Misleading commentary. Adding a pulley doesn’t increase the pull power, it only reduces the load when you reattach the hook to the point of origin (the winching vehicle). This is because the load is shared between two ropes (the doubles up winch line) and the end point of the pulley. The winch needs to work half as much, and obviously good for life of winch and synthetic rope.
It’s a bad habit to stand in the bite of the rope when you have an offset. Stay out of the bite by never being in a position that would be affected if a rigging point gives way.
The ultra hook is supposed to be clasp up when using the open hook
Oh the passion of working inventing things ! Thank you guys.
Misleading commentary. Adding a pulley doesn’t increase the pull power, it only reduces the load when you reattach the hook to the point of origin (the winching vehicle). This is because the load is shared between two ropes (the doubles up winch line) and the end point of the pulley. The winch needs to work half as much, and obviously good for life of winch and synthetic rope.
It’s a bad habit to stand in the bite of the rope when you have an offset. Stay out of the bite by never being in a position that would be affected if a rigging point gives way.