana is ugly as hell, how the fuck is it on this list?!
+Mage craft right? arcane master ziggs is one of the most underrated skins in the game, i think cuz ziggs isnt fotm anymore and you hardly ever see him let alone that skin thats why it went unnoticed here
I really like battlecast cho gath tho, where rather than having that big dinosaur thingy which walks around doing things and pressing with your foot on the ground to have that unsatisfying plop of your spikes, you have such a scary beast, especially with maximum stacks. He is absolutely huge and awesome and his animations make him look really as if his weight is pulling him down and him using that to his advantage to stomp around the battlefield. Smashing those claws into your enemies or into the ground to make the enemies fly high or screaming them in the face makes him a lot more like what i imagine cho gath to be. Big. Scary. Strong. And Brutal. Such a satisfying skin..
+Ben Miles Were you not listening at all at the start? She said at the start of the video: "Skins that you can obtain at the moment" not seasonal skins. dumb
Ben Miles Actually I would, what would you do? hit me and go to jail? I know how our society and laws work, do you?. I don't see why you started being rude to me all of the sudden, all I did was point out your flaw and you got mad? I think you're the one who needs some people skills. And yes it was a completely acceptable way.
+龙Akagami しいにひにししら because they arent worth?! theres more to consider than the price. in trists case she just looks overall better and different. which is really good for a free skin. i personally never found a great difference between the base alistar and his unchained skin
Somehow I found the project Lucian and Leona two of the most interestinf ones of the projects. Lucian is a super strong adc, and leona does an amazing job of support. Rito made the two skins look so combined and couple like XD
+TrySoftGames agreed, the first time i saw definitely not udyr i didn't even know what the skin was i just saw a giant turtle running around in my jungle and i burst out in laughter of how ridiculous/amazing it was lol
Definitely agree with Star Guardian and Super Galaxy. Two of my favorite skins in the game by far. The particles and clarity on Star Guardian made Lux fun to play all over again. She's almost like an entirely different champion. Same with Rumble. Plus, that Gurenn Lagaan reference is priceless in and of itself. ;P
I really do like watching these videos of yours :D I'm a fan of opinionated lists, and you articulate your thoughts well You, too, Sunny! :3 Though I do have to be disappointed at the lack of Blackfrost Anivia I could go on and on about this, but it's your list, and I respect your choices :)
high noon jhin should get on the list if you make another one. since he gets a new sound for his 4th shot, reloading sound, ult music sound, and special taunts towards cait and another towards teemo if you kill him with your ulti
Final Boss Veigar is my favourite skin, and I believe it is one of the highest value skins in the game giving Veigar a complete overhaul and essentially giving him a completely new form. If it counts as an Arcade skin, then it's my favourite by far, but I guess you could argue it's a "Boss skin" since Blitzcrank now has a Battle Boss skin as well. That said, this was a very subjective list to make, and not everyone is going to agree with your picks. I think a lot of the ones you chose deserve to be on this kind of list though.
I don't know about the points made for Arcade Riven over the other Arcade skins. I've been using Arcade Sona since it came out and feel like every point made for Arcade Riven also applied to Arcade Sona, save for maybe the backing animation change (been a while since I played Sona, but I do remember her having different particles on everything as well as the same K.O. death animation).
I don't get how Infernal Nasus did not make this list, that skin alone is what adds that "RAID BOSS" feeling in the late game. The effects are pretty cool too! and that Snoop Dog dance And Prime time Draven most definitely should be among the top 5! that skin offers way to much for just 975 RP. it also adds up to the theme of Draven and that axe AA sound is so satisfying
battlecast xerath( not shure if its possible to be purchased)- it cost only 520 rp, but for only 520 rp it has ALL of his abilities and aa changed, and for 520 rp skin this is huge :D
Everyone forgets about the best bang for the buck skins: Surprise party Fiddle and Primetime Draven honorable mentions: Warlord Shen, Muay Thai + KO Lee, Arctic Ops Varus
My personal Favorites 1. Reindeer Kog'Maw, team up with sona and you have a band. 2. Pool party Renekton, amazing recall 3. SnowDay Singed 4. Final boss veigar 5. Haunted zyra 6. Zombie brand 7. LolliPopbadbmeutgaqgretg
I think that Aether Wing Kayle really makes playing kayle much more exciting, so, in my opinion, it should maybe be here too, or at least in a top 11 ;) but aside from that, good job jeremy
Wait what. Where the hell is nasus, that skin makes you feel like the most monstrous badass when you just walk up to the ad carry with 3 fucking heads, full cerberus mode and almost one shot it. Why is that skin not in....
