Its crazy that the director of this film Ron Clements who directed alot of the disney renaissance films such as Little Mermaid, Aladdin, and Hercules, he wanted to make Treasure Planet before all of these great movies and Disney told him no and thought it was a bad idea. He kept bugging them about it until they said "well you helped us with all these movies we will let you have your project" and they didnt even care about Treasure Planet and supplied it with barely any marketing budget and put it out with other blockbuster movies at the time. Crazy that Ron Clements realized the potential of the movie but Disney did not.
Actually there is a theory that Disney sabotage'd TP on purpose. You see, at the time there was a need to begin changing to 3d animation. However since most of Dinsney action holders are as old as a fucking pyramides, they don't understand their own field and only interested in financial reports. So Disney *needed* a 2D movie from a know director not just to fail but to literally crash. In favor of this theory we know that Disney: 1 - insisted on using 3d elements in TP, which ofcourse significanty raised production cost. 2 - they reliesed the movie on a fucking winter holiday season, which is basically a death sentense for any non-christmas themed movie.
If it's any consolation, *Treasure Planet* was nominated for an Oscar for Best Animated Feature. It lost to *Spirited Away.* The other nominees were: *Ice Age,* *Lilo & Stitch,* *Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron.* Quite a year!
@@edophoneix1340 oh no! the poor guy feels offended because they wanted to explore a movie about something that affects 50% or more of the population? not everything can be treasure planet. a movie about periods can be good, especially because they never teach children about that and when they have it they are scared shitless
@@teaerrorsss oh look a feminist that doesn't think it's a parents' job to teach their daughters about periods instead wants a CHILDERN Movie Producer "Disney" too do it for them.
@@goldendolphin7743 you using “feminist” as an insult lmaooo. Yes, it’s the parent’s job, but also periods are such a taboo topic to this day, so it’s nice to see movies about it that normalise the thing. There’s nothing wrong about it, maybe you’re just not someone who has periods but I can assure you that it’s doesn’t harm anyone. Children have periods, some have it as early as the age of nine, so idk what are you talking about
-based on a classic piece of literature -a creative take as the setting is space -steampunk aesthetic -a screenplay thats simultaneously funny, touching and entertaining -stunning visuals -characters who undergo great development -awesome soundtrack why is it not getting the credit it deserves?
As a fatherless father, I just want to send all my love and encouragement to all the young men who have grown up without a father's love and taken on the gauntlet with bravery to be more. As a man and a father I am supremely proud of you. I would embrace you if I could. But by gods grace, know that you are loved and he is proud and so am I.
I had a father but he was never my father, just psychopath who tried to destroy my life and in that sense, I don't have a father. 4 months ago I finally managed to escape from him, finally managed to start living my life
@@MonsieurArlequin that takes strength. Be the man of which you would have wished fathered you. That is the way to undo the cycle of pain. Praying for you mate
how could they possibly think this movie failed??? i have known countless people that remember watching this movie during their childhood and they all think it's a great movie.
I was about to comment the same thing until I found this... Yes, such line is so true. Sometimes, people are so focused on changing others that they failed to see that they, themselves, need also to change...
Treasure Planet, The Iron Giant, Emperor's New Groove, and Atlantis: The Lost Empire are hugely underappreciated, and overlooked gems. They are such fantastic movies. Some of my favorites. Edit: others are: *Prince of Egypt, David and the Coat of Dreams, Meet the Robinsons, Brother Bear, the Road to El Dorado, and Lilio and Stitch.*
This movie stands as the greatest animated Disney movie ever. It has great character development. Visuals are amazing. There isn't a dumb amount of random people running around singing *narrating what's happening* it just had great music. It had a great cast. It doesn't have a bunch of princesses crying that there life isn't good or anything. It has real life problems that people can relate too. All in all a great movie
What I really like was that they didn’t specify why the dad left and the fact that they didn’t even show the dad’s face. I thought it was a nice symbolic touch.
"Didn't yer father ever teach ye to pick yer battles?" "..." "...Yer father not the teachin' sort?" "No. He was more the 'taking-off-and-never-coming-back' sort."
Welllll since the captain has put u in my charge like it or not I'll be poundin a few skills into that thick head of yours to keep you out of trouble u won't so much as eat, sleep or scratch ur BUM without my say so! 😂😂
Fat ema. That’s the thing Disney wanted it to fail. Disney didn’t care for the masterpiece that is Treasure planet. They purposely messed up the marketing for it. It was competing against Harry Potter and Disney’s own Christmas movie. It was just not the direction the head of Disney wanted. It was “Disney’s Biggest Mistake.”
Imagine a closed room with a big moving platform designed as a pirate ship, and the whole inside are walls. Then ur joining in a 10-15 min ride of pirate spacetravel on the Legacy Or a ride where ur stand up on a solar board, ur waist is attached so u cant fall, and feel like ur flying like Jim Hawkings im the beginning of the movie
This movie is not underrated It will never be underrated anymore It wasn't even underrated when this comment and people should stop saying that A movie can't stay that course for the rest of eternity. It WAS when it first came out, but it's already grown a cult following, and a really big one too. The word "underrated" is not some kind of marketing tool that you can use for more people to go see it
@@isaywhateveriwantandyougot7421 stfu I've never heard anyone before talk about this movie besides on the internet before it is so under rated still its is a really good movie it was a commercial flop in the theaters so shut up
2:51 The moment when he opens the door and sees his dad leaving is just burnt in my memory. Hit like a truck. I can't hear the song without seeing that shot in my mind's eye. What a movie.
As a kid I never understood the circumstances of why his dad left. I just assumed he went on an adventure and he got lost or died on it and his family was mourning him. But growing up and rewatching with a mature mindset I picked up on the context clues and figured out that he left them because he probably didn’t want to be tied down and wanted to be free to live an exciting life of adventure. I can’t fault him for feeling that way but the fact people can have families and then just leave them like they’re expendable…that’s just so wrong 😢
This movie is so amazing. It features so many obstacles that i feel anyone can relate to atleast a few of them: Growing up without a father. Feeling like you dont belong. Struggling to fit in. Raising a kid alone. The struggle between kid and parent. The list is long and this movie deserves so much more praise than it has gotten. Incredible movie, would´ve loved a sequel.
The early 2000s, the time I was growing up, was the era of the underrated animated films: Iron Giant, Titan A.E., Treasure Planet, A Bug's Life, The Emperor's New Groove, Atlantis: The Lost Empire, Tarzan, Mulan, The Prince of Egypt, The Road to El Dorado, and Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron. It's actually shocking to me to look back and realize that wider society has all but forgotten about these hidden gems.
I watched the Iron Giant last week for the first time in 10 years. It was one of my favourite movies as a kid but I never realized how amazing it was until now. The animation is absolutely spectacular and the plot was just-wow. It simaltaneously brought up serious issues about nuclear warfare and the cruel realities of human nature. While making me laugh the entire time. Plus, every single character is so well thought out and dynamic. It's truly a work of art. All the other movies you've mentioned are amazing as well but Iron Giant just blew my mind.(also another great underrated film is Prince of Egypt)
Everyone has a heart inside. If we touch their heart through the right way, even an villian can be our best friend, best mentor and father. Loved the animation and still love this song.
Treasure Planet is THE most underrated Disney film of the lot; but I never truly realised how underrated it is until I watched it again... I was 6 years old when I first watched it (it came out in 2003 in the UK, where I live). The more I watch this film, the more I learn about the hidden themes that make Treasure Planet the underrated, underappreciated masterpiece that it truly is (despite getting an Oscars nomination). At least Disney showed enough appreciation to put this hidden gem of a film on Disney+.
'Treasure Planet' and 'The Iron Giant' were the best and still are GREAT movies. I still remember the songs and the characters; and definitely will share them with my children someday. #TreasurePlanet2020
This reminds me of what my dad used to tell me: "The world will always want to change you. But from time to time for the worst of reasons. When the tide runs in filth, swim against the current. Even if it breaks your body, it'll never break your soul. Not unless you let it. It is who you are inside that matters, and the rest of the world will never change that. Not to me."
... dude. The stories were always predictable, it's literally fairy tales put up on the big screen. Lion king? You do realize that's a copy/paste of hamlet, but with lions. Right? Oh, OH! What about Tarzan! That story has only been told about 30 times before disney got ahold of it, no way to predict that plot right? If I might make an assumption here, what you long for is the days when you were a wee little lad and hadn't seen so many films before. Back when all of these 800 year old tropes and stories were fresh and new to your little mind.
@@animorph17 why all the negativity and criticism? why not just take the films as just that a film. to be enjoyed regardless of if it was tropy or not?
@Keldeomaster 224 .... negativity? Disney is my favorite film company and I've been watching every movie they produce since I was a child. Noticing the obvious that the fairy tale story is, you know, a fairy tale? That's not criticism that's an objective statement of fact. Tropes? You mean literary tools that every good story is expected to use, and it's impossible to write a story without one? Recognizing that a particular trope is over 800 years old doesn't mean it's a bad trope, it just means you are capable of basic pattern recognition.
@@animorph17 ... Quick thing. Disney Tarzan has Jack squat to do with the original, barring some character names and the concept of a man raised by apes. The actual plot is completely different
Having grown up without a father, who left (coincidentally) around the same age as Jim's, i feel like Jim every day. Though im starting to find myself.
My stepson never knew his real dad. I thought about my son the whole time I watched this movie. When this song came on it really hit home. No innocent child should have to grow up without a father. Needless to say, I'm going to take care of my stepson and try to be the best father figure I can for him.
