Coming from someone who's taken years of classes at an official zoo: look if a zoo is AZA accredited before giving it your business. the AZA or its equivalent in other regions (EAZA in europe) regulates animal welfare, breeding programs, species survival plans, and basic exhibit parameters. another good tip: do NOT go to any "zoo" that advertises lion/tiger encounters. AZA accredited zoos do NOT allow keepers, let alone the public, to interact with an animal that could easily maul someone to death in a split second. there are strict containment protocols, always involving at least one barrier and at least one other keeper supervising activities. even more horrifyingly, a lot of facilities that do cub encounters sell the grown cats to canned hunting facilities- or have their parts sold illegally after they're butchered.
Some AZA accredited zoos are still fucking terrible though, they just hide stuff from the AZA. I volunteered at an accredited zoo for 7 years. Too many stories I could tell about horrific animal deaths, abuse, and general lack of anyone giving a shit, that were completely kept secret.
Yeah, I've looked into those predator encounters and the abuse is horrific. For many of them, the animals are kept on drugs to keep them docile. Declawing is also common. It's disgusting.
There are a lot of great zoos and a lot of bad sanctuaries. Painting everything with a broad brush is off key for yalls normally very nuanced videos. Accredited zoos have great staff taking excellent care of the animals. They get great vet care with some incredibly smart and passionate people and well planned habitats to keep them stimulated and healthy. I think you should definitely reconsider painting the great zoos we have in the same category as abusive situations.
As someone who was in the industry, I think I should share my opinion. Look, I know the idea of zoos making money has always been controversial, but where else are they getting money for food? For upkeep? For conservation efforts? I think it should be done humanely of course but you have to understand zoos don’t run off good intentions alone.
This is kind of a dumb comment. I think you just don’t understand what Non Profit means. Profit isn’t money taken in, it’s money LEFTOVER after expenses. Non profit doesn’t mean 0 money being taken in. It just means that any and all funds taken in are all put towards the project, paying the workers, food etc and any remainder would be sent to conservation effort charities. So no it’s really not a bizarre concept at all to have a non profit zoo? There are non profit hospitals and that’s possible but you think a zoo is somehow impossible to be non profit? Critical misunderstanding of business.
@@eshanroveran7850 I worked at a non profit zoo I know what it is. He said he didn’t believe ANY zoo should exist. He didn’t say no non profit or profit, just any. I’m just clarifying why zoos have to make some kind of money to survive.
@@eshanroveran7850 This is kind of tangential but snekboi's comment is exactly why I prefer the term "not-for-profit". The point is to communicate that the organisation does not exist to generate profit for the owner but for some other purpose and all the revenue generated is put back into whatever purpose the organisation exists for.
Hate to break it to you but “non-profits” are anything but non-profit. They get tax exemptions and most, not all, are reaping the rewards of the money shelter the status provides. The money brought in should go toward improving and providing for the business to operate but unfortunately people skim dollars off of these types of businesses. Pockets get lined through non-profit organizations and it’s just a fact. Just because something is supposed to operate morally doesn’t mean that it does. Laws are broken everyday. Have you ever broken the speed limit? You’re not supposed to but you have. Case closed.
I understand your stance on this specific company because their history of mismanagement, but I think that it is very close minded to say that all zoos are bad just because the one that you grew up with is coloring your opinion. Edit: fixed typo
100% there are so many zoos out there who follow protocalls to a T and go above and beyond to make sure the animals, guests, and staff are safe and happy. Without zoos we could not afford so many programs that is not only drivign research but also conservation. There are so many species that became extinct in the wild but was revived from zoo efforts. It also massively affects the public view of animals as a whole and specific species. it also inspires children and adults to work with animals in the future.
Old comment but gonna say: It’s good I read your comment, I get so angry with people pointing at one zoo and saying they’re all bad. The zoos near me (in the UK, run by the ZSL and ZSH) have done so much for conservation efforts, public education (not only about the animals themselves, but also the reason why many are endangered and how people can help keep them from becoming extinct), and when you visit them you get the sense they are genuinely deeply cared for. Some zoos are horrific, others are havens for animals, tarring them all with the same brush is dangerous really.
You can't really compare something like LCS to say the Chicago aquarium and Milwaukee zoo which are all pivotal parts of conservation breeding programs. I dont know any one who would consider this a "zoo" its a safari
ive worked closely with caretakers at the milwaukee zoo and the thought that ppl would clump them into the same category as this abusive hell site is disheartening to all the work and care they put in.
@@LonelyGamer4 an establishment which maintains a collection of wild animals, typically in a park or gardens, for study and conservation. Your point? I’d like an actual constructive conversation, not some smarmy word play with some bad faith jerk.
@dropdeaddrawing Cambridge: "An area in which animals, especially wild animals, are kept so that people can go and look at them or study them" Merriem-Webster: "A facility with usually indoor and outdoor settings where living, typically wild animals are kept especially for public exhibition" Brittanica: "A place where many kinds of animals are kept so that people can see them" By most definitions, including these and others, the LCS is a zoo. Just cause you don't like it, doesn't mean it isn't one.
@@LonelyGamer4the distinction matters because amusement parks, and zoos and aquariums are generally operated at different standards, and for different purposes. As an example, many zoos are non-profit, something that wasn't even touched on in the video. Or the fact that there are accrediting associations that exist for the sole purpose of ensuring that zoos and aquariums are well-maintained, and the animals are safe and healthy. This was, all around, a very lame, misinformed video that lacks cohesion and research. DebunkFile in general has uploaded quite a few videos in recent months that I feel don't hit the mark. Like, I'm beginning to realize that it's all about the aesthetic here, and I'm very close to unsubscribing.
i live near lion country safari it’s so weird bc wellington florida is simultaneously the absolute furthest place where this should exist and also the place where it makes the absolute most sense as to why they put it there
I was fortunate to grow up near the San Diego Zoo’s Safari Park (then called the Wild Animal Park). It was an incredible zoo with a conservation focus, and sweeping natural habitats. Every zoo I’ve been to since has been ghastly in comparison. I think a lot of facilities could learn from the model of the Safari Park
August of 1967, the first drive through cageless zoo? 1966 Longleat Safari Park in the UK opened... Longleat has a weird and interesting history, as well as the previous owner, the 7th Marquess of Bath. You've totally got to look into it!
He won’t because it’s a zoo that dismantles everything he hates about them. They do huge amounts of conservation work, they’re not for profit, they’re accredited, and they care a lot for the animals. Looking into Longleat would make him have to question how he feels about zoos and considering this video… I don’t think he’s really fine with that.
Being opposed to zoos is such a weird hill to die on. Sure, I understand hating things like roadside zoos; here in Appalachia, we have a lot of those that keep bears and moose captive so weirdos from Ohio who have never seen a hill before can gawk at the fact that we have animals larger than a raccoon here. But accredited zoos with good reputations are not only necessary for safe research, but also for conservation. Without zoos as they exist in the modern idea of them, many species would have already gone extinct. Guy said he's 20, though, so still in that righteous anger phase of brain development and still a bit shy of the critical thinking capabilities of a full adult. With a little research, dude could move toward the right direction.
