alternatively you can make the home directory as a separate partition incase anything goes terribly wrong! edit: removed the heart on this comment, I will not be accepting hearts on this comment.
NixOS is confusing and weird to be honest. Nix has a super high learning curve. It started easy, everything makes sense, but then you try throwing all of your knowledge together it just collapses. Hardest thing about NixOS is structuring config files, and to make it work in a modular manner.
@@Lassie23 I have compiled custom kernel before, but I don't know how to install it via chroot without all the framework a distro would have set it up for me. Is it like Gentoo, but without package manager? Or is it entirely other thing onto itself?
@@Lassie23Same. most of linux programs expect some files at some directories, so lfs is just compiling and copying files into the said directories (which the package manager does it for you.). But LFS is very much boring, you are compiling, compiling..... .and so on,
This happens every time. One says with confidence "i can help you with linux" to the newcomer and then is presented with some issue only mentioned in one Linux+ forum post from 2003.
Lol great job! I was super surprised to see the Arch install immediately after seeing you fumble a bit with Mint (not meant in a derogatory way you did very well researching and figuring things out for someone who has never done any of it before). I'll just type some notes explaining stuff you might want to learn as I watch: 1. The number shown along with the prompt is the exit code (130 in your case). It is basically a number that the programs return when they exit that is used to indicate how running the program went. They are normally set according to some standard rules so if you look up/learn the numbers you can know what they mean. There are various guides that cover them. In your case it was just saying that you terminated/didn't run a proper command. Interesting but niche side notes: 1.1 C-v in many terminals that are set up in a standard way is bound to basically literal entry, i.e. you press C-v and then whatever you press after (even if it is a control character like C-v or newline or whatever) is inserted literally. This can make it useful when you want to input funky stuff. 1.2 Copy and paste (unless the VM has a macro or something that will type what you have in your clipboard) is not universal generally. Programs have registers where stuff is stored and unless they are configured to use ones that they all share somehow they can't copy and paste between programs. 2. locale is pronounced low-cal (accent on cal). In this context it means localization settings i.e. things that you need to set to make the computer adapt to your region, language, computer, and time. 3. To scroll through long results on tty the safest option is piping the command to a pager (a program that lets you move through long text--you were in one when you ran the localectl list-keymaps command). The default one in Arch is, irrc, 'less' so you would do ` | less` to make it show up in there (you can navigate with vi[m] style bindings: j, k, page up/down, C-u/C-d (up and down half a page), '/' for search with n for next result and N for previous, and g for beginning G for end). That is basically all you need to know to be more than proficient with it. You will probably pick those up over time because vi[m] style stuff is all over the place and pretty nice when you learn it. 3. You probably found this out by now but the EFI check was actually important. It was to figure out how your computer is loading your operating system. If you get that wrong/don't know it is obviously going to be hard to set it up to load a new operating system because you don't even know how it is loading now. The lack of the efi derectory means you are not booting with UEFI and instead using legacy boot loading methods. Generally if it is not booting in UEFI mode you want to shut it down figure out how to how to boot using UEFI before continuing (the main exception would be on very old computers that don't have UEFI). Note that it does tell you what to do/what it means if the file doesn't exist in the paragraph under that step (1.6). 4. A note on swap: it is used when your ram is full but it is also used for hybrid-sleep and hybernate too. Those are sleep modes that write the contents of the ram to your disk so it can loose power fully and still resume with everything as you left it (the swap space needs to be big enough to fit your entire RAM for this to work). Generally more important for laptops but still worth noting. Normally I like to use a swap file instead of a dedicated partitition because it can grow and shrink dynamically. 5. GPT and MBR are two differnt ways that the computer stores where and how big all the partitions are on the disk. GPT is the new/fancy one and MBR is the older one which is generally less flexible. Generally use GPT if it is supported. 6. kibibytes, mebibytes etc are the binary (based on powers of 2) equivelents of kibibytes, megabytes etc (which are based on powers of 10). Basically the binary ones are round numbers for the computer while the 'normal' ones are nice and round for humans (using our base 10 system). For example a kibibyte is 1024 bytes while a kilobyte is 1000 bytes. They are abbreviated with an i in the middle of the normal abbreviation. E.g. GiB is Gibibyte and GB is Gigabyte. 7. Very general tip: when things start to go wrong in really weird ways when you are doing a common/well documented thing for the first time you very likely did something wrong in the first part that made it so the instructions won't work. The instructions as written only apply when you follow the preceeding steps correctly. If you mess up and deviate from them they can't necessarilly help you and you are on your own to get back somewhere on the path that the instructions actually go through. Unless you understand the implications of your mistake and know how to fix it, you are probablly best off restarting from the beginning. The most frusterating hard to figure out problems (like the one that nearly caused you to rage quit) are often due to a mistake or skipped step that throws everything else off. Counterintuitively, it is often simpler and faster (unless you *really* know what you are doing) to just throw out all the work you have already done and start over rather than fumble around trying to recover from your mistake. It takes really understanding what the commands do and how your system works to recover from many mistakes (in your case partitioning things wrong and then continuing before trying to go back and change it). When in doubt just start over. You will be faster at the early stuff, get more practice with it (maybe learning things you missed the first time), and will probably avoid a lot of frusterating stumbling around and banging your head on the wall if you just cut your losses and go from the beginning where you know the instructions apply. 8. arch-chroot is a script wrapper around chroot. chroot (change root) is a command to basically pretend that a given directory is the root directory and open a shell there (so when it looks for a command or directory it will look relative to that directory). arch-chroot basically does some fancy mounting stuff (to prepare that directory to have all the special files and directories that it would have if it were booted into set as root) and then it runs chroot to switch into it. In your case you mounted the future root partitition into /mnt. By using arch-chroot /mnt you are saying 'pretend that we booted with the stuff in /mnt in / (root) and then open a shell as root (the admin user) inside it. In other words you are basically running all the commands on the new install. 8.1 Because it is just a shell in a differnt root, you can exit the same way you would exit any other shell (exit or C-d). 8.2 packstrap is just a script in the installer runs pacman commands but installs them to the new root (e.g. it is equivelent to running pacman commands while in chroot). 9. Unless you deleted your first fstab file that you put in, you probablly should not have run genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab This is because >> (as opposed to > which overwrites the contents) appends to the file. If you didn't delete the first one you probablly have duplicate enteries in there which may cause problems (never tried it lol). 10. The timedatectl stuff is not working because you didn't boot with systemd. It says that in the error code. It will work fine if you boot into it normally though. systemd is just a program that handles running and starting lots of system things when you startup (in the right order/times so things work properly). 11. In the locale conf you can use the en one probably as I think that is generated by default. To be sure you would want to uncomment that line in the locale.gen file to make sure both the German and EN locales are generated. Once they are both generated you can choose whichever one you want for the LANG in the locale.conf file. The main point it just to make sure that whatever you choose in the locale.conf file has been generated. If it is not that would cause problems as you obviously can't use a locale that isn't generated first. 12. The wheel thing is the name of a user group that is used with sudo. Basically when set up as they showed it makes it so any user in the wheel group can run commands as if they were root by using sudo (and typing in their passowrd). 12.1 Sadly modern Google and basically all normal search engines do not really respect quotes anymore. It sometimes just ignores you which annoys me to no end lol. 13. su used to open a shell as another user. You only use it when you are already in a shell.