The father is not the one who begot you, but the one who raised you. I am adopted and I love my parents because they put a lot of time, emotion, money and mental health into raising me. I will never stop loving them and helping them. Be a Dad like mine and everything will work out somehow ;)
I remember watching this movie as a kid, everytime we got home I hit up the dvd player and watched this and just felt so immersed into Jim's character, as a kid, my parents always gave me hard times that it led me to serious depression at a very young age. Now 22 years old, I still battle it from time to time, but now I feel I can fight it and I will succeed. The world wanted me to be this, to do this or that and live the way the world wants me to. But I don't want to. I want to live the way I want to, experience and try New things, learn new things. I don't mean any harm to myself nor to anybody. So why don't I deserve MY happiness? MY freedom? To finally learn about myself and who I am.
Treasure Planet had many Adult themes about feeling lost and soul searching. I'm upset Disney doesn't make movies like this anymore. I absolutely LOVE this movie and I still watch it every now and then. It's so incredibly underrated and even though it has quite a few dark themes, I'm sure MANY MILLIONS of kids(had this been a big hit rather than a forgoten movie) would have been helped and known what they wanted to do with their life. How to move on, how to face life and its harshness.This movies hits me in the heart every time I watch it and the song is just perfect. Its such a perfect combo!
You know why they don't make such movies anymore? 'cause the Studio that animated them was "just" a backup studio in Florida. In 1996 Disney decided to start focusing on 3D Animation and the started working with "A Bug's Life" and basically told the Florida studio "Do what you want." and they did. They produced many of my favorite Disneymovies like Mulan, Tarzan, Atlantis, Lilo & Stitch and a few others. In 2004 Disney completly decided to stop producing 2D featured films and they closed down the Florida studio and laid all of the Animators from there. A friend told me that many of them may work for Dreamworks now
I've never understand why aren't more movies like Treasure Planet and Atlantis. They were my favourites, they have meaning and teach kids. And now, they are underrated. I miss those movies.
As a boy who grew up with this movie actively seeing different men play father roles in my life and now I’m grown and playing a part in a little boy’s life and this one resonates with me on a very deep level. From fatherless to fathering 🤟🏽🤟🏽
It's 2022..time sure flies hella fast mates. I bet there are also gen Z people here listening to this nostalgic song to the point of relating yourself to jim.. This movie was a master piece indeed..
It's one of the reasons I love anime so much, and I know it's not for everyone but Japan does some absolutely stellar 2d animation and the stories can also be fantastic
There was going to be a second one, but Disney cancelled it, because they wanted to make 3D animated movies. So Disney isn't going to make another one, and a petition isn't going to change that. I think they should make another one, but they won't.
I'll be 23 in just a couple days. I've been a fan of this movie since I was little. Treasure Planet is CRIMINALLY underrated. It's easily my favorite Disney movie, ever.
Watched this movie opening day with my Dad when I was just a kid. Now, after four years of college, four years of hardship, four years of telling myself "I'm still here," my Dad is about to see me graduate and become a man in a few months. Don't ever let anyone tell you it can't be done, cause it can. This song's never meant more to me than it does now
I watched this film incessantly with my dad when I was little. He loved it a lot, as did I. This song punches me in the gut, I never thought I’d end up feeling like Jim, alone and misunderstood and with an absent father. My dad ended up killing himself a decade ago, I’m 19 now and it still hurts like a motherfucker but I’m still here. It warms my heart that so many people appreciate the beauty of this film and still do. For what it’s worth, I’m proud of your success and I hope you’re doing well now Jacob
@@esmin2400 My heart goes out to you. A child should never have to go through life without their dad’s guiding hand. We’re all Jim, and we all need a Long John Silver to show us the world. As for me, I’m in my second year of law school right now. I’m studying to be a lawyer, I’m getting married to a lovely woman next Summer, and I couldn’t be more blessed. No matter how hard life is, it will always get better. Always. Just keep telling yourself, “I’m still here,” and everything seems to fall into place💪🏽
This movie is so good. It paints a picture of space unlike any sci-fi film out there by making it fantastic and wondrous rather than cold and empty. And that art style! A lot of the film from this era that had this art style feel cheap to me, but a few could really pull it off well, and this is definitely one of them. The story features a fairly stereotypical character for the kind of story it wants to tell, but without a romantic subplot, which is something I commend the makers for. It was quite a while since I saw this movie, so there are probably many flaws I'm missing, but I'll always remember this as one of my favorites
God, this movie sure was something. I watched it again a few years ago, when i could understand its nuance, and i wont lie that i cried. It felt like, for once, there was someone who remembered me, even at my worst. After years of people trying to change me, make me who i wasnt. Years of denying who i was. Years of not having people ehen i needed them most. But im still here. Im still here, and im not going anywhere unless im driving. This song is beautiful, and an homage to the broken, the fatherless, the destitute, the forgotten, and the pressured.
"They can't break me as long as I know who I am." This is wonderful. Now what you're worth, and when peuple try to break your body, they wont even be able to see that your soul is way stronger.
Wow thank you so much... you really get it. I'm glad you're still here too. No matter what we've all been through, and are going through, we're all still here.
There really is something about being comfortable with who you are that makes insults and unwarranted criticisms just sort of bounce off. I doubt there's anyone who can't relate to that line.
This song hits so hard for me as a kid who grew up with an absent father and from a neurodivergent perspective of constantly being told what the world wanted me to be and then being punished or outcast when I couldn't be what they wanted and I will never be who they want me to be. Growing up with both of those factors in play, god, this song makes me cry every time I hear it
The "let it go" song for the boys. To all my fellow men out there suffering silently right now; i'm here with you. You are not alone. This one's for you.
This movie and song will forever hold a special place in my heart. When I was a little girl I would wear. this. song. OUT. As an adult, the lyrics hit so different now that I actually understand them. The interpretation may be different for some, but it's probably safe to say that most are along the lines of change & expectation. For me, it's dealing with the struggles of being a late-bloomer and not really feeling seen or heard (not from lack of trying). And these are probably the lines I resonate with the most: "Wanna hold on and feel I belong." "You can't take me and throw me away." "You can't tell me who to be, 'cause I'm not what they see."
The most Underrated Disney film behind Atlantis the Lost Empire, The Black Cauldron and Hunchback of Notre Dame who says Disney's Renaissance died with the 90s? For me I believe it just secretly carried on with these sadly underrated treasures to be honest.
The early 2000's did have some great Disney gems, and Titan A.E. had one of the most epic soundtracks and this song always made think of Titan A.E. as well.
My mom took me to watch this movie in the theatre when I was 5 years old, and for a really long time this movie made me kind of bittersweet happy, because I grew up without my father as well, actually, to be true, I grew up without any significant male model, except for my grandpa, but even he feel distant to me, so I was a lonely, overprotected child, so overprotected that I grew up ignoring many things about my own life, and sawing Jim go ahead and make the things for himself, on his own way was really inspiring And now, I'm 20 years old, and I find a different meanning in this song, cuz now I found someone who make me feel real. Someone that inspires me to follow her example and try to be a better person, and is great
Claudine Malis I miss all of my past. why did I want to grow up so bad... I listen to this song while I ride my motorcycle. it's almost always my last song on the way home...
There was always something special about this movie to me. I just felt... endeared to Jim and John Silver's pseudo-father/son relationship. I don't even have problems with my relationship with my own dad. But something about the way they act together about halfway into the movie when they're still on the ship, I just felt enthralled with the two characters. I cry almost every time I go back and watch this movie. And it's made all the better when Silver isn't turned into just another cliche evil villian. Maybe it's because the original book was just adapted really well by Disney, but I feel like they did actually care about those few scenes on the ship where the story slowed down, and we just got to see the two interact with each other.
I have seen countless times since I was a kid.. I'm 18 now and still cry everytime I watch it.. Every talk silver and Jim have is so beautiful and emotional. Even when they were fighting on the planet.
To the all the listening the men to this song right now, hold on to your values and morals. Be the hero of your story and the legend your children will talk about for years. No one can be your hero but yourself but remember you're never alone in this journey. Stay strong!
This song goes out to all the dreamers, the doers, the goal reachers, the rebels, the impacters, those who don't stop going after what they believe in. Those who will make a change in their life. I'm one of them.
This movie holds a special place in my heart. I remember watching it with my father when I was 6 or 7 years old. Me n my dad had a great time together back then. Every time I watch Treasure Planet, I think of my father. He died to stroke when I was 14. Now I'm 21 and Treasure Planet is quite nostalgic because it reminded of my father. Rest in peace Dad😢
This is the theme song to my life. Never taken seriously and always for granted by people. But here I am out in this world still trying to prove myself and I will get to where I want to be whether anyone wants to acknowledge me or not. I am thankful for my family and the handful of friends who have stuck by me as i've gone through trial after trial, but I will never be satisfied until i've persevered and made a name for myself. I'm still here and still trying to make it. A heartfelt kudos to everyone else who feels this way.
Treasure Planet. Where romance isn't focused in the movie, relatable problems And don't let me get started on the artwork of the environments. One of the only movies where the art got me inspired to do art
It was only a failure per say because the movie took 140 million dollars to make and they only made like 100 million while losing 30 to 40 million which is sad because the movie is amazing
@@link-iv2sl its Disney's fault it failed. They gave it terrible marketing with a trailer that spoils practically everything. And releasing a summer movie (Treasure Planet) in the winter where it's competition was the second Harry Potter, one of the Lord of the Rings movies, and the Santa Claus 2. Wish this movie would have gotten its sequel :(
If you want to get technical, romance *is* focused. Just a different kind of romance. The romance of adventure and coming to age, the original and purest form of romance.
