Byf, as someone who has never had a big enough group to do any of the end endgame content in Destiny since it came out, i just wanna say thank you for being the lore daddy. You've almost single handedly kept me coming back to this awesome series and its lore for years.
Just to give my 2 cents: you posit that Ghost showing us a conversation between the Witness and Calus may have been an accident. However, I believe that it was intentional. The Witness was playing 4d chess and setting up a no lose scenario: either Calus succeeds in linking the Radial Mast to the Veil, or the Young Wolf stops him and ends up at the Veil. Either way, the Witness has a relic of Light to link to the Veil with.
@@Mindcrow agree. Lightfall didn't give us anything useful to piece together the clues. They just gave us very vague pieces of lore while having the character pretend that they know what's up or conveniently not ask for vital context. All seemingly for the purpose of setting up mystery to get us enticed to know more about, which could work if it wasn't for the fact that Lightfall is basically a prologue to the conclusion of the Light and Darkness saga, the point where we players deserve to see loose ends tied
I mean the issue is that Bungo has shown that their players can put 2 and 2 together with Witch queen when things are properly contextualized. Lightfall was missing key peices to make that possible: - A defined threat: Witch queen is all based on subverting expectations, its threat was made clear from the very start. People knew what was at stake and it is why the sensation of actively being played and benefiting the enemy's plans is so effective there and not that effective in lightfall. Even just saying that the witness tried to attack the traveler and this veil stopped it means that the player now has a concrete reason to care. No veil = dead traveler. Then you can subvert expectations but at leas you start with a line to tow. - The "gimmick" of the campaign was integrated into the plot as an essential point. Strand seem tacked in because it really was. There was no real incentive to use strand except when the level design demanded to, and then took it away when it felt like it. Remove strand from the story all together and it would not really change. Meanwhile remove resonance from Witch queen, or Stasis from Beyond Light, and the story loses parts of its core elements. - Holding the unknowns for too long. Speculation can be held for A WHILE and be slowly resolved or expanded in the future, but once an interrogation is used as the core part of a story element, especially as a core objective of a main campaign, you need to have it resolved. Otherwise it makes payoff seems hollow and just leaves players confused about a gun not going off while it was hinted it would. Again look at Witch queen. How did she steal the light? check. What she needed it for and what was her end goal? check. Reveal of the witness after having its name first used? done. And it goes on. - All the prior campaigns and raids left a lot of open mysteries to be towed on later. This is good. But also all had their main plots more or less opened and closed within their own runtime, only leaving secondary elements open for latter.
Also, in that same transmission, the witness tells calus to use the radial mast to destroy the veil, which we now know it obviously didn't want to do. By convincing us that its objective was to destroy the veil, it tricked us into protecting it. So again, whoever wins the war of guardians vs shadow legion, the witness still has someone doing its bidding, whether they know it or not
It's the end of the "Light vs. Dark" saga, not Destiny. Bungie has stated and clarified multiple times that they are continuing the story after Lightfall.
My main point of disappointment with Season of defiance is this, I should have felt something when Amanda died. I didn't, I felt bad for Zavala and that's it. She deserved better.
Ah, did you have any strong attachment to Amanda before this happened to her? Once I heard byf say that for both Amanda and Asher mir I lightly cried for them both... Is it weird to cry at the loss of fictional characters? These two were in my top 5 for best comedic relief and banter friendly characters in the series so far. 😢❤❤😥
Bungie did themselves no favors by choosing Amanda to be the one who died, a character who is at best a 'Fly on the wall' in most all of her appearances and if you don't like her whole 'Gung-ho Southern Charm' personality well... tough shit as that's the entirety of her character. Prior to Lightfall/Defiance the last time Amanda was seen actually doing something was the end of Season of the Splicer where she appeared in the end of season cutscene, and in most cases peoples reaction to seeing her there wasn't 'Oh cool it's Amanda!' it was 'Why the fuck are you here?'
It was embarrassingly bad story telling the way Bungie tried to cram a bunch of character development with her at the last second, then immediately kill her. That's like some High School level writing.
i think it might have hit if we actually knew the stakes of the season. like, amanda sacrificed herself to save the people from imprisonment but... *why where they imprisoned in the first place??* what fate awaited them that was so terrible that amanda sacrificed herself to save them from it?? these questions were never answered, and it killed the impact of amanda's death
@@walrideralp6275 absolutely. I feel the issue is we are nowhere near understanding why taking captives is important to the witness plan. Hell it could have been just a ploy and that would be better than just silence. Just a way to distract us and make us lose time, indeed exploit our "conscience" knowing we would care for our wounded and expend resources in taking revenge for those we would lose along the way. It could have created a fracture within the coalition, with some arguing that we lost time and valuable resources saving civilians that were just being used as bait, while others would argue it was the right thing to do and our commitment for the defense of the system. But right now we just have silence
The other thing that bothered me about the Lightfall campaign is that the huge fleet battle at the start was never resolved. We saw the few pyramids that were circling the Traveler get drawn into it before the Witness entered, but the Black Fleet is MASSIVE and filled the space above Earth in the cutscene. What happened to the rest of them?
@Biting Winds I mean honestly it's not hard to even sum up a fairly complex book in one sentence when someone asks for it. Lightfall and Defiance always had one major narrative weakness. How much sheer strength the Pyramid fleet had been set up with for an even remotely conventional war and so the game's stories had to be slid over to what followed or was beside us literally getting our ass kicked. Especially since we're only ever set up for a 6 man raid team at most and not exactly a regiment sized attack. Describing each campaign in one sentence each: Lightfall was literally a special ops campaign(a poorly written one) while the Witness kicked Earth up one side and down the other. And then Defiance was a Prisoner of War rescue operation.
