Good intro to how to play 40k. I've been playing for a while, so a lot of this is old hand to me. If I was still learning, I feel like this would help me learn as a breezy but accurate summary of a turn. The text rules can feel overwhelming, but they cover a lot of edge cases that may only rarely come up.
I also started collecting 40k after Vince started talking about 40k. Been interested for ages, but was finally convinced to bite the bullet. I love the aesthetic of the T'au mech suits, so that's what I went for. What army did you get into?
@@adamhanson5565 I'm with you there. Started with the first strike box to learn the game then went for the tau start collecting as I also love their aesthetic and lore.
Super happy to see more channels continue to grow the community. Thank you again for your videos. Also, I'd like to welcome all the new players coming into 9th edition! Hope yall enjoy the game!
Every week you pump out one of these Warhammer videos my interest in the hobby rises. I've played a bit before but never got as far in it as I did Magic.
I love this content. Started becoming interested in 40k because of you and this channel. My buddy was always into it and has not played much since 5th edition, so going into 9th is going to be a fun journey for both of us. Thank you Vince!
for people looking to get into warhammer a good starting point that you can still find are the boxes dark imperium ( they do not make them anymore but you can find on ebay), know no fear and first strike. i've started 40k this year and got those boxes ( the death guard part, because i'am a filth heretic), and you can split with a friend.
FER DA EMPARUH! I am just getting back into the hobby myself and the new ninth edition is part of the reason why. I am excited to continue adding to my Sisters of Battle Army with the newer plastic models and the interesting changes to Acts of Faith. I just finished reading a Sisters of Battle novella and am (re-)hooked! Really loving the new 40K content. Be Kind, Be Calm, Stay Safe, Blue
Thank you so much for this series, Vince; I've just caught up on Warhammer Wednesdays after feeling a little burnt out of Magic, and am considering picking up the Indomitus set which will probably arrive by December. 40k is really capturing the wonder and fantasy that drew me to Magic in the first place! Could I request a video on building and painting your first models, including what you'll need and how much of it (e.g. what glue should you use and how many models you can expect out of one tube of it)? Perhaps even some suggestions for first sets to build and paint for someone completely new to hobbying? I've always believed my fine motor skills were bad (though they can't be awful given my profession, I suppose), so any advice and step-by-step guides here would be really useful. Either way, looking forward to watching more!
Excellent! I would love to see more turn-internals and step by step stuff as I myself am very much into the modelling and painting aspects but still quite intimidated by the game itself.
Oh. Thank you. I'm becoming interested in Warhammer. But it has been confusing. Your Magic analogies have made the process of understanding it much easier.
Awesome! Nice to get a quick overview of the parts of a turn and the general flow of the game. It seems like most of the gameplay consists of moving units and rolling the dice to see what happens, taking into account abilities of each army/unit via codex lookups. Is there any need to keep notes on strength of each unit or other parameters as you go along, or do things like damage essentially heal at the end of each turn?
Yes, at first glance it would seem that the majority of the game is moving and rolling dice, but there is much more to it. Army composition is a big deal, as is strategical resource- and risk management. For your other question: Wounds do not heal automatically. (some armies get stratagems or other specialways to heal lost wounds, but you have to invest resources.) Most basic infantry also only have one wound, so if you wound a model once, it gets removed from play. For tanks and monsters, their effectiveness in battle starts to deteriorate when they take wounds.
Not gonna lie, your videos are somewhat tempting me to get back into the hobby a little. I played some 40k, AT-43 and A LOT of Lord of the Rings until about 10 years ago. But then I see that their prices have quadrupled (!) since I last played. Kind of incredible that GW is still in business despite this.
It seems like going first is really powerful? More so than in magic for example. The Necrons don't get a chance to shoot at the Marines charging at them? I'm surprised the Necrons can't shoot or move right after the marines can. Maybe it's fine? Can anyone chime in?
Interested to try out the new edition. I've played through... three(?) editions now and this'll be my fourth. Even as a 40K vet, I appreciate the video.
