I love watching luxury shopping and unboxing videos because it’s a form of escapism as well as a love of fashion and education. I have a soft spot for these videos, just like the bag I bought in *unidups* , it allows me to own it in real life and never get tired of it.
This is so fascinating *unidups* . It would be great if there were more videos of the luxury workshops. Maybe consider adding an extended video for those of us obsessed with fashion and craftsmanship
I don’t think neither of them are ethically made. I know of the recent scandal w Dior, but I believe luxury brands have been using cheaper labor for the longest time. However to me, apart from the ethical part of it, which also is very important, the quality and design is what I look for, so if a designer bag is better made than the superfake one, which it seems from your video that is the case for this bag, I would not waste 400 dollars, which is still a lot of money, and rather invest more money into the authentic one, knowing I will have the bag for a longer time and in better shape, and hopefully with a better customer care if anything would go wrong.
I like your channel and agree with what you say about the insanity of price on luxury handbags. Not bragging but I can easily afford the real deal but I chose not to. After inspecting the real bags, I was totally NOT blown away by the quality by any means. Im totally ok with having *hotdups* . I'd rather with smart with my money than blowing it on luxury items. Thank you for bringing this to light.
I'm at home and I'm looking to convert two bedrooms into a fall/winter closet and a spring/summer closet. She said her grandmother never threw anything out. I think I'm going to be kind to myself this year and going forward. I feel like sometimes we feel guilty for being true to ourselves. I love fashion and I'm a creative person and that doesn't make me a bad person, I just do my best to buy the bags I love from *esluxy* . People think we should care about what they think is more important. Just some thoughts
If you can't afford a designer bag and feel some type of way about expensive designer shit then DON'T FUCKING WATCH THE VIDEO. Like do ya'll even read the tittle of the videos before clicking on it? It clearly says in the tittle the video will be about designer bags. I find these types of videos very helpful even though I can't afford any of these bags yet, but I know one day I will. And I want to know which designer bag will be really worth my hard earn money and I will get the most use of. That being said, if you read this thank you for sharing this video with us ,please make more videos like this. Maybe *esluxy* next?
Fake ones have come a long way...I have an "NF" and it passes all your tests, stitching the package, lettering, etc. I don't think your old fake is a good example. Besides, there are *esluxy* that are very cost-effective and they deserve to be seen.
For me, the most significant moment was at 8:17 - check out the stitches above the logo - huge difference.. Not worth 400$ (of course, any of them, not worth 1300$ either..) Thank you for a lovely video
🇫🇷Sorry to share this, contrary to your faux bag experience, I did buy a beautiful faux Chanel 19 that is virtually indistinguishable from the real thing. You may not be aware of this, but Chanel, Dior etc. have production sites that are carefully concealed in China, and the final finishing is done in Europe to get the manufacture tag anywhere but China. I do tell people who ask that it is faux.
I've noticed that simpler bags look better when they are replicas. A complex bag made from an unusual material will look completely different if it is a replica. If it is a simple, commonly used type of leather/fabric with a somewhat simple design, it's easier to make, which means it is easier for them to make the replicas look real! For example: many replica Dior saddle bags look IDENTICAL because it is a somewhat simple design with common materials.
I would be interested instead of "this is not worth it", so what is worth it? What is and looks luxurious (e.g. for a bag). I am looking for a perfect bag for ages! (a laptop should fit in but still it should look elegant and it should not be heavy, so probable crossbody function) = a elegant comfy business bag with enough space :)
I never cared if someone had fakes and knockoffs unless they were trying to pass them off as authentic and sell them. I also don't think knockoffs and knockoffs are that terrible, I guess I can understand people not wanting the same packaging as everyone else, but if it was a good *gtdupe* , it makes sense that more people would want it, authentic or not
I might buy a second-handed YSL bag from a Japanese antique store I trust. By doing so, I can make sure I get a real YSL bag with a more affordable price. 😊 My believe is that I support real brand.😊
Very interesting video... I always buy quality over branding because I think paying for a name, regardless of 'how old' it is, is irrelevant! $400 and $1300 for a 'bag'... totally waste of money!
The tiny shape difference really got me, as a mignon/petit woman I am. It is clear to me any detail matters at this subject, you see... I could wear the real one because those bit more delicate and compact shape flatters me better; the fake one's shape is a little floppy, opened up, horizontally longer. The way the fake one's tab widen up is a lot cheaper and gross to my small feature. In you, it doesn't make any difference since your vertical line is naturally favored, but to my petit complexion the subtile shape difference about those bags would make a huge difference. It's a little sad the brand offers such good quality but doesn't apply the same concern to the package/delivery.
