I was not just referring to the form of the mass, but also the beautiful and grand setting of the basilica in which it was celebrated. God willing, it will be celebrated in our great basilicas with more frequency and my comment above about it being a "once-in-a-lifetime experience" is not literal.
I know from personal experience that the TLM is life changing. It is the answer to the secular onslaught of naturalism, modernism, communism, atheism, Protestantism, moral relativism, gender ideology, the sexual revolution, and the diabolical disorientation.
"I issued the Motu Proprio in order to reconcile the church with her past." - Pope Benedict XVI on his 'Summorum Pontificum.' Wow, what a great wise gift Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI has left us all. I treasure it with all my heart! God's Blessing be upon him.
i could not agree more with your statement...yes, Pope Benedict XVI is a true saint and did substantial acts that have real substantial effects in the lives of those who choose to further strengthen their faith, or for those who will soon discover the Latin mass and its depths of healing and the warding away of demons and their insidious influences. By the Grace of God i returned to my faith after 49 years of exile and torment. I have never had a greater joy before. "Saint John Vianney said, "When people realize the true meaning of the mass, they will die of joy." I experience this joy and there is nothing in this world that can be greater then that.
Thank you Archbishop Alexander King Sample for your love and passion to the Old Roman Rite, the Traditional Latin Mass. This is the Holy Mass celebrated by Holy Saints , Holy Martyrs, the Holy Apostles, Church Fathers, Doctors of the Church, etc. You mentioned this Holy Mass brought your father to holy conversion. Yes, this is the Holy Mass that lead me to overcome my habitual sin and knowing the horror of that sin. In addition to this Holy Mass, the daily sermon of a priest of Fraternity of St Peter (FSSP) from Littleton, CO thought me to overcome that habitual sin, be prayerful (approx 2.5 hours per day), try to imitate the Saints, desire to martyrdom, desire to live Virtuous Life. I pray to our Lord Jesus Christ through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary that more Church leaders follow you, Archbishop Alexander King Sample. That more True Bishops and Cardinals resist the pope Francis’ “traditiones custodes” The Old Roman Rite, Traditional Latin Mass never divide Catholic but in fact unified especially thousand and thousand of you people into One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church!!!
I was able to attend a Pontifical High Mass with +Sample last year for the Men's Conference here in Oregon. I feel blessed to have this man leading our diocese, he is a treasure. His paper on Gregorian Chant is well worth the read.
And to say that the current Archbishop forbade that Mass? Thank you Archbishop Sample. You spoke for all of us. Keep us in your prayers at these times!
Alexander King Sample (born November 7, 1960) is an American prelate of the Catholic Church. He is the eleventh and current Archbishop of Portland, Oregon, having served previously as the twelfth Bishop of Marquette, Michigan.
While I respect this Archbishop, for speaking in favor of the TLM, I cannot agree that both liturgies can "flourish side by side". We have all the beauty in the TLM. Why do we need another?
An excerpt from Bella Dodd's book; 'School of Darkness': 'In the early 1950s she provided detailed explanations of the communist subversion of the Church, reporting that "In the1930s we put eleven hundred men into the priesthood in order to destroy the Church from within - and right now they are in the highest places in the Church." From such positions they were working to bring about change in order to weaken the Church's effectiveness against communism. She said further that these changes would be so drastic that "You will not recognise the Catholic Church". Bella Dodd was baptised again by Bishop Fulton J. Sheen in St Patrick's Cathedral, New York.
Jennifer - this is why we cannot allow a kind of 'compromise' or fudge with evil just to keep the peace and to appease these dangerous leftist extremists embedded in the Church. The sad thing is that many of these people actually think they are doing the right thing. The Holy Church CANNOT be watered down - or it is rendered ineffective. Even the evil senior communist plotters knew that.
Well, yes communist infiltrate our seminars, in 1930, we got what we deserve. What did our Lady say at Fatima, the errors of Russia will spread, in 1917, appears to be true. Our weapon is our Most Holy Rosary, dearest friends, take up your weapon !
Jason T The hell was created by the prideful, rebellious and disobedient angels.. All souls Disobedient to God's Will unless they come into their senses are going to hell too.. Disobedient is synonomous to Hell. Check out your history before you criticize the NO Mass. Ave Maria...
Jason T Sorry, you failed also to comprehend my answer. We both failed. We are finite. The NO Mass was deliberated by Bishops, all learned man.. All are more educated and had greater wisdom over us. To criticize the Vatican II is claiming that the Holy Spirit inspired and enlighten you more over His Church. Reflect on that. Godbless
It isn not a "gift of Pope Benedict XVI - but rather a precious GIFT from Apb. Marcel LeFebvre! A future Saint of true Catholic Church. He saved this Holy Sacrifice Mass for us. (persecuted by His own Church that went astray after Vatican II, by Paul VI, JPII and others) There is a rapture. Novus Ordo is made by FreeMason A.Bugnini adapted to protestants an Jews, with all the Supernatural removed. Traditional Holy Mass is sacred, you can sense it.
I am glad you know how to explain what happened ! We love the traditional Latin Mass and pray our parish will have this. The parish has increased many traditions and sacred music is being explained and taught.