Decent list although as Jeremy stated it's all based on ones preference. I've noticed most of these skins have a goofy, cute or futuristic look to them but I myself, personally, like the more serious, dark looking skins.
the 2 skins i kinda missed on this list: Arcane master Ziggs - for real now this splash art and ingame skills look AWESOME AS HELL! and not to mention: final boss veigar? where was that skin? its one of the best skins there are i think
Super galaxy rumble is my favorite reference skin. like chosen master yi is a star wars (jedi) reference, Super galaxy rumble is a reference to an anime called Gurren Lagann and i bought this skins just because of that. After watching that show you'll never see Super galaxy rumble the same way again
I have DJ Sona and I think it's totally worth it. I just want to correct something. In the video it was told that DJ sona is a Legendary skin. DJ sona is actually an Ultimate skin.
❥❥❥Hé les gars ❥, vous devriez vous déреchеr❥ si vоus voulеz rаttraреr❥ aаavecccс сette сhanсe❥ , je viens me suis ❥3250 RР librе❥, jе sаaaais qu'il n'y a pas bеаucoup (en réalité , il еst tout a fait) mais vоus ne pas avоir aaa рartager des liеns vers obtenir dеs références ou tel, vous ❥ ne devеz pas donner une ppasse, vоir ici ❥ #twitter.com/eac10d7fe469393e4/status/719122050204508160 ❥❥❥❥ Toр 10 Best Skins in Leaguе of Legends
Nitesh Kumar Man, no one will give you free RP, even though you ask it in French.
anууyуоne lооking for wоrking lоl hаcks, this is thе оne i usе mоreeeе thеn yеаrtwitter.com/dbe1d298fe4078883/status/719100417246961665 disсоver it yоursеlf Tор 10 Best Skins in Leаguеeее оf Lеgends
I luv my dj Sona. I got it from a hextech chest.
My personal top 7 best skins in League:
1) Foxfire Ahri
2) Popstar Ahri
3) Challenger Ahri
4) Academy Ahri
5) Dynasty Ahri
6) Midnight Ahri
7) Classic Ahri
What? I'm biased? What do you mean?
+Skillshots you forgot ahri urgot
1) Foxfire Ahri
2) Academy Ahri
3) Midnight Ahri
4) Popstar Ahri
5) Classic Ahri
6) Dynasty Ahri
My Opinion
+Skillshots my top 7 favorite league skins are:
1. popstar ahri
2. foxfire ahri
3. classic ahri
4. academy ahri
5. challenger ahri
6. midnight ahri
7. dynasty ahri
i think we have similar taste yes? XD
(star guardian lux is ok too)
1) Challenger Ahri
2) Firefox Ahri
3) Popstar Ahri
4) Academy Ahri
5) Classic Ahri
6) Midnight Ahri
7) Dynasty Ahri
lol Suckers, Armor of the Fifth Age Taric :D
No skin brought me more joy for the price than final boss veigar.
a closeted star gaurdian Lux main. :'c
+markedfang I'm a star guardian lux main too. I ONLY BOUGHT LUX BECAUSE OF THAT SKIN HAHA
Yea final boss Veigar should have been on the list instead of riot girl trist, heck even forecast Janna is better than riot girl trist.
+theultimate341 it's because of the price riot girl trist now its like a 750rp skin but it's free
I love Final Boss Veigar. So many references, solid particles, great voice over, awesome model, and just sheer badassery.
+markedfang I agree. IMO, Final Boss Veigar is the best skin in the game. It really adds to his evil character, and the new model, particles, and animations are beautiful. Not only that, but his quotes, and all the references in them, are so cool. Sometimes I'll type one of his quotes in all chat, like, "I, Veigar, will knock you all down!" and I just feel evil along with the champion. The badass quotes add the spirit I can feel from the champion. The skin makes me enjoy playing Veigar more, and is just perfect in every way.
Dunkmaster honorable and riot girl is in list? Ok.