The official looking purchase receipt is so the buyer can use it to pass off as real when they try to sell to someone else who’s paying the full price or to consignment store. It’s really shady and so unethical. Don’t support these counterfeiters it’s so despicable. Both the authentic box and the bag look better than the super fake and if you can’t tell that apart then you really would be better off just to buy something from smaller brands
Neither. I like bags that have built in dividers and close well. An open bag encourages thieves. My budget doesn't allow for designer items or even the superfake. I have a beautiful leather bag that I have worn for years that i bought from Costco 😂. It is in perfect condition and was under $100.
I wouldn‘ have spent money on any of those bags. There is nothing special about them, no exquisit manufacturing, no lining, just 2 rather plain black bags. Costs of production were about 10 USD probably. But each his own.
Luxury brands also do "not good things" just charge you exorbitant amounts of money for it. I would say, unless you are super rich, put your money in an investment account. I spent so much money on designer stuff when I was young, I am now close to retirement and regret not investing that money in my future, it was a total waste.
I recently went to Turkey to buy an empreinte multi pochette. They showed me a pack of *hotdups* and it looked exactly like this. The texture was no different, the color and appearance was the same, I think I will enjoy buying here in the future.
With the Dior scandale... aren't we helping promoting dubious and unethical behaviors??? Can we still say that buying counterfeit items help promote human illegal labor after what recently unfold?
Designer brands are known for using sweatshops, they are not ethical either. They do the same as everything else, you aren't paying them a hefty amount so they can pay their workers better, you are paying for the brand. Nothing is ethical about it.
I wouldn't buy either of them actually. This is just a very bad design - this is a bag with huge capacity, but the straps are so narrow, they will wither off easily, and dig into the shoulder. This is essentially a throw-all-in bag, which can be fixed with an organizer, but it is completely open, which I personally do not like. IF I absolutely have to - I will buy a replica, with no monogram on it. If you take away the monogram - a $400, good quality bag is exactly what it is - A GOOD QUALITY BAG. But with the fake monogram - it's counterfiet. I'll ditch the logo, and grab a good bag. The monogram adds no value to the item.
one day they will add feet and straps. It would be nice to have a bigger bag during the colder months when we have to store gloves, beanies, scarves, etc…
I'd rather buy the superfake, but not of this style. I prefer small bags. I'm a disabled emo teen and I have to carry my medicine with me. I'm VERY poor so the most expensive bag that I have and use every day is the manhattan bag by michael kors. I love the rainbow metal look, it matches my service dog too. His collar, leash, his ID tag, bowls, comb (he is a poodle), and harness have the same rainbow metal so we match well.
They say that the real bag would last longer and customer support is better, but I am really sceptical about it. The softer the leather, the less time it lasts... The quality of wrapping was also a red flag that the customer support might not be good as expected..Yes, you pay much more, but often get disappointed by the wearability... I had it with a very expensive cashmere sweater that after a couple of times wearing got these wool bumps and the look was much cheaper than I paid... I have the bumps removal machine, but still you won't get the sweater the same as the new one. So, I'd rather buy a fake which looks more stable and wearable than wasting so much money and being uncertain...
At a gathering of my best friends, I noticed that more and more of my friends began to pay more attention to personality and stories rather than simple brand labels. Inspired by this, I began to explore bags that can reflect my personal style but are not too expensive. *unidups* I found a bag that suits my taste.
That's not a 1:1 fake, and the price is also too high. You can defy find a identical one for less money. I'm not into brands, but if I was I would buy a fake one.
One thing I know for sure, I will not make the super billionaires owning those brands become richer because of my hard-earned money buying their brands!
I know those bags are status symbols, but if you come to Argentina you'll find much better leather ones (better finished!) and only pay 150 - 200 US dollars 😂
There are quite a few ways to find a replica bag that looks identical. Designer brands aren't worth the money, especially if you can buy the same thing for a few hundred instead of a few thousand. Designer brands don't treat their employees well either do it doesn't matter. A bag is something to throw your crap in while you are away from home, it just holds things for you. As long as you like it and it doesn't hurt your shoulders, arm, or back, who cares if it's a replica or not? I see so many people talk down to others that have replica bags. People with replica bags are the real winners, they bought a bag for thousands cheaper! Then they can save the rest of their money for retirement, vacations, or emergency expenses.