The Language of God is not only Latin, but the Language of God is Love & Mercy by showing it At the Foot of the Cross. Both TLM and NO mass is acceptable to God only if it is United as One Sacrifice with the Church and offered in Unity with the Pope intentions, otherwise offering a TLM or NO mass alone, without recognizing the Pope as Vicar of Christ here on earth. It cannot ascend the Throne of God.. As Jesus only given the Keys & Authority to Peter not to anyone else.. As clearly seen in King Saul offering. Samuel15:22..Godbless
I appreciate the Bishops efforts, however... In “Missale Romanum (April 3, 1969) of Paul VI, all it really states at the end as far as any obligation if you could even call it that is “…we hope nevertheless that the Missal will be received by the faithful as an instrument which bears witness to and which affirms the common unity of all.” ---Question - All Catholics or all Christians? I guess one has to ask if the Council of Trent is still binding? If it is than -- "If any one saith, (let alone does this?) that the received and approved rites of the Catholic Church, wont to be used in the solemn administration of the sacraments, may be contemned, or without sin be omitted at pleasure by the ministers, or be changed, by whomsoever pastor of the churches, into other new ones; let him be anathema." Session 7, Canon 13 of the Dogmatic Council of Trent. And if - Anathema means--a formal curse by a pope or a council of the Church, excommunicating a person or denouncing a doctrine, the severest form of separation from the Catholic Church issued against a heretic or group of heretics by a Pope or other church official.[ Synonyms: an abomination · an outrage · an abhorrence · a disgrace · an evil. This cannot be any clearer. If this was true then and up until 1969, it should be true now, otherwise it was unfortunate for those who were anathematized back then, because it’s encouraged now, or does truth change? This was not simply a discipline of the church to be changed at will, for the punishment was anathema. I’ll side with 2000 years of Tradition, the popes, countless saints, bishops, priests and so on, versus the novelties of Vatican 2 and the modernist who came after. Read the Ottaviani Intervention.
James Vigil James Vigil God Bless you for your calm and sound responses. i was born in 1966, never took Latin. But for 1 year, a profound blessing from God has transformed me since going to TLM. My prayers are now from the heart. Ive been taught true reverence for Christ and the Latin Liturgy. Even learning the prayers of the rosary in Latin has taught me to slow down when praying and to focus on the words more carefully. What a gift.
James Vigil If your interpretation is embrace then you are saying the Holy Spirit had failed to guide His Church and Jesus lied to His promises. Mt16:18 The Vatican II remain the True Church founded by Jesus Christ... Why? Lets us ask St. Ambrose, a Church Father and Doctor of the Church.. "Ubi Petrus, Ibi Ecclesis, Ibi Deus"... You may have the beauty and externals but you cannot claim SANCTITY. Why? "Obedience in Heaven is written in Capital Letters". Samuel15:22. Godbless
Priests need to face East when saying the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.Nuns need to wear habits again. Priests should stop wearing street clothes. My soul has been sick with grief since 1962.
I personally do not approve of the changes made to the liturgy after V2 as I grew up with the beautiful Latin Mass and all the reverence and majesty that should be present in the very Presence of our Blessed Lord, however, I live in an area where there are no Latin Masses nor do any of the priests in the surrounding parishes plan on having one. I'm fortunate that at least my Pastor celebrates the "new liturgy" with as much reverence as possible minus the banjos, drums, and guitars thank goodness. I am beginning to see more people refusing to receive the Eucharist in their hands and the women starting to wear chapel veils again, so maybe if we all do our part slowly others will follow. I've been to other parishes where you would never even know you were in a Catholic Church, the only distinguishable signs were the stations of the cross, which sometimes are so abstract you have to look a few times, and the Tabernacle light which is off to the side somewhere. Most have no crucifix or statues of the Saints or candles to light for prayer, it mimics loudly a Lutheran church. I went online to compare the two, some of the Lutheran services looked more Catholic than the Catholic! Very disturbing. I pray that we come to our senses in all aspects of what's happening to our Holy Catholic Apostolic Church and get back to what has been handed down to us through the ages, not just with the Liturgy and the inside of the churches, but the teachings of Jesus Christ.
diane sanzone I don’t have a local Latin mass available to my family, nearest is 84 miles away and only on the second and fourth Sundays, this is were I go as I have been instructed that to attend the Norvis Ordo is “doubtful” due to papal direction that the liturgy was “fixed” and “unchangeable”, therefore V2 is a serious matter, maybe sinful? The church has declared that the faithful have a right to the liturgy, and when the church cannot provide an opportunity for attendance then the “Sunday Obligation” is waived, therefore no Latin Mass, made immutable by papal decree, then no obligation to attend, therefore No Sin. The Commandment to keep the day “holy” does no say “go to mass” I avoid the doubtful Norvis Ordo and pray the Our Lady’s triumph promised at Fatima comes quickly
watchmkr100 I cannot tell you what to do as far as "waiving" your Sunday obligation that's up to you to seek out the answer for yourself, but I was taught by a priest who I keep in touch with and who celebrates the Latin Mass that the Novus Ordo Mass, is in fact valid unless some major heresies or apostasy is going on, in which case one should find a different Catholic Church to attend, but that Sunday obligation remains obligatory. I have also heard the same things you did and questioned it and was told that the sacrifice of the Mass is the ultimate form of worship and praise we can give to God and if celebrated by a validly ordained priest even though we may not agree with the Novus Ordo Mass it remains a valid, licit Mass and to avoid attending purposely is to commit mortal sin. As I stated previously, if the priest is performing outright heresies then naturally you bring that up to the Bishop and go to Mass elsewhere, but according to this Holy priest you cannot willfully miss Mass and consider it not a sin. Just thought I would share what I have been told. Let us all hope the pendulum swings back the other way and the day will come again when men are in suits and women dressed modestly with chapel veils on walk into Catholic Churches greeted with the awesomeness of incense and the beautiful Latin Mass, until then, we keep the faith and fight the good fight and no one is going to keep me from receiving the Sacraments no matter what. Blessed be God, now and forever.
Le Rational SkepticTM that is not accurate. Unless you are a Canon lawyer, if so I will defer to and educated studied opinion. My understanding given to me by a Canon lawyer is that the very essence of a propitious sacrifice was removed and a “meal” was inserted. Christs gift was a sacrifice which we “recreate” and offer again to the father in reparation for our sins! A new covenant, not a suped-up version of the old Passover. These are profoundly different events.
watchmkr100 I respect your opinion my friend. Licit is defined as "lawful or not forbidden" and this is what this Holy priest said in regard to the validity of the Novus Ordo Mass. Let us continue to pray for each other and that God's will be done.