Luke they said its about getting your bang for your buck, and riot girl is free.
+Joey DeFrancesco like*
+Joey DeFrancesco I know bro, but Dunkmaster is one of best skinks ( I am not a Darius main) and it better then all free skins. But in the end its just my opinion buddy
He's saying that riot girl is free and nice looking while dunkmaster look really nicer but costs a lot of money. So you're getting more with riot girl than dunk master.
Aleksandar Pk Dunkmaster is a cool skin, but it really doesnt strengthen darius as a charachter which kind of was a criteria for making this video. Darius is more like a brutal warlord rather than a basketballplayer
Instead of saying "...and it puts it over the top to make Super Galaxy Rumble..." you should have said "This skin kicks reason to the curve, does the impossible and pierces the heavens as the best skin in league of legends!"
My favorite parts of these skins are the recall animation for Pool Party Lulu, and the shadows of Project: Zed. Lulu's recall animation is just so cute and casual to spam, even though it's so simple lol. Also, Zed's shadows look pretty sick when they're made of that "solid smoke" (that's what the site says, at least).
Also I really like Super Galaxy Rumble because, even though it's annoying, it feels so much stronger with his "upgraded" machine and his abilities feel so much more impacting. And you can spam recall or any of your jokes/taunts/laughs for the funs of it.
i like Infernal Nasus, i mean when he comes after 30 minutes finally to a teamfight and he activates his ult to become a Cerberus makes it super badass for me
+Rave Master Fiora Holy shit yes three headed satan dogs are scary
+Rave Master Fiora The dance is the best
+Rave Master Fiora Drop it like its hot is my favorite part
+Achw3l Especially when the three headed dogs are fed as fuck
The 1k dmg cane
Sometimes I wonder if riot would make a nasus skin with him holding a toy hammer
Wow and you didnt even mention the best part of the super galaxy rumble shin.THAT ITS A BLATANT AND AWESOME GURREN LAGANN REFERENCE! Srsly its why it's so amazing.
Only reason i like the skin
This was made in October...
10 impossible things is from hitchhiker's guide through galaxy
9:00 "Ultimate"
+SunnySplosion Happens to best
+SunnySplosion Guardians of the sands Kha'Zix might outvalue Mecha, but I still prefer my bug metal and explosion-ish over...well...sand. xD
+SunnySplosion Why are you lying to us?! I trusted you and you failed me :'(
what about omega squad teemo?
I know he said price was an issue.. But no final boss viegar or omega squad teemo!? Talk about a skin that makes you feel like a badass! Those are it.
Imo nr.1 is NunuBot the laugh is Op making you able to make people ragequit by only laughing :^)
+Jakob Piil Maolcatha did you mean: Lux?
Michael Böck Lux laugh is nowhere near as good/annoying as the NunuBot laugh
+Jakob Piil Maolcatha Nunu bot is one of the worst skins next to junkyard trundle...
ascvb3 He might look like shit but the laugh is awsome tbh i like junkyard trundle :#
+ascvb3 Nunu bot is one of my favorite skins ;-;
i think Creator Viktor can be replaced with Firecracker Jinx, his skill animations are epic. And what makes him so epic is his moving. He is moving like a boss.
Mecha Kha > The sand one.
+Sitback ^^
True, but I think they were going along the theme of bang for your buck. They both do similar things, but Mecha costs more
+Twanglet oh cmon, costs more, like barely anything haha
+Sitback mecha is just absolutely sick
Fabbe Fiol You could buy another skin for the amount in price difference (sales)
Honestly I was expecting battle cast alpha skarner. Although he's overlooked as a champ, the skin is straight up badass. His whole quotes change and fit the whole "end humanity" theme that battle cast skins have. For a 1.8k skin this is damn good. I personally think this should be somewhere in top 10 as he nearly brings as much to the table as gurren lagann rumble I mean super galaxy rumble ;)
Dude, where is my broh zombie brand
+『CheeseBoss』 This. IMO It's THE best skin, but only after DJ Sona and Headmistress Fiora (because reasons :D )
+Unreal Realist (Unrealist) U nasty XD
+Unreal Realist (Unrealist) masochist Kappa
+『CheeseBoss』 it should have been in the honorable mentions though
+TheBadassTeemo why? all they did was make his abilities green, and change his vo, and emotes? is that really that crazy .i feel like most of the skins on this list provide way more, like new particle effects (unlike zombie brand) which imo is the best part of skins.
