Love the style of your vids.. no talk, all action, no music. Your work speaks for itself and having done this sort of project myself with a lot less tools, I can say it's very meditative and Zen like, which comes through strongly in your vids
My favorite is woodworking.. it's one of my passions and my part time business. But making ancient weapons from scratch is amazingly satisfying. It gives you some understanding of what it required of men in the old days, and you get a feel of what weapons worked well and what didn't (if you try to stay authentic)
Stefano Dog- I have become spoiled on the no-talk format. I get kind of pissy and hard to please if they talk over their videos. I know it's shitty of me but my initial reaction is alway "oh.. this guy is going to use his words". Primitive technology, Hand Tool Rescue, Andre Will Do It, Restore It, Will Matthews. The vicarious satisfaction of someone else fixing or making something I could not is hypnotic and meditative after a long day... words just get in the way.
Actually, there is a great deal of music going on there... To most it sounds like a lot of banging and grinding and things of that nature... But it's music none the less 😁
I just don’t get why people come on here and give this craftsman a thumbs down. Much less three hundred of them. Pathetic. Good work I wish I had all those tools and your shop. I love making things from start to finish. I like your work too!
Proper job. I really like the bird of prey design starting with the head on the handle and ending with the stylish feather on the blade back. The clean lines are doing the trick better than any redundant details...
Nothing more humbling than watching God given talent being maximized. A true artisan. As other posted comments note, I too love the sounds of the shop and your work only; no silly music, no commentating- your work does all the talking. That guard piece (correct name, I’m unsure) is trick. Subscribed 🔥👊🏻🙏🏻
Carried guns all my professional life as a law enforcement officer, but .....I've always been attracted by blades a beautiful blade is a thing to behold......thank you sir!
Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. The Damascus layering, the polishing, and tbe handle design are all beautiful. Personally would have wrapped the handle in leather. Great work.
Сложный меч. Восхищение вызывает даже не меч, а ролик (видео) о работе, много инструментов и операций с ними. Много деталей и ненадоедливо показаны тонкости., как такое обойти вниманием? Я не понимаю. Спасибо мастеру, и здоровья в комплекте.
My sincere greetings, I watched this video more than once and I liked your work and the way you made this beautiful knife, and I wished I had one like it. Honestly, you are the most skilled knife maker I have seen for you, the best greeting
this video is a prime example why I am not a master craftsman or even a craftsman for that matter... no patience for such work...YOU are amazing at what you do!
@@अनाहत дурик ты заграничный )) у вас то своего говна хватает и ни чем лучше нашего , а насчёт уважения у нас его поболе вашего я сам с украины мои родственикии кумовья в росси причём повсей , а раньше магучая держава СССР , правда верхушки и сми народ пытаются стравить , но я хочу сказать кто воспитывался в СССР тот имеет много ценностей как уважение ко всему живому и творчеству мастеров умельцев , а увас намного пафаса возомнивших окульторизацией робокопов , а хотя буржуи едут сюда и пытаются отдохнуть у нас посколько дуже культурный запад и оттянутся как в россии или на украине нельзя , ато посодють )) за нарушение , многие втом числе мои друзья рвут обратно немогут привыкнуть к этим роботам культуры ))
You are the juggernaut of forged in fire. I only wish I had that sword in my collection. Makes you wonder how they did it , or how long it took to make back 500 -1000 years ago. No machinery or pre-made dowels or pre cut wood.
Ya quisiera este tener la habilidad de los herreros iberos de hace 2500 años... La falcata era de acero homogeneo con nucleo _decarburizado desde el exterior,_ algo que no se recuperó hasta finales del siglo XX (lo normal era al revés, _carburizar_ desde fuera). Con la habilidad que tiene, podría haber imitado el proceso antiguo haciendo un nucleo de acero blando entre dos capas de duro, pero no, que va... este señor hace TODAS sus espaditas en forjado en patrón estilo vikingo, que es lo único que le mola a los guiris, sin importarle la historia de la espada que reproduce. A los guiris les puede gustar, pero a los que sabemos de falcatas nos sienta como si hiciera una katanita de acero blando aplanado y se la enseñara a un japonés, a ver si le gusta. O como si le hiciera una sietemuelles y le grabara en la hoja "que le den por culo al honor de mi dueño" :-D
@@notfeedynotlazy creo que te estas refiriendo a la oxidacion controlada?lo de enterrar la pieza forjada????he leido algo acerca de ese tema....tambien lei que se doblaban y se podian poner denuevo rectas pisandolas....lo cual no se que pensar al respecto de su legendaria dureza ...por no hablar de su retencion de filo....creo que la pieza de este artesano es impecable en su ejecucion sobretodo en cuanto a la hoja(no se si has visto el cajon de arena para los normalizados del nucleo una belleza del arte falto una cabeza equina si....pero es una belleza.