@@seanslaysean7097 the way the lore isnread it sounds like his consciousness becomes one with the vex. If he were deleted the vex would not keep sending Barkion to hunt him there
This is the first major dlc and season I missed because of personal reasons. But I knew byf would have the recap videos. I've been watching for a few years but this is my first time commenting. As always amazing video keep up the amazing work
So listening to this recap, I am reminded of our troops dropped into Germany during WW2, they really only had enough information to have lots of questions and do the current mission, and every time they came across something new, like the concentration camps and the jet air craft, at first they had no idea what was going on with them, it wasn’t until much later that things were understood
dialoge in the lost sector in calus' ship when completing it ghost talked about still being able to restore us like quote "...but i don't feel the comforting presence of the traveler behind me, it is like the light keeps coming from somewhere deeper, if that makes any sense" end quote
I’m still wondering if the Radial Mast could be, in any way possible, be related to the Gift Mast from the Book of Sorrows Also, if I remember right, in the Tree of Silver Wings on Io, during Season of the Arrivals, couldn’t we look up inside the tree see something similar to the Black Heart?
Future content. Asher is going to be changed drastically or even "consumed", but it will make a huge change to a group of Vex. Asher uploaded himself in an unheard-of way. He gave The Vex a pattern of Light. Vex functions on patterns. What is left of Asher is going to become a new Vex mind of Light in the next few years. Maybe not Guardians, but they will be a Vex that worship Light.
I love when true quality succeeds, you have allways been so well put together and even when you consider your content to be of lower quality, either because of conditions for recording and editing or sickness, its still better quality content than most of youtube nowadays and i seriously cannot wait for each new video, even on subjects that im not as interested in within the lore, the care you take to be as professional and clean about it all really drives me to do the same in my life about my passions man, if i wasnt broke id be supporting you as much as i can but for now just know you keep me going on some of my darkest days and you will continue to do so, thank you.
I hope there will be season based on finding out how the witness is able to connect with our ghost. It will allow the story to be more centred around our character and ghost which i feel is massively missed out on in the game. I really dislike games where you play the character who is powerful and does everything yet the story is only about the people around you and not yourself. Forsaken was amazing in that the story was told in a way where you could decide whether you were going after the barons for justice or revenge. It would be amazing to perhaps have more of this as a whole season while also learning about ghosts themselves and their connection to the light and dark as a way to stop the witness from taking control again
great video byf! i hope next season is a banger! im gonna assume sloane has developed some sort of connection with the ''long boy in the soup" and maybe has some sort of info about the witness or maybe his plan or literally anything that would be nice!
Weird thought, but what do you think would happen if we were able to bring back Mercury, and give that Golden Age AI, Soteria, control over the Infinite Forest? With its software, and the Vex Hardware, with data from the Black Garden, it could probably solve a lot of issues for the Guardian.
I am unsure if you know about this and I have no clip or anything as proof but my ghost just gave me a HUGE hint about the stakes of the traveler and I’m shocked this wasn’t said in a main mission but instead as random neomuna quest dialogue. “My connection to the traveler is truly gone, I can’t hear it, but I still feel a connection to the light, but from somewhere deeper” (not the exact quote going off memory)
i tweeted you a detail i learned about us still being able to use the light despite what happens to the traveler which i got when playing through one of the neomuna lost sector in calus' ship
Oh no, Amanda dies!? But she was such an important vendo... She was so integral to the stor..... We shared so many heartfelt mome.... *She had a nice shotgun?*
Avalon is the mythical land in Arthurian myth where King Arthur goes to heal when he is mortally wounded so it's a nice touch that in relation to the Avalon mind we get Vex calibur
Ich think the communication between Calus and the witness was no accident. We were baited by the Witness to go down to the Veil and link the Traveller with the Veil with our ghost! Calus was just the bait and neither did know Witnesses plan. It's kind of obvious, isn't it?
I think Lightfall and Season of Defiance share one very big flaw: They both seem tone deaf, despite us being given an expectation of a clear tone. Characters constantly conflicting with the tone, questions that we don't get answers to, that characters pretend we know the answer to. I feel like we wouldnt be complaining about the mystery so much if the veil was established to be a mystery, but its treated like info we should have known already. Amanda dying is completely tone deaf to the rest of the story, and the voice direction for all (except Zavala) seems conflicted and pulled in different directions. These characters and these stories all feel tonally deaf between one another. Not committing completely to properly establishing their maguffins, their characters, or their tones.
Thank you for making this summary video, it really helps to stay refreshed on the current lore. I have to ask though, is that B roll footage of the first strand section really how your gameplay looks normally? And if so... what platform was it recorded on?
I like how there’s people discussing the lore and future of destiny then there’s me watching gameplay as there’s the warlock and then the Titan is “my names byf” so is there 2 byf’s or is it a friend? Just curious is all
I think it was a charity stream goal, if they raised enough money Byf would main Titan for a whole season. He still plays other classes, just mainly did stuff on Titan
Of course we have that KEY as yet dormant, on the Witness's Pyramid Ship that will when the time comes, propel us THROUGH that Portal the Witness created and who knows WHAT we will find on the other side of that Portal!!
I like Amanda died because she couldn't link 2 wires together properly, or ask the Guardian to do it instead of dying valiantly in battle. And lightfall can be summed up as: Found strand in a back alley in a foreign city. Old man peddled it off to us like a drug.
Another amazing video The first channel I go to whenever I wana try figure out what the heck is going on When did you stop by fear and start saying byfff hehe
I believe what we find this season is the leviathan the friend of the sky. and get answers to the traveler after all this time I don't believe rulk killed him but only maimed him. He was able to talk to savathun and oryx in the past so here's hoping for those long awaited answers we know more about darkness at this point.