The MOST underrated song in kids movies, and before anyone says anything I’ll explain in a very short way. This song is about Jimbo’s kid memories of his father leaving him and his mother when he was young. However, at the beginning of the film we see Jim doing illegal things such as trespassing properties, amongst other stuff. He was a very rebel teenage, but here’s the catch he grew up in a single parent household. One of the most problematic thing in our current society is that more and more and more kids are growing up in single parent households, which directly correlates with the high crime rates in certain communities.
I relate to this so badly. My dad and I used to watch this film constantly, he loved it and as did I. Unbeknownst to all of us, my dad was very mentally ill and ended up committing suicide a decade ago, leaving us alone and making me connect so strongly with Jim. I lost any male influence at such a young age, my best friend, my parent and I turned to self destruction for a long time, still do tbh. This song and this movie will always be the most valuable thing to me, the only piece left of my dad really. I’m getting a tattoo for this film in a few months because even though I’m not thriving, I’m still here.
@@esmin2400 omg, that is so sad, im sorry that you lost your dad is such an awful way. Be strong, im sure he loved you a lot. Suicide is just such a sad thing to happen to people, sometimes people think it's the best option for their problems without realizing what an affect it has in friends and family members. Things will get better I promise just stay strong.🙂 and love life.
@@esmin2400 I’ve just read your story. This really is a sad story to hear. If you’re reading this, the one thing I would wish is for you, your best friend and your family to stay strong. Things will get better and I’m sure that you’ll do your father proud by achieving what you want to achieve and by doing all the things that you can look back on. You could inspire many people in your situation, around the world to stay strong. Stay strong.
Duncan Anderson Both are heavily altered from their original versions, but whereas Jim went from the blank slate sweet kid of the novel to a much more compelling and memorable troubled teen, Elsa went from a powerful villainess to a stock tragic heroine. One character became more interesting when reimagined, the other became less interesting.
@@carlosalmonacid8958 Yeah I heard Elsa was ment to be the villain but after Let it Go was sung they gave us the plot twist with prince Hans. The whole story of Frozen was about the relationship between the sisters,so Hans being the villain felt pointless.John Silver is a great example of a twist villain,since when it's revealed that he's the bad guy no one is hurt more by this betrayal then Jim,Silver was quite possibly the only friend Jim had and was the type of father figure he was missing in his life.This guy did a video analysis on Treasure Planet which I reccomend. Jim is this angsty teen in the beginning but sees his actions hurt his mother and Jim doesn't want to hurt her,he goes to find Treasure Planet to rebuild her restaurant and their home.As the movie progresses and when we hear I'm still here it helps understand Jim Hawkins. It's sad that Disney doesn't make great content like Treasure Planet,Gargoyles,Lilo and Stitch,Hercules and Tron anymore. Nowadays they just buy big name franchises and remake their films.
Why can’t Disney make movies like this anymore. Such a powerful story about a boy trying to learn how to become a man, and needing a father so badly to do so. I want more stories like this. Disney please stop constantly front-and-centering shallow girlboss characters, and I say that as a woman lol.
They’ve copped out. Their movies are all full of politics now. Movies made with the intention to make as much money as possible, not entertain or make the audience feel anything meaningful.
@@AndrewJamesWilliams "everything i dont like is woke. Car stolen? Thats woke. Girl rejected me? shes woke. Corporations making money? Thats woke. Someone challenging my comfortable personal bubble? Thats woke" go change your diapers, crybaby.
@@Squidward Movies have always been full of politics. That isn't automatically a death sentence. You just have to craft your story and message well. I don't think Disney always does that, though.
This movie was my absolute favorite as a child, and it still is today. It has been my inspiration for so many things, it has fueled my sense of adventure, and driven my passion for science (particularly astrophysics) along with my sense of individuality. I get a lot of crap from my peers about loving a "kids" movie so much, and I will never be able to explain how deeply this movie touched me. This song specifically is my all time favorite, and always will be. :)
Even more of a shame that the pilot for the second movie was cancelled, and thrown in the trash. It would have been a good movie, from all of the leaked info that there is about it.
The whole lonerism speaks to us individuals as we'll the whole deep feeling of the movie was so real and not so sugar coated like frozen or that typical princess stuff real talk
It was nice being 7 years old and seeing this and enjoying the pretty colours and animation but not truly understanding the premise behind everything. Now that I am 20 and grown up and have watched it again I am almost brought to tears when this song plays and I can relate to Jim so much more than I thought I ever would. I wish Disney would produce this kind of stuff again not this "Frozen" stuff...argue all you want but it's just not the same as it used to be...Lion King, Fox and the Hound, Beauty and the Beast, Atlantis, Aladdin, The Little Mermaid?...I don't think I need to keep going.
I absolutely agree with you. Like, CGI is impressive and all, but I still wish there were nice 2D animations that no matter what can make me feel like a kid again.
You know, this is a song reaching on a deeper level. When listning with attention I've ended up in tears. Knowing I missed out so much. I was forced to grow up with a father who couldn't make time for you, a mother with dementia and a brother with ppd-nos. You had to teach life to yourself. It's still very hard to 'survive' life without knowing you're welcome to be somewhere. This song reminds me very strong how that time was
@@MrHades-xq7nu I'm long from away from home my friend. Moving forward isn't easy for everybody, each person has their own pace in life. Me? Still haunted by some thoughts and bad memories. After this hell of good 21 years (I'm 25) I'm happy to announce I love life and happy I didn't turn out addicted to and never did any drugs, smoking, weed or even alcohol through all those years. Still to find my place in the world, but progress have been made :)
I'm so sorry, but you are going to have to trade in your brother for a new one. Your brother is broken. Please contact the manufacturer. I hope he's still under warranty.
Give him a few more years and try again. Don't know how old your brother is but I remember watching it when I got older and understood it better. It's a really good movie. Underrated in my opinion and one of the best disney movies ever made.
Disney's hidden gem is actually their greatest treasure! Their only movie building up young boys and encouraging them to become great men despite life's obstacles. We need more of that and I'm glad my son got to experience this amazing movie and John Rizeznik really hit home with this song! To every young boy and man that needs to hear this: keep hanging on, don't give up, don't give in; you are not alone, you are still needed, you are still wanted and you are still valued. I hope you never forget that and become great men, leaders, husbands and fathers that you are meant to be. "You have the making of greatness in ya"
I was 6 years old when this movie came around. I had the VHS of this movie and would watch it on repeat. I didnt understand at the time why it was my favorite movie or why it spoke so much to me, but I came from a fatherless home. My father walked out on me just like Jim's father did, and I never knew why. I grew up just wanting someone to give me a chance to prove that I'm worth it. Looking back at it now and listening to this song I finally understand. We may not know all the reasons why people betray us the way they do, but we can choose to be better and walk a good path. We can reach out and experience life still, we can carve our own path and blaze our own trails. We don't have to be defeated and give up. Eventually we will find the place we belong. So to all the people who watched this movie as a kid and had father issues, I want you to know that you're not alone. And just like you, I'm still here.
I really don't understand how it was a flop. I loved it as a kid. Got a coloring book once for it and used it to copy (side-by-side not trace) B.E.N. and Morph. Somehow managed to do a pretty good job of it for the former, though maybe my memory is clouded on that one, you never know. But yeah, it was a wonderful way to bring the old Treasure Island story to modern kids. It deserves to be remembered as a fun, immensely well-animated movie with interesting characters and a fitting soundtrack. Yet somehow it kinda just... failed. Every tiny detail in this film shows it for the passion project it was, and yet it was a flop. Guess it makes sense, though, there are so many cult classics out there that aren't appreciated by many but are incredibly appreciated by those who do.
Treasure Planet being a flop at the box office was no accident. The director (forgot his name, apologies) pleaded to Disney for years for this film to be made, and even after they had signed a contract, Disney executives put their hands up in his face and told him that if they were going to support him to produce his "little Treasure Island movie", he needed to do some favors for them first. Several movies later (Aladdin, The Little Mermaid, etc.) they finally greenlit the production of the movie. But times were changing. 3D animation had caught the attention of the public eye and left 2D animation in the shadows. 3D animation was also much less expensive and far quicker and faster to produce than films made in the traditional 2D format. Disney wanted a final nail in the coffin to prove to everyone, "We told you so", and Treasure Planet was exactly what they were looking for. Through intentionally poor marketing, a terrible trailer, and limited theater times made Treasure Planet a complete bust; they had gotten their wish. The public wouldn't have been that interested in it anyway, since it was 2D. It's also well-known that for the majority of people who want this film re-made, they want it as CGI or as a live-action remake. As unfortunate as it is, 2D animation is effectively dead in the West, much of Europe, and probably Australia as well.