@PleasantKenobi just want to point out that to get a super smite you need a roll above a ten. Dont know if it changed with 9th but the text on screen says that, great video and very helpful for a newbie.
Its interesting to see the changes they have made over the years. I feel if I jumped back in a lot would come back, some new stuff i would pick up fast, but there would definitely be changes that would keep tripping me up.
Great video PK! I was playing during the 2nd to 3rd edition switch and I remember how much simpler it got then... around the same time as Interrupts were folded into Instants in Magic 6th Edition haha, it was a good time for rules nerds. Looks like things have crept back up again in complexity!! But also looks really fun still haha :)
Nice video, since I saw you tweet about the game recently and since then I've been obsessed with watching battle reports, looking for armies, etc. I would buy a full army in a heartbeat if I had people to play with but I'm super far away from any stores where I could play :(
Gaming is not restricted to stores or anything. Sometimes there are gaming clubs, sometimes private meet-ups. I`d recommend joining a forum or a big fb-group (for example ,,Warhammer 40k fans", with 38.000 members one of the biggest tabletop groups on Facebook.) There you could ask if there are other players in your vicinity
i know that warrior have a save of 4+, but those models are immortals(beefed up warriors) and they have a 3+ save, therefore 2 of those immortals would have survived, you did what you said about the rules, but just to mention about the models used
Yes. I only had 5 warriors with differing guns available for today - so after I had filmed the audio I didnt want to re-record audio parts and make the video delayed. So you are right, but for simplicities sake I essentually proxied them as Warriors. :)
You can't move your units inside the Engagement Range of the opponents models. 1" horizontally, 5" vertically. So Wing of Sanguinius can't be used to fly in front of their face for example. You can only get inside the range with charging or maybe a strategem or special abilities. Your models wouldn't also be able to shoot now when they are engaged unless special rules. Edit: When I look at it again it probably is slightly out of the 1", so everything is fine :D But still something to remember!
Hey PK, I actually just started becoming interested in Warhammer and miniature painting recently. I’ve been playing magic since Coldsnap and I feel like the last few years have been some of the worst in my time playing. So I’m looking for a new hobby and this seems interesting to me. However, I’m still a bit confused on some things. With the current release of 9th edition, I’m finding it difficult to figure out how to build a Nurgle Daemon army. I don’t quite understand how the points system works and what all I can play with. I’d like to start off with a playable and at least somewhat decent list, but nothing huge. Any suggestions for ol’ grandfather Nurgle? On a side note, is it okay to use different models to represent things? I’m not a huge fan of the look of plaguebearers, and I found these mushroom guys that should be around the same height. Would that be fine to play?
This is definitely something I want to get back into. With the introduction of the Adeptus Custodes (fueled by my adoration for the Text-To-Speech series) and what I understand have been some positive changes for the Craftworld Eldar (Aeldari?), I'm curious if I can make room in my budget for little plastic alchemical warriors and space elves.
This was a super nice video, and I'm looking forward to trying out the gameplay. It seems like smite would quickly become lame because it's available to every psycher, but maybe that's just because I have a hard-on for the customization element.
I played from 1988-2006, took a LOOOONG break but I've always lurked while new stuff came out. A friend just hooked me up with a pile of Tau stuff, was mainly just planning to build and paint it but I might have to get back in with 9th. The game seems more stable rules-wise than it has been previously, I just hope they don't screw that up as they release codexes and other rules. One question - where did you get that terrain from? Is it modular, or is that just how it's printed? Great looking stuff, BTW!!
the app is not delayed, GW confirmed coming out this Friday (7/24), just so you know, Vince! We get access to all that goodness tomorrow! whoo!! :D really looking forward to getting my Sisters of Battle and my Tyranids rolling in 9th ed!
so.. I haven't managed to find an answer in the rules for this one: you shoot with a vecicle against a model. In ebtween there is cover that I cant see through but the model is partly visible outside the outline of the terrain so I can shoot according to the rules. Now.. do i measure the closest distance between the vehicle and the model getting shot at even if it passes through the terrain or do i have to measure from a part from the vehicle that can see outside the terrain? IN my last case I had a Hellhound that if I measured through the terrain I was in range. But if i had to measure outside the terrain I was out of range..