It's a great overview but I do think the ghost transmission was intentional and not an accident. Also I'm surprised in all of the speculation about the veil, you didn't try to work out where its from. We know sav hid it on neptune and she got it from nezarac, but nothing about where he might of got it from. Or where the witness got artifacts of light from
The fact that the traveler was able to resurrect nezerac is pretty big. He died many times before and yet was revived. Does this mean the traveler can revive things like cayde/ any gaurdian who had there ghost destroyed and themselves killed?
I'm going to say once a ghost attached to a guardian is destroyed/shattered then they'd lose the access to pretty much revive on command as a ghost let's us do. Seeing nezerac be "revived" back into his body and getting out of that coffin thing that those roots pierced through sort-of makes me think it could be possible. However it might be that no ghost means no revives unless heresy is committed...
I have been incredibly disengaged from D2, my sole participation is to get loot from season pass because I was stupid and pre ordered with the seasons. Put it bluntly the story sucks currently, both dlc and seasons, that's it, just sucks, it's suppose to be end of all things yet all lightfall was being forced to listening to........ dammit I can't even remember the name, the lame silver surfer reject and watching my guardians legs be ceaselessly broken but having to step thru sheer volume of plot holes. Amanda, I actually liked her, she did not get a worthy death, she died just to have a character die. I'm slowly stepping away, I'm tired paying for what? That and locking every single thing behind light level locks then locking that grind behind other grind based activities has me irate, I DO NOT HAVE THE TIME TO GRIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3 to 4 tiers of interlocked grinding!!!!!!!!!! I spend more time grinding than actually playing and I don't get play much at all most of the time because I work and have metric ton to do. GRINDING IS NOT GAMEPLAY. I'm tired funneling all my patience into this, last thing I did that didn't feel like a chore grind fest was witch queen, the last season I actually played and enjoyed was season of arrivals and hunt, season 10-11, 3 YEARS AGO. I'm only here because I still find joy here an there, don't want to abandon years of work and maybe for a better tomorrow in game.
Honestly i think that we purposely were shown the communication between the witnesses and Calus. I think it wanted us to go fight him so our ghost could make the connection
Also, i honestly have come to appreciate the not knowing much of the nature of the veil as well as what the Witness has planned. Who says we have to get the full story and know what's going on? The Witness is an enigmatic entity that's existed likely for eons. We aunt gonna find out what it's intentions wre and it's creations in a single season.
Light fall was so disappointing to me that I haven't really been able to get back into it. I uninstalled it to make room for other games, and now I'm content just watching the story here. I don't really care to play the game anymore.
Honestly, at this point, I don't think the veil is as hard to understand anymore. The witness needed light and dark in order to create the link. Essentially representing yin and yang. The radial mast being an object of pure light would've worked if calus and the witness succeeded. Light and dark are needed for harmony. Nezarec was reborn using both light and dark, and the object left behind after we killed him represents a key pointing towards the travelers portal. Based off of the broken traveler during the red war, I believe the witness went inside the traveler to confront the gardener. We could see inside the traveler way back when, and to me it looked like there were advanced structures inside. The shell of the traveler being a protective casing There are however 2 things that confuse me. How did ghost get hijacked, and why did nimbus not swoop in sooner to stop ghost?
Mostly agree. As to the second question, I think Nimbus wasn't quite clear on what was going on. I don't think anyone warned them that the Witness could hijack Ghost.
So, what’s going on with Asher? What was the point of his research? Is it the sort of thing where we have to wait on Mithrax to decipher all of it, or did his research amount to creating a 3d image of the Veil? I don’t get any of it
It really has me scratching my head as to why The Witness cares about kidnapping humans... like why? I get its for a distraction even though The Witness really doesn't need one cause we can't enter the portal anyways rn so why keep humans alive and do nothing with them when you could just send droves of cabal to kill humans, like that's a way better distraction.
Experiments? But also i think the witness is smart enough to know the "landmine" strategy. That is, landmines are meant to maim not kill, so you have to have like 2 other people carry the injured person back where they use up medical resources. I think the witness knew that since we're always the goody two shoes vanguard we would try to rescue captured people no matter what
@@everythingsalright1121 this landmine strategy might make sense if it wasn’t for the fact that again, it could just kill droves and droves of humans with its armies rather than kidnap them and then just… have them be taken back without even having any major injuries or whatever by the Guardians??
I’m still so disappointed that we haven’t gone back to the discarded section of the traveler just hangin out in the EDZ. Like it’s terraforming that area and nobody seems to care?
cant wait for the 25 hour "Complete story of Destiny, from before the Golden age to Final shape" video. gonna be pretty funny if the Veil isnt explained so for 30 minutes its explained as "because reason.. thats it"
I think I'm not that disappointed we got answers but more so that I felt like I was the only character in the story who didn't know what was going on before me despite being at the center of it. If they would have acted just as confused as I was it would have been fine and still ominous and unsettling but I'm more like wtf powers do you have that I dont that allowed you to understand this
I’m a solo player and decided not to pick up lightfall after watching reviews on it. I’m glad I didn’t. Just gonna wait and grind the DLCs that I paid for prior. Hopefully something good comes out.
Watching this I think I have come to an idea. The Witness needed a connection to the Veil, and was going to do it through a Light filled artifact called the Radial Mast. What if the Witness needs an artifact of the Light to do this, period. meaning that the only way for the connection to be formed after we destroyed it was to use our ghosts. The Witness is incredibly intelligent and long lived, if this was not the plan, if any so called interceptions and mistakes were just missteps on their part, then we have majorly overestimated the Witness in my opinion.