lmfao you poor soul. Coming from someone who has gone thru manual arch installs prolly 30 times 50 times alone* including using archinstall. You ran into everything everyone else did lmfaoooooo. This was such nostalgia watching this lmfao. Big Respect man. Your install looks splendid ❤
Quick notes 4:02 You can quit less (the pager program used there) with q as well, also PG up and PG down work there. 5:02 BIOS is not the same as UEFI, also It says "If the file does not exist..." but you didn't read the whole thing and lost lots of time :( 5:57 usually on fullscreen terminals, there's not "move up and down" and you only see what's on screen, so if a command output is too large, it's usually piped into 'less', which is exactly what happened when you listed the available keyboard layouts. To do it yourself for that ls command: ls | less 7:40 commands that end in ctl usually are short for 'control', so timedatectl stands for 'time and date control' 8:40 lsblk shows you a more concise output, use fdisk -l if you need details 8:50 fdisk is great, but for simple layouts, cfdisk may be easier for some people since it's a TUI 19:08 You read it at 10:24 nooooo 23:16 Is this what they call...dyslexia? 25:05 That error is because you are chrooted, timedatectl needs the system to be booted 26:28 Nope, you forgot half the command 26:43 You are skipping half of the instructions TwT ... okay, you went back and fixed it 28:28 Then you should have uncommented the English one... 30:30 he died...BUT HE SURVIVED 32:30 This was way too funny, you logged in into shrek, but thought root was the user when it was actually the name of the directory you are in (root user's home folder) so you logged out of shrek and ran sudo as root 34:01 Congrats! Wohooo c: That was...a trip It reminds me of when I was learning too, I failed and failed and failed and tried again and failed and it took me a long time to make it run, good(?) memories, lol
Also, while in less (the pager that automatically opens up if a command's output is too long to fit the screen), you can press / to search for something within the whole text. Press /search-term then to perform that search. And to go to the next match, press n, to go to the previous match, press p. And, q, to quit back to the terminal from the pager. Just a reminder. I know I'm reiterating.
@@bogxd When using the arch wiki, read it carefully. Don't skim over it but actually read it. It makes the process a lot easier, trust me ;) Also things start to make more sense wen you gain more experience, you'll start to know what things mean and understand how the system works under the hood. Which is the nice thing about Arch, it's a learning experience if nothing else!
@@Rikaisan They are entertaining but those recurring misreadings start to become quite annoying after some time. There's basically no way one could misspell "timedatectl" with a trailing 1 since the font on the Arch wiki page is clearly legible. Of course, if you don't read the docs carefully and just go for trial and error ...
This is great! My friend decided that he wanted to use arch linux on his laptop a while ago, so for the first time I installed it (before learning of archinstall) and I struggled so much. I thought installing grub was as simple as installing the package (just like you), which at that point, I had given up. A lot more linux experience later (several months and probably dozens of different distros), I had installed it on my own machine (no tutorial video!). It was the best feeling ever to get a graphical environment running. I learned a lot about linux in the process and it makes me happy to see others learning the same way! I hope you get a lot of mileage and use out of your install.
@@L0tsen definitely more difficult, especially heavy environments, not all dependencies can be compiled in a generalized way, some cannot use lto, some polly, some cannot use clang, some cannot use openmp, while others need it, others cannot be given libc++, otherwise they will be poisoned by segfaults, even installation with starting values does not guarantee that the system will be compiled
Daily driving it since 2015 for me. People make a lot of fuss over the install process but it's something you do exactly one time. 99% of the headaches are upfront. I think I did take around 5 hours maybe, I don't really remember. And that's the thing-- I don't remember. It is nothing but a tiny blip. What's a few hours compared to the 9 years I've gotten to enjoy using Arch after that? Pretty worth it.
I did this journey just a few weeks ago also without the archinstall script. On my third try I managed to install it properly with all the drivers and DE. I'm pretty proud to managed that as my first linux installation, now learning how to navigate this whole system.
HAHA i'm dying. I literally just started using Linux Mint on my machine a week ago and on my 3rd day of using Linux I tried installing Arch for the first time in a virtual machine. It took like 3 different times before I got it down the fourth time. :D Now I actually have it installed on my main machine alongside other OS's. Now it's really easy and I know what everything does after reading and understanding the documentation fully but watching you run into all these problems I never had was so funny. Learning what everything does was a lot of fun and I was so excited when I got it down! Anyways if you're reading this and want to learn Arch just try installing and understanding Arch in a virtual machine fully; just get to know it. It's so rewarding :)
sorry to break your heart, but installing/using arch does not require any kind of programming knowledge whatsoever, windows users out here not knowing what a partition so they start yapping about how linux is insanely difficult lol
@@ateyygmd You gotta remember that for people born after the Commodore 64, "programming" means "making computers do stuff by typing words on a screen."
btw, Ctrl+D is an EOF signal, and you could've used it here in a NUMEROUS occasions. generally - it would close any application that's actively awaiting for your input. so you can close a shell (not just a system one - python in shell mode, pgsql, and even fdisk shell you used would be closed too). chroot and su create a shell with a new system and other user respectively. Ctrl+D yeets you out of both. also Ctrl+L is a nice "clear" command shortcut. these are my two favorite terminal shortcuts, absolutely love them ❤
That's really impressive, never thought someone installing arch would be entertaining but you constantly misspelling stuff and then learning from it was awesome. Kudos for not rage quitting because it took me like 3 days and multiple outbursts.
@@burgedham Very cool, in my defense my first linux distro was ubuntu and I only used it for 4 days before getting bored. I was a windows user but after ubuntu failed me, I found out about arch so decided why not.
TIP: use cfdisk instead of fdisk. It gives you a good, readable, and easier to understand interface. Note that pressing g resets the existing partition table which undoes everything. (Edit, i realize that you found this. Sorry)
@@EvelynIsDeprecated I was hoping he would connect the dots with the 1.1 GiB download he did at the beginning and the 1.1 GiB size but no such revelation was made
When I first started using computers for work, my first task was partitioning the 10MB hard disk in order to put MS-DOS 2.11 on it. Needless to say, I'm quite used to the ins and outs of disk partitioning and watching you stumble through using fdisk was very cringe inducing but the clouds parted, the sun came out and little birds started singing when you finally grasped what he needed to do. I'm so glad you ended up with a functional Arch (btw) system and you certainly learned a lot by doing it the old-fashioned way. Well done.
Hey bog! One thing to be aware of since it was in this video to remember: Gibibytes (and any storage notation where its "bi") are multiples of 2 in measuring data, where Gigabytes are measures of 10. A Gigabyte is 1000 MB, where a Gibibyte is 1024 MiB. Its an odd bit of terminology, but an important one to distinguish.
@@minion3806 It's not a change in definition, it depends on who you ask. Typically Gigabyte is used to mean 1024, even though that's not proper use of SI prefixes. Windows has always used this definition. Linux tends to use GiB (gibi) to be familiar but clear.
@@minion3806 I've heard the same, but the proper notation for 1024 would be using the gibibyte/mebibyte terminology. Windows, for a lot of the ways that storage size is conveyed to the user, improperly denotes sizes as GB/MB/TB when it is actually measuring GiB/MiB/TiB.
This is the reason why a 1TB Hard disk will not have 1TB (TiB) of available space but 931GB (GiB). It's a 'clever' trick hard drive manufacturers use to make their disks sound larger than they are
It hurt my SOUL when he didn't realize he didnt have UEFI enabled on the VM and thinks that uefi and bios are the same thing when the efi dir didnt exist 😭😭😭
To be fair, I made that exact same mistake when I tried installing Arch the first time. Most people don't know what a BIOS is, let alone the difference between BIOS and UEFI.
Arch installation is a great learning experience. It teaches us important things: Measure twice, cut once. When you are executing commands, make sure you type them correctly. Don't cut corners. When you try to save time by skipping steps from the guideline, you'd end up wasting even more time and get a malfunctioning product.
