It's gets worse when you have kids of your own (I'm not sure if you do or not), but when I did it totally changed those ads on TV about children in countries so thin and sick. Almost anything now with kids being hurt or in pain is totally different. It's beyond me that anyone could hurt children. They are such sensitive creatures 🎉❤
In a world heading towards destruction at an ever increasing speed, it is such a great feeling to know there is this little girl whose life has been changed thanks to the kindness of strangers and the work of the doctors and nurses.
⚓️THE GOSPEL OF THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "the last age in which God is saving man from the imminent destruction of this old world" The Relationship Between God's Passing of Job to Satan and the Purposes of God's Work. ... (Although most people today recognize that Job is perfect and righteous, and that he fears God and shuns evil, this recognition does not give them a higher understanding of God's purpose . Job was absolutely perfect and righteous, the people loved him so much, then, why did God give him to Satan and subject him to such suffering? Everything God does is necessary, and has extraordinary significance, because everything what He does to man has to do with His management and salvation of mankind. His purpose is to introduce into man the words of God, as well as the requirements and the will of God for man; in other words, it is to instill in man all that God believes to be positive according to His steps, giving man understanding of God's heart and understanding of God's spirit, and allowing him to obey the supreme power and arrangements of God, and allowing him to follow God's sovereignty and arrangements, and thus to have the way for man to attain the fear of God and to turn away from evil-all this is one aspect of God's purpose in everything He does. In another aspect, because Satan is compared and serves as a service tool in God's work, man is often given to Satan; this is a method that God uses to make people see the evil, ugliness, and abomination of Satan in the midst of his temptations and attacks, causing people to hate Satan and be able to know and recognize negative things. They bring shame to Satan, they make Satan a coward, and they completely defeat Satan. It is only people like this that God has truly obtained, and this is God's true objective in saving man. The people who dominate these temptations and attacks and are able to completely defeat Satan are the ones saved by God. People saved by God possess honesty, they have good hearts, they can separate love and hate, they have a sense of justice and they are reasonable, and they are able to care for God and appreciate all that is God's. Job was a man of freedom, and this is precisely why God handed him over to Satan.) Almighty God said Although most PEOPLE today RECOGNIZE that JOB was PERFECT and RIGHTEOUS, and that he FEARED GOD and STAYED AWAY from EVIL, this RECOGNITION does not give them a HIGHER UNDERSTANDING of GOD'S PURPOSE. Along with being jealous of Job's character and desire, they ask the following questions to God: Job is completely perfect and righteous, people love him very much, then, why did God give him to Satan and subject him to such suffering? Such questions exist in the hearts of many people---or rather, this doubt is the question in the hearts of many people. Because it confuses so many people, we need to lay out and explain this question properly. ☀️ EVERYTHING GOD does is NECESSARY, and has EXTRAORDINARY SIGNIFICANCE, because EVERYTHING He does to man has to do with His GOVERNANCE and SALVATION of MANKIND. It is natural that the work God did to Job was no different, even though Job was perfect and righteous in God's eyes. In other words, no matter what God does or the means He uses to do it, no matter what the cost, or what He intends, the purpose of His actions does not change. His PURPOSE is to INTRODUCE man the WORDS of GOD, as well as the requirements and WILL of GOD for MAN; in other words, it is to INTRODUCE MAN ALL THAT GOD BELIEVES POSITIVELY according to His STEPS, GIVING MAN an UNDERSTANDING of GOD'S HEART and an understanding of GOD'S SPIRIT, and ALLOWING him to FOLLOW the HIGH- -HIGH POWER and ARRANGEMENTS of GOD, and ALLOWS him to OBEY the high--high POWER and ARRANGEMENTS of GOD, and thus HAVE the WAY for MAN to ACHIEVE the FEAR of GOD and AWAY from EVIL--all of this is an ASPECT of GOD'S PURPOSE in EVERYTHING He does. Another ASPECT is that, since SATAN is COMPARED and SERVES as a SERVICE TOOL in GOD'S WORK, MAN is often GIVEN to SATAN; it is a WAY that GOD uses to MAKE people SEE the EVIL, UGLINESS, and ABOMINATION of SATAN in the MIDST of his TEMPTATIONS and ATTACKS, CAUSING PEOPLE to HATE SATAN and be ABLE to KNOW and RECOGNIZE NEGATIVE THINGS. ☀️ 🙏 This process allows them to gradually free THEMSELVES from SATAN'S RULE, and from his accusations, INTERFERENCES, and attacks---until, THANKS to the WORDS of GOD, their KNOWLEDGE and OBEDIENCE to GOD, and their FAITH in GOD and FEAR of Him, will bring them VICTORY AGAINST SATAN's attacks and accusations; only then can they be COMPLETELY delivered from SATAN's domain. ☀️ RELEASE of PEOPLE MEANS that SATAN is DEFEATED, it MEANS that they are NO LONGER FOOD in SATAN's mouth---that instead of swallowing them, SATAN RELEASES them. This is because SUCH PEOPLE ARE RIGHTEOUS, have FAITH, OBEDIENT, and FEAR GOD, and because they ALWAYS get rid of SATAN. 🙏 They BRING SHAME on SATAN, they make SATAN a COWARD, and they CONSTANTLY DEFEAT SATAN. Their STRONG BELIEF in OBEDIENCE to GOD, and their OBEDIENCE and FEAR of GOD is what DEFEATS SATAN, and is the reason why SATAN surrenders them completely. 🙏 People like this are the only ones that God truly has, and this is God's true objective in saving people. ☀️🙏 If they want to be saved, and they want to be fully achieved by God, all those who FOLLOW GOD must FACE small and big temptations9 and attacks from Satan. 