@@elsenordeloscuchillos no, lo de que "se doblaban al golper y había que ponerlas luego rectas con el pie" es algo que dice un historiador romano muy literario pero poco fiable sobre las espadas CELTAS (fundamentalmente galos y similares), que eran unas espadas rectas de entre 80 y 100 cm, y que el análisis de todos los ejemplares encontrados nos indica que esa historia era meramente propagandística, de "qué inferiores eran estos bárbaros, nos pegaron una paliza en el Alia pero conste que sus espadas eran malísimas, ¿eh?", al mejor estilo romano. Estás hablando de un arma distinta a la falcata, descrita por un enemigo despectivo, y tratando de sacar conclusiones sobre ello. En cuanto a la habilidad del artesano... saber documentarse sobre cómo es un tipo de espada y cual es la mejor técnica para su elaboración TAMBIÉN es parte de la habilidad. Y si hace _todas_ las espadas con la misma técnica, eso ya dice _todo_ lo necesario sobre esa parte de su habilidad.
@@notfeedynotlazy bueno....sigo opinando que se trata de una pieza muy bien historica obviamente....respecto a las falcatas,los iberos.... la propaganda romana....creo que han sido elogiados en varios documentos...hasta con horror por su conocido juramento obstante no se si serian las mismas armas las fabricadas para la nobleza ibera que para su infanteria....las armas producidas en tiempos de paz o las producidas en tiempos mas convulsos...las fabricadas al detalle o las que se fabricaban mas "en serie" que serian las que catarian los romanos....
@@elsenordeloscuchillos Repito, la historia de "la propaganda romana de lo malas que eran" NO era de las falcatas. Era de otro tipo de espada, hecha por otro pueblo. Basarse en esa historia para hablar de las falcatas es como (por poner un ejemplo humorístico, no por burlarme de nadie) basarse en la leyenda de que las katanas cortaban cañones de ametralladoras para hablar de espadas roperas) :-) Los romanos no solo no hablaron mal de las espadas iberas (gladios y falcatas), sino que adoptaron una de ellas para su propio uso (y por dato curioso, no adoptaron la falcata solo porque es un arma "igualita pero mejor" que el kopis griego, y ellos acababan precisamente de abandonar el modo de lucha griego tras el repaso que los galos les metieron en Alia con esas espadas "tan malas". Y aquí sí me estoy burlando un poco de ellos) ;-D
one of the best sword smiths in the world, i watched many videos of this modern sword smith master, and if i would be rich, i would let him smith me a complete collection of this great handicraft sword uniques.
Does endless actions using huge array of tools, immersed in the joy of it, and voila, as though suddenly, we have an awesome work of art! True meditation. 😎
Vos oeuvres sont magnifique,je reverais de pouvoir en possédé une un jour,je n'arrive meme pas à imaginer aux vu du travail réalisé le tarif pour de tel merveille!Travail d'orfevre.
I was too lazy to take the trash out two days in a row. He makes a 6 part robot building tutorial and an hour long video producing a handmade falcata within a month.
Actually there were 2 Falcatas… The Hispanic one and The Lusitanian one. The Hispanic one was longer, sometimes it could reach over 90 Cm of lenght. The Lusitanian one however, didn't exceed 60 cm… The "Roman Terror". The one we see here is a "Lusitanian Falcata".