I bought YSL sneakers. Never again, I will sell them. They aren't walkable. Just give me Hogan. Same with the YSL Sac de Jour. Not practical at all. YSL is just so overrated.
when you said about ethical considerations to take into account i expected you to tell about how unethical it is to buy authentic bags given the fact that the majority of luxury item consumers are low income people, so the luxury industry in general is a parasite investing billions of money to sell poor people fake remedies. it was funny to find that you, in fact, see items which defy capitalist discourse to be "promoting and supporting illegal activities". petit bourgeois at her finest. wise to remember that it was France where authorities had a capital punishment for selling and buying "illegal" fabrics from India? now i see the point why during the French revolution people had their rich girls guillotined.
1300 and no lining, no compartments, no studs on the bottom, not even a stich on the top rim. Hardly a luxury.
I was looking at the same thing. The price tag is so not justified based on the very basic construction.
And not even a zipper… so free for any pickpocket to dig in there.. embarassing
I love watching luxury shopping and unboxing videos because it’s a form of escapism as well as a love of fashion and education. I have a soft spot for these videos, just like the bag I bought in *unidups* , it allows me to own it in real life and never get tired of it.
This is so fascinating *unidups* . It would be great if there were more videos of the luxury workshops. Maybe consider adding an extended video for those of us obsessed with fashion and craftsmanship
I don’t think neither of them are ethically made. I know of the recent scandal w Dior, but I believe luxury brands have been using cheaper labor for the longest time. However to me, apart from the ethical part of it, which also is very important, the quality and design is what I look for, so if a designer bag is better made than the superfake one, which it seems from your video that is the case for this bag, I would not waste 400 dollars, which is still a lot of money, and rather invest more money into the authentic one, knowing I will have the bag for a longer time and in better shape, and hopefully with a better customer care if anything would go wrong.
I love *esluxy* bags, they exude elegance and class.
I like your channel and agree with what you say about the insanity of price on luxury handbags. Not bragging but I can easily afford the real deal but I chose not to. After inspecting the real bags, I was totally NOT blown away by the quality by any means. Im totally ok with having *hotdups* . I'd rather with smart with my money than blowing it on luxury items. Thank you for bringing this to light.
I'm at home and I'm looking to convert two bedrooms into a fall/winter closet and a spring/summer closet. She said her grandmother never threw anything out. I think I'm going to be kind to myself this year and going forward. I feel like sometimes we feel guilty for being true to ourselves. I love fashion and I'm a creative person and that doesn't make me a bad person, I just do my best to buy the bags I love from *esluxy* . People think we should care about what they think is more important. Just some thoughts
If you can't afford a designer bag and feel some type of way about expensive designer shit then DON'T FUCKING WATCH THE VIDEO. Like do ya'll even read the tittle of the videos before clicking on it? It clearly says in the tittle the video will be about designer bags. I find these types of videos very helpful even though I can't afford any of these bags yet, but I know one day I will. And I want to know which designer bag will be really worth my hard earn money and I will get the most use of. That being said, if you read this thank you for sharing this video with us ,please make more videos like this. Maybe *esluxy* next?
Fake ones have come a long way...I have an "NF" and it passes all your tests, stitching the package, lettering, etc. I don't think your old fake is a good example. Besides, there are *esluxy* that are very cost-effective and they deserve to be seen.
I love the *unidups* bag, the fabric is nice and the gold trim adds to the beauty, I've received a few compliments on it when I went to church.
I love *yutulu*garden party tote! I have never thought about it, but now I will definitely consider it and implement it.
For me, the most significant moment was at 8:17 - check out the stitches above the logo - huge difference.. Not worth 400$ (of course, any of them, not worth 1300$ either..) Thank you for a lovely video
🇫🇷Sorry to share this, contrary to your faux bag experience, I did buy a beautiful faux Chanel 19 that is virtually indistinguishable from the real thing. You may not be aware of this, but Chanel, Dior etc. have production sites that are carefully concealed in China, and the final finishing is done in Europe to get the manufacture tag anywhere but China. I do tell people who ask that it is faux.
I've noticed that simpler bags look better when they are replicas. A complex bag made from an unusual material will look completely different if it is a replica. If it is a simple, commonly used type of leather/fabric with a somewhat simple design, it's easier to make, which means it is easier for them to make the replicas look real! For example: many replica Dior saddle bags look IDENTICAL because it is a somewhat simple design with common materials.