🙏 The people who dominate these temptations and attacks and are able to completely defeat Satan are the ones saved by God. That means, the people who are SAVED by GOD are those UNDERGOING GOD'S TESTS, and those who were tempted and attacked by SATAN countless times. GOD'S SAVED people UNDERSTAND God's WILL and demands, and they are ABLE to OBEY God's supreme power and arrangements, and they do not abandon the path of having FEAR of GOD and AWAY FROM EVIL in the MIDST of those Satan's temptation. 🙏 PEOPLE who are SAVED by GOD have LOYALTY, they have GOOD HEARTS, they can separate LOVE and HATE, they have a SPIRIT of justice and they are reasonable, and they CAN care about GOD and APPRECIATE all that is of GOD. 🙏💐 Such PEOPLE are NOT bound, monitored, accused, or abused by Satan; they are completely free, they are completely freed and freed. Job was a MAN of FREEDOM, and this is precisely why God handed him over to Satan. Job was abused by Satan, but he also gained eternal freedom and liberation, and earned the right to never again be subjected to the corruption, abuse, and accusations of SATAN, and instead LIVE in the LIGHT of face of GOD FREELY and WITHOUT hindrance, and the one who LIVES IN THE MIDST of the blessings God gave him. No one can take away, or destroy, or take away this right. It was given to Job in exchange for his faith, determination, and obedience and fear of God; Job paid his life to win joy and happiness on earth, to obtain the right and worthiness, as determined by Heaven which in turn was recognized on earth, to worship the Creator without hindrance as a true creature of God on the ground. This is also the greatest outcome of the temptations that Job endured. 🙏 From The Word. Vol. 11. About Knowing God. God's Work, God's Disposition, and God Himself 11 Fulfillment in (Ezekiel 2:9-10). And (Rev. 19:13). 📥Calling and leading everyone to His lowered Kingdom or Church because it is still standing on earth in the holy place in the air/ youtube "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD 💐 this is the fulfillment of what he said to Peter 2,000 years ago, recorded in (Mat. 16:18'19). This is the the only Church of each one of our spirit that we must listen to or eat and drink like how we eat, dress and bathe every day so that he can guide us and change us by rejecting the evil attached by satan so as to be perfect, having attained eternal life that will enter the coming replacement of the new heaven and new earth. 💌
@LRBerry we PRAISE thank You Abba YAHUVEH (God the FATHER) we PRIASE thank You Lord YAHUSHUA( God the SON) we PRAISE YOU Precious RUACH ha KODESH (God the MOTHER) How is that the natural man do not give all the Glory to YAH our CREATOR? Has no idea it is Almighty God, the CREATOR of Man's Soul, moving the fingers of doctors & nurses = the surgeons it is YAH'S guiding hands & healing power.. SINNERS! Repent! Kingdom of heaven is at hand, Commandment Breakers!, (Exodus 20 & Exodus 34 = A Set) Unless you Repent your sins cannot be forgiven, Come to a Sincere Repentance so that you may receive a Gift of Holy Spirit, A NEW HEART, 👉So you may begin One on one Loving Relationship with YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and IMMAYAH, Three IN ONE, CoCREATORS (YAH, Holy Trinity), One must be ReBorn of GOD's Spirit - John 3:3-7 ✔ Remember A natural man cannot inherit the Kingdom of YAH [God] flesh & blood cannot enter Kingdom of YAH ------------------------------- "Abortion Is Murder, Abortion Is SIN" "Doctors, Nurses & mothers & Supreme courts REPENT! One of YAHUVEH'S Ten Commandments in Exodus 20 commands, 👉"Thou shall Not Murder" ( Using Gun or Using surgical tools/Vacuums/suctions = Same Murder 👉"Thou shall Not Steal" .. (from your CREATOR, I, YAHUVEH) Those sacrificed your babies, (abortion) for sakes of your careers, for sakes of your greed, for sake of deceits/cover up..👉 those become rich, all that you own, all your life you have been stealing from Living GOD, YAHUVEH. ALL TaxPayers the Blood of Unborn & Newly born will be in your NonChristians and Christians hands ~ REPENT! or PERISH, ( & My Children), "The more you protest the Less blood will be in your hand." *"Beware the Great Tribulation Is A Breath Away,"* REPENT Or PERISH! A Sincere REPENTANCE May lead you to Eternal Salvation Or Eternal Damnation, you must choose NOW!, Or prepare to WakeUp to eternal hellFire! (1st death), and then to the Lake of Fire (2nd death) Confirm/Google, = Book of Revelation chapter 20: ---------------------- *SALVATION..Has Been Paid For At A Very High Price By* *Our LORD GOD ALMIGHTY YAHUSHUA, HIS DEATH!* *Don't Become A Citizen in Hell* click this (A Repentance/Salvation Prayer)🌈
@@jomc20exactly.. I don't understand the logic in those prayers. now should we pray to him who brought such trouble on her? would have saved a lot of suffering and trouble if she had been healthy from birth. Could you just think that there is no one in heaven to answer your prayers???🤔
@@TestTheSpiritsIfTheyAreOfYAH -- Claiming "god" is easy, that is why there are tens of Thousands of claimed gods. But can you Prove your god? Nope. Face it, they lied to you, and all of us. BTW, if you are claiming any of the gods of the bibles, remember that original sin was GAINING KNOWLEDGE!!! That "god" did NOT want us to have the Knowledge of....? Remember what? Honestly, do yourself a huge favor and actually Read whatever books have been told are the "Word of god". Read them with an Open Mind and ask all the tough questions. You will be shocked what's in there.
@@TestTheSpiritsIfTheyAreOfYAH -- Claiming "god" is easy, that is why there are tens of Thousands of claimed gods. But can you Prove your god? Nope. Face it, they lied to you, and all of us. BTW, if you are claiming any of the gods of the bibles, remember that original sin was GAINING KNOWLEDGE!!! That "god" did NOT want us to have Knowledge ... of....? Remember what? Honestly, do yourself a huge favor and actually read whatever books you have been told are the "Word of god". Read them with an Open Mind and ask all the tough questions. You will be shocked what's in there.