Imo Project Yi would be in the top ten, it makes his attacks and abilities look a lot smoother. Just my opinion though.
Eleos project ashe too ..i am dissapointed
Auras Curceanu this came out before project ashe was even released
oh yea...she would probbably be in the top
am i the only one who really cares about the splash arts in skins almost as much as the ingame model?
No the only one, just part of a small minority.
+iTviX123 I do too its 99% of the reason I own renegade talon.
I think yes
yush me too
+andy alonso-emanuel I thought I was the only one XD
proyect yasuo is a reference to raiden from metal gear
I agree
Top 10 Worst Skins in lol next please.
+Purple Wisps xD
1. Rusty Blitzcrank
+theultimate341 Perhaps 'Skins that no worth buying it'
most important point is the video may triggers a lot of people
cough cough i mean disclaimer
+theultimate341 I'll put Aristocrat Vayne cause it's very very ugly in my opinion !
+theultimate341 Jeremy is gonna get SOO much hate when he makes this list LOL
I really think DJ sona trumps super galaxy rumble but whatever it's your opinion not mine
DJ sona is trash affff
I agree, DJ Sona is easily the best skin in League
dj sona sucks
I love spirit guard Udyr
WAIT WHAT! I know its Opinions, but you can't forget Suprise Party Fiddlesticks!
It's like litterally the best bang for the buck you can get, with new sounds, particles and even (as the only skin in the game) new Icons for the abilities. and do not forget its only a 975RP Skin.
1350 and he has no backport animation ....
+xPowerFighter it's 975 mate.
Primetime Draven too.
+fiskeduser Its legacy and those are excluded i think
+appi105 its not legacy, i can go purchase it right now
What about forsaken jayce?
Where's armor of the fifth age Taric?
Same thoughts
Butcher urgot is the bomb
+gareth phillips unmasked kayle is better
Nah mate, Toxic Mundo.
we need more skins like starguardian lux that skin is so adorable in her outfit,animations,effects pretty much everything its pretty much my personality made into a skin
What about Mecha Sion?
I think that Chosen Yi should be mentioned because it brings a new particle effect, sound effect AND new model at the price of 520 RP.
Primetime Draven has a new voiceover and is a 975 rp skin, I thought it would be number 1 or at least a honorable mention
+『CheeseBoss』 Still better than Pool Party Draven... *Squeak, squeak, squeak* Yeah I feel Oh so badass with that hit sound
***** No but there is a custom Nautilus skin where he does that
+Merchyy that skin looks so shit tho... I can't find anything good about it besides the nice red color
Oh my god. Listening to you guys babble was like sitting through a convention for wine tasting connoisseurs.
This is one trash ass list of best skins. Like wtf riot girl tristana?
She looks cool, everyone has different opinions
***** lol ty
***** lmfao
riot girl trist is the worst skin in the whole game. xdd I have that skin, but when i play trist i use the original. because riot girl is awfull.
***** lol
I think that the Battlecast Cho'gath skin would make the list. Well designen, good particles and matches the champion! :)
where is veigar final boss?
veigar final boss hahahahaha. U mean Final Boss Veigar ofc.
video is too old final boss wasn t out yet
So happy pool party lulu made it on the list. That skin is AMAZING and ridiculously adorable
1. Cotton Tail Teemo.
2.Cottontail Teemo.
3. Panda Teemo.
4. Omega Squad Teemo.
5. Super Teemo.
6. Astronaut Teemo.
7. Recon Teemo.
8. Badger Teemo.
9. Classic Teemo.
10. Happy Elf Teemo.
This guy is right xD
I am Teemo in the real world MAUHAHAAHAUHAUHAUUAUHAUA
1. Dead Teemo
2. Dead Teemo
3. Dead Teemo
4. Dead Teemo
5. Dead Teemo
6. Dead Teemo
7. Dead Teemo
8. Dead Teemo
9. Dead Teemo
10. Dead Teemo
dude jucks I'll use zonya and blind you.