Haven’t been as disappointed in a dlc/game this much for a long time. Playing legendary only made the issues it had worse but hoping they can course correct going forward.
I don't think the Vex would kill Asher (Neigher do i think Bungie would, at least not in that way). They would try to use him to simulate parakausal power, which they can't. Why would they let such an opotunity slip away?
Okay, I need to shout this into the void, before the new season starts: I think Lightfall is very important for the sole reason, that the Traveler is actually doing stuff and is actually standing up for itself and it's ideals. Let me explain: Devotion inspires bravery, bravery inspires sacrifice, sacrifice leads to death. It really start with the Traveler leaving the Last City in the end of Season of the Seraph. I personally think it left, to protect the City, in case the WarSats would actually shoot it, to prevent collateral damage and to move into position to actually face down the Black fleet. Then when the Fleet came and it was actually trapped, not willing to run it confronted the Witness and destroyed it's Pyramid, making the Witness abandoning it and leaving behind the planet room and things, for us to use. When the Witness send Callus to find the Veil we, the actual Champions of the Traveler, were there to foil the Witnesses attempt to link to the Veil via the Radial mast. If the Witness were to come for us directly, the Traveler knew, that we couldn't defeat it yet, so it brought a piece of itself, Ghost, with us, so the Witness would use it to link with the Veil. Yes, the Witness did archive, what it set out to do, but at no point it did so on it's own terms. I feel like the Traveler understands, that the truth is not the conflict of light and dark, but we guradians, the synthesis of both, and I think it is wiling to die for this. we Guardians are it's final gambit in this eternal conflict and this gambit is really paying dividends. In the end I think the Traveler will have created the final shape, in our coalition, guardians, cabal, eliksni. Bomb logic.
Do we know for a fact that the white beam was made to be an “assault” on The Witness? It literally did nothing negative. It just grew roots in its ship and revived Nezarec.
Byf, as someone who has never had a big enough group to do any of the end endgame content in Destiny since it came out, i just wanna say thank you for being the lore daddy. You've almost single handedly kept me coming back to this awesome series and its lore for years.
Dude same! Byf is the best
“I’m just saying Guardian, you should have tried burnt Amanda. If I died I would be fine with you eating me. Transmat Firing!”
Who the Hell said that?
What drifter would have said. He never says it in game
bro wtf
Just to give my 2 cents: you posit that Ghost showing us a conversation between the Witness and Calus may have been an accident. However, I believe that it was intentional. The Witness was playing 4d chess and setting up a no lose scenario: either Calus succeeds in linking the Radial Mast to the Veil, or the Young Wolf stops him and ends up at the Veil. Either way, the Witness has a relic of Light to link to the Veil with.
@@Mindcrow agree. Lightfall didn't give us anything useful to piece together the clues. They just gave us very vague pieces of lore while having the character pretend that they know what's up or conveniently not ask for vital context. All seemingly for the purpose of setting up mystery to get us enticed to know more about, which could work if it wasn't for the fact that Lightfall is basically a prologue to the conclusion of the Light and Darkness saga, the point where we players deserve to see loose ends tied
@@MindcrowDon’t make Byf your golden cow there buddy.
I mean the issue is that Bungo has shown that their players can put 2 and 2 together with Witch queen when things are properly contextualized. Lightfall was missing key peices to make that possible:
- A defined threat: Witch queen is all based on subverting expectations, its threat was made clear from the very start. People knew what was at stake and it is why the sensation of actively being played and benefiting the enemy's plans is so effective there and not that effective in lightfall. Even just saying that the witness tried to attack the traveler and this veil stopped it means that the player now has a concrete reason to care. No veil = dead traveler. Then you can subvert expectations but at leas you start with a line to tow.
- The "gimmick" of the campaign was integrated into the plot as an essential point. Strand seem tacked in because it really was. There was no real incentive to use strand except when the level design demanded to, and then took it away when it felt like it. Remove strand from the story all together and it would not really change. Meanwhile remove resonance from Witch queen, or Stasis from Beyond Light, and the story loses parts of its core elements.
- Holding the unknowns for too long. Speculation can be held for A WHILE and be slowly resolved or expanded in the future, but once an interrogation is used as the core part of a story element, especially as a core objective of a main campaign, you need to have it resolved. Otherwise it makes payoff seems hollow and just leaves players confused about a gun not going off while it was hinted it would. Again look at Witch queen. How did she steal the light? check. What she needed it for and what was her end goal? check. Reveal of the witness after having its name first used? done. And it goes on.
- All the prior campaigns and raids left a lot of open mysteries to be towed on later. This is good. But also all had their main plots more or less opened and closed within their own runtime, only leaving secondary elements open for latter.
Also, in that same transmission, the witness tells calus to use the radial mast to destroy the veil, which we now know it obviously didn't want to do. By convincing us that its objective was to destroy the veil, it tricked us into protecting it. So again, whoever wins the war of guardians vs shadow legion, the witness still has someone doing its bidding, whether they know it or not
@@Mindcrow Mate, Byf gets things wrong. That would be one of those times.
Thanks Byf! Coming back from not playing all of Lightfall, and needed a re-cap of seasons I can't do anymore...
You can still play all of these seasons
For only the next month though
Given that the final shape is planned to be the end of Destiny’s story will byf do a complete story of Destiny from beginning to the final shape
Not so much the end of the story, more the end of the arc we've been in, there's more to come after
It's the end of the "Light vs. Dark" saga, not Destiny. Bungie has stated and clarified multiple times that they are continuing the story after Lightfall.