@@omega6599they went to school, became experts at their field and developed the technology that enabled such feat. The cost is simple math. Besides, 17k to give someone the ability to see is a bargain.
Nine million children die before they are 5 every year.and the best God can do is sit and watch?.it is high time we humans grow up and out of this bronze age nonsense
I am a 74 year old man, and this Amazing Short Video brought tears to my eyes! WOW!! The Little Child could See, and Hear! YES THANK YOU TO THE SURGEONS, MOST IMPORTANTLY TO GOD, AND LET US NOT FORGET THE GOOD PEOPLE WHO CONTRIBUTED! WOW!!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
If you don't cry apon watching this you are suffering from a lack of emotion, absolutely brilliant this little girl has been through the wars and countless surgery's, I send her my love and I would like to extend this to her family, thank you.
I'm not (hang on these 🧅's must be strong) crying.... you're crying❤. What an amazing story & such a cute young girl who's got the 🌎 smiling w/her❣️ Such beautiful eyes too❗✌️🇺🇸
Well, if she was born blind or deaf, her brain won’t be able to process sight or sound like the rest of us. So, this isn’t like a whole new world opening up for her. In fact, many people like her never come to like sound or sight because of how it comes across to their brain: pain or discomfort.
I can’t get thru 5 minutes of vids like this without puddling up! I think it’s cuz these days there’s so much hate. Our hearts are craving something lovely and amazing and our emotions run with it! Crying is healthy. Love is forever.
That is certainly a possibility. Now that you mention it, I am surprised the lights weren't dimmed or turned off. Yet we don't see her squint. Frankly, we didn't see much at all. I'd love to see a video of her going home and seeing maybe her toys or pets or flowers...
Yes it was just something a bit fishy about this video. A doctor with no gloves and nasty fingernails. Lights on in the room. Just something fishy. If it's a real video for sure I'm happy for that little girl
My thanks goes out to all of the people who raised money so that this beautiful little girl could see and hear for the first time. I also want to thank the doctors and nurses at this hospital for their dedication and training to be able to have such successful surgeries.
And to think the doctors also corrected her hearing and she is no longer deaf. Seeing and hearing a world that has been there unnoticed by her. The wonders of science.
This is incredible, can we also reach out and have compassion in our hearts for the refugee children who are being terrorized in Britain right now. Children need our love and care and I wish this little girl and her parents a happy and healthy future x
Thanks to everyone who helped this little angel. “And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes and death will be more, neither will mourning nor outcry or pain be anymore. The former things have passed away. It’s not far.
Isaiah 35:5,6. His son did it while on earth. He'll do it fully for the whole world of righteous ppl when he comes back as a king of God's kingdom. Sin will be no more.
@@JohnKoenig-db8lk I think it's not wise to think God can judge a self righteous person as righteous. He knows who's righteous and who's faking it, that's why He'll do the judging thru His son not ppl. We can fake it for ppl but not for God. I can't even call myself righteous for He knows me more than I know myself. I trust in the merciful judge. One thing for sure is that God will find righteous ppl Rev 7:9. You and I should keep trying to be that kind of ppl before God.
Das Leben hat für so viele schöne Dinge Platz. Liebe, Gefühle auch mal Tränen. Wir könnten viel weiter sein, als wir sind. Ich freue mich sehr für das kleine Mädchen.
Poor baby was so scared while getting the bandage off, then total silence, she didn't open her eyes at first, then hugged mom when she looked at her for the first time. Such a precious moment. 💖
The adhesive hurts coming off which is why they were doing it so carefully! That’s what she was afraid of, and has probably had it happen loads of times before.
I don't think the surgeons woke up one morning with sudden skills, knowledge and expertise donated to them by god. Praise THEM for the years of work gaining the knowledge and skills, the advances in technology and the passion to help children, that made this possible.
The doctors didn't just wake up being doctors because some invisible man in the sky made them being ones. They worked really hard to get where they're now.
@@ruthgiles8926What's your problem? She's thanking God for the surgeons who finally made it! The ones doing the 7 first surgeries didn't succeed at all. Everyone knows that doctors and surgeons has a lot of studying and working before they can even begin as doctors and surgeons. Noone is resting anything from their achievements, it is the opposite! Thanking God for them is positive, it is gratitude and acknowledgement for their talents and hard work.
@@jayxfrost8987What's your problem? You are misinterpreting what she wrote. She is thanking God for the surgeons who finally made it! The ones doing the 7 first surgeries didn't succeed at all. Everyone knows that doctors and surgeons has a lot of studying and work to do before they can even begin to practice as doctors and surgeons. Noone is resting anything from their achievements, it is the opposite! Thanking God for them is positive, it is gratitude and acknowledgement for their talents and hard work.
Can't stop crying. Thank goodness for the kindness of so many people. This little girl has ben blessed from all of you and the amazing doctors. God bless all of you.
It is stories like this that reminds us that most people are good to the core. This childs life has been forever changed. She will grow up and do something amazing for mankind.
I’m sitting here a grown woman 57 years old and crying for this beautiful blessing from God right here, that little baby girl so beautiful and her to be able to see now is even more beautiful, continued prayers going up for her and momma, God give the doctors the knowledge to be able to help this child for her to have her sight and what a blessing that is, God bless each and everyone involved in this child being able to see again, but mostly thank you God……
Im so chuffed for this lovely soul to have sight ❤❤ but im afraid GOD has nothing to do with it if that were the case then so called GOD wouldnt have made her blind in the first place ❤❤
We need more videos like this. I cried for joy for mom and daughter. Kudos to the medical staff and God for making this possible. I wish this little girl the very best in life.
@@imwelshjesusthe one that gifted these doctors to give her sight, and the one family is giving thanks to. Sorry, this is their miracle, not yours, you don't get a say here about who this family and their friends thank. If they say it's God, then it's God, and the only thing you have left to do is get over it.
Her screaming reached my bone marrow. But i had to stay patient knowing the blessing that was hers. Which very few on the planet can ever relate to in a lifetime.
