I am Fijian, Indian, and Chinese. I love my beautiful country, and I love the people in it. I am shocked, hurt, and embarrassed at the behaviour and words used by some. In my veins flows the blood of the three major ethnicities that populate the Fiji Islands. Wake up, the children are the future. The hate, foul language, and racist garbage will have an impact on their young minds and future of the country. They learn from your behaviour. So lets start by acting like responsible adults.
Blame British Imperialism for ethnic conflicts in following countries: Fiji, Australia, Israel/Palestine, Iraq, Kenya, Uganda, Sudan, Nigeria, Burma, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Zimbabwe. etc.
This coup need not happen but it did. We just need good leaders in Fiji, people with good judgement, are visionary, sensitive and transparent. In retrospect, its unfortunate that we had all the wrong people in leadership positions.
As a fijian native living outside of fiji I find comfort running into a fellow country men whether it be Fijian or Indo-fijian. We come from a small place compared to the world and I guess you have to go out of fiji to see how in significant we are compared to the world. Our real enemy should be what's influencing the country from the outside with money, corruption and greed. Oh Roti curry is probably the Indians greatest invention hands down.
You sound like a PM material , with your intellect you should contest the next election. You might be able to get the country out of the dumpster or you could hit the books to improve your knowledge, especially if you think roti and curry is the biggest invention of Indians. I will school you of some : Fourth largest military, 4th largest economy , a nuclear power, one of the largest space programs, some of the worlds best engineers, scientists , IT professionals , medical professionals CEOs and the list goes on .The world enjoys their professionalism. But Fijians are so full of hate they don’t see the bigger picture.
Fiji has experienced multiple coups for racial,religious, political, social and financial reasons. I personally think but without any bias that George was representing the mere glimpse of the suppressed and the unsatisfied race. It's not the Indians fault either, it's basically not having the same opportunity and care from Indians. The fact that this was a very controversial topic, i would still support George but only at a full extent. I want equal opportunities, equal social awareness and equal respect. This is a multi cultural, multiracial and multi religious country. That represents the diverse ethnicity of the nation and it embodies its identity towards other countries.
My Grandmother actually said that Ms. Koroi was a good senate majority leader.She also said that most of the indigineous population actually disliked George Speight
Indians in India would NOT like it if Fijians living in there country for only 1 or 2 generations decide to take over the countries politics. Especially taking leadership roles of India. Fijians have the right to run there own damn country as they had for hundreds of years. The anger and frustration is understandable, Indians have no right to run a Fijian country. They have no ancestral, historical, nor racial rights to do so. India is there mother country NOT Fiji, and they should practice there political ambitions in there own mother country of India. Fiji has it's own identity and nothing even remotely similar to the Indo European cultures of India. Shame on them.
So what they live there and have been for a very long time still. Just because they're not the original inhabitants doesn't exclude them from being citizens of fiji.
Greetings from Trinidad and Tobago (T&T). We have inter-ethnic problems with the indos here as well. This is aan interesting phenomenon. It is the same in other countries as well: Uganda, Kenya, South Africa, Mauritius, Guyana, Suriname, etc. What is going on? The answer lies in biblical prophecy. This is happening in lands where there are scattered Israelites. In T&T, the so-called "Negro" are scattered Israelites of the tribe of Benjamin. I am guided that the native Fijian are scattered Israelites of the tribe of Reuben. After the Assyrian captivity and expulsion of the northern tribes ca. 720BC, certain of them went where "never man dwelt"; 2 Esdras 13 if memory serves correctly. In this way Israelites came to people many far-flung places, including Melanesia, North and South America and the Caribbean islands, as well as Western Europe and West, Central and South Africa. The indo-Aryan for their part descend from Esau, the twin brother of Jacob (Israel). Those two, Jacob and Esau, were "warring from the womb" according to Scripture. Esau has hated Jacob with a passion ever since Jacob received the birthright and the blessing; Gen 27:41 if memory serves. Meantime, the tribes of Israel have had to suffer the curses of the Covenant due to disobedience; Deuteronomy 28:15-68. One of those curses is fulfilled in the scattering of the indo to Israelite-occupied lands under auspices of British empire (themselves Edomite led, although partially Israelite). This is fulfilment of: "Yahweh shall bring a nation against thee from far, from the end of the earth, as swift as the eagle flieth; a nation whose tongue thou shalt not understand; A nation of fierce countenance, which shall not regard the person of the old, nor shew favour to the young: And he shall eat the fruit of thy cattle, and the fruit of thy land, until thou be destroyed: which also shall not leave thee either corn, wine, or oil, or the increase of thy kine, or flocks of thy sheep, until he have destroyed thee." (Deuteronomy 28:49-51). Fiji is a fulfilment of this as is T&T, Guyana, Uganda, etc. We've got to fulfill the Book!, as Bob Marley sang. The solution? Return to, do and keep the Law of the Holy Covenant that we and our forefathers have broken. Message from a Nazarite servant of Yahweh. Blessings to my Fijian brethren! Shalom.