I don't know if you know this but you can actually bypass the need for Balena Etcher or Rufus altogether by installing Ventoy to your USB drive. This lets you just drag and drop iso files straight to the USB to be bootable and readable. Ventoy even lets you load up multiple Isos on one drive and lets you select which one you want to boot. Saves a whole lot of time reformatting a USb drive all the time, especially if it's 16GB and above
Ventoy is fantastic but lately Arch has been problematic with it. Even on my last install a few days ago I couldn't get Arch working on it and had to use a separate USB stick.
@@ellipsis...1986 i have latest stable artix isos with all the different init systems and the og arch. all these work fine except artix iso with dinit iirc, it hangs randomly in the artix' archiso equivalent. have you tried to run it on a different machine? edit: i just remembered that i might've had problems with other artix iso, but can't say for sure. i compared its hashsum with one i downloaded and found out it was different. it taught me to execute 'sync' every time before i'm about to unmount anything. might be your problem as well? sorry if this assumption is offending, i'm kinda new to linux myself.
For this kind of manuals (Arch installation guide) it’s good to read through once before you start typing commands and to not skip any steps unless you have already made a decission to skip that part. For the UEFI part you will notice the guide says “if the file does not exist, the system may be booted in BIOS or CSM”
Impressive determination and perseverance! Your journey through Arch Linux installation is both entertaining and relatable. Your detailed approach and problem-solving skills shine through the challenges. Keep up the great work!
the thing u were in when looking at keymaps is called less, it’s just a way of letting you scroll through large pieces of text in the terminal, u can leave it by pressing q
A lot of people are making fun of you for stumbling all through the install... I have nothing but massive respects for you. You went from Mint to Arch in a week and successfully installed essentially without knowing 0 commands!
@@markwilson3326he's using Linux for less than a month and for that he's pretty good at it. It's intuitive to you and you know what you do because you have done it a hundred times already and have more knowledge. It's not as straightforward as you think it is. You heavily overestimate the base knowledge required. It starts with simple things like timedatectl. How should he know that it's pronounced "time date control" when he has never seen "ctl" in any other context.
Bro why the f * k pronounce even matter bro , even i didn't know it spelled that way (So that neans i probably spelled everthing wrong in muy life 🫥)@@zekiz774
This give me back memories, I have done this process 3 times already for 3 different computers I have. Just one tip, the "post experience" you mentioned will be pretty much dependent on your desktop environment (DE), in your case you got KDE, but you will could get a similar experience to mint using Cinnamon. Tho there are many DEs out there, like gnome, xfce (my choice), mate, budgie, etc Otherwise, if you exclude the interface, the only major difference would be that mint uses apt, and arch uses pacman
Sorry, I think last statement is misleading. Having newer and maybe less stable packages is significant differences. I had to build some software from source using ubuntu because there were no needed version on repository. On bleeding edges like void or arch on other hand I had some problems with updates. For example, there were some bug with amd_gpu that didn't let some old GPUs start Xorg (it was somewhere at linux6.5 I believe). Repositories do matter a lot more than package managers. That's why people may like mint but not ubuntu
@@СергейГордиенко-п4дRespectfully, I had a lot more package issues on debian and ubuntu, mainly due to needing some stuff to actually be somewhat up to date and that stuff not always being a flatpack. I coped and tried debian Sid for a while before switching to arch as my daily driver and I've never had an issue that I didn't cause by using ZFS as my root file system. (And even those aren't a problem anymore since I switched to a dkms package and added a fallback kernel)
@@СергейГордиенко-п4дwell, u can use the lts kernel, and if you have more than 6gb of ram i guess compiling stuff from aur is not that long of a deal. So i guess it's more of a personal choice
As someone who uses Arch myself this video hurts to watch but also warms my heart that someone is trying to learn (at least i think you are trying to learn)
Your Linux series is so funny and enjoyable to watch haha. I really like it. I also learn a lot. Keep making these Linux series videos where you try out different linux distros and try to do many tasks in Linux and share all the issues you experience.
Congrats on successfully installing Arch! It really is a learning experience - tons of reading and figuring out how computers work under the hood. To make it all painless, you basically just gotta be patient and explore the linked articles until you understand what's happening and why.
I spent weeks figuring out how to compile EVERYTHING I need for a full linux OS. A full week of that was compiling/configuring pacman for it, and another week figuring out how to make an ISO that's bootable with UEFI and BIOS. The result was a system that used pacman and the AUR, and used 20 megs of RAM.
This was rather painful but interesting to watch. Kudos for willing to troubleshoot things and good luck with your Linux journey. Small tip: consider learning some Bash shell hotkeys to be faster at typing and re-typing stuff. Some for start: Ctrl+A (^A) -- go to the beginning, ^E -- go to the end, ^K -- delete from cursor to end, ^U -- delete from cursor to beginning, Alt+. (dot) -- repeat the last argument so you don't need to painfully re-type a long filepath, for example.
LFS(Linux from Scratch) is the hardest one. Gentoo is the second hardest. And ventoy is probably the best tool when it comes to making bootable usb drives.
cfdisk is actually quite nicer to use than fdisk for a beginner Nice vid tho, cool to see that it is possible to install arch just by rtfm I couldn't do it just with the manual when I first installed arch, took me a long time to get it working :)
Please! Do the walk around the whole kde settings menu like you did with Mint! It might take you a whole video though, but just seeing how you got happy with Mint I think you will LOVE KDE
You have successfully completed the rite of passage. You can expect thigh high socks to arrive in your mail in the near future. We will be watching you, Bog...
Cool video. When the command prompt asks [Y/n] it will automatically choose the uppercase letter alternative when pressing enter. No need to type ’y’.🎉
not me screaming at my screen when he screws shit up 😭🙏 nonetheless, bro got some DETERMINATION for not using archinstall... (i've never used it, but whatever) pretty entertaining either way lol, keep up the good work!!!!! ^_^
Really good video and you did pretty good for the most part. You were actually doing most of the installation correctly, but half of the time when you saw 'command not found' errors it was because you were doing typos, same while installing packages. Also you don't need to install all packages before chrooting (Chroot = Change root, useful for 'semi-booting' into a system and can be used to test or fix another linux system without rebooting). You could have installed packages like grub, nano and networkmanager using pacman, but you again made several typos in the package names. Also UEFI is actually not BIOS. Both are computer firmwares used to start your computer but UEFI is newer, BIOS is old. Modern computers will always use UEFI so the cat /sys/firmware/efi/efi_vars command will work there but on a virtual machine you usually use a BIOS. That is why catting the efi_vars failed. On a UEFI system you typically boot using a seperate EFI partition, also called a boot partition, which you created in the video but on a BIOS system you actually install the bootloader into the first sector (first 512 kBs) which is called the Master Boot Sector of your drive and an EFI partition is unecessary (Usually, MBR is for BIOS systems and GPT is for UEFI system). The reason your system was able to boot anyway was because you ran 'grub-install /dev/sda' which installs grub into the first sector. For a UEFI installation the command is a little more complicated: 'grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=esp --bootloader-id=GRUB` with esp being wherever you mounted your efi partition (typically in /boot or /boot/efi)
@@AdroSlice Could be wrong on this but I believe pacstrap overwrites some config files because it copies the host system's pacman configuration into the new system. Of course if you've not messed with pacman configs it should be fine to rerun
This is the proper way to get into arch Linux. Manual install once to get familiar with how things works, then just use archinstall, because there is no point of you being the installer unless you need a very specific advanced configuration that is not possible with the script.
You have to press CTRL+SHIFT+V to paste to terminal and CTRL+SHIFT+C to copy from terminal (only true for Linux and Bash terminals though). Hope this helped.
I won't install Linux, Ihave no idea why I am watching but it somehow keeps me interested . Randomly got recommended the Photoshop alternative video and now I' m hooked on your channel.
