I'm regretting this device? Pubg frame rate is never steady. It's always fluctuating. Even if I lower the frame rate settings in pubg, it still fluctuates, it's never steady. However, other games work just fine. Steady frame rate and all. Some games like farlight84 give me 120fps. I just don't know what is going on with pubg
The battery timing is really good . You can get up to 6 to 8 hours ultimate gameplay . But don't forgot 120w fast charger which charges f4 GT in 17 minutes
I'm regretting this device? Pubg frame rate is never steady. It's always fluctuating. Even if I lower the frame rate settings in pubg, it still fluctuates, it's never steady. However, other games work just fine. Steady frame rate and all. Some games like farlight84 give me 120fps. I just don't know what is going on with pubg
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you need to change grafis first to smooth and you can see 90 fps grafis ready or not
I'm always play on smooth with extreme graphics .
@@Zubifiy smooth 90 fps available?
@@shyastik No but it's available with GFX tool .
@@Zubifiy pubg moderate ☠️☠️☠️ 8 gen 1 not support 90 fps👍☠️
@@Zubifiy thx
How is the battery of the basic day to day usage? I'm not really into games
The battery timing is really good . You can get up to 6 to 8 hours ultimate gameplay . But don't forgot 120w fast charger which charges f4 GT in 17 minutes