Omg. This has made me cry so much. A happy cry. God bless all the people who help this little girl. To see her mother and surroundings for the first time. ❤
God is wonderful. I'm a 67 year old army vet crying my eyes seeing a beautiful video. I'm crying as I'm writing this of a angel being blessed. I definitely didn't expect this when I started the video. God bless this beautiful little angel.
Blasted onion ninjas strike again! The ability to help those in need like this little girl is simply amazing. There are no words to truly express the happiness for this little girl and her family I have. Hugs, love, happiness to them.
60 years ago I was a little, blind girl who saw her parents for the first time. I am so happy for this little girl
Really ? Then nobody can relate better than you. Did you have surgery too ?
Please tell us your story.
Bless you
Pls tell us your story🙏🏻🙏🏻😇😇
Gloire à Dieu. Il fait des miracles et des prodiges. Louez le !!
I'm a grown ass man and this has brought me 2 tears 😢
Me too, I think we need to send our dude card back, I'm balling 😅😅, what a gift from God,🙏
Oh man....
It's gets worse when you have kids of your own (I'm not sure if you do or not), but when I did it totally changed those ads on TV about children in countries so thin and sick. Almost anything now with kids being hurt or in pain is totally different.
It's beyond me that anyone could hurt children. They are such sensitive creatures 🎉❤
@williamwillaims5881 There is evil 😈 in this world
Those tears are beautiful..
In a world heading towards destruction at an ever increasing speed, it is such a great feeling to know there is this little girl whose life has been changed thanks to the kindness of strangers and the work of the doctors and nurses.
⚓️THE GOSPEL OF THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "the last age in which God is saving man from the imminent destruction of this old world"
The Relationship Between God's Passing of Job to Satan and the Purposes of God's Work. ... (Although most people today recognize that Job is perfect and righteous, and that he fears God and shuns evil, this recognition does not give them a higher understanding of God's purpose . Job was absolutely perfect and righteous, the people loved him so much, then, why did God give him to Satan and subject him to such suffering? Everything God does is necessary, and has extraordinary significance, because everything what He does to man has to do with His management and salvation of mankind. His purpose is to introduce into man the words of God, as well as the requirements and the will of God for man; in other words, it is to instill in man all that God believes to be positive according to His steps, giving man understanding of God's heart and understanding of God's spirit, and allowing him to obey the supreme power and arrangements of God, and allowing him to follow God's sovereignty and arrangements, and thus to have the way for man to attain the fear of God and to turn away from evil-all this is one aspect of God's purpose in everything He does. In another aspect, because Satan is compared and serves as a service tool in God's work, man is often given to Satan; this is a method that God uses to make people see the evil, ugliness, and abomination of Satan in the midst of his temptations and attacks, causing people to hate Satan and be able to know and recognize negative things. They bring shame to Satan, they make Satan a coward, and they completely defeat Satan. It is only people like this that God has truly obtained, and this is God's true objective in saving man. The people who dominate these temptations and attacks and are able to completely defeat Satan are the ones saved by God. People saved by God possess honesty, they have good hearts, they can separate love and hate, they have a sense of justice and they are reasonable, and they are able to care for God and appreciate all that is God's. Job was a man of freedom, and this is precisely why God handed him over to Satan.)
Almighty God said
Although most PEOPLE today RECOGNIZE that JOB was PERFECT and RIGHTEOUS, and that he FEARED GOD and STAYED AWAY from EVIL, this RECOGNITION does not give them a HIGHER UNDERSTANDING of GOD'S PURPOSE. Along with being jealous of Job's character and desire, they ask the following questions to God: Job is completely perfect and righteous, people love him very much, then, why did God give him to Satan and subject him to such suffering? Such questions exist in the hearts of many people---or rather, this doubt is the question in the hearts of many people. Because it confuses so many people, we need to lay out and explain this question properly. ☀️
EVERYTHING GOD does is NECESSARY, and has EXTRAORDINARY SIGNIFICANCE, because EVERYTHING He does to man has to do with His GOVERNANCE and SALVATION of MANKIND. It is natural that the work God did to Job was no different, even though Job was perfect and righteous in God's eyes. In other words, no matter what God does or the means He uses to do it, no matter what the cost, or what He intends, the purpose of His actions does not change. His PURPOSE is to INTRODUCE man the WORDS of GOD, as well as the requirements and WILL of GOD for MAN; in other words, it is to INTRODUCE MAN ALL THAT GOD BELIEVES POSITIVELY according to His STEPS, GIVING MAN an UNDERSTANDING of GOD'S HEART and an understanding of GOD'S SPIRIT, and ALLOWING him to FOLLOW the HIGH- -HIGH POWER and ARRANGEMENTS of GOD, and ALLOWS him to OBEY the high--high POWER and ARRANGEMENTS of GOD, and thus HAVE the WAY for MAN to ACHIEVE the FEAR of GOD and AWAY from EVIL--all of this is an ASPECT of GOD'S PURPOSE in EVERYTHING He does. Another ASPECT is that, since SATAN is COMPARED and SERVES as a SERVICE TOOL in GOD'S WORK, MAN is often GIVEN to SATAN; it is a WAY that GOD uses to MAKE people SEE the EVIL, UGLINESS, and ABOMINATION of SATAN in the MIDST of his TEMPTATIONS and ATTACKS, CAUSING PEOPLE to HATE SATAN and be ABLE to KNOW and RECOGNIZE NEGATIVE THINGS. ☀️ 🙏
