Holy I would love this no idea how they would implement it but would be very nice probs wouldn’t even help with the mission (*as in dual destiny) very much but would be nice for stuff that for some reason doesn’t have matchmaking because it’s been created with a heavy reliance on communication in mind so you need to lfg… for some reason
not just for that ping systems would be extremely helpful pretty much anywhere imagine taniks encounter but instead of r1 l2 you can just have the person ping
@@Kazuhira2249 my thing is... Why not add fun, low-impact mechanics that let us communicate what NEEDS to be communicated with in-mission context? Dual Destiny example: Give the player on the lower plate corresponding hive ghosts (or whatever) with the symbols as projections. You interact with the correct ones and they teleport the symbol for top-plate player to see what to shoot - could be that easy. If you want to call if out on mic , fine. Don't have a mic? Don't want to talk to internet strangers? Also fine. No less challenging. If anything its MORE dynamic, and can even be a mandatory part of the encounter on higher challenge tiers. Accessibility can be done thoughtfully, and literally everybody wins when a game is accessible. That is what I think is being lost in a lot of the argument on this subject sadly.
I agree, I wish there was some other mechanical means to quickly convey the info required without a mic, like a ping system. Typing is way too slow, especially for timed mechanics. "Just use a mic" at face value seems reasonable until you consider the hearing and speech impaired
I would have thought they'd have them around in the game at large in Beyond Light after they sunset the forges. The fallen would have black armory stuff to play with without limits, plus they were already adding brigs.
I like these co-op requirement type for enemies, they are infinitely more inventive and better than champion types. I've always said to my friends that Bungie should be making more enemies like this for challenging content, It confuses me why they stopped using them with Scourge because they were so unique.
There's also the re-use of the Schnell building in one of the lost sectors. My secret hope is that we're seeing bits and pieces of Scourge pop up because they're gonna FINALLY bring Scourge back in to the game. I hope. I want. Please.
Yeah like, I like those guys’ design and everything but why only now are they appearing again?? They’re barely even themed correctly for them to be appearing now in The Pale Heart, years since the Scourge raid they first appeared in still with Black Armory tech for some reason.
All of these made me take a break, even though the dlc has just been released. I find all of these new additions more annoying than fun. I simply realised, this is not why I play video games. Destiny is obviously no longer for me. I enjoyed the campaign and Pale Heart, but everything else was just awful. New "season" especially.
Been playing Ghosts of Tsushima on PC. My first play through and it is great. Actually thankful that Bungie might be breaking my addiction, then I can get back to my gaming backlog.
It's pretty clear with TFS they are moving the game in a direction that is no longer solo-friendly, even to the point they added completing these missions into the requirements just to get Guardian rank 7.
Yeah it's been painful, not to mention they've made it so difficult now even on normal mode u get absolutely destroyed in seconds and I'm not a crap player either being a veteran from day 1 of destiny. I struggle to get the stuff done and agree it's not fun like it use to be it's more a chore now. Even strikes are way more difficult than they used to be. Plus I prefer solo as u say the community is highly toxic ,I use to do all the raids and everything but in d2 just got sick of the abuse from other "perfect" players, haven't done a raid since 2018 I actually stopped playing for a good 3 yrs only just got back on mid last year. Really enjoyed the final shape campaign it's certainly the best one in a long while but this forced co op stuff is plain annoying and because the difficulty has been raised u can't solo those missions. Got resilience 100 and recovery 85 and 2014 light and I still get 1 2 shot 🙄
Idk what you are on about it’s the internet people are always toxic, doing simple callouts in a mission does not lead to people being toxic, get over your “social anxiety”
Yeah I'm stuck on this in order to guild my rank 7, sadly my gaming group had kids and quit playing, and the people I've met through LFG have unfortunately been immature and toxic. One guy was even a sex offender like wtf. So I'm very against microphone with random people due to these past experiences, honestly I'm scared to and feel like I shouldn't have to... yet Bungie is forcing me to do this in order to guild my rank.
@@quadvixenI you are willing to try again look for lfg listings with no tags or “newbie friendly” also check the fireteam leader stats to see if is a new player there’s a chance they are shy something like that
Watching the people telling the solo/casuals to git gud and get on mic and then for days afterward listening to those same people complain about other co-op missions and their lack of being given easier and faster droprates is down right hilarious.
Thank you for sharing... I held of on Dual Destiny until I get the Microcosm as I thought it would make Dual Destiny a bit easy in the last encounter. My fireteam and I only need to do the Iconoclasm mission, and then I will have Microcosm and off to Dual Destiny. Thank you for providing clarity. 🍻
I did these 3 missions through the fireteam finder. No comms at all, just occasional text messages. Gotta say, the last mission in particular was extremely frustrating for me. The mechanics in the last mission aren’t bad at all but people would die once or twice then leave all the time. Took me 2 hours to finally get that last mission done through fireteam finder. I’m not a fan of this type of thing because majority of the community get frustrated or whatever then leave right away if they die or fail a mechanic once
I managed to destroy one statue as my hunter on iconoclasm, with no mics. And it was through the team finder in game. Iconoclasm just sucks in the coop focus mode, mainly the last encounter, before the escaping sequence with the aegis shield.
It's better to use comms, no wonder people leaving if you're not using mic. It's much easier with mic + people are way less likely to leave if they're having a chill conversation with someone etc anyway.
@@VWoodKatic when I reached the 1st statue that was the first time i was doing that and I had no idea what was happening most of the time with the new mechanics. Also, I had to leave to do irl stuff & I told the 2 players who understood. The 2nd time with different players, was when everyone was dying a lot. The mission Iconoclasm on coop focus just sucks
Man what the…I seen these missions but haven’t bothered to hop in to them yet. I got on recently to do whatever I needed to do for the class exotic item, and learned it’s locked behind a mandatory co-op mission…And now apparently more end game content and exotics as well? How sad…I have no friends that play this game. I also did my fair share of lfg back in the day and I simply just don’t want to do it anymore. Literally the majority of my “friends” list is people I’ve played destiny with at one point or another. Also mind you I work retail so I have to socially interact on the daily, so it’s nice to come home and just enjoy a game in peace. PvP has been my end game for destiny for a long time honestly. I broke away but came back for the final shape. I was excited cause it felt new. But pvp unfortunately is still a mess. So I was hoping to just spend more time in pve. Just to see anything WORTH doing pve wise is tied to mandatory team missions is unfortunate. I was irritated by the realization of the class item gate keeping. To see it for these missions too, actually just makes me sad. Meaning the only “meaningful” activity to do in the game for a solo player is pvp. The thing that is STILL in shambles as it has been for YEARS and no, a few maps doesn’t change a thing. I guess I’ll go back to other games. Bungie knew there would be backlash, and I thought by now it was obvious that destiny has a huge solo player count. How many stats you need to see before you get it? Sorry to complain but it sucks to pay for content and to be locked out of it.
You're literally not locked out of it in any way. Co-op (in a multiplayer game) does not equal endgame. The whole point of a multiplayer game is to play with other people, from a dev standpoint.
This is the same problem I’m running into. I’ve been playing destiny since d1 days and stopped playing for awhile and now I’m back and a lot of the content is locked behind co op missions. I can’t even hit lvl 7 guardian rank without doing a co op mission. I really like this game and wish I could find people that would be willing to help solo players out. And fire team finder doesn’t always work half the time when someone does once they leave and your stuck running it solo anyways
They NEED to fucking REWORK the mission. Not everyone has mics and also cant coordinate with a total stranger, ESPECIALLY when you dont have a mic and it's also fucking STUPID AS HELL they lock the class items behind a mission you can't do solo ESPECIALLY when it was advertised as a main SELLING POINT for final shape. They should have just made the reward for that mission the khov auto.
