I should get back to glueing and priming my Thousand Sons army… or glueing and priming my Adeptus Mechanicus… or start painting my Deathwatch… or finish painting my Space Marines… Thanks Vince for introducing me to this addiction, I mean, hobby…
An extra tip, don't pick an army to play based off of rules. Rules will change. Just pick the army that speaks to you, model wise, story wise. Also Vincent, Apocalypse is the game type that allows crazy amount of points and models.
I picked orks as my first army. Just because the lore is best. Currently... Most of the )th edition up-to-date armies mop up my boyz with no sweat, but I don't care. I am having blast since you can do simple, but stupid stuff with orks. Though my pals do say everything in my orks they have faced is scary as hell, while their armies do have non-scary parts that are just for chaff. Still, can't wait to kitbash an actual warboss to complete my 1k point goal. Then I'll get a battlewagon and ponder what to get for the 2k. Then I recall I oughta have enough ork boys to mix for all kinds of games.
As a hobbyest painter off and on for over 20 years now, this is a great video for people just coming in, as well as for anyone who's maybe experienced but needs a refresher even. I got very lucky in when I started I had one of the best LGSs for mini painting in the world (they don't even sell magic singles, they're the midwest's US hub pretty much for mini games) and the owner (who's a personal friend of mine now) recommended many of these same kinds of tips (albeit times were a little different back then, such as drybrushing was only just becoming a thing (man im old lol)). Great video, def one I can recommend to anyone who's looking to get into the hobby. Quality content Vince, keep being awesome.
On your very first Warhammer Wednesday, I dove into the hobby for the very first time by getting a start collecting box, and I've been having a blast painting and playing (really small casual 500 point games with one friend). Honestly, it's been really great for quarantine since I can't play mtg. Thanks for introducing me to this!
that last point is honestly just a great piece of advice for really any hobby. as soon as it starts to feel like work you're not gonna have fun, when the whole point of a hobby is to distract from work lol. things like drawing and making music can have that daunting feeling as well when there's so many things to learn and practice before you can "get to the fun part", when really the whole thing can be the fun part
As someone who is planning to start painting and building models soon I'm really grateful that this video exists cos I definitely would have done a lot of these mistakes, so thank you for doing them for me
I watched 100s of hours of vids before buying paint supplies, buying armies, etc. Can't say how much I apriciate all of you sharing your exp. I feel like I have the supplies and plans of people who have been doing this for 5+ years even though I just started. Even got a detail airbrush for $200 ps771, make my own contrast 3 ways, and I got Kimara collors so I can get exp mixing. I also bought some full citadel sets to finish an army or two so I can hit the ground running and get some models done using walkthroughs. And bought the best citadel contrasts and paints so I have something to compare things to. Basically find a product everyone loves, then understand that the same thing exists for a fraction of the price - if you understand the products you use. That would be my suggestion to someone new if you can throw 300-800 at it. Thanks for the vids!
"Factory reject" was my nickname in high school! Mini paints like Citadel and Vallejo are the best for MTG alters as well, actually the seeking out of Citadel paints for the explicit purpose of altering is how my mind was impregnated with the whole inception which turned into my fascination with mini painting and Warhammer 40k in general.
I mean, I always make my models as difficult as possible because I love that kind of challenge. I rarely get to even play games, so much of my 40k time is spent painting and modelling, and I'm not trying to bang out an army in time for a game (usually).
Been loving the videos! I keep pushing new player to your stuff because its really easy to understand and just wholesome content for the new and old players. Keep it up!
Love this content. I'm doing pretty much the same thing. Sold all my excess commander stuff and now i get to finish up to a 2000 point death guard crew. I'm excited for all the plastic I get to paint now.
Great video Vince. Mini-wargaming is my main jam and for a relative npob this is awesome content. God I wish some of the guys I have mentored in various gaming clubs would 'get' some of the stuff you mention here. Oh, and keep up the good work.
Thank you for showing your enthusiasm Vince, between that and sharing lessons you learned the hard way, you make these videos entertaining. At this time I have no interest in (playing) war hammer 40k, but I have a strong feeling you're going to change that.
Super helpful tip when using tiny brushes... mix a drying retarder into your paint to prevent it from drying in the brush. A 3/0 is pretty ridiculously small for mini painting though.
What i used to do was pick up an army, build it , paint it, field it in tournaments for a bit, then sell/trade it off to get a new army and repeat the process.Kept me from having too much glut
When choosing a brush, consider both the tip and the belly. A big belly will allow the brush to hold plenty of paint so that you don't have to go back to your palette (or the pot) quite so often. Also, the "metal bit" is called the ferrule.
FYI the Createx Airbrush pearlized metals go on super well even with a cheap airbrush and are super shiny. I usually use black airbrush primer (the airbrush primers keep a lot of detail), spray on the metal, and then block in colors over the metal. If you use the contrasts over a shiny metal it also has a cool effect of leaving the shine underneath.
Yeah I sort of wish I had been a bit slower getting back into the hobby, my housemate and I kinda excitedly exploded getting lots of stuff as we got back in, but would have been better to get the minimum for us to play, then get the rest slowly over time so we can put more care and focus into them as we learn how we want to do things.
Duncan has awesome painting tutorials. On the Warhammer Offical channel he only uses Citadel products (oh, hey there Cpt. Obvious!). On his own channel Duncan Rhodes Academy he uses a variaty of paints and all sorts of different models. Super awesome videos! Totally recommending to take a look! :)
I am looking to get 500pts of Tyranids based upon your early builds video and this video just saved me a ton of time! Thanks PK for the advice and keep these videos coming!