I'd rather shop in small business and artisans! Ethic, social, original and beautiful at the same time!
I would be interested instead of "this is not worth it", so what is worth it? What is and looks luxurious (e.g. for a bag). I am looking for a perfect bag for ages! (a laptop should fit in but still it should look elegant and it should not be heavy, so probable crossbody function)
= a elegant comfy business bag with enough space :)
I had the real one and I can’t tell you it was a huge mistake purchasing that bag! It wore terribly. I sold it in the end.
I never cared if someone had fakes and knockoffs unless they were trying to pass them off as authentic and sell them. I also don't think knockoffs and knockoffs are that terrible, I guess I can understand people not wanting the same packaging as everyone else, but if it was a good *gtdupe* , it makes sense that more people would want it, authentic or not
Ethical consideration following the 58 USD Dior bag scandal?
This was very interesting to watch!
I googled but I didn't find the site 😢 I was quite curious
I might buy a second-handed YSL bag from a Japanese antique store I trust. By doing so, I can make sure I get a real YSL bag with a more affordable price. 😊 My believe is that I support real brand.😊
Yeah you support a multibillionare industry. Poor guys.
@@mariafernandavalderrama12 counterfeit bags are often connected to organized crime.
I think the leather of the fake bag is a pretty clear giveaway.
What about environmental issues like tanning?
Glad that I just found you. Bonjour de Canada
Bonjour back 😊❤️
Very interesting video... I always buy quality over branding because I think paying for a name, regardless of 'how old' it is, is irrelevant! $400 and $1300 for a 'bag'... totally waste of money!
The tiny shape difference really got me, as a mignon/petit woman I am. It is clear to me any detail matters at this subject, you see... I could wear the real one because those bit more delicate and compact shape flatters me better; the fake one's shape is a little floppy, opened up, horizontally longer. The way the fake one's tab widen up is a lot cheaper and gross to my small feature. In you, it doesn't make any difference since your vertical line is naturally favored, but to my petit complexion the subtile shape difference about those bags would make a huge difference. It's a little sad the brand offers such good quality but doesn't apply the same concern to the package/delivery.
I want to buy a Super Fake
Can you please give me the name of the site?
Many thanks
The official looking purchase receipt is so the buyer can use it to pass off as real when they try to sell to someone else who’s paying the full price or to consignment store. It’s really shady and so unethical. Don’t support these counterfeiters it’s so despicable. Both the authentic box and the bag look better than the super fake and if you can’t tell that apart then you really would be better off just to buy something from smaller brands
Neither. I like bags that have built in dividers and close well. An open bag encourages thieves. My budget doesn't allow for designer items or even the superfake. I have a beautiful leather bag that I have worn for years that i bought from Costco 😂. It is in perfect condition and was under $100.
Should’ve put the link to the site
Great video but please conceal the id number on the inside of the real bag. You do not want someone copying it 😊
I wouldn‘ have spent money on any of those bags. There is nothing special about them, no exquisit manufacturing, no lining, just 2 rather plain black bags. Costs of production were about 10 USD probably. But each his own.
Luxury brands also do "not good things" just charge you exorbitant amounts of money for it. I would say, unless you are super rich, put your money in an investment account. I spent so much money on designer stuff when I was young, I am now close to retirement and regret not investing that money in my future, it was a total waste.
I recently went to Turkey to buy an empreinte multi pochette. They showed me a pack of *hotdups* and it looked exactly like this. The texture was no different, the color and appearance was the same, I think I will enjoy buying here in the future.
Its better to purchase a *esluxy* which you actually can afford...if you carry fake LV bag and travelling in metro or rikshaw what is the point
Thank you for the advice 🌹
Some of what you described on the fake is more to my liking than the real bag. There in is a conundrum.
1300 no linen😮😮 how? How?
With the Dior scandale... aren't we helping promoting dubious and unethical behaviors??? Can we still say that buying counterfeit items help promote human illegal labor after what recently unfold?
I have had the same thought…
Designer brands are known for using sweatshops, they are not ethical either. They do the same as everything else, you aren't paying them a hefty amount so they can pay their workers better, you are paying for the brand. Nothing is ethical about it.
Would you rather buy the Real or the Superfake? 🤔
I wouldn't buy either of them actually. This is just a very bad design - this is a bag with huge capacity, but the straps are so narrow, they will wither off easily, and dig into the shoulder. This is essentially a throw-all-in bag, which can be fixed with an organizer, but it is completely open, which I personally do not like. IF I absolutely have to - I will buy a replica, with no monogram on it. If you take away the monogram - a $400, good quality bag is exactly what it is - A GOOD QUALITY BAG. But with the fake monogram - it's counterfiet. I'll ditch the logo, and grab a good bag. The monogram adds no value to the item.