+BurkeTheKilla ap tank rengar
my personal top 10
1.zombie brand
2.apocalyptic brand
3.dragonable riven
4.blood moon talon
5.project yasuo
6.blood moon yasuo
7.sailor gangplank
8.cosmic master yi
9.elemental lux
10. project ekko
did you put all skins in a random name picker and just randomly filled this list? riot girl tristana... half of the skins are nothing special... whereare are skins like dunkmaster darius, final boss veigar or ravenborn leblanc
+Rens van Suilichem This might be surprising to you, but particles, rarity, and price don't mean everything to everyone when it comes to skins.
+Rens van Suilichem ravenborn leblanc? u wot m8
as a rumble main with this skin, I have to agree, for all the reasons mentioned as well as the improved autoattack which was mentioned but seriously, csing as rumble is one of the hardest things and this skin actually makes it easier
White mage veigar > All
I go with assasin yi
+Muka Ferr
German Veigar is much better than White Veigar. : /
I feel like I have zero qualms about this list since I own 1-5, 9 and an honorable mention. Glad you brought Sunny on, great video.
My favorite would have to be the Silent Night Sona.
Just a light hearted skin that has a certain joy for getting yelled at by an Adc.
SG Rumble would be my number 2, with my number 1 being Pool Party Mundo. Mundo has always been one of my favorite champs, and while I absolutely love Corporate Mundo it has some things that should be fixed (like not auto-ing with the briefcase), but Pool Party has my favorite recall in the game. The ukalele playing recall always makes me chuckle, and I love that nearly every Mundo skin after Corporate has a different cleaver hit sound.
Honorable mention to Pool Party Ziggs for being the OG Pool skin, plus having water wings and a ducky inner tube.
8:29 Did she say that sona has 16 new particle effects? 4 x 3 = 12 :/
Ethan Higgins wtf? xd
+Seblind Including new particles for her empowered animations, which don't change depending on the form.
Faal Rovaniik Since apparently that math is beyond your reach, 12 + 4 is actually 16.
+Seblind damn son, get thrashed.
+SunnySplosion Shouldn't it be 19, cuz her auto attack?
Hmm, considering your criteria, im surprised Creator Viktor didn't even make the honourable mentions. New effects, new recall animation, spawn animation (which is one of the best in game in my opinion), E changes effect again when augmented and its 1350 as opposed go 1820 which a few skins on this list are. Any particular reason it didnt make the cut? I enjoy your lists and other vids Jeremy, keep it up :)
5:20 The minimap wtf? ಠ_ಠ
+Venti Lator ?
Theyre on dominion. Hence the domini map. Its a map skin for dominion to look like summoners rift
ahh ok ^^
+Zinouweel Pret No in the gameplay they are on SR...but the map is dominion, they just messed up the editing somewhere
+Deron Prophet Shh your wrong
Jeremy I definitely recommend you make an updated version to this! There are some new skins for new champs and just new skins in general! I know you already know about this but I think it would be great!
Where is Final Boss Veigar :c
I like Aether Wing Kayle a lot, it makes her attacks look more impactful compared to her other skins. Lists like this aren't easy anyway, because the more skins we get, the more effort Rito takes to make them. The newer skins are way more detailed than the ones of a few years ago.
did anyone else notice he was playing dominion on summoners rift?
+Harry Vye wtf
Yup :v
lol? really XD
final boss veigar needs some attention
arcane master ziggs intead of riot girl tristana.
for real though, i have riot girl tristana but i prefer to use the classic skin just cuz riot girl tristana is ugly as hell, how the fuck is it on this list?!
+Mage craft right? arcane master ziggs is one of the most underrated skins in the game, i think cuz ziggs isnt fotm anymore and you hardly ever see him let alone that skin thats why it went unnoticed here
+iRuckiz This makes me proud to be a main ziggs with arcane master ziggs skin! :D
I really like battlecast cho gath tho, where rather than having that big dinosaur thingy which walks around doing things and pressing with your foot on the ground to have that unsatisfying plop of your spikes, you have such a scary beast, especially with maximum stacks. He is absolutely huge and awesome and his animations make him look really as if his weight is pulling him down and him using that to his advantage to stomp around the battlefield. Smashing those claws into your enemies or into the ground to make the enemies fly high or screaming them in the face makes him a lot more like what i imagine cho gath to be. Big. Scary. Strong. And Brutal.
Such a satisfying skin..