This process allows them to gradually free THEMSELVES from SATAN'S RULE, and from his accusations, INTERFERENCES, and attacks---until, THANKS to the WORDS of GOD, their KNOWLEDGE and OBEDIENCE to GOD, and their FAITH in GOD and FEAR of Him, will bring them VICTORY AGAINST SATAN's attacks and accusations; only then can they be COMPLETELY delivered from SATAN's domain. ☀️
RELEASE of PEOPLE MEANS that SATAN is DEFEATED, it MEANS that they are NO LONGER FOOD in SATAN's mouth---that instead of swallowing them, SATAN RELEASES them. This is because SUCH PEOPLE ARE RIGHTEOUS, have FAITH, OBEDIENT, and FEAR GOD, and because they ALWAYS get rid of SATAN. 🙏
They BRING SHAME on SATAN, they make SATAN a COWARD, and they CONSTANTLY DEFEAT SATAN. Their STRONG BELIEF in OBEDIENCE to GOD, and their OBEDIENCE and FEAR of GOD is what DEFEATS SATAN, and is the reason why SATAN surrenders them completely. 🙏
People like this are the only ones that God truly has, and this is God's true objective in saving people. ☀️🙏
If they want to be saved, and they want to be fully achieved by God, all those who FOLLOW GOD must FACE small and big temptations9 and attacks from Satan. 🙏
The people who dominate these temptations and attacks and are able to completely defeat Satan are the ones saved by God. That means, the people who are SAVED by GOD are those UNDERGOING GOD'S TESTS, and those who were tempted and attacked by SATAN countless times. GOD'S SAVED people UNDERSTAND God's WILL and demands, and they are ABLE to OBEY God's supreme power and arrangements, and they do not abandon the path of having FEAR of GOD and AWAY FROM EVIL in the MIDST of those Satan's temptation. 🙏
PEOPLE who are SAVED by GOD have LOYALTY, they have GOOD HEARTS, they can separate LOVE and HATE, they have a SPIRIT of justice and they are reasonable, and they CAN care about GOD and APPRECIATE all that is of GOD. 🙏💐
Such PEOPLE are NOT bound, monitored, accused, or abused by Satan; they are completely free, they are completely freed and freed. Job was a MAN of FREEDOM, and this is precisely why God handed him over to Satan.
Job was abused by Satan, but he also gained eternal freedom and liberation, and earned the right to never again be subjected to the corruption, abuse, and accusations of SATAN, and instead LIVE in the LIGHT of face of GOD FREELY and WITHOUT hindrance, and the one who LIVES IN THE MIDST of the blessings God gave him. No one can take away, or destroy, or take away this right. It was given to Job in exchange for his faith, determination, and obedience and fear of God; Job paid his life to win joy and happiness on earth, to obtain the right and worthiness, as determined by Heaven which in turn was recognized on earth, to worship the Creator without hindrance as a true creature of God on the ground. This is also the greatest outcome of the temptations that Job endured. 🙏
From The Word. Vol. 11. About Knowing God. God's Work, God's Disposition, and God Himself 11
Fulfillment in (Ezekiel 2:9-10). And (Rev. 19:13).
📥Calling and leading everyone to His lowered Kingdom or Church because it is still standing on earth in the holy place in the air/ youtube "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD 💐 this is the fulfillment of what he said to Peter 2,000 years ago, recorded in (Mat. 16:18'19).
This is the the only Church of each one of our spirit that we must listen to or eat and drink like how we eat, dress and bathe every day so that he can guide us and change us by rejecting the evil attached by satan so as to be perfect,
having attained eternal life that will enter the coming replacement of the new heaven and new earth. 💌
God please help her .please god
Trump and his team of patriots will save the world from WWIII. Faith in God.
we PRAISE thank You Abba YAHUVEH (God the FATHER)
we PRIASE thank You Lord YAHUSHUA( God the SON)
How is that the natural man do not give all the Glory to YAH our CREATOR? Has no idea it is Almighty God, the CREATOR of Man's Soul,
moving the fingers of doctors & nurses = the surgeons
it is YAH'S guiding hands & healing power..
SINNERS! Repent! Kingdom of heaven is at hand,
Commandment Breakers!, (Exodus 20 & Exodus 34 = A Set)
Unless you Repent your sins cannot be forgiven, Come to a Sincere Repentance so that you may receive a Gift of Holy Spirit, A NEW HEART, 👉So you may begin One on one Loving Relationship with YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and IMMAYAH, Three IN ONE, CoCREATORS (YAH, Holy Trinity),
One must be ReBorn of GOD's Spirit - John 3:3-7 ✔
Remember A natural man cannot inherit the Kingdom of YAH [God]
flesh & blood cannot enter Kingdom of YAH
"Abortion Is Murder, Abortion Is SIN"
"Doctors, Nurses & mothers & Supreme courts REPENT!
One of YAHUVEH'S Ten Commandments in Exodus 20 commands,
👉"Thou shall Not Murder"
( Using Gun or Using surgical tools/Vacuums/suctions = Same Murder
👉"Thou shall Not Steal" .. (from your CREATOR, I, YAHUVEH)
Those sacrificed your babies, (abortion) for sakes of your careers, for sakes of your greed, for sake of deceits/cover up..👉 those become rich, all that you own, all your life you have been stealing from Living GOD, YAHUVEH.
ALL TaxPayers the Blood of Unborn & Newly born will be in your NonChristians and Christians hands ~ REPENT! or PERISH,
( & My Children), "The more you protest the Less blood will be in your hand."
*"Beware the Great Tribulation Is A Breath Away,"*
A Sincere REPENTANCE May lead you to Eternal Salvation
Or Eternal Damnation, you must choose NOW!,
Or prepare to WakeUp to eternal hellFire! (1st death),
and then to the Lake of Fire (2nd death)
Confirm/Google, = Book of Revelation chapter 20:
*SALVATION..Has Been Paid For At A Very High Price By*
*Don't Become A Citizen in Hell*
click this (A Repentance/Salvation Prayer)🌈
@@ExitTwo888 if there was a God he would not leave children to suffer like this.. try really hard to join the real world
59 year old guy here. I cried through the whole video.
Virtual hugs from me, Sweetheart!
A bit of over-doing.... 😂😂...
@globetrotter5751 Huh? Explain.
