I am of Romanian origin and when I travel west I have to cross this beautiful country. I had the opportunity to see how this country was reborn since 1982 when I first passed. I have no words to express how the landscape has changed every year... but besides this... the people, who have a special identity and pride, have perfectly integrated into western society. Congratulation !!!! Nicolae Iovici &Ivanova
The lake Balaton wasn't even mentioned, which is the greatest lake in central euripe visited tens of thousands of tourist. Played an essential role in the 1980s. That was the meeting point of the east and west germans.
I once bought 10 bottles of 1993 6-star Disznókő aszú. For investment purposes. I drank them all in a month. It tastes like the elixir of life. For foreigners, I recommend the 6-star bottle first. It is the highest quality and the most difficult to make. It's easy to drink. I think it's only available in wine shops. It's pretty rare. 🙂🙂🙂
I was pleasantly surprised to learn so much about this beautiful country and its talented people. At 77 I was never interested in traveling but a voracious reader who enjoys books. If I had to travel I decided Hungary would be the first place I’d head for. I was truly impressed. I mean very impressed. I especially like its architecture and apparently very clean streets. Love to you, people of Hungary…all the way from the Caribbean.
I got to visit Budapest during Summer 2019 right before the lockdowns. It was the best time ever and the city hit me on so many levels and emotionally. The Shoes On The Danube hit me hard and I couldn't tell others about it without tears. I spent the day at the Szechenyi Baths and it was quite the chill vibe. Met lots of cool people, has some amazing food. Fisherman's Bastion is simply a work of art. Just so many stories of my time there to tell. I cannot wait to go back!
It's always interesting or exciting to see my country with foreginer's eyes. Sometimes I learned something new, sometimes I have to corrigate things, but always a good feeling to see these videos.
Poor Elizateth Bathory, 21st century, but the vamipre stories are still flourishing as in the dark ages. She was a noble widow, sitting on the biggest wealth of the remainig Hungarian lands stuck between the Ottomans and the Habsburgs. Many conspired to get their hands on her wealth, but she was a high noble, they couldn't just kill her. What was the common practice in the middle ages to "leagally" rob someone? Yes, witch hunts. There were no direct witnesses on her trial, only second-hand (... I heard it from...) she was not allowed to defend herself either. First she was accused to kill a few servants, and as decades passed the folklore created dark stories around her figure. The truth is that she was a strong, brave and independent widow of a national hero who fought against the Ottomas, and she held her power and took care of her children and estates, as long as she could. The new Netflix series "Fairygarden - the age of innocense" gives her some justice, finally.
I could not have said it better. Thank you! It is high time to stop dragging her name through the mud for a cheap thrill and start appreciating her for the brave and courageous woman she actually was.
My understanding is, that the Habsburgs wanted her wealth! They were the ones, who accused her of being a witch! The Habsburgs with fhe help of roman catholic church, he biggest inquisitors. Don't forget, the courthouses cone from the roman catholic church!! The Habsburgs wanted not just the wealth of Erzsbet Bathory,, but the wealth of many other great nobles of Hungary! The Habsburgs took the wealth of all the nobles of Hungary, who didn't want to serve them, who didn't want to become german, who didn't want to serve Rome and the jesuits! When the Habsburgs took the land and wealth of the hungarian noble families, they gave the majority to the Roman catholic church, and the rest to the foreign nobles, who were brought here by Habsburgs, given hungarian names and become the new nobles. But these new nobles were cruel to the peasants, they took away the freedom of the peasants! These new nobles were mostly german and austrian, or other nationalities, who served the Habsburgs. These new nobile families almost destroyed Hungary from within. But only their lying names were hungarian, they were the enemies of Hungary in reality. Nowadays "hungarian" noble families are their descendants...
Hungary is the best country in Europe to life, no terror of refugees thats one. Lots of space and no crowd, not high costs with tax and all and most of all good weather. Reasons for me as a Dutchman that I living in Hungary now, far away from the madness. Thanks Hungary for let me stay here in this great country, im very gratefull.
Exactly and thank you for correcting the record. Hungary was held as a captive nation by the Soviet Communists. There was no No mention of the 56 Revolution and martyrs! I also did not appreciate that EU crack about Hungarys population continuing to decline because of the immigration policy. Hungarys policies are pro preserving Christian heritage, Family and Freedom with secure borders! Other countries could learn from Hungary! God Bless Magyarorszag and PM Viktor Orban and ALL Hungarian Patriots!
Budapest is also a cultural city with violin music in many places, an Opera House, an Operetta Theatre, and the Liszt Academy of Music. It even boasts a restaurant with singing waiters. Franz Liszt was a foremost musical personality in the 19th Century and a renowned piano virtuoso and composer.
I liked the way You look.....also I just like monkeys. Hungary's culture is Very High, Kind & Class of People. Lots of NOBLE price compere to the size of the country, & what is important, the food & VINES are AWESOME and more!?!?!?
First thing you got wrong… Hungary is bordered 100% by itself… there is not a single square centimeter around our borders that wasn’t ours. Hungary is the only country in the world that is fully bordered by itself and nothing else.
3-37-nél sikerült az olaszországi Saturniát beletenni :D Na, jó, ez apró baki, csak érdekes volt. Amúgy tök jó videó, úgy feldobja az embert - lássuk már meg a jó dolgokat is végre :)
Egészében pozitív, legalábbis sokkal jobb mint az a néhány másik - pl. erdélyről - de bőven hiányos és van jópár hiba benne. Persze idegennek ez bonyolult. (Kérhet hozzáértő segítséget) Lehetett volna azzal indítani, hogy míg a vikingek hajókon északról a tengerpartokon és folyókon keresztül, aközben mi a szárazföldön lóhátról fosztogattuk a kontinenst mindaddig míg kereszténységre nem lettünk szorítva. ;) Ettől kezdve viszont mi védtük a nyugatot tatártól, töröktől, és még a szovjetúnióval is ujjat húztunk. Elfelejti megemlíteni, hogy trianon kapcsán saját magunkkal vagyunk szomszédosak, az ottrekedt milliónyi magyarról sem szól. Úgy állítja mintha önként és dalolva csatlakoztunk volna a keleti blokkhoz... A Báthory Erzsébetről tovább terjesztett baromságokról nem is beszélve...