Dude. Zombie Brand has all the animation changes you could ever ask for. Wrong wrong wrong video opinions.
+Ben Miles Were you not listening at all at the start? She said at the start of the video: "Skins that you can obtain at the moment" not seasonal skins. dumb
Lol my bad. The title just says top 10 best skins in league of legends. You don't have to be a douche about it.
Ben Miles When was I being a douche? alright pointing something out to someone who didn't see it first is being a douche, alright.
Yah you just pointed out my folly in a totally acceptable way /s. You wouldn't talk like that to my face. Learn some people skills.
Ben Miles Actually I would, what would you do? hit me and go to jail? I know how our society and laws work, do you?. I don't see why you started being rude to me all of the sudden, all I did was point out your flaw and you got mad? I think you're the one who needs some people skills. And yes it was a completely acceptable way.
I feel like Infernal Nasus is the best representation of Nasus with the new voice over and the beautiful particle effects
dude you stole videos from SkinsSpotlight.. and u didnt mention him
Would've liked to see a longer 'honorable mentions' list, and seen Forecast Janna on the main list. Still a good video though, GJ :D
Terrible skin list imo, but I guess everyone has their own opinions :)
+Jack Dye Yeah... How the fuck is riot girl tristana better than dunkmaster darius and final boss veigar?
+Jack Dye It's not terrible since those skins are nice, but you are right that there are better skins.
+Jack Dye that isnt an opinion but a fact. just some random skins, even chromapacks are better than almost all of these skin
Emerald Taric
Why isn't the garen and alistar on the list then? It's free, so it must be worth it's cost?
+龙Akagami しいにひにししら because they arent worth?! theres more to consider than the price. in trists case she just looks overall better and different. which is really good for a free skin. i personally never found a great difference between the base alistar and his unchained skin
Somehow I found the project Lucian and Leona two of the most interestinf ones of the projects. Lucian is a super strong adc, and leona does an amazing job of support. Rito made the two skins look so combined and couple like XD
Spirit Guard Udyr and Firecracker Jinx are the best skins, imo.
+Corvo A SGU is just a visual update with a price.
How 5 sprite god udyr
Make cloak white
Equip necklace
Take off hats
Get haunted
Go to tanning salon
Imo definately not udyr is better
+TrySoftGames agreed, the first time i saw definitely not udyr i didn't even know what the skin was i just saw a giant turtle running around in my jungle and i burst out in laughter of how ridiculous/amazing it was lol
iRuckiz ikr! first time i saw spirit guard udyr i just thought it was a visual update but I was laughing my ass off at definately not udyr
Definitely agree with Star Guardian and Super Galaxy. Two of my favorite skins in the game by far. The particles and clarity on Star Guardian made Lux fun to play all over again. She's almost like an entirely different champion. Same with Rumble. Plus, that Gurenn Lagaan reference is priceless in and of itself. ;P
My favorite skin in all the game is "Super Galaxy Fizz"
Dj Sona it's an Ultimate skin not a legen... wair for it... dary!
As a Jinx main, i completely agree, Firecracker just makes her even more colorful and exciting!
fk is boss veigar? best lgnd skin AND fits vrigar well
As soon as I got super galaxy rumble , joined a match and he said "heroes dont die , they reborn as legends" i knew i spent my money well
Why does sunny sound unenthusiastic :c
final boss veigar is one of my favorites...(honorable mention to night hunter rengar for being able to put the hoodie i like that feature a lot!)
I really do like watching these videos of yours :D
I'm a fan of opinionated lists, and you articulate your thoughts well
You, too, Sunny! :3
Though I do have to be disappointed at the lack of Blackfrost Anivia
I could go on and on about this, but it's your list, and I respect your choices :)
jeremy sounds like he was a very good student while he was at school
high noon jhin should get on the list if you make another one. since he gets a new sound for his 4th shot, reloading sound, ult music sound, and special taunts towards cait and another towards teemo if you kill him with your ulti
I think Spirit Guard should be in here. The detail on all the abilites look amazing. (coming from a old Udyr main)
My personal favorite skin is Master Arcanist Ziggs. The particles are amazing.
Bomb on, buddy.
Omega squad teemo for sure, turns a joke yordle into a badass with a fallout's power armor suit.