I love how you did a dive into a place near where you grew up…it reminds me of when LSuperSonicQ did a video about the mystery of the Liberty Tree at the mall in his hometown! There’s something uniquely intriguing about learning about a place that you know was a fixture of someone’s childhood one way or the other
the white lion cub was likely also attacked by it's mother due to it's coloration, and possibly related poorer health associated - same with white tigers
I used to go to this zoo a lot as a kid, the drive was a little over 40 minutes I’m in college now and this video gave me a bit of nostalgia, thanks for reminding me of one of my childhood memories
You shouldve/could've, at the very least, dedicated part of the video to talking about the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums, and similar orgs like AZA, the main accrediting organization for zoos and aquariums in the US. They've been accrediting zoos and aquariums for over 40 years, enauring they maintain the highest standards. And you could have also talked about the distinction between non-profit zoos and for-profit zoos. Generally speaking if someone is concerned about the ethics and standards of parks they're attending, they should opt for non-profit locales. I dunno, I think it's weird how you spent a significant portion of the video talking about _how_ much you dislike zoos, while simultaneously conflating *all* zoos with SeaWorld and Lion County Safari, which is both ignorant and dishonest. I hate to use the phrase, _virtue signaling,_ but it felt like you were trying very hard to convince me that you care about zoos the entire time. Videos like this highlight one of the problems with commentary channels - the audience is assuming/expecting that what they're being told is coming from someone who is operating with an expanded knowledge base, but more often than not, it's just some kid talking out of their ass...
Yeah, it very much feels like he's either completely ignorant of the invaluable contributions non-profit zoos have had for conservation or is deliberately omitting key information in order to push an agenda. For someone who says they love animal conservation they didn't do a very good job of showing their knowledge of the subject matter.
Ngl I’ve found many times that this channel is not that good at research while having this image that they do :/ how could they even talk about this subject and completely ignore AZA?!? And everything you said. Even the drive through grazing animals zoo like we have the same here up north in Canada, it’s not special. Literally same format down to the waterpark part of it. It’s called Parc Safari, since 1972…
@@thisiskitta Yeah, I personally went to African Lion Safari a few times in Cambridge, Ontario since I'm from southern Ontario. It's a drive in safari park like Lion Country Safari. It's definitely not as bad as that park, but it's not AZA accredited and is a clearly for-profit zoo. The best zoo to go to in that region though is the Toronto Zoo; which actually does have AZA accreditation.
Internet mystery recommendation: "Dear David", a supposed ARG created by Adam Ellis on twitter in around 2016 I think. I followed the Dear David story from the start, always anticipating new updates. It was a rollercoaster of emotions and I'm still confused about what it actually was. From what I remember, David was some kind of spirit, a boy with a mysterious dent in his head that started haunting Adam, who set up cameras in his apartment. His dogs barked at the door, things moved around and Adam found childrens shoes in the attic (from what I remember). It felt and looked so real, I still like to believe that it was so some extent. It still lives in the back of my mind and I'd be thrilled if you covered it, it would be a shame of that story was forgotten.
Here's the problem with your disdain for these parks and your "ideal" way they should be run- money. For zoos & safari parks to be able to fund their research and conservation efforts all over the world, not just in their location, they have to be funded. Also, just the upkeep, maintenance and food costs for the animals within has to come from somewhere, and while we all would love nothing more than to see animals treated perfectly, volunteering to do maintenance a few hours a week at the lion park is going to be MUCH less safe than anything else. I also live in Florida and if you truly do care about conservation, allowing those who run their parks ethically to do so is one of the best things you can do. Because as you know, we have tons of invasive species right here in our own state who are this very minute destroying native species, from mammals to fish to plants to bacteria. Even invasive fungi. Insects. Reptiles- if a category exists, we have at least one that doesn't belong currently eating away at resources our native species need to survuve, or surviving off the species themselves, causing them to be close to extinction in some cases. Of course, man will always be the worst invasive species but the pythons, snakeheads, lionfish, etc are doing their share. Also, the sentence "an emu attacking a car is causing a traffic jam" isn't exactly that wild. This IS Florida and im guessing this has happened more than once on just some back highway in the panhandle, or maybe Central Florida somewhere. We definitely get alligators causing traffic jams, packs of monkeys have been seen roaming Ft Lauderdale from time to time, people have been injured by falling frozen iguanas. It's a nonstop parade of insanity sometimes. Last year a freaking bear just swam up from the gulf somewhere, got to shallow water and ambled it's way up through a beach full of folks in Destin. No one even saw where it came from, just out of the water.
"Horror in the Safari Park near Paris. Wolf Pack attacks Woman in Blood Frenzy. Terrible Neck Wounds." These where the headlines two weeks ago. Turns out, the brain-dead woman went into the enclosure for a round of jogging. Yeah....what can you say? What will stick though is that big, bad wolves mauled a poor, innocent woman. So sad.
If the development history of the movie 'Roar' has taught me anything, its that some people haven't been mauled by lions enough times to realize that what they're trying to accomplish is a really bad idea.
I don't think we can dismantle zoos and let the animals back out into their natural habitat. Unfortunately those animals would just not survive. So it's a very tricky subject and I don't think there is a good way of handling it unless we somehow stop them from breeding in captivity and not add any new animals and let the zoos fizzle out so to speak
There was nothing like this around where I lived. I did grow up getting to go see Keiko The Killer Whale here at the Oregon Coast Aquarium. It was NOTHING like SeaWorld or this crazy zoo you are covering here. Getting to be there and witness this huge killer whale being rehabilitated tho had an immensely positive impact on my life and on many other people's life's. The employees at the aquarium worked their butts off towards the goal of hoping to be able to release Keiko back into the wild. They did achieve their goal and did release Keiko into the wild. I'm just insanely grateful that I got to experience those things during those times. It holds a very special place in my heart.
Oh my god. I haven't thought about Lion Country Safari for YEARSSSS. I have baby pictures at the location in Florida! My parents loved this place as far as I remember. Seeing you cover this was a TOTAL SHOCK. This place and the Columbus Zoo, which I lived close to my entire childhood, was a dream. I know a lot of incidents happened, and I remember the news about a vulture getting mauled by lions I think? A crazy place. Great coverage about the incidents too. Glad to hear they got better since I was a kid.
I'm so thankful I watched the entire video before commenting. I absolutely love the approach of including your opinions at the end. There were so many parts where I was a little worried, and actually going to leave the video just because of some of the subject matter being a bit much for me (just me personally). As far as ethics go, I hope most people understand your points in this video. All of the concerns you expressed are absolutely valid. This was such an incredible video, congrats on 100 videos!!
I, as well as my mother, grew up a mile from the Irvine park and Bubbles got out sooooo many times. She would go towards Laguna Beach into a pond that was there in the canyon. The rumor at the time was that she was looking for her mate she was separated from. That park was always a crap show though, iirc there were monkeys that would screw up your car more than anything.