You should try Linux from scratch next. It's a hell of an experience. But worth doing at least one time, if you manage to get a system booting the shell with some basic tools it feels good. And you really can learn a lot about Linux and operational systems in general.
LFS can literally take weeks, unless you're REALLY interested in it it's just not worth it... If you go in and do LFS without the mindset of actually learning how Linux works and instead blindlessly copying commands, you're basically just wasting your time. I say this because my Uni had a course that had us doing LFS for our final assignment. Most of us, including myself, just ended up blindlessly copying commands and I came out of it with a barely functional system without actually learning anything.
TBH the arch installation guide is missing a lot it's not that good for "beginners" I forgot completely to set up networkmanager and the bootloader the first time I did it
"time de tect" lmaoooo I loved it!! Most Linux commands you can read by their syllables. The timedatectl command reads "time date ctl", so "time/date control". Once you see it, you can't unsee it :)
Tbh Gentoo is not significantly 'harder' per se, mainly just takes longer because you are compiling everything locally; and thus, more painful when you mess up because of the compile time. Its only really significantly harder for the computer not for the user.
watching someone newer with linux is so funny. the great part is how many little things you can do to speed things up. like using !$ for using the same input of your last command and stuff. great video though man.
@@maxlife459 even then, installing and using Gentoo afaik has significantly more than Arch, which is fairly easy for an intermediate like myself, and also there is really no point that I can see in using binary packages if you’re going to use Gentoo, you might as well just use Arch
As a arch user he really didn't find this hard, he used the arch linux handbook which is a good sign to see from a rookie linux user & he's set everything up as seen in the script so Well done! Will you install Linux From Scratch or Gentoo next?
That was quite the ride. While I might try arch or some version of it in the future, chances are very slim. Based on my limited knowledge of differences between distros, people that run arch (or at least those that make a point of saying they do) probably do it more as a flex.
I'm not an expert but I'm pretty sure you can install your mouse cursor on top of the like button
installation failed unfortunately
the hardest linux to install is actually linux from scratch
hey can you tell me the name of the aur packages?
alternatively you can make the home directory as a separate partition incase anything goes terribly wrong!
edit: removed the heart on this comment, I will not be accepting hearts on this comment.
@@Capiosus First time I installed I made my root partition a little too small lmao, caused a few problems.
Respect for actually doing it without archinstall
archinstall and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race
@@bearfmbro what did archinstall do to u
@@saturnaliam he had a problem without checking the wiki
Archinstall is literally the worst
dude went from mint to arch in a week, we'll probably see him running openbsd or lsf in a month or so
gonna have his own unix based OS. not even one bit of the linux kernel in there.
lsf: linux scratch from
openbsd is bearable. get him straight to netbsd.
His next install will be done from a teletype terminal to a remote site
6 months we'll see him making motherboards from scratch
>adds an efi partition when he doesn’t need it
>accidentally installs grub correctly
I've been using arch for like nearly 2 years and I still manage to fuck up grub lmao
@@unicorn_tamereven grub breaks itself on some updates lol
@@_denzy_6310for some reason my initramfs breaks more than grub which only broke once
@@_denzy_6310 i maybe insane but systemd-boot is awesome-
task failed successfully
Beginner: Linux Mint
Advanced: Arch Linux
Slightly more advanced: Gentoo
Expert: NixOS
Sadist: Linux From Scratch
NixOS is confusing and weird to be honest. Nix has a super high learning curve. It started easy, everything makes sense, but then you try throwing all of your knowledge together it just collapses.
Hardest thing about NixOS is structuring config files, and to make it work in a modular manner.
I found Linux from scratch a bit easy honestly I think there's something wrong with me
@@Lassie23 I have compiled custom kernel before, but I don't know how to install it via chroot without all the framework a distro would have set it up for me. Is it like Gentoo, but without package manager? Or is it entirely other thing onto itself?
@@tanawatjukmongkol2178 the kernel is just a binary file kept in /boot, so after compiling it you just copy it there
@@Lassie23Same. most of linux programs expect some files at some directories, so lfs is just compiling and copying files into the said directories (which the package manager does it for you.). But LFS is very much boring, you are compiling, compiling..... .and so on,
So this is how a complete newcomer would install Arch. You ran into issues I didn’t know existed lmao
Accidentally hitting the G key during fdisk isn’t how I’d normally end up loosing a couple hours.
Yeah but gurb instead of grub deven instead of devel?
@@donkey7921 I meant conceptual understandings, typo is just something that people do.
This happens every time. One says with confidence "i can help you with linux" to the newcomer and then is presented with some issue only mentioned in one Linux+ forum post from 2003.
@@donkey7921 true that really pained me... how could you be so.. oh well 😅
your content is so relatable. its nice to see someone not just magically know everything but work it out.
Mad respect for going straight to a command line based installation without knowing how cat works
Balls of steel
@@gus2603 balls of obsidian, platinum and titanium
How cat works?
@@aweebtaku429 It concatenates the contents to the stdout
cats just meow, ask for cuddles and food, whats so hard?
Lol great job! I was super surprised to see the Arch install immediately after seeing you fumble a bit with Mint (not meant in a derogatory way you did very well researching and figuring things out for someone who has never done any of it before).
I'll just type some notes explaining stuff you might want to learn as I watch:
1. The number shown along with the prompt is the exit code (130 in your case). It is basically a number that the programs return when they exit that is used to indicate how running the program went. They are normally set according to some standard rules so if you look up/learn the numbers you can know what they mean. There are various guides that cover them. In your case it was just saying that you terminated/didn't run a proper command.
Interesting but niche side notes:
1.1 C-v in many terminals that are set up in a standard way is bound to basically literal entry, i.e. you press C-v and then whatever you press after (even if it is a control character like C-v or newline or whatever) is inserted literally. This can make it useful when you want to input funky stuff.
1.2 Copy and paste (unless the VM has a macro or something that will type what you have in your clipboard) is not universal generally. Programs have registers where stuff is stored and unless they are configured to use ones that they all share somehow they can't copy and paste between programs.
2. locale is pronounced low-cal (accent on cal). In this context it means localization settings i.e. things that you need to set to make the computer adapt to your region, language, computer, and time.
3. To scroll through long results on tty the safest option is piping the command to a pager (a program that lets you move through long text--you were in one when you ran the localectl list-keymaps command).
The default one in Arch is, irrc, 'less' so you would do ` | less` to make it show up in there (you can navigate with vi[m] style bindings: j, k, page up/down, C-u/C-d (up and down half a page), '/' for search with n for next result and N for previous, and g for beginning G for end). That is basically all you need to know to be more than proficient with it. You will probably pick those up over time because vi[m] style stuff is all over the place and pretty nice when you learn it.
3. You probably found this out by now but the EFI check was actually important. It was to figure out how your computer is loading your operating system. If you get that wrong/don't know it is obviously going to be hard to set it up to load a new operating system because you don't even know how it is loading now.
The lack of the efi derectory means you are not booting with UEFI and instead using legacy boot loading methods.
Generally if it is not booting in UEFI mode you want to shut it down figure out how to how to boot using UEFI before continuing (the main exception would be on very old computers that don't have UEFI).
Note that it does tell you what to do/what it means if the file doesn't exist in the paragraph under that step (1.6).
4. A note on swap: it is used when your ram is full but it is also used for hybrid-sleep and hybernate too. Those are sleep modes that write the contents of the ram to your disk so it can loose power fully and still resume with everything as you left it (the swap space needs to be big enough to fit your entire RAM for this to work). Generally more important for laptops but still worth noting. Normally I like to use a swap file instead of a dedicated partitition because it can grow and shrink dynamically.