I think thats what I like about 9th addition so far. the fact that the new point list gives you the ability to have a decent army and be able to jump on another army without breaking the bank too much
love your shit - new to the game. Printed 3 full proxie armies from one page, not I'm buying models. Starting with Primaris and Necrons. Thanks for the info
I've been playing warhammer for over 20 years and usually find hobby focused content very boring. This is gold. I wish I had heard this advice when I was starting out. Or even 5 years in. Seriously excellent points!
have you ever tried putting a moist sponge in a box covered with blank food wrapping paper? it's great for keeping your paint from drying when you paint without diluting it. whenever the paper is covered in too many old paints you just put in a new paper.
Vince. Look into the work horse of painting a size 4-6 golden taklon synthetic brush. Cheap. Durable, maintains a nice sharp tip, and a nice day belly for paint and moisture!
It has been a long time since I've done mini painting and it's interesting to hear about the current state of the tools. Some stuff has changed, some sounds the same, there are familiar flavors of annoying and some with added spices of wtf. For myself the trends I'd experienced were that Citadel paints tended to be overpriced and often globby. Acrylic paints and artist-store inks worked the best (as long as everything was completely dry before inking... otherwise soup). An old-school skateboard wheel with putty was a nice, solid way to keep a handle on a mini. Xacto knives were the default. We used whatever brushes we could get within biking distance of home, tending to avoid Citadel and Testor's because they were garbage. Old brushes would get cut down with said Xacto knife, almost like a flat-top haircut, to become ready for dry brushing. Putty filled cracks best when brushed over with Testor's, or other watery, plastic model glue. Bases could get nifty ground effects by putting cyanoacrylate glue on the base or surface and using spray primer while the glue is still wet. It has been a long time, and I am curious to know how many reflexes have been forgotten, and how many are waiting dusty in the wings.
I do the first pass on most models with a size 5 brush. It's pretty big, but as long as the tip is in good shape, it goes where you want it. Save the little brushes for fine detail work.
PK, man, I LOVE Warhammer Wednesday!! If you’re going to paint with the GW paints, you have to shift them to dropper bottles. Easy to source from Amazon and plenty of good tutorials on the TH-cams with tips on how to do it well. It’s actually fast and easy. And labels come off waaaay easy.
Here's a VERY IMPORTANT life lesson I've learn when getting into warhammer 40k. I started in 8th edition with eldar. I bought an entire army to play with but only put about 4 units together and painted. I then realized I had too much and got burned out really quick and stopped altogether. Now since I have moved, I'm getting back into the hobby and I love it more now than back then because now I play tyranids and I love their models, I don't buy whole army lists for me to assemble, and I get one box at a time. The best advice I can give is get a start collecting then assemble and paint those then once you are done get another one slowly build over time you can save money and not worry about building and painting 20 plus models in a week.
A great tip I heard was to not put your units together until you paint them. If you have a model put together you're less likely to get around to painting it since you can field them already and "you'll get to it eventually"
I'm the opposite of you: I love the assembly process, especially converting. I don't HATE painting, especially as the model gets to the later stages of highlighting which I enjoy, but bascoating and washing I find excruciating.
Word from the wise, get an air brush if you don’t like basecoats. It makes it sooooooooo much faster, and you can spray washes to, meaning basecaoting 50 models in an hour is perfectly achievable.
@@nathanieleck1023 unfortunately i collect Howling Griffons, a space marine chapter with a quartered armour pattern of yellow and red. Best an air brush would do if make the yellow quarters go faster but I'd still have to brush paint the red quarters.
Xander Karr, ah, I see, you’ve picked the singularly most annoying chapter to paint there is. I’m afraid I cannot aid you in such regard, other than maybe painters tape? Would take awhile but probably still quicker and cleaner than brushwork
The paint handles are pretty decent, even after the price hike. At 6.50 they were amazing, now at 8.00 they are still good. I think that's the only thing you can get elsewhere but is "better" from GW...?
"Make it easy" I 100% agree. I helped paint my friends tyranids in a unique color scheme and finding additional models for his army was a nightmare. Like what was said in this video, they all needed to be repainted... That's why I honestly went with Ultramarines. I enjoy painting them without frustrations of 100s of colors. Blue. Gold. White. A bit of red. A bit of brown. A bit of steel. Done.
I also made the same mistake with brushes and paints, starting around the sametime as you. I still need to push out of my comfort zone with the paints, but I actually like to go to a warhammer shop and buy them. I am during Vallejo paints up more and more though
those blue handles royal eng...whatever are actually perfect for painting miniatures and crazy inexpensive. Make up brushes from the dollar store are absolute magic for dry brushing.
I'm onl planning to play kill team for a while so I just got the tau that can be played there. I feel that was a good way to dive in without breaking the bank
Forgive me for coming to your Warhammer videos to comment on Heroclix, but this "wall of shame" is a familiar concept with me, as well. Thankfully, I've been able to play way more games than probably the average player will do, so I've had lots of opportunities to give every figure a chance, but there's still plenty of figures that just don't manage to find their spot on any team. There's the beauty of a miniatures game, though. Even if you never play with it, you've got this cool figure. I have this very cool figure of a Sinestro colossal construct with Sinestro inside it, but damned if I'll ever end up actually playing the thing.
My biggest mistake was not zenithal priming right from the start. Just adds so much contrast to a mini. Also I spent hundreds of hours building and painting terrain and I have nobody to play with anyway, derp.
This is some rabbit hole you are falling into I like the honesty Checkout terrain tutor. Mel Bose you channel gives another economic depth to the hobby. Luke’s affordable paint service also a great site Luke’s APS Love your magic content. Great to see honesty and frankness with 40k
I prefer the coverage that Citadel base paints provide. Decanting my 50ish pots of citadel paints wasn't that hard I just did a few at a time while doing something else.