Não. Era uma espada personalizada: tinha o tamanho do braço de seu dono, desde o cotovelo até as pontas dos dedos. Deixe de lado o patriotismo incompreendido. A Falcata é a espada dos ibéricos. O Gladius Hispaniensis é a espada dos celtiberos. Os outros povos ibéricos usavam espadas do tipo celta. Isso não significa que os povos da península não adotaram nenhum desses tipos de espadas. De fato, a cavalaria costumava usar a Falcata por causa de suas qualidades de "sabre". Como os lusitanos são uma tribo de cavaleiros, não é estranho que eles adotaram a Falca ou até mesmo abandonaram a tradição de ser uma espada personalizada e a adaptaram, dando-lhe um comprimento maior, ao seu estilo de luta a cavalo.
Jim... No. The falcata had more curvature than the Greek majaira. As there are no written sources and the language of the Iberians has not yet been deciphered, it is not possible to be categorical regarding the origin of that sword. It does not matter. The fundamental thing about the Falcata is that it was a sword that caused terror in the legions of Rome during the long conquest of Hispania. A sword that could cut a legionary in half ... no matter what armor he wore.
Permita-me discordar baseado em alguns pontos. Existe uma considerável "colecção" de achados deste tipo de armas, tanto na área anteriormente considerada Lusitânia e Galaécia, como na restante Ibéria. "Colecção" que permite uma análise objectiva das diferenças encontradas em ambas as áreas. A Falcata Lusitana era consideravelmente mais curta que a Hispânica. Tem razão quando afirma que a falcata de cavalaria seria mais entanto as intervenções Lusitanas eram maioritariamente a pé, aliás, era exactamente pelo tipo de ataque rápido, em formação muito compacta que as hostes lusitanas eram temidas. E exactamente por causa deste tipo de formação, até considerada uma das primeiras formas de guerrilha, em que se usavam ataques muito rápidos, compactos e geralmente por emboscada, que a Falcata Lusitana se evidenciava...por ser excepcional em combate corpo a corpo muito próximo e rápido. Em relação à "adopção" da falcata, o mais provável é que tenha tido influencia Grega, aliás, os exemplares mais antigos foram encontrados junto de vasos dos mesmos e no período inicial continham pomo em forma de pássaro ou mocho o que é consistente com a cultura grega. Apenas num período mais tardio se encontram pomos em forma de cabeça de cavalo e no período final com pomo em forma de Lobo remetendo para uma referência à guerra.
Taken from the book "Viriathus: and the Lusitanian Resistance to Rome 155-139 BC": "The Lusitanians, being a warlike tribe, constantly fought in agglomerated formations, so a short weapon brought enormous advantages in malleability and effectiveness. Thus the length of the sword was very important. The usual length of the Iberian falcata was 60 to 70cm (23 to 27 inches), but the length of the Lusitanian Falcata was much smaller - from 40 t0 50cm (15 to 20 inches)."
extraordinary, neat work with old-fashioned motifs, like a master craftsman in the land of Java in Indonesia with a kind of keris weapon typical of Indonesian weapons ... I salute you
Ты очень сильно рискуешь! Взялся за маслянистую заготовку правой рукой а потом этой же рукой закручиваешь вентиль на кислородном баллоне. Поаккуратнее надо быть!
Really nice work.
Greetings from Spain!!!
Go Iberians !!!
Beautiful, masterful, a better Falcutta has never been made.
Love the style of your vids.. no talk, all action, no music. Your work speaks for itself and having done this sort of project myself with a lot less tools, I can say it's very meditative and Zen like, which comes through strongly in your vids
Same opinion here
My favorite is woodworking.. it's one of my passions and my part time business. But making ancient weapons from scratch is amazingly satisfying. It gives you some understanding of what it required of men in the old days, and you get a feel of what weapons worked well and what didn't (if you try to stay authentic)
Stefano Dog- I have become spoiled on the no-talk format. I get kind of pissy and hard to please if they talk over their videos. I know it's shitty of me but my initial reaction is alway "oh.. this guy is going to use his words". Primitive technology, Hand Tool Rescue, Andre Will Do It, Restore It, Will Matthews. The vicarious satisfaction of someone else fixing or making something I could not is hypnotic and meditative after a long day... words just get in the way.
I can and have done it and it's still very enjoyable, especially seeing it done with some power equipment I haven't used
Actually, there is a great deal of music going on there... To most it sounds like a lot of banging and grinding and things of that nature... But it's music none the less 😁
I just don’t get why people come on here and give this craftsman a thumbs down. Much less three hundred of them. Pathetic. Good work I wish I had all those tools and your shop. I love making things from start to finish. I like your work too!