Undorító amit azzal az okos nővel műveltek ! Egyszerű logikával meg lehet cáfolni : ha vért használt volna ( akár csak az arcára , a fürdésről nem is beszélve ) olyan büdös lett volna ,hogy a közelébe se ment volna senki ! Meginni nem lehet semmilyen vért ( állatit sem , pláne emberit ) az hányást okoz - gyakorlatból tudható , gyomorvérzésnél a gyomorba kerülő saját vér is ,megállíthatatlan hányást okoz ! Az emberi gyomor nem képes megemészteni a vért , ezért a hányás ! Csak a buta embereket lehet ilyen agyatlan hülyeséggel rémisztgetni , ijesztgetni !
Our nation is indeed bursting with talent in all walks of life. Be it Olympic medals, any kind of awards or studies you'll find a Hungarian or two. If you compare it to the size and population you'll see that it's indeed a special place. Not to mention Hungarian women bro 😂
the Conquest was in 895, when they wanted to hold the Millennium celebrations. In 1895, the Infrastructures with which they wanted to celebrate the event were not ready: Heroes' Square, Parliament, Vajda Hunyad Castle, Metro. That is why it was postponed for 1 year and later it was included in the history textbooks that the Conquest was in 896, that is why the roof of the parliament is 96 meters high (the inner cupola is much smaller). The 12 Martyrs of Arad were the military officers who led the fight for freedom, the 13th Count Lajos Batthyány, he was not an officer, he was the president of the first responsible Hungarian government minister, that is why he had to die
2:20 "jooning the eastern-block"?? Hungary as a war losing member was occupied by the Soviet Union and ruled over 45 years! In 1956 hungarian revolt against the soviet influence was strangled in blood by the soviet reaction. Hungary never wanted to join the eastern block, whats more, even wanted transylvania (part of Hungary before wwi, now romania) to be joined to hungary. But that ship is sailed, leaving millions of hungarians outside the border. Hungarians are outsiders in europe, no brother-like language or origin with any other countries. Therefore throughout in its history the surrounding tribes and nations wanted to put an end to this small, outsider "intruder" tribe. So far with less success, but souverignity being a lost art in the european union, soon has to disintegrated and fall apart, to minorities of europe.
There is a building higher than 96 meter, It's the MOL tower which is 143 m high and it resemble to a pen1s with ball sack. I think about it like some kind of modern art and the architecture's intention was to express through the shape of the building that it would 'f*ck' the (view of the) city.
To me it looks more like a boot, far less phallic than most sky-scrapers. Wanted to look up how tall it is, because I could swear it's taller than 96m.
Of the most beautiful country with super smart and sweet, friendly people.. the food??? To dye for.. all natural ingredients and beautifully presented.. just came back from Hungary 3 weeks ago. Can’t wait to go back!!!!!
You have nothing to do with the huns,stop with these ridiculous claims,your people came in the end of 9th century and after been defeated in 896 in battle by our Tsar Simeon continued westward and settled in Panonia
@@R3LAX94 You know nothing about Hun and Scythian origins of HUNgarian people. You are lack of knowledge or simple try to steal others history, like other slaves/slaves do. Go to school and learn. First see who's first king is Attila 😘
@@LEK-we2hh Maybe because the video itself is in english and its audiance is english understanding...also it's for foreigners. Szóval semmi okunk magyarul írni. :D We have no actual reason to write here in hungarian. :D
És még van sok minden amit kihagytál... peldául az atombombát a telefonközpontot, vagy épp az első compjutert.. amúgy gratula.. jó videó:)) welcome from Hungary:)))
Az atombomba nem egy ember találmánya, hanem csapatmunka. Az, hogy magyarok is részt vettek ebben a csapatban, még nem jelenti azt, hogy az atombomba magyarokhoz kötődik. Magyarokhoz IS. Az első számítógép sem magyar alkotás - Neumann János a számítógép elvét dogozta ki, nem magát a gépet.
Se a helikoptert, se a villanymozdonyt nem magyarok találták fel. Asbóth eszköze annyira volt helikopter, amennyire a talicska versenyautó. Kandó Kálmán nem magát a villanymozdonyt találta fel, hanem annak a megoldását, hogy a közcélú 50Hz-es váltakozóáramú hálózatról hogy lehet működtetni a villanymozdonyt (fázisváltó, ha esetleg hallottál róla, bár nyilván fogalmad sincs, mi ez és hogy működik). Bocsi, de ha ilyen mértékig nem vagy tisztában pl. csak e két jármű történetével, akkor miért szólsz bele a témába? És a tudatlanságod mellett hogy van képed kamu tudományról beszélni? Egyébként ki is találta fel szerinted az atombombát?@@colle831
When i was young, i was so proud to be hungarian. When we learned in high school about the history, world wars and Trianon, i got so angry because the injustice what befell us. But now...i'm over 40...and i don't care...i don't care what happend in the past...i dont care which nation i blong to. It wasn't my choice and it should not define or influence me. BECAUSE: We are all born on this earth as humans and we die just like any other human. Not a single animal or plant on this earth cares what nation I am from. While there are many more of them than us humans. Only one thing matters: Are you a person who does good or bad? Never should be defined by where we were born on this planet, but by what we have done to make life better for everyone in that place.
Define in a sentence who you are? Who you can rely if you are in trouble ? If you are a WEF globalist just save the answers to yourself I don't give a rat's ass.