Ooh that Mephiston wrap might have been a bit cagey on a 5-incher ;) another banger though, Vince! I'm sure a lot of new players are finding this stuff super helpful.
Niiice mate, which side you picking up from the box? Any idea how you want to paint them yet? (Though you definitely don't have to make up your mind just yet, just curious, particularly if it's space marines and you're choosing a chapter) Hope you both enjoy it heaps, and get more than a few laughs and epic battles out of it 😁
The fact that everyone does his thing while the other just watches is common or the stratagems make it more interactive? Because it feels sad to see your army being shot and not even move nor shot back.
In Xwing, both players share a turn, so this whole "one player does everything" just seems odd to me. Going second seems like ir would be a huge disadvantage
Multiple Stratagems work like instants in Magic. So for example, you can reduce all incoming damage to a Dreadnought by an amount, or get a dying character to fight back on last time. Some units can even respond to actions. The robotic cavalry of the Ad Mech can move in response to a charge. As for going second being a huge disadvantage; you can keep units off the table with Deep Strike and Strategic Reserves in order to protect them from first turn fire - or you can deploy your units with the aim of breaking line of sight and wasting alot of the first turns firing options - forcing them to make decisions about maneuvering, or staying back themselves. In Warhammer you have to expect units to die - something I'm still getting used to. So often, its about offering up trades or distractions to push your opponent to do things they don't want to do. Or making them take hard decisions.
@@PleasantKenobi that makes sense, thanks. I didn't even consider the possibility of not deploying everything before round 1. Thanks PK! I saw Warhammer Killteam a while back and have thought about giving that a try since it's much less of an investment than a huge army. Your vids are making it more enticing
The problem I've encountered with 40K is that it has no easy or inexpensive entry point for beginning gamers. You must dive in with a $120~$200 starter kit, not including glue, paint, and the time to build your army. And that's not even mentioning the cost of the Codex. I've heard people recommend buying a pre-built army from a player on eBay, but Games Workshop really needs to address this with a product that they produce. Other makers of "expensive" games (ahem, Magic: The Gathering) have entry level products like Planeswalker and Challenge decks that give a relatively inexpensive entry point and ramp into playing the game. There was a time when GW did have an entry level product where you got a squad of Space Marines and a squad of Tyranids and you and a friend could face off with these, and it only cost about $50 but they stopped making it a long time ago. I had a lot of fun demoing this and I wish it was still something they produced.
What you are talking about is what GW calls a "Starter Box". GW does usually have a Starter Box in circulation with only short spells between editions where they are changing things up. The current (but soon to be removed and hopefully replaced) Starter Box is called "Dark Imperium". This (and all previous Starter boxes) contain measuring sticks, dataslates (the model rules) for every model in the box, a miniature version of the basic core rules, dice and some other useful gaming tools. The only things the Starter Boxes don't contain is glue, clippers, modelling knife, paints and brushes to get started with the hobby. Most people feel the Starter Boxes are good value for money but that does not mean they are cheap (because they aren't). Kill Team is probably the best example of entry level product that GW offers for 40k but that is actually a different game, just in the same setting that uses the same models.
I haven't played it or know how good it would actually be for beginners, but the first strike product seems to fill what you are looking for.
@@knightofthefallen7416 This is kind of what I mean. The cheapest price I saw on Amazon was $275. That's a pretty steep price for someone who might only want to dip their toe into the game to see if they like it. GW needs a better ramp product, or a budget entry version that uses the full rules at a more reasonable price point. Get them in at $50~70, then sell them addons at $50 a pop. Pretty soon you're at a full army without feeling like you had to do a deep dive at a $300 price point.