@@richardsmall5265 just as long as Bungie continues making Destiny stuff instead of another 343 company fiasco
most likely
@@averyharley2197 As far as i know Bungie is gathering player feedback for a possible Destiny 3
A recap of Lightfall’s story:
“Yeah the veil…It’s really important. Also Calus dies.”
Did he had a redemption arc before he died btw?
@@kronost06 no lol
@@kronost06 Unfortunately, no. Such a shame as Calus is one of the best written characters in Destiny.
@@kronost06 No, but I honestly feel like his death was more in line with his character.
Best writen?
Suuuuure, ok. Totally
Thanks Byf. I know a lot of my friends are confused on Lightfall and Defiance! Keep up the awesome content, have a great day!
My main point of disappointment with Season of defiance is this, I should have felt something when Amanda died. I didn't, I felt bad for Zavala and that's it. She deserved better.
Ah, did you have any strong attachment to Amanda before this happened to her? Once I heard byf say that for both Amanda and Asher mir I lightly cried for them both... Is it weird to cry at the loss of fictional characters? These two were in my top 5 for best comedic relief and banter friendly characters in the series so far. 😢❤❤😥
Bungie did themselves no favors by choosing Amanda to be the one who died, a character who is at best a 'Fly on the wall' in most all of her appearances and if you don't like her whole 'Gung-ho Southern Charm' personality well... tough shit as that's the entirety of her character.
Prior to Lightfall/Defiance the last time Amanda was seen actually doing something was the end of Season of the Splicer where she appeared in the end of season cutscene, and in most cases peoples reaction to seeing her there wasn't 'Oh cool it's Amanda!' it was 'Why the fuck are you here?'
It was embarrassingly bad story telling the way Bungie tried to cram a bunch of character development with her at the last second, then immediately kill her. That's like some High School level writing.
i think it might have hit if we actually knew the stakes of the season. like, amanda sacrificed herself to save the people from imprisonment but... *why where they imprisoned in the first place??* what fate awaited them that was so terrible that amanda sacrificed herself to save them from it??
these questions were never answered, and it killed the impact of amanda's death
@@walrideralp6275 absolutely. I feel the issue is we are nowhere near understanding why taking captives is important to the witness plan. Hell it could have been just a ploy and that would be better than just silence. Just a way to distract us and make us lose time, indeed exploit our "conscience" knowing we would care for our wounded and expend resources in taking revenge for those we would lose along the way.
It could have created a fracture within the coalition, with some arguing that we lost time and valuable resources saving civilians that were just being used as bait, while others would argue it was the right thing to do and our commitment for the defense of the system.
But right now we just have silence
The other thing that bothered me about the Lightfall campaign is that the huge fleet battle at the start was never resolved. We saw the few pyramids that were circling the Traveler get drawn into it before the Witness entered, but the Black Fleet is MASSIVE and filled the space above Earth in the cutscene. What happened to the rest of them?
Love that you left in that nova bomb at 8:00 😂😂😂
As someone who keeps up with lore but usually doesn’t play expansions and everything as it happens, I really appreciate the full recap.
Honestly, if you summed up Defiance and Lightfall's narrative in like 5 sentences, it would provide the same clarity as actually playing the content.
Witness come and do bad thing, Veil exists, Amanda dies, no explanation for anything besides "Well uh, that happened!"
@@paegr well done
@@paegr really shows off the marvel vibes they were going for. “Well uh that just happened!”
Maybe for those who couldn't pay attention...
@Biting Winds I mean honestly it's not hard to even sum up a fairly complex book in one sentence when someone asks for it. Lightfall and Defiance always had one major narrative weakness. How much sheer strength the Pyramid fleet had been set up with for an even remotely conventional war and so the game's stories had to be slid over to what followed or was beside us literally getting our ass kicked. Especially since we're only ever set up for a 6 man raid team at most and not exactly a regiment sized attack.
Describing each campaign in one sentence each: Lightfall was literally a special ops campaign(a poorly written one) while the Witness kicked Earth up one side and down the other. And then Defiance was a Prisoner of War rescue operation.
Part of me feels Asher ain't dead dead, but he will instead be crucial in convincing the vex to fight with us in the future
Ashir Mir got deleted from the Vex Network, we were too late to save him.
@@soraxstacy1477 not deleted he was merely overwhelmed by the vex consciousness and got integrated. No deletion i don't think
Where does it say he got integrated?
Isn’t he alive in the vexcalibur mission?
@@seanslaysean7097 the way the lore isnread it sounds like his consciousness becomes one with the vex. If he were deleted the vex would not keep sending Barkion to hunt him there
This is the first major dlc and season I missed because of personal reasons. But I knew byf would have the recap videos. I've been watching for a few years but this is my first time commenting. As always amazing video keep up the amazing work
So listening to this recap, I am reminded of our troops dropped into Germany during WW2, they really only had enough information to have lots of questions and do the current mission, and every time they came across something new, like the concentration camps and the jet air craft, at first they had no idea what was going on with them, it wasn’t until much later that things were understood
Anyone remember the finale of season of the seraph? Man, that was amazing
dialoge in the lost sector in calus' ship when completing it ghost talked about still being able to restore us like quote "...but i don't feel the comforting presence of the traveler behind me, it is like the light keeps coming from somewhere deeper, if that makes any sense" end quote
Thanks for making this recap! It's exactly what I needed and super helpful.
please keep doing these each season i rush through them and watch your videos to catch up aha, great channel
I’m still wondering if the Radial Mast could be, in any way possible, be related to the Gift Mast from the Book of Sorrows
Also, if I remember right, in the Tree of Silver Wings on Io, during Season of the Arrivals, couldn’t we look up inside the tree see something similar to the Black Heart?