This song resonates deeply in me. I've always been kinda in the shadow of my brothers or other people with no real identity to myself. Tagging along behind other people trying to be like them even though I didnt want to be. I spent a lot of my time alone because my attitude and personality was so off and quirky compared to others that they just left me alone, hence why I tried to be like everyone else. So I always wondered if there was somthing wrong with me. *I am a question to the world. Not an answer to be heard.* And even when they tried to mold me into somthing like them, it was clear I wasnt meant for that and I was still rebuked for it. *And what do you think youd ever say, i dont listen anyway. You don't know me and I'll never be what you want me to be.* So my time was spent by myself alot until I hit middle school. Still I jumped in with people that I tried to be like, thinking that's who I was inside. I went down a bad path with bad people and my parents saw that. They and I fought many times about it because i was sure that was who I was. It felt like I wasnt there anymore. *And how can you learn what's never known, yeah you stand here on your own. They dont know me cause I'm not here.* Then I started developing my own likes and interests. Finding my passions and discovering my self. Filling my head with knowledge and thirsting for more. It conflicted with where I was going so I had alot of inner turmoil. *And I want a moment to be real. Want to touch things i dont feel. Wanna hold on and feel I belong.* As I underwent my own little journey that went to high school, I noticed all my _friends_ never changed any. They got worse and worse in drugs, alchohol while I tried to branch out from them. They kept trying to get me to go to their level and were confused as to why I didnt. And still my parents were trying to make me somthing that I wasnt. A wrestler or some form of fighter in mind and body. *And how can the world want me to change, they're the ones that stays the same. They dont know me, cause I'm not here* I had to leave high school in my junior year and go off on a therapeutic facility for a year and a half. There I finally started to see myself more clearly. I sae who I became and what lied in the future if I continued that way and who I could be. I had to make the choice to be better than I was. My arms were already riddled with scars of self harm but once I figured out what I was meant to be, I felt more confident. My father and I talked long about myself and he accepted where I was going and was willing to help me achieve my goals and be the person I needed to be. And I finally stopped thinking about what people thought of me, my weird and quirky attitude, my demeanor and my thought process. I was ready to face the world *All you wanted I can be, and I'm not afraid. And I want to tell you who I am, can you help me be a man. They can break me as long as I know who I am.* This song just feels like a conversation with myself over the years. And I love it because it feels like my journey to be where I am now. Not another version of my brothers or a slave to the destruction of my friends from school. I am who I am despite the worlds opinions of me. And they havent broken me cause I'm still here.
Beautiful. Just amazing. I hope you're doing well, it makes me overjoyed to hear stories of people getting out of and past their own issues and growing.
Its crazy that the director of this film Ron Clements who directed alot of the disney renaissance films such as Little Mermaid, Aladdin, and Hercules, he wanted to make Treasure Planet before all of these great movies and Disney told him no and thought it was a bad idea. He kept bugging them about it until they said "well you helped us with all these movies we will let you have your project" and they didnt even care about Treasure Planet and supplied it with barely any marketing budget and put it out with other blockbuster movies at the time. Crazy that Ron Clements realized the potential of the movie but Disney did not.
Disney sucks ass sometimes
Most of all, it will be a shame if this universe is never returned to :(((((
This is my favorite Disney animation, I've gotta say.
Actually there is a theory that Disney sabotage'd TP on purpose. You see, at the time there was a need to begin changing to 3d animation. However since most of Dinsney action holders are as old as a fucking pyramides, they don't understand their own field and only interested in financial reports. So Disney *needed* a 2D movie from a know director not just to fail but to literally crash. In favor of this theory we know that Disney: 1 - insisted on using 3d elements in TP, which ofcourse significanty raised production cost. 2 - they reliesed the movie on a fucking winter holiday season, which is basically a death sentense for any non-christmas themed movie.
@@Baloo106 Yes bro, that's right . Let's hope that the rats will return to this forgotten masterpiece at least in the form of a live remake
The most criminally underrated Disney movie ever.
Alex Christopher I love treasure planet. It’s such a good movie:)
If it's any consolation, *Treasure Planet* was nominated for an Oscar for Best Animated Feature. It lost to *Spirited Away.* The other nominees were: *Ice Age,* *Lilo & Stitch,* *Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron.* Quite a year!
So much! Honestly this is the best Disney movie!!!
@@musicaltheatergeek79 damn, that was a good year for animation. All of them were fantastic
This movie is so nostalgic. I remember being 4 when I first saw it
"Just a lifelong obsession Jim. I'll get over it"
One of my fave lines in the movie
My fave is about Silvers' leg; "You give up a few tings, in pursuit of a dream." This movie always made me starry-eyed.
Now morph, i need you to keep an eye on this here perp
Ye got the makins o’ greatness in ya boy.
There aren’t enough stories for boys and young men without fathers out there. This movie invokes more emotion in me than 99% of Disney movies.
Not every story can be personal to every person.
Now we get movies about periods
@@edophoneix1340 oh no! the poor guy feels offended because they wanted to explore a movie about something that affects 50% or more of the population? not everything can be treasure planet. a movie about periods can be good, especially because they never teach children about that and when they have it they are scared shitless
@@teaerrorsss oh look a feminist that doesn't think it's a parents' job to teach their daughters about periods instead wants a CHILDERN Movie Producer "Disney" too do it for them.
@@goldendolphin7743 you using “feminist” as an insult lmaooo. Yes, it’s the parent’s job, but also periods are such a taboo topic to this day, so it’s nice to see movies about it that normalise the thing. There’s nothing wrong about it, maybe you’re just not someone who has periods but I can assure you that it’s doesn’t harm anyone. Children have periods, some have it as early as the age of nine, so idk what are you talking about
-based on a classic piece of literature
-a creative take as the setting is space
-steampunk aesthetic
-a screenplay thats simultaneously funny, touching and entertaining
-stunning visuals
-characters who undergo great development
-awesome soundtrack
why is it not getting the credit it deserves?
Cause Disney actively sabotaged it themselves
It is. All these comments are proof.
I think it was released with a big movie at that time
@@guinbrew8541 yeah it was released in winter alongside Harry Potter
Time to promote the frick out of Treasure Planet so it gets the love it deserves.
This song probably has the deepest lyrics of any song featured in a kids movie ever produced
You’re not kidding.
For sure
Try to listen the Italian version…
Ratatouille has a very deep, meaningful song in it as well.
The one song that hits you with full force of nostalgia.
This song Hits hard and is one of the best songs in any disney movie. I listen to it anytime I need inspiration.
And now christians think Disney is evil well this is proof that they’re wrong
@@yugen8986 this song helps me stay strong I relate to Jim more than I ever realized
totally underrated movie. totally underrated song. This deserves more love than it got, ever
As a fatherless father, I just want to send all my love and encouragement to all the young men who have grown up without a father's love and taken on the gauntlet with bravery to be more. As a man and a father I am supremely proud of you. I would embrace you if I could. But by gods grace, know that you are loved and he is proud and so am I.
Thank you sir. I am also a fatherless father. I needed this.
I had a father but he was never my father, just psychopath who tried to destroy my life and in that sense, I don't have a father. 4 months ago I finally managed to escape from him, finally managed to start living my life
@@MonsieurArlequin that takes strength. Be the man of which you would have wished fathered you. That is the way to undo the cycle of pain. Praying for you mate
@@charles111709 You're doing just fine mate. Being a man is thankless. But its beautiful. Proud of you brother
I appreciate that man. I'm 27 now my father passed away 20 years ago
Just because it didn't make billions of dollars, and "failed" in Disney's eyes doesn't mean it was a bad movie. It was great!
I mean it's on Disney+ so disney still cares for it
how could they possibly think this movie failed??? i have known countless people that remember watching this movie during their childhood and they all think it's a great movie.
As far as the execs at Disney are concerned, the only way to spell ‘success’ is $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
It probably didn’t sell enough toys for them, if Disney can’t milk something for merchandise they don’t care
its the best disney movie
"How can the world want me to change, they're the ones that stay the same."
Those Lyrics always stuck with me
Because, sometimes, that's the truest thing you've ever heard.
That's probably the most striking rock music lyrics of all time.
Most misunderstood one as well. People really misunderstand tradition
I was about to comment the same thing until I found this... Yes, such line is so true. Sometimes, people are so focused on changing others that they failed to see that they, themselves, need also to change...
Reminds me of all the angry of people on Twitter and Reddit, or facebook moms lol
Treasure Planet, The Iron Giant, Emperor's New Groove, and Atlantis: The Lost Empire are hugely underappreciated, and overlooked gems. They are such fantastic movies. Some of my favorites.
Edit: others are: *Prince of Egypt, David and the Coat of Dreams, Meet the Robinsons, Brother Bear, the Road to El Dorado, and Lilio and Stitch.*
Sinbad and El Dorado (not sure if the last one is disney too)
@@jorgecasanova1999 The Road to El Dorado and Sin Bad are both DreamWorks animation.
@Crab in A Top Hat I'm hoping for that. Disney needs to return to that type of storytelling. Animation included.
@@oddeyes9413 its on Disney+
A G R E E D, i can't spell it out more clear than that.
“Wanna touch things I don’t feel”
I was mentally numb for 2 years of my life from depression, and that line hits hard to those times...
@Smokey Mcb thanks, I appreciate the support and nice words :3
I'm glad you're alright now 😊
Now you ARE the danger
Hope you feel better. One step at a time
Sameeee. Even as a kid I related to that line because I couldn’t describe that feeling until I became an adult
As a kid who grew up with no dad, this sequence hit hard
Same bro
This movie stands as the greatest animated Disney movie ever. It has great character development. Visuals are amazing. There isn't a dumb amount of random people running around singing *narrating what's happening* it just had great music. It had a great cast. It doesn't have a bunch of princesses crying that there life isn't good or anything. It has real life problems that people can relate too. All in all a great movie
I wish you could like a comment more then once..
bro, i agree with 100%
Its the first and best disney movie I can finally enjoy without any random characters singing for no damn reason
I wouldn't say the greatest. but it is definitely on the top 10 list
What I really like was that they didn’t specify why the dad left and the fact that they didn’t even show the dad’s face. I thought it was a nice symbolic touch.
"The world is still sleeping while I keep on dreaming for me."
That line resonates with me so much
"Nao you lissen ta me, JAMES HAWKINS...You got the makin's of greatness in ya'!..."
"Didn't yer father ever teach ye to pick yer battles?"
"...Yer father not the teachin' sort?"
"No. He was more the 'taking-off-and-never-coming-back' sort."