Bless this beautiful little girl. Bless her mom, doctor and medical team. I will pray for her continued good health.❤
Amin Aminn tüm hasta olan çocuklara dua ediyoruz duamız kabul olsun insaAllah
Amen 🙏🏾❤️
What good does prayer do? It's doctors who gave her sight and hearing! Thank them and modern science!
@@jomc20exactly.. I don't understand the logic in those prayers. now should we pray to him who brought such trouble on her? would have saved a lot of suffering and trouble if she had been healthy from birth. Could you just think that there is no one in heaven to answer your prayers???🤔
Grown man crying like a baby here.. the doctors did a priceless thing praise be to God!!
Not God!!!!!! If God was real, then why did he allow this poor girl to be born like this?? God is fake
Praise be to Science!!!!!!!
@@MasterSpadeGod have given the people wisdom brains 🧠 praise God
@@TestTheSpiritsIfTheyAreOfYAH -- Claiming "god" is easy, that is why there are tens of Thousands of claimed gods. But can you Prove your god? Nope. Face it, they lied to you, and all of us.
BTW, if you are claiming any of the gods of the bibles, remember that original sin was GAINING KNOWLEDGE!!! That "god" did NOT want us to have the Knowledge of....? Remember what?
Honestly, do yourself a huge favor and actually Read whatever books have been told are the "Word of god". Read them with an Open Mind and ask all the tough questions. You will be shocked what's in there.
@@TestTheSpiritsIfTheyAreOfYAH -- Claiming "god" is easy, that is why there are tens of Thousands of claimed gods. But can you Prove your god? Nope. Face it, they lied to you, and all of us.
BTW, if you are claiming any of the gods of the bibles, remember that original sin was GAINING KNOWLEDGE!!! That "god" did NOT want us to have Knowledge ... of....? Remember what?
Honestly, do yourself a huge favor and actually read whatever books you have been told are the "Word of god". Read them with an Open Mind and ask all the tough questions. You will be shocked what's in there.
That's what medicine was meant to be!
Free for everyone you mean? Or expensive af?
@@omega6599I think he meant to help people like that. I’m not sure how he inferred price
@@omega6599they went to school, became experts at their field and developed the technology that enabled such feat. The cost is simple math. Besides, 17k to give someone the ability to see is a bargain.
It sure was Tim!
Thank you Father in heaven for that precious little darling. Got her miracle. Hallelujah!.
It was science! miracles are nothing but magic What is with this father-in-heaven nonsense
Amen amen amen ! Thank you to best and highest of all good- thank you JESUS ❤ IM SO HAPPY FOR Her and her family!!! ❤
Amen 🙌🙌🙌 thank you Father 🙏🙏🙏
So God does everything so he makes her blind. And then we have to get a doctor to fix it, and you want to thank god you're fucking nuts
Nine million children die before they are 5 every year.and the best God can do is sit and watch?.it is high time we humans grow up and out of this bronze age nonsense
Every blind child in America deserves this free of charge. Happy for her and her Mother. What a gift🎉
*every blind child in the world
dont know about free but certainly brillant Drs to operate to give site, what a gift from GOD, Jesus said i am the way, now you see the way to HIM
Healing should always be free for every human and every animal. Do you think Jeshua (Jesus) let himself be paid?
You're very generous with other people's money. When are _you_ going to write some checks?
Alright! 53 year old man crying here may she see and chase BUTTERFLIES 🦋
Wow, what a beautiful comment. 🦋 🦋 🦋
I’m so appt for mom an her baby
Laura Walker
God be with you both
Nice one buddy
Hearing about her for first time but thanks to everyone who donated👍
Amore ❤️
I am a 74 year old man, and this Amazing Short Video brought tears to my eyes! WOW!! The Little Child could See, and Hear! YES THANK YOU TO THE SURGEONS, MOST IMPORTANTLY TO GOD, AND LET US NOT FORGET THE GOOD PEOPLE WHO CONTRIBUTED! WOW!!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Where is god in this equation
I'm 70 and crying, what a beautiful little girl
I am crying too!!!! This is a LOVELY HAPPENING!!!!!! God Bless everyone involved in this!!!!!
I am too.
I couldn't see anything myself for a few minutes. 😭😭😭
If you don't cry apon watching this you are suffering from a lack of emotion, absolutely brilliant this little girl has been through the wars and countless surgery's, I send her my love and I would like to extend this to her family, thank you.
I'm not (hang on these 🧅's must be strong) crying.... you're crying❤. What an amazing story & such a cute young girl who's got the 🌎 smiling w/her❣️ Such beautiful eyes too❗✌️🇺🇸
Yep... Bit ashamed to admit I felt stupid for crying. Least I have empathy eh
Well, if she was born blind or deaf, her brain won’t be able to process sight or sound like the rest of us. So, this isn’t like a whole new world opening up for her. In fact, many people like her never come to like sound or sight because of how it comes across to their brain: pain or discomfort.
I can’t get thru 5 minutes of vids like this without puddling up! I think it’s cuz these days there’s so much hate. Our hearts are craving something lovely and amazing and our emotions run with it! Crying is healthy. Love is forever.
@rekaolx3483 How pathetic
Thank you for all the doctors.
Naw ty God
God thank you for blessing the world with good doctor's
2 idiots replying above
I am going to cry because I am so happy for her
Bless those who gave donations and prayed for this angel...
They could have just spit in their hands and rubbed it on her eyes to cure her blindness, like Jesus did. No need for surgery.
Bless those who gave donations full stop.
Thank you to everyone who changed this sweet baby’s life. ❤
Praise the doctors, didn't see your imaginary friend come up with the cash...
@@magnoliah5990Let's not forget the one you're worshipping for the fix caused the problem.
@@nektekket852 You can praise your Devil that cause this.
@@KB-ke3fiif god created everything then you have your answer... always with love
Look at how bright it is in there this poor kid is seeing for the first time, and the light must have hurt like hell.
That is certainly a possibility. Now that you mention it, I am surprised the lights weren't dimmed or turned off. Yet we don't see her squint. Frankly, we didn't see much at all.