5. GPT and MBR are two differnt ways that the computer stores where and how big all the partitions are on the disk. GPT is the new/fancy one and MBR is the older one which is generally less flexible. Generally use GPT if it is supported.
6. kibibytes, mebibytes etc are the binary (based on powers of 2) equivelents of kibibytes, megabytes etc (which are based on powers of 10). Basically the binary ones are round numbers for the computer while the 'normal' ones are nice and round for humans (using our base 10 system).
For example a kibibyte is 1024 bytes while a kilobyte is 1000 bytes. They are abbreviated with an i in the middle of the normal abbreviation. E.g. GiB is Gibibyte and GB is Gigabyte.
7. Very general tip: when things start to go wrong in really weird ways when you are doing a common/well documented thing for the first time you very likely did something wrong in the first part that made it so the instructions won't work. The instructions as written only apply when you follow the preceeding steps correctly. If you mess up and deviate from them they can't necessarilly help you and you are on your own to get back somewhere on the path that the instructions actually go through.
Unless you understand the implications of your mistake and know how to fix it, you are probablly best off restarting from the beginning. The most frusterating hard to figure out problems (like the one that nearly caused you to rage quit) are often due to a mistake or skipped step that throws everything else off. Counterintuitively, it is often simpler and faster (unless you *really* know what you are doing) to just throw out all the work you have already done and start over rather than fumble around trying to recover from your mistake.
It takes really understanding what the commands do and how your system works to recover from many mistakes (in your case partitioning things wrong and then continuing before trying to go back and change it).
When in doubt just start over. You will be faster at the early stuff, get more practice with it (maybe learning things you missed the first time), and will probably avoid a lot of frusterating stumbling around and banging your head on the wall if you just cut your losses and go from the beginning where you know the instructions apply.
8. arch-chroot is a script wrapper around chroot. chroot (change root) is a command to basically pretend that a given directory is the root directory and open a shell there (so when it looks for a command or directory it will look relative to that directory). arch-chroot basically does some fancy mounting stuff (to prepare that directory to have all the special files and directories that it would have if it were booted into set as root) and then it runs chroot to switch into it.
In your case you mounted the future root partitition into /mnt. By using arch-chroot /mnt you are saying 'pretend that we booted with the stuff in /mnt in / (root) and then open a shell as root (the admin user) inside it. In other words you are basically running all the commands on the new install.
8.1 Because it is just a shell in a differnt root, you can exit the same way you would exit any other shell (exit or C-d).
8.2 packstrap is just a script in the installer runs pacman commands but installs them to the new root (e.g. it is equivelent to running pacman commands while in chroot).
9. Unless you deleted your first fstab file that you put in, you probablly should not have run genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
This is because >> (as opposed to > which overwrites the contents) appends to the file. If you didn't delete the first one you probablly have duplicate enteries in there which may cause problems (never tried it lol).
10. The timedatectl stuff is not working because you didn't boot with systemd. It says that in the error code. It will work fine if you boot into it normally though. systemd is just a program that handles running and starting lots of system things when you startup (in the right order/times so things work properly).
11. In the locale conf you can use the en one probably as I think that is generated by default. To be sure you would want to uncomment that line in the locale.gen file to make sure both the German and EN locales are generated. Once they are both generated you can choose whichever one you want for the LANG in the locale.conf file. The main point it just to make sure that whatever you choose in the locale.conf file has been generated. If it is not that would cause problems as you obviously can't use a locale that isn't generated first.
12. The wheel thing is the name of a user group that is used with sudo. Basically when set up as they showed it makes it so any user in the wheel group can run commands as if they were root by using sudo (and typing in their passowrd).
12.1 Sadly modern Google and basically all normal search engines do not really respect quotes anymore. It sometimes just ignores you which annoys me to no end lol.
13. su used to open a shell as another user. You only use it when you are already in a shell.
Wow, thanks! Learned a lot reading this
Dude wrote a book xD
well I didn't read all of this but damm man you giving a time thanks anyway
Learned a lot. Ty sir!
Probably why there’s such a thing called the Arch Wiki, but I suppose not everyone can read it and gain knowledge or insight. 🤷🏻♂️
Basically, this is the most entertaining arch install tutorial
This is better to watch after you do it yourself. Not really a tutorial but more of entertaining vid of him fucking up.
It's more like a tutorail
@BrokeTbyeah bro hehe, almost annoying at a point
What’s the virtual machine he used called
lmfao you poor soul. Coming from someone who has gone thru manual arch installs prolly 30 times 50 times alone* including using archinstall. You ran into everything everyone else did lmfaoooooo. This was such nostalgia watching this lmfao. Big Respect man. Your install looks splendid ❤
Quick notes
4:02 You can quit less (the pager program used there) with q as well, also PG up and PG down work there.
5:02 BIOS is not the same as UEFI, also It says "If the file does not exist..." but you didn't read the whole thing and lost lots of time :(
5:57 usually on fullscreen terminals, there's not "move up and down" and you only see what's on screen, so if a command output is too large, it's usually piped into 'less', which is exactly what happened when you listed the available keyboard layouts. To do it yourself for that ls command: ls | less
7:40 commands that end in ctl usually are short for 'control', so timedatectl stands for 'time and date control'
8:40 lsblk shows you a more concise output, use fdisk -l if you need details
8:50 fdisk is great, but for simple layouts, cfdisk may be easier for some people since it's a TUI
19:08 You read it at 10:24 nooooo
23:16 Is this what they call...dyslexia?
25:05 That error is because you are chrooted, timedatectl needs the system to be booted
26:28 Nope, you forgot half the command
26:43 You are skipping half of the instructions TwT ... okay, you went back and fixed it
28:28 Then you should have uncommented the English one...
30:30 he died...BUT HE SURVIVED
32:30 This was way too funny, you logged in into shrek, but thought root was the user when it was actually the name of the directory you are in (root user's home folder) so you logged out of shrek and ran sudo as root
34:01 Congrats! Wohooo c:
That was...a trip
It reminds me of when I was learning too, I failed and failed and failed and tried again and failed and it took me a long time to make it run, good(?) memories, lol
haha I laughed at so much of this while editing this later
@@bogxd gurb made me laugh so much for some reason
These videos are really entertaining, even if I yell "nooooo" internally a few times lol
Also, while in less (the pager that automatically opens up if a command's output is too long to fit the screen), you can press / to search for something within the whole text.
Press /search-term then to perform that search. And to go to the next match, press n, to go to the previous match, press p.
And, q, to quit back to the terminal from the pager. Just a reminder. I know I'm reiterating.
@@bogxd When using the arch wiki, read it carefully. Don't skim over it but actually read it. It makes the process a lot easier, trust me ;) Also things start to make more sense wen you gain more experience, you'll start to know what things mean and understand how the system works under the hood. Which is the nice thing about Arch, it's a learning experience if nothing else!
@@Rikaisan They are entertaining but those recurring misreadings start to become quite annoying after some time. There's basically no way one could misspell "timedatectl" with a trailing 1 since the font on the Arch wiki page is clearly legible. Of course, if you don't read the docs carefully and just go for trial and error ...
This is great! My friend decided that he wanted to use arch linux on his laptop a while ago, so for the first time I installed it (before learning of archinstall) and I struggled so much. I thought installing grub was as simple as installing the package (just like you), which at that point, I had given up. A lot more linux experience later (several months and probably dozens of different distros), I had installed it on my own machine (no tutorial video!). It was the best feeling ever to get a graphical environment running. I learned a lot about linux in the process and it makes me happy to see others learning the same way! I hope you get a lot of mileage and use out of your install.
man proved his huge balls by not using achinstall
However, in the process he also proved that he can't spell.