The worst part is that only those 3 missions are coop focus, which means there's no reason to replay any of the other campaign missions whatsoever. With Lightfall and WQ the elective difficulty missions rotated weekly through the entire campaign.
The reason Microcosm isso good vs Subjugators and Tormentors is that the way their critics and different phases are set up make their hp read almost entirely as shields. On tormentors, their shields are resistant to non crit damage everywhere except critics spots, and Subjugators take reduced damage from an intrinsic shield when they transform into bug mad mode.
I hate the response people are giving for people who want to do the mission solo. Makes the community feel toxic to me. Edit: Like clockwork, you people make me sick.
Because it’s not a solo mission and lfg exists I did all 3 missions with no mic as much as I understand wanting to do things solo (I have lfg too) sometimes you gotta suck it up and remember it’s a multiplayer game
Yeah despite bungies best efforts to make the community “inclusive” (or at least pretend like it is on twitter) the entire community is a toxic shit show and the whole solo player argument that keeps popping up shows you how out of touch bungie are otherwise they would actually have these solo players like yourself in mind
@@Xan-m9b And yet many multiplayer games, even those that are online, are allowing people to play solo by including NPCs to help during missions. So try again.
@@SealFormulaMaster yes. so? they aren't destiny? use LFG, it's not even a difficult mission. the only comms you need is a countdown to shoot the node. if u can't do that, then something is mentally wrong with you. it took me under 30 mins in total to complete all 3 in a row with lfgs. its easy af. you gonna complain about raids not being solo-friendly too?
I can't understand these coop forced missions, they arent fun for me. Feels like ill never form a competent team to finish these. I did go into dual destiny, every campaign mission felt more compelling, whisper of the worm felt more compelling, im not sure why that mission is getting so much praise.
I got past guardian rank 6 by doing 1 of these missions and then had to do 3 to get to guardian rank 8 and now im stuck there because i have to do 2 raids which is impossible as i dont like using a mic. I enjoyed the co-op missions though. They were pretty easy with text chat
Literally the last fucking thing I need to get the next guardian rank and they lock it behind unnecessary Co-op.. I don’t understand why they’d implement Raid-like mechanics into story missions instead of just, idk the usual like normal and legendary versions 😭
Hey, @matth3760 I just commented on this exact thing. Already beat this during the legendary campaign and once more for microcosm. Now I have to do it again just to rank up. It’s the last thing I need to do, in order to progress to guardian level 8, as well. If you haven’t run these already, please feel free to add me and we can run them together. Vangtp#2323 We could find a third or I’m sure we’d be fine running them as a duo
Idk the consensus from everyone about these, but I actually enjoyed them. Maybe it’s cause I’ve done Crota recently, and the chalice is a mechanic I enjoy, but having to communicate during a longer mission like this, while not in the extreme stress of a raid, was pretty fun for me.
Right? I don’t understand why people are whining so much about interesting mechanics being put into missions. I remember people complaining for years that Bungie would just make enemies tankier or add champions when trying to up difficulty. Now Bungie is actually experimenting with putting interesting mechanics into content outside of raids and dungeons and people are seriously gonna whine about it because they have to use comms in a coop game…? Come on… These missions were so much more fun than the base campaign version. It’s just so frustrating. If Bungie takes all this negative feedback and we never get anything like dual destiny again because a handful of solo players got their feelings hurt that they need friends to complete the missions… I’m gonna be really sad. Lmao.
If the Acolyte is popular a measurable metric should stand out, also the fans or viewers are not on payroll and should not be accountable for the company failures.
Oh brother, why don't you go kiss your sister or something and stop watching Star Wars if you hate it so much. If the last Star Wars media you enjoyed was Revenge of the Sith, accept that you don't like Star Wars anymore and move on with your life.
Dude what were you on about regarding the acolyte? The show is truely garbage. How in TF do you think it's embarrassing to the fan that calls it out? Fans should absolutely call out bs like the acolyte!!!
Just did the mission last night with no comms and it was no problem. You just need to huddle together to keep track of the 10x debuff. Shooting the pyramid nods is simple too if listen for the first shot.
I think these missions are good easy way to get people who solo play and play regular content to get a small taste of dungeon/raid stuff and to play with others...
Yes yes FORCE the solo player into content they don’t want to play. THIS is clearly Bungie strategy going forward, force solo players to become multiplayer player OR quit the game. Ok. I’ll quit.
@@EchoDoctrine NOBODY is forcing anyone into anything lol, if you're a TRUE solo player you're probably only doing patrols and strikes and at that point, does missing on an OKAY-ish exotic really a big deal? probably not. Also it's an exotic quest and they always require you to do "something", having to run 3 missions to get an exotic is miles better than the grind some other exotics require. I just don't get why people can't look at something and be like, okay, this isn't for me and it's fine.
@@EchoDoctrine Exactly. The game is no longer for people like us. I don't enjoy this or find it fun anymore. Moved on and honestly feel I wasted my money on this game. I should have bought new Elden Ring dlc instead. This game is all about - let's make people raid. I don't care about that, never have and never will.
@@cyberius6 exactly the same. I should have waited too, wanted to see the end of 10 yrs and the damn hype trailers & exotic class items got me. Now I find out solo players can’t even het that item. Ah well. Lots of other games out there, a ton I have missed. Many that respect solo players. So I’ll play those.
I did it on LFG and and the only thing I said on the whole missions was “seven” meaning I needed someone to take the buff, on the coordination thing the other guy counted, and on the symbols thing they other guy called the symbols and I shot them.
It’s like listening to an adopted child, that became an adult, who reflected most of their life feeling loved. Though now, grown up, realizing they wouldn’t adopt a child, themselves. In the end feeling like they weren’t really loved at all and now it’s time to criticize every single thing their adoption parents do in their life…….
Bungie has a major problem with only being able to work on one set of things at a time and this time it was missions that need another person. Not saying that its a bad thing. I REALLY liked dual destiny, but there really should have been a bit of the normal stuff with decent rewards along with the duo requirement stuff
Yep, there isn't enough content to keep the entire player base happy. They've always struggled with this balance and decided this expansion to give everything to the elite players and streamers.
I am seriously confused about this video. You spent a large chunk of the exotic class item video justifying Bungie's decision, for the first time in 10 years, to lock exotic armor behind a group activity by saying Bungie should not be criticized, and allowed to experiment. Yet, here you are criticizing Bungie.
All the mechanics are pretty much the same too, besides the debuff you have to juggle. Shooting nodes at the same time, reading glyphs and another player inputting the glyphs. Its the exact same as the Dual destiny mission, just there isn't standing on plates in the middle of encounter intermissions. People can't complain about Dual Destiny, but everyone can complain about these missions. Seems a bit silly, doesn't it.
Bit confused why we can say no to the Co-op focus missions, but no one can complain about the exotic mission. Its the exact same glyph mechanics, only one person can see the symbols, and the other is the glyph breaker. You have to coordinate killing the berserkers (very happy to see them back), and then coordinate shooting the glyphs, exactly like the exotic mission. I don't get it, they're heavily similar in mechanics.
They both are forcing solo players “out of their comfort zone” Piss off bungie. I’m out of the game now. Solo players are not allowed in the future direction Bungie wants to take destiny. Time for solo players to leave.
@@EchoDoctrine I get the sentiment, but I don't really think its too bad of a compromise to do the exotic mission once for the unlock. I'm a solo player as well, I just don't really care much for the class items.
@@EchoDoctrine hate to break it to you but forced coop was always a thing, its called raids. There has always been content and gear locked behind missions that were designed to be only be done in none matchmade coop
@@F-aber yeah raids exist. Many solo players have come to terms over the years and accept they won’t get Eyes of Tomorrow or one raid gun BUT these class items are armor. Never locked exotic armor behind a multiplayer mode only mission before. Also these items had 64 possible potential rolls of perks. That is why solo players are mad I know y’all seem incapable of understanding that difference. Well it’s fine to push solo players away from the game more. Enjoy not understanding other players concerns, issues and their voices.