Interesting portion of biblical history. Fijian natives have a traditiinal hierarchy similar to the Israelites.We have tribes,clans,Kings (Chiefs) ,Priests,Traditional builders,woodcarvers,warriors. The only difference to our form of worship was that our forefathers were't worshiping Elohim God in the temple but ancestoral Gods disguised as Elohim.They were engaged in tribal warfare so fierce that the enemy killed was cannibalised for more power.It was morelike a demonic ritual. Do you have a website to look into? thanks.
@@jokomai1689 Sorry, I don't. But you may want to look up (1) Ronald Dalton Jr who produced a good documentary called "Hebrews to Negroes" available from Amazon, (2) the youtube channel put out by "Big Judah", (3) the youtube channel called "Watchman Reports", and (4) my own books (I write rather than do videos) available on Amazon under the name, "Malachi Yahya ben Yahmin". The true "hidden ones" are awakening to our true identity as the seedline sons of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The sons of Esau whose world this still is for the moment are being brought down in accordance with prophecy. Brahminist India are a branch of Esau/Edom as is/was imperial Britain, imperial U.S. and now emerging imperial China. They all go about taking what is not theirs. But not for much longer ... Praise be to Iyehawah! In the name of Iyeshuah! Our long dark night is almost at an end! Keep the faith of Iyeshuah and the commandments of Iyehawah! In spite of our many transgressions -- up to and including cannibalism which was prophesied -- there shall be a remnant of true Israel that will be redeemed, and moreover raised to rule out of Zion. So it is prophesied, so shall it be! Shalom
the current economic this days have high quality and gdp Fijians this days weather native or indian are having tons of mix marriages through out the island Kingdom and are more well educated don't be fool even Chinese are coming to fiji in high numbers and European their countries tribal chiefs are leasing their land for development and so on.
We dont need to, the best thing is to move on and leave the country. Look at how Fijians have run the company, if they didnt have us Indians, Fiji would be the poorest nation in the world. Indian brothers, leave that hell hole.
India is a MILLION times bigger than all of Fiki why the hell are they in Fiki. India must blame their own Indian brothers in India for the way they live now. Don't blame fiki because fiki wants to preserve paradise for fiki people, which is indangered by the India people. Preserve paradise and its people. , FIKI PEOPLE MUST SOLVE THERE OWN PROBLEMS AND CALL FOR HELP THE WAY THEY SEE FIT. MALO LAVA FIKI. SaFaga
You dumb arse do you know the history of Fiji ( it’s Fiji not Fifi ) Ancestors of Indians worked their arses off to get Fiji where it was before the coup whilst the natives were sitting on their arse drinking kava . That disappointment mate a lot prominent and educated Indians leave the Country, I did the same to never return to that shit hole .
@@pushpnaidu2530his Samoan boci chill. Don’t wanna return to that shit hole but walk around telling everyone your from Fiji/Fijian to embarrassed to adm
@@rkls5051 Let me explain why I don’t want to return. I was 5 years old when I left with my parents in 1979 and haven’t been back since because there’s nothing of interest for me . Unfortunately I was born there and so were my parents, despite note changing my name and religion I am still a Fijian. I am sure you were born there as well and you don’t go running around telling people your are from Africa . I don’t runaround telling anyone, I don’t have anything to be proud of being a Fijian. The reason I am so pissed of is because of the way my hard working grand parents were displaced from their humble home and livelihood . Luckily my parents managed to move them overseas as their health deteriorated. Sadly they are not with us anymore. If you are fair minded person then this explanation should be sufficient. I don’t know why people don’t give their real name whilst commenting.(RKLS) doesn’t mean anything. I don’t know your level of intellect but you should put your energy towards helping eradicate poverty, crime, drug use and racism towards Indo Fijians .
As if anyone else own the land , it was always native land on lease initially to Indians. Those Indians are long gone , now you have indo Fijians , two generations , so where is the equality for them . They were born there like Native Fijians .Dont forget you came from somewhere as well. Now that you have the land do something with it instead of growing bush . In case you didn’t know pre coup Fiji was a thriving mid income country and now it is a poor country relying on handouts . I wonder why is that . Any guesses . There are good Fijians who trying not to create racial division and then there are others who are just full of hate towards indo Fijians and they call themselves people of faith. That country will never thrive if it is divided along racial lines .
yo for real fonzy-fijians have ben surviving for centuries b4 yall came thru. and they will continue to survive if yall left. im a fijian. my sister is graduated with a law degree, my wife is on course to becoming an accountant. whatever you can do we can do as well. fiji needs to control their destiny. it seems to me that indians are the ones with no "real" home and it seems to me that indians need fijians and fiji much more than your comments lead on...peace
And today , Fiji is paying a price for it . Sugar used to be the backbone of Fiji's economy .Fiji is struggling now , when the Tourism industry they were relying on is come to a stand still during this pandemic . I thank God that i left Fiji after the 87 coup . I pray for the sake of their citizens that Fijians start working together to build their country up . Wake up . The world has moved on .