I grew up only knowing and experiencing the "new mass", after vs. I have known nothing different. And I'd like to say that it is done with all the reverence that anyone brings with them to a Latin mass. I have definitely seen irreverence and casual behavior before, during, & after mass but I don't believe for a minute it's because of the mass. It can be attributed to the casual regard, in general, for the majesty of the One Holy God, in the Eucharist. If adults and children are taught about his loving majesty in the right way, and if the pews are filled with humbly pious individuals, and if we are taught Truth & Love from the pulpit, then there's no reason we should not reap the same benefits as if the mass were in latin. Even a high latin mass has irreverent, ignorant people. Lord, ibeg you remove my heart of stone and replace it with a humble one molded like clay. Amen. Peace to all.
Keep the Archbishop in your prayers but remember: Archbishop Sample said he is 100 percent a product of the Second Vatican Council. We must pray that this kind of erroneous thought be snuffed out of the Church. All FSSP priests I have heard criticize the council for nearly destroying the institutions of faith but then some will guard against others criticizing it as being un-Catholic. However, it is principally the theology behind the council that made it fail. If the council was truly Catholic would it have failed so readily? No! It must be understood that the VII council needs serious revision to the point where it would be safe to say that it should be suspended. The issue with Archbishop Sample's stance is that it seemingly validates being product of the Vatican 2 Council is equivalent to being Catholic with the Church Eternal (as opposed to being a subjective Catholic by obedience to what the Current Church is teaching) this is a grand fallacy. We must show the deepest respect for those of the Church who came BEFORE the Second Vatican Council and always carry out tradition on the side of those who came before us and conserve our suspicions for the novelties of the current day (or the second Vatican council). Will any FSSP priest honestly say that Saint Athanasius would have sided with the errors implicit in either the prima facie errors within the Council or if you deny that, the quite open liberal intent behind the Council if he were alive in those days? Would they honestly believe that St. Athanasius would trust the opinion of American clergy over the older Church? By no means am I judging Archbishop Sample personally, since any many can utter the words "I am 100 percent result of the Vatican II council" with the implication that this is some alternative form of Catholicism but sadly, these words are very mistaken and reek of a kind of confusion that postulates the solution as part of the problem and vice versa. While these men are leading souls to Christ, they may very well be constructing a simulacrum--an idol-- for men to loose their minds and souls to which does not represent the true nature of the Church. And this judgement is on them or if not is on the architects of this diabolical confusion. God will decide, of course, but many will suffer from this cult of the strategy of deterrence within the Church. And by no means am I promoting disobedience but we should all at least openly pronounce a bad law as a bad law. Sometimes bad laws must be followed out of simple obedience until they are fixed but by no means is a bad law truly ever a REAL law but rather serves as a punishment for allowing the impiety that creates the kinds of individuals that would produce such a bad law.
On the night He was betrayed Jesus and His Apostles attended the Temple in Jerusalem for Passover. Passover was the Jews commerating the Death of the Messiah in advance. Jews had true worship but, they had a symbolic Paschal Lamb but the Lamb had to be without spot or wrinkle, without blemish or defect. The Passover Prayers said in the Temple were His Own Death Prayers. Those Passover Prayers are Perpetual and can't be changed . Why did the Temple fall because the Jews said We have no King but Caesar also Roman Soldiers Pilate actually Crucified him so the responsibility is on them.
Hypocrisy. We have to thanks the TLM to Archbishop Lefebvre. Had it not been for the conversations between Bishop SSPX Bishop Fellay and ex pope Benedict he never would have issued the Summorum pontificum.
Mari “Eucharistic devotion such as is noted in the silent visit by the devout in church must not be thought of as a conversation with God. This would assume that God was present there locally and in a confined way. To justify such an assertion shows a lack of understanding of the Christological mysteries of the very concept of God. This is repugnant to the serious thinking of the man who knows about the omnipresence of God. To go to church on the ground that one can visit God who is present there is a senseless act which modern man rightfully rejects." -“Father” Ratzinger (Die Sakramentale Begrundung Christlicher Existenz 1966, Kyrios Publishing, Freising-Meitingen-Germany)
If Fr. Ratzinger is asserting that a person might believe that God is only in the specified local and not an omnipresent God; well in this he would be right. If on the other hand he were to assert that Jesus is not present in the Eucharist, in repose, in the tabernacle & that he is there and not materially in other locals , then of course Fr. Ratzinger would be wrong.
Tim O Not quite for me... St. Athanasius biography and Faith contribution to the Church is exemplary...He fights a lot of heretics... On the contrary who Arch. Lefevbre fought? Pope and Church Authority?
Jong Ricafort Did you know that the Novus Ordo mass was created with the help of ten "perities or theological advisors " and six of them were protestants one anglican, one merhodist, one Episcopalian, two lutherans and one calvinist (Taizé) and three carholic priests one of the catholic priests was a prove mason? douglawrence.wordpress.com/2013/08/30/did-six-protestant-ministers-at-the-2nd-vatican-council-really-help-design-the-novus-ordo-mass/amp/
Oh, how terribly sad, " a historical relic", the mass of all ages and times, a relic. Socrates, not a relic. The traditions and teachings are in the incorrect order. They are disordered.
Tim O How about the issue of two disobedience in the ordination of the priests and then follow again by ordination of bishop... Would that play a role in evaluating his credential to sainthood?
Yes, that should count as supernatural prudence in Archbishop Lefebvre's favour. All the Latin Mass communities under the Vatican have to thank the Archbishop for taking action, for they would not exist without him.