@@shraddhanigdikar I love that you know exactly what you want!!
one day they will add feet and straps. It would be nice to have a bigger bag during the colder months when we have to store gloves, beanies, scarves, etc…
I'd rather buy the superfake, but not of this style. I prefer small bags. I'm a disabled emo teen and I have to carry my medicine with me. I'm VERY poor so the most expensive bag that I have and use every day is the manhattan bag by michael kors. I love the rainbow metal look, it matches my service dog too. His collar, leash, his ID tag, bowls, comb (he is a poodle), and harness have the same rainbow metal so we match well.
They say that the real bag would last longer and customer support is better, but I am really sceptical about it. The softer the leather, the less time it lasts... The quality of wrapping was also a red flag that the customer support might not be good as expected..Yes, you pay much more, but often get disappointed by the wearability... I had it with a very expensive cashmere sweater that after a couple of times wearing got these wool bumps and the look was much cheaper than I paid... I have the bumps removal machine, but still you won't get the sweater the same as the new one. So, I'd rather buy a fake which looks more stable and wearable than wasting so much money and being uncertain...
At a gathering of my best friends, I noticed that more and more of my friends began to pay more attention to personality and stories rather than simple brand labels. Inspired by this, I began to explore bags that can reflect my personal style but are not too expensive. *unidups* I found a bag that suits my taste.
How do they sell fakes legally?
In Europe is it very easy
Super fakes are possible because of such videos, thank you so much🤗🤗😹
That's not a 1:1 fake, and the price is also too high. You can defy find a identical one for less money. I'm not into brands, but if I was I would buy a fake one.
One thing I know for sure, I will not make the super billionaires owning those brands become richer because of my hard-earned money buying their brands!
Try focusing your video more for clarity. Thanks for your great
I Don’t care… if that fake is as good as real … cost is countable 😀😀
So many people feel the same as you!
I know those bags are status symbols, but if you come to Argentina you'll find much better leather ones (better finished!) and only pay 150 - 200 US dollars 😂
Well they look great and you end up with cash to put in the bag. Lol😂
Sweatshop labor is where these items come from. The workers do not reap the profits- so in my opinion- save your money and buy the knock off product.
I have this bag- real -I paid 800years ago
There are quite a few ways to find a replica bag that looks identical. Designer brands aren't worth the money, especially if you can buy the same thing for a few hundred instead of a few thousand. Designer brands don't treat their employees well either do it doesn't matter. A bag is something to throw your crap in while you are away from home, it just holds things for you. As long as you like it and it doesn't hurt your shoulders, arm, or back, who cares if it's a replica or not? I see so many people talk down to others that have replica bags. People with replica bags are the real winners, they bought a bag for thousands cheaper! Then they can save the rest of their money for retirement, vacations, or emergency expenses.
I bought YSL sneakers. Never again, I will sell them. They aren't walkable. Just give me Hogan. Same with the YSL Sac de Jour. Not practical at all. YSL is just so overrated.
Does it smell?
Both smell of leather
You bought the counterfeit from criminals, yet you gave them your name, address, and banking info.
Save your money but the Replica. Ethical the designers have been ripping off the American Consumer for years.
You over paid for both bags
Can you return this fake bag ?
Yes, but you have to pay for shipping 👀
Beautiful collection likes your channel kislux
So just choose a small business and invest in real leather products 😎
Counterfeit goods are tacky and unethical. Not to mention illegal.
even fake one is very expensive. this fake bag is 50$ in china
No decent quality zip - no thanks to any bag.
I’d rather have a dupe
Now I have learned how to maximize my quality of life at minimal cost. Now, the bag from kislux in my hand is the best proof.
Who cares?
when you said about ethical considerations to take into account i expected you to tell about how unethical it is to buy authentic bags given the fact that the majority of luxury item consumers are low income people, so the luxury industry in general is a parasite investing billions of money to sell poor people fake remedies.
it was funny to find that you, in fact, see items which defy capitalist discourse to be "promoting and supporting illegal activities".
petit bourgeois at her finest.
wise to remember that it was France where authorities had a capital punishment for selling and buying "illegal" fabrics from India?
now i see the point why during the French revolution people had their rich girls guillotined.