At the shameful and sinful Trianon Convention, on June 16, 1920, Count Albert Apponyi predicted what will happen in our time: "You have just dug Hungary's grave, but Hungary will be there at the funeral of all the countries that have dug Hungary's grave here".
Albert Szent-György did NOT discover the Vitamin-C. What he did was finding a way to mass-produce it, because until that, only fractions of gramms were available. He's got the Nobel Prize for his works on the functions of the mithocondria, NOT for discovering the Vitamin -C. Get your facts correct, before spreading false statements.
Szent Györgyi felfedezte a C vitamint és kidolgozta a Vitamin kiválasztásának gyakorlatát, paprikából vonta ki mivel abban sok van, miligrammok, kristályos anyag.
Just one more syllable to pronounce, please, right in the first word of this video. The name of our country in NOT pronounced as *hungry*, it is Hun-ga-ry. Otherwise thanks for the attention.
nice roundup, on the height of buildings point, allot of buildings weren't built anywhere near the height limit because there was also a regulation in the past stating that any building with over 4 floors had to have an elevator, so to avoid having to install costly elevators they didn't go higher than 4 floors.
4:30 by the end of 2021 Mol Campus 143m tall headquarter of Mol Oil company was built. Many disagreed with the glass futuristic highrise. However it was still built but at least a bit further from the centre of the town
18:12, and the old garnitures of the metro were beautiful with seats of wood. The picture here-garnitures replaced the old historic garnitures. I was travelling in the old garnitures in the 1950 years. But I do not know in what year was the modernisation, also the replacement of the garnitures.
The beer cling as far as i know (as a hungarian person) it's okay now in most places, and it's really rare to hear any negative stuff regarding to the "Aradi 13-ak" maybe out of cities, in small villages more likely tell you not to do
It really depends on the individual. I'm from Győr and I also refuse to cling my beer glass even with my friends, that's why we always start with something strong :P
the video contains a lot of false information. 1. Hungary until the end of the First World War, the size of its total territory: 325,000 km2 - of which Trianon took 232,000 km2. 2. Budapest is the ONLY CAPITAL of Hungary. 3. Hungary is a state that is more than 1,000 years old
We have the most beautiful language in the world, and one of the most complex as well. Hungarian is the most expressive language in the whole world. We can speak as eclectically as noone else can. For the inventions… thanks to the business policy of the USA, if someone wants to spread their invention globally, they must first take it to the USA, then if they get the green light there, they can start spreading it to the whole world from the USA. Without us, hungarians, you wouldn’t have computers nowadays cuz who invented it? Neumann János. The world wouldn’t have electricity so commonly available to the public cuz who discovered the nuclear reaction and how to stabilize it? Szilárd Leó, another hungarian… or just to mention an everyday item… the ballpoint pen… who invented it? Bíró László József. And do you know what else was among his overall 20 inventions? Water fountain pen, AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION… yes, you read it correctly, friggin AT, roll-on deodorant. And these are only 4 of his 20 inventions… you can google the rest up. So ye… we gave the world many many many world- and life changing thing yet we were never appreciated for it.
The trouble is, you fail to mention the simple fact that all these inventions were invented at night and if it was not for Thomas Alva Edison, who invented the electric light bulb, none of the inventions in Hungry could have come to pass!
Hang on a second! So you'r saying that Neumann János invented the computer? Have you never heard of Charles Babbage? Or Ada Lovelace? John Vincent Atanasoff? Alan Turing? Konrad Zuse? While it is true that John von Neumann aka János Neumann was a genius mathematician, physicist, computer scientist, engineer and inventor who made major contributions to many fields: did he invent the computer? NO, he didn't! Sorry to burst your bubble. Btw: the first automatic transmission was invented in 1921 by a Canadian steam engineer, Alfred Horner Munro. It is common knowledge. So take your own advice, and google the rest up! Cheers! 😊
@@CAGED1702 Still GM bought the rights from Bíró László József for the AT and not from Munro. ANd while I accept what you said that Neumann didn't invent the computer by the basics... but he invented the "modern" version of it of which because computers are at where they are today. If not for him... computers would be either not so high tech nowadays or just simply wouldn't be so publicly available. He made very big breakthroughs in computer science just as you said... but even if I was wrong... the main thing I wanted to say with what I wrote is that we were never appreciated or thanked for anything we gave the world...
My moms side is from the Austria-Hungary area of Europe. Pushed out by the violence of the Bolsheviks after world war 1. Been in the US for a bit over 100 years. Any chance i can come back with my daughter? Americas has....gotten weird.
@@idigress7865 ask him.is your right tò know your origin.you May have origin in Transilvania the most beautifull ex empire.then there are Trieste in italy.chap turism.can be ucrainean or Bucovina....also can be Slovacchia Croazia hungry 😁 or Slovenia or Austria....
i'm hungarian and have never heard the clinking beer thing, ive clinced my beers all my life and nobody said its rode, feel free to clink your beer,( our beer is nat tasty but belive me when i say it hits hard
The Hungarian language came from the Mongolian Conquerer "Ching-Guess" Khan's conquests across Asia centuries ago, and belong to the "Finno-Ugric" family, which includes Finnish and Estonian among others. I only know a small bit of Finnish (thanks to having a spectacularly beautiful and tall blonde girlfriend for several years) but do remember that the stress is always on the first syllable of every word, and lately has given us the comedian named Ismo, usually found on TH-cam and well worth a listen because he's effing *hilarious* every time!
I loved Budapest and the people - can't wait to return. I can understand how they're so very protective about their country and culture when you look at their history to where they are now. Don't ruin it.
The aftermath of the war and the Paris Peace Conference, 1919 affected the Olympic Games not only due to new states being created, but also by sanctions against the nations that lost the war and were blamed for starting it. Hungary, Germany, Austria, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire were banned from competing in the Games. Soviet Russia had just emerged from the Civil War and chose not to attend the Games.