Eramis is literally Italian with how much she switches sides
Thanks for the recap. Your videos were gold when starting the game with all those stories cut out
Future content. Asher is going to be changed drastically or even "consumed", but it will make a huge change to a group of Vex.
Asher uploaded himself in an unheard-of way. He gave The Vex a pattern of Light. Vex functions on patterns. What is left of Asher is going to become a new Vex mind of Light in the next few years.
Maybe not Guardians, but they will be a Vex that worship Light.
I love when true quality succeeds, you have allways been so well put together and even when you consider your content to be of lower quality, either because of conditions for recording and editing or sickness, its still better quality content than most of youtube nowadays and i seriously cannot wait for each new video, even on subjects that im not as interested in within the lore, the care you take to be as professional and clean about it all really drives me to do the same in my life about my passions man, if i wasnt broke id be supporting you as much as i can but for now just know you keep me going on some of my darkest days and you will continue to do so, thank you.
Byf should read this... so wholesome
if you like quality you should never play destiny
@@thisgoddamusernamestoodamnlong i know im all backwards🤣
@Augusto Patricio i hope he at least sees it, dont need to react or pin it i just want him to know:)
Hey Byf… the triumph. For season of the deep. “Down the Drain” In the Deep Dive tab. Look at the bosses Byf. Recognize one of them?
that single leaked cutscene just changed everything, now we know about the veil and the witness as well as their goal
I hope there will be season based on finding out how the witness is able to connect with our ghost. It will allow the story to be more centred around our character and ghost which i feel is massively missed out on in the game.
I really dislike games where you play the character who is powerful and does everything yet the story is only about the people around you and not yourself.
Forsaken was amazing in that the story was told in a way where you could decide whether you were going after the barons for justice or revenge. It would be amazing to perhaps have more of this as a whole season while also learning about ghosts themselves and their connection to the light and dark as a way to stop the witness from taking control again
Appreciate this video Byf!
I found a new job, kids, life. I love these recap videos. Please keep them up bro.
I don’t play this game but damn do I love the lore so much that I watch these videos not having the whole picture painted lol
I appreciate this video, thank you for catching my up
great video byf! i hope next season is a banger! im gonna assume sloane has developed some sort of connection with the ''long boy in the soup" and maybe has some sort of info about the witness or maybe his plan or literally anything that would be nice!
Weird thought, but what do you think would happen if we were able to bring back Mercury, and give that Golden Age AI, Soteria, control over the Infinite Forest? With its software, and the Vex Hardware, with data from the Black Garden, it could probably solve a lot of issues for the Guardian.
I am unsure if you know about this and I have no clip or anything as proof but my ghost just gave me a HUGE hint about the stakes of the traveler and I’m shocked this wasn’t said in a main mission but instead as random neomuna quest dialogue.
“My connection to the traveler is truly gone, I can’t hear it, but I still feel a connection to the light, but from somewhere deeper” (not the exact quote going off memory)
Thank you Byf for making these lore videos. ❤❤❤
i tweeted you a detail i learned about us still being able to use the light despite what happens to the traveler which i got when playing through one of the neomuna lost sector in calus' ship
Anyone know why a shard of the traveler is still in the EDZ? Shouldn't that have fused back when the traveler fully healed?
Lightfail & Season on defiance thx on the summary Byf.
Oh no, Amanda dies!?
But she was such an important vendo...
She was so integral to the stor.....
We shared so many heartfelt mome....
*She had a nice shotgun?*
Avalon is the mythical land in Arthurian myth where King Arthur goes to heal when he is mortally wounded so it's a nice touch that in relation to the Avalon mind we get Vex calibur
Ich think the communication between Calus and the witness was no accident. We were baited by the Witness to go down to the Veil and link the Traveller with the Veil with our ghost! Calus was just the bait and neither did know Witnesses plan.
It's kind of obvious, isn't it?
I think Lightfall and Season of Defiance share one very big flaw: They both seem tone deaf, despite us being given an expectation of a clear tone.
Characters constantly conflicting with the tone, questions that we don't get answers to, that characters pretend we know the answer to.
I feel like we wouldnt be complaining about the mystery so much if the veil was established to be a mystery, but its treated like info we should have known already.
Amanda dying is completely tone deaf to the rest of the story, and the voice direction for all (except Zavala) seems conflicted and pulled in different directions.
These characters and these stories all feel tonally deaf between one another. Not committing completely to properly establishing their maguffins, their characters, or their tones.
Petition for Byf to do a TSLAYP of Season of the Deep story content so we can watch him suffer due to his thalassophobia? Or is this too cruel?
This is great! Looking forward to future season recaps
Bungie said they wouldnt sunset, but look what they did to amanda. xD
I honestly expected a 3 minute long reel with Benny Hill music and a 3 minute long black screen at the end paying homage to Mr. Reddick.
Thank you for making this summary video, it really helps to stay refreshed on the current lore. I have to ask though, is that B roll footage of the first strand section really how your gameplay looks normally? And if so... what platform was it recorded on?
I like how there’s people discussing the lore and future of destiny then there’s me watching gameplay as there’s the warlock and then the Titan is “my names byf” so is there 2 byf’s or is it a friend? Just curious is all
I think it was a charity stream goal, if they raised enough money Byf would main Titan for a whole season. He still plays other classes, just mainly did stuff on Titan
@@EternalHunter6 makes sense byf is awesome like that
@@justcallme_scott4700 I think he also uses footage from his friends in his videos as well.