Proper job. I really like the bird of prey design starting with the head on the handle and ending with the stylish feather on the blade back. The clean lines are doing the trick better than any redundant details...
That is fascinating and the amount of work just to prep the foundation - masterpiece of craftsmanship - remarkable! - thanks so much for sharing this!
Fabulous videos. Your craftsmanship and attention to detail is phenomenal, and those twin fullers. Awesome!
You truly are a master! May your work be timeless thus and your name eternal!!
Nothing more humbling than watching God given talent being maximized.
A true artisan.
As other posted comments note, I too love the sounds of the shop and your work only; no silly music, no commentating- your work does all the talking.
That guard piece (correct name, I’m unsure) is trick.
Carried guns all my professional life as a law enforcement officer, but .....I've always been attracted by blades a beautiful blade is a thing to behold......thank you sir!
It was a pleasure to watch you. Thank you very much Master :)
Channels like this, with no talking are the best.
A beautiful sword, thank you for the video.
Beautiful..awesome craftsmanship the details are slamming sharp!!
You are the Master! I love how you work and your technique! I would love to own one of your falcata’s or any other piece really! Great videos!
Sin palabras😳👍🏻👌🏻🙏🏻
Eres un verdadero MAESTRO!!!!
Muchas gracias por tus videos 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Your work speaks for itself, "amazing!"
El trabajo de um verdadero maestro!!!!!!!! Hermosa espada!!!! 👏👏👏👏👏👏
Masterpiece. Just amazing work
The craftsmanship, attention to detail is outstanding.
amazing! extraordinary workmanship. was glued to the screen for the duration.
Sei veramente un grande professionista !!!! BRAVISSIMO i tuoi video si guardano sempre molto volentieri Jvan
Hard work, and what a beautiful weapon arose from the ashes!
You got some sisu within, the spirit that you don't give up.
To me this is ten times more beautiful than any painting in the world... great craftmanship!
I wonder how long have you spent your time for making this wonderful and precious sword..
It's really one good job 👍👍👍
It’s a awesome art work, watching it gives a lot of enjoyments. Thanks 🙏🏻.
У тебя золотые руки! Смотрел с большим удовольствием. Твори дальше это правильно.
Уршиев что-ли?
A sword like that needs to be in battle ...and right now it would be such a handy thing to have by your side ...truly awesome craftsmanship .
Trabajo impecable con precioso resultado. Bravo!
Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. The Damascus layering, the polishing, and tbe handle design are all beautiful. Personally would have wrapped the handle in leather. Great work.
Cara...você é o melhor ! Magnifico trabalho.
Master Works!....respect man!! And what a nice workshop!
That Master Anvil you have, may well be the most Awesome Thing I have Ever seen in my life.
Absolutely breathtaking!
Сложный меч. Восхищение вызывает даже не меч, а ролик (видео) о работе, много инструментов и операций с ними. Много деталей и ненадоедливо показаны тонкости., как такое обойти вниманием? Я не понимаю. Спасибо мастеру, и здоровья в комплекте.
Beautiful and wonderful work and creativity
Você é um mestre!
Seria uma honra ter uma peça dessas
My sincere greetings, I watched this video more than once and I liked your work and the way you made this beautiful knife, and I wished I had one like it. Honestly, you are the most skilled knife maker I have seen for you, the best greeting
Excelente trabajo y muy buena hoja
I need to say this is a real art.Amaizing skill and will.Nice done,a piece of art.this guy is master blacksmith.
The guy do his hardwork job with syle, resulting with a piece of art
this video is a prime example why I am not a master craftsman or even a craftsman for that matter... no patience for such work...YOU are amazing at what you do!
Lots of nice equipment with a great shop to house it. I wish,
Это человек,руки голова на месте и душу вкладывает в металл.
С уважением из России.
Да, это не в думе засидать
У вас в раасии есть такое какчество как уважение)), ну рассмешил))
Вот ты дурак дураком, хоть и язык выучил. Тебе мама а детстве говорила, что люди везде разные бывают?