+Delia Murphyi Bullshit. The same thing has happened in the Caribbean. Go and look at who came last to Trinidad and Guyana and now look who has all the resources and wealth. Indians practice segregation after using integration to enter a country. They do not integrate period. They still practice the cast system where ever they go and it always results in problems. Please give the Fiji people their country and return to India. Your term of indentured Labor is over. So leave before its too late. You are not Fiji and can never be. There is no such thing as Indo-Fiji
What about North America continent? Europeans should go home than? Fijians lost their land to British. They got their asses kicked by British. If Indians didn't come there than it would have been British territory to this date or Americans would have taken over that tiny island. During world 2, Fiji would have been a peace of cake for America to have total control over Fiji as they took over Guam and Hawaii. Thanks to Indians it didn't happen otherwise there wouldn't be no Fijians left. Fiji got spared because it was under British rule and had Indians serving in British Army during World war 2. Genocide of aboriginal people in North America and Australia would have repeated in Fiji as well. Read the Hx before throwing some useless dumb comments.
fiji is only flourising where Indo fijians reside..99 percent businesses are owned by Indo Fijians..The brain of fiji is Indo fijian with over 90 percent, doctors, lawyers, accountants etc, and Iam so sorry to say that, the prisons are full of native Fijians, 99 percent.. The Indo fijians are a very peaceful, calm, and hardworking people and if you compare the smaller islands where only native fijians live are under developed and relatively primitive, and education and health care is funded by the government.. Compared to other fiji island countries, in terms of standards of living and development, Fiji ranks quite high compared to neighbouring countries like tonga, samoa, solomon islands, vanuatu etc and the only legitimate explanation would be that fiji has indians, working hard and taking the country further I lived in fiji for four years and my comment is based on my personal experience and research..
+arez efron you are an idiot and will always remain one if your mind set are always like that. Take your mindset with you to another country because we in Fiji now don't need yours.
Hatred, violence, and racism is not the way to get what you want Brother. King Solomon said "The lips of one who is stupid enter into quarreling, and his very mouth calls even for strokes.The mouth of the stupid one is the ruin of him, and his lips are a snare for his soul". You can find that passage in the Bible, Proverbs 18:6-7. Life is too short, if you love your children you wont teach your children to hate by your actions. They are the future for all, lets try to be more responsible ok.
muahahhahah that will never happen in mauritius,how weak was the guards in front of the parliament,that's why democracy prevail in mauritius and a booming economy.
i agree its fiji peoples land etc but people are people and its not there fault they came to fiji also i think its only natural if another ethinic group becomes big then it becomes a problem i a sense of fear of being overtaken as the majority in any country or island the lesson that the world has taught us is people travel and live and migrate and breed simple numbers equal power
You can't survive a day without without outsiders helping you. Every time there is a natural disaster, you have to depend on foreign donation. Indian is not my homeland, so why should I go back? Honestly, is this your level of intelligence?
I believe these Hindi-Fijians are abviously aware they are originally hindis from India. If I'm not mistaken their ancestors didn't chose to relocate to Fiji back in the days. They were brought there to work on plantations across Fiji. But I'm not a Fijian so I must not know more or anything that's really going on down there in Fiji. One love from Micronesia❤️🌴
Im not Fijian or Indian..fijian people are people who worship God.God has a rule and that is to love your neighbors not just your own..If thats not happening oh well all the best on your Judgment day.#HATEHURTSTHEGODLY#
Indians own almost all retail and business. However its the indigenous that attracts the tourism(the backbone of fijis economy) sector of fiji because of their 5 star resorts n hospitality, own most of the land, control the army n police and are the nurses doctors teachers and administrative people of power in Fiji.
@@marcuskennedy9617 . What happened to the Tourism industry .? When i lived in Fiji , Sugar was our backbone . You can't rely on outsiders to come in . A country needs industries to be self sufficient .