Green Knight Is disobedience an attribute of the saints?... As far as definition is concern prudence is opposite to disobedience... And as far as sainthood is concern Obedience seems to be the exemplary and heroic virtue as seen in St. Padre Pio case.
Sure, but Archbishop Lefebvre's actions wouldn't be counted as disobedience because 1) He used a loophole in Canon Law to justify the ordinations, so he was acting within the law 2) It did not act against charity. That covers the moral significance of the ordinations. St. Padre Pio wasn't an Archbishop, but if he was in Archbishop Lefebvre's shoes, I bet he would have done the same thing.
The greater majority of Americans do not speak, write, spell, or think in Latin. Yes, most LTM offer English translation on the opposing page. That is my point, offer a 3rd type of mass, precisely the same as the LTM, however entirely in English. In that way, it avoids, reading glasses and making an attempt to hear (Latin), and read (English) and follow along with double the effort, often not really focusing with the heart, because one finds themselves distracted due to the confusion, often not finding their place, running with two completely different languages, one with reading the other listening. Not a great mix especially if one truly offers their heart and prayers to God. The mass is the GREATEST prayer to God. It is not an Italian Opera. If Latin, it "is", when was the last time you witness any Catholic Church offering classes in Latin ? One should not have a need to enroll in a college course just to better understand the ultimate prayer to God. Prayer is communication to God it should not be coded, into a foreign language. If the argument is, well Latin is the official language of the church, so be it. However Jesus spoke in Aramaic. If anything, the mass ought to be in His language. Would you find opposition if I spoke, wrote, and read Aramaic, and proposed, the mass be changed into Aramaic, assuming you do not write, speak or think in Aramaic ? When I recite my morning and late prayers, when I recite the daily rosary, I speak entirely in English, a language we both know (God and I). I do not pretend to impress God, our maker, with the little Latin I know. God desires a humble, pure, prayer filled heart, thirsty heart with love, repentance, and unity with Him. He demonstrates His mercy, forgiveness, and means of His love through His sacrifice via the mass. He desires our free will to submit to Him, to avoid vices, and pray for an increase of virtue. Sorry, for 18 minutes, the Bishop expanded all his time, endorsing the Latin rather than what really counts, a change of hearts. I was annoyed, by his homily. Can you image, if the homily was in Latin, with no opposing pages translated into English? How few, would understand his homily! THAT is the point.
There are 3 languages used during the TLM (note: the homily is not part of the Mass itself): Latin, Greek and Hebrew, the same 3 languages made holy by their inscription on the cross of Christ. Latin is a dead language. It means what it means and the meaning of the words do not change with the times. Liberals say the US Constitution is a "living" document and the words mean whatever they say they mean, finding a right to privacy and right to abortion where their plainly is none listed. Latin is not commonly spoken and reserved for important subjects, judges and lawyers use Latin, doctors in medicine use Latin. It is not "common" or "mundane" but "holy" and reserved for worship. It is reserved for God. Similar to only using your fine china for important dinners. Excorcists say the devil hates it. It was the universal language of worship for the Church, meaning you could go to a TLM anywhere in the world and it would be the same and you could understand it (except for maybe the homily). A truly universal language, or to put it another way: "Catholic" It also wouldn't hurt Americans to learn another language besides English.
Regardless, what 'language' is holy, in the end God judges the 'heart'. That means, if you should recite "Holy Mother of God" in Hausa, or Dorgri it is HAS much more meaning to God then if you recite the same in Latin, Greek or Hebrew with a half heart. Case in point, it is not the' language' , rather the heart. Do you really think, the creator of the universe listening to two different people praying, one in Latin, the other Spanish, God Himself is going to favor the person speaking in Latin?
Darrin French no one asked you or me what language The Mass should be read in. It’s not a matter of preference or efficiency rather this is what God has ordained by way of His Bride The Church. Who are we or anyone else to change what has been for so long? Consider that at each mass we make present Jesus’s sacrifice on Calvary and what was the language being used? Latin... the Roman soldiers spoke Latin.
In essence, what you are really stating is, if it were not for the Latin language, people would not have a real method to communicate with God? I do not find anywhere in Church history whereby the Holy Spirit is responsible in selecting Latin as the primary language. The Holy Spirit, no doubt is the Paraclete and third person of the Blessed Trinity. I would venture to say, it was Bishops that selected Latin as the official language not the Holy Spirit. Otherwise, it would have taken 2000 years for the Holy Spirit to change His mind and elect the vernacular too.
I was there for that liturgy. Great homily-- and to see a Pontifical High Mass in a basilica like that was a once in a lifetime experience!
Terra Tremuit
Our church has high mass every month
I was not just referring to the form of the mass, but also the beautiful and grand setting of the basilica in which it was celebrated. God willing, it will be celebrated in our great basilicas with more frequency and my comment above about it being a "once-in-a-lifetime experience" is not literal.
I know from personal experience that the TLM is life changing. It is the answer to the secular onslaught of naturalism, modernism, communism, atheism, Protestantism, moral relativism, gender ideology, the sexual revolution, and the diabolical disorientation.
@Janette Davis you don;t make any sense. God bless you and pray he heals you.
I’m a convert who is old and close to death. I was immediately attracted to the TLM liturgy.
did you died b4 now?
"I issued the Motu Proprio in order to reconcile the church with her past." - Pope Benedict XVI on his 'Summorum Pontificum.'
Wow, what a great wise gift Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI has left us all. I treasure it with all my heart! God's Blessing be upon him.
i could not agree more with your statement...yes, Pope Benedict XVI is a true saint and did substantial acts that have real substantial effects in the lives of those who choose to further strengthen their faith, or for those who will soon discover the Latin mass and its depths of healing and the warding away of demons and their insidious influences. By the Grace of God i returned to my faith after 49 years of exile and torment. I have never had a greater joy before. "Saint John Vianney said, "When people realize the true meaning of the mass, they will die of joy." I experience this joy and there is nothing in this world that can be greater then that.