@@अनाहत дурик ты заграничный )) у вас то своего говна хватает и ни чем лучше нашего , а насчёт уважения у нас его поболе вашего я сам с украины мои родственикии кумовья в росси причём повсей , а раньше магучая держава СССР , правда верхушки и сми народ пытаются стравить , но я хочу сказать кто воспитывался в СССР тот имеет много ценностей как уважение ко всему живому и творчеству мастеров умельцев , а увас намного пафаса возомнивших окульторизацией робокопов , а хотя буржуи едут сюда и пытаются отдохнуть у нас посколько дуже культурный запад и оттянутся как в россии или на украине нельзя , ато посодють )) за нарушение , многие втом числе мои друзья рвут обратно немогут привыкнуть к этим роботам культуры ))
Fantastic Artwork!!! WORD!!! Applause!!! One&OnlyArts
One of the most beautifull spanish swords, Great Job !!!
Wasn't sure what type of sword it was but it is badass. Reminds me if the Spartan sword little bit.
Andy Chinn the Falcata was a great spaniard sword before the Roman empíre. Later many roman’s soldiers wear one in their equipements.
I was thinking xiphos I do believe.
Iberian sword not Spanish
Muy buen trabajo👍👍 tienes muy buena imaginación y inteligencia un abrazo desde Argentina 🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷👋🖐️
From INDONESIA respect 🇲🇨
Its shape is almost same of the Nepalese Khukuri.. its size is huge and the handle part is different. Good and minute art of craftsmanship 👏👏👏
просто КЛАСС.золотые руки.
You are the juggernaut of forged in fire. I only wish I had that sword in my collection. Makes you wonder how they did it , or how long it took
to make back 500 -1000 years ago. No machinery or pre-made dowels or pre cut wood.
sweet... I sure do like the videos from start to finish I dont even mind them being a hour or two. really love your work whats next?
Lots of swords and knives.
Lindo trabalho 👏👏👏
Tu sabe lá de nada
muito bom
@@tutorialdavida571 vai dá
Me ha gustado tu trabajo. ¡Ya me gustaría tener una falcata así....!
You made that? Respect man,its really freaking cool 👍😃
Awesome informative Video experience Y'alls God Bless Ya 🙌🙏 it's not a Movie it's a Video experience Y'alls 👍
orgullo del pueblo ibero 🇪🇸🇵🇹
Ya quisiera este tener la habilidad de los herreros iberos de hace 2500 años...
La falcata era de acero homogeneo con nucleo _decarburizado desde el exterior,_ algo que no se recuperó hasta finales del siglo XX (lo normal era al revés, _carburizar_ desde fuera). Con la habilidad que tiene, podría haber imitado el proceso antiguo haciendo un nucleo de acero blando entre dos capas de duro, pero no, que va... este señor hace TODAS sus espaditas en forjado en patrón estilo vikingo, que es lo único que le mola a los guiris, sin importarle la historia de la espada que reproduce.
A los guiris les puede gustar, pero a los que sabemos de falcatas nos sienta como si hiciera una katanita de acero blando aplanado y se la enseñara a un japonés, a ver si le gusta.
O como si le hiciera una sietemuelles y le grabara en la hoja "que le den por culo al honor de mi dueño" :-D
@@notfeedynotlazy creo que te estas refiriendo a la oxidacion controlada?lo de enterrar la pieza forjada????he leido algo acerca de ese tema....tambien lei que se doblaban y se podian poner denuevo rectas pisandolas....lo cual no se que pensar al respecto de su legendaria dureza ...por no hablar de su retencion de filo....creo que la pieza de este artesano es impecable en su ejecucion sobretodo en cuanto a la hoja(no se si has visto el cajon de arena para los normalizados del nucleo una belleza del arte falto una cabeza equina si....pero es una belleza.
@@elsenordeloscuchillos no, lo de que "se doblaban al golper y había que ponerlas luego rectas con el pie" es algo que dice un historiador romano muy literario pero poco fiable sobre las espadas CELTAS (fundamentalmente galos y similares), que eran unas espadas rectas de entre 80 y 100 cm, y que el análisis de todos los ejemplares encontrados nos indica que esa historia era meramente propagandística, de "qué inferiores eran estos bárbaros, nos pegaron una paliza en el Alia pero conste que sus espadas eran malísimas, ¿eh?", al mejor estilo romano. Estás hablando de un arma distinta a la falcata, descrita por un enemigo despectivo, y tratando de sacar conclusiones sobre ello.