I'd love to see a video of her going home and seeing maybe her toys or pets or flowers...
She couldn't hardly open her eyes. You know what it's like when you flip the light on when it's dark, imagine what that was like for her.
Yeah, that’s a lot of sensory overload. And she also got improved hearing the same day.
Yes it was just something a bit fishy about this video. A doctor with no gloves and nasty fingernails. Lights on in the room. Just something fishy. If it's a real video for sure I'm happy for that little girl
Thats what i was thinking!! They should have lowered the lights tbh
It's lovely to see so many people coming together to help a little girl. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Yes, I cried. Grown man. How beautiful
Mislim da je više ne boli.
Da sind sie nicht alleine !!!!!!!
My thanks goes out to all of the people who raised money so that this beautiful little girl could see and hear for the first time. I also want to thank the doctors and nurses at this hospital for their dedication and training to be able to have such successful surgeries.
Fantastic story! Sitting here in tears watching this child discover sight. Her Mom is so thankful. Needed some good news today. Thank you!
And to think the doctors also corrected her hearing and she is no longer deaf. Seeing and hearing a world that has been there unnoticed by her. The wonders of science.
Praise God! I pray this little angel has a great and long life. 🙏🙏🙏
That really pulled at my heart. Continued prayers for this sweet girl, her mother and all their family. ❤
This is incredible, can we also reach out and have compassion in our hearts for the refugee children who are being terrorized in Britain right now. Children need our love and care and I wish this little girl and her parents a happy and healthy future x
well start thinking.... im pretty sure the commentary and text is fake.... which means a childs distress is being used to make someone money
I’m 86 years widow female. Thank you for all you did for this beautiful baby. 👏🙏
Internal respect for doctors and who donate. This is happiness we deserve
It's not the happiness we deserve. But it's the happiness. That the little girl and her mom deserves!
Simply put
Helping children like her is the purpose of all our lives
Maternal love displays the purest form of empathy.
And the child hugs her mom like an angel of mercy.
Can't stop crying tears of happiness for this beautiful little girl. God bless
This little girl deserves all the love and support post-op as it was pre-op. Wish her a happy and fulfilling life!
Much love and blessings for the little princess and her family! ❤
I don't know this little girl, but thank you for all the people who made this possible, starting with those who gave money.
Thanks to everyone who helped this little angel. “And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes and death will be more, neither will mourning nor outcry or pain be anymore. The former things have passed away. It’s not far.
Mirages don't appear to be far. But you never get there.
Isaiah 35:5,6. His son did it while on earth. He'll do it fully for the whole world of righteous ppl when he comes back as a king of God's kingdom. Sin will be no more.
@@nevermind3488 You mean "self-righteous ppl."
@@JohnKoenig-db8lk I think it's not wise to think God can judge a self righteous person as righteous. He knows who's righteous and who's faking it, that's why He'll do the judging thru His son not ppl. We can fake it for ppl but not for God. I can't even call myself righteous for He knows me more than I know myself. I trust in the merciful judge.
One thing for sure is that God will find righteous ppl Rev 7:9. You and I should keep trying to be that kind of ppl before God.
Das Leben hat für so viele schöne Dinge Platz. Liebe, Gefühle auch mal Tränen. Wir könnten viel weiter sein, als wir sind. Ich freue mich sehr für das kleine Mädchen.
Bless all the people who gave money to the little girl
Oh, dear God. I won’t lie, I started crying. Bless this little angel and of the doctors and researchers that made this possible.
May your eyes see only beautiful things and your ears only hear wonderful things, little girl!
The mother and child hugging each other sheer bliss.
I am crying and smiling at the same time soo happy for this beautiful little girl ❤God Bless you all
Poor baby was so scared while getting the bandage off, then total silence, she didn't open her eyes at first, then hugged mom when she looked at her for the first time. Such a precious moment. 💖
The adhesive hurts coming off which is why they were doing it so carefully! That’s what she was afraid of, and has probably had it happen loads of times before.
They should turn the lights down for her.. she hasn’t even seen light before. Imagine the brightness!!
Tears are streaming down my face! Bless this little girl and her family🙏
How absolutely precious...praise God for the surgeons that performed this miracle!
I don't think the surgeons woke up one morning with sudden skills, knowledge and expertise donated to them by god.
Praise THEM for the years of work gaining the knowledge and skills, the advances in technology and the passion to help children, that made this possible.
Praise god for putting her in that position
The doctors didn't just wake up being doctors because some invisible man in the sky made them being ones.
They worked really hard to get where they're now.
@@ruthgiles8926What's your problem? She's thanking God for the surgeons who finally made it! The ones doing the 7 first surgeries didn't succeed at all.
Everyone knows that doctors and surgeons has a lot of studying and working before they can even begin as doctors and surgeons. Noone is resting anything from their achievements, it is the opposite! Thanking God for them is positive, it is gratitude and acknowledgement for their talents and hard work.
@@jayxfrost8987What's your problem? You are misinterpreting what she wrote.
She is thanking God for the surgeons who finally made it! The ones doing the 7 first surgeries didn't succeed at all. Everyone knows that doctors and surgeons has a lot of studying and work to do before they can even begin to practice as doctors and surgeons. Noone is resting anything from their achievements, it is the opposite!
Thanking God for them is positive, it is gratitude and acknowledgement for their talents and hard work.
Wow, that's a tearjerker. Hats off to those who donated, and to the medical team that stepped up.
Can't stop crying. Thank goodness for the kindness of so many people. This little girl has ben blessed from all of you and the amazing doctors. God bless all of you.
I'm crying, happy tears. Praised the Lord.
Except he's the one who created her like that! Thank goodness science could help her.
Praise the doctors!
Bueno, los médicos han arreglado lo que dios hizo mal 😂😂😂
God made her blind, praise science and doctors
Thanks to the doctors and those who financed the surgery
What a precious gift! Thanks be to God and everyone who made this possible!!