Remembering that this was based on a mistake from his past being a modernist vanguard of Vatican II.
I cry today that his successor has undone that and much more
I would go further and credit the good Archbishop Lefebvre. If he didn't protect the TLM as he did, would it be around today?
Thank you Archbishop Alexander King Sample for your love and passion to the Old Roman Rite, the Traditional Latin Mass. This is the Holy Mass celebrated by Holy Saints , Holy Martyrs, the Holy Apostles, Church Fathers, Doctors of the Church, etc.
You mentioned this Holy Mass brought your father to holy conversion. Yes, this is the Holy Mass that lead me to overcome my habitual sin and knowing the horror of that sin. In addition to this Holy Mass, the daily sermon of a priest of Fraternity of St Peter (FSSP) from Littleton, CO thought me to overcome that habitual sin, be prayerful (approx 2.5 hours per day), try to imitate the Saints, desire to martyrdom, desire to live Virtuous Life.
I pray to our Lord Jesus Christ through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary that more Church leaders follow you, Archbishop Alexander King Sample. That more True Bishops and Cardinals resist the pope Francis’ “traditiones custodes”
The Old Roman Rite, Traditional Latin Mass never divide Catholic but in fact unified especially thousand and thousand of you people into One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church!!!
I was able to attend a Pontifical High Mass with +Sample last year for the Men's Conference here in Oregon. I feel blessed to have this man leading our diocese, he is a treasure. His paper on Gregorian Chant is well worth the read.
Where can I find this paper?
God bless you!
And to say that the current Archbishop forbade that Mass? Thank you Archbishop Sample. You spoke for all of us. Keep us in your prayers at these times!
Alexander King Sample (born November 7, 1960) is an American prelate of the Catholic Church. He is the eleventh and current Archbishop of Portland, Oregon, having served previously as the twelfth Bishop of Marquette, Michigan.
Watching this after Pope Francis so cruelly attacked the TLM is especially heart-rending.
he made my heart smile..
Wonderful Homily
TLM is so much richer and obviously Catholic than the Novus Ordo. No wonder so many young people are getting into it.
Some beautiful mantillas here. I want to make one for the SSPX pilgrimage to Quito in January, 2019.
This melted my heart.
That’s my Archbishop! He is such a treasure. 🌹
Great Reset at Vatican II ... amazing that Abp Sample said this in 2017 .., God bless Abp Sample.
I noticed that too.
Thankyou I agree latin is the language spoken for 1000 of years and the English translation of this is so rich in information
I was at this mass. My first latin mass! I've never been the same since. ❤️
That's my Archbishop!
While I respect this Archbishop, for speaking in favor of the TLM, I cannot agree that both liturgies can "flourish side by side". We have all the beauty in the TLM. Why do we need another?
An excerpt from Bella Dodd's book; 'School of Darkness':
'In the early 1950s she provided detailed explanations of the communist subversion of the Church, reporting that "In the1930s we put eleven hundred men into the priesthood in order to destroy the Church from within - and right now they are in the highest places in the Church."
From such positions they were working to bring about change in order to weaken the Church's effectiveness against communism. She said further that these changes would be so drastic that "You will not recognise the Catholic Church".
Bella Dodd was baptised again by Bishop Fulton J. Sheen in St Patrick's Cathedral, New York.
Jennifer - this is why we cannot allow a kind of 'compromise' or fudge with evil just to keep the peace and to appease these dangerous leftist extremists embedded in the Church. The sad thing is that many of these people actually think they are doing the right thing. The Holy Church CANNOT be watered down - or it is rendered ineffective. Even the evil senior communist plotters knew that.
Well, yes communist infiltrate our seminars, in 1930, we got what we deserve.
What did our Lady say at Fatima, the errors of Russia will spread, in 1917, appears to be true.
Our weapon is our Most Holy Rosary, dearest friends, take up your weapon !
Thanks for reposting the video I edited down to the homily and originally posted on my page. +Sensus Fidelium
How in the hell can the novus ordo enrich the TLM?
Jason T I hear that all the time and have yet to get an answer. The answer is therefore....it can’t.
Jason T
The hell was created by the prideful, rebellious and disobedient angels.. All souls
Disobedient to God's Will unless they come into their senses are going to hell too..
Disobedient is synonomous to Hell.
Check out your history before you criticize the NO Mass.
Ave Maria...
Jong Ricafort You failed to answer my question.
Jason T
Sorry, you failed also to comprehend my answer.
We both failed.
We are finite.
The NO Mass was deliberated by Bishops, all learned man.. All are more educated and had greater wisdom over us.
To criticize the Vatican II is claiming that the Holy Spirit inspired and enlighten you more over His Church.
Reflect on that. Godbless
Jong Ricafort Indeed, your initial response was incomprehensible.
This bishop confirmed me in the latin rite. :)
It isn not a "gift of Pope Benedict XVI - but rather a precious GIFT from Apb. Marcel LeFebvre! A future Saint of true Catholic Church. He saved this Holy Sacrifice Mass for us.
(persecuted by His own Church that went astray after Vatican II, by Paul VI, JPII and others) There is a rapture. Novus Ordo is made by FreeMason A.Bugnini adapted to protestants an Jews, with all the Supernatural removed. Traditional Holy Mass is sacred, you can sense it.
I am glad you know how to explain what happened ! We love the traditional Latin Mass and pray our parish will have this. The parish has increased many traditions and sacred music is being explained and taught.