En cuanto a la habilidad del artesano... saber documentarse sobre cómo es un tipo de espada y cual es la mejor técnica para su elaboración TAMBIÉN es parte de la habilidad. Y si hace _todas_ las espadas con la misma técnica, eso ya dice _todo_ lo necesario sobre esa parte de su habilidad.
@@notfeedynotlazy bueno....sigo opinando que se trata de una pieza muy bien historica obviamente....respecto a las falcatas,los iberos.... la propaganda romana....creo que han sido elogiados en varios documentos...hasta con horror por su conocido juramento obstante no se si serian las mismas armas las fabricadas para la nobleza ibera que para su infanteria....las armas producidas en tiempos de paz o las producidas en tiempos mas convulsos...las fabricadas al detalle o las que se fabricaban mas "en serie" que serian las que catarian los romanos....
@@elsenordeloscuchillos Repito, la historia de "la propaganda romana de lo malas que eran" NO era de las falcatas. Era de otro tipo de espada, hecha por otro pueblo. Basarse en esa historia para hablar de las falcatas es como (por poner un ejemplo humorístico, no por burlarme de nadie) basarse en la leyenda de que las katanas cortaban cañones de ametralladoras para hablar de espadas roperas) :-)
Los romanos no solo no hablaron mal de las espadas iberas (gladios y falcatas), sino que adoptaron una de ellas para su propio uso (y por dato curioso, no adoptaron la falcata solo porque es un arma "igualita pero mejor" que el kopis griego, y ellos acababan precisamente de abandonar el modo de lucha griego tras el repaso que los galos les metieron en Alia con esas espadas "tan malas". Y aquí sí me estoy burlando un poco de ellos) ;-D
Your remarkable skill is inspiring. Thank you.
Wow you make some nice blades the detail is amazing
Great piece of art you have to be proud of work
Parabéns! Muito linda, a peça é uma obra de arte!
You have created one beautiful knife. Keep up the great work.
one of the best sword smiths in the world, i watched many videos of this modern sword smith master, and if i would be rich, i would let him smith me a complete collection of this great handicraft sword uniques.
Ahora entiendo porque esas obras de arte valen un dineral!!! Talento, paciencia, trabajo y también mucho riesgo.
Make a continuation about the robot please, I really liked it, I'm waiting for your videos every day. I wrote via Google translator, I am Ukrainian
Does endless actions using huge array of tools, immersed in the joy of it, and voila, as though suddenly, we have an awesome work of art! True meditation. 😎
Que fabuloso trabajo , saludos de CHILE.
Traidores da Argentina. Traidores da América Latina. Chupador da pica do Tramp.
Vos oeuvres sont magnifique,je reverais de pouvoir en possédé une un jour,je n'arrive meme pas à imaginer aux vu du travail réalisé le tarif pour de tel merveille!Travail d'orfevre.
Definitely tell he's been doin that for sometime his hammering arm is double the size of the holding arm pretty cool stuff tho
Complete work of art. Such skill
Интереснее смотреть чем фильмы
Thanks for sharing subscribed. Beautiful work
thank you for make the sword of my people
Incredible work. Awesome sword
I was too lazy to take the trash out two days in a row. He makes a 6 part robot building tutorial and an hour long video producing a handmade falcata within a month.
Beautiful workmanship
Красиво сделал.
Unbelievable!!!! Respect sir!!!
Cómo siempre un trabajo extraordinario sigue asi
Simon, ese!
Truly a thing of beauty ! Sheer artistry at its finest.
Some people thinks this is an spartan sword, but It is an hispanic (iberian) sword, not a Kopis (greece).
Actually there were 2 Falcatas… The Hispanic one and The Lusitanian one. The Hispanic one was longer, sometimes it could reach over 90 Cm of lenght. The Lusitanian one however, didn't exceed 60 cm… The "Roman Terror". The one we see here is a "Lusitanian Falcata".