Of course we have that KEY as yet dormant, on the Witness's Pyramid Ship that will when the time comes, propel us THROUGH that Portal the Witness created and who knows WHAT we will find on the other side of that Portal!!
I like Amanda died because she couldn't link 2 wires together properly, or ask the Guardian to do it instead of dying valiantly in battle. And lightfall can be summed up as: Found strand in a back alley in a foreign city. Old man peddled it off to us like a drug.
Another amazing video
The first channel I go to whenever I wana try figure out what the heck is going on
When did you stop by fear and start saying byfff hehe
One thing I'm not clear on: Is Asher the Lady of the Lake for Vexcaliber or is Brakion?
big lol
I would say it's Asher, while Brakion is the asshole protector
I believe what we find this season is the leviathan the friend of the sky. and get answers to the traveler after all this time I don't believe rulk killed him but only maimed him. He was able to talk to savathun and oryx in the past so here's hoping for those long awaited answers we know more about darkness at this point.
It's a great overview but I do think the ghost transmission was intentional and not an accident.
Also I'm surprised in all of the speculation about the veil, you didn't try to work out where its from. We know sav hid it on neptune and she got it from nezarac, but nothing about where he might of got it from. Or where the witness got artifacts of light from
Thalassophobia should be fun.
Hopefully all that’ll just devolve (evolve?) into “Under the Sea!” jokes. Least that’s my hope. 😂
@@themadgamer1217 that’s the dream, but it might also be a nice change of pace to be genuinely scared in D2.
The fact that the traveler was able to resurrect nezerac is pretty big. He died many times before and yet was revived. Does this mean the traveler can revive things like cayde/ any gaurdian who had there ghost destroyed and themselves killed?
I'm going to say once a ghost attached to a guardian is destroyed/shattered then they'd lose the access to pretty much revive on command as a ghost let's us do. Seeing nezerac be "revived" back into his body and getting out of that coffin thing that those roots pierced through sort-of makes me think it could be possible. However it might be that no ghost means no revives unless heresy is committed...
I have been incredibly disengaged from D2, my sole participation is to get loot from season pass because I was stupid and pre ordered with the seasons. Put it bluntly the story sucks currently, both dlc and seasons, that's it, just sucks, it's suppose to be end of all things yet all lightfall was being forced to listening to........ dammit I can't even remember the name, the lame silver surfer reject and watching my guardians legs be ceaselessly broken but having to step thru sheer volume of plot holes. Amanda, I actually liked her, she did not get a worthy death, she died just to have a character die. I'm slowly stepping away, I'm tired paying for what? That and locking every single thing behind light level locks then locking that grind behind other grind based activities has me irate, I DO NOT HAVE THE TIME TO GRIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3 to 4 tiers of interlocked grinding!!!!!!!!!! I spend more time grinding than actually playing and I don't get play much at all most of the time because I work and have metric ton to do. GRINDING IS NOT GAMEPLAY. I'm tired funneling all my patience into this, last thing I did that didn't feel like a chore grind fest was witch queen, the last season I actually played and enjoyed was season of arrivals and hunt, season 10-11, 3 YEARS AGO. I'm only here because I still find joy here an there, don't want to abandon years of work and maybe for a better tomorrow in game.
Good grief, you need some copium.
Grande, complimenti ancora
Honestly i think that we purposely were shown the communication between the witnesses and Calus. I think it wanted us to go fight him so our ghost could make the connection
Also, i honestly have come to appreciate the not knowing much of the nature of the veil as well as what the Witness has planned. Who says we have to get the full story and know what's going on? The Witness is an enigmatic entity that's existed likely for eons. We aunt gonna find out what it's intentions wre and it's creations in a single season.
Light fall was so disappointing to me that I haven't really been able to get back into it. I uninstalled it to make room for other games, and now I'm content just watching the story here. I don't really care to play the game anymore.
Honestly, at this point, I don't think the veil is as hard to understand anymore. The witness needed light and dark in order to create the link. Essentially representing yin and yang. The radial mast being an object of pure light would've worked if calus and the witness succeeded. Light and dark are needed for harmony. Nezarec was reborn using both light and dark, and the object left behind after we killed him represents a key pointing towards the travelers portal.
Based off of the broken traveler during the red war, I believe the witness went inside the traveler to confront the gardener. We could see inside the traveler way back when, and to me it looked like there were advanced structures inside. The shell of the traveler being a protective casing
There are however 2 things that confuse me. How did ghost get hijacked, and why did nimbus not swoop in sooner to stop ghost?
Mostly agree. As to the second question, I think Nimbus wasn't quite clear on what was going on. I don't think anyone warned them that the Witness could hijack Ghost.
As someone who played all this content as soon as it was available, i'm glad to finally know what happened
So, what’s going on with Asher? What was the point of his research? Is it the sort of thing where we have to wait on Mithrax to decipher all of it, or did his research amount to creating a 3d image of the Veil? I don’t get any of it
Lightfall summery we failed, but we couldn't succeed, and no one understands.
Yo Byyyyf we finally got voice lines for Xivu Arath and what she is saying is interesting. Make a video on it thank you. 😍
The veil is the purple thing underground. It is the traveler for the darkness. And follows the traveller.
It really has me scratching my head as to why The Witness cares about kidnapping humans... like why? I get its for a distraction even though The Witness really doesn't need one cause we can't enter the portal anyways rn so why keep humans alive and do nothing with them when you could just send droves of cabal to kill humans, like that's a way better distraction.
perhaps it wanted to experiment with humans being taken?
Why kidnap normal humans if you can rapidly clone a huge number of cabal?