The Language of God is not only Latin, but the Language of God is Love & Mercy by showing it At the Foot of the Cross. Both TLM and NO mass is acceptable to God only if it is United as One Sacrifice with the Church and offered in Unity with the Pope intentions, otherwise offering a TLM or NO mass alone, without recognizing the Pope as Vicar of Christ here on earth. It cannot ascend the Throne of God.. As Jesus only given the Keys & Authority to Peter not to anyone else.. As clearly seen in King Saul offering. Samuel15:22..Godbless
I would add... to Pray for this pope and not for his intentions. As his intentions seem very controversial. God Bless
adverts are inappropriate
Deo gratias
I appreciate the Bishops efforts, however...
In “Missale Romanum (April 3, 1969) of Paul VI, all it really states at the end as far as any obligation if you could even call it that is “…we hope nevertheless that the Missal will be received by the faithful as an instrument which bears witness to and which affirms the common unity of all.” ---Question - All Catholics or all Christians?
I guess one has to ask if the Council of Trent is still binding? If it is than -- "If any one saith, (let alone does this?) that the received and approved rites of the Catholic Church, wont to be used in the solemn administration of the sacraments, may be contemned, or without sin be omitted at pleasure by the ministers, or be changed, by whomsoever pastor of the churches, into other new ones; let him be anathema." Session 7, Canon 13 of the Dogmatic Council of Trent.
And if - Anathema means--a formal curse by a pope or a council of the Church, excommunicating a person or denouncing a doctrine, the severest form of separation from the Catholic Church issued against a heretic or group of heretics by a Pope or other church official.[ Synonyms: an abomination · an outrage · an abhorrence · a disgrace · an evil. This cannot be any clearer.
If this was true then and up until 1969, it should be true now, otherwise it was unfortunate for those who were anathematized back then, because it’s encouraged now, or does truth change? This was not simply a discipline of the church to be changed at will, for the punishment was anathema. I’ll side with 2000 years of Tradition, the popes, countless saints, bishops, priests and so on, versus the novelties of Vatican 2 and the modernist who came after. Read the Ottaviani Intervention.
James Vigil James Vigil God Bless you for your calm and sound responses. i was born in 1966, never took Latin. But for 1 year, a profound blessing from God has transformed me since going to TLM. My prayers are now from the heart. Ive been taught true reverence for Christ and the Latin Liturgy. Even learning the prayers of the rosary in Latin has taught me to slow down when praying and to focus on the words more carefully. What a gift.
James Vigil
If your interpretation is embrace then you are saying the Holy Spirit had failed to guide His Church and Jesus lied to His promises. Mt16:18
The Vatican II remain the True Church founded by Jesus Christ...
Lets us ask St. Ambrose, a Church Father and Doctor of the Church..
"Ubi Petrus, Ibi Ecclesis, Ibi Deus"...
You may have the beauty and externals but you cannot claim SANCTITY.
"Obedience in Heaven is written in Capital Letters".
Jong Ricafort
Nope that’s not what I’m saying, sorry.
Exactly!! Amen
Priests need to face East when saying the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.Nuns need to wear habits again. Priests should stop wearing street clothes. My soul has been sick with grief since 1962.
not just 1962...there have ALWAYS been issues in the church....
vivacristo rey Yes you’re right, I was counting my years here on earth. 1946 baby.
don't let it disturb your peace....this is the land of exile, not our heavenly home...
Unfortunately, I see that incense was lit for Vatican II and the Novus Ordo.
I personally do not approve of the changes made to the liturgy after V2 as I grew up with the beautiful Latin Mass and all the reverence and majesty that should be present in the very Presence of our Blessed Lord, however, I live in an area where there are no Latin Masses nor do any of the priests in the surrounding parishes plan on having one. I'm fortunate that at least my Pastor celebrates the "new liturgy" with as much reverence as possible minus the banjos, drums, and guitars thank goodness. I am beginning to see more people refusing to receive the Eucharist in their hands and the women starting to wear chapel veils again, so maybe if we all do our part slowly others will follow. I've been to other parishes where you would never even know you were in a Catholic Church, the only distinguishable signs were the stations of the cross, which sometimes are so abstract you have to look a few times, and the Tabernacle light which is off to the side somewhere. Most have no crucifix or statues of the Saints or candles to light for prayer, it mimics loudly a Lutheran church. I went online to compare the two, some of the Lutheran services looked more Catholic than the Catholic! Very disturbing. I pray that we come to our senses in all aspects of what's happening to our Holy Catholic Apostolic Church and get back to what has been handed down to us through the ages, not just with the Liturgy and the inside of the churches, but the teachings of Jesus Christ.
diane sanzone
I don’t have a local Latin mass available to my family, nearest is 84 miles away and only on the second and fourth Sundays, this is were I go as I have been instructed that to attend the Norvis Ordo is “doubtful” due to papal direction that the liturgy was “fixed” and “unchangeable”, therefore V2 is a serious matter, maybe sinful?
The church has declared that the faithful have a right to the liturgy, and when the church cannot provide an opportunity for attendance then the “Sunday Obligation” is waived, therefore no Latin Mass, made immutable by papal decree, then no obligation to attend, therefore No Sin.
The Commandment to keep the day “holy” does no say “go to mass”
I avoid the doubtful Norvis Ordo and pray the Our Lady’s triumph promised at Fatima comes quickly
watchmkr100 I cannot tell you what to do as far as "waiving" your Sunday obligation that's up to you to seek out the answer for yourself, but I was taught by a priest who I keep in touch with and who celebrates the Latin Mass that the Novus Ordo Mass, is in fact valid unless some major heresies or apostasy is going on, in which case one should find a different Catholic Church to attend, but that Sunday obligation remains obligatory. I have also heard the same things you did and questioned it and was told that the sacrifice of the Mass is the ultimate form of worship and praise we can give to God and if celebrated by a validly ordained priest even though we may not agree with the Novus Ordo Mass it remains a valid, licit Mass and to avoid attending purposely is to commit mortal sin. As I stated previously, if the priest is performing outright heresies then naturally you bring that up to the Bishop and go to Mass elsewhere, but according to this Holy priest you cannot willfully miss Mass and consider it not a sin. Just thought I would share what I have been told. Let us all hope the pendulum swings back the other way and the day will come again when men are in suits and women dressed modestly with chapel veils on walk into Catholic Churches greeted with the awesomeness of incense and the beautiful Latin Mass, until then, we keep the faith and fight the good fight and no one is going to keep me from receiving the Sacraments no matter what. Blessed be God, now and forever.