Ive done an entire video talking about building armies for £50ish pounds. I've also done one talking about paints and modelling supplies. Plastic glue, clippers and paint won't set you back more than £30-35 I donf quite understand where all of these 200-300 price tags are being pulled from. Its true that Magic has a cheaper entry point with those planeswalker decks etc. But once you get past that into any format barring Kitchen Table, the game becomes far more expensive. Commander can be done on the cheap, but even those precons are £40.
You make a lot of adjustment to pieces and make dice roles unexplained while simultaneously explaining concepts. As someone who has never touched the game once, this was quite confusing. For example, discussing the rolls to hit during shooting phase you take an extra inconsequential roll before your actual rolls which left me confused thinking I was missing apart of that phase or misunderstanding what it took to hit. You do something similar again when explaining wounds as you simply state "the enemy removes some models." then you remove 4 models while the dice roll seemed to indicate for you to remove two. Im assuming you did the other rolls and killed those models but you did not explain or show this in any way. Great video quality and overall well made content, i had trouble understanding some of the things you said clearly though. edit: im realizing now that in example two you removed 4 models I think because the rapid fire 1 allowed each model to fire twice?
Wednesday has quickly become my favorite day
Good intro to how to play 40k. I've been playing for a while, so a lot of this is old hand to me. If I was still learning, I feel like this would help me learn as a breezy but accurate summary of a turn. The text rules can feel overwhelming, but they cover a lot of edge cases that may only rarely come up.
Thank you for genuinely reminding me it is indeed Wednesday
I've started collecting the figures after this series started. My wallet thanks you.
Sell the wallet, you won’t need it.
I also started collecting 40k after Vince started talking about 40k. Been interested for ages, but was finally convinced to bite the bullet.
I love the aesthetic of the T'au mech suits, so that's what I went for. What army did you get into?
Really took that heavy cash weighing down the poor old wallet huh?
@@adamhanson5565 I'm with you there. Started with the first strike box to learn the game then went for the tau start collecting as I also love their aesthetic and lore.
Getting into 40k from you and started with the T'au. For the Greater Good!
*gurgling tyranid noises*
Super happy to see more channels continue to grow the community. Thank you again for your videos. Also, I'd like to welcome all the new players coming into 9th edition! Hope yall enjoy the game!
Vince, you're videos always bring a smile to my face. Keep being you!
Every week you pump out one of these Warhammer videos my interest in the hobby rises. I've played a bit before but never got as far in it as I did Magic.
I came here as a 27 year veteran of Warhammer 40k. This is good content. Thanks for doing this. And welcome to the hobby!
I love this content. Started becoming interested in 40k because of you and this channel. My buddy was always into it and has not played much since 5th edition, so going into 9th is going to be a fun journey for both of us. Thank you Vince!
One of the most helpful videos I've watched in a week since I started trying to learn.
for people looking to get into warhammer a good starting point that you can still find are the boxes dark imperium ( they do not make them anymore but you can find on ebay), know no fear and first strike. i've started 40k this year and got those boxes ( the death guard part, because i'am a filth heretic), and you can split with a friend.
I recommended your channel to a friend who has been posting Warhammer images on Instagram. I'm here for the Magic. Thanks for the content.
Really nice start summary! Nice and simple. This was well done, man!
I’ve been looking for a video like this for weeks
Thank you
Filming on this video was awesome Vince. Really looked good 👍
I pre ordered the indomitus box with a friend because of your series. I am actually excited to play warhammer
I am just getting back into the hobby myself and the new ninth edition is part of the reason why. I am excited to continue adding to my Sisters of Battle Army with the newer plastic models and the interesting changes to Acts of Faith. I just finished reading a Sisters of Battle novella and am (re-)hooked! Really loving the new 40K content.
Be Kind, Be Calm, Stay Safe,
Thank you so much for this series, Vince; I've just caught up on Warhammer Wednesdays after feeling a little burnt out of Magic, and am considering picking up the Indomitus set which will probably arrive by December. 40k is really capturing the wonder and fantasy that drew me to Magic in the first place!