My friends and I discovered this blindly, and early on after the campaign. It was a nice surprise to have new mechanics added to the missions. Do I want to run them all the time? No. I do love the idea of adding new mechanics and twists to things we’ve already done. Big points for that.
"Use a mic, its not a big deal. Get out of your comfort zone" Requiring a mic and having to listen to your teammates is a pretty big deal for people who are hearing and speech impaired
@ShervierJ It might be a tiny percentage of people, but Bungie is championing accessibility and inclusivity within Destiny. It seems odd to finally release content outside of raids that requires proper communication, that can only be done using a mic. And then, in the case of Dual Destiny, to lock a major exotic behind it
@@ronanboulton2965So are we just deciding to ignore all the people in these comments saying that did it without comms by using emotes and in game text chat? Using a mic is not the only way to do this. There are deaf raid teams that compete in contest mode. Chill sjw, a few mechanics in a few missions isn't making the entire game inaccessible to disabled people.
In a utopian world, yeah, we would all have mics and use lfg to do these missions and dual destinys. In reality, half the player base will not do this. No amount of telling people to just lfg it will get people to do it.
I have no problem talking to other people, but nobody ever reads the mic required part of my lfg posts for duel destiny. Which makes it extremely irratating to find another person to run it with.
Same. And I will still just get told to "use LFG" and "its that simple". Its not that simple, I don't think these players with friends playing this god forsaken game understand LFg is a cesspit.
I did the first of the three missions without comms, using emotes when it was time to trade the debuff. It was incredibly annoying. I never want to experience this again.
While the missions were pretty frustrating at times with two randoms, I still think they have a place. The campaign missions in each expansions contain some of the most of Bungie’s time and money investment. I quite like that this activity gives us a reason to interact with the campaign again for an actual reward.
You have to be a different breed of pathetic to come to a video that isn't even about what you wanna complain about just bc you think everyone deserves to hear your shitty opinions. Star Wars has not been good since the OT, stop fucking watching it and get a new hobby.
I haven’t been able to find someone to do any of these missions with just who doesn’t give up after two or 3 deaths and I’m trying to from rank 7 to 8 in the revenant season. It’s pissing me off.
I like that Bungie is experimenting with this kinda thing but yeah these missions felt like the co-op elements were just tacked on, unlike Dual Destiny. Maybe if it was just the fracture passing and the switches the missions would be more fun because those berserkers are such a pain in the ass.
The comments from the "solo players" on this video are baffling. I'll never understand the sheer amount of pushback they're giving for a few LFG missions - in the amount of time you guys spent complaining on Twitter/TH-cam/Reddit/Bungie Forums/etc you would have already found a group and already been done with the content likely hours ago. It's really not that hard to communicate with another human being for 20-30 minutes.
I really don’t understand why I have to complete these missions again. I already beat them in my legendary campaign run, then again for microcosm and now I have to once more, just to rank up my guardian level… I’ve already beaten them twice this season, on the same difficulty level.. shouldn’t have to do it again, just to rank up
Gonna be interesting to see if this game is still financially viable if solo players stop supporting it. Who knows, maybe it doesnt even matter since we're basically at the end anways. Time and wallet support will tell haha
THIS !! I’m a solo player, mostly solo. THIS has pissed me off, I’m done. I can see the writing on the wall, i know Bungie wants to take the game in this direction, force solo players to become multiplayer and keep them addicted. IF you have that one friend you will be more likely to log on when he asks you too, and that friend can keep you pulled into the game. That’s their goal. Edit not sure why BoTH my comments posted. Odd.
I'm a solo player, but I'll do coop content if I have to. But to be fair, I'm just leaving because I've finally got to the end of my 10 year story. Only gameplay I'll really be doing (if any) now is Crucible or Gambit. Please don't hurt me, I have a soft spot for Gambit.
If you're a solo only player, why would you even bother playing Destiny? You're immediately locked out of more than half the content in the game since it either has matchmaking or requires a team. Not to mention all the guardian ranks that require commendations from playing with other people. Playing D2 solo sounds like the most depressing waste of time imaginable. Go play Elden Ring lmao
@@underscore_5450 excellent point I agree fully, every single solo player should quit Destiny, it is just not a game designed for them Go play Elden ring, 100% agreed. Hopefully Bungie spreads this message to more Destiny solo players
Appreciate this vid. As a solo player 1500 hrs in no raids or dungeons aint really felt like i missed out on nothing until...dual destiny! And now add microcosm to that list. Love the Pale heart location tho solo public events, campaign all awsome.
Unless I'm understanding something wrong, aside from anything else, it is required to advance your Guardian Rank, so skipping it may not seem like an option for some.
The future of Destiny is definately more co-op focused and difficult. They’ve been testing these things out for a long time and is now more apparent than ever. I think Bungie really wants Destiny to be a difficult and cooperative experience if they’re going to stick with it.
I like the ambition behind these missions. My buddy and I had fun figuring out the mechanics (we didn't play back in Scourge era). But we didn't like the actual mechanics, and we had way more fun with Dual Destiny when it released afterward and probably will only replay these for the pinnacle.
Sometimes, probably most of the time playing solo is way better. I get it doing a raid requires a team. However, it's just annoying sometimes that Bungie requires you to play with a random when you have nobody and a certain mission will require a "coop". I say a handful are toxic, and yet they're the ones who does not coordinate. There's are reason I have not played a raid since the Taken King because my original team are gone. I tried doing raid one time with randoms and man - Toxicity at its finest! I said after that no more raid until I find a regular, chill, helpful raiders out there. Good luck to us all.
You know what should've happened? There should've been a part of Final Shape where you PLAY as either Crow or Cayde as they fight together. Their loadout, their perks, their fragments, their aspects, etc., with some light flexibility, but all in all, you play AS one of them. Our Guardians have no personality to speak of, AT LEAST let's embody two of the best characters in the franchise for some key moments. The ending of the campaign being what it is would allow for a "vacancy" that would've given Bungie more reason to either add more coop AI characters to fight alongside you, or simply put more effort into making AI companions better. That would also mean, per the current alleged "outrage" over "we play self-professed MMOs so we can AVOID people lol", wouldn't even be an outrage because people who want to run Dual Destiny and Coop Focus SOLO...could DO SO...and the people who want to run in a pair/group...can ALSO do so. All problems solved. But hey, "Bungie absolutely cooked with this." In the sense that there were too many people in the kitchen, and yet still, things came out undercooked.
I really like the idea of hard replayable missions with harder mechanics and super enjoyed the first one BUT I did initially think we were going to get unique mechanics for each of the three missions; seeing mostly the same stuff in the other two was kind of a bummer. Would love to see a 2.0 version of this in future expansions.
kind of a shame, i WISH there was a reason to do repeat campaign runs, even as simple as red border drops on legendary mission completion. throne world weapons could really use it
In my opinion the Dual Destiny mission should have had the Microcosm. The exotic class armor should have come from Xur or even better Rahool..also the exotic class item should have been something that you found a trait and you load it in..rather than this grind..
Is there an amount of money you would take to just never watch Star Wars again so I don't have to see my feed clogged with people complaining like children about a show they knew they weren't going like and I don't even care about. We get it, you guys don't like Star Wars. You didn't like the sequels, you didn't like the tv shows, and you don't like the know one. How about you stop watching it and find a different hobby. I fucking hate that I haven't seen or interacted with anything Star Wars related for years but everytime something new comes out you guys make it everyone's problems. Stop fucking watching it, please. Let Disney go broke and they'll stop making it and you won't have to bitch about it every couple of months.
I wish they would just matchmake every fireteam....ive played with some great players and even beginners that were pretty good so I like matchmaking....I used the fireteam finder once and now that I've made my mistakes I will again....its seemed pretty quick.....so maybe its a good alternative but its the same as matchmaking so not sure why a separate system.