Taukei = South African (and all African people). We are Tau or Lion tribes and also Kei = Khai = Kika = Giga = Gegana = Kwena = Gona. Tau is also = Tunga or Tunka or Dunga or Tungwa. The latter is where the name Bantu comes from: Batunga or Bantunga (Google: Barolong BaRraTlou Ba Ga Tau - we were Yemenite Juus/Hebrews before we were slowed chased by the world to Africa = read the Books of Malachi and Maccabees in the Catholic Bible and you will see how much the world hated/hates us - they are obsessed with oppressing us because they cannot kill us off). (We have areas called Ciskei and Transkei and have the Kei river in South Africa and are called the Zulu people - partly coming from Zhou people which is what Juus/Ancient Israelites were called and it means Elephant and so does Tlou, Toure, Ndou, Sono, Chopi or Jobi - the Khoisan - the Khoisan/Khorisan tribe of the old Persian/Madian/Midian empire amongst difference positions we have taken). Indians are also a problem in South Africa. They hate us. But they pretend to be friends but they practice satanism to take over people's bodies and make them do drugs, abuse alcohol and kill people and to curse them together with whites and compliant blacks and that is why you have black people acting irrationally. Black and dark arts are core to Indians existence. The best way to fight for Fijians, they must find their God, The Lord God of Heaven's armies, the God who loves them dearly. Just say now:"The One true God, if you are out there, reveal yourself to me." Judaism is not it. It is evil. Jesus, Christ, is the sacrifice of all sacrifices!!! No other animal will ever match that. We see you. We know how we got here. We know about you.
these comments are just sad ...really !!! Fiji has a very complicated history, parts of it is abit jumbled up. For one to understand it's complexity must see all sides which can be abit difficult depending on your own biased-ness but, I in my own biased-ness believe that all humans' no matter the race are all equal and must be treated equally! Land is the peoples' meaning, for all the people that belong to that country in any case be it someone racially Indian, chinese or white so be it! The land should belong to the country as a whole not per racial standing or who was there first!!! Everyone born or raised in Fiji has made a contribution to the country, be it the smallest of contributions! We all have put hand in hand together to reach where we are currently. It is the GREEDY, POWER HUNGRY and LAZY people that do not wish for equal rights! Equallity means to respect others ethncity, religion and values. Sharing is something all religions and good values teach. United people in a nation equals a powerful nation cause we will strive as a whole at goals that individually cannot be attained! Be proud of your ethncity, religion and nation cause all of them make you, you ! This my opinion of how it should..... agreeing or disagreeing is your own choice.
hah ha..ironic that you say that black man migrate to other countries...isnt it? why do you think the indians came to fiji?! ha ha...because they were starving in bombay and calcutta and new delhi ...the dads were to busy trying out new karma sutra on each other...ha ha!! BLACK MAN! color of GOD...peace
I am Fijian, Indian, and Chinese. I love my beautiful country, and I love the people in it. I am shocked, hurt, and embarrassed at the behaviour and words used by some. In my veins flows the blood of the three major ethnicities that populate the Fiji Islands. Wake up, the children are the future. The hate, foul language, and racist garbage will have an impact on their young minds and future of the country. They learn from your behaviour. So lets start by acting like responsible adults.
What did you think of the following leader, called by some a military dictator? Just curious honestly.
Blame British Imperialism for ethnic conflicts in following countries:
Fiji, Australia, Israel/Palestine, Iraq, Kenya, Uganda, Sudan, Nigeria, Burma, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Zimbabwe. etc.
This coup need not happen but it did. We just need good leaders in Fiji, people with good judgement, are visionary, sensitive and transparent. In retrospect, its unfortunate that we had all the wrong people in leadership positions.
As a fijian native living outside of fiji I find comfort running into a fellow country men whether it be Fijian or Indo-fijian. We come from a small place compared to the world and I guess you have to go out of fiji to see how in significant we are compared to the world. Our real enemy should be what's influencing the country from the outside with money, corruption and greed. Oh Roti curry is probably the Indians greatest invention hands down.
Vinaka turaga!
You sound like a PM material , with your intellect you should contest the next election. You might be able to get the country out of the dumpster or you could hit the books to improve your knowledge, especially if you think roti and curry is the biggest invention of Indians. I will school you of some : Fourth largest military, 4th largest economy , a nuclear power, one of the largest space programs, some of the worlds best engineers, scientists , IT professionals , medical professionals CEOs and the list goes on .The world enjoys their professionalism. But Fijians are so full of hate they don’t see the bigger picture.
Please, no more coups!
its important that these paradise places in the pacific remain as original as possible for the world to enjoy.
Fiji has experienced multiple coups for racial,religious, political, social and financial reasons. I personally think but without any bias that George was representing the mere glimpse of the suppressed and the unsatisfied race. It's not the Indians fault either, it's basically not having the same opportunity and care from Indians. The fact that this was a very controversial topic, i would still support George but only at a full extent. I want equal opportunities, equal social awareness and equal respect. This is a multi cultural, multiracial and multi religious country. That represents the diverse ethnicity of the nation and it embodies its identity towards other countries.
lmfao!!!!! 04:20 and after ,haha funny......"100 years of suppression,and his only had 4 days"
My Grandmother actually said that Ms. Koroi was a good senate majority leader.She also said that most of the indigineous population actually disliked George Speight
+Delia Murphy hat are you smoking? Wake up Fiji for Fiji people.