Could I request a video on building and painting your first models, including what you'll need and how much of it (e.g. what glue should you use and how many models you can expect out of one tube of it)? Perhaps even some suggestions for first sets to build and paint for someone completely new to hobbying? I've always believed my fine motor skills were bad (though they can't be awful given my profession, I suppose), so any advice and step-by-step guides here would be really useful. Either way, looking forward to watching more!
Excellent! I would love to see more turn-internals and step by step stuff as I myself am very much into the modelling and painting aspects but still quite intimidated by the game itself.
Oh. Thank you. I'm becoming interested in Warhammer. But it has been confusing. Your Magic analogies have made the process of understanding it much easier.
This was very helpful and I look forward to more gameplay and battle reports from you.
Awesome! Nice to get a quick overview of the parts of a turn and the general flow of the game. It seems like most of the gameplay consists of moving units and rolling the dice to see what happens, taking into account abilities of each army/unit via codex lookups. Is there any need to keep notes on strength of each unit or other parameters as you go along, or do things like damage essentially heal at the end of each turn?
Oh hey man! Live your vids, didn’t expect to see you here!
James Blair Hard to resist a good PK video!
Wounds are kept track of, usually with dice.
Yes, at first glance it would seem that the majority of the game is moving and rolling dice, but there is much more to it. Army composition is a big deal, as is strategical resource- and risk management.
For your other question: Wounds do not heal automatically. (some armies get stratagems or other specialways to heal lost wounds, but you have to invest resources.) Most basic infantry also only have one wound, so if you wound a model once, it gets removed from play. For tanks and monsters, their effectiveness in battle starts to deteriorate when they take wounds.
LOVE LOVE LOVE, Vince. THanks for doing this!
Not gonna lie, your videos are somewhat tempting me to get back into the hobby a little. I played some 40k, AT-43 and A LOT of Lord of the Rings until about 10 years ago. But then I see that their prices have quadrupled (!) since I last played. Kind of incredible that GW is still in business despite this.
I love these videos about your journey into 40k
I’m gonna use this to teach myself how to play once I get my armies up and running. Thanks dude!
It seems like going first is really powerful? More so than in magic for example. The Necrons don't get a chance to shoot at the Marines charging at them? I'm surprised the Necrons can't shoot or move right after the marines can. Maybe it's fine? Can anyone chime in?
Great video! Can’t wait for that battle report in the future
Right before you started this series I just wanted to paint, now I have a combat patrol of sisters and got a friend into kill team
Very well presented and enjoyable. Great work
Interested to try out the new edition. I've played through... three(?) editions now and this'll be my fourth. Even as a 40K vet, I appreciate the video.
Necrons - > Spray with Leadbelcher spray can. Add green highlights on guns.
@PleasantKenobi just want to point out that to get a super smite you need a roll above a ten. Dont know if it changed with 9th but the text on screen says that, great video and very helpful for a newbie.
Its interesting to see the changes they have made over the years. I feel if I jumped back in a lot would come back, some new stuff i would pick up fast, but there would definitely be changes that would keep tripping me up.
This was extremely helpful thank you for taking the time to make this.
Great video PK! I was playing during the 2nd to 3rd edition switch and I remember how much simpler it got then... around the same time as Interrupts were folded into Instants in Magic 6th Edition haha, it was a good time for rules nerds. Looks like things have crept back up again in complexity!! But also looks really fun still haha :)
Didn't realize how much I'd enjoy watching Vince play with himself in WH40K. But I did.
I genuinlly look forward to these videos! Thank u sm!
"Blood angels. They're not exceptionally *good* at melee combat, but they're really, *really* into it. And I mean REALLY into it."