Yep it's a top tier exotic heavy trace rifle (3,2 millions total damage + usefull with transcendance + god dps but not the best + usefull against champion, mini boss, tormentors...). It's a better machine gun.
If you do the enigma seasonal mission thing, tell me if the enemies are like 2020 power for you.. minotaurs one-shot me so quick (me at 1950s power) and took crazy heavy to take down, unshielded.
Biggest problem Dumbgie does is make things more difficult then needs to be for 1 exotic especially....now nothing should be easy in any game but force the majority of players to use devices that they never probably use and have to do it with complete strangers is where the scratching the head design...like why...raids I get it they are the pinnacle greatness for any endgame design and has the most annoying mechanics that surely require mics and communication....but having an exotic mission needing those type of mechanics is just dumb....having normal like mechanics for a normal version would be probably adequate for all players to achieve and still be difficult...but when you have to constantly do call outs and assignments to be good at an activity is just not fun or inventive....maybe a catalyst version for some of the exotics could be this way but not just to get a item...weapon...armor...etc..that most players won't use over most other weapons...maybe even legendary weapons...lfg and fireteam finder is not bad but it doesn't work everytime or most of the time...I tried to help and do the legendary campaign on fireteam and 6th and 7th had 2 spots that seemed no one understood what to do and I had to do legendary mostly solo...and the 6th and 7th missions was the only way I beat them..like I say the catalyst if they have one or will have should be a struggle to achieve but make just the weapon mission difficult but not a impossible feat because you don't have a mic
I truly don’t understand the hype for Dual Destiny. I LFG’d and beat it 3 times back to back. It was just more of the same… Plates, and shoot symbols. Okay Repetitively switch that back and forth 3 or 4 times. Another jumping puzzle. Of course, the environments are cool. AS always, the Art and Design is A1. But Then you just give us subjugator spam for three encounters. Not even unique ones, the same exact formula from the campaign missions, just with more health. It wasn’t hard and it wasn’t unique in any way that I can think of. Even the duo mechanics. I mean we had standing on dual plates shooting crystals in the Hive public event in the vanilla game. The only challenge was doing the disappearing clock at the end. That was a bit thrilling. But, seriously, we need to think of some new mechanics other than symbols, plates, and dunking orbs. What I do LOVE about the mission is…. They didn’t include the stupid fading light mechanic. That mechanic really discourages using a fireteam, esp with the ramp up in damage scaling. 2 ppl is actually the max you should play the legend campaign with.
I hate them. But finding a group in in-game lfg I hated more. Most of the time they wanted to do normal Legendary. And no the difficulty is waaaay easier than Legendary
Hm Nova bombs in PvP track me from a mile away and cut around every corner to get my hunter ass but here it said ima skip all these ads and go kill someone in the crucible real quick peace - 6:00
I think they're just testing the waters here for a concept they can do in the future. Hopefully, the lesson for them is that they improve it instead of "just bring back champions."
A friend and I have been doing these without comms, and only really using chat to call out sync switches. Once you get the timing down on the buff swap it gets easy to feel it out.
Final Shape is just so goddamn sloppy. The quantity of content is there, but it’s just so disorganized that I don’t know what I’m supposed to be doing.
Yeah, I'm not going to text or play charades through emoting while playing high difficulty content in this game. So many people are anti-social or toxic in this game. As soon as I load into orbit and text messages start popping up on my screen about this and that, I'm out. I can clearly see that you have a mic connected but you want to text all day instead of literally taking a few seconds to say something.
how’d they manage to tie both of the exotics to content that is just a given and usually stays seperate.. we usually get exotic cosmetics for these secrets.. but they were lazy and didn’t want to make any extra missions.. this whole campaign has just been different ways of bundling reused content together
I like them, the focus on real co-operative play is a nice change of pace and involves less loadout shaming than champion-filled activities do. I played the first one as a duo, keeping track of the fracturing debuff led to some real seat-of-the-pants moments.
I’m okay with there not being an alternative to Dungeons and Raids but I don’t care for activities like this that force comms. Plus to the idea of Destiny 2 getting a ping system.
I guess I got real lucky for the witness one and had 2 pc players that where on coms with each other. I had a mic and was trying to do call-outs with no response from them. They eventually just wrote in chat for me to basically be ad clear and not do any mechanics. Kinda frustrating and this is not the first time this has happened to me playing with pc players. Either send a discord link or use game chat. I genuinely find more console players who are willing to use comms than pc players on LFG it’s a joke lol.
I do agree with you... the missions are way too long, and It feels like the coop mechanics were thrown together last min. I do enjoy them, but I will never play it again once I get the Microcosm. 🍻 for being honest... many others out here saying it's a skill issue.... new sub.
I maintain... if they were going to lean this hard into comms, bugie should have made a ping system or something a priority.
Holy I would love this no idea how they would implement it but would be very nice probs wouldn’t even help with the mission (*as in dual destiny) very much but would be nice for stuff that for some reason doesn’t have matchmaking because it’s been created with a heavy reliance on communication in mind so you need to lfg… for some reason
You could also just stop having social anxiety. Most people ignore pings in other games.
not just for that ping systems would be extremely helpful pretty much anywhere imagine taniks encounter but instead of r1 l2 you can just have the person ping
@@Kazuhira2249 my thing is... Why not add fun, low-impact mechanics that let us communicate what NEEDS to be communicated with in-mission context?
Dual Destiny example: Give the player on the lower plate corresponding hive ghosts (or whatever) with the symbols as projections. You interact with the correct ones and they teleport the symbol for top-plate player to see what to shoot - could be that easy. If you want to call if out on mic , fine. Don't have a mic? Don't want to talk to internet strangers? Also fine. No less challenging. If anything its MORE dynamic, and can even be a mandatory part of the encounter on higher challenge tiers.
Accessibility can be done thoughtfully, and literally everybody wins when a game is accessible. That is what I think is being lost in a lot of the argument on this subject sadly.
I agree, I wish there was some other mechanical means to quickly convey the info required without a mic, like a ping system. Typing is way too slow, especially for timed mechanics.
"Just use a mic" at face value seems reasonable until you consider the hearing and speech impaired
The scourge dudes being silently reused for coop campaign missions is wild to me. This is like their second appearance ever
The dudes with the generator backpack? Bro I was so confused when they showed up. Like WHO ARE YOU??
I would have thought they'd have them around in the game at large in Beyond Light after they sunset the forges. The fallen would have black armory stuff to play with without limits, plus they were already adding brigs.
I like these co-op requirement type for enemies, they are infinitely more inventive and better than champion types.
I've always said to my friends that Bungie should be making more enemies like this for challenging content, It confuses me why they stopped using them with Scourge because they were so unique.
There's also the re-use of the Schnell building in one of the lost sectors. My secret hope is that we're seeing bits and pieces of Scourge pop up because they're gonna FINALLY bring Scourge back in to the game. I hope. I want. Please.
Yeah like, I like those guys’ design and everything but why only now are they appearing again?? They’re barely even themed correctly for them to be appearing now in The Pale Heart, years since the Scourge raid they first appeared in still with Black Armory tech for some reason.
All of these made me take a break, even though the dlc has just been released. I find all of these new additions more annoying than fun. I simply realised, this is not why I play video games. Destiny is obviously no longer for me. I enjoyed the campaign and Pale Heart, but everything else was just awful. New "season" especially.
Been playing Ghosts of Tsushima on PC. My first play through and it is great.
Actually thankful that Bungie might be breaking my addiction, then I can get back to my gaming backlog.
It's pretty clear with TFS they are moving the game in a direction that is no longer solo-friendly, even to the point they added completing these missions into the requirements just to get Guardian rank 7.
Yeah it's been painful, not to mention they've made it so difficult now even on normal mode u get absolutely destroyed in seconds and I'm not a crap player either being a veteran from day 1 of destiny.