Some of the Citadel paints are fairly good, but the quality across the range is all over the place. I've been supplementing my paints with other brands for certain colours for better coverage, or convenience for use with an airbrush, those kinds of things. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a guide out there for the community to warn people about each of the citadel colours, most of us just go from personal experience or anecdotes randomly thrown out by friends and folk on youtube.
You can always strip the paint off easily by soaking in Detol. This means you can paint without worry that you will ruin your minis. If you mess up you can strip them or if you get better and want to paint them again. Also you can buy second hand minis and how ever badly painted you can clean them up and paint them yourself too.
The last tip, about going in too hard, is good for about any hobby that requires labor. I have a STACK of unbuilt Gundam models that I'll likely never get too because I built a few and liked it, then bought about 20.
Come join us in AoS! The community is wonderful over here :-) Let me know if you do ever dip your toe in AOS and we'll have you on Warhammer Weekly some Wednesday in the future :-)
So i think i point you missed is painting/hobbying to your game size. I bought 3000 points of Tau off someone to go with the 1000-ish i already had, which under normal circumstances would make my head fall off. But i decided that out of that stuff, i'd paint enough for a 500 point force. Then, once ive got that painted i feel good about having that force ''Tabletop ready''. Once that's done you can flesh out to 1000 points, and so on... I think compartmentalising what you want to paint without a timescale can be really freeing for people who don't like deadlines or the pressure of having a well-painted army.
Since we don't play Big 40k anymore in my house and my wife wanted to try kill team (after some time away from GW playing Warmahordes) She suggested we instead of building one kill team (Me Tau and her sisters) we do like we have done for EDH where we have all 16 0-2 colour combinations and we each make an Empire team a Chaos Team, and a Xenos team. Lucky for us Kill Team is somewhere between 1-3 boxes of dudes (Max 20 dudes in a roster) so though we are working on our first team (painting) and our second team (assembly) and our 3rd team (acquisition) at the same time we shouldn't have a huge backlog. (Also I'm only acquiring models for my 3rd team because they are boxes I can't be sure GW will keep around long term or they are boxes where I need bits of them for my second team but can use the leftovers toward the 3rd.
Have you looked into age of sigmar? I feel like everyone has been getting into the warhammer bug. Including myself now that I have an army in 40k and looking into sigmar love the gloomspite gitz.
Another benefit to having more armies instead of a larger army is the ability to run demo games for your friends. If all you have is 10,000 points of Blood Angels then you and your buddy that has expressed interest can only play Blood Angels vs Blood Angels. But if instead you had 5 different 2,000 point armies then you could play 10 different match ups before it became redundant. 20 if you swap factions. This will go a long way towards letting your friends see the best of the game in action and have better information before deciding whether or not they truly want to play, and which factions they might want to collect.
Agree on the cheap drybrushes for starters, although now that I have focused in on my stippling and drybrushing and have learned better how to care for my brushes, my Artis Opus Series D set is honestly my favorite thing. But that is for more experienced painters, I'd never suggest a £75 brush set for beginners. Get the makeup brushes.
@@samvimes117 Absolutely. I started using brush soaps religiously from the beginning, since I have some art background, but my brushes last for ages thanks to it. Cannot recommend highly enough to beginners.
Hit the nail on the head. My pile of shame is a unopened box of intercessors and a Primaris Repulsor Executioner tank and a Predator tank. The last few weeks have blown by with me doing zero building, priming or painting of any kind. Not to mention I have AoS nurgle and Stormcast that need to be painted too. One of the biggest miss steps I took was trying to paint my Space Marino's to be UNIQUE. Honestly UNIQUE means I hate my life and hate my own personal time. Don't buy into other people saying you should paint unique colors for your army. Man paint the basic GW colors and keep it moving.
Most GW paints are decent, even if the paint pots aren't stellar - the only paints I have bad luck with are the metallics (not the newer ones liek Retributor Armor) separating. Though I'm slowly switching to Army Painter. GW drybrushes are ok, you just have to accept they'll wear out. Their bigger ones last longer (I have a Large Drybrush from them that's lasted... idk how long and it's still truckin'). For US customers, Hobby Lobby has a golden taklon brush suite (synthetic and real) and every other week they'r ehalf off, making them only a little bit more than the chepa packs of brushes.
About citadel being expansive: yes it is, but i find the quality to be superior to most of the other brands. My citadel medium layer brush is way higher quality than my army painter regiment, that couldn’t keep the point even when new. I’ll probably add a fine w&n kolinsky sable brush to the range, that’s a better than the citadels but also double the price. I bought a complete 50+ army painter color set when i came back to the hobby, after 2 years of struggles the whole range went directly into the trash bin. Bad experiences with vallejo too. I came bavk to citadel and now i enjoy painting again, i just transferred them to the army painter 12ml dropper bottles and added some army painter metal mixing balls. Citadel paints dors not dry anymore, nor a single ml was lost in the process, they accept really well a few drops of lahmian medium to clean the last color in tge pot. That’s not to say i do not use anything different from the citadel range, i found vallejo airbrush thinner, retarder and matt varnish to be very good. Also i find the texturing materials from citadel way more realistic than the vallejo ones. The whole point is, sometimes citadel is not the best deal and may not offer the product you specifically need, but is a complete range of high quality, widely avaiable hobby material
relabeling the cw pots is pretty easy the label peels off incredibly easy when i transfered my paints into dropper bottles ;o also that brush was a raphael 8404 i think :P
i'm doing blood angels, partly because of you. there were many reasons, and i was between blood angels and white scars, and white scars because i love marines on bikes... i might do them too though lol
@@blackalgae370 Bike Squads are listed as assault or close support squads, in the chapter structure. Blood Angels use the bikes often in cojunction with their jump packs. Here is a link to the wiki with the chapter strukture: warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Blood_Angels They also train their scouts with bikes, as seen in the "Dante" book (i recommend the book for every blood angel fan, alongside devestation of baal).