Not all skin folk are kin folk
"..disgruntled nobody strolled thru the doors of parliament to kill Fiji's democracy."
Indians in India would NOT like it if Fijians living in there country for only 1 or 2 generations decide to take over the countries politics. Especially taking leadership roles of India. Fijians have the right to run there own damn country as they had for hundreds of years. The anger and frustration is understandable, Indians have no right to run a Fijian country. They have no ancestral, historical, nor racial rights to do so. India is there mother country NOT Fiji, and they should practice there political ambitions in there own mother country of India. Fiji has it's own identity and nothing even remotely similar to the Indo European cultures of India. Shame on them.
So what they live there and have been for a very long time still. Just because they're not the original inhabitants doesn't exclude them from being citizens of fiji.
If hindu fijian want equal rights you can get it in india
no noqu tavale, we are getting it in the UK, USA, Australia and NZ. cava tale rau? mosi levu, vinaka sara!
Native Fijians have been put through a lot by Europeans, Indian Subcontinentals, And now East Asians
who hasn't, so ya point again?
Fijian culture was never at stake, get ur spelling right. It’s FIJI get ur spelling right.
Indo Fijians arms yourself. Join the military and police ranks to give your self the edge. Their will no mercy, protect your family and selves.
Greetings from Trinidad and Tobago (T&T). We have inter-ethnic problems with the indos here as well. This is aan interesting phenomenon. It is the same in other countries as well: Uganda, Kenya, South Africa, Mauritius, Guyana, Suriname, etc. What is going on?
The answer lies in biblical prophecy. This is happening in lands where there are scattered Israelites. In T&T, the so-called "Negro" are scattered Israelites of the tribe of Benjamin. I am guided that the native Fijian are scattered Israelites of the tribe of Reuben. After the Assyrian captivity and expulsion of the northern tribes ca. 720BC, certain of them went where "never man dwelt"; 2 Esdras 13 if memory serves correctly. In this way Israelites came to people many far-flung places, including Melanesia, North and South America and the Caribbean islands, as well as Western Europe and West, Central and South Africa.
The indo-Aryan for their part descend from Esau, the twin brother of Jacob (Israel). Those two, Jacob and Esau, were "warring from the womb" according to Scripture. Esau has hated Jacob with a passion ever since Jacob received the birthright and the blessing; Gen 27:41 if memory serves.
Meantime, the tribes of Israel have had to suffer the curses of the Covenant due to disobedience; Deuteronomy 28:15-68. One of those curses is fulfilled in the scattering of the indo to Israelite-occupied lands under auspices of British empire (themselves Edomite led, although partially Israelite). This is fulfilment of:
"Yahweh shall bring a nation against thee from far, from the end of the earth, as swift as the eagle flieth; a nation whose tongue thou shalt not understand; A nation of fierce countenance, which shall not regard the person of the old, nor shew favour to the young: And he shall eat the fruit of thy cattle, and the fruit of thy land, until thou be destroyed: which also shall not leave thee either corn, wine, or oil, or the increase of thy kine, or flocks of thy sheep, until he have destroyed thee." (Deuteronomy 28:49-51).
Fiji is a fulfilment of this as is T&T, Guyana, Uganda, etc. We've got to fulfill the Book!, as Bob Marley sang. The solution? Return to, do and keep the Law of the Holy Covenant that we and our forefathers have broken.
Message from a Nazarite servant of Yahweh.
Blessings to my Fijian brethren!
why do these countries have ethnic problems?you should be enjoying the ethnic diversity.so sad
Interesting portion of biblical history.
Fijian natives have a traditiinal hierarchy similar to the Israelites.We have tribes,clans,Kings (Chiefs) ,Priests,Traditional builders,woodcarvers,warriors.
The only difference to our form of worship was that our forefathers were't worshiping Elohim God in the temple but ancestoral Gods disguised as Elohim.They were engaged in tribal warfare so fierce that the enemy killed was cannibalised for more power.It was morelike a demonic ritual.
Do you have a website to look into? thanks.
@@jokomai1689 Sorry, I don't. But you may want to look up (1) Ronald Dalton Jr who produced a good documentary called "Hebrews to Negroes" available from Amazon, (2) the youtube channel put out by "Big Judah", (3) the youtube channel called "Watchman Reports", and (4) my own books (I write rather than do videos) available on Amazon under the name, "Malachi Yahya ben Yahmin".