Sadly now we got more than 100 meter towers in the city, like the new MOL tower. Its hight is 143 meter. And got some news a complete new city area, with lot high tower. (Sry my bad english)
A sörrel koccintás legendáját valószínűleg a bor árusok terjesztették akkor amikor a bor fogyasztás visszaesett. De ettől függetlenül tekinthetünk rá nemzeti sajátosságként.
Hungary has the most wine regions in any country. Diversity is special. But most of it you could only enjoy locally. The best red wines are in Villany and Szekszard. In many cases wining over the most famous French wines.
It ok to use AI but this is a run-of-the-mill, careless audio production! Because of these mass-produced videos; soon people will be fed up and then see your audience go… well the humans at least. Good content very bad execution with AI mispronouncing too many words. Plus the bait picture and deep male voice…. Total turn-off for me.
Firstly, Hungary is not only Budapest. Foreigners only visit and talk about the capital city but there are more to Hungary than Budapest only. Secondly, Elizabeth Báthory was convicted in a conceptual trial because her political opponents wanted to destroy her and get her wealth and properties. She was innocent and the whole ‘wickedness’ and ‘bathing in blood’ accusations are ridiculous.
The video is quite good, but you say bad things about Erzsébet Báthory! Her "sin" was that she had too much wealth, land, castles and treasures, and she was a WOMAN in a world dominated by men! And the Austrians envied him, slandered him, sued him, and condemned him without evidence! All the lies they said about him!
I am of Romanian origin and when I travel west I have to cross this beautiful country. I had the opportunity to see how this country was reborn since 1982 when I first passed. I have no words to express how the landscape has changed every year... but besides this... the people, who have a special identity and pride, have perfectly integrated into western society. Congratulation !!!! Nicolae Iovici &Ivanova
Multumim frumos!
Where do you live?
We live currently in Serbia
Mulțumesc our brother, it is the same for Serbia, trust me, I travel there a lot. We might have a bright future finally.
Köszönjük a kedves szavakat.🌷🙋♀️
The lake Balaton wasn't even mentioned, which is the greatest lake in central euripe visited tens of thousands of tourist. Played an essential role in the 1980s. That was the meeting point of the east and west germans.
There are much better lakes in Europe (better service, better prices, nicer hosts, with better water quality).
@@Pekka.Pekka.1296anyád magzatvize jobb te tapló c_gány
I once bought 10 bottles of 1993 6-star Disznókő aszú. For investment purposes. I drank them all in a month. It tastes like the elixir of life.
For foreigners, I recommend the 6-star bottle first. It is the highest quality and the most difficult to make. It's easy to drink. I think it's only available in wine shops. It's pretty rare. 🙂🙂🙂
so you bought 10 bottles, for investment, and you just drank them all anyway? very bad investment if i do say so myself
@@fumetsu-950 I try to be a business man!
@@attilasipos2968 then why did you drink it all?
@@fumetsu-950 Those drinks were very tasty. That's why I drank them all.🙂🙂🙂
Actually, the first drops of aszú was selling in pharmacies back in the days as a life elixir, as they say.
I was pleasantly surprised to learn so much about this beautiful country and its talented people. At 77 I was never interested in traveling but a voracious reader who enjoys books. If I had to travel I decided Hungary would be the first place I’d head for. I was truly impressed. I mean very impressed. I especially like its architecture and apparently very clean streets. Love to you, people of Hungary…all the way from the Caribbean.
Várunk szeretettel!
I got to visit Budapest during Summer 2019 right before the lockdowns. It was the best time ever and the city hit me on so many levels and emotionally. The Shoes On The Danube hit me hard and I couldn't tell others about it without tears. I spent the day at the Szechenyi Baths and it was quite the chill vibe. Met lots of cool people, has some amazing food. Fisherman's Bastion is simply a work of art. Just so many stories of my time there to tell. I cannot wait to go back!
never seen this good overview about my country from a foreigner, You got some gift my friend!
It's always interesting or exciting to see my country with foreginer's eyes. Sometimes I learned something new, sometimes I have to corrigate things, but always a good feeling to see these videos.
Video created for tourists, viewed by curious Hungarians.
As usual
As a curious Hungarian I can confirm
Street magic with David Blain. Jó a képed... :DDD
Poor Elizateth Bathory, 21st century, but the vamipre stories are still flourishing as in the dark ages. She was a noble widow, sitting on the biggest wealth of the remainig Hungarian lands stuck between the Ottomans and the Habsburgs. Many conspired to get their hands on her wealth, but she was a high noble, they couldn't just kill her. What was the common practice in the middle ages to "leagally" rob someone? Yes, witch hunts. There were no direct witnesses on her trial, only second-hand (... I heard it from...) she was not allowed to defend herself either. First she was accused to kill a few servants, and as decades passed the folklore created dark stories around her figure. The truth is that she was a strong, brave and independent widow of a national hero who fought against the Ottomas, and she held her power and took care of her children and estates, as long as she could. The new Netflix series "Fairygarden - the age of innocense" gives her some justice, finally.
I could not have said it better. Thank you! It is high time to stop dragging her name through the mud for a cheap thrill and start appreciating her for the brave and courageous woman she actually was.
That is what really happened.Greedy people paimted a bad picture of her,just because they want to put their hand on her welth.
@@juditr.9458 A szövegeket elemezve feltehetőleg egy szexuálisan túlfűtött nő lehetett Báthory Erzsébet.
My understanding is, that the Habsburgs wanted her wealth! They were the ones, who accused her of being a witch! The Habsburgs with fhe help of roman catholic church, he biggest inquisitors. Don't forget, the courthouses cone from the roman catholic church!! The Habsburgs wanted not just the wealth of Erzsbet Bathory,, but the wealth of many other great nobles of Hungary! The Habsburgs took the wealth of all the nobles of Hungary, who didn't want to serve them, who didn't want to become german, who didn't want to serve Rome and the jesuits! When the Habsburgs took the land and wealth of the hungarian noble families, they gave the majority to the Roman catholic church, and the rest to the foreign nobles, who were brought here by Habsburgs, given hungarian names and become the new nobles. But these new nobles were cruel to the peasants, they took away the freedom of the peasants! These new nobles were mostly german and austrian, or other nationalities, who served the Habsburgs. These new nobile families almost destroyed Hungary from within. But only their lying names were hungarian, they were the enemies of Hungary in reality. Nowadays "hungarian" noble families are their descendants...
