I think the most important question in the history of music is why music like this ...classical in form but associated with popular movies... is regarded on its own by only handful of people. This has been up four years, with only 158 likes and only five comments. Yet the movies this work was taken from have been seen by billions with budgets approaching that many dollars. Where money is to be made from just the music you won't find it free here on youTube. What is the genre of music that is attended by audiences that fill stadiums? It is called music but it sure seems to me to be more like tuned jet engine exhaust.
Pov: Youre here because you played this
playing this tmrw at my school
I think the most important question in the history of music is why music like this ...classical in form but associated with popular movies... is regarded on its own by only handful of people. This has been up four years, with only 158 likes and only five comments. Yet the movies this work was taken from have been seen by billions with budgets approaching that many dollars. Where money is to be made from just the music you won't find it free here on youTube. What is the genre of music that is attended by audiences that fill stadiums? It is called music but it sure seems to me to be more like tuned jet engine exhaust.
I played this when I was seven
So when did you start learning your instrument? And what is your instrument?
This would sound a lot better if I wasn't using a $100 violin