Went to woodland Park zoo in the '60s. By the time I had my child in the early '80s, they had really done a good job of making habitats that were friendly and supportive. I loved watching the elephant bathing sessions or the raptor education shows etc. Also, from early '80s the Olympic game farm on the peninsula you could drive around and first you would buy a loaf of stale bread so that the buffaloes could come up and you could hand feed them. Be careful rolling your window down because they will stick your their heads in the car. Very hard to remove a buffalo head. Also much green slime things that were predatory wolves etc or panned. It was really sad. Kind of just a dirt track. They had a white rhino. I remember that
Interesting video, I somehow expected you to debunk a video or something similar. I like the fact it has nothing to do with the Internet, makes us think that theres more than this. Anyways, been following you for ao long and i’m glad youve grown ! Keep it up,
Still rockin that Freddie mask! Don’t think we forgot about you armymantv you’re one of the ogs so happy to see you in the comments again, like old times!
If we're talking about florida and zoos, I will always go back to thinking about ZooTampa (or lowry park zoo, or whatever name it is adopting). It was at one point literally the worst zoo in the country for animal welfare. Over time, it has improved, but I will always wonder how much improvement justifies it staying open? I have seen the new setup they have for elephants, one that allows the elephants to travel between large green areas without any humans in their spaces. It's probably one of the safest and most ethical thing to do. I also know they're part of a conservation program to help restore wild dog populations in Africa. It's also one of maybe three places I know that do rehab for wild manatees. Then again, do those things justify the rest of the zoo? I can see giving the existing animals a good life since they're probably not going to do well in the wild, but If all the elephants died of old age, the zoo would find a reason to buy more, wouldn't they? They have too much money tied up in the space and attractions to just close the elephant spaces. I think the fact that the zoo has improved as much as it does is a sign that zoos can do better, but I still don't know how much better is enough. Maybe i'm just navel gazing.
Don't forget that part of a zoo's purpose (or at least those who try to make the experience the best for the animals that they can) is conservation. Not just breeding but also studying them, finding out their physiology, how they are affected by certain diseases & environments/environmental changes happening in the world and using this info to combat some of these things when possible. Pandas come to mind especially, because they breed so rarely in the wild. I found a great documentary on pandas several years ago on TH-cam and it went into how part of their breeding involves some of them somehow "sensing" the right time, traveling a good ways through difficult terrain and only having a short window at even a chance of breeding, if it even "takes". Even learning to protect animals in nature from their own species, invasive species, etc is important. So there is justification, when done correctly. The problem is almost always monetary though- for the zoos themselves & these programs to exist, they have to be funded so that often means negotiating a balance between getting people in to see them, in places where people actually are, and giving the animals all the space they need. A zoo covering 1000+ acres in the middle of nowhere would be great but building enclosures, veterinary care and food costs would nevercbe covered because a relatively small amount of people are going to drive 100 miles out of the way to see it.
If you’re still looking into it or for anyone else seeing this comment: Longleat is accredited by the British and Irish association of Zoos and Aquariums and are very open with who their conservation partners around the world are.
Thank you brother love these videos, have liked, subscribed and shared. I'm only so far through your library of videos and am most fascinated with the jersey shark attack story. Cool and interesting voice you have for narration and you're information and insight, thoughts isn't far away from Bob Gymlan status 🍻. Happy holiday to you, your crew involved in making these great videos and to all the fans here. Much 💜 -Michael Paradise- Cleveland, O-H-I-O🎉🎆🥇
1. That's an ostrich, not an emu. 2. the way Americans pronounce emu sounds really dumb. Apart from that, good video. I think zoos can be good for animal conservation and still be entertaining to customers, but it's very difficult for them to do both while also being profitable.
It's sick how much of a fuss people make over animal rights while ignoring all the human rights violations they see in their everyday lives. Imagine if people cared as much about human rights as they do about animal rights...
Pulling lions' tails? I wouldn't even pull the tail of my 12 pound cat because he would kick my ass if I provoked him, much less pull the tail of a lion. That's insanity.
Since the age of 5, I haven’t been to a zoo with my family. The last one was the Winnipeg Zoo. The flamingos were clearly malnourished, and the birds were an ugly, off-white colour. They weren’t being fed shrimp, they were being fed something else, and clearly not enough of it. That was the last straw for all of us. My mom and I just stared at them, at how pitiful they looked and how obviously mistreated they were. I remember going back to the hotel that night and my mom just couldn’t stop crying. It wasn’t just the flamingos, though. It was really, all of the different animals they had penned up, malnourished, and miserable. She sort of guided me away from a lot of it, which is why the flamingos are what I remember most of all. I remember how sad the big cats looked. They were so skinny. I was really into the Lion King at that stage, so I just wanted to see one in person. It was so upsetting. I’ll never forget how I could see his ribs and his legs looked so weak. Kinda fucked me up as a kid, but for the better. After that, we only went to parks with a focus on rescue and conservation. My mom is obsessed with Turpentine Creek in Arkansas. They have some amazing animals with heartbreaking stories. And they used to have a goat that wandered around head butting women’s purses. We kept calling him the Donation Goat…
It's a cool video, I'm just not sure how it fits into the rest of y'all's videos. I also felt like the impact was marred by the personal commentary. I'm not a fan of zoos in general, it did feel like there was an agenda underneath this video though; I didn't feel like I had much of an opportunity to make my judgement as a result of the commentary.
Colonization of Australia was a horrible idea. Firstly, there were Abo’s here already. It’s their country. Secondly, the Emus should’ve gotten into a stash of meth & made the war heavily more one sided.
When I heard of this I thought you had to get into a "zoo car", kinda like the cars on tracks in Jurassic Park. The fact that people are allowed to drive their own cars, in-between the animals, is insane. They're asking for some idiot to run over some animal.
Crazy that you're only...20? Is that what you said? MAN, if that's the case, I can't wait to see what you do and how you progress. So much talent at such a young age! Great video.
Whenever a zoo is a for-profit thing, it's incentivized to put money over animal safety and enrichment. That, to me, is the root of the cruelty of zoos. I loved going to my local zoo as a kid, but knowing more about them just sours the concept. I really appreciate your anti-zoo stance and liked your more than reasonable suggestion to at least make the zoo safer for guests and animals.
Yeah... Im the weirdo that wants a pet chimpanzee, though everyone tells me it's a terrible idea. I cant afford one anyways so doesn't really matter either way
I completely agree with you on zoos. They are inhumane with their small cages and zookeeper neglect towards the animals. However, I think a zoo like exhibit could exist with the animals being safe and healthy. A massive outdoor environment with a raised train track/monorail system overlooking the animals without the animals being bothered by idiots throwing food and stuff at them and blocking their way.
No way the comments are bitching this much. Anyway really good vid! Was fun to listen to the history of this random place I’ll probably never go to lol
Personally I think Zoos CAN be important. Especially because some cross over with conservation efforts. Some zoos are both conservation all and zoos because the zoo side can help fund the conservation. I think it all depends on how the zoos handle themselves as well as their welfare for the animals. Some zoos can be good just like some conservation groups can be bad.