I only started getting into the mini side of things about 3months ago after years of reading the novels, so far I’ve amassed about 3,500pts of space marines, 1,000pts of Necrons, 800pts chaos, and a seraphon start collecting for AoS.... I may have gone a bit overboard 😅
I love how you advocate on spreading those 10k+ points worth of models over various armies instead of saying something silly like "don't amass a lifetime worth of points in your first three months" !
Random comment reader, if you still haven't taken a dive into the hobby, DO IT! If your wive/husband/dog is rejecting idea of you doing this, DO IT ANYWAY! Just don't start 5 different armies that you will "paint soon...". Focus on painting one unit at a time. If you want to play earlier, get TTS, this way you won't end up like me... I have to say that your armies are painted quicker than mine, Vince. I've just gotten into oil washes. Highly recommend them! Both for pin washing and whole model wash (in the latter it's more of a substracting oil wash afterwards). Keep up the great content for both WH40K and MtG!
When I got back into Age of Sigmar, I made a rule for myself: I can't buy anything new until EVERYTHING ELSE I HAVE IS PAINTED. This is going much better than my mid 90's pile of shame that I STILL HAVE.
1. Citadel makes some real tasty paints (averland sunset, mephiston red, doombull brown among others), but Vallejo is better bang for the buck. Their brushes are hella over priced...buy Windsor and Newton or Raphael if you like the nice brushes or buy chepo brushes if you're good with replacing brushes regularly. 2. So true on brush size! A size 0-1 and a size 2 are pretty much all you need for nicer brushes. Larger cheapo brushes are also really useful for a base coat. 3. Cheap brushes are great. Particularly starting out. They do need replacing regularly as their tips die in a month or two. Makeup brushes make great dry brushes! 4. We're all shit at painting when we start...go look at prepainted D&D minis when you feel discouraged 😉 5. This is personal, but if you just want to get your first army on the table, this makes a lot of sense. Pre-planning and test models are life savers. 6. Holly hell MTG is expensive. And yeah. I have 2k of Thousand Sons and Though I need another ~1k for more builds, I am also looking into Space Marines for my next army, and then maybe Harlequins, and then maybe Orks...but buying too much at once is a real thing. Even 2k at once feels like a lot to me...
CItadel paints are okay, but citadel washes are the best in the buisness. Go with army painter or vallehjo for the paint bottles, but always get citadel washes. I've found army painter and vallehjo washes tend to have a lot of issues. I had a lot more trouble getting even coverage, and the effect looked worse than citadel. None gw tend to clump more, and form more uneven coloration.
Model paints are pretty nice i started painting my DnD minis with the really cheap acrylic paints that are only like 50 cents each. I bought the citadel starter set with the 12 or 14 pots and a brush. I like the quality but I didn't like the colors. I really like mixing my own colors so starting with really bright "purer" Crayola colors is a lot easier. I bought a set of prepainted blood angels and a set of primed ones and did a little paint off with my old paints and the new ones. The mini paint went way faster but I couldn't match the colors as well or really at all as I could with my cheap ones. The cheap ones just required so many more coats. Need to look at the other companies for paint now to work on my Harlequin troupes 😖
Duncan rides into battle wearing two thin coats.
Thin coats of thin paint!
He left GW right after "one thick coat" became a thing. Coincidence? I think not.
I should get back to glueing and priming my Thousand Sons army…
or glueing and priming my Adeptus Mechanicus…
or start painting my Deathwatch…
or finish painting my Space Marines…
Thanks Vince for introducing me to this addiction, I mean, hobby…
An extra tip, don't pick an army to play based off of rules. Rules will change. Just pick the army that speaks to you, model wise, story wise.
Also Vincent, Apocalypse is the game type that allows crazy amount of points and models.
Wait till he finds titans...
I picked orks as my first army. Just because the lore is best. Currently... Most of the )th edition up-to-date armies mop up my boyz with no sweat, but I don't care. I am having blast since you can do simple, but stupid stuff with orks.
Though my pals do say everything in my orks they have faced is scary as hell, while their armies do have non-scary parts that are just for chaff.
Still, can't wait to kitbash an actual warboss to complete my 1k point goal. Then I'll get a battlewagon and ponder what to get for the 2k. Then I recall I oughta have enough ork boys to mix for all kinds of games.
I started with Killteams, less models to paint and collect. Cheaper and I can dedicate more time to each model.
As a hobbyest painter off and on for over 20 years now, this is a great video for people just coming in, as well as for anyone who's maybe experienced but needs a refresher even. I got very lucky in when I started I had one of the best LGSs for mini painting in the world (they don't even sell magic singles, they're the midwest's US hub pretty much for mini games) and the owner (who's a personal friend of mine now) recommended many of these same kinds of tips (albeit times were a little different back then, such as drybrushing was only just becoming a thing (man im old lol)). Great video, def one I can recommend to anyone who's looking to get into the hobby. Quality content Vince, keep being awesome.
This video made me pick up my tempestus starter box on the shelf and start assembling, after almost a year of being too lazy. Thx vince
Congrats Arne. I hope you are enjoying it. :)
@@PleasantKenobi yeah, just finished the taurox. Just need to decide on the weaponry
I'm at 17:20 and just realized you bought more models in 3 months than I have in 4 years. THAT'S MY DAWG! Welcome to the family!