Welllll since the captain has put u in my charge like it or not I'll be poundin a few skills into that thick head of yours to keep you out of trouble u won't so much as eat, sleep or scratch ur BUM without my say so! 😂😂
@@laurennorcliffe1001 Dont do me any favors!!
Oh u can be sure of that lad! You can be sure of that! (laugh) *cue music*
So long, ya ol' scallywag.😏
imagine a disney attraction in disney world about treasure planet.
Fat ema. That’s the thing Disney wanted it to fail. Disney didn’t care for the masterpiece that is Treasure planet. They purposely messed up the marketing for it. It was competing against Harry Potter and Disney’s own Christmas movie. It was just not the direction the head of Disney wanted. It was “Disney’s Biggest Mistake.”
Fat ema. Quite!
Waffle Lover I thought they did this already? 😮💓
i want
Imagine a closed room with a big moving platform designed as a pirate ship, and the whole inside are walls.
Then ur joining in a 10-15 min ride of pirate spacetravel on the Legacy
Or a ride where ur stand up on a solar board, ur waist is attached so u cant fall, and feel like ur flying like Jim Hawkings im the beginning of the movie
The late 90’s to the early 2000’s was the golden age of Disney. This is such a underrated movie a true underdog
This movie is not underrated
It will never be underrated anymore
It wasn't even underrated when this comment
and people should stop saying that
A movie can't stay that course for the rest of eternity. It WAS when it first came out, but it's already grown a cult following, and a really big one too. The word "underrated" is not some kind of marketing tool that you can use for more people to go see it
@@isaywhateveriwantandyougot7421 stfu I've never heard anyone before talk about this movie besides on the internet before it is so under rated still its is a really good movie it was a commercial flop in the theaters so shut up
2:51 The moment when he opens the door and sees his dad leaving is just burnt in my memory. Hit like a truck. I can't hear the song without seeing that shot in my mind's eye. What a movie.
Same I know I'll never walk out on my girlfriend or son if we ever have one
it travels me to my childhood, I really cant not cry
As a kid I never understood the circumstances of why his dad left. I just assumed he went on an adventure and he got lost or died on it and his family was mourning him. But growing up and rewatching with a mature mindset I picked up on the context clues and figured out that he left them because he probably didn’t want to be tied down and wanted to be free to live an exciting life of adventure. I can’t fault him for feeling that way but the fact people can have families and then just leave them like they’re expendable…that’s just so wrong 😢
Fucker didn’t even say goodbye
i know every one of us felt this when our guardians left for work it is as if they dont want us anymore something like that😢
when jims dad leaves and his last memory is reaching out for his father. makes this song hit way harder
“He may have been your father, but he wasn’t your daddy” this song and movie makes me think of that.....
RIP yondu
It was the original as Silver, Yondu was the copy but both are forever legendary
Fuckin 1ierdos
Thank you! I thought I was alone.
Brother bear, Atlantis and Treasure Planet are truly underrated Disney classics ❤️
Hell yeah
Damn right
Idk about Atlantis but brother bear and treasure planet are legends
@@VinjamuriKausthuI understand (February 4th,2024 and March 10th,2024/🙂⚾️).
This movie is so amazing. It features so many obstacles that i feel anyone can relate to atleast a few of them:
Growing up without a father.
Feeling like you dont belong.
Struggling to fit in.
Raising a kid alone.
The struggle between kid and parent.
The list is long and this movie deserves so much more praise than it has gotten. Incredible movie, would´ve loved a sequel.
A solid punch right in the soul.
How the hell wasn't this movie a success?
Because Disney barley advertised it at all or even cared about it and even the trailers gave everything away. I do think it was great
@@Sableantelopeenjoyer plus it releases exactly when Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets came out
That's the thing, to the people who actually watched it, it was a success
The movie was a success, just not financially. The way it has touched all these people in the comments shows that
Not enough propaganda in it.
The early 2000s, the time I was growing up, was the era of the underrated animated films: Iron Giant, Titan A.E., Treasure Planet, A Bug's Life, The Emperor's New Groove, Atlantis: The Lost Empire, Tarzan, Mulan, The Prince of Egypt, The Road to El Dorado, and Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron. It's actually shocking to me to look back and realize that wider society has all but forgotten about these hidden gems.
I watched the Iron Giant last week for the first time in 10 years. It was one of my favourite movies as a kid but I never realized how amazing it was until now. The animation is absolutely spectacular and the plot was just-wow. It simaltaneously brought up serious issues about nuclear warfare and the cruel realities of human nature. While making me laugh the entire time. Plus, every single character is so well thought out and dynamic. It's truly a work of art. All the other movies you've mentioned are amazing as well but Iron Giant just blew my mind.(also another great underrated film is Prince of Egypt)
You basically listed all my favorite animated movies Treasure Planet and Spirit are the one I rewatch the most
Gosh, I thought everyone had forgotten about Titan A.E. . My dad an I used to watch that and Sinbad at least once a week when I was a kid.
Dude, I watched all of this, so deep 😭❤️
Thanks for making my nostalgia list, time to start rewatching.
Everyone has a heart inside. If we touch their heart through the right way, even an villian can be our best friend, best mentor and father. Loved the animation and still love this song.
This is a beautiful comment! I wholeheartedly agree
Treasure Planet is THE most underrated Disney film of the lot; but I never truly realised how underrated it is until I watched it again...
I was 6 years old when I first watched it (it came out in 2003 in the UK, where I live). The more I watch this film, the more I learn about the hidden themes that make Treasure Planet the underrated, underappreciated masterpiece that it truly is (despite getting an Oscars nomination).
At least Disney showed enough appreciation to put this hidden gem of a film on Disney+.
this song is *absolutely* an anthem to kids with learning disorders and abandonment issues
why Learning disorders ???
Or for children that somewhen feel lost or left alone
I have autism and honestly this song fits me alot
Feel you bro.
The fact that people are still commenting shows this song is still here
Oh yeah okk.
hello from 2022
John Rzeznik outdid himself. This needs to be heard live on stage.
What band was he in???.
@@saveamerica2896 Goo Goo Dolls
@@saveamerica2896 goo goo dolls
Didn’t play it two nights ago. We were waiting for it in the encore. Damn shame
while I grew up with very caring parents, the line, "you can't take me and throw me away" hits hard
'Treasure Planet' and 'The Iron Giant' were the best and still are GREAT movies. I still remember the songs and the characters; and definitely will share them with my children someday.
Chrystal Bess Redding thous movies are one of favorite movies :)
@GachaGirl Le wha..
@@haruhisuzumiya6650 I loved that film
This reminds me of what my dad used to tell me:
"The world will always want to change you. But from time to time for the worst of reasons. When the tide runs in filth, swim against the current. Even if it breaks your body, it'll never break your soul. Not unless you let it. It is who you are inside that matters, and the rest of the world will never change that. Not to me."
That's wonderful.
thats beautiful
+Jacob Sailer Eloquent!
+Jacob Sailer I can say that your dad had been through a lot. Wise man :)
+Jacob Sailer
Can i quote that?
The part of the movie where it shows his dad leaving. Damn.
How did Jim's father died ? .
He died in the war cause he went to war in the navy
Jacob Suzor he didn’t
He left Jim without saying goodbye
From what we can tell his dad just left without even saying goodbye to him that’s rare for a Disney movie. Sometimes you don’t even get a goodbye
AndreNitro X1000 that’s what I got to, cause him ran after him but dad didn’t even turn around
“And how can the world want me to change,they’re the ones that stay the same” those lyrics are the ones I relate to the most
*P* *O* *G* *G* *E* *R* *S*
... dude. The stories were always predictable, it's literally fairy tales put up on the big screen. Lion king? You do realize that's a copy/paste of hamlet, but with lions. Right? Oh, OH! What about Tarzan! That story has only been told about 30 times before disney got ahold of it, no way to predict that plot right?
If I might make an assumption here, what you long for is the days when you were a wee little lad and hadn't seen so many films before. Back when all of these 800 year old tropes and stories were fresh and new to your little mind.
@@animorph17 why all the negativity and criticism? why not just take the films as just that a film. to be enjoyed regardless of if it was tropy or not?
@Keldeomaster 224 .... negativity? Disney is my favorite film company and I've been watching every movie they produce since I was a child. Noticing the obvious that the fairy tale story is, you know, a fairy tale? That's not criticism that's an objective statement of fact. Tropes? You mean literary tools that every good story is expected to use, and it's impossible to write a story without one?
Recognizing that a particular trope is over 800 years old doesn't mean it's a bad trope, it just means you are capable of basic pattern recognition.
@@animorph17 ... Quick thing. Disney Tarzan has Jack squat to do with the original, barring some character names and the concept of a man raised by apes. The actual plot is completely different
...and terrible live action remakes
Who else here is feeling like Jim these days?
Having grown up without a father, who left (coincidentally) around the same age as Jim's, i feel like Jim every day. Though im starting to find myself.
I do
My parents divorced in 1999 and my father left us. This movie came out in 2002 and it felt so comforting being able to relate to Jim.
2020 and still trying to find out who i am, bud. We all feel like him some times.
@@earothefancy8144 yes me too dude
*I just saw this again after many years and it still awakens strong emotions and nostalgia inside me*
Same, brother
honestly tho
My stepson never knew his real dad. I thought about my son the whole time I watched this movie. When this song came on it really hit home. No innocent child should have to grow up without a father. Needless to say, I'm going to take care of my stepson and try to be the best father figure I can for him.