Blood Angels are actually very good in melee and they want to be in melee because they get rekt by the other better shooting armies like Tau
Nice video, since I saw you tweet about the game recently and since then I've been obsessed with watching battle reports, looking for armies, etc. I would buy a full army in a heartbeat if I had people to play with but I'm super far away from any stores where I could play :(
Gaming is not restricted to stores or anything. Sometimes there are gaming clubs, sometimes private meet-ups. I`d recommend joining a forum or a big fb-group (for example ,,Warhammer 40k fans", with 38.000 members one of the biggest tabletop groups on Facebook.) There you could ask if there are other players in your vicinity
@@seasick8828 good call I'll try that maybe I'm lucky and there is some other lost soul in the middle of nowhere near to me :D
Great video! I think the way you cut through would be perfect for a neat, succinct, battle report that doesn't go over an hour
i know that warrior have a save of 4+, but those models are immortals(beefed up warriors) and they have a 3+ save, therefore 2 of those immortals would have survived, you did what you said about the rules, but just to mention about the models used
Yes. I only had 5 warriors with differing guns available for today - so after I had filmed the audio I didnt want to re-record audio parts and make the video delayed.
So you are right, but for simplicities sake I essentually proxied them as Warriors. :)
I'd be interested to see a battle report from you playing those smaller games.
I think it'd be a neat video is all.
You can't move your units inside the Engagement Range of the opponents models. 1" horizontally, 5" vertically. So Wing of Sanguinius can't be used to fly in front of their face for example. You can only get inside the range with charging or maybe a strategem or special abilities.
Your models wouldn't also be able to shoot now when they are engaged unless special rules.
Edit: When I look at it again it probably is slightly out of the 1", so everything is fine :D
But still something to remember!
Yeah. You can move outside of 1 inch, and no one fired whilst in close combat in this video...
Hey PK, I actually just started becoming interested in Warhammer and miniature painting recently. I’ve been playing magic since Coldsnap and I feel like the last few years have been some of the worst in my time playing. So I’m looking for a new hobby and this seems interesting to me. However, I’m still a bit confused on some things. With the current release of 9th edition, I’m finding it difficult to figure out how to build a Nurgle Daemon army. I don’t quite understand how the points system works and what all I can play with. I’d like to start off with a playable and at least somewhat decent list, but nothing huge. Any suggestions for ol’ grandfather Nurgle?
On a side note, is it okay to use different models to represent things? I’m not a huge fan of the look of plaguebearers, and I found these mushroom guys that should be around the same height. Would that be fine to play?
God I haven't played in years !!! I wonder if I still have mine about
the "Super smite" is not in 10 or more, is only if you score more than 10, meaning 11, because 12 is perils.
Personally I like the lore story and setting of this so would love to hear more of that. But do what you enjoy I'm sure it will be entertaining.
I did not notice you already uploaded a playlist of Warhammer. Brb, I'm catching up
I fucking love the title sequence for Warhammer Wednesday.
This is definitely something I want to get back into. With the introduction of the Adeptus Custodes (fueled by my adoration for the Text-To-Speech series) and what I understand have been some positive changes for the Craftworld Eldar (Aeldari?), I'm curious if I can make room in my budget for little plastic alchemical warriors and space elves.
Gotta see that pleasant kenobi v midwinter minis battle report!
This was a super nice video, and I'm looking forward to trying out the gameplay. It seems like smite would quickly become lame because it's available to every psycher, but maybe that's just because I have a hard-on for the customization element.
I played from 1988-2006, took a LOOOONG break but I've always lurked while new stuff came out. A friend just hooked me up with a pile of Tau stuff, was mainly just planning to build and paint it but I might have to get back in with 9th. The game seems more stable rules-wise than it has been previously, I just hope they don't screw that up as they release codexes and other rules.
One question - where did you get that terrain from? Is it modular, or is that just how it's printed? Great looking stuff, BTW!!
the app is not delayed, GW confirmed coming out this Friday (7/24), just so you know, Vince! We get access to all that goodness tomorrow! whoo!! :D really looking forward to getting my Sisters of Battle and my Tyranids rolling in 9th ed!
so.. I haven't managed to find an answer in the rules for this one: you shoot with a vecicle against a model. In ebtween there is cover that I cant see through but the model is partly visible outside the outline of the terrain so I can shoot according to the rules. Now.. do i measure the closest distance between the vehicle and the model getting shot at even if it passes through the terrain or do i have to measure from a part from the vehicle that can see outside the terrain? IN my last case I had a Hellhound that if I measured through the terrain I was in range. But if i had to measure outside the terrain I was out of range..