@@FlushDesert22 haha lmao
@@FlushDesert22and bad at reading 😂
im more than assured he didnt know archinstall even exists, he is dyslexic and unobservant af
ngl im loving the vibe of you figuring out Linux command stuff, I hope you do more of that in the future
who is gonna tell him about gentoo
Gentoo isn't much harder to install than arch.
How about Linux from scratch lfs
Nah, after such an installation you won’t even want to use the system, you’ll make a compromise to open everything through TUI in LiveCD
@@L0tsen definitely more difficult, especially heavy environments, not all dependencies can be compiled in a generalized way, some cannot use lto, some polly, some cannot use clang, some cannot use openmp, while others need it, others cannot be given libc++, otherwise they will be poisoned by segfaults, even installation with starting values does not guarantee that the system will be compiled
@@ДанилИпатов-ы7жsounds like a standardization issue
I've been using Arch since 2016. This was... enlightening.
Daily driving it since 2015 for me. People make a lot of fuss over the install process but it's something you do exactly one time. 99% of the headaches are upfront. I think I did take around 5 hours maybe, I don't really remember. And that's the thing-- I don't remember. It is nothing but a tiny blip. What's a few hours compared to the 9 years I've gotten to enjoy using Arch after that? Pretty worth it.
@@TheFeelTrainOne question please. do you daily drive on your pc or in a virtual machine? I want to install for term as well
wait till he finds out about gentoo and linux from scratch
and slackware!
Don't forget NixOS
@@ultimate9056 its not even hard to install plus its easy to use, so nah
gentoo's handbook is better than the femboy arch wiki
@@ultimate9056 nix is easy unless you graphical installer messes up in a ungodly way
I did this journey just a few weeks ago also without the archinstall script. On my third try I managed to install it properly with all the drivers and DE. I'm pretty proud to managed that as my first linux installation, now learning how to navigate this whole system.
Bro gave arch 10 gigs of ram
It was very dangerous, as arch could have conquered the world with it
Base install needs about 70MB of RAM. 😅
"as arch could have conquered the world with it"
@@ZenvieVV very true
HAHA i'm dying. I literally just started using Linux Mint on my machine a week ago and on my 3rd day of using Linux I tried installing Arch for the first time in a virtual machine. It took like 3 different times before I got it down the fourth time. :D Now I actually have it installed on my main machine alongside other OS's. Now it's really easy and I know what everything does after reading and understanding the documentation fully but watching you run into all these problems I never had was so funny. Learning what everything does was a lot of fun and I was so excited when I got it down! Anyways if you're reading this and want to learn Arch just try installing and understanding Arch in a virtual machine fully; just get to know it. It's so rewarding :)
Bro slowly transforming him into a software engineer
It isnt that hard to install arch i speedrun that in 10 minutes
No, he can't install arch Linux without mental breakout
sorry to break your heart, but installing/using arch does not require any kind of programming knowledge whatsoever, windows users out here not knowing what a partition so they start yapping about how linux is insanely difficult lol
@@ateyygmd You gotta remember that for people born after the Commodore 64, "programming" means "making computers do stuff by typing words on a screen."
@@bartolomeothesatyr bruh i was born way after commodore 64 and even some time after y2k so you wanted to say for normies right?
btw, Ctrl+D is an EOF signal, and you could've used it here in a NUMEROUS occasions.
generally - it would close any application that's actively awaiting for your input. so you can close a shell (not just a system one - python in shell mode, pgsql, and even fdisk shell you used would be closed too).
chroot and su create a shell with a new system and other user respectively. Ctrl+D yeets you out of both.
also Ctrl+L is a nice "clear" command shortcut.
these are my two favorite terminal shortcuts, absolutely love them ❤
That's really impressive, never thought someone installing arch would be entertaining but you constantly misspelling stuff and then learning from it was awesome. Kudos for not rage quitting because it took me like 3 days and multiple outbursts.
it took me like 2 or 3 hours for my first time, mostly because I followed the archwiki
@@burgedham Very cool, in my defense my first linux distro was ubuntu and I only used it for 4 days before getting bored. I was a windows user but after ubuntu failed me, I found out about arch so decided why not.
TIP: use cfdisk instead of fdisk. It gives you a good, readable, and easier to understand interface. Note that pressing g resets the existing partition table which undoes everything. (Edit, i realize that you found this. Sorry)
Also note that sr0 is the installation media
@@EvelynIsDeprecated I was hoping he would connect the dots with the 1.1 GiB download he did at the beginning and the 1.1 GiB size but no such revelation was made
the amount of mistypes might make me pull my hair out
Same... and I'm bald.
23:29 base-deven and gurb broke me. If I could like this video 7 times I would
When I first started using computers for work, my first task was partitioning the 10MB hard disk in order to put MS-DOS 2.11 on it. Needless to say, I'm quite used to the ins and outs of disk partitioning and watching you stumble through using fdisk was very cringe inducing but the clouds parted, the sun came out and little birds started singing when you finally grasped what he needed to do. I'm so glad you ended up with a functional Arch (btw) system and you certainly learned a lot by doing it the old-fashioned way. Well done.
Bog: pacman -S base base-deven gurb
also Bog: wdym u cant find base-devel and grub?
gurb 😭😭😭😭😭😭
@@nxb00 am I a joke to you?
@@devengurb666 lmao bro waited his whole life for this :D
Then leaves chroot and write "nano" right hahaha
This video is a jewel, it has just become the funnier tutorial for installing Arch Linux
Hey bog! One thing to be aware of since it was in this video to remember: Gibibytes (and any storage notation where its "bi") are multiples of 2 in measuring data, where Gigabytes are measures of 10. A Gigabyte is 1000 MB, where a Gibibyte is 1024 MiB. Its an odd bit of terminology, but an important one to distinguish.
never heard that word until now. when I was still in highschool, (~2017) gigabyte used to mean 1024mb, then it was changed to 1000mb.
@@minion3806 It's not a change in definition, it depends on who you ask. Typically Gigabyte is used to mean 1024, even though that's not proper use of SI prefixes. Windows has always used this definition. Linux tends to use GiB (gibi) to be familiar but clear.
@@minion3806 I've heard the same, but the proper notation for 1024 would be using the gibibyte/mebibyte terminology. Windows, for a lot of the ways that storage size is conveyed to the user, improperly denotes sizes as GB/MB/TB when it is actually measuring GiB/MiB/TiB.
@@minion3806 The notation of Kibibyte/Kilobyte was actually defined by the IEC in the 80000-13:2008 ISO standard around 2000.
This is the reason why a 1TB Hard disk will not have 1TB (TiB) of available space but 931GB (GiB).
It's a 'clever' trick hard drive manufacturers use to make their disks sound larger than they are
i never knew an arch install video could be that fun haha thank you!
It hurt my SOUL when he didn't realize he didnt have UEFI enabled on the VM and thinks that uefi and bios are the same thing when the efi dir didnt exist 😭😭😭
to be fair that shit should be enabled by default on virtualbox, it boots regularly into uefi for 99.9% of modern computers afaik
@@jr.jackrabbit10 It does, there is a toggle called "Enable EFI (special OSs only)" on Virtualbox when you're creating the VM.
To be fair, I made that exact same mistake when I tried installing Arch the first time. Most people don't know what a BIOS is, let alone the difference between BIOS and UEFI.
bro i was about to tell you about this😭
the moment i saw that i instantly scrolled down, expecting this exact comment... lord knows i've made that mistake before...
Arch installation is a great learning experience. It teaches us important things:
Measure twice, cut once. When you are executing commands, make sure you type them correctly.
Don't cut corners. When you try to save time by skipping steps from the guideline, you'd end up wasting even more time and get a malfunctioning product.