I struggle to get the stuff done and agree it's not fun like it use to be it's more a chore now.
Even strikes are way more difficult than they used to be.
Plus I prefer solo as u say the community is highly toxic ,I use to do all the raids and everything but in d2 just got sick of the abuse from other "perfect" players, haven't done a raid since 2018 I actually stopped playing for a good 3 yrs only just got back on mid last year.
Really enjoyed the final shape campaign it's certainly the best one in a long while but this forced co op stuff is plain annoying and because the difficulty has been raised u can't solo those missions. Got resilience 100 and recovery 85 and 2014 light and I still get 1 2 shot 🙄
Co-op design does not work with the uprise in toxicity within our community. And its a hassle to have to communicate every single endgame activity
Idk what you are on about it’s the internet people are always toxic, doing simple callouts in a mission does not lead to people being toxic, get over your “social anxiety”
Yeah I'm stuck on this in order to guild my rank 7, sadly my gaming group had kids and quit playing, and the people I've met through LFG have unfortunately been immature and toxic. One guy was even a sex offender like wtf. So I'm very against microphone with random people due to these past experiences, honestly I'm scared to and feel like I shouldn't have to... yet Bungie is forcing me to do this in order to guild my rank.
@@quadvixenI you are willing to try again look for lfg listings with no tags or “newbie friendly” also check the fireteam leader stats to see if is a new player there’s a chance they are shy something like that
Watching the people telling the solo/casuals to git gud and get on mic and then for days afterward listening to those same people complain about other co-op missions and their lack of being given easier and faster droprates is down right hilarious.
Tormentors and subjugators are coded to count as having shields, which is why microcosm is so good for Dual Destiny
So tormentors have (I’m assuming here) a void shield its whole thing is suppression and that right.
Thank you for sharing... I held of on Dual Destiny until I get the Microcosm as I thought it would make Dual Destiny a bit easy in the last encounter.
My fireteam and I only need to do the Iconoclasm mission, and then I will have Microcosm and off to Dual Destiny.
Thank you for providing clarity. 🍻
I did these 3 missions through the fireteam finder. No comms at all, just occasional text messages. Gotta say, the last mission in particular was extremely frustrating for me. The mechanics in the last mission aren’t bad at all but people would die once or twice then leave all the time. Took me 2 hours to finally get that last mission done through fireteam finder. I’m not a fan of this type of thing because majority of the community get frustrated or whatever then leave right away if they die or fail a mechanic once
It probably wouldn’t have taken 2 hours if you used comms.
That makes sense if you aren't using coms for that last mission. I'd leave too if you were texting only, and there was no good communication.
I managed to destroy one statue as my hunter on iconoclasm, with no mics. And it was through the team finder in game.
Iconoclasm just sucks in the coop focus mode, mainly the last encounter, before the escaping sequence with the aegis shield.
It's better to use comms, no wonder people leaving if you're not using mic.
It's much easier with mic + people are way less likely to leave if they're having a chill conversation with someone etc anyway.
@@VWoodKatic when I reached the 1st statue that was the first time i was doing that and I had no idea what was happening most of the time with the new mechanics. Also, I had to leave to do irl stuff & I told the 2 players who understood.
The 2nd time with different players, was when everyone was dying a lot.
The mission Iconoclasm on coop focus just sucks
The reason why it is these three missions, my assumption, is that these are the three that have prismatic fragment chests to find (5, 6, 7).
I think it’s the other way around. The prismatic chests are there since they are the coop missions.
@@shreyaspatel8555not true. You can pick up those prismatic chests in the base story missions.
I doubt that, you can find them in the normal version of the missions as well that's where I found them
Man what the…I seen these missions but haven’t bothered to hop in to them yet. I got on recently to do whatever I needed to do for the class exotic item, and learned it’s locked behind a mandatory co-op mission…And now apparently more end game content and exotics as well? How sad…I have no friends that play this game. I also did my fair share of lfg back in the day and I simply just don’t want to do it anymore. Literally the majority of my “friends” list is people I’ve played destiny with at one point or another. Also mind you I work retail so I have to socially interact on the daily, so it’s nice to come home and just enjoy a game in peace. PvP has been my end game for destiny for a long time honestly. I broke away but came back for the final shape. I was excited cause it felt new. But pvp unfortunately is still a mess. So I was hoping to just spend more time in pve. Just to see anything WORTH doing pve wise is tied to mandatory team missions is unfortunate. I was irritated by the realization of the class item gate keeping. To see it for these missions too, actually just makes me sad. Meaning the only “meaningful” activity to do in the game for a solo player is pvp. The thing that is STILL in shambles as it has been for YEARS and no, a few maps doesn’t change a thing. I guess I’ll go back to other games. Bungie knew there would be backlash, and I thought by now it was obvious that destiny has a huge solo player count. How many stats you need to see before you get it? Sorry to complain but it sucks to pay for content and to be locked out of it.
You're literally not locked out of it in any way. Co-op (in a multiplayer game) does not equal endgame. The whole point of a multiplayer game is to play with other people, from a dev standpoint.
This is the same problem I’m running into. I’ve been playing destiny since d1 days and stopped playing for awhile and now I’m back and a lot of the content is locked behind co op missions. I can’t even hit lvl 7 guardian rank without doing a co op mission. I really like this game and wish I could find people that would be willing to help solo players out. And fire team finder doesn’t always work half the time when someone does once they leave and your stuck running it solo anyways
Dumbest design and decision by bungie....still no MM for activities like this and locking exotics behind such forced coop missions is bullshit & gay
the idea is good. but yeah i miss the way they did it with lightfall and witch queen just weekly matchmade story missions which were so fun.
I think the opposite, I was permanently stuck at Guardian rank 7 all year because of how much I didn’t want to do the weekly story missions
Those were incredibly lame, they just took the missions and added champions. Champions already are incredibly boring and outdated
They NEED to fucking REWORK the mission. Not everyone has mics and also cant coordinate with a total stranger, ESPECIALLY when you dont have a mic and it's also fucking STUPID AS HELL they lock the class items behind a mission you can't do solo ESPECIALLY when it was advertised as a main SELLING POINT for final shape. They should have just made the reward for that mission the khov auto.
The worst part is that only those 3 missions are coop focus, which means there's no reason to replay any of the other campaign missions whatsoever. With Lightfall and WQ the elective difficulty missions rotated weekly through the entire campaign.
I won't play any content that requires a mic or text, so both dual destiny and microcosm are hard skip along with the raids.
The reason Microcosm isso good vs Subjugators and Tormentors is that the way their critics and different phases are set up make their hp read almost entirely as shields. On tormentors, their shields are resistant to non crit damage everywhere except critics spots, and Subjugators take reduced damage from an intrinsic shield when they transform into bug mad mode.
I hate the response people are giving for people who want to do the mission solo. Makes the community feel toxic to me.
Edit: Like clockwork, you people make me sick.
Because it’s not a solo mission and lfg exists I did all 3 missions with no mic as much as I understand wanting to do things solo (I have lfg too) sometimes you gotta suck it up and remember it’s a multiplayer game
Yeah despite bungies best efforts to make the community “inclusive” (or at least pretend like it is on twitter) the entire community is a toxic shit show and the whole solo player argument that keeps popping up shows you how out of touch bungie are otherwise they would actually have these solo players like yourself in mind
The missions have co op in the name
@@Xan-m9b And yet many multiplayer games, even those that are online, are allowing people to play solo by including NPCs to help during missions. So try again.
@@SealFormulaMaster yes. so? they aren't destiny? use LFG, it's not even a difficult mission. the only comms you need is a countdown to shoot the node. if u can't do that, then something is mentally wrong with you. it took me under 30 mins in total to complete all 3 in a row with lfgs. its easy af. you gonna complain about raids not being solo-friendly too?