Great video dude. My only critic is to slow down lol no rush
I like the terrain, do we know who is selling this?
Hi man, what are your opinions about kill team?
Hopefully be playing my first game in 6 years this weekend. Vidoe was great, thanks.
Good luck!
@@PleasantKenobi my dark eldar got beat down by big old space marines. Made lots of mistakes but had fun... and that's what it's all about?!
Thank you for this video!
Ooh that Mephiston wrap might have been a bit cagey on a 5-incher ;) another banger though, Vince! I'm sure a lot of new players are finding this stuff super helpful.
Mephiston flies untill next Psychic phase. He flew directly over them. :)
Sanguinary Guard have always been my favorite unit on the tabletop. But God I hate those wings. They look super dope, but always fall off for me
I’m very confused: how do you get mana?
5/7 would watch again
now for the elphant in the room: where can i get that terrain, especially the necron parts?
Read GW wasn't doing new 9th ed Codexs, sticking with 8th... hope that was right!
best day of the week
what about Overwatch when they charge?
Going splitsies with a friend for the new box and getting into this unique, money sucking game. Can't wait to join the rest of you saucy boys.
Niiice mate, which side you picking up from the box? Any idea how you want to paint them yet? (Though you definitely don't have to make up your mind just yet, just curious, particularly if it's space marines and you're choosing a chapter)
Hope you both enjoy it heaps, and get more than a few laughs and epic battles out of it 😁
@@tomgeytenbeek2207 Space Marines, though I'm still deciding the chapter atm.
Im curious to see if Brian would try combat patrol 😈
Ps battlescribe is a ap 3 party to help make list and conte point for you
Bro, where's you Warhammer Wednesday video for July 29th?!?
Can every day be Wednesday?
The fact that everyone does his thing while the other just watches is common or the stratagems make it more interactive? Because it feels sad to see your army being shot and not even move nor shot back.
In Xwing, both players share a turn, so this whole "one player does everything" just seems odd to me. Going second seems like ir would be a huge disadvantage
Multiple Stratagems work like instants in Magic. So for example, you can reduce all incoming damage to a Dreadnought by an amount, or get a dying character to fight back on last time. Some units can even respond to actions. The robotic cavalry of the Ad Mech can move in response to a charge.
As for going second being a huge disadvantage; you can keep units off the table with Deep Strike and Strategic Reserves in order to protect them from first turn fire - or you can deploy your units with the aim of breaking line of sight and wasting alot of the first turns firing options - forcing them to make decisions about maneuvering, or staying back themselves.
In Warhammer you have to expect units to die - something I'm still getting used to. So often, its about offering up trades or distractions to push your opponent to do things they don't want to do. Or making them take hard decisions.
@@PleasantKenobi that makes sense, thanks. I didn't even consider the possibility of not deploying everything before round 1. Thanks PK!
I saw Warhammer Killteam a while back and have thought about giving that a try since it's much less of an investment than a huge army. Your vids are making it more enticing
"Notice me senpai" killed me
I’m now die hard T’au ! For the greater good !
Im still baffled that not only did Vince get into warhammer, but he also selected the same army i play
Are you going to make a second channnel for 40k cause I need more of this in my life
Nope. Second channels are a foolish idea on TH-cam for the most part. All my content will be here.
PleasantKenobi fair enough then I can just hope for more 40k then
The problem I've encountered with 40K is that it has no easy or inexpensive entry point for beginning gamers. You must dive in with a $120~$200 starter kit, not including glue, paint, and the time to build your army. And that's not even mentioning the cost of the Codex. I've heard people recommend buying a pre-built army from a player on eBay, but Games Workshop really needs to address this with a product that they produce. Other makers of "expensive" games (ahem, Magic: The Gathering) have entry level products like Planeswalker and Challenge decks that give a relatively inexpensive entry point and ramp into playing the game. There was a time when GW did have an entry level product where you got a squad of Space Marines and a squad of Tyranids and you and a friend could face off with these, and it only cost about $50 but they stopped making it a long time ago. I had a lot of fun demoing this and I wish it was still something they produced.
