I had mine filled in due to my gums reciding the dentist accidentally left me Biting down TOO LONG!! Now they are STUCK!! She says she has to make a cut to get them out!!! She says they will be fine BUT I JUST PAYED $500 to get them reclined, do you suggest redoing it to get an undamaged denture
I have ceramic teeth on my dentures. Would it damage the teeth if I use the boiler?
I had mine filled in due to my gums reciding the dentist accidentally left me Biting down TOO LONG!! Now they are STUCK!! She says she has to make a cut to get them out!!!
She says they will be fine BUT I JUST PAYED $500 to get them reclined, do you suggest redoing it to get an undamaged denture
It can repair the krekes in denture?
From where I can buy it
From where it can buy ?
Name of the powder and liquid?
Where can I get the supplies to repair my dentures
Could not see what you did
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