I enjoyed the cooperative focus campaign missions. I didn’t enjoy running 3 of them for Microcosm then having to do even more for guardian rank.
I can't understand these coop forced missions, they arent fun for me. Feels like ill never form a competent team to finish these. I did go into dual destiny, every campaign mission felt more compelling, whisper of the worm felt more compelling, im not sure why that mission is getting so much praise.
3:22 is the perfect D2 experience.
I got past guardian rank 6 by doing 1 of these missions and then had to do 3 to get to guardian rank 8 and now im stuck there because i have to do 2 raids which is impossible as i dont like using a mic. I enjoyed the co-op missions though. They were pretty easy with text chat
Yep, that's what happened to me also. As soon as I ranked up, boom, do the full focus campaign. I cried that night
Literally the last fucking thing I need to get the next guardian rank and they lock it behind unnecessary Co-op.. I don’t understand why they’d implement Raid-like mechanics into story missions instead of just, idk the usual like normal and legendary versions 😭
Hey, @matth3760 I just commented on this exact thing. Already beat this during the legendary campaign and once more for microcosm. Now I have to do it again just to rank up. It’s the last thing I need to do, in order to progress to guardian level 8, as well. If you haven’t run these already, please feel free to add me and we can run them together. Vangtp#2323
We could find a third or I’m sure we’d be fine running them as a duo
Idk the consensus from everyone about these, but I actually enjoyed them. Maybe it’s cause I’ve done Crota recently, and the chalice is a mechanic I enjoy, but having to communicate during a longer mission like this, while not in the extreme stress of a raid, was pretty fun for me.
Right? I don’t understand why people are whining so much about interesting mechanics being put into missions. I remember people complaining for years that Bungie would just make enemies tankier or add champions when trying to up difficulty. Now Bungie is actually experimenting with putting interesting mechanics into content outside of raids and dungeons and people are seriously gonna whine about it because they have to use comms in a coop game…? Come on… These missions were so much more fun than the base campaign version. It’s just so frustrating. If Bungie takes all this negative feedback and we never get anything like dual destiny again because a handful of solo players got their feelings hurt that they need friends to complete the missions… I’m gonna be really sad. Lmao.
how to do ascent coop if dont have any friends to invite? (how to do team)
If the Acolyte is popular a measurable metric should stand out, also the fans or viewers are not on payroll and should not be accountable for the company failures.
Oh brother, why don't you go kiss your sister or something and stop watching Star Wars if you hate it so much. If the last Star Wars media you enjoyed was Revenge of the Sith, accept that you don't like Star Wars anymore and move on with your life.
@@underscore_5450I think you want to kiss Paul. 😂
Sir this is an Arby’s
Dude what were you on about regarding the acolyte? The show is truely garbage. How in TF do you think it's embarrassing to the fan that calls it out? Fans should absolutely call out bs like the acolyte!!!
You cannot call out woke, even if it's complete bullshit. If it's woke, these people cannot say a single bad word about it. It's forbidden.
Yeah that Forbes review was hilariously cringe
Yeah it's not like Paul is famous for having good takes lol
Just did the mission last night with no comms and it was no problem. You just need to huddle together to keep track of the 10x debuff. Shooting the pyramid nods is simple too if listen for the first shot.
I think these missions are good easy way to get people who solo play and play regular content to get a small taste of dungeon/raid stuff and to play with others...
Yes yes FORCE the solo player into content they don’t want to play.
THIS is clearly Bungie strategy going forward, force solo players to become multiplayer player OR quit the game.
Ok. I’ll quit.
@@EchoDoctrine NOBODY is forcing anyone into anything lol, if you're a TRUE solo player you're probably only doing patrols and strikes and at that point, does missing on an OKAY-ish exotic really a big deal? probably not. Also it's an exotic quest and they always require you to do "something", having to run 3 missions to get an exotic is miles better than the grind some other exotics require.
I just don't get why people can't look at something and be like, okay, this isn't for me and it's fine.
@@EchoDoctrine Exactly. The game is no longer for people like us. I don't enjoy this or find it fun anymore. Moved on and honestly feel I wasted my money on this game. I should have bought new Elden Ring dlc instead. This game is all about - let's make people raid. I don't care about that, never have and never will.
@@cyberius6 exactly the same. I should have waited too, wanted to see the end of 10 yrs and the damn hype trailers & exotic class items got me. Now I find out solo players can’t even het that item.
Ah well.
Lots of other games out there, a ton I have missed. Many that respect solo players. So I’ll play those.
@@EchoDoctrine I mean if you got a mic you could join an lfg
I did it on LFG and and the only thing I said on the whole missions was “seven” meaning I needed someone to take the buff, on the coordination thing the other guy counted, and on the symbols thing they other guy called the symbols and I shot them.
It’s like listening to an adopted child, that became an adult, who reflected most of their life feeling loved. Though now, grown up, realizing they wouldn’t adopt a child, themselves.
In the end feeling like they weren’t really loved at all and now it’s time to criticize every single thing their adoption parents do in their life…….
Bungie has a major problem with only being able to work on one set of things at a time and this time it was missions that need another person.
Not saying that its a bad thing. I REALLY liked dual destiny, but there really should have been a bit of the normal stuff with decent rewards along with the duo requirement stuff
Yep, there isn't enough content to keep the entire player base happy. They've always struggled with this balance and decided this expansion to give everything to the elite players and streamers.
I am seriously confused about this video. You spent a large chunk of the exotic class item video justifying Bungie's decision, for the first time in 10 years, to lock exotic armor behind a group activity by saying Bungie should not be criticized, and allowed to experiment. Yet, here you are criticizing Bungie.
All the mechanics are pretty much the same too, besides the debuff you have to juggle. Shooting nodes at the same time, reading glyphs and another player inputting the glyphs.
Its the exact same as the Dual destiny mission, just there isn't standing on plates in the middle of encounter intermissions. People can't complain about Dual Destiny, but everyone can complain about these missions. Seems a bit silly, doesn't it.
Bit confused why we can say no to the Co-op focus missions, but no one can complain about the exotic mission. Its the exact same glyph mechanics, only one person can see the symbols, and the other is the glyph breaker. You have to coordinate killing the berserkers (very happy to see them back), and then coordinate shooting the glyphs, exactly like the exotic mission.
I don't get it, they're heavily similar in mechanics.
They both are forcing solo players “out of their comfort zone”
Piss off bungie. I’m out of the game now. Solo players are not allowed in the future direction Bungie wants to take destiny. Time for solo players to leave.
@@EchoDoctrine I get the sentiment, but I don't really think its too bad of a compromise to do the exotic mission once for the unlock. I'm a solo player as well, I just don't really care much for the class items.
@@EchoDoctrine hate to break it to you but forced coop was always a thing, its called raids. There has always been content and gear locked behind missions that were designed to be only be done in none matchmade coop
@@F-aber yeah raids exist. Many solo players have come to terms over the years and accept they won’t get Eyes of Tomorrow or one raid gun
BUT these class items are armor. Never locked exotic armor behind a multiplayer mode only mission before.
Also these items had 64 possible potential rolls of perks.
That is why solo players are mad
I know y’all seem incapable of understanding that difference.
Well it’s fine to push solo players away from the game more. Enjoy not understanding other players concerns, issues and their voices.
My friends and I discovered this blindly, and early on after the campaign. It was a nice surprise to have new mechanics added to the missions.
Do I want to run them all the time? No. I do love the idea of adding new mechanics and twists to things we’ve already done. Big points for that.
