Many signal generators have an output impedance that allow use of a matching characteristic impedance cable (50-Ohms is common). This is not a problem for low current LDOs (
Signal generators should have low output impedance so ac and dc signal can be used in series. Please clarify the purpose of using ac source in a different way.
Thank you for your question. We will look into this and will reach back out to you.
Many signal generators have an output impedance that allow use of a matching characteristic impedance cable (50-Ohms is common). This is not a problem for low current LDOs (
What is a real world example of this ? Is a mobile charger an example ?
Signal generators should have low output impedance so ac and dc signal can be used in series. Please clarify the purpose of using ac source in a different way.
thanks for the explanation. Usefull
So nice thanks sir