The true "hidden ones" are awakening to our true identity as the seedline sons of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The sons of Esau whose world this still is for the moment are being brought down in accordance with prophecy. Brahminist India are a branch of Esau/Edom as is/was imperial Britain, imperial U.S. and now emerging imperial China. They all go about taking what is not theirs. But not for much longer ... Praise be to Iyehawah! In the name of Iyeshuah!
Our long dark night is almost at an end! Keep the faith of Iyeshuah and the commandments of Iyehawah! In spite of our many transgressions -- up to and including cannibalism which was prophesied -- there shall be a remnant of true Israel that will be redeemed, and moreover raised to rule out of Zion. So it is prophesied, so shall it be!
the current economic this days have high quality and gdp Fijians this days weather native or indian are having tons of mix marriages through out the island Kingdom and are more well educated don't be fool even Chinese are coming to fiji in high numbers and European their countries tribal chiefs are leasing their land for development and so on.
We dont need to, the best thing is to move on and leave the country. Look at how Fijians have run the company, if they didnt have us Indians, Fiji would be the poorest nation in the world. Indian brothers, leave that hell hole.
India is a MILLION times bigger than all of Fiki why the hell are they in Fiki. India must blame their own Indian brothers in India for the way they live now. Don't blame fiki because fiki wants to preserve paradise for fiki people, which is indangered by the India people. Preserve paradise and its people. , FIKI PEOPLE MUST SOLVE THERE OWN PROBLEMS AND CALL FOR HELP THE WAY THEY SEE FIT. MALO LAVA FIKI. SaFaga
Kick Kai Indians OUT...ALL problems solved
You dumb arse do you know the history of Fiji ( it’s Fiji not Fifi ) Ancestors of Indians worked their arses off to get Fiji where it was before the coup whilst the natives were sitting on their arse drinking kava . That disappointment mate a lot prominent and educated Indians leave the Country, I did the same to never return to that shit hole .
@@pushpnaidu2530his Samoan boci chill. Don’t wanna return to that shit hole but walk around telling everyone your from Fiji/Fijian to embarrassed to adm
@@rkls5051 Let me explain why I don’t want to return. I was 5 years old when I left with my parents in 1979 and haven’t been back since because there’s nothing of interest for me . Unfortunately I was born there and so were my parents, despite note changing my name and religion I am still a Fijian. I am sure you were born there as well and you don’t go running around telling people your are from Africa . I don’t runaround telling anyone, I don’t have anything to be proud of being a Fijian. The reason I am so pissed of is because of the way my hard working grand parents were displaced from their humble home and livelihood . Luckily my parents managed to move them overseas as their health deteriorated. Sadly they are not with us anymore. If you are fair minded person then this explanation should be sufficient. I don’t know why people don’t give their real name whilst commenting.(RKLS) doesn’t mean anything. I don’t know your level of intellect but you should put your energy towards helping eradicate poverty, crime, drug use and racism towards Indo Fijians .
FIJIans Good job getting your land back
Get the land back..yeh..and after that sit that fat arse on that land..fucken lazy arse hole.thugs..
U talking as if someone is running off with it
@@steven67194 fuck you. My.
As if anyone else own the land , it was always native land on lease initially to Indians. Those Indians are long gone , now you have indo Fijians , two generations , so where is the equality for them . They were born there like Native Fijians .Dont forget you came from somewhere as well. Now that you have the land do something with it instead of growing bush . In case you didn’t know pre coup Fiji was a thriving mid income country and now it is a poor country relying on handouts . I wonder why is that . Any guesses . There are good Fijians who trying not to create racial division and then there are others who are just full of hate towards indo Fijians and they call themselves people of faith. That country will never thrive if it is divided along racial lines .
Bula! There's a lot white/caucasoid trolls leaving rhetorical comment, which is very typical of them.
yo for real fonzy-fijians have ben surviving for centuries b4 yall came thru. and they will continue to survive if yall left. im a fijian. my sister is graduated with a law degree, my wife is on course to becoming an accountant. whatever you can do we can do as well. fiji needs to control their destiny. it seems to me that indians are the ones with no "real" home and it seems to me that indians need fijians and fiji much more than your comments lead on...peace
This man killed sugar cane farm in Fiji island 🌺
And today , Fiji is paying a price for it . Sugar used to be the backbone of Fiji's economy .Fiji is struggling now , when the Tourism industry they were relying on is come to a stand still during this pandemic . I thank God that i left Fiji after the 87 coup . I pray for the sake of their citizens that Fijians start working together to build their country up . Wake up . The world has moved on .