Não. Era uma espada personalizada: tinha o tamanho do braço de seu dono, desde o cotovelo até as pontas dos dedos.
Deixe de lado o patriotismo incompreendido. A Falcata é a espada dos ibéricos. O Gladius Hispaniensis é a espada dos celtiberos. Os outros povos ibéricos usavam espadas do tipo celta. Isso não significa que os povos da península não adotaram nenhum desses tipos de espadas.
De fato, a cavalaria costumava usar a Falcata por causa de suas qualidades de "sabre". Como os lusitanos são uma tribo de cavaleiros, não é estranho que eles adotaram a Falca ou até mesmo abandonaram a tradição de ser uma espada personalizada e a adaptaram, dando-lhe um comprimento maior, ao seu estilo de luta a cavalo.
No. The falcata had more curvature than the Greek majaira. As there are no written sources and the language of the Iberians has not yet been deciphered, it is not possible to be categorical regarding the origin of that sword. It does not matter. The fundamental thing about the Falcata is that it was a sword that caused terror in the legions of Rome during the long conquest of Hispania. A sword that could cut a legionary in half ... no matter what armor he wore.
Permita-me discordar baseado em alguns pontos. Existe uma considerável "colecção" de achados deste tipo de armas, tanto na área anteriormente considerada Lusitânia e Galaécia, como na restante Ibéria. "Colecção" que permite uma análise objectiva das diferenças encontradas em ambas as áreas. A Falcata Lusitana era consideravelmente mais curta que a Hispânica. Tem razão quando afirma que a falcata de cavalaria seria mais entanto as intervenções Lusitanas eram maioritariamente a pé, aliás, era exactamente pelo tipo de ataque rápido, em formação muito compacta que as hostes lusitanas eram temidas. E exactamente por causa deste tipo de formação, até considerada uma das primeiras formas de guerrilha, em que se usavam ataques muito rápidos, compactos e geralmente por emboscada, que a Falcata Lusitana se evidenciava...por ser excepcional em combate corpo a corpo muito próximo e rápido. Em relação à "adopção" da falcata, o mais provável é que tenha tido influencia Grega, aliás, os exemplares mais antigos foram encontrados junto de vasos dos mesmos e no período inicial continham pomo em forma de pássaro ou mocho o que é consistente com a cultura grega. Apenas num período mais tardio se encontram pomos em forma de cabeça de cavalo e no período final com pomo em forma de Lobo remetendo para uma referência à guerra.
Taken from the book "Viriathus: and the Lusitanian Resistance to Rome 155-139 BC":
"The Lusitanians, being a warlike tribe, constantly fought in agglomerated formations, so a short weapon brought enormous advantages in malleability and effectiveness. Thus the length of the sword was very important. The usual length of the Iberian falcata was 60 to 70cm (23 to 27 inches), but the length of the Lusitanian Falcata was much smaller - from 40 t0 50cm (15 to 20 inches)."
extraordinary, neat work with old-fashioned motifs, like a master craftsman in the land of Java in Indonesia with a kind of keris weapon typical of Indonesian weapons ... I salute you
крутая маска с фильтром
Really love your art, This knife is called KHUKRI, National weapon of country Nepal. Its is mainly used in Nepal and Gorkhali army in Britain.
он любит фильм книга илая.отличная работа чувак👍
А фильм дикое гуано
... Ottimo lavoro ... Grande professionista 👍
This art👌👌👍👍
Too much work for a simple sword. You are a master craftman. Well done bro. Your sword must be worth a fortune.
that is so beautiful man!! really love it :)
На эту работу можно смотреть безконечно,а клинок просто супер, Александр Македонский позавидовал бы!
Ты очень сильно рискуешь! Взялся за маслянистую заготовку правой рукой а потом этой же рукой закручиваешь вентиль на кислородном баллоне. Поаккуратнее надо быть!
Да нихрена не будет,это фейк.
Та это блефовый ролик.
Very Beautiful Amazing Knife 👍
Not a single fast forward but a plenty of rewinding sir.
Beautiful work master
Just beautiful!😍
My favorite sword
Once again, another masterpiece thank you for sharing.
seeing you flinch when the forge ignites, makes me feel less like a wuss
Wonderful job u r master in Ur job love from Pakistan