😢😢😢😢 Tears of joy for this sweet little girl.❤
The things we take for granted can bring so much joy to someone so innocent.
I don't usually cry but I cry really hard when seeing this lil girl seeing the world for the first time
These are truly amazing technologies we have lately and to think if we focused on helping and not hurting one another.
I had to watch it again I couldn't see for my tears, bless you little one,❤
It is stories like this that reminds us that most people are good to the core. This childs life has been forever changed. She will grow up and do something amazing for mankind.
THIS - THESE WORKS - are what we should be putting money towards (as a nation), not funding wars, etc.
Being a father of N autistic son, I can feel the pain of mother and daughter but finally it's over. God bless her.
She’s a sweetheart, so happy for her 💕 God bless her & her family 🙌🏻💕
I'm actually shedding tears right now. She was so scared but her mother's touch comforted her.
That had me in tears. I am so happy for her.
This made me cry, so BEAUTIFUL ❤
Helen Keller would be amazed by how far advanced we've become
Martin Luther King Jr would be in tears at what the demoncrats/republicons have done to civil rights.
I was thinking about Keller when they shared this baby was deaf. My heart is warmed that today she sees and hears. To God be the glory.
You forgot the mother of all "Anne Sullivan"
I thought of them too.
Me too. ❤
I’m sitting here a grown woman 57 years old and crying for this beautiful blessing from God right here, that little baby girl so beautiful and her to be able to see now is even more beautiful, continued prayers going up for her and momma, God give the doctors the knowledge to be able to help this child for her to have her sight and what a blessing that is, God bless each and everyone involved in this child being able to see again, but mostly thank you God……
Im so chuffed for this lovely soul to have sight ❤❤ but im afraid GOD has nothing to do with it if that were the case then so called GOD wouldnt have made her blind in the first place ❤❤
If God wanted the child to see, he could have done it himself. Instead he chose the opposite and we defied him. Careful what you're thankful for.
Science fixing your god's mistakes yet again.
@@NathanRowat Doctors are using God's tools to restore the body God made to do what God created it to do: see.
@@hermanwooster8944stupid logic, my friend
We need more videos like this. I cried for joy for mom and daughter. Kudos to the medical staff and God for making this possible. I wish this little girl the very best in life.
God, which one?
@@imwelshjesusthe one that gifted these doctors to give her sight, and the one family is giving thanks to. Sorry, this is their miracle, not yours, you don't get a say here about who this family and their friends thank. If they say it's God, then it's God, and the only thing you have left to do is get over it.
Jesus Christ may heal the people like this. The tears in her mother i know she's happy for her daughter.
Bless her sweet heart. How incredibly sweet. ❤
This is probably the most beautiful story I’ve heard in a long time! Life is precious.
The USA come through again doing fantastic work. I'm so happy for the little girl.
For a price, they don't do it for nothing no money the doors over there.
Probably 4 times the price as in Europe but at least they did it😂
For 17,0000 can do this surgery on 10000 children here in India
God bless america!!!
@@rex_schdso do it then. Why complain about america price but your country never helps others.
Aw so glad that she sees her mom the first time ❤
My heart and eyes can’t hold back the tears of joy for her!
How beautiful!! To see Mama for first time. Thankyou to all involved!!
Oh, bless this Child and Family. ❤❤❤❤❤
Oh my goodness gracious, so amazing , how heartwarming this is 🙏❤️
मेरी आंखें भी आंसुओं से भर गई।
Thank you all for making this possible! She is adorable!
Thank you so much for sharing this with the world. I couldn't stop crying. Your baby is such a gorgeous little cutie pie. ❤❤🥰🥰💋💋🤗🤗
I didn't cry for a while, but this video made me so, thanks to the doctor and all the medical team who made this happened ❤
Man findet gar nicht die richtigen Worte für dieses Geschenk ❤
Hab eine wunderschöne Zukunft kleine Prinzessin ❤
Как же жалко маленьких деточек... смотрю со слезами... Здоровья тебе, малышка и терпенья мамочке
Her screaming reached my bone marrow. But i had to stay patient knowing the blessing that was hers. Which very few on the planet can ever relate to in a lifetime.
I cried im 79 , with happiness for the little girl,🏴
May she have a blessed life....
Omg. This has made me cry so much. A happy cry. God bless all the people who help this little girl. To see her mother and surroundings for the first time. ❤
Thank you so much for helping these wonderful girl and his lovely mother.
That is so.precious!
Oh what a beautiful story, so happy for this sweet little girl!
Wow! what a Beautiful Miracle, the surgeons are heaven sent! ❤❤❤
Ohhh, sweet baby girl, and mum. Such a precious moment❤ God Bless you
God already lost his opportunity to do something for her.
That’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen!!!!!
How wonderful ❤!!!!!
Oh so very beautiful 😢
Yep, God is a great big made up piece of nonsense.
Don't forget to give credit where credit is due and thank the doctors and nurses for helping this sweet little girl
God is wonderful. I'm a 67 year old army vet crying my eyes seeing a beautiful video. I'm crying as I'm writing this of a angel being blessed. I definitely didn't expect this when I started the video. God bless this beautiful little angel.
Bless God all the people that made possible to gift her a future. Bless God them thousand times
2:28 Mother's tears of relief and joy
Que bonito ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
God bless this beautiful little girl and her family. ❤
Such a brave little angel!
Chorei também. Que benção. Mãe, você está de parabéns!!! E a médica, então?. Abençoados sejam todos vocês!!!
Blasted onion ninjas strike again! The ability to help those in need like this little girl is simply amazing. There are no words to truly express the happiness for this little girl and her family I have. Hugs, love, happiness to them.
Такое прилесное дитя, так нервничала а когда поняла что видит сразу успокоение, пусть детки будут счастливы, здоровы, невинные создания
The moments that make me proud to be human
Дети любой национальности на любой части земли прекрасны. Они ангелы.😊❤