Hungary is the best country in Europe to life, no terror of refugees thats one. Lots of space and no crowd, not high costs with tax and all and most of all good weather. Reasons for me as a Dutchman that I living in Hungary now, far away from the madness. Thanks Hungary for let me stay here in this great country, im very gratefull.
I had the opportunity to visit Hungary in '99. I was on a 3 day pass while serving on Bosnia. Great experience!
The treasure trove of the world! Civilized, musical and deeply cultured.
*** bordered by ITSELF all of bordering areas were part of hungary…
For a very short period of time
@@davidw8668 Yes for a thousand years,that's a really short time.
@markuslaszlo4069 greater Hungary existed for 50 years until 1920. Previously, it was part of the Austrian and Ottoman empires, right?
@@davidw8668 No.
@@markuslaszlo4069 that's how it is by facts
Hungary is not JUST Budapest. 🙄 There is a whole country around it!
And so beautiful!
@notme-yo3hz Yea it's not the country of chimps,lik you.
@notme-yo3hz Szevasz, szőröstalpú!
Cigány @notme-yo3hz
like PUSTA
Thank you! Obrigado por me mostrar este país maravilhoso!
Hungary DID NOT join the Eastern block, it was occupied by the Soviet army, allowed by Roosevelt.
Exactly and thank you for correcting the record. Hungary was held as a captive nation by the Soviet Communists. There was no No mention of the 56 Revolution and martyrs! I also did not appreciate that EU crack about Hungarys population continuing to decline because of the immigration policy. Hungarys policies are pro preserving Christian heritage, Family and Freedom with secure borders! Other countries could learn from Hungary! God Bless Magyarorszag and PM Viktor Orban and ALL Hungarian Patriots!
Greetings to my Hungarian Turkish brothers, atilla to our ancestor, from Turkey 🇹🇷
Budapest is also a cultural city with violin music in many places, an Opera House, an Operetta Theatre, and the Liszt Academy of Music. It even boasts a restaurant with singing waiters. Franz Liszt was a foremost musical personality in the 19th Century and a renowned piano virtuoso and composer.
Great video, lots of new information, thanks
I liked the way You look.....also I just like monkeys. Hungary's culture is Very High, Kind & Class of People. Lots of NOBLE price compere to the size of the country, & what is important, the food & VINES are AWESOME and more!?!?!?
First thing you got wrong… Hungary is bordered 100% by itself… there is not a single square centimeter around our borders that wasn’t ours. Hungary is the only country in the world that is fully bordered by itself and nothing else.
Shame on Trianon .
True !!!!!!!
Vesszen trianon!
We are here from the ICE AGE Homo erectus seu sapiens paleohungaricus)
they know nothing about Trianon
Rich history and have a great readers until today. I planing to visit Hungary soon.
3-37-nél sikerült az olaszországi Saturniát beletenni :D Na, jó, ez apró baki, csak érdekes volt. Amúgy tök jó videó, úgy feldobja az embert - lássuk már meg a jó dolgokat is végre :)
Egészében pozitív, legalábbis sokkal jobb mint az a néhány másik - pl. erdélyről - de bőven hiányos és van jópár hiba benne.
Persze idegennek ez bonyolult. (Kérhet hozzáértő segítséget)
Lehetett volna azzal indítani, hogy míg a vikingek hajókon északról a tengerpartokon és folyókon keresztül, aközben mi a szárazföldön lóhátról fosztogattuk a kontinenst mindaddig míg kereszténységre nem lettünk szorítva. ;)
Ettől kezdve viszont mi védtük a nyugatot tatártól, töröktől, és még a szovjetúnióval is ujjat húztunk.
Elfelejti megemlíteni, hogy trianon kapcsán saját magunkkal vagyunk szomszédosak, az ottrekedt milliónyi magyarról sem szól.
Úgy állítja mintha önként és dalolva csatlakoztunk volna a keleti blokkhoz...
A Báthory Erzsébetről tovább terjesztett baromságokról nem is beszélve...
i love hungaria budapest i love so much
Did you get laid ??
Wow, THIS IS LIFE IN HUNGARY is eye-opening! "The Most SHOCKING Country?" Definitely piqued my curiosity!
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 the most BS country
first read the history it's very dark this country have friendship with NAZI
Erzsébet Báthori became the victim of a conceptual procedure, since the historical Báthori family was the richest at that time.
Undorító amit azzal az okos nővel műveltek !
Egyszerű logikával meg lehet cáfolni : ha vért használt volna ( akár csak az arcára , a fürdésről nem is beszélve ) olyan büdös lett volna ,hogy a közelébe se ment volna senki ! Meginni nem lehet semmilyen vért ( állatit sem , pláne emberit ) az hányást okoz - gyakorlatból tudható , gyomorvérzésnél a gyomorba kerülő saját vér is ,megállíthatatlan hányást okoz ! Az emberi gyomor nem képes megemészteni a vért , ezért a hányás !
Csak a buta embereket lehet ilyen agyatlan hülyeséggel rémisztgetni , ijesztgetni !
Our nation is indeed bursting with talent in all walks of life. Be it Olympic medals, any kind of awards or studies you'll find a Hungarian or two. If you compare it to the size and population you'll see that it's indeed a special place.