What you are talking about is what GW calls a "Starter Box". GW does usually have a Starter Box in circulation with only short spells between editions where they are changing things up. The current (but soon to be removed and hopefully replaced) Starter Box is called "Dark Imperium".
This (and all previous Starter boxes) contain measuring sticks, dataslates (the model rules) for every model in the box, a miniature version of the basic core rules, dice and some other useful gaming tools. The only things the Starter Boxes don't contain is glue, clippers, modelling knife, paints and brushes to get started with the hobby.
Most people feel the Starter Boxes are good value for money but that does not mean they are cheap (because they aren't). Kill Team is probably the best example of entry level product that GW offers for 40k but that is actually a different game, just in the same setting that uses the same models.
I haven't played it or know how good it would actually be for beginners, but the first strike product seems to fill what you are looking for.
@@knightofthefallen7416 This is kind of what I mean. The cheapest price I saw on Amazon was $275. That's a pretty steep price for someone who might only want to dip their toe into the game to see if they like it. GW needs a better ramp product, or a budget entry version that uses the full rules at a more reasonable price point. Get them in at $50~70, then sell them addons at $50 a pop. Pretty soon you're at a full army without feeling like you had to do a deep dive at a $300 price point.
@@motomike71 I was agreeing with you about cost but they do provide something that you claimed they didn't anymore. Was just clarifying on that matter
Ive done an entire video talking about building armies for £50ish pounds. I've also done one talking about paints and modelling supplies.
Plastic glue, clippers and paint won't set you back more than £30-35
I donf quite understand where all of these 200-300 price tags are being pulled from.
Its true that Magic has a cheaper entry point with those planeswalker decks etc. But once you get past that into any format barring Kitchen Table, the game becomes far more expensive. Commander can be done on the cheap, but even those precons are £40.
Ghazz enjoyed this video
That placement of the last model in the first pile in was questionable. You can’t have the bases on top of each other. But still great tutorial!
Ugh Vince I don't have time or money to start another hobby but... boy this is interesting.
Are you still making content?
I put out a battle report in Wednesday! Hope you enjoy it.
You make a lot of adjustment to pieces and make dice roles unexplained while simultaneously explaining concepts. As someone who has never touched the game once, this was quite confusing. For example, discussing the rolls to hit during shooting phase you take an extra inconsequential roll before your actual rolls which left me confused thinking I was missing apart of that phase or misunderstanding what it took to hit. You do something similar again when explaining wounds as you simply state "the enemy removes some models." then you remove 4 models while the dice roll seemed to indicate for you to remove two. Im assuming you did the other rolls and killed those models but you did not explain or show this in any way. Great video quality and overall well made content, i had trouble understanding some of the things you said clearly though.
edit: im realizing now that in example two you removed 4 models I think because the rapid fire 1 allowed each model to fire twice?
Needs more WAAAAAAAAGGGH!!!!!
I’ll never be able to afford warhammer so I’m only feeding the algorithm for you milky milky boi. ENGAGEMENT ENGAGEMENT WOOOOOO MILK!1!
Warhammer is cheaper than most Magic formats.
Liked it, kinda get it, probably wont invest in it lol.
algorythmic puropose
I saw those Necrons and for a moment thought you had joined our side.....
One day
I'm building Necrons myself out of Indomitus, with some Warriors, a Stalker and Szeras to add to that.
Too bad you chose the lesser angels. Darke Angels are always better. I'm joking of course, I am happy to see more 40k content.
410th century mate, 41st would be 4000s not 40,000s
Shooting phase is when you drink shooter
Sounds cool but I already play video games, magic the gathering and DnD.
So this is a Warhammer channel now?
yes on wednesdays. Didnt you see the intro?
So this is wednesday now?
Holy crap shits changed since 4th edition.
Fun fact: Necrons aren't connected to the warp
No offense need a better camera to do this.
I need a better lense.