On your very first Warhammer Wednesday, I dove into the hobby for the very first time by getting a start collecting box, and I've been having a blast painting and playing (really small casual 500 point games with one friend). Honestly, it's been really great for quarantine since I can't play mtg. Thanks for introducing me to this!
What did you choose in the end?
PleasantKenobi Slaves to Darkness! And my friend that plays had a warriors of choas regiment and beastmen gor herd to fill it out a bit!
Can we just do warhammer all the time, and do Wotc Wednesdays instead
that last point is honestly just a great piece of advice for really any hobby. as soon as it starts to feel like work you're not gonna have fun, when the whole point of a hobby is to distract from work lol. things like drawing and making music can have that daunting feeling as well when there's so many things to learn and practice before you can "get to the fun part", when really the whole thing can be the fun part
As someone who is planning to start painting and building models soon I'm really grateful that this video exists cos I definitely would have done a lot of these mistakes, so thank you for doing them for me
I watched 100s of hours of vids before buying paint supplies, buying armies, etc. Can't say how much I apriciate all of you sharing your exp. I feel like I have the supplies and plans of people who have been doing this for 5+ years even though I just started. Even got a detail airbrush for $200 ps771, make my own contrast 3 ways, and I got Kimara collors so I can get exp mixing. I also bought some full citadel sets to finish an army or two so I can hit the ground running and get some models done using walkthroughs. And bought the best citadel contrasts and paints so I have something to compare things to. Basically find a product everyone loves, then understand that the same thing exists for a fraction of the price - if you understand the products you use. That would be my suggestion to someone new if you can throw 300-800 at it. Thanks for the vids!
"Factory reject" was my nickname in high school! Mini paints like Citadel and Vallejo are the best for MTG alters as well, actually the seeking out of Citadel paints for the explicit purpose of altering is how my mind was impregnated with the whole inception which turned into my fascination with mini painting and Warhammer 40k in general.
Clicked on this to kill time before the DUNE trailer drops, and looks like I'm first. I claim this comment section for the Raven Guard.
Raven Guard... or Shaven Guard? Are their balls pube-less? Will we ever know?
For the Black Dragons!
Here for same reason.
thank you for securing this position fellow loyalists
That’s a weird way to say Salamanders.
I mean, I always make my models as difficult as possible because I love that kind of challenge. I rarely get to even play games, so much of my 40k time is spent painting and modelling, and I'm not trying to bang out an army in time for a game (usually).
Making MtG references in a video about 40k is next level nerdery. I approve.
Been loving the videos! I keep pushing new player to your stuff because its really easy to understand and just wholesome content for the new and old players. Keep it up!
I love how PK managed to find D&T in the 40k universe. :D
This man speaks from the heart and it's refreshing. No BS. Says it as it is. Upvoted.
I'm here for that combat patrol game, Custodes are my jam!
Love this content. I'm doing pretty much the same thing. Sold all my excess commander stuff and now i get to finish up to a 2000 point death guard crew. I'm excited for all the plastic I get to paint now.
Great video Vince. Mini-wargaming is my main jam and for a relative npob this is awesome content. God I wish some of the guys I have mentored in various gaming clubs would 'get' some of the stuff you mention here. Oh, and keep up the good work.
Ty Mr. Kenobi for bringing us another
Warhammer Wednesday I look forward to them every week
Thank you for showing your enthusiasm Vince, between that and sharing lessons you learned the hard way, you make these videos entertaining. At this time I have no interest in (playing) war hammer 40k, but I have a strong feeling you're going to change that.
im glad to see you are so deep in the warhammerz and hobby-ing.
Super helpful tip when using tiny brushes... mix a drying retarder into your paint to prevent it from drying in the brush. A 3/0 is pretty ridiculously small for mini painting though.
What i used to do was pick up an army, build it , paint it, field it in tournaments for a bit, then sell/trade it off to get a new army and repeat the process.Kept me from having too much glut
When choosing a brush, consider both the tip and the belly. A big belly will allow the brush to hold plenty of paint so that you don't have to go back to your palette (or the pot) quite so often. Also, the "metal bit" is called the ferrule.
FYI the Createx Airbrush pearlized metals go on super well even with a cheap airbrush and are super shiny. I usually use black airbrush primer (the airbrush primers keep a lot of detail), spray on the metal, and then block in colors over the metal. If you use the contrasts over a shiny metal it also has a cool effect of leaving the shine underneath.
Its awesome to watch hobbyist grow up, hang in there it keeps getting better
Yeah I sort of wish I had been a bit slower getting back into the hobby, my housemate and I kinda excitedly exploded getting lots of stuff as we got back in, but would have been better to get the minimum for us to play, then get the rest slowly over time so we can put more care and focus into them as we learn how we want to do things.
I love how this Warhammer video is tagged for MTG 😄
Duncan has awesome painting tutorials.
On the Warhammer Offical channel he only uses Citadel products (oh, hey there Cpt. Obvious!).
On his own channel Duncan Rhodes Academy he uses a variaty of paints and all sorts of different models.
Super awesome videos! Totally recommending to take a look! :)
I am looking to get 500pts of Tyranids based upon your early builds video and this video just saved me a ton of time! Thanks PK for the advice and keep these videos coming!
I think thats what I like about 9th addition so far. the fact that the new point list gives you the ability to have a decent army and be able to jump on another army without breaking the bank too much
I feel you, knocking over shade paints sucks. Especially when you spill them on your dining room table. :(
Would love to see a time lapse video of you painting some figures, maybe with a bit of commentary!
love your shit - new to the game. Printed 3 full proxie armies from one page, not I'm buying models. Starting with Primaris and Necrons. Thanks for the info
Tbh, 100% agree with the last one. Brought an entire army for chaos two years ago at once, haven't built 99% of it because it's just so daunting.