I don't know if you know this but you can actually bypass the need for Balena Etcher or Rufus altogether by installing Ventoy to your USB drive. This lets you just drag and drop iso files straight to the USB to be bootable and readable. Ventoy even lets you load up multiple Isos on one drive and lets you select which one you want to boot. Saves a whole lot of time reformatting a USb drive all the time, especially if it's 16GB and above
Ventoy is fantastic but lately Arch has been problematic with it. Even on my last install a few days ago I couldn't get Arch working on it and had to use a separate USB stick.
Even lastest windows 10 iso last time i used with ventoy doesn't mix well. Meanwhile rufus works normally.
@@ellipsis...1986 i have latest stable artix isos with all the different init systems and the og arch. all these work fine except artix iso with dinit iirc, it hangs randomly in the artix' archiso equivalent. have you tried to run it on a different machine?
edit: i just remembered that i might've had problems with other artix iso, but can't say for sure. i compared its hashsum with one i downloaded and found out it was different. it taught me to execute 'sync' every time before i'm about to unmount anything. might be your problem as well? sorry if this assumption is offending, i'm kinda new to linux myself.
@@ellipsis...1986 Booting the latest ISO in "grub2 mode" worked just fine for me :)
if you would be on *nix you could just use the holy Disk Destroyer
This is the best ever full covered tutorial of installing Arch Linux.
For this kind of manuals (Arch installation guide) it’s good to read through once before you start typing commands and to not skip any steps unless you have already made a decission to skip that part. For the UEFI part you will notice the guide says “if the file does not exist, the system may be booted in BIOS or CSM”
Impressive determination and perseverance! Your journey through Arch Linux installation is both entertaining and relatable. Your detailed approach and problem-solving skills shine through the challenges. Keep up the great work!
you really went for the final boss. you are taking up crazy challenges.
if you follow just the wiki from experience, the fastest arch can be installed is 3 minutes
@@salgadosp true final boss is LFS. Gentoo is actually not that hard. Just pain staking.
@@XioJN 1:14*
To be perfectly honest, this is really cool. As a newcomer to Linux, you successfully completing an Arch install is pretty impressive.
the thing u were in when looking at keymaps is called less, it’s just a way of letting you scroll through large pieces of text in the terminal, u can leave it by pressing q
and if there’s ever a command with rly long output, u could pipe it into less to let you scroll through it, by doing “command | less”
@@saturnaliam uuuu okay, thanks!
Guess you do learn something new every day! I actually didn't know how this display type is called. Thank you, Internet person!
why can't it be ctrl c like all others
@@maxanimator9547 ctrl-c sends the stop signal to a program so it’ll work on any terminal program, but q is the built in way
A lot of people are making fun of you for stumbling all through the install... I have nothing but massive respects for you. You went from Mint to Arch in a week and successfully installed essentially without knowing 0 commands!
imagine bog becomes an enthusiastic linux user...
Judging by his trouble following the arch wiki... He won't be.
@@markwilson3326 you never know, I had a ton of trouble installing it and now I'm a huge fan
@@markwilson3326he's using Linux for less than a month and for that he's pretty good at it. It's intuitive to you and you know what you do because you have done it a hundred times already and have more knowledge.
It's not as straightforward as you think it is. You heavily overestimate the base knowledge required. It starts with simple things like timedatectl. How should he know that it's pronounced "time date control" when he has never seen "ctl" in any other context.
Bro why the f * k pronounce even matter bro , even i didn't know it spelled that way
(So that neans i probably spelled everthing wrong in muy life 🫥)@@zekiz774
you are so kind for making detailed tutorials like this. i love your work:)
I lost count how many times i internally yelled 'Noooooooo'. I even choked while eating, hope you will too. Beautiful curses ಠ_ಠ
i love that you make so many typos, don't notice and just think that the command didn't work
This give me back memories, I have done this process 3 times already for 3 different computers I have.
Just one tip, the "post experience" you mentioned will be pretty much dependent on your desktop environment (DE), in your case you got KDE, but you will could get a similar experience to mint using Cinnamon. Tho there are many DEs out there, like gnome, xfce (my choice), mate, budgie, etc
Otherwise, if you exclude the interface, the only major difference would be that mint uses apt, and arch uses pacman
Sorry, I think last statement is misleading. Having newer and maybe less stable packages is significant differences. I had to build some software from source using ubuntu because there were no needed version on repository. On bleeding edges like void or arch on other hand I had some problems with updates. For example, there were some bug with amd_gpu that didn't let some old GPUs start Xorg (it was somewhere at linux6.5 I believe).
Repositories do matter a lot more than package managers. That's why people may like mint but not ubuntu
@@СергейГордиенко-п4дRespectfully, I had a lot more package issues on debian and ubuntu, mainly due to needing some stuff to actually be somewhat up to date and that stuff not always being a flatpack. I coped and tried debian Sid for a while before switching to arch as my daily driver and I've never had an issue that I didn't cause by using ZFS as my root file system. (And even those aren't a problem anymore since I switched to a dkms package and added a fallback kernel)
@@СергейГордиенко-п4дwell, u can use the lts kernel, and if you have more than 6gb of ram i guess compiling stuff from aur is not that long of a deal. So i guess it's more of a personal choice
@@СергейГордиенко-п4д yeah, that's why I said "major difference"
He clears the screen after every command, already a professional by my standards
26:45 First says slash, then says dot, and then types a dash lmao
That was the theme of the video. Half the time it was an error due to spelling mistakes
"gurb" and "base-deven"
@@Zsobix i was so mad when he typed that lol
As someone who uses Arch myself this video hurts to watch but also warms my heart that someone is trying to learn (at least i think you are trying to learn)
Your Linux series is so funny and enjoyable to watch haha. I really like it. I also learn a lot. Keep making these Linux series videos where you try out different linux distros and try to do many tasks in Linux and share all the issues you experience.
literally installed arch on my laptop yesterday, respect for doing it with such little experience
This was so interesting and entertaining to watch. I hope we get to see more of your adventures in Arch.
You forgot to say: "I use arch by the way"!
and im glad for that
Are you blind?@@pikazap6672
Congrats on successfully installing Arch! It really is a learning experience - tons of reading and figuring out how computers work under the hood.
To make it all painless, you basically just gotta be patient and explore the linked articles until you understand what's happening and why.
Welcome to the arch user base btw, it's really fun here btw. Arch wiki is your best friend btw.
Would recommend this to anyone trying to install Arch Linux on their own, it is really helpful (after 7 hrs)
In reality Linux from scratch and Linux from scratch beyond are the hardest
I remember back in -92 when I had to recompile my kernel under redhat to include sound blaster lol 😂 learning curve spiked right away
I spent weeks figuring out how to compile EVERYTHING I need for a full linux OS. A full week of that was compiling/configuring pacman for it, and another week figuring out how to make an ISO that's bootable with UEFI and BIOS. The result was a system that used pacman and the AUR, and used 20 megs of RAM.
@The_IW true
@The_IWyou won't get your stuff working properly because those drivers are mostly proprietary.
@@markwilson3326 that's very impressive.
This was rather painful but interesting to watch. Kudos for willing to troubleshoot things and good luck with your Linux journey.
Small tip: consider learning some Bash shell hotkeys to be faster at typing and re-typing stuff. Some for start: Ctrl+A (^A) -- go to the beginning, ^E -- go to the end, ^K -- delete from cursor to end, ^U -- delete from cursor to beginning, Alt+. (dot) -- repeat the last argument so you don't need to painfully re-type a long filepath, for example.
LFS(Linux from Scratch) is the hardest one.
Gentoo is the second hardest.
And ventoy is probably the best tool when it comes to making bootable usb drives.