@@jellygirljude True, I've there a few times over the years. But the major difference is that Longleat is run by people who are actually qualified to do so, employ people who qualifed to work there, have extremely high security measures in place and isn't about getting punters in and out in the name of profit; yes Longleat is a business and needs to make money to work, but it isn't the end of goal of the place, like LCS.
It's a long form documentary about a weird tourist trap he grew up near. I don't see it as being empty at all. Sounds like you watched the first five minutes and just decided it was woke.
I 10000% am with you on wishing for all zoos to be dismantled ASAP 😢 I remember going to the Bronx zoo but only in quick flashes because I was maybe 6 years old… but i do remember crying & my cousins making fun of me every time we stopped at “a cage” (or what they call “an attraction”) - I remember being sadder than I’d been in my up until that point and that’s it - I didn’t even ponder or meditate on the “why” of it all until years later… Fast forward to around the year 2002 - me father took me and my brother to visit his sister and parents, who had recently moved from their lifelong residence in Long Island, New York to to retire in Kissimee, Florida. Their middle child of 3 (my dads the youngest with 2 older sisters) was living with them in Long Island & basically followed them to Florida - luckily she would meet her husband and they were even lucky enough to conceive a son in their first year of marriage (they were in their 40’s) Anyway - i had never been to Florida and neither had my brother (who is 4 and a half years my junior). While we were there, my father gave us the choice between going to Disney World (or Land? I can never remember which is which 🙈🙃🤷🏻♀️) and SEAWORLD. My brother and I were raised on 70s & 80s schlocky horror movies. So after watching Jaws, my parents insisted on renting the movie ORCA from blockbuster (this is months before going to Florida). We (my brother and I) were pretty traumatized by the scene that kicks off the entire plot and horror to come of “Orca” - and mind you it’s been like, 30 years since I saw this? I never rewatched it - it was one of *those* movies that sticks with you… so I won’t spoil it but if you saw this movie you know what I am referring to… This was the first time I was rooting for the “killer”. And I wasn’t alone. The whole movie my brother & I went from yelling at the screen to almost sobbing; overcome with empathy for the absolutely BEAUTIFUL orca… and then feeling like we were “broken” for wishing for the “animal” to avenge the murder of its partner and unborn child against the *humans* 😮 So we picked seaworld - not having ANY IDEA about… I can’t even get into it without crying over my iPhone 🤐🙃🙈 but I imagine you have seen the movie *Blackfish* - especially being a “Floridian” (as you say lol 😝) … I was super late to the “party” (for lack of better phrasing :/) on this one - and I only even stumbled across it at the end of 2023… And I remembered that name : *Tilikum* I have photos of my little brother and Tilikum - with my brother practically posing in the orca’s mouth 😳 I remember his name so well because we were in the front row of the “Shamu Show” - and nobody had warned us that it was interactive let alone that we were going to get covered in stagnant, stale, truly awful-smelling faux-ocean. I was 14 years old when we went so my memory is FAR clearer than my memories of the Bronx zoo. I remember that we got there super early - and sitting the 3 of us in the “bleachers” just looking at this “pool”; thinking that we were in the wrong area because Orcas are not solitary creatures - and this pool is far too small for 1; let alone a pod… And then the show started and Tilikum… he was bleeding 🩸 into the water from his “skin” through the whole show. His dorsal fin was completely folded and calcified (though I can’t swear to it being truly calcified as I refused to touch the poor thing because I didn’t want to cause it more pain.) - after the show they had Tilikum (who had done this a lot of times in the show and it was so unnatural) do the “trick” where the orca basically beaches itself for photo ops with it’s mouth open, tongue out because humans see themselves in all living beings. This is why kids perceive a panting dog to be smiling . This too is true for the “smiling orca” and is why these stunts are so memorable to their bread and butter visitors.: I had a disposable waterproof camera I bought from the guest shop and I used that “smiling orca” photo-op stunt to take pictures of the blood pooling onto the platform - and it was during this time that my brother was stupidly (he is a shallow human TBH) being positioned for photos with Tilikum & the trainers (2 males) and that’s how I have a photo that appears to show my 8 year old brother seemingly inside the teeth-lined-jaws of the so called “real life *killer* whale” (😢)
I can’t even watch this entire video 😪 animal abuse/neglect as a whole in any type of way literally makes me cry 😩😔 especially when I got to the part about bubbles 😔 she just wanted to be free in her own element… why kill her for just simply wanting to be free & left alone by shitty money hungry humans 😒 using animals to make money…. It’s just not fair & not right to me … I’ve always felt like this since I was a child 😞 why do some humans have the right to invade wildlife animals the way they do …. Let them be animals & simply play their part in the ecosystem and the world 🥺 Humans making money from wildlife isn’t apart of it … some people literally just fcking disgust me with how heartless they can be to animals & other living human beings 😒 from the bottom of my heart I absolutely hate some sick people in this world 🖕
Coming from someone who's taken years of classes at an official zoo: look if a zoo is AZA accredited before giving it your business. the AZA or its equivalent in other regions (EAZA in europe) regulates animal welfare, breeding programs, species survival plans, and basic exhibit parameters.
another good tip: do NOT go to any "zoo" that advertises lion/tiger encounters. AZA accredited zoos do NOT allow keepers, let alone the public, to interact with an animal that could easily maul someone to death in a split second. there are strict containment protocols, always involving at least one barrier and at least one other keeper supervising activities. even more horrifyingly, a lot of facilities that do cub encounters sell the grown cats to canned hunting facilities- or have their parts sold illegally after they're butchered.
Some AZA accredited zoos are still fucking terrible though, they just hide stuff from the AZA. I volunteered at an accredited zoo for 7 years. Too many stories I could tell about horrific animal deaths, abuse, and general lack of anyone giving a shit, that were completely kept secret.
Yeah, I've looked into those predator encounters and the abuse is horrific. For many of them, the animals are kept on drugs to keep them docile. Declawing is also common. It's disgusting.
It’s BIAZA for British and Irish zoos/aquariums just in case any British people were looking into it
There are a lot of great zoos and a lot of bad sanctuaries. Painting everything with a broad brush is off key for yalls normally very nuanced videos. Accredited zoos have great staff taking excellent care of the animals. They get great vet care with some incredibly smart and passionate people and well planned habitats to keep them stimulated and healthy. I think you should definitely reconsider painting the great zoos we have in the same category as abusive situations.
As someone who was in the industry, I think I should share my opinion. Look, I know the idea of zoos making money has always been controversial, but where else are they getting money for food? For upkeep? For conservation efforts? I think it should be done humanely of course but you have to understand zoos don’t run off good intentions alone.
This is kind of a dumb comment. I think you just don’t understand what Non Profit means. Profit isn’t money taken in, it’s money LEFTOVER after expenses.
Non profit doesn’t mean 0 money being taken in. It just means that any and all funds taken in are all put towards the project, paying the workers, food etc and any remainder would be sent to conservation effort charities.
So no it’s really not a bizarre concept at all to have a non profit zoo? There are non profit hospitals and that’s possible but you think a zoo is somehow impossible to be non profit?
Critical misunderstanding of business.