I've been playing warhammer for over 20 years and usually find hobby focused content very boring. This is gold. I wish I had heard this advice when I was starting out. Or even 5 years in. Seriously excellent points!
have you ever tried putting a moist sponge in a box covered with blank food wrapping paper?
it's great for keeping your paint from drying when you paint without diluting it. whenever the paper is covered in too many old paints you just put in a new paper.
I dont even play 40k but I love these videos.
Only citadel too I will advise is the paint pot as it’s set up for painting and is cheaper than any artist paint pot with similar features
Vince. Look into the work horse of painting a size 4-6 golden taklon synthetic brush. Cheap. Durable, maintains a nice sharp tip, and a nice day belly for paint and moisture!
It has been a long time since I've done mini painting and it's interesting to hear about the current state of the tools. Some stuff has changed, some sounds the same, there are familiar flavors of annoying and some with added spices of wtf. For myself the trends I'd experienced were that Citadel paints tended to be overpriced and often globby. Acrylic paints and artist-store inks worked the best (as long as everything was completely dry before inking... otherwise soup). An old-school skateboard wheel with putty was a nice, solid way to keep a handle on a mini. Xacto knives were the default. We used whatever brushes we could get within biking distance of home, tending to avoid Citadel and Testor's because they were garbage. Old brushes would get cut down with said Xacto knife, almost like a flat-top haircut, to become ready for dry brushing. Putty filled cracks best when brushed over with Testor's, or other watery, plastic model glue. Bases could get nifty ground effects by putting cyanoacrylate glue on the base or surface and using spray primer while the glue is still wet.
It has been a long time, and I am curious to know how many reflexes have been forgotten, and how many are waiting dusty in the wings.
I do the first pass on most models with a size 5 brush. It's pretty big, but as long as the tip is in good shape, it goes where you want it. Save the little brushes for fine detail work.
PK, man, I LOVE Warhammer Wednesday!! If you’re going to paint with the GW paints, you have to shift them to dropper bottles. Easy to source from Amazon and plenty of good tutorials on the TH-cams with tips on how to do it well. It’s actually fast and easy. And labels come off waaaay easy.
Just moved into my student house and can't wait to try and convert my house mates to the greatness that is 40k.o
Here's a VERY IMPORTANT life lesson I've learn when getting into warhammer 40k. I started in 8th edition with eldar. I bought an entire army to play with but only put about 4 units together and painted. I then realized I had too much and got burned out really quick and stopped altogether. Now since I have moved, I'm getting back into the hobby and I love it more now than back then because now I play tyranids and I love their models, I don't buy whole army lists for me to assemble, and I get one box at a time. The best advice I can give is get a start collecting then assemble and paint those then once you are done get another one slowly build over time you can save money and not worry about building and painting 20 plus models in a week.
A great tip I heard was to not put your units together until you paint them. If you have a model put together you're less likely to get around to painting it since you can field them already and "you'll get to it eventually"
I'm the opposite of you: I love the assembly process, especially converting. I don't HATE painting, especially as the model gets to the later stages of highlighting which I enjoy, but bascoating and washing I find excruciating.
Word from the wise, get an air brush if you don’t like basecoats. It makes it sooooooooo much faster, and you can spray washes to, meaning basecaoting 50 models in an hour is perfectly achievable.
@@nathanieleck1023 unfortunately i collect Howling Griffons, a space marine chapter with a quartered armour pattern of yellow and red. Best an air brush would do if make the yellow quarters go faster but I'd still have to brush paint the red quarters.
Xander Karr, ah, I see, you’ve picked the singularly most annoying chapter to paint there is. I’m afraid I cannot aid you in such regard, other than maybe painters tape? Would take awhile but probably still quicker and cleaner than brushwork
Sly Marbo I’ll probably still get one for vehicle painting and for when I inevitably start collecting another army
Rule 1 of warhammer:
Never buy from GW anything you can get elsewhere.
100% the truth.
The paint handles are pretty decent, even after the price hike. At 6.50 they were amazing, now at 8.00 they are still good. I think that's the only thing you can get elsewhere but is "better" from GW...?
@@tobiasboh3370 empty pill bottle and poster putty... $1.50 and better.
"Make it easy"
I 100% agree. I helped paint my friends tyranids in a unique color scheme and finding additional models for his army was a nightmare. Like what was said in this video, they all needed to be repainted...
That's why I honestly went with Ultramarines. I enjoy painting them without frustrations of 100s of colors.
Blue. Gold. White. A bit of red. A bit of brown. A bit of steel. Done.
I also made the same mistake with brushes and paints, starting around the sametime as you. I still need to push out of my comfort zone with the paints, but I actually like to go to a warhammer shop and buy them. I am during Vallejo paints up more and more though
The metal bit is called the ferrule!
I love that by pure happenstance we both went into war games at the same time for the same reason
Thanks for the tip about brushes. I've been buying fine detail citidal brushes. They don't last long and dry up fast.
I recommend brushes from the army painter.
I saw the thumbnail saying "my 40k mistakes" and thought it was a video of Vince talking about his last week of MODO leagues
Wooo custodes!! Looking forward to that vid
those blue handles royal eng...whatever are actually perfect for painting miniatures and crazy inexpensive. Make up brushes from the dollar store are absolute magic for dry brushing.
I also have rainbow and multicolored nurglings they look good but they do take a lot more time than the green blobs.
