Sleep is important.. September 2018 rocked my family with the hurricane Florence. To lives and properties displaced we gave $45k. We also gave in 2020 COVID year. The "Treasure Principle" by Randy Alcorn helped my giving reason why getting $105k in two months is just evident of God's blessings on my household. God never faltered on his written and spoken promises over my family.. All thanks to Mrs Kathy Lien
Sleep is very very important for health otherwise it's devastation as your doorsteps
I don't need berter food but sleep better
Sleep is important.. September 2018 rocked my family with the
hurricane Florence. To lives and properties
displaced we gave $45k. We also gave in 2020
COVID year. The "Treasure Principle" by Randy
Alcorn helped my giving reason why getting $105k
in two months is just evident of God's blessings on
my household. God never faltered on his written and
spoken promises over my family.. All thanks to Mrs Kathy Lien
That's a major turn around. Praise be to Jesus our Lord. Hallelujah
But then, what do you do? How do you come
about that in that period?