Not to mention Hungarian women bro 😂
the Conquest was in 895, when they wanted to hold the Millennium celebrations. In 1895, the Infrastructures with which they wanted to celebrate the event were not ready: Heroes' Square, Parliament, Vajda Hunyad Castle, Metro. That is why it was postponed for 1 year and later it was included in the history textbooks that the Conquest was in 896, that is why the roof of the parliament is 96 meters high (the inner cupola is much smaller). The 12 Martyrs of Arad were the military officers who led the fight for freedom, the 13th Count Lajos Batthyány, he was not an officer, he was the president of the first responsible Hungarian government minister, that is why he had to die
2:20 "jooning the eastern-block"??
Hungary as a war losing member was occupied by the Soviet Union and ruled over 45 years! In 1956 hungarian revolt against the soviet influence was strangled in blood by the soviet reaction.
Hungary never wanted to join the eastern block, whats more, even wanted transylvania (part of Hungary before wwi, now romania) to be joined to hungary. But that ship is sailed, leaving millions of hungarians outside the border.
Hungarians are outsiders in europe, no brother-like language or origin with any other countries. Therefore throughout in its history the surrounding tribes and nations wanted to put an end to this small, outsider "intruder" tribe. So far with less success, but souverignity being a lost art in the european union, soon has to disintegrated and fall apart, to minorities of europe.
Yeah, it was a mistake from him 🙂
Huns didn't leave mark on my land but we are huns. Cant you see on the jerseys of Hungarian sportsmen the label HUN?
There is a building higher than 96 meter, It's the MOL tower which is 143 m high and it resemble to a pen1s with ball sack. I think about it like some kind of modern art and the architecture's intention was to express through the shape of the building that it would 'f*ck' the (view of the) city.
To me it looks more like a boot, far less phallic than most sky-scrapers. Wanted to look up how tall it is, because I could swear it's taller than 96m.
And it is even in the video at 5:21, left side.
that MOL building is ugly, as the new national theatre as well. shame.
Thank you for couch a nice introduction of this Beautiful Country of my birth!
Sister country to Poland.🇮🇩☮️💟🤝🇭🇺
Of the most beautiful country with super smart and sweet, friendly people.. the food??? To dye for.. all natural ingredients and beautifully presented.. just came back from Hungary 3 weeks ago. Can’t wait to go back!!!!!
History started with Scythians and Huns. Attila was our first king. You forget mention Trianon too…
Hungary was founded in 1920.
@@kks777You are funny 😂😂😂
@@kks777 You have to show to the people how uneducated, narrow minded you are ? Gabor Czirjak USA
You have nothing to do with the huns,stop with these ridiculous claims,your people came in the end of 9th century and after been defeated in 896 in battle by our Tsar Simeon continued westward and settled in Panonia
@@R3LAX94 You know nothing about Hun and Scythian origins of HUNgarian people. You are lack of knowledge or simple try to steal others history, like other slaves/slaves do. Go to school and learn. First see who's first king is Attila 😘
I like hungary as a Hungarian.
Miert nem irsz magyarul ? 🙈
@@LEK-we2hh Maybe because the video itself is in english and its audiance is english understanding...also it's for foreigners.
Szóval semmi okunk magyarul írni. :D
We have no actual reason to write here in hungarian. :D
Nice to hear. As an American im scared for my Country. Moms side comes from Austria. Would love to see the Country.
I love Hungary as a Polish. I had occasion to see Budapest many years ago only. I still remember the river, parliament palace, hill.
only I like Hungarian women...hahaha...
És még van sok minden amit kihagytál... peldául az atombombát a telefonközpontot, vagy épp az első compjutert.. amúgy gratula.. jó videó:)) welcome from Hungary:)))
Az atombomba nem egy ember találmánya, hanem csapatmunka. Az, hogy magyarok is részt vettek ebben a csapatban, még nem jelenti azt, hogy az atombomba magyarokhoz kötődik. Magyarokhoz IS.
Az első számítógép sem magyar alkotás - Neumann János a számítógép elvét dogozta ki, nem magát a gépet.
@@emikoussi14 gondolod te... kamu tudomány alapján
Tesla Miklós is itt tanult, és innen indult el... ezt mindig kihagyják mindenhol...
a helikoptertől a villanymozdonyon át a hologramig... stb stb
Se a helikoptert, se a villanymozdonyt nem magyarok találták fel. Asbóth eszköze annyira volt helikopter, amennyire a talicska versenyautó. Kandó Kálmán nem magát a villanymozdonyt találta fel, hanem annak a megoldását, hogy a közcélú 50Hz-es váltakozóáramú hálózatról hogy lehet működtetni a villanymozdonyt (fázisváltó, ha esetleg hallottál róla, bár nyilván fogalmad sincs, mi ez és hogy működik). Bocsi, de ha ilyen mértékig nem vagy tisztában pl. csak e két jármű történetével, akkor miért szólsz bele a témába? És a tudatlanságod mellett hogy van képed kamu tudományról beszélni?
Egyébként ki is találta fel szerinted az atombombát?@@colle831
When i was young, i was so proud to be hungarian. When we learned in high school about the history, world wars and Trianon, i got so angry because the injustice what befell us. But now...i'm over 40...and i don't care...i don't care what happend in the past...i dont care which nation i blong to. It wasn't my choice and it should not define or influence me. BECAUSE: We are all born on this earth as humans and we die just like any other human. Not a single animal or plant on this earth cares what nation I am from. While there are many more of them than us humans. Only one thing matters: Are you a person who does good or bad? Never should be defined by where we were born on this planet, but by what we have done to make life better for everyone in that place.
You have the Light. 👍
@@gutsandgrittv5076 Why? By the way, thank you very much for this comprehensive answer...but with this, you only qualify yourself. :)
Define in a sentence who you are? Who you can rely if you are in trouble ? If you are a WEF globalist just save the answers to yourself I don't give a rat's ass.
If everybody realised that, earth would be a better place.