I'm onl planning to play kill team for a while so I just got the tau that can be played there. I feel that was a good way to dive in without breaking the bank
I don’t play 40k but I liked this very much
Forgive me for coming to your Warhammer videos to comment on Heroclix, but this "wall of shame" is a familiar concept with me, as well. Thankfully, I've been able to play way more games than probably the average player will do, so I've had lots of opportunities to give every figure a chance, but there's still plenty of figures that just don't manage to find their spot on any team. There's the beauty of a miniatures game, though. Even if you never play with it, you've got this cool figure. I have this very cool figure of a Sinestro colossal construct with Sinestro inside it, but damned if I'll ever end up actually playing the thing.
My biggest mistake was not zenithal priming right from the start. Just adds so much contrast to a mini. Also I spent hundreds of hours building and painting terrain and I have nobody to play with anyway, derp.
This is some rabbit hole you are falling into
I like the honesty
Checkout terrain tutor. Mel Bose you channel gives another economic depth to the hobby.
Luke’s affordable paint service also a great site Luke’s APS
Love your magic content. Great to see honesty and frankness with 40k
The metal bit on the brush is called the 'ferrule', fyi :)
I prefer the coverage that Citadel base paints provide. Decanting my 50ish pots of citadel paints wasn't that hard I just did a few at a time while doing something else.
Some of the Citadel paints are fairly good, but the quality across the range is all over the place. I've been supplementing my paints with other brands for certain colours for better coverage, or convenience for use with an airbrush, those kinds of things. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a guide out there for the community to warn people about each of the citadel colours, most of us just go from personal experience or anecdotes randomly thrown out by friends and folk on youtube.
You can always strip the paint off easily by soaking in Detol. This means you can paint without worry that you will ruin your minis. If you mess up you can strip them or if you get better and want to paint them again. Also you can buy second hand minis and how ever badly painted you can clean them up and paint them yourself too.
Surgical spirit is the best for stripping I find you can get it at your Nearest Chemist
The last tip, about going in too hard, is good for about any hobby that requires labor. I have a STACK of unbuilt Gundam models that I'll likely never get too because I built a few and liked it, then bought about 20.
Come join us in AoS! The community is wonderful over here :-) Let me know if you do ever dip your toe in AOS and we'll have you on Warhammer Weekly some Wednesday in the future :-)
So i think i point you missed is painting/hobbying to your game size. I bought 3000 points of Tau off someone to go with the 1000-ish i already had, which under normal circumstances would make my head fall off. But i decided that out of that stuff, i'd paint enough for a 500 point force. Then, once ive got that painted i feel good about having that force ''Tabletop ready''. Once that's done you can flesh out to 1000 points, and so on... I think compartmentalising what you want to paint without a timescale can be really freeing for people who don't like deadlines or the pressure of having a well-painted army.
Since we don't play Big 40k anymore in my house and my wife wanted to try kill team (after some time away from GW playing Warmahordes) She suggested we instead of building one kill team (Me Tau and her sisters) we do like we have done for EDH where we have all 16 0-2 colour combinations and we each make an Empire team a Chaos Team, and a Xenos team.
Lucky for us Kill Team is somewhere between 1-3 boxes of dudes (Max 20 dudes in a roster) so though we are working on our first team (painting) and our second team (assembly) and our 3rd team (acquisition) at the same time we shouldn't have a huge backlog. (Also I'm only acquiring models for my 3rd team because they are boxes I can't be sure GW will keep around long term or they are boxes where I need bits of them for my second team but can use the leftovers toward the 3rd.
I love painting as long as I'm using contrast, makes it easy and if you aren't a total chode still looks good enough for tabletop play.
Have you looked into age of sigmar? I feel like everyone has been getting into the warhammer bug. Including myself now that I have an army in 40k and looking into sigmar love the gloomspite gitz.
vallejo - metal color gold ,hands down best gold ever
Another benefit to having more armies instead of a larger army is the ability to run demo games for your friends. If all you have is 10,000 points of Blood Angels then you and your buddy that has expressed interest can only play Blood Angels vs Blood Angels. But if instead you had 5 different 2,000 point armies then you could play 10 different match ups before it became redundant. 20 if you swap factions. This will go a long way towards letting your friends see the best of the game in action and have better information before deciding whether or not they truly want to play, and which factions they might want to collect.
Agree on the cheap drybrushes for starters, although now that I have focused in on my stippling and drybrushing and have learned better how to care for my brushes, my Artis Opus Series D set is honestly my favorite thing. But that is for more experienced painters, I'd never suggest a £75 brush set for beginners. Get the makeup brushes.
Get a Brush soap like masters is a must
@@samvimes117 Absolutely. I started using brush soaps religiously from the beginning, since I have some art background, but my brushes last for ages thanks to it. Cannot recommend highly enough to beginners.
Hit the nail on the head. My pile of shame is a unopened box of intercessors and a Primaris Repulsor Executioner tank and a Predator tank. The last few weeks have blown by with me doing zero building, priming or painting of any kind. Not to mention I have AoS nurgle and Stormcast that need to be painted too.
One of the biggest miss steps I took was trying to paint my Space Marino's to be UNIQUE. Honestly UNIQUE means I hate my life and hate my own personal time. Don't buy into other people saying you should paint unique colors for your army. Man paint the basic GW colors and keep it moving.
This pleases The Emperor
Most GW paints are decent, even if the paint pots aren't stellar - the only paints I have bad luck with are the metallics (not the newer ones liek Retributor Armor) separating. Though I'm slowly switching to Army Painter.
GW drybrushes are ok, you just have to accept they'll wear out. Their bigger ones last longer (I have a Large Drybrush from them that's lasted... idk how long and it's still truckin').
For US customers, Hobby Lobby has a golden taklon brush suite (synthetic and real) and every other week they'r ehalf off, making them only a little bit more than the chepa packs of brushes.