@@eshanroveran7850 I worked at a non profit zoo I know what it is. He said he didn’t believe ANY zoo should exist. He didn’t say no non profit or profit, just any. I’m just clarifying why zoos have to make some kind of money to survive.
@@eshanroveran7850 This is kind of tangential but snekboi's comment is exactly why I prefer the term "not-for-profit". The point is to communicate that the organisation does not exist to generate profit for the owner but for some other purpose and all the revenue generated is put back into whatever purpose the organisation exists for.
@@1313stjimmy yea I completely agree!
Hate to break it to you but “non-profits” are anything but non-profit. They get tax exemptions and most, not all, are reaping the rewards of the money shelter the status provides. The money brought in should go toward improving and providing for the business to operate but unfortunately people skim dollars off of these types of businesses. Pockets get lined through non-profit organizations and it’s just a fact. Just because something is supposed to operate morally doesn’t mean that it does. Laws are broken everyday. Have you ever broken the speed limit? You’re not supposed to but you have. Case closed.
I understand your stance on this specific company because their history of mismanagement, but I think that it is very close minded to say that all zoos are bad just because the one that you grew up with is coloring your opinion.
Edit: fixed typo
100% there are so many zoos out there who follow protocalls to a T and go above and beyond to make sure the animals, guests, and staff are safe and happy. Without zoos we could not afford so many programs that is not only drivign research but also conservation. There are so many species that became extinct in the wild but was revived from zoo efforts. It also massively affects the public view of animals as a whole and specific species. it also inspires children and adults to work with animals in the future.
Old comment but gonna say:
It’s good I read your comment, I get so angry with people pointing at one zoo and saying they’re all bad.
The zoos near me (in the UK, run by the ZSL and ZSH) have done so much for conservation efforts, public education (not only about the animals themselves, but also the reason why many are endangered and how people can help keep them from becoming extinct), and when you visit them you get the sense they are genuinely deeply cared for.
Some zoos are horrific, others are havens for animals, tarring them all with the same brush is dangerous really.
Random Chimp Event. Awesome band name.
Sounds racist
@@Cracker_Barrel_Kidd_55 Didn’t think of it that way 😂
I concur lol in the most non racist way lol
You can't really compare something like LCS to say the Chicago aquarium and Milwaukee zoo which are all pivotal parts of conservation breeding programs. I dont know any one who would consider this a "zoo" its a safari
ive worked closely with caretakers at the milwaukee zoo and the thought that ppl would clump them into the same category as this abusive hell site is disheartening to all the work and care they put in.
I think you need to look up the definition of a zoo
@@LonelyGamer4 an establishment which maintains a collection of wild animals, typically in a park or gardens, for study and conservation. Your point? I’d like an actual constructive conversation, not some smarmy word play with some bad faith jerk.
@dropdeaddrawing Cambridge: "An area in which animals, especially wild animals, are kept so that people can go and look at them or study them"
Merriem-Webster: "A facility with usually indoor and outdoor settings where living, typically wild animals are kept especially for public exhibition"
Brittanica: "A place where many kinds of animals are kept so that people can see them"
By most definitions, including these and others, the LCS is a zoo. Just cause you don't like it, doesn't mean it isn't one.
@@LonelyGamer4the distinction matters because amusement parks, and zoos and aquariums are generally operated at different standards, and for different purposes.
As an example, many zoos are non-profit, something that wasn't even touched on in the video.
Or the fact that there are accrediting associations that exist for the sole purpose of ensuring that zoos and aquariums are well-maintained, and the animals are safe and healthy.
This was, all around, a very lame, misinformed video that lacks cohesion and research.
DebunkFile in general has uploaded quite a few videos in recent months that I feel don't hit the mark. Like, I'm beginning to realize that it's all about the aesthetic here, and I'm very close to unsubscribing.
i live near lion country safari it’s so weird bc wellington florida is simultaneously the absolute furthest place where this should exist and also the place where it makes the absolute most sense as to why they put it there
yes, it somehow feels irresponsible but also makes complete sense lol
I was fortunate to grow up near the San Diego Zoo’s Safari Park (then called the Wild Animal Park). It was an incredible zoo with a conservation focus, and sweeping natural habitats. Every zoo I’ve been to since has been ghastly in comparison. I think a lot of facilities could learn from the model of the Safari Park
The San Diego zoo is the coolest
HOLY SHIT LION COUNTRY SAFARI?? I always drive through this area I never expected you’d do a video on it!!
August of 1967, the first drive through cageless zoo? 1966 Longleat Safari Park in the UK opened... Longleat has a weird and interesting history, as well as the previous owner, the 7th Marquess of Bath. You've totally got to look into it!
He won’t because it’s a zoo that dismantles everything he hates about them.
They do huge amounts of conservation work, they’re not for profit, they’re accredited, and they care a lot for the animals.
Looking into Longleat would make him have to question how he feels about zoos and considering this video… I don’t think he’s really fine with that.
Being opposed to zoos is such a weird hill to die on. Sure, I understand hating things like roadside zoos; here in Appalachia, we have a lot of those that keep bears and moose captive so weirdos from Ohio who have never seen a hill before can gawk at the fact that we have animals larger than a raccoon here. But accredited zoos with good reputations are not only necessary for safe research, but also for conservation. Without zoos as they exist in the modern idea of them, many species would have already gone extinct. Guy said he's 20, though, so still in that righteous anger phase of brain development and still a bit shy of the critical thinking capabilities of a full adult. With a little research, dude could move toward the right direction.
I get your point and agree with a few things, but I don't fully agree and am too tired rn to state my views in a coherent way lol.
I love how you did a dive into a place near where you grew up…it reminds me of when LSuperSonicQ did a video about the mystery of the Liberty Tree at the mall in his hometown! There’s something uniquely intriguing about learning about a place that you know was a fixture of someone’s childhood one way or the other
Are safari parks not common elsewhere? We have a few in the UK
the white lion cub was likely also attacked by it's mother due to it's coloration, and possibly related poorer health associated - same with white tigers
I used to go to this zoo a lot as a kid, the drive was a little over 40 minutes
I’m in college now and this video gave me a bit of nostalgia, thanks for reminding me of one of my childhood memories
You shouldve/could've, at the very least, dedicated part of the video to talking about the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums, and similar orgs like AZA, the main accrediting organization for zoos and aquariums in the US. They've been accrediting zoos and aquariums for over 40 years, enauring they maintain the highest standards.
And you could have also talked about the distinction between non-profit zoos and for-profit zoos. Generally speaking if someone is concerned about the ethics and standards of parks they're attending, they should opt for non-profit locales.
I dunno, I think it's weird how you spent a significant portion of the video talking about _how_ much you dislike zoos, while simultaneously conflating *all* zoos with SeaWorld and Lion County Safari, which is both ignorant and dishonest.
I hate to use the phrase, _virtue signaling,_ but it felt like you were trying very hard to convince me that you care about zoos the entire time.
Videos like this highlight one of the problems with commentary channels - the audience is assuming/expecting that what they're being told is coming from someone who is operating with an expanded knowledge base, but more often than not, it's just some kid talking out of their ass...