Final Boss Veigar is my favourite skin, and I believe it is one of the highest value skins in the game giving Veigar a complete overhaul and essentially giving him a completely new form. If it counts as an Arcade skin, then it's my favourite by far, but I guess you could argue it's a "Boss skin" since Blitzcrank now has a Battle Boss skin as well.
That said, this was a very subjective list to make, and not everyone is going to agree with your picks. I think a lot of the ones you chose deserve to be on this kind of list though.
i personally luv the sandstorm ekko skin it has that prince of Persia vibe which makes his Ulti all the more sick to use.
Spirit guard Udyr is a part of Udyrs history. You're right about that it could be a vision update.
I don't know about the points made for Arcade Riven over the other Arcade skins. I've been using Arcade Sona since it came out and feel like every point made for Arcade Riven also applied to Arcade Sona, save for maybe the backing animation change (been a while since I played Sona, but I do remember her having different particles on everything as well as the same K.O. death animation).
So cool to hear that as a rumble main that always uses this skin :D
The boombox on infernal nasus is the best animation. I got it in a mystery gift so value.
I don't get how Infernal Nasus did not make this list, that skin alone is what adds that "RAID BOSS" feeling in the late game. The effects are pretty cool too! and that Snoop Dog dance
And Prime time Draven most definitely should be among the top 5! that skin offers way to much for just 975 RP. it also adds up to the theme of Draven and that axe AA sound is so satisfying
battlecast xerath( not shure if its possible to be purchased)- it cost only 520 rp, but for only 520 rp it has ALL of his abilities and aa changed, and for 520 rp skin this is huge :D
Everyone forgets about the best bang for the buck skins: Surprise party Fiddle and Primetime Draven
honorable mentions: Warlord Shen, Muay Thai + KO Lee, Arctic Ops Varus
My personal Favorites
1. Reindeer Kog'Maw, team up with sona and you have a band.
2. Pool party Renekton, amazing recall
3. SnowDay Singed
4. Final boss veigar
5. Haunted zyra
6. Zombie brand
7. LolliPopbadbmeutgaqgretg
arch light Vel,oz t literally fit his theme so well and turns him into a god, hi quotes also fit the ins theme very well to :).
0:34 almost chocked on my water laughing...
Ik it's a turbo old video, but at the time I think that Battlecast Alpha Skar and Prime Cho'gath deserve at least a mention here.
I think that Aether Wing Kayle really makes playing kayle much more exciting, so, in my opinion, it should maybe be here too, or at least in a top 11 ;) but aside from that, good job jeremy
Wait what. Where the hell is nasus, that skin makes you feel like the most monstrous badass when you just walk up to the ad carry with 3 fucking heads, full cerberus mode and almost one shot it. Why is that skin not in....
When i look at Super Galaxy Rumble's recall animation, i can't help but think of Kamina and Gurren Lagann.
For a 750 skin I think Pentakill Karthus is pretty good.
Btw Pool party Lulu is 1350 Rp
I got surprised that Final Boss veigar wasn't in the top 10, it is my fav skin
I kinda wanted to see Surprise Party Fiddlesticks but anyway nice Video!
Decent list although as Jeremy stated it's all based on ones preference. I've noticed most of these skins have a goofy, cute or futuristic look to them but I myself, personally, like the more serious, dark looking skins.
Mecha'zix Have a unique sound notification, when someone isolated pops up on screen, something Guardian of the Sands does not have...
the 2 skins i kinda missed on this list: Arcane master Ziggs - for real now this splash art and ingame skills look AWESOME AS HELL!
and not to mention: final boss veigar? where was that skin? its one of the best skins there are i think
"We dont put Spiritguard Udyr on the list because its just a visual update" - * Puts SUPER GALAXY RUMBLE at the 1st spot *
when you have three skins ;-; Riot girl tristana,Eternum Nocturne and Star guardian lux
Super galaxy rumble is my favorite reference skin.
like chosen master yi is a star wars (jedi) reference, Super galaxy rumble is a reference to an anime called Gurren Lagann and i bought this skins just because of that. After watching that show you'll never see Super galaxy rumble the same way again
I think final boss veigar should be in that list. The skin is really good, at a high price but totally worth it
I was expecting eternum nocturne and you did not disappoint. Far and away the best skin in the game if you disregard price, imo.