Experiments? But also i think the witness is smart enough to know the "landmine" strategy. That is, landmines are meant to maim not kill, so you have to have like 2 other people carry the injured person back where they use up medical resources. I think the witness knew that since we're always the goody two shoes vanguard we would try to rescue captured people no matter what
@Everything's Alright nope, it's not for experiments it was confirmed that it wasn't.
@@everythingsalright1121 this landmine strategy might make sense if it wasn’t for the fact that again, it could just kill droves and droves of humans with its armies rather than kidnap them and then just… have them be taken back without even having any major injuries or whatever by the Guardians??
Calling it now, the response to final shape will be equivalent to the response the mass effect 3's ending
At this point, I doubt it would matter if it ends up being good or not.
I’m still so disappointed that we haven’t gone back to the discarded section of the traveler just hangin out in the EDZ. Like it’s terraforming that area and nobody seems to care?
cant wait for the 25 hour "Complete story of Destiny, from before the Golden age to Final shape" video. gonna be pretty funny if the Veil isnt explained so for 30 minutes its explained as "because reason.. thats it"
I think I'm not that disappointed we got answers but more so that I felt like I was the only character in the story who didn't know what was going on before me despite being at the center of it. If they would have acted just as confused as I was it would have been fine and still ominous and unsettling but I'm more like wtf powers do you have that I dont that allowed you to understand this
I’m a solo player and decided not to pick up lightfall after watching reviews on it. I’m glad I didn’t. Just gonna wait and grind the DLCs that I paid for prior. Hopefully something good comes out.
Song in the background ?
I'm not gonna read a lore book entry Byf, that's why I subscribe to you. I skip all the cut scenes and let you fill me in. Thanks for that by the way.
Martin provinging B roll this is new
See you guys tomorrow on titan, and nemona but mainly titan
Am I really the only one who thinks of Calus' Ship as some kind of Minecraft skin, when seeing it from above? xDDD
Osiris' drop pod like an Amazon delivery drone. Still waiting.....
Watching this I think I have come to an idea. The Witness needed a connection to the Veil, and was going to do it through a Light filled artifact called the Radial Mast. What if the Witness needs an artifact of the Light to do this, period. meaning that the only way for the connection to be formed after we destroyed it was to use our ghosts. The Witness is incredibly intelligent and long lived, if this was not the plan, if any so called interceptions and mistakes were just missteps on their part, then we have majorly overestimated the Witness in my opinion.
You are correct; everything in the campaign suggests an artifact of Light was needed to form the connection.
I had assumed that the veil is neutral, both dark and light… the veil in between. Thoughts?
I may be late to this, but I just noticed if you look down on the Calus arena during his second phase, The room/veil looks like a giant Servitor
We absolutely NEEDED this video because I still have no damn clue what's going on rn
Must've missed the lore about Asher giving up and being consumed by the Vex network.
Avalon node ghostshell loretab
Does this worth a $100?
No, of course no. I regret buying it
This game is absolutely not worth the money and such a disappointment
Are we sure the Veil is made of Darkness? I don't remember it saying that, but the ghost said it was like the Traveler.
I am seriously of the opinion that everyone is way overthinking this Veil thing and we should all take a chill pill.
I see more people being dismissive of the Veil than anything.
@@cryw1092 Not sure what you mean.
Haven’t been as disappointed in a dlc/game this much for a long time. Playing legendary only made the issues it had worse but hoping they can course correct going forward.
So Ashar is gone gone now?
Eramis is the one who set the bomb.
To me, lightfall's story is best summarized in white out
Part of me hoped you just said “Nothing.” and then left us with a blank screen for the rest of the vid. Wouldn’t have even held it against you.
Hello good morning LoreDaddyByf
You can taste the salt in the air
Mate finish your two-tailed fox catalyst! xD
I don't think the Vex would kill Asher (Neigher do i think Bungie would, at least not in that way). They would try to use him to simulate parakausal power, which they can't. Why would they let such an opotunity slip away?
Do we know why all disciples turn to trees when killed?
Okay, I need to shout this into the void, before the new season starts:
I think Lightfall is very important for the sole reason, that the Traveler is actually doing stuff and is actually standing up for itself and it's ideals.
Let me explain: Devotion inspires bravery, bravery inspires sacrifice, sacrifice leads to death.
It really start with the Traveler leaving the Last City in the end of Season of the Seraph. I personally think it left, to protect the City, in case the WarSats would actually shoot it, to prevent collateral damage and to move into position to actually face down the Black fleet.
Then when the Fleet came and it was actually trapped, not willing to run it confronted the Witness and destroyed it's Pyramid, making the Witness abandoning it and leaving behind the planet room and things, for us to use.
When the Witness send Callus to find the Veil we, the actual Champions of the Traveler, were there to foil the Witnesses attempt to link to the Veil via the Radial mast.
If the Witness were to come for us directly, the Traveler knew, that we couldn't defeat it yet, so it brought a piece of itself, Ghost, with us, so the Witness would use it to link with the Veil.
Yes, the Witness did archive, what it set out to do, but at no point it did so on it's own terms.
I feel like the Traveler understands, that the truth is not the conflict of light and dark, but we guradians, the synthesis of both, and I think it is wiling to die for this. we Guardians are it's final gambit in this eternal conflict and this gambit is really paying dividends.
In the end I think the Traveler will have created the final shape, in our coalition, guardians, cabal, eliksni.
Bomb logic.
Do we know for a fact that the white beam was made to be an “assault” on The Witness? It literally did nothing negative. It just grew roots in its ship and revived Nezarec.
The roots are actively destroying the ship, so I'd say it was a kind of attack.
It Actually disabled the whole ship and broke the material its made of. When the Witness entered the portal with the fleet, this ship stayed behind