+Delia Murphyi Bullshit. The same thing has happened in the Caribbean. Go and look at who came last to Trinidad and Guyana and now look who has all the resources and wealth. Indians practice segregation after using integration to enter a country. They do not integrate period. They still practice the cast system where ever they go and it always results in problems. Please give the Fiji people their country and return to India. Your term of indentured Labor is over. So leave before its too late. You are not Fiji and can never be. There is no such thing as Indo-Fiji
+kenny kepra
not all Indians are like that,dont be a borderline racist.
Indians are more racist than the Europeans as a country.
yup, you are definitely right about that!!...Fiji for NATIVE Fijians...PERIOD!
What about North America continent? Europeans should go home than? Fijians lost their land to British. They got their asses kicked by British. If Indians didn't come there than it would have been British territory to this date or Americans would have taken over that tiny island. During world 2, Fiji would have been a peace of cake for America to have total control over Fiji as they took over Guam and Hawaii. Thanks to Indians it didn't happen otherwise there wouldn't be no Fijians left. Fiji got spared because it was under British rule and had Indians serving in British Army during World war 2. Genocide of aboriginal people in North America and Australia would have repeated in Fiji as well. Read the Hx before throwing some useless dumb comments.
fiji is only flourising where Indo fijians reside..99 percent businesses are owned by Indo Fijians..The brain of fiji is Indo fijian with over 90 percent, doctors, lawyers, accountants etc, and Iam so sorry to say that, the prisons are full of native Fijians, 99 percent..
The Indo fijians are a very peaceful, calm, and hardworking people and if you compare the smaller islands where only native fijians live are under developed and relatively primitive, and education and health care is funded by the government..
Compared to other fiji island countries, in terms of standards of living and development, Fiji ranks quite high compared to neighbouring countries like tonga, samoa, solomon islands, vanuatu etc and the only legitimate explanation would be that fiji has indians, working hard and taking the country further
I lived in fiji for four years and my comment is based on my personal experience and research..
::other pacific island countries
I don't think you can say based on a race you are innately calm or hostile. I may not be full Fijian but I don't think Fijians are very violent.
+arez efron you are an idiot and will always remain one if your mind set are always like that. Take your mindset with you to another country because we in Fiji now don't need yours.
Fiji Uganda same shit different decade
Hatred, violence, and racism is not the way to get what you want Brother. King Solomon said "The lips of one who is stupid enter into quarreling, and his very mouth calls even for strokes.The mouth of the stupid one is the ruin of him, and his lips are a snare for his soul". You can find that passage in the Bible, Proverbs 18:6-7. Life is too short, if you love your children you wont teach your children to hate by your actions. They are the future for all, lets try to be more responsible ok.
So...what kind of damage?
so true
still living on goverment handouts..
muahahhahah that will never happen in mauritius,how weak was the guards in front of the parliament,that's why democracy prevail in mauritius and a booming economy.
Chaudry's failure was when he want to take what is precious to the people of Fiji...their land..
Idi Amin style with the Ugandan Indians
So we fijians want to preserve our culture
i agree its fiji peoples land etc but people are people and its not there fault they came to fiji also i think its only natural if another ethinic group becomes big then it becomes a problem i a sense of fear of being overtaken as the majority in any country or island the lesson that the world has taught us is people travel and live and migrate and breed simple numbers equal power
plp should realise that we indian we havnt loss our identity
You can't survive a day without without outsiders helping you. Every time there is a natural disaster, you have to depend on foreign donation. Indian is not my homeland, so why should I go back? Honestly, is this your level of intelligence?
i like how the police are unarmed.. that sucks
Wara......!! Qara levu qore
Fiji for the KVT(kaiviti). End of story!
Magaichine na kaiviti
Where's the proof?
just didn't realise how bad the fijian melting pot was,advice just click on mauritius island see how the mauritian lives.
Thats always the last straw..Bainimarama just recently found out ..lol.
dude in 19:45 is now going around overseas fighting for "democracy"! so funny is it was not so pathetic!
George Speigh wants to bring carnival back one day it will come back
@29ku The Indo-Fijians should leave, Fiji should suffer brain-drain then you will understand why Indo-Fijians were there to MAKE and UNITE Fiji!
I believe these Hindi-Fijians are abviously aware they are originally hindis from India. If I'm not mistaken their ancestors didn't chose to relocate to Fiji back in the days. They were brought there to work on plantations across Fiji. But I'm not a Fijian so I must not know more or anything that's really going on down there in Fiji.
One love from Micronesia❤️🌴
fiji dor fijians europe for europeans simple
+Chris Hobson These people were born there, they are fijians, your racist sentiments have no place in the civilised world.
+Ekama Noieau Q - How many FIJIANS are BORN in INDIA? How many are ALLOWED TO?
Ekama Noieau no stupid
+Abir Rayhan If a Fijian moves to India and has a child, then their child would be an Indian citizen, same principle for Indians in Fiji.