At the shameful and sinful Trianon Convention, on June 16, 1920, Count Albert Apponyi predicted what will happen in our time: "You have just dug Hungary's grave, but Hungary will be there at the funeral of all the countries that have dug Hungary's grave here".
😂 I am a Globetrotter Hungarian visited and lived in many country and I must to tell you Budapest my beautiful birthplace such a beautiful place ❤
This is my birth place where i want to live until thrme rest of my life!!!
I’m proud to be born Hungarian❤❤❤
Hungary is beautiful and the people too
Albert Szent-György did NOT discover the Vitamin-C. What he did was finding a way to mass-produce it, because until that, only fractions of gramms were available. He's got the Nobel Prize for his works on the functions of the mithocondria, NOT for discovering the Vitamin -C.
Get your facts correct, before spreading false statements.
Szent Györgyi felfedezte a C vitamint és kidolgozta a Vitamin kiválasztásának gyakorlatát, paprikából vonta ki mivel abban sok van, miligrammok, kristályos anyag.
Wow,hope people are happy and continue being so kind.When I went stop over,people couldn’t even speak to us.Blessings
😉👍Thank you!
Just one more syllable to pronounce, please, right in the first word of this video. The name of our country in NOT pronounced as *hungry*, it is Hun-ga-ry. Otherwise thanks for the attention.
nice roundup, on the height of buildings point, allot of buildings weren't built anywhere near the height limit because there was also a regulation in the past stating that any building with over 4 floors had to have an elevator, so to avoid having to install costly elevators they didn't go higher than 4 floors.
nice video, keep going making this kind of videos
4:30 by the end of 2021 Mol Campus 143m tall headquarter of Mol Oil company was built.
Many disagreed with the glass futuristic highrise.
However it was still built but at least a bit further from the centre of the town
Nice Video👍
Watching this from depressing USA I wanna move in Budapest, it is magical ❤❤❤❤ xoxoxo
Great video, thank you!
The behaviour of people is also different in different regions of the city. It seems to be, that secret royalties rule parts of the city.
My country. I like my heart in bottom.For me for the
Best country in the world!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Ive always followed the football team because they have a rich history
18:12, and the old garnitures of the metro were beautiful with seats of wood. The picture here-garnitures replaced the old historic garnitures. I was travelling in the old garnitures in the 1950 years. But I do not know in what year was the modernisation, also the replacement of the garnitures.
I'm so proud to be hungarian,most return the Great Hungary,Attila the King of all hungarians and still stay today the Wip of GOD 🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺
Been there, done that, loved it!
The beer cling as far as i know (as a hungarian person) it's okay now in most places, and it's really rare to hear any negative stuff regarding to the "Aradi 13-ak" maybe out of cities, in small villages more likely tell you not to do
Inni lehet, de nem koccintunk sörrel .
It really depends on the individual. I'm from Győr and I also refuse to cling my beer glass even with my friends, that's why we always start with something strong :P
@@adavada5394 Dehogynem. A "nem koccintunk sörrel" gondolat téves alapokon nyugszik.
Yes! Still refuse to cheer with beer!!! Almost 200 years. Still, follow the tradition even as a Canadian-Hungarian.
Many tks.for the Video
first of all thank you. please complete it by explaining why the noon bell is rung in catholic churches all over the world.❤
Vagy a Pozsonyi csata
Ezt minden Magyar tudja
@@alfredmeherbich7176 a video keszitoje ugylatszik nem..
the video contains a lot of false information. 1. Hungary until the end of the First World War, the size of its total territory: 325,000 km2 - of which Trianon took 232,000 km2. 2. Budapest is the ONLY CAPITAL of Hungary.
3. Hungary is a state that is more than 1,000 years old
Who wrote the dialogue? A rich Hungarian ex-pat living in the US?
We have the most beautiful language in the world, and one of the most complex as well. Hungarian is the most expressive language in the whole world. We can speak as eclectically as noone else can. For the inventions… thanks to the business policy of the USA, if someone wants to spread their invention globally, they must first take it to the USA, then if they get the green light there, they can start spreading it to the whole world from the USA. Without us, hungarians, you wouldn’t have computers nowadays cuz who invented it? Neumann János. The world wouldn’t have electricity so commonly available to the public cuz who discovered the nuclear reaction and how to stabilize it? Szilárd Leó, another hungarian… or just to mention an everyday item… the ballpoint pen… who invented it? Bíró László József. And do you know what else was among his overall 20 inventions? Water fountain pen, AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION… yes, you read it correctly, friggin AT, roll-on deodorant. And these are only 4 of his 20 inventions… you can google the rest up. So ye… we gave the world many many many world- and life changing thing yet we were never appreciated for it.
Ott a találat ! 😊😊😊😊
The trouble is, you fail to mention the simple fact that all these inventions were invented at night and if it was not for Thomas Alva Edison, who invented the electric light bulb, none of the inventions in Hungry could have come to pass!
Hang on a second! So you'r saying that Neumann János invented the computer? Have you never heard of Charles Babbage? Or Ada Lovelace? John Vincent Atanasoff? Alan Turing? Konrad Zuse? While it is true that John von Neumann aka János Neumann was a genius mathematician, physicist, computer scientist, engineer and inventor who made major contributions to many fields: did he invent the computer? NO, he didn't! Sorry to burst your bubble.
Btw: the first automatic transmission was invented in 1921 by a Canadian steam engineer, Alfred Horner Munro. It is common knowledge. So take your own advice, and google the rest up!
Cheers! 😊
@@CAGED1702 Still GM bought the rights from Bíró László József for the AT and not from Munro. ANd while I accept what you said that Neumann didn't invent the computer by the basics... but he invented the "modern" version of it of which because computers are at where they are today. If not for him... computers would be either not so high tech nowadays or just simply wouldn't be so publicly available. He made very big breakthroughs in computer science just as you said... but even if I was wrong... the main thing I wanted to say with what I wrote is that we were never appreciated or thanked for anything we gave the world...