"Use a mic, its not a big deal. Get out of your comfort zone"
Requiring a mic and having to listen to your teammates is a pretty big deal for people who are hearing and speech impaired
Stop bringing up a tiny percent of people to try to prove a point
@ShervierJ It might be a tiny percentage of people, but Bungie is championing accessibility and inclusivity within Destiny. It seems odd to finally release content outside of raids that requires proper communication, that can only be done using a mic. And then, in the case of Dual Destiny, to lock a major exotic behind it
@@ronanboulton2965So are we just deciding to ignore all the people in these comments saying that did it without comms by using emotes and in game text chat? Using a mic is not the only way to do this. There are deaf raid teams that compete in contest mode. Chill sjw, a few mechanics in a few missions isn't making the entire game inaccessible to disabled people.
@underscore_5450 Sure. And whilst we're at it, we'll ignore all the comments agreeing with us about the concept
In a utopian world, yeah, we would all have mics and use lfg to do these missions and dual destinys. In reality, half the player base will not do this. No amount of telling people to just lfg it will get people to do it.
I was given an exotic class item in one of these missions, I think that's the only reason it might be worth doing them.
I have no problem talking to other people, but nobody ever reads the mic required part of my lfg posts for duel destiny. Which makes it extremely irratating to find another person to run it with.
Same. And I will still just get told to "use LFG" and "its that simple". Its not that simple, I don't think these players with friends playing this god forsaken game understand LFg is a cesspit.
I did the first of the three missions without comms, using emotes when it was time to trade the debuff. It was incredibly annoying. I never want to experience this again.
I’m pretty sure these missions do NOT scale with fireteam and it says that on the list of buff/debuffs.
Your take on why the Acolyte failed sounded very opinion based and sold that as reality.
Blaming people for the show being bad is PEAK cope.
While the missions were pretty frustrating at times with two randoms, I still think they have a place. The campaign missions in each expansions contain some of the most of Bungie’s time and money investment. I quite like that this activity gives us a reason to interact with the campaign again for an actual reward.
How embarrassing to say the audience should be embarrassed for not liking a shitty show. Homie really running for mayor of Stupidtown.
You have to be a different breed of pathetic to come to a video that isn't even about what you wanna complain about just bc you think everyone deserves to hear your shitty opinions. Star Wars has not been good since the OT, stop fucking watching it and get a new hobby.
I haven’t been able to find someone to do any of these missions with just who doesn’t give up after two or 3 deaths and I’m trying to from rank 7 to 8 in the revenant season. It’s pissing me off.
My lfg team didn’t have comms. We used emote system and crouching to let us know when to take debuff and when to shoot.
I can’t figure out how to initiate it…
I like that Bungie is experimenting with this kinda thing but yeah these missions felt like the co-op elements were just tacked on, unlike Dual Destiny. Maybe if it was just the fracture passing and the switches the missions would be more fun because those berserkers are such a pain in the ass.
The comments from the "solo players" on this video are baffling. I'll never understand the sheer amount of pushback they're giving for a few LFG missions - in the amount of time you guys spent complaining on Twitter/TH-cam/Reddit/Bungie Forums/etc you would have already found a group and already been done with the content likely hours ago. It's really not that hard to communicate with another human being for 20-30 minutes.
I really don’t understand why I have to complete these missions again. I already beat them in my legendary campaign run, then again for microcosm and now I have to once more, just to rank up my guardian level… I’ve already beaten them twice this season, on the same difficulty level.. shouldn’t have to do it again, just to rank up
It’s a shame Paul Tassi is a Star Wars acolyte shill. Hurts his objectivity in reporting anything.
Doing theses the first week as a solo player was pain. It was like watching kids play in a sandbox
for anyone who hasn’t done them, wait to do them until you get Guardian Rank 7 because they are required for Rank 8 and it’s not retroactive
Gonna be interesting to see if this game is still financially viable if solo players stop supporting it.
Who knows, maybe it doesnt even matter since we're basically at the end anways.
Time and wallet support will tell haha
I’m a solo player, mostly solo.
THIS has pissed me off, I’m done. I can see the writing on the wall, i know Bungie wants to take the game in this direction, force solo players to become multiplayer and keep them addicted. IF you have that one friend you will be more likely to log on when he asks you too, and that friend can keep you pulled into the game.
That’s their goal.
Edit not sure why BoTH my comments posted. Odd.
Agreed. I think many solo players will be over this and leave. We shall see.
I'm a solo player, but I'll do coop content if I have to. But to be fair, I'm just leaving because I've finally got to the end of my 10 year story. Only gameplay I'll really be doing (if any) now is Crucible or Gambit.
Please don't hurt me, I have a soft spot for Gambit.
If you're a solo only player, why would you even bother playing Destiny? You're immediately locked out of more than half the content in the game since it either has matchmaking or requires a team. Not to mention all the guardian ranks that require commendations from playing with other people. Playing D2 solo sounds like the most depressing waste of time imaginable. Go play Elden Ring lmao
@@underscore_5450 excellent point
I agree fully, every single solo player should quit Destiny, it is just not a game designed for them
Go play Elden ring, 100% agreed. Hopefully Bungie spreads this message to more Destiny solo players
I think we are at a point in video games where the ping system is like an extension of the chatbox. Contextual ping would be the best option
Should really take down your SW Acolyte article. Might be the worst biggest pander fest of an article I’ve ever seen
Appreciate this vid. As a solo player 1500 hrs in no raids or dungeons aint really felt like i missed out on nothing until...dual destiny! And now add microcosm to that list. Love the Pale heart location tho solo public events, campaign all awsome.
Unless I'm understanding something wrong, aside from anything else, it is required to advance your Guardian Rank, so skipping it may not seem like an option for some.
The future of Destiny is definately more co-op focused and difficult. They’ve been testing these things out for a long time and is now more apparent than ever. I think Bungie really wants Destiny to be a difficult and cooperative experience if they’re going to stick with it.
I like the ambition behind these missions. My buddy and I had fun figuring out the mechanics (we didn't play back in Scourge era). But we didn't like the actual mechanics, and we had way more fun with Dual Destiny when it released afterward and probably will only replay these for the pinnacle.
Also: we were flabbergasted by how bad the loot was relative to the difficulty
its really not that hard without comms, you can only take the stack at 7, and you can hear when the other person shoots/when the thing is activated
I did it without coms, wasn't too hard. Emote here and there, and we just designated a 'first shooter' for the nodes for the other player to go off.
Sometimes, probably most of the time playing solo is way better. I get it doing a raid requires a team. However, it's just annoying sometimes that Bungie requires you to play with a random when you have nobody and a certain mission will require a "coop". I say a handful are toxic, and yet they're the ones who does not coordinate. There's are reason I have not played a raid since the Taken King because my original team are gone. I tried doing raid one time with randoms and man - Toxicity at its finest! I said after that no more raid until I find a regular, chill, helpful raiders out there. Good luck to us all.
Did it without comms, went fine, i still dont know the mechanic in the first mission because i guessed the code right every time
Im black and the acolyte sucks paul…….that piece u wrote is hot garbage. Has nothing to do with race and gender……..its simply a bad show.
Who asked?
@@underscore_5450 everyone
Bungie needs to remove this stupid focus requirement, just make it a normal exotic mission
It's much more of a challenge with 2. Can't quite understand why the drops were 1900 when we were 1990.
You know what should've happened? There should've been a part of Final Shape where you PLAY as either Crow or Cayde as they fight together. Their loadout, their perks, their fragments, their aspects, etc., with some light flexibility, but all in all, you play AS one of them. Our Guardians have no personality to speak of, AT LEAST let's embody two of the best characters in the franchise for some key moments. The ending of the campaign being what it is would allow for a "vacancy" that would've given Bungie more reason to either add more coop AI characters to fight alongside you, or simply put more effort into making AI companions better. That would also mean, per the current alleged "outrage" over "we play self-professed MMOs so we can AVOID people lol", wouldn't even be an outrage because people who want to run Dual Destiny and Coop Focus SOLO...could DO SO...and the people who want to run in a pair/group...can ALSO do so. All problems solved.