Le Rational SkepticTM that is not accurate. Unless you are a Canon lawyer, if so I will defer to and educated studied opinion. My understanding given to me by a Canon lawyer is that the very essence of a propitious sacrifice was removed and a “meal” was inserted. Christs gift was a sacrifice which we “recreate” and offer again to the father in reparation for our sins!
A new covenant, not a suped-up version of the old Passover. These are profoundly different events.
diane sanzone I cannot disagree with anything you wrote EXCEPT for the word “licit”
watchmkr100 I respect your opinion my friend. Licit is defined as "lawful or not forbidden" and this is what this Holy priest said in regard to the validity of the Novus Ordo Mass. Let us continue to pray for each other and that God's will be done.
I grew up only knowing and experiencing the "new mass", after vs. I have known nothing different. And I'd like to say that it is done with all the reverence that anyone brings with them to a Latin mass. I have definitely seen irreverence and casual behavior before, during, & after mass but I don't believe for a minute it's because of the mass. It can be attributed to the casual regard, in general, for the majesty of the One Holy God, in the Eucharist. If adults and children are taught about his loving majesty in the right way, and if the pews are filled with humbly pious individuals, and if we are taught Truth & Love from the pulpit, then there's no reason we should not reap the same benefits as if the mass were in latin. Even a high latin mass has irreverent, ignorant people. Lord, ibeg you remove my heart of stone and replace it with a humble one molded like clay. Amen. Peace to all.
Deo Gratias
Hopefully Francis is watching this.
This aged well
Gift?? No, a partial act of justice.
Keep the Archbishop in your prayers but remember: Archbishop Sample said he is 100 percent a product of the Second Vatican Council. We must pray that this kind of erroneous thought be snuffed out of the Church. All FSSP priests I have heard criticize the council for nearly destroying the institutions of faith but then some will guard against others criticizing it as being un-Catholic. However, it is principally the theology behind the council that made it fail. If the council was truly Catholic would it have failed so readily? No!
It must be understood that the VII council needs serious revision to the point where it would be safe to say that it should be suspended. The issue with Archbishop Sample's stance is that it seemingly validates being product of the Vatican 2 Council is equivalent to being Catholic with the Church Eternal (as opposed to being a subjective Catholic by obedience to what the Current Church is teaching) this is a grand fallacy.
We must show the deepest respect for those of the Church who came BEFORE the Second Vatican Council and always carry out tradition on the side of those who came before us and conserve our suspicions for the novelties of the current day (or the second Vatican council). Will any FSSP priest honestly say that Saint Athanasius would have sided with the errors implicit in either the prima facie errors within the Council or if you deny that, the quite open liberal intent behind the Council if he were alive in those days? Would they honestly believe that St. Athanasius would trust the opinion of American clergy over the older Church?
By no means am I judging Archbishop Sample personally, since any many can utter the words "I am 100 percent result of the Vatican II council" with the implication that this is some alternative form of Catholicism but sadly, these words are very mistaken and reek of a kind of confusion that postulates the solution as part of the problem and vice versa. While these men are leading souls to Christ, they may very well be constructing a simulacrum--an idol-- for men to loose their minds and souls to which does not represent the true nature of the Church. And this judgement is on them or if not is on the architects of this diabolical confusion. God will decide, of course, but many will suffer from this cult of the strategy of deterrence within the Church.
And by no means am I promoting disobedience but we should all at least openly pronounce a bad law as a bad law. Sometimes bad laws must be followed out of simple obedience until they are fixed but by no means is a bad law truly ever a REAL law but rather serves as a punishment for allowing the impiety that creates the kinds of individuals that would produce such a bad law.
On the night He was betrayed Jesus and His Apostles attended the Temple in Jerusalem for Passover. Passover was the Jews commerating the Death of the Messiah in advance. Jews had true worship but, they had a symbolic Paschal Lamb but the Lamb had to be without spot or wrinkle, without blemish or defect. The Passover Prayers said in the Temple were His Own Death Prayers. Those Passover Prayers are Perpetual and can't be changed .
Why did the Temple fall because the Jews said We have no King but Caesar also Roman Soldiers Pilate actually Crucified him so the responsibility is on them.
Hypocrisy. We have to thanks the TLM to Archbishop Lefebvre. Had it not been for the conversations between Bishop SSPX Bishop Fellay and ex pope Benedict he never would have issued the Summorum pontificum.
Mari “Eucharistic devotion such as is noted in the silent visit by the devout in church must not be thought of as a conversation with God. This would assume that God was present there locally and in a confined way. To justify such an assertion shows a lack of understanding of the Christological mysteries of the very concept of God. This is repugnant to the serious thinking of the man who knows about the omnipresence of God. To go to church on the ground that one can visit God who is present there is a senseless act which modern man rightfully rejects." -“Father” Ratzinger (Die Sakramentale Begrundung Christlicher Existenz 1966, Kyrios Publishing, Freising-Meitingen-Germany)
If Fr. Ratzinger is asserting that a person might believe that God is only in the specified local and not an omnipresent God; well in this he would be right. If on the other hand he were to assert that Jesus is not present in the Eucharist, in repose, in the tabernacle & that he is there and not materially in other locals , then of course Fr. Ratzinger would be wrong.
Archbishop Lefebvre is the St. Athanasius of our times.
Tim O
Not quite for me...