When he said he'd be trying it out in a VM, I knew this would be so much better than last time.
cfdisk is actually quite nicer to use than fdisk for a beginner
Nice vid tho, cool to see that it is possible to install arch just by rtfm
I couldn't do it just with the manual when I first installed arch, took me a long time to get it working :)
Please! Do the walk around the whole kde settings menu like you did with Mint! It might take you a whole video though, but just seeing how you got happy with Mint I think you will LOVE KDE
You have successfully completed the rite of passage. You can expect thigh high socks to arrive in your mail in the near future. We will be watching you, Bog...
"I've decided to go for the final boss"
No. Its not harder, just more time-consuming. What you really mean is linux from scratch
Seeing you wrestle with cd commands makes me impressed you made it as far as you did
oh i finally understand how you record your screen EVERY TIME ANYTHING happns
i thought it was witch craft tbh 💀
he records his monitor using an external recorder right? (I haven't yet watched the video)
@@_tr11 idk he was talking about this usb you'll see in the vid
@@_tr11 Atleast in the last video with Linux mint, he used obs and some other screen recording software.
@@strange_thing-arra-3692 yea I was thinking of that
Cool video. When the command prompt asks [Y/n] it will automatically choose the uppercase letter alternative when pressing enter. No need to type ’y’.🎉
not me screaming at my screen when he screws shit up 😭🙏
nonetheless, bro got some DETERMINATION for not using archinstall... (i've never used it, but whatever)
pretty entertaining either way lol, keep up the good work!!!!! ^_^
I tried installing arch once a few months ago and this is too relatable lmao. I didn't succeed though, so good job!
7:32 so that's what happens to windows users trying to switch to linux.
NGL, as a linux user it is some how comfortable to watch this guy use linux😂😂😂, btw he's learning alot of things though. Cheers mate
Really good video and you did pretty good for the most part. You were actually doing most of the installation correctly, but half of the time when you saw 'command not found' errors it was because you were doing typos, same while installing packages. Also you don't need to install all packages before chrooting (Chroot = Change root, useful for 'semi-booting' into a system and can be used to test or fix another linux system without rebooting). You could have installed packages like grub, nano and networkmanager using pacman, but you again made several typos in the package names. Also UEFI is actually not BIOS. Both are computer firmwares used to start your computer but UEFI is newer, BIOS is old. Modern computers will always use UEFI so the cat /sys/firmware/efi/efi_vars command will work there but on a virtual machine you usually use a BIOS. That is why catting the efi_vars failed. On a UEFI system you typically boot using a seperate EFI partition, also called a boot partition, which you created in the video but on a BIOS system you actually install the bootloader into the first sector (first 512 kBs) which is called the Master Boot Sector of your drive and an EFI partition is unecessary (Usually, MBR is for BIOS systems and GPT is for UEFI system). The reason your system was able to boot anyway was because you ran 'grub-install /dev/sda' which installs grub into the first sector. For a UEFI installation the command is a little more complicated: 'grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=esp --bootloader-id=GRUB` with esp being wherever you mounted your efi partition (typically in /boot or /boot/efi)
Also a really easy alternative to fdisk is cfdisk which provides an easy to use UI
Great comment, a lot better than my previous now deleted on covering the same part 😅
Another point I'd like to add is that pacstrap can be safely reran multiple times with more packages.
@@AdroSlice Could be wrong on this but I believe pacstrap overwrites some config files because it copies the host system's pacman configuration into the new system. Of course if you've not messed with pacman configs it should be fine to rerun
This is the proper way to get into arch Linux. Manual install once to get familiar with how things works, then just use archinstall, because there is no point of you being the installer unless you need a very specific advanced configuration that is not possible with the script.
You have to press CTRL+SHIFT+V to paste to terminal and CTRL+SHIFT+C to copy from terminal (only true for Linux and Bash terminals though). Hope this helped.
The most entertaining Arch Linux install tutorial.
mannnnn that was one hell of a ride
Damn this is wildly entertaining! looking forward to more content keep it up.
0:28 it is not called "Arch Linux", it is called "Arch btw"
I won't install Linux, Ihave no idea why I am watching but it somehow keeps me interested .
Randomly got recommended the Photoshop alternative video and now I' m hooked on your channel.
Waiting for the Linux From Scratch in 72 hours any% speedrun
oo good idea
You should try Linux from scratch next. It's a hell of an experience. But worth doing at least one time, if you manage to get a system booting the shell with some basic tools it feels good. And you really can learn a lot about Linux and operational systems in general.
LFS can literally take weeks, unless you're REALLY interested in it it's just not worth it... If you go in and do LFS without the mindset of actually learning how Linux works and instead blindlessly copying commands, you're basically just wasting your time. I say this because my Uni had a course that had us doing LFS for our final assignment. Most of us, including myself, just ended up blindlessly copying commands and I came out of it with a barely functional system without actually learning anything.
@@Kreze202 it was a joke, because he already choose a painful distro that impose lots of problems and difficulties for him in the video.
TBH the arch installation guide is missing a lot
it's not that good for "beginners"
I forgot completely to set up networkmanager and the bootloader the first time I did it
I don't need network manager, I just plug ethernet cable and it works!
"time de tect" lmaoooo I loved it!! Most Linux commands you can read by their syllables. The timedatectl command reads "time date ctl", so "time/date control". Once you see it, you can't unsee it :)
Arch is easy. Now install Gentoo.
Tried that once lmao. Took 5 hours to compile my browser, was a great time.
@@Benadryl_Overdoser only 5???
@@rayi512x my browser is pretty debloated, could be why. Also was being cringe and didn’t use an ancient stickerbombed thinkpad lmao.
@The_IW another templeOS kinda thing would be kinda sick, having its own programming language and other things.
Tbh Gentoo is not significantly 'harder' per se, mainly just takes longer because you are compiling everything locally; and thus, more painful when you mess up because of the compile time. Its only really significantly harder for the computer not for the user.
when you're in the terminal, you can type `pwd` to display where you are in the file system (command is an initialism of Print Working Directory)
1:30 use ventoy
@@Wintercube-pu2qm, ventoy better, many OSs you can put and not only OSs
My single biggest piece of advice to anyone wanting to do this for themselves, it would be to read the install guide completely before beginning.
You are really good at understanding new concepts and researching solutions!
I can' belive that i just watched 35 minutes of terminal.
Saying: "Locale slash gen", "Locale dot gen"
Writing: "locale-gen"
Best Arch installation video
what about lfs linux from scratch?
That is a way to build an os somewhat. Not to build a distro
@@Tman564ws okz👍
@@Tman564ws that IS a way to build a distro
watching someone newer with linux is so funny. the great part is how many little things you can do to speed things up. like using !$ for using the same input of your last command and stuff. great video though man.
you could have used the command "cfdisk" rather than "fdisk" and everything would have been MUCH easier😅
also coulda used UEFI instead of using BIOS mode in virtualbox
This went about as well as I expected it to go
Trust me, Arch is really easy compared to Gentoo
not since Gentoo decided to have a binary distribution
@@maxlife459 even then, installing and using Gentoo afaik has significantly more than Arch, which is fairly easy for an intermediate like myself, and also there is really no point that I can see in using binary packages if you’re going to use Gentoo, you might as well just use Arch
As a arch user he really didn't find this hard, he used the arch linux handbook which is a good sign to see from a rookie linux user & he's set everything up as seen in the script so Well done!
Will you install Linux From Scratch or Gentoo next?
"UEFI means BIOS I'm pretty sure"... 💀
kinda does, just that the uefi has more stuff
That was quite the ride. While I might try arch or some version of it in the future, chances are very slim. Based on my limited knowledge of differences between distros, people that run arch (or at least those that make a point of saying they do) probably do it more as a flex.
0:17 wtf men 😂
men ☕️