Yeah, it very much feels like he's either completely ignorant of the invaluable contributions non-profit zoos have had for conservation or is deliberately omitting key information in order to push an agenda. For someone who says they love animal conservation they didn't do a very good job of showing their knowledge of the subject matter.
Yeah the first bit where he says that conservation is a passion of his so of course he doesn't like zoos... that whole attitude is a miss for me.
Ngl I’ve found many times that this channel is not that good at research while having this image that they do :/ how could they even talk about this subject and completely ignore AZA?!? And everything you said. Even the drive through grazing animals zoo like we have the same here up north in Canada, it’s not special. Literally same format down to the waterpark part of it. It’s called Parc Safari, since 1972…
@@thisiskitta Yeah, I personally went to African Lion Safari a few times in Cambridge, Ontario since I'm from southern Ontario. It's a drive in safari park like Lion Country Safari. It's definitely not as bad as that park, but it's not AZA accredited and is a clearly for-profit zoo. The best zoo to go to in that region though is the Toronto Zoo; which actually does have AZA accreditation.
Shoutout to Frasier for doing his part to keep lion population up!
Internet mystery recommendation: "Dear David", a supposed ARG created by Adam Ellis on twitter in around 2016 I think. I followed the Dear David story from the start, always anticipating new updates. It was a rollercoaster of emotions and I'm still confused about what it actually was. From what I remember, David was some kind of spirit, a boy with a mysterious dent in his head that started haunting Adam, who set up cameras in his apartment. His dogs barked at the door, things moved around and Adam found childrens shoes in the attic (from what I remember). It felt and looked so real, I still like to believe that it was so some extent. It still lives in the back of my mind and I'd be thrilled if you covered it, it would be a shame of that story was forgotten.
Here's the problem with your disdain for these parks and your "ideal" way they should be run- money. For zoos & safari parks to be able to fund their research and conservation efforts all over the world, not just in their location, they have to be funded. Also, just the upkeep, maintenance and food costs for the animals within has to come from somewhere, and while we all would love nothing more than to see animals treated perfectly, volunteering to do maintenance a few hours a week at the lion park is going to be MUCH less safe than anything else. I also live in Florida and if you truly do care about conservation, allowing those who run their parks ethically to do so is one of the best things you can do. Because as you know, we have tons of invasive species right here in our own state who are this very minute destroying native species, from mammals to fish to plants to bacteria. Even invasive fungi. Insects. Reptiles- if a category exists, we have at least one that doesn't belong currently eating away at resources our native species need to survuve, or surviving off the species themselves, causing them to be close to extinction in some cases. Of course, man will always be the worst invasive species but the pythons, snakeheads, lionfish, etc are doing their share.
Also, the sentence "an emu attacking a car is causing a traffic jam" isn't exactly that wild. This IS Florida and im guessing this has happened more than once on just some back highway in the panhandle, or maybe Central Florida somewhere. We definitely get alligators causing traffic jams, packs of monkeys have been seen roaming Ft Lauderdale from time to time, people have been injured by falling frozen iguanas. It's a nonstop parade of insanity sometimes. Last year a freaking bear just swam up from the gulf somewhere, got to shallow water and ambled it's way up through a beach full of folks in Destin. No one even saw where it came from, just out of the water.
"Horror in the Safari Park near Paris. Wolf Pack attacks Woman in Blood Frenzy. Terrible Neck Wounds."
These where the headlines two weeks ago. Turns out, the brain-dead woman went into the enclosure for a round of jogging. Yeah....what can you say? What will stick though is that big, bad wolves mauled a poor, innocent woman. So sad.
Ostriches are not emu.
Saying it's the "world's first/only cageless zoo" is like those signs that say "world's best cup of coffee". 😂
If the development history of the movie 'Roar' has taught me anything, its that some people haven't been mauled by lions enough times to realize that what they're trying to accomplish is a really bad idea.
I don't think we can dismantle zoos and let the animals back out into their natural habitat. Unfortunately those animals would just not survive. So it's a very tricky subject and I don't think there is a good way of handling it unless we somehow stop them from breeding in captivity and not add any new animals and let the zoos fizzle out so to speak
There was nothing like this around where I lived. I did grow up getting to go see Keiko The Killer Whale here at the Oregon Coast Aquarium. It was NOTHING like SeaWorld or this crazy zoo you are covering here. Getting to be there and witness this huge killer whale being rehabilitated tho had an immensely positive impact on my life and on many other people's life's. The employees at the aquarium worked their butts off towards the goal of hoping to be able to release Keiko back into the wild. They did achieve their goal and did release Keiko into the wild. I'm just insanely grateful that I got to experience those things during those times. It holds a very special place in my heart.
Oh my god. I haven't thought about Lion Country Safari for YEARSSSS. I have baby pictures at the location in Florida! My parents loved this place as far as I remember. Seeing you cover this was a TOTAL SHOCK. This place and the Columbus Zoo, which I lived close to my entire childhood, was a dream.
I know a lot of incidents happened, and I remember the news about a vulture getting mauled by lions I think? A crazy place. Great coverage about the incidents too. Glad to hear they got better since I was a kid.
I don't think of zoos as animal prisons. I think of them as animal witness protection programs.
as a south floridian,, seeing this on my feed come up made me look over my shoulder GOD LOL great vid! i love your content btw :D
Had to make something for the locals! Thanks for watchin!
I remember driving thru this "safari" when I was younger. Always thought it was a bit crazy lol
Ohio has African Wildlife Safari near Marblehead. They had a fire a while ago over winter and a bunch of the animals died.
It was at a zoo on May 28, 2016 that the world forever changed. Never Forget!
Rip Harambe.
I'm so thankful I watched the entire video before commenting. I absolutely love the approach of including your opinions at the end. There were so many parts where I was a little worried, and actually going to leave the video just because of some of the subject matter being a bit much for me (just me personally). As far as ethics go, I hope most people understand your points in this video. All of the concerns you expressed are absolutely valid. This was such an incredible video, congrats on 100 videos!!
I, as well as my mother, grew up a mile from the Irvine park and Bubbles got out sooooo many times. She would go towards Laguna Beach into a pond that was there in the canyon. The rumor at the time was that she was looking for her mate she was separated from. That park was always a crap show though, iirc there were monkeys that would screw up your car more than anything.
Went to woodland Park zoo in the '60s. By the time I had my child in the early '80s, they had really done a good job of making habitats that were friendly and supportive. I loved watching the elephant bathing sessions or the raptor education shows etc. Also, from early '80s the Olympic game farm on the peninsula you could drive around and first you would buy a loaf of stale bread so that the buffaloes could come up and you could hand feed them. Be careful rolling your window down because they will stick your their heads in the car. Very hard to remove a buffalo head. Also much green slime things that were predatory wolves etc or panned. It was really sad. Kind of just a dirt track. They had a white rhino. I remember that
Interesting video, I somehow expected you to debunk a video or something similar. I like the fact it has nothing to do with the Internet, makes us think that theres more than this.
Anyways, been following you for ao long and i’m glad youve grown ! Keep it up,
Quite surprised to see a video on my childhood zoo.