But hey, "Bungie absolutely cooked with this." In the sense that there were too many people in the kitchen, and yet still, things came out undercooked.
I really like the idea of hard replayable missions with harder mechanics and super enjoyed the first one BUT I did initially think we were going to get unique mechanics for each of the three missions; seeing mostly the same stuff in the other two was kind of a bummer. Would love to see a 2.0 version of this in future expansions.
Are these missions possible to run solo? I need to do it to get to my next guardian rank but I have no friends that still play this game.
Nah it's near impossible, I got to the 2nd part of assent and couldn't get any further 🤦♂️
I have no destiny friends either lol
kind of a shame, i WISH there was a reason to do repeat campaign runs, even as simple as red border drops on legendary mission completion. throne world weapons could really use it
I did this already. It didn’t count for guardian rink.
In my opinion the Dual Destiny mission should have had the Microcosm. The exotic class armor should have come from Xur or even better Rahool..also the exotic class item should have been something that you found a trait and you load it in..rather than this grind..
I’ve ran them 3 times each with no comms I’ve gotten lucky people that just know what they’re doing
Is this the paul tassi that thinks Acolyte is a good show and started attacking fans for saying it was garbage?
Is there an amount of money you would take to just never watch Star Wars again so I don't have to see my feed clogged with people complaining like children about a show they knew they weren't going like and I don't even care about. We get it, you guys don't like Star Wars. You didn't like the sequels, you didn't like the tv shows, and you don't like the know one. How about you stop watching it and find a different hobby. I fucking hate that I haven't seen or interacted with anything Star Wars related for years but everytime something new comes out you guys make it everyone's problems. Stop fucking watching it, please. Let Disney go broke and they'll stop making it and you won't have to bitch about it every couple of months.
Just another stupid idea made by unqualified ex content creators
I wish they would just matchmake every fireteam....ive played with some great players and even beginners that were pretty good so I like matchmaking....I used the fireteam finder once and now that I've made my mistakes I will again....its seemed pretty quick.....so maybe its a good alternative but its the same as matchmaking so not sure why a separate system.
Yep it's a top tier exotic heavy trace rifle (3,2 millions total damage + usefull with transcendance + god dps but not the best + usefull against champion, mini boss, tormentors...). It's a better machine gun.
If you do the enigma seasonal mission thing, tell me if the enemies are like 2020 power for you.. minotaurs one-shot me so quick (me at 1950s power) and took crazy heavy to take down, unshielded.
Paul Tassi’s take on the Acolyte is embarrassing…for Paul Tassi.
Biggest problem Dumbgie does is make things more difficult then needs to be for 1 exotic especially....now nothing should be easy in any game but force the majority of players to use devices that they never probably use and have to do it with complete strangers is where the scratching the head design...like why...raids I get it they are the pinnacle greatness for any endgame design and has the most annoying mechanics that surely require mics and communication....but having an exotic mission needing those type of mechanics is just dumb....having normal like mechanics for a normal version would be probably adequate for all players to achieve and still be difficult...but when you have to constantly do call outs and assignments to be good at an activity is just not fun or inventive....maybe a catalyst version for some of the exotics could be this way but not just to get a item...weapon...armor...etc..that most players won't use over most other weapons...maybe even legendary weapons...lfg and fireteam finder is not bad but it doesn't work everytime or most of the time...I tried to help and do the legendary campaign on fireteam and 6th and 7th had 2 spots that seemed no one understood what to do and I had to do legendary mostly solo...and the 6th and 7th missions was the only way I beat them..like I say the catalyst if they have one or will have should be a struggle to achieve but make just the weapon mission difficult but not a impossible feat because you don't have a mic
these missions are fun as hell idc
I truly don’t understand the hype for Dual Destiny. I LFG’d and beat it 3 times back to back. It was just more of the same… Plates, and shoot symbols. Okay Repetitively switch that back and forth 3 or 4 times. Another jumping puzzle. Of course, the environments are cool. AS always, the Art and Design is A1. But Then you just give us subjugator spam for
three encounters. Not even unique ones, the same exact formula from the campaign missions, just with more health. It wasn’t hard and it wasn’t unique in any way that I can think of. Even the duo mechanics. I mean we had standing on dual plates shooting crystals in the Hive public event in the vanilla game. The only challenge was doing the disappearing clock at the end. That was a bit thrilling. But, seriously, we need to think of some new mechanics other than symbols, plates, and dunking orbs. What I do LOVE about the mission is…. They didn’t include the stupid fading light mechanic. That mechanic really discourages using a fireteam, esp with the ramp up in damage scaling. 2 ppl is actually the max you should play the legend campaign with.
My whole fireteam and I also all got an exotic class item from the weekly one as well. So I think it’s a guaranteed exotic class item per week.
I think it’s random I did all 3 missions and didn’t get any but my teammate got one to drop
And it makes iconoclast the fuckin worst.
iconoclast is the easiest of the three in focus mode
@@Lufe_Stark we got a godslayer over here
I hate them. But finding a group in in-game lfg I hated more. Most of the time they wanted to do normal Legendary. And no the difficulty is waaaay easier than Legendary
Hm Nova bombs in PvP track me from a mile away and cut around every corner to get my hunter ass but here it said ima skip all these ads and go kill someone in the crucible real quick peace - 6:00
I think they're just testing the waters here for a concept they can do in the future. Hopefully, the lesson for them is that they improve it instead of "just bring back champions."
I liked most of the mechanics of these missions, except for the fractured by the witness one. That one was just annoying.
A friend and I have been doing these without comms, and only really using chat to call out sync switches. Once you get the timing down on the buff swap it gets easy to feel it out.
I quite liked figuring out the extra challenge
Final Shape is just so goddamn sloppy. The quantity of content is there, but it’s just so disorganized that I don’t know what I’m supposed to be doing.
That intro was so cool AND animated
Yeah, I'm not going to text or play charades through emoting while playing high difficulty content in this game. So many people are anti-social or toxic in this game. As soon as I load into orbit and text messages start popping up on my screen about this and that, I'm out. I can clearly see that you have a mic connected but you want to text all day instead of literally taking a few seconds to say something.
It was ok without mics and i kinda liked them tbh
how’d they manage to tie both of the exotics to content that is just a given and usually stays seperate.. we usually get exotic cosmetics for these secrets.. but they were lazy and didn’t want to make any extra missions.. this whole campaign has just been different ways of bundling reused content together
Wah wah lol
I hate that they made this required to rank up
I like them, the focus on real co-operative play is a nice change of pace and involves less loadout shaming than champion-filled activities do.
I played the first one as a duo, keeping track of the fracturing debuff led to some real seat-of-the-pants moments.
I’m okay with there not being an alternative to Dungeons and Raids but I don’t care for activities like this that force comms. Plus to the idea of Destiny 2 getting a ping system.
I guess I got real lucky for the witness one and had 2 pc players that where on coms with each other. I had a mic and was trying to do call-outs with no response from them. They eventually just wrote in chat for me to basically be ad clear and not do any mechanics. Kinda frustrating and this is not the first time this has happened to me playing with pc players. Either send a discord link or use game chat. I genuinely find more console players who are willing to use comms than pc players on LFG it’s a joke lol.
Bungy promises me a solo campaign. Now I can't finish it, because of the focus mission. This is discrimination against solo players I'm not happy.
Bungo promises me big expansion, but I can't get new raid exotic without playing raid with other people. This is discrimination against solos 😡
I need to do this to rank up.. anyone want to join me?
Shiiii, you still down. I need the final mission
Why does this video come up with a search for "emasculated shill"? I was trying to find a particular Seth Rogen video!
What’s up hp Lovecraft
I do agree with you... the missions are way too long, and It feels like the coop mechanics were thrown together last min. I do enjoy them, but I will never play it again once I get the Microcosm. 🍻 for being honest... many others out here saying it's a skill issue.... new sub.