Correction! I was incorrect about the price in the video. The original list price for this polisher is only $62! Not the 100 I had thought. Sorry for the mistake. Link in bio as well as a 5% off code!
Hi Mick, that looks a good polisher and for the price of $62 you really can't go wrong, just goes to show that you don't need to spend the big bucks on a top end one to get good results👌👍John UK
Correction! I was incorrect about the price in the video. The original list price for this polisher is only $62! Not the 100 I had thought. Sorry for the mistake. Link in bio as well as a 5% off code!
Hi Mick, that looks a good polisher and for the price of $62 you really can't go wrong, just goes to show that you don't need to spend the big bucks on a top end one to get good results👌👍John UK
Great job again! What rpm were you using?
Vevor, all tubers are pushing it, I've yet to find a polisher that doesn't polish
Hi Bro, great Video 👍👍👍
Thank you!
vonroc #?