The Stepdad= ❎
The Dad who stepped up = ✅
Best of luck to you ! Its love like that can transcend blood! ❤
The father is not the one who begot you, but the one who raised you. I am adopted and I love my parents because they put a lot of time, emotion, money and mental health into raising me. I will never stop loving them and helping them. Be a Dad like mine and everything will work out somehow ;)
I remember watching this movie as a kid, everytime we got home I hit up the dvd player and watched this and just felt so immersed into Jim's character, as a kid, my parents always gave me hard times that it led me to serious depression at a very young age.
Now 22 years old, I still battle it from time to time, but now I feel I can fight it and I will succeed. The world wanted me to be this, to do this or that and live the way the world wants me to.
But I don't want to.
I want to live the way I want to, experience and try New things, learn new things.
I don't mean any harm to myself nor to anybody.
So why don't I deserve MY happiness? MY freedom?
To finally learn about myself and who I am.
I could have written this comment, including age! You just deserve only applause, really
Dude you said everything about me that feelings ;')
Treasure Planet had many Adult themes about feeling lost and soul searching. I'm upset Disney doesn't make movies like this anymore. I absolutely LOVE this movie and I still watch it every now and then. It's so incredibly underrated and even though it has quite a few dark themes, I'm sure MANY MILLIONS of kids(had this been a big hit rather than a forgoten movie) would have been helped and known what they wanted to do with their life. How to move on, how to face life and its harshness.This movies hits me in the heart every time I watch it and the song is just perfect. Its such a perfect combo!
You know why they don't make such movies anymore? 'cause the Studio that animated them was "just" a backup studio in Florida. In 1996 Disney decided to start focusing on 3D Animation and the started working with "A Bug's Life" and basically told the Florida studio "Do what you want." and they did. They produced many of my favorite Disneymovies like Mulan, Tarzan, Atlantis, Lilo & Stitch and a few others. In 2004 Disney completly decided to stop producing 2D featured films and they closed down the Florida studio and laid all of the Animators from there. A friend told me that many of them may work for Dreamworks now
Saki mann shame. The 2ds animated movies from that era were great! All the movies u listed were great. Shame its all 3d now.
Jep, really a shame :/
They had a squeal planned too!
I've never understand why aren't more movies like Treasure Planet and Atlantis. They were my favourites, they have meaning and teach kids. And now, they are underrated. I miss those movies.
As a boy who grew up with this movie actively seeing different men play father roles in my life and now I’m grown and playing a part in a little boy’s life and this one resonates with me on a very deep level. From fatherless to fathering 🤟🏽🤟🏽
It's 2022..time sure flies hella fast mates. I bet there are also gen Z people here listening to this nostalgic song to the point of relating yourself to jim.. This movie was a master piece indeed..
Still here Brother
How can they say I never change? They’re the ones that stay the same.
disney killing 2d animation is such an unforgivable sin
Ikr i was like this isnt okie dokie
It's one of the reasons I love anime so much, and I know it's not for everyone but Japan does some absolutely stellar 2d animation and the stories can also be fantastic
Theyll bring it back, eventually.
They will def bring it back.
Hey, it's your fault for not watching 2D movies
the numbers don't lie
This is an expensive cliche where space ships are literal space ships.
This movie is beautiful.
It really is a very beautiful movie... creativity through the roof!
So underrated. I love this movie, such greatness. spend 2 to 10 buck for sequel 2 for treasure planet spread it out like i have spent 25 ;)
There was going to be a second one, but Disney cancelled it, because they wanted to make 3D animated movies. So Disney isn't going to make another one, and a petition isn't going to change that. I think they should make another one, but they won't.
Most underrated Disney movie and soundtrack ever in my opinion . Still hits me at 32 same as it did at 12
I'll be 23 in just a couple days. I've been a fan of this movie since I was little. Treasure Planet is CRIMINALLY underrated. It's easily my favorite Disney movie, ever.
@@KameWeebSame 😭
Idk why this movie doesn't get the hype that the Disney movies Phil Collins did
Watched this movie opening day with my Dad when I was just a kid. Now, after four years of college, four years of hardship, four years of telling myself "I'm still here," my Dad is about to see me graduate and become a man in a few months. Don't ever let anyone tell you it can't be done, cause it can. This song's never meant more to me than it does now
I watched this film incessantly with my dad when I was little. He loved it a lot, as did I. This song punches me in the gut, I never thought I’d end up feeling like Jim, alone and misunderstood and with an absent father. My dad ended up killing himself a decade ago, I’m 19 now and it still hurts like a motherfucker but I’m still here. It warms my heart that so many people appreciate the beauty of this film and still do. For what it’s worth, I’m proud of your success and I hope you’re doing well now Jacob
@@esmin2400 My heart goes out to you. A child should never have to go through life without their dad’s guiding hand. We’re all Jim, and we all need a Long John Silver to show us the world. As for me, I’m in my second year of law school right now. I’m studying to be a lawyer, I’m getting married to a lovely woman next Summer, and I couldn’t be more blessed. No matter how hard life is, it will always get better. Always. Just keep telling yourself, “I’m still here,” and everything seems to fall into place💪🏽
This movie is so good. It paints a picture of space unlike any sci-fi film out there by making it fantastic and wondrous rather than cold and empty. And that art style! A lot of the film from this era that had this art style feel cheap to me, but a few could really pull it off well, and this is definitely one of them. The story features a fairly stereotypical character for the kind of story it wants to tell, but without a romantic subplot, which is something I commend the makers for.
It was quite a while since I saw this movie, so there are probably many flaws I'm missing, but I'll always remember this as one of my favorites
This movie is actually of the best Disney ever made. The plot, animation and soundtrack are just amazing💗
God, this movie sure was something. I watched it again a few years ago, when i could understand its nuance, and i wont lie that i cried. It felt like, for once, there was someone who remembered me, even at my worst.
After years of people trying to change me, make me who i wasnt. Years of denying who i was. Years of not having people ehen i needed them most.
But im still here. Im still here, and im not going anywhere unless im driving.
This song is beautiful, and an homage to the broken, the fatherless, the destitute, the forgotten, and the pressured.
Is it just me? That this song is one of the underrated songs that hits you right in your heart
"They can't break me as long as I know who I am."
This is wonderful. Now what you're worth, and when peuple try to break your body, they wont even be able to see that your soul is way stronger.
And And what I'm You And how Yeah you.
If you're watching this today, it means you're still here. Hang in there, bro/sis.
I’m still here
Im still here
Thank you brother
Wow thank you so much... you really get it. I'm glad you're still here too. No matter what we've all been through, and are going through, we're all still here.
"They can't break me as long as I know who I am" ❤❤
There really is something about being comfortable with who you are that makes insults and unwarranted criticisms just sort of bounce off. I doubt there's anyone who can't relate to that line.
This song hits so hard for me as a kid who grew up with an absent father and from a neurodivergent perspective of constantly being told what the world wanted me to be and then being punished or outcast when I couldn't be what they wanted and I will never be who they want me to be. Growing up with both of those factors in play, god, this song makes me cry every time I hear it
This song simultaneously makes me feel like I'm flying and yet completely exposed.
So beautiful.
Jim is one of my favorite protagonists of any movie ever
You and me both
Lol I hear you dude. What a world we live in hey?
Lesbian aliens are the best man. Why wouldn't I?
Lonkinella had a crush on him too as a kid.
spirit same here.. I crushed hard. 😅
The "let it go" song for the boys. To all my fellow men out there suffering silently right now; i'm here with you. You are not alone.
This one's for you.
Some things are worth fighting for.
But you don't have to do it alone.
@Harrison Drew Same here it's been almost a year for me and it still hurts
This song is for all the boys who’s father left them. Just like mine did. This movie really hit home for me.
Thanks man, I appreciate. ✌
Fuck. You never know how much you need to hear that until someone says it.
This movie and song will forever hold a special place in my heart. When I was a little girl I would wear. this. song. OUT. As an adult, the lyrics hit so different now that I actually understand them. The interpretation may be different for some, but it's probably safe to say that most are along the lines of change & expectation.
For me, it's dealing with the struggles of being a late-bloomer and not really feeling seen or heard (not from lack of trying). And these are probably the lines I resonate with the most:
"Wanna hold on and feel I belong."
"You can't take me and throw me away."
"You can't tell me who to be, 'cause I'm not what they see."
this movie and song will also always hold a special place in my heart forever too
The most Underrated Disney film behind Atlantis the Lost Empire, The Black Cauldron and Hunchback of Notre Dame who says Disney's Renaissance died with the 90s? For me I believe it just secretly carried on with these sadly underrated treasures to be honest.
The early 2000's did have some great Disney gems, and Titan A.E. had one of the most epic soundtracks and this song always made think of Titan A.E. as well.
@@HydraSpectre1138 I know that, but it had similar musical genres and themes to Treasure Planet.
The Disney Enlightenment tbh
I agree with most of this but The Black Cauldron was just bizarre
Wow I taught I was the only one who was liking Atlantis: The Lost Empire, I always seeked for treasure in my life, but never found it sadly...
My mom took me to watch this movie in the theatre when I was 5 years old, and for a really long time this movie made me kind of bittersweet happy, because I grew up without my father as well, actually, to be true, I grew up without any significant male model, except for my grandpa, but even he feel distant to me, so I was a lonely, overprotected child, so overprotected that I grew up ignoring many things about my own life, and sawing Jim go ahead and make the things for himself, on his own way was really inspiring
And now, I'm 20 years old, and I find a different meanning in this song, cuz now I found someone who make me feel real. Someone that inspires me to follow her example and try to be a better person, and is great
the feels... I miss you so much, younger self.
+Claudine Malis He's still there. You hear that? ...''I'm still here'' ;)
+Eddie Tuite lol your a beauty man
Claudine Malis me to
Claudine Malis I miss all of my past. why did I want to grow up so bad... I listen to this song while I ride my motorcycle. it's almost always my last song on the way home...