Congrats guys! Can't believe it's been 6 years since I first found this channel.
Still rockin that Freddie mask! Don’t think we forgot about you armymantv you’re one of the ogs so happy to see you in the comments again, like old times!
If we're talking about florida and zoos, I will always go back to thinking about ZooTampa (or lowry park zoo, or whatever name it is adopting). It was at one point literally the worst zoo in the country for animal welfare. Over time, it has improved, but I will always wonder how much improvement justifies it staying open?
I have seen the new setup they have for elephants, one that allows the elephants to travel between large green areas without any humans in their spaces. It's probably one of the safest and most ethical thing to do. I also know they're part of a conservation program to help restore wild dog populations in Africa. It's also one of maybe three places I know that do rehab for wild manatees.
Then again, do those things justify the rest of the zoo? I can see giving the existing animals a good life since they're probably not going to do well in the wild, but If all the elephants died of old age, the zoo would find a reason to buy more, wouldn't they? They have too much money tied up in the space and attractions to just close the elephant spaces.
I think the fact that the zoo has improved as much as it does is a sign that zoos can do better, but I still don't know how much better is enough. Maybe i'm just navel gazing.
Don't forget that part of a zoo's purpose (or at least those who try to make the experience the best for the animals that they can) is conservation. Not just breeding but also studying them, finding out their physiology, how they are affected by certain diseases & environments/environmental changes happening in the world and using this info to combat some of these things when possible. Pandas come to mind especially, because they breed so rarely in the wild. I found a great documentary on pandas several years ago on TH-cam and it went into how part of their breeding involves some of them somehow "sensing" the right time, traveling a good ways through difficult terrain and only having a short window at even a chance of breeding, if it even "takes". Even learning to protect animals in nature from their own species, invasive species, etc is important. So there is justification, when done correctly. The problem is almost always monetary though- for the zoos themselves & these programs to exist, they have to be funded so that often means negotiating a balance between getting people in to see them, in places where people actually are, and giving the animals all the space they need. A zoo covering 1000+ acres in the middle of nowhere would be great but building enclosures, veterinary care and food costs would nevercbe covered because a relatively small amount of people are going to drive 100 miles out of the way to see it.
As someone who was born and raised in Loxahatchee, this was a shock to see on my feed
Love seeing these local shoutouts!
We have a drive thru safari in the UK called longleat that I loved growing up, now I gotta do a deep dive and see if it's as bad as this 😬
If you’re still looking into it or for anyone else seeing this comment:
Longleat is accredited by the British and Irish association of Zoos and Aquariums and are very open with who their conservation partners around the world are.
Holy shit, a video about something from my childhood.
Sooo... What is Lion Country Safari's stance on driving a convertible through their zoo? Asking for a friend.
Its not allowed you will be turned away its something I didnt mention because its not very important to the overall story but great question!
Can't do it, good news is that they allow you to rent a vehicle thats more suitable for the drive thru
Thank you brother love these videos, have liked, subscribed and shared. I'm only so far through your library of videos and am most fascinated with the jersey shark attack story. Cool and interesting voice you have for narration and you're information and insight, thoughts isn't far away from Bob Gymlan status 🍻. Happy holiday to you, your crew involved in making these great videos and to all the fans here. Much 💜 -Michael Paradise- Cleveland, O-H-I-O🎉🎆🥇
The voice of Fraser in the movie sounded like Boris Karloff 🧐
When the animals start running the show, bolt the doors & let them roam.
Why's is the opening like nexpos?
1. That's an ostrich, not an emu. 2. the way Americans pronounce emu sounds really dumb.
Apart from that, good video.
I think zoos can be good for animal conservation and still be entertaining to customers, but it's very difficult for them to do both while also being profitable.
The way you continuously call ostriches emus in this hurts xDDD
34:56 congrats on 100 ❤
We still have cageless zoos in the UK, I went to them al the time as a kid. I never realised how bad they were. Jfc.
The Fraiser movie would have made a great animated movie. 😂
It's sick how much of a fuss people make over animal rights while ignoring all the human rights violations they see in their everyday lives. Imagine if people cared as much about human rights as they do about animal rights...
Pulling lions' tails? I wouldn't even pull the tail of my 12 pound cat because he would kick my ass if I provoked him, much less pull the tail of a lion. That's insanity.
Since the age of 5, I haven’t been to a zoo with my family. The last one was the Winnipeg Zoo. The flamingos were clearly malnourished, and the birds were an ugly, off-white colour. They weren’t being fed shrimp, they were being fed something else, and clearly not enough of it. That was the last straw for all of us. My mom and I just stared at them, at how pitiful they looked and how obviously mistreated they were. I remember going back to the hotel that night and my mom just couldn’t stop crying.
It wasn’t just the flamingos, though. It was really, all of the different animals they had penned up, malnourished, and miserable. She sort of guided me away from a lot of it, which is why the flamingos are what I remember most of all. I remember how sad the big cats looked. They were so skinny. I was really into the Lion King at that stage, so I just wanted to see one in person. It was so upsetting. I’ll never forget how I could see his ribs and his legs looked so weak.
Kinda fucked me up as a kid, but for the better. After that, we only went to parks with a focus on rescue and conservation. My mom is obsessed with Turpentine Creek in Arkansas. They have some amazing animals with heartbreaking stories. And they used to have a goat that wandered around head butting women’s purses. We kept calling him the Donation Goat…
Oh shit wasn’t planning on seeing Colleen Marshall right at the beginning 😂
It's a cool video, I'm just not sure how it fits into the rest of y'all's videos. I also felt like the impact was marred by the personal commentary. I'm not a fan of zoos in general, it did feel like there was an agenda underneath this video though; I didn't feel like I had much of an opportunity to make my judgement as a result of the commentary.
emus won wars against our kind, they will not be stopped
Colonization of Australia was a horrible idea. Firstly, there were Abo’s here already. It’s their country. Secondly, the Emus should’ve gotten into a stash of meth & made the war heavily more one sided.
Lucky for us those are ostriches, not emu. Still dangerous but generally not smart enough to start/win a war.
27:10 "by an emu"
When I heard of this I thought you had to get into a "zoo car", kinda like the cars on tracks in Jurassic Park. The fact that people are allowed to drive their own cars, in-between the animals, is insane. They're asking for some idiot to run over some animal.
And shockingly, there are somehow no reported incidents of that ever happening
I know, right!? Especially in Florida.
Safari parks like this or longleat have a surprisingly low amount of incidents for some reason.
Crazy that you're only...20? Is that what you said? MAN, if that's the case, I can't wait to see what you do and how you progress. So much talent at such a young age! Great video.
I also grew up nearby lmao, you can see my house/the schools I went to in the Google Earth zoom out
Don't dox yourself brother
Yo can you give us a detailed description of the exterior of your house?
I’m so early for this one!
Debunk back🎉
Anyone ever watch the show "Zoo"?
There is good zoos and bad zoos...
Let's go!
Whenever a zoo is a for-profit thing, it's incentivized to put money over animal safety and enrichment. That, to me, is the root of the cruelty of zoos.
