Once the bike is turned on the pedal assist is automatically on. If the bike is off that's when you can ride manually. The thumb throttle can be used to ride on pure electric without pedaling.
The lever on the right is a THROTTLE. If you use it you do not have to pedal at all !! The power is on as soon as you power up the bike. The harder you pedal the more power the bike provides. Or just use the throttle and ride.
Once the bike is turned on the pedal assist is automatically on. If the bike is off that's when you can ride manually. The thumb throttle can be used to ride on pure electric without pedaling.
Still slow though. Another 5mph would be nice.
The lever on the right is a THROTTLE. If you use it you do not have to pedal at all !! The power is on as soon as you power up the bike. The harder you pedal the more power the bike provides. Or just use the throttle and ride.
Is it suitable for hills
Game changer if it had throttle and 25mph. That would be exactly what I'm looking for. What a shame.
made for other than the US, where 250 watt is legal max. More power = more battery = more weight. Which is why the other bikes are heavy.