Claudine Malis younger you never goes anywhere, just gains a greater understanding of the world
Respect to all the good men, fathers, and protectors out there. God can it be hard being a good man in today's world.
It never was easy. It’s not supposed to be.
There was always something special about this movie to me. I just felt... endeared to Jim and John Silver's pseudo-father/son relationship. I don't even have problems with my relationship with my own dad. But something about the way they act together about halfway into the movie when they're still on the ship, I just felt enthralled with the two characters. I cry almost every time I go back and watch this movie. And it's made all the better when Silver isn't turned into just another cliche evil villian. Maybe it's because the original book was just adapted really well by Disney, but I feel like they did actually care about those few scenes on the ship where the story slowed down, and we just got to see the two interact with each other.
Disney may have produced it but it was a very special directors vision that saw it translate so well. Disney tried to shoot it down.
*SAME,* for everything you said!!! ✨💜
Cryogenius333 they shot down the idea multiple times before they finally had to do it after a deal they made with the directors
I have seen countless times since I was a kid.. I'm 18 now and still cry everytime I watch it.. Every talk silver and Jim have is so beautiful and emotional. Even when they were fighting on the planet.
Anyone here in 2019? This is still one of the best songs ever
Best Disney movie with no princess... And best Disney movie ever
My childhood.
One of the glorious things from my past that are timeless.
The lines "I'm still here" at the end sound like a desperate cry in my mind.
DefectiveDetective exactly and, in a lot of ways, a conviction.
To the all the listening the men to this song right now, hold on to your values and morals. Be the hero of your story and the legend your children will talk about for years. No one can be your hero but yourself but remember you're never alone in this journey. Stay strong!
This song goes out to all the dreamers, the doers, the goal reachers, the rebels, the impacters, those who don't stop going after what they believe in. Those who will make a change in their life.
I'm one of them.
Deep comment
Yeah me too
there is only now.
Same here
This movie is so underrated. The story is a classic and the setting is like steam-punk meets 80's Sci-fi... how can you not love it?
Disney should do a Life action of this movie
That line gets me in the gut every time: "I'll never be what you want me to be."
that line also always gets me in the gut every time too
for me its "They cant break me, as long as I know who I am"
This movie holds a special place in my heart. I remember watching it with my father when I was 6 or 7 years old. Me n my dad had a great time together back then. Every time I watch Treasure Planet, I think of my father. He died to stroke when I was 14. Now I'm 21 and Treasure Planet is quite nostalgic because it reminded of my father. Rest in peace Dad😢
This is the theme song to my life. Never taken seriously and always for granted by people. But here I am out in this world still trying to prove myself and I will get to where I want to be whether anyone wants to acknowledge me or not. I am thankful for my family and the handful of friends who have stuck by me as i've gone through trial after trial, but I will never be satisfied until i've persevered and made a name for myself. I'm still here and still trying to make it. A heartfelt kudos to everyone else who feels this way.
I know how you feel man.
Treasure Planet. Where romance isn't focused in the movie, relatable problems And don't let me get started on the artwork of the environments. One of the only movies where the art got me inspired to do art
The blending of 3D and 2D animation was BEAUTIFUL in this movie
It was only a failure per say because the movie took 140 million dollars to make and they only made like 100 million while losing 30 to 40 million which is sad because the movie is amazing
@@link-iv2sl its Disney's fault it failed. They gave it terrible marketing with a trailer that spoils practically everything. And releasing a summer movie (Treasure Planet) in the winter where it's competition was the second Harry Potter, one of the Lord of the Rings movies, and the Santa Claus 2. Wish this movie would have gotten its sequel :(
If you want to get technical, romance *is* focused. Just a different kind of romance.
The romance of adventure and coming to age, the original and purest form of romance.
"They cant break me as long as i know who i am" such a powerful song one of the most motivational song ive ever heard 💕❤💕❤
List this one under Disney's most underrated films AND soundtracks....right along with Hunchback of Notre Dame.
*gives a plate of brownies* THANK YOU!!!!!
BROWNIES!!!!! THANK YOU!! wait....are there nuts in these?
If you want there to be ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Dude. Put it away.. :l
This has to be the most underrated Disney movie. I’ve never felt so much emotion from a single movie again.
The MOST underrated song in kids movies, and before anyone says anything I’ll explain in a very short way. This song is about Jimbo’s kid memories of his father leaving him and his mother when he was young. However, at the beginning of the film we see Jim doing illegal things such as trespassing properties, amongst other stuff. He was a very rebel teenage, but here’s the catch he grew up in a single parent household. One of the most problematic thing in our current society is that more and more and more kids are growing up in single parent households, which directly correlates with the high crime rates in certain communities.
I relate to this so badly. My dad and I used to watch this film constantly, he loved it and as did I. Unbeknownst to all of us, my dad was very mentally ill and ended up committing suicide a decade ago, leaving us alone and making me connect so strongly with Jim. I lost any male influence at such a young age, my best friend, my parent and I turned to self destruction for a long time, still do tbh. This song and this movie will always be the most valuable thing to me, the only piece left of my dad really. I’m getting a tattoo for this film in a few months because even though I’m not thriving, I’m still here.
@@esmin2400 omg, that is so sad, im sorry that you lost your dad is such an awful way. Be strong, im sure he loved you a lot. Suicide is just such a sad thing to happen to people, sometimes people think it's the best option for their problems without realizing what an affect it has in friends and family members. Things will get better I promise just stay strong.🙂 and love life.
@@esmin2400 I’ve just read your story. This really is a sad story to hear. If you’re reading this, the one thing I would wish is for you, your best friend and your family to stay strong. Things will get better and I’m sure that you’ll do your father proud by achieving what you want to achieve and by doing all the things that you can look back on. You could inspire many people in your situation, around the world to stay strong.
Stay strong.
@@starkers1997 hey buddy, thank you so much for this. I’m doing a lot better now. Time is a great healer
its compounded by schooling and poor/decaying parental supplements that never reached as far as they should have
Let It Go will never be as powerful and emotional as this song (at least to me)
I'm still here is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better than let it go.
@@duncananderson2113 I agree with that. It's not as musically unique or as key to understanding the protagonist's emotional state as I'm still here
@@carlosalmonacid8958 plus Jim is a well written character and Elsa is bland and uninteresting.
Duncan Anderson Both are heavily altered from their original versions, but whereas Jim went from the blank slate sweet kid of the novel to a much more compelling and memorable troubled teen, Elsa went from a powerful villainess to a stock tragic heroine. One character became more interesting when reimagined, the other became less interesting.
@@carlosalmonacid8958 Yeah I heard Elsa was ment to be the villain but after Let it Go was sung they gave us the plot twist with prince Hans.
The whole story of Frozen was about the relationship between the sisters,so Hans being the villain felt pointless.John Silver is a great example of a twist villain,since when it's revealed that he's the bad guy no one is hurt more by this betrayal then Jim,Silver was quite possibly the only friend Jim had and was the type of father figure he was missing in his life.This guy did a video analysis on Treasure Planet which I reccomend.
Jim is this angsty teen in the beginning but sees his actions hurt his mother and Jim doesn't want to hurt her,he goes to find Treasure Planet to rebuild her restaurant and their home.As the movie progresses and when we hear I'm still here it helps understand Jim Hawkins.
It's sad that Disney doesn't make great content like Treasure Planet,Gargoyles,Lilo and Stitch,Hercules and Tron anymore. Nowadays they just buy big name franchises and remake their films.
Best part.
Of course ✨💜
untitled i recommend you the EXCELLENT french version which is as powerful as this one... maybe even more
I like a bit more this one "And how can the world want me to change, they're the ones that stay the same"
Why can’t Disney make movies like this anymore. Such a powerful story about a boy trying to learn how to become a man, and needing a father so badly to do so. I want more stories like this. Disney please stop constantly front-and-centering shallow girlboss characters, and I say that as a woman lol.
They’ve copped out. Their movies are all full of politics now. Movies made with the intention to make as much money as possible, not entertain or make the audience feel anything meaningful.
Because the story isn't woke enough for them.
@@AndrewJamesWilliams "everything i dont like is woke. Car stolen? Thats woke. Girl rejected me? shes woke. Corporations making money? Thats woke. Someone challenging my comfortable personal bubble? Thats woke"
go change your diapers, crybaby.
You realize there were a bunch of Disney princess movies released leading up to the release of this one? Are you, like, mentally retarded?
@@Squidward Movies have always been full of politics. That isn't automatically a death sentence. You just have to craft your story and message well. I don't think Disney always does that, though.
"And how can you learn what's never shown?"
Best, most relatable line in the whole song.
I related to Jim so much as a young kid. This movie and song were such an inspiration to me.
This movie must be pure gold to you ;]
Same here
This movie was my absolute favorite as a child, and it still is today. It has been my inspiration for so many things, it has fueled my sense of adventure, and driven my passion for science (particularly astrophysics) along with my sense of individuality. I get a lot of crap from my peers about loving a "kids" movie so much, and I will never be able to explain how deeply this movie touched me. This song specifically is my all time favorite, and always will be. :)
You said that right :)
Beautiful. It's a shame the movie didn't make it.
Even more of a shame that the pilot for the second movie was cancelled, and thrown in the trash. It would have been a good movie, from all of the leaked info that there is about it.
At one point they had a sequel planned along with a tv series
It made it in our hearts.
It's one of the most underrated movies.