I loved going to my local zoo as a kid, but knowing more about them just sours the concept. I really appreciate your anti-zoo stance and liked your more than reasonable suggestion to at least make the zoo safer for guests and animals.
Weird asf for hating on this park even tho its shown that nothing bad has happened for decades
Nor far from marine land is the Canadian version of this, African Lion Safari
African Lion Safari is WAZA accredited. The concept is similar but it's far more ethical in its practices.
This sounds like the mexican “africam safari”, which has both a cage and free roam area, just add tigers to the mix.
30:18 appreciate you and your videos.
I feel the same than you about zoos.
If you want to know more information and stories about mistreated captive animals i recommend the channel Cid Dywer
Yeah... Im the weirdo that wants a pet chimpanzee, though everyone tells me it's a terrible idea. I cant afford one anyways so doesn't really matter either way
The animated animal attack scenes is a bit tastless ngl
Nope, that’s top tier content
I Love lion country safari
random chimp event
Honestly I get that same feeling towards zoos like this. Most of the zoos I grew up with ended up closing during the financial crisis in 2007
I completely agree with you on zoos. They are inhumane with their small cages and zookeeper neglect towards the animals. However, I think a zoo like exhibit could exist with the animals being safe and healthy. A massive outdoor environment with a raised train track/monorail system overlooking the animals without the animals being bothered by idiots throwing food and stuff at them and blocking their way.
No way the comments are bitching this much. Anyway really good vid! Was fun to listen to the history of this random place I’ll probably never go to lol
Personally I think Zoos CAN be important. Especially because some cross over with conservation efforts. Some zoos are both conservation all and zoos because the zoo side can help fund the conservation. I think it all depends on how the zoos handle themselves as well as their welfare for the animals. Some zoos can be good just like some conservation groups can be bad.
Very little of what humans do to animals is humane. Welcome to the real world.
The only thing I can take from this is: 'murica.
The Longleat Safari Park in the UK actually opened before LCS did
@@jellygirljude True, I've there a few times over the years. But the major difference is that Longleat is run by people who are actually qualified to do so, employ people who qualifed to work there, have extremely high security measures in place and isn't about getting punters in and out in the name of profit; yes Longleat is a business and needs to make money to work, but it isn't the end of goal of the place, like LCS.
Zoos should not exist.
Sanctuaries and preserves should exist in their place
Im confused. Ive just watched an empty video containing nothing except an individual raging against zoos. Yes the past was the worst. Get over it.
It's a long form documentary about a weird tourist trap he grew up near. I don't see it as being empty at all. Sounds like you watched the first five minutes and just decided it was woke.
Where tf did he say that? Nice job putting words in his mouth jayjay.
I 10000% am with you on wishing for all zoos to be dismantled ASAP 😢
I remember going to the Bronx zoo but only in quick flashes because I was maybe 6 years old… but i do remember crying & my cousins making fun of me every time we stopped at “a cage” (or what they call “an attraction”) - I remember being sadder than I’d been in my up until that point and that’s it - I didn’t even ponder or meditate on the “why” of it all until years later…
Fast forward to around the year 2002 - me father took me and my brother to visit his sister and parents, who had recently moved from their lifelong residence in Long Island, New York to to retire in Kissimee, Florida. Their middle child of 3 (my dads the youngest with 2 older sisters) was living with them in Long Island & basically followed them to Florida - luckily she would meet her husband and they were even lucky enough to conceive a son in their first year of marriage (they were in their 40’s)
Anyway - i had never been to Florida and neither had my brother (who is 4 and a half years my junior). While we were there, my father gave us the choice between going to Disney World (or Land? I can never remember which is which 🙈🙃🤷🏻♀️) and SEAWORLD.
My brother and I were raised on 70s & 80s schlocky horror movies. So after watching Jaws, my parents insisted on renting the movie ORCA from blockbuster (this is months before going to Florida). We (my brother and I) were pretty traumatized by the scene that kicks off the entire plot and horror to come of “Orca” - and mind you it’s been like, 30 years since I saw this? I never rewatched it - it was one of *those* movies that sticks with you… so I won’t spoil it but if you saw this movie you know what I am referring to…
This was the first time I was rooting for the “killer”. And I wasn’t alone. The whole movie my brother & I went from yelling at the screen to almost sobbing; overcome with empathy for the absolutely BEAUTIFUL orca… and then feeling like we were “broken” for wishing for the “animal” to avenge the murder of its partner and unborn child against the *humans* 😮
So we picked seaworld - not having ANY IDEA about… I can’t even get into it without crying over my iPhone 🤐🙃🙈 but I imagine you have seen the movie *Blackfish* - especially being a “Floridian” (as you say lol 😝) … I was super late to the “party” (for lack of better phrasing :/) on this one - and I only even stumbled across it at the end of 2023…
And I remembered that name : *Tilikum*
I have photos of my little brother and Tilikum - with my brother practically posing in the orca’s mouth 😳
I remember his name so well because we were in the front row of the “Shamu Show” - and nobody had warned us that it was interactive let alone that we were going to get covered in stagnant, stale, truly awful-smelling faux-ocean. I was 14 years old when we went so my memory is FAR clearer than my memories of the Bronx zoo.
I remember that we got there super early - and sitting the 3 of us in the “bleachers” just looking at this “pool”; thinking that we were in the wrong area because Orcas are not solitary creatures - and this pool is far too small for 1; let alone a pod…
And then the show started and Tilikum… he was bleeding 🩸 into the water from his “skin” through the whole show. His dorsal fin was completely folded and calcified (though I can’t swear to it being truly calcified as I refused to touch the poor thing because I didn’t want to cause it more pain.) - after the show they had Tilikum (who had done this a lot of times in the show and it was so unnatural) do the “trick” where the orca basically beaches itself for photo ops with it’s mouth open, tongue out because humans see themselves in all living beings. This is why kids perceive a panting dog to be smiling . This too is true for the “smiling orca” and is why these stunts are so memorable to their bread and butter visitors.:
I had a disposable waterproof camera I bought from the guest shop and I used that “smiling orca” photo-op stunt to take pictures of the blood pooling onto the platform - and it was during this time that my brother was stupidly (he is a shallow human TBH) being positioned for photos with Tilikum & the trainers (2 males) and that’s how I have a photo that appears to show my 8 year old brother seemingly inside the teeth-lined-jaws of the so called “real life *killer* whale” (😢)
I can’t even watch this entire video 😪 animal abuse/neglect as a whole in any type of way literally makes me cry 😩😔 especially when I got to the part about bubbles 😔 she just wanted to be free in her own element… why kill her for just simply wanting to be free & left alone by shitty money hungry humans 😒 using animals to make money…. It’s just not fair & not right to me … I’ve always felt like this since I was a child 😞 why do some humans have the right to invade wildlife animals the way they do …. Let them be animals & simply play their part in the ecosystem and the world 🥺
Humans making money from wildlife isn’t apart of it … some people literally just fcking disgust me with how heartless they can be to animals & other living human beings 😒 from the bottom of my heart I absolutely hate some sick people in this world 🖕