St. Athanasius biography and Faith contribution to the Church is exemplary...He fights a lot of heretics... On the contrary who Arch. Lefevbre fought? Pope and Church Authority?
Jong Ricafort
Did you know that the Novus Ordo mass was created with the help of ten "perities or theological advisors " and six of them were protestants one anglican, one merhodist, one Episcopalian, two lutherans and one calvinist (Taizé) and three carholic priests one of the catholic priests was a prove mason?
So sad to watch today.
Oh, how terribly sad, " a historical relic", the mass of all ages and times, a relic. Socrates, not a relic. The traditions and teachings are in the incorrect order. They are disordered.
It's too bad that the rest of the clergy of the church didn't listen to him.
Thank-you Archbishop Lefebvre. But let's pretend he had nothing to do with it and keep kissing hierarchical butt.
You are referring to the future Saint Marcel The Great, Bishop, Confessor and Doctor of The Church.
Tim O
How about the issue of two disobedience in the ordination of the priests and then follow again by ordination of bishop... Would that play a role in evaluating his credential to sainthood?
Yes, that should count as supernatural prudence in Archbishop Lefebvre's favour. All the Latin Mass communities under the Vatican have to thank the Archbishop for taking action, for they would not exist without him.
Green Knight
Is disobedience an attribute of the saints?... As far as definition is concern prudence is opposite to disobedience...
And as far as sainthood is concern Obedience seems to be the exemplary and heroic virtue as seen in St. Padre Pio case.
Sure, but Archbishop Lefebvre's actions wouldn't be counted as disobedience because 1) He used a loophole in Canon Law to justify the ordinations, so he was acting within the law 2) It did not act against charity. That covers the moral significance of the ordinations. St. Padre Pio wasn't an Archbishop, but if he was in Archbishop Lefebvre's shoes, I bet he would have done the same thing.
The greater majority of Americans do not speak, write, spell, or think in Latin. Yes, most LTM offer English translation on the opposing page. That is my point, offer a 3rd type of mass, precisely the same as the LTM, however entirely in English. In that way, it avoids, reading glasses and making an attempt to hear (Latin), and read (English) and follow along with double the effort, often not really focusing with the heart, because one finds themselves distracted due to the confusion, often not finding their place, running with two completely different languages, one with reading the other listening. Not a great mix especially if one truly offers their heart and prayers to God.
The mass is the GREATEST prayer to God. It is not an Italian Opera.
If Latin, it "is", when was the last time you witness any Catholic Church offering classes in Latin ? One should not have a need to enroll in a college course just to better understand the ultimate prayer to God. Prayer is communication to God it should not be coded, into a foreign language.
If the argument is, well Latin is the official language of the church, so be it. However Jesus spoke in Aramaic. If anything, the mass ought to be in His language. Would you find opposition if I spoke, wrote, and read Aramaic, and proposed, the mass be changed into Aramaic, assuming you do not write, speak or think in Aramaic ?
When I recite my morning and late prayers, when I recite the daily rosary, I speak entirely in English, a language we both know (God and I). I do not pretend to impress God, our maker, with the little Latin I know.
God desires a humble, pure, prayer filled heart, thirsty heart with love, repentance, and unity with Him. He demonstrates His mercy, forgiveness, and means of His love through His sacrifice via the mass. He desires our free will to submit to Him, to avoid vices, and pray for an increase of virtue.
Sorry, for 18 minutes, the Bishop expanded all his time, endorsing the Latin rather than what really counts, a change of hearts. I was annoyed, by his homily.
Can you image, if the homily was in Latin, with no opposing pages translated into English? How few, would understand his homily!
THAT is the point.
There are 3 languages used during the TLM (note: the homily is not part of the Mass itself): Latin, Greek and Hebrew, the same 3 languages made holy by their inscription on the cross of Christ. Latin is a dead language. It means what it means and the meaning of the words do not change with the times. Liberals say the US Constitution is a "living" document and the words mean whatever they say they mean, finding a right to privacy and right to abortion where their plainly is none listed. Latin is not commonly spoken and reserved for important subjects, judges and lawyers use Latin, doctors in medicine use Latin. It is not "common" or "mundane" but "holy" and reserved for worship. It is reserved for God. Similar to only using your fine china for important dinners. Excorcists say the devil hates it. It was the universal language of worship for the Church, meaning you could go to a TLM anywhere in the world and it would be the same and you could understand it (except for maybe the homily). A truly universal language, or to put it another way: "Catholic" It also wouldn't hurt Americans to learn another language besides English.
Regardless, what 'language' is holy, in the end God judges the 'heart'. That means, if you should recite "Holy Mother of God" in Hausa, or Dorgri it is HAS much more meaning to God then if you recite the same in Latin, Greek or Hebrew with a half heart.
Case in point, it is not the' language' , rather the heart.
Do you really think, the creator of the universe listening to two different people praying, one in Latin, the other Spanish, God Himself is going to favor the person speaking in Latin?
you miss the point, it is not the effect on God, whose will cannot be changed, but the effect on the one praying, it is the effect on us...
Darrin French no one asked you or me what language The Mass should be read in. It’s not a matter of preference or efficiency rather this is what God has ordained by way of His Bride The Church. Who are we or anyone else to change what has been for so long? Consider that at each mass we make present Jesus’s sacrifice on Calvary and what was the language being used? Latin... the Roman soldiers spoke Latin.
In essence, what you are really stating is, if it were not for the Latin language, people would not have a real method to communicate with God? I do not find anywhere in Church history whereby the Holy Spirit is responsible in selecting Latin as the primary language. The Holy Spirit, no doubt is the Paraclete and third person of the Blessed Trinity.
I would venture to say, it was Bishops that selected Latin as the official language not the Holy Spirit. Otherwise, it would have taken 2000 years for the Holy Spirit to change His mind and elect the vernacular too.
I wonder if Pope Francis even read Summorum Pontificum.