Why was this movie underrated? The abstract space setting holds my imagination deeply
The whole lonerism speaks to us individuals as we'll the whole deep feeling of the movie was so real and not so sugar coated like frozen or that typical princess stuff real talk
It was nice being 7 years old and seeing this and enjoying the pretty colours and animation but not truly understanding the premise behind everything. Now that I am 20 and grown up and have watched it again I am almost brought to tears when this song plays and I can relate to Jim so much more than I thought I ever would. I wish Disney would produce this kind of stuff again not this "Frozen" stuff...argue all you want but it's just not the same as it used to be...Lion King, Fox and the Hound, Beauty and the Beast, Atlantis, Aladdin, The Little Mermaid?...I don't think I need to keep going.
I absolutely agree with you. Like, CGI is impressive and all, but I still wish there were nice 2D animations that no matter what can make me feel like a kid again.
I thought I was the only one that remembers fox and the hound. That was such a beautiful movie
how about Brother Bear
The latest 2D release was back in 2011, a real shame; still, to be fair, we've had our bits of fair weather with WALL-E, Up, Inside Out, Coco...
Tyler Watson I do remember! It was really touching and beautiful.
You know, this is a song reaching on a deeper level. When listning with attention I've ended up in tears. Knowing I missed out so much. I was forced to grow up with a father who couldn't make time for you, a mother with dementia and a brother with ppd-nos. You had to teach life to yourself. It's still very hard to 'survive' life without knowing you're welcome to be somewhere. This song reminds me very strong how that time was
Been there than that. Just keep moving forward.. it feels like your not at home but you are in home.
@@MrHades-xq7nu I'm long from away from home my friend. Moving forward isn't easy for everybody, each person has their own pace in life. Me? Still haunted by some thoughts and bad memories. After this hell of good 21 years (I'm 25) I'm happy to announce I love life and happy I didn't turn out addicted to and never did any drugs, smoking, weed or even alcohol through all those years. Still to find my place in the world, but progress have been made :)
This movie made me so sad, but its still an amazing song, and i love that picture.
I want the poster of this picture
Lauren Boyd me too
Lauren Boyd same
I agree but i think that spanish version is better
YESSSS that picture itself is just already SO magical
Treasure Planet and Tarzan were my favorite Disney films ever created.
I totally agree!!!!!!
Me too & cry when I watch Tarzan
Yes! I've found my people!
BroMeat treasure planet and atlantis for me
Treasure Planet was what put me in perspective
I put this movie to my little brother, he said it was the most boring movie he’s ever seen I have never been so disrespected in my life.
I'm so sorry, but you are going to have to trade in your brother for a new one. Your brother is broken. Please contact the manufacturer. I hope he's still under warranty.
That makes no sense, it's action packed with amazing animation, music, dialogue...
I can't believe it.
I think you should not call him Little Brother anymore.More suitable like Devil or just call him Bitch
Give him a few more years and try again. Don't know how old your brother is but I remember watching it when I got older and understood it better. It's a really good movie. Underrated in my opinion and one of the best disney movies ever made.
I'm sorry, but you have to kill him.
Disney's hidden gem is actually their greatest treasure! Their only movie building up young boys and encouraging them to become great men despite life's obstacles. We need more of that and I'm glad my son got to experience this amazing movie and John Rizeznik really hit home with this song!
To every young boy and man that needs to hear this: keep hanging on, don't give up, don't give in; you are not alone, you are still needed, you are still wanted and you are still valued.
I hope you never forget that and become great men, leaders, husbands and fathers that you are meant to be. "You have the making of greatness in ya"
There is no scale on which to measure the crippling depression that fills me when I think about how underrated this movie is.
SecondDeath777 I agree I wanna see the movie I again
It had too deep concepts to be estimated. Most people are superficial.
2020 and during COVID, and yet I'm still here!
I'm still here
I am here too
I’m still here.
I'm still here
Treasure planet was easily one of disney’s most underrated animations but it was sooooo good
You speak the true true.
Sometimes small true true different from the big true true.
I was 6 years old when this movie came around. I had the VHS of this movie and would watch it on repeat. I didnt understand at the time why it was my favorite movie or why it spoke so much to me, but I came from a fatherless home. My father walked out on me just like Jim's father did, and I never knew why. I grew up just wanting someone to give me a chance to prove that I'm worth it. Looking back at it now and listening to this song I finally understand. We may not know all the reasons why people betray us the way they do, but we can choose to be better and walk a good path. We can reach out and experience life still, we can carve our own path and blaze our own trails. We don't have to be defeated and give up. Eventually we will find the place we belong. So to all the people who watched this movie as a kid and had father issues, I want you to know that you're not alone. And just like you, I'm still here.
They took this movie off Netflix.... *Gross Sobbing*.
I knooo same with Titan AE!
That's okay you can watch it for free online at a site called Solarmovie. Check it out, they've got lots of movies there. :)
***** Sweet, I gotta go see!.
I hope that it's helpful! :D
YAS Dylan O'Brien!!
I still can't believe Disney didn't want this movie to do well, at least its a classic and will forever be a favorite to me and many others.
They failed miserably. It's one of the most underrated Disney movies ever.
Treasure Planet was so Damn Underrated. This Movie had Soul in it Visuals were nice Music was Amazing and the Characters were Great.
I really don't understand how it was a flop. I loved it as a kid. Got a coloring book once for it and used it to copy (side-by-side not trace) B.E.N. and Morph. Somehow managed to do a pretty good job of it for the former, though maybe my memory is clouded on that one, you never know.
But yeah, it was a wonderful way to bring the old Treasure Island story to modern kids. It deserves to be remembered as a fun, immensely well-animated movie with interesting characters and a fitting soundtrack. Yet somehow it kinda just... failed.
Every tiny detail in this film shows it for the passion project it was, and yet it was a flop. Guess it makes sense, though, there are so many cult classics out there that aren't appreciated by many but are incredibly appreciated by those who do.
Treasure Planet being a flop at the box office was no accident. The director (forgot his name, apologies) pleaded to Disney for years for this film to be made, and even after they had signed a contract, Disney executives put their hands up in his face and told him that if they were going to support him to produce his "little Treasure Island movie", he needed to do some favors for them first. Several movies later (Aladdin, The Little Mermaid, etc.) they finally greenlit the production of the movie.
But times were changing. 3D animation had caught the attention of the public eye and left 2D animation in the shadows. 3D animation was also much less expensive and far quicker and faster to produce than films made in the traditional 2D format. Disney wanted a final nail in the coffin to prove to everyone, "We told you so", and Treasure Planet was exactly what they were looking for. Through intentionally poor marketing, a terrible trailer, and limited theater times made Treasure Planet a complete bust; they had gotten their wish. The public wouldn't have been that interested in it anyway, since it was 2D.
It's also well-known that for the majority of people who want this film re-made, they want it as CGI or as a live-action remake. As unfortunate as it is, 2D animation is effectively dead in the West, much of Europe, and probably Australia as well.
SagetheWise I want James Cameron to have it to take a go at it. His Avatar movie style is exactly what it needs for a live action cgi mix
The anthem for all the underdogs. Amazing song for an incredibly underrated film.
yes this is a amazing song for a incredibly underrated film
This song resonates deeply in me. I've always been kinda in the shadow of my brothers or other people with no real identity to myself. Tagging along behind other people trying to be like them even though I didnt want to be. I spent a lot of my time alone because my attitude and personality was so off and quirky compared to others that they just left me alone, hence why I tried to be like everyone else. So I always wondered if there was somthing wrong with me. *I am a question to the world. Not an answer to be heard.* And even when they tried to mold me into somthing like them, it was clear I wasnt meant for that and I was still rebuked for it. *And what do you think youd ever say, i dont listen anyway. You don't know me and I'll never be what you want me to be.* So my time was spent by myself alot until I hit middle school. Still I jumped in with people that I tried to be like, thinking that's who I was inside. I went down a bad path with bad people and my parents saw that. They and I fought many times about it because i was sure that was who I was. It felt like I wasnt there anymore. *And how can you learn what's never known, yeah you stand here on your own. They dont know me cause I'm not here.* Then I started developing my own likes and interests. Finding my passions and discovering my self. Filling my head with knowledge and thirsting for more. It conflicted with where I was going so I had alot of inner turmoil. *And I want a moment to be real. Want to touch things i dont feel. Wanna hold on and feel I belong.* As I underwent my own little journey that went to high school, I noticed all my _friends_ never changed any. They got worse and worse in drugs, alchohol while I tried to branch out from them. They kept trying to get me to go to their level and were confused as to why I didnt. And still my parents were trying to make me somthing that I wasnt. A wrestler or some form of fighter in mind and body. *And how can the world want me to change, they're the ones that stays the same. They dont know me, cause I'm not here* I had to leave high school in my junior year and go off on a therapeutic facility for a year and a half. There I finally started to see myself more clearly. I sae who I became and what lied in the future if I continued that way and who I could be. I had to make the choice to be better than I was. My arms were already riddled with scars of self harm but once I figured out what I was meant to be, I felt more confident. My father and I talked long about myself and he accepted where I was going and was willing to help me achieve my goals and be the person I needed to be. And I finally stopped thinking about what people thought of me, my weird and quirky attitude, my demeanor and my thought process. I was ready to face the world *All you wanted I can be, and I'm not afraid. And I want to tell you who I am, can you help me be a man. They can break me as long as I know who I am.*
This song just feels like a conversation with myself over the years. And I love it because it feels like my journey to be where I am now. Not another version of my brothers or a slave to the destruction of my friends from school. I am who I am despite the worlds opinions of me. And they havent broken me cause I'm still here.
Beautiful. Just amazing. I hope you're doing well, it makes me overjoyed to hear stories of people getting out of and past their own issues and growing.
Chipmunks need HUGS