About citadel being expansive: yes it is, but i find the quality to be superior to most of the other brands. My citadel medium layer brush is way higher quality than my army painter regiment, that couldn’t keep the point even when new. I’ll probably add a fine w&n kolinsky sable brush to the range, that’s a better than the citadels but also double the price. I bought a complete 50+ army painter color set when i came back to the hobby, after 2 years of struggles the whole range went directly into the trash bin. Bad experiences with vallejo too. I came bavk to citadel and now i enjoy painting again, i just transferred them to the army painter 12ml dropper bottles and added some army painter metal mixing balls. Citadel paints dors not dry anymore, nor a single ml was lost in the process, they accept really well a few drops of lahmian medium to clean the last color in tge pot. That’s not to say i do not use anything different from the citadel range, i found vallejo airbrush thinner, retarder and matt varnish to be very good. Also i find the texturing materials from citadel way more realistic than the vallejo ones. The whole point is, sometimes citadel is not the best deal and may not offer the product you specifically need, but is a complete range of high quality, widely avaiable hobby material
relabeling the cw pots is pretty easy the label peels off incredibly easy when i transfered my paints into dropper bottles ;o also that brush was a raphael 8404 i think :P
Great vid dude
That's a fine looking Custodes
the 00000 brush is amazing for eyes though...
Rosemary and co make some good affordable brushes.
some of the citadel brushes are decent swear by the medium layer brush.
Hey Vince, what day is it? Warhammer Wednesday! For the Emperor
i'm doing blood angels, partly because of you. there were many reasons, and i was between blood angels and white scars, and white scars because i love marines on bikes... i might do them too though lol
Wasn't there a company of blood angels thag primarly used bikes? Im not sure right now but there could have been something like that.
@@nidh0egr319 I've never heard of that, but it sounds awesome! send me a req on fb, same name, and if you find anything else about it hmu plz!
@@blackalgae370 Bike Squads are listed as assault or close support squads, in the chapter structure. Blood Angels use the bikes often in cojunction with their jump packs. Here is a link to the wiki with the chapter strukture: warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Blood_Angels
They also train their scouts with bikes, as seen in the "Dante" book (i recommend the book for every blood angel fan, alongside devestation of baal).
@@nidh0egr319 cool thanks
I only started getting into the mini side of things about 3months ago after years of reading the novels, so far I’ve amassed about 3,500pts of space marines, 1,000pts of Necrons, 800pts chaos, and a seraphon start collecting for AoS....
I may have gone a bit overboard 😅
I love how you advocate on spreading those 10k+ points worth of models over various armies instead of saying something silly like "don't amass a lifetime worth of points in your first three months" !
Go big, or go homee.
Please make a Warhammer channel. I love your content!
My favourite part. When he fails to do math. "MATH IS FOR LOSERS!"
Love the new 40K content. Now you just have to figure out how you can make a Cat Jesus blood angel conversion.
Random comment reader, if you still haven't taken a dive into the hobby, DO IT! If your wive/husband/dog is rejecting idea of you doing this, DO IT ANYWAY! Just don't start 5 different armies that you will "paint soon...". Focus on painting one unit at a time. If you want to play earlier, get TTS, this way you won't end up like me...
I have to say that your armies are painted quicker than mine, Vince. I've just gotten into oil washes. Highly recommend them! Both for pin washing and whole model wash (in the latter it's more of a substracting oil wash afterwards).
Keep up the great content for both WH40K and MtG!
When I got back into Age of Sigmar, I made a rule for myself: I can't buy anything new until EVERYTHING ELSE I HAVE IS PAINTED. This is going much better than my mid 90's pile of shame that I STILL HAVE.
Landspeeders seem pretty good under current rules.
1. Citadel makes some real tasty paints (averland sunset, mephiston red, doombull brown among others), but Vallejo is better bang for the buck. Their brushes are hella over priced...buy Windsor and Newton or Raphael if you like the nice brushes or buy chepo brushes if you're good with replacing brushes regularly.
2. So true on brush size! A size 0-1 and a size 2 are pretty much all you need for nicer brushes. Larger cheapo brushes are also really useful for a base coat.
3. Cheap brushes are great. Particularly starting out. They do need replacing regularly as their tips die in a month or two. Makeup brushes make great dry brushes!
4. We're all shit at painting when we start...go look at prepainted D&D minis when you feel discouraged 😉
5. This is personal, but if you just want to get your first army on the table, this makes a lot of sense. Pre-planning and test models are life savers.
6. Holly hell MTG is expensive. And yeah. I have 2k of Thousand Sons and Though I need another ~1k for more builds, I am also looking into Space Marines for my next army, and then maybe Harlequins, and then maybe Orks...but buying too much at once is a real thing. Even 2k at once feels like a lot to me...
CItadel paints are okay, but citadel washes are the best in the buisness. Go with army painter or vallehjo for the paint bottles, but always get citadel washes. I've found army painter and vallehjo washes tend to have a lot of issues. I had a lot more trouble getting even coverage, and the effect looked worse than citadel. None gw tend to clump more, and form more uneven coloration.
Model paints are pretty nice i started painting my DnD minis with the really cheap acrylic paints that are only like 50 cents each. I bought the citadel starter set with the 12 or 14 pots and a brush. I like the quality but I didn't like the colors. I really like mixing my own colors so starting with really bright "purer" Crayola colors is a lot easier. I bought a set of prepainted blood angels and a set of primed ones and did a little paint off with my old paints and the new ones. The mini paint went way faster but I couldn't match the colors as well or really at all as I could with my cheap ones. The cheap ones just required so many more coats. Need to look at the other companies for paint now to work on my Harlequin troupes 😖