Adam&Eva was hungarian too.even the HUNGRY was invented by hungarian🤣🤣🤣
At 3:35 is not HUngary but the Saturnia Therme in Itali ist to see. There are some spots which are not from Hungary.
i've seen.whatever ungars are the best thives and liers
????Ezt honnan veszed?
Én magyar vagyok,Budapesti.
@@natalilolbert155 Én is, idegenvezető voltam 10 évig... Az adott helyen egyértelműen a Saturnia Therme látható Észak-Olaszországban.
My moms side is from the Austria-Hungary area of Europe. Pushed out by the violence of the Bolsheviks after world war 1. Been in the US for a bit over 100 years. Any chance i can come back with my daughter? Americas has....gotten weird.
yes.why not?from where in austria-hungary?
Do not hurry! The healthcare system is in ruins.
@@codreanupetronel uncertain. My cousin's knows but we don't really talk. Apparently the "hall of records" was destroyed at some point.
@@HUNCSA1 Truly? Can u explain why? How's Austria doing as a whole? I very much hope it holds onto it's sovereignty and culture.
@@idigress7865 ask him.is your right tò know your origin.you May have origin in Transilvania the most beautifull ex empire.then there are Trieste in italy.chap turism.can be ucrainean or Bucovina....also can be Slovacchia Croazia hungry 😁 or Slovenia or Austria....
tök jó érzés ezt magyarul halgatni
en angolul hallgattam😅
nice video!
i'm hungarian and have never heard the clinking beer thing, ive clinced my beers all my life and nobody said its rode, feel free to clink your beer,( our beer is nat tasty but belive me when i say it hits hard
The Hungarian language came from the Mongolian Conquerer "Ching-Guess" Khan's conquests across Asia centuries ago, and belong to the "Finno-Ugric" family, which includes Finnish and Estonian among others.
I only know a small bit of Finnish (thanks to having a spectacularly beautiful and tall blonde girlfriend for several years) but do remember that the stress is always on the first syllable of every word, and lately has given us the comedian named Ismo, usually found on TH-cam and well worth a listen because he's effing *hilarious* every time!
Good information ❤
Sorry, just for correction. The MOL Tower is 120m high, so that's taller than 96m. Thank you for your attention.
I lived here for four and a half months working on the film Hercules, fantastic country
The book at 2:41 is shown in Kyrillic characters ...
I loved Budapest and the people - can't wait to return. I can understand how they're so very protective about their country and culture when you look at their history to where they are now. Don't ruin it.
The aftermath of the war and the Paris Peace Conference, 1919 affected the Olympic Games not only due to new states being created, but also by sanctions against the nations that lost the war and were blamed for starting it. Hungary, Germany, Austria, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire were banned from competing in the Games. Soviet Russia had just emerged from the Civil War and chose not to attend the Games.
Ball pen invented by Hungarians Biro brathers who fled Hungary and Germany before the war , they didn’t profit from this invention
Sadly now we got more than 100 meter towers in the city, like the new MOL tower. Its hight is 143 meter. And got some news a complete new city area, with lot high tower. (Sry my bad english)
Please cover Lithuania!
Lenyűgöző olvasni a kommenteket , ilyen sok embernek tetszik Magyarország. Kis szépséghiba , alig akad köztük aki nem magyar.
@@meggi963 Őszintén szólva nem tudom,mit találsz olyan viccesnek?
hungarians are everywhere(history) trolling.🤣🤣🤣
I love Hungary love to live there
A sörrel koccintás legendáját valószínűleg a bor árusok terjesztették akkor amikor a bor fogyasztás visszaesett. De ettől függetlenül tekinthetünk rá nemzeti sajátosságként.
Az osztràkok koccintottak sörrel, az Aradi 13 ak kapcsán.
@@adavada5394 éééés nem :)
Its a beautiful country I like it
Hungary has the most wine regions in any country. Diversity is special. But most of it you could only enjoy locally. The best red wines are in Villany and Szekszard. In many cases wining over the most famous French wines.
Én azért szeretem az egri borokat is ;)
Nyir Bátor A Dragon Field Bátory Grof és Kállaiy Gróf Cimerében található.
For American eyes it would be shocking to see that many beautiful girls. An average cashier here looks than anyone from Beverly Hills with surgeries.
Hungary is neighboured by Austria, and BigHungary🤣🤣🤣
It ok to use AI but this is a run-of-the-mill, careless audio production! Because of these mass-produced videos; soon people will be fed up and then see your audience go… well the humans at least. Good content very bad execution with AI mispronouncing too many words. Plus the bait picture and deep male voice…. Total turn-off for me.
Yes, I noticed the dates did not come out properly.
Agreed! The bait picture almost made me skip the whole thing until I glimpsed the word "Hungary"
At 3:38 shown Saturnia in Italy!!!! 😅😂
Firstly, Hungary is not only Budapest. Foreigners only visit and talk about the capital city but there are more to Hungary than Budapest only.
Secondly, Elizabeth Báthory was convicted in a conceptual trial because her political opponents wanted to destroy her and get her wealth and properties. She was innocent and the whole ‘wickedness’ and ‘bathing in blood’ accusations are ridiculous.
The video is quite good, but you say bad things about Erzsébet Báthory!
Her "sin" was that she had too much wealth, land, castles and treasures, and she was a WOMAN in a world dominated by men! And the Austrians envied him, slandered him, sued him, and condemned him without evidence!
All the lies they said about him!
És még mennyi mennyi minden ered kizárólag innen...
és mennyi mindent vettek el a nagyhatalmak ingyen...
Földeket!!! Megbocsáthatatlan
Pictures of NOT Hungary, but only of Budapest. Budapest is not Hungary. You missed a lot of beautiful places around...
The mol tower in budapest is actually 143 meters tall
Budapest NAGY bével írandó! A Mol torony nem Pesten van, hanem Budán...
thank you chatGPT, you almost got it right