Ekama Noieau Same goes for Whites in AFRICA?
tikitog got a lot to answer for with thier shoulda pad dress's
Im not Fijian or Indian..fijian people are people who worship God.God has a rule and that is to love your neighbors not just your own..If thats not happening oh well all the best on your Judgment day.#HATEHURTSTHEGODLY#
Benny ... vina'a bro' ... well said.
This is what happens when your neighbours tries to take something that’s not theirs.
lmao this guy!! sa dina! damn shoulda pads, tikitog lied to me!
SERIOUSSSSLLYYY???...your name's yeshua, isn't it? i'll let you figure that out :(
successful vutulaki
It's all about jealousy.
The Indians own everything in the country, whereas the native Fijians own the opposite.
+Dravidian DK1000 Yes, but you are Indian and not ethnic Fijian:It is their land!
Indians own almost all retail and business. However its the indigenous that attracts the tourism(the backbone of fijis economy) sector of fiji because of their 5 star resorts n hospitality, own most of the land, control the army n police and are the nurses doctors teachers and administrative people of power in Fiji.
Dravidian we know that but remember you swim across and will swim back if wana be a smart talker
Yea just because this bastards are lazy fat arse hole..just wana sit they arses..and talk big..thats why they have nothing.
@@marcuskennedy9617 . What happened to the Tourism industry .? When i lived in Fiji , Sugar was our backbone . You can't rely on outsiders to come in . A country needs industries to be self sufficient .
Dont you think thats what the indians are doing??????
Taukei = South African (and all African people). We are Tau or Lion tribes and also Kei = Khai = Kika = Giga = Gegana = Kwena = Gona. Tau is also = Tunga or Tunka or Dunga or Tungwa. The latter is where the name Bantu comes from: Batunga or Bantunga (Google: Barolong BaRraTlou Ba Ga Tau - we were Yemenite Juus/Hebrews before we were slowed chased by the world to Africa = read the Books of Malachi and Maccabees in the Catholic Bible and you will see how much the world hated/hates us - they are obsessed with oppressing us because they cannot kill us off). (We have areas called Ciskei and Transkei and have the Kei river in South Africa and are called the Zulu people - partly coming from Zhou people which is what Juus/Ancient Israelites were called and it means Elephant and so does Tlou, Toure, Ndou, Sono, Chopi or Jobi - the Khoisan - the Khoisan/Khorisan tribe of the old Persian/Madian/Midian empire amongst difference positions we have taken).
Indians are also a problem in South Africa. They hate us. But they pretend to be friends but they practice satanism to take over people's bodies and make them do drugs, abuse alcohol and kill people and to curse them together with whites and compliant blacks and that is why you have black people acting irrationally. Black and dark arts are core to Indians existence. The best way to fight for Fijians, they must find their God, The Lord God of Heaven's armies, the God who loves them dearly. Just say now:"The One true God, if you are out there, reveal yourself to me." Judaism is not it. It is evil. Jesus, Christ, is the sacrifice of all sacrifices!!! No other animal will ever match that.
We see you. We know how we got here. We know about you.
there's a problem with worshiping coconuts.
Fuck you
You worship your big ass
O really how would you know, your claims are base less and are ridiculous......I am from Fiji and I know the truth....
these comments are just sad ...really !!!
Fiji has a very complicated history, parts of it is abit jumbled up. For one to understand it's complexity must see all sides which can be abit difficult depending on your own biased-ness but, I in my own biased-ness believe that all humans' no matter the race are all equal and must be treated equally! Land is the peoples' meaning, for all the people that belong to that country in any case be it someone racially Indian, chinese or white so be it! The land should belong to the country as a whole not per racial standing or who was there first!!! Everyone born or raised in Fiji has made a contribution to the country, be it the smallest of contributions! We all have put hand in hand together to reach where we are currently. It is the GREEDY, POWER HUNGRY and LAZY people that do not wish for equal rights! Equallity means to respect others ethncity, religion and values. Sharing is something all religions and good values teach. United people in a nation equals a powerful nation cause we will strive as a whole at goals that individually cannot be attained!
Be proud of your ethncity, religion and nation cause all of them make you, you !
This my opinion of how it should..... agreeing or disagreeing is your own choice.
lol, f*ck mister Choudry
fiji is a fucked up country ...learn fom mauritius....
Shivam Bisht you full of shit
Have Indians really not done anything for Fiji? Who has in your ungrateful native opinion then...?
Guys those guns looks unloaded.
Fuck you roti
hah ha..ironic that you say that black man migrate to other countries...isnt it? why do you think the indians came to fiji?! ha ha...because they were starving in bombay and calcutta and new delhi ...the dads were to busy trying out new karma sutra on each other...ha ha!! BLACK MAN! color of GOD...peace