Probably one of the biggest noob traps for jungle. The best case of ganking a lost lane is that they still lose lane, but a little less than they would have otherwise.
Not always... reason I hate Lee, Kha, yi.... they can carry late game in a way... I had a game where at start HONOR our jungler yay... later Lee sin fed as fuck and carried whole game alone... Fail teamwork in our part... no one protected adc and adc couldn't handle by herself.
Its your adcs mistake if he heads into a fight when threats have their core abilities up. For example the enemy Team got a feeded zed, then the adc isnt even allowed to join the fight before zed used his r and preferable his other abilities too. After those abilities are out the adc can get in and clean up the fight with his dmg. In low elo you will see adcs doing this mistake way to often. They walk Near their teams Frontlinie while the enemy threat is still alive. Thats not the right play because even a flash Flash and peel cant save an adc when the enemys assasin dives in to him. An Adc is important for turrets, wave clear, dragon and baron which means he should never die to Provide constant supporting dmg for the team. I can say this because im an adc Main. Its not your fault when your adc isnt able to Position and teamfight properly.
As an adc main.. Phantom dancer, GA, and zhonya's are my best friends. If your ADC is dying to the assasins, its because they are itemizing wrong and positioning badly.
TheBlackiwid I’m a good player but not a great jungler, I main it but I always feel bad for not ganking losing lanes. So I’m now realizing that I’m hardstuck bronze because one side of my team is bad and I attempt to play near them so they don’t do even worse and it all goes south so now I know this
@@snowfox5995 I'm a low elo jungler. High Silver/Low Gold. Honestly the biggest thing I've found is to gank when there is an opportunity... don't force it too hard. Be picky about your ganks. Don't settle for less and get burned for it/lose xp. Counterjg a lot to disrupt the enemy jungler when he reveals himself elsewhere. Farm up all other times. Be careful about showing your map location... which is generally easy, because you are mostly farming your own jungle and ganking when good opportunities arise anyway. For me, this style has worked pretty well on nocturne, diana, kha, and j4.
I'm Gold, and i play more normal game than ranked, when i play ranked i actualy think like low elo to counter, and Its almost always GG (almost i sayd)
@@IrrelevantPlease Why does it matter if its predictable if it guarantees you a won fight? If hec goes bot and nunu anticipates it, the only thing that happens is your team wins even harder
The best guide i've ever watched, i just finished two games after watching this and i made a 16 mn win and 21 mn win with ww first gane 14-1-10 and second game 5-1-7. big shout out to you guys
my expectations: my laner understands why I’m not ganking their lane my reality: “our jg doesn’t gank gg better jg wins [starts inting or just flames team or rage quits]” Also, as a question, if your winning lane gets mad at you for ganking (yes, as a jungler, this actually happens since they’re like “omg it’s my gold” “bitch tower platings go off in a minute or two it’s our gold” anyways I digress) but you suspect they might just start inting or flaming if you continue helping out their lane, would you: a) ignore them and continue helping out their winning lane b) go to a losing/tied lane just to satisfy your stupid winning lane’s giant ego
Being low elo myself, I recognize the most common mistake to be trying to force fights in losing lanes to get them back into the game instead of preoritizing get the winning lanes far ahead to carry the game. Objective control is then a hard task, since usually the laners are focused on farming only and don't even try to roam a bit and put some wards, leaving jungler and support the only players that set up vision
@@ilivewatchinganime7974 Then just watch urself get demoted and complain about it. Or u could go next and tryharder. There will be unwinable games, get used to it.
@@Mago.- Yesterday I just lost my 100% Zac wr cuz of this... I legit can't understand why is it that there are so many boosted people in low Plat and I don't mean boosted like an insult I mean it like truly boosted... I swear it makes no sense how some people are there and I m like 99% sure they were not the ones who got themselfs on their elo. U don't afk farm mid gank or start randomly running away with full hp in a wining fight in Plat euw don't bullshit me.
@@joaoborges1764 those are the games i sayd will be unwinable, dude chill, 90some % wr zac in euw its still sick af, if u deal with bs what do i have left? I grinded my way to plat in latam south, i have to grind over some real fuckedup shit, at least in euw u get normal human beings most of the time, my region is doomed, full of apes and boosted garbage. Feels so ryze
Use it to break the tower on the winning lane. Try to use herald before the 14 minute mark when plates are still up. T1 turret usually worth more than t2 except for mid tier 2 since it gives more map pressure.
@@tahmidk176 if Bottom is crushing it an already 2 towers down then it makes more sense to send herald Bot Lane because that lane is winning already. Now I agree in most low elo you should use it Mid but if Mid is losing then using Herald there would be a waste.
fun fact: the nunu in the enemy team played around his loosing lane and actually helped his team and the game. So think twice about any advice which is given to you.
I learned that when you are Platinum or better at knowing where you should be, your team will abandon you and do their own thing. Then lose, and blame you.
@@fyche8284 it happened me in master, if you don't help these assholes, they are going afk, if you say something to them, they are going afk. You just no options sometimes, people just don't know how to play from behind and play for late game when the possibilities rise if the team play the right way..
@@Donaldburger mechanics are nearly entirely irrelevant for jungle role. there are only few champions that require high mechanics, like lee sin, nidalee, kindred, elise, but the rest are quite simple to execute. it's a role that requires a functioning brain in order to be successful in.
@@LikeVenom18 lee sin isnt a mechanic. I mean the only champions who really are mechanics champions are maybe corkie and heimerdinger. Maybe vi. Vi looks like she could fix a car.
Joa Lampela i think he’s being hyperbolic...either that or he needs to share kills because obviously not enough gold went to his actual carries to drag that shit on for so long
1) Hug the side of the lane your jungler is on 2) When you see your jungler invade start pushing your lane to get lane priority 3) Place a control ward in the pixel brush in river
And it is always better to roam with the jungler than to afk tower after you hard shoved your lane and your jungler is looking for a gank in the sidelanes
Be ready and able to help with early scuttles if you can help it. If your champ is roam heavy then roam with jungle for free kills. If you’re against a roam heavy champ and playing a safer one then keep wards on the pixel brushes in the river, and spam ping missing when you don’t see them.
Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides you guys should make a guide on tips for helping different roles in game . Would be extremely helpful for all lanes and educational
1 - We can learn a lot on your guides, but how to aply that in the game in a effective way? Should we try to practice just 2 or 3 concepts at once to make a easier transition on our gameplay or we can just try all at the same time? I ask this question because sometimes I find myself not doing things that I should be doing, sometimes too late and i blame myself because i know what i should be doing. 2 - Sometimes we like a role that we arent good... should we chose another secondary role or just practice? Overall, whats the best way to chose a main role?
1) Focus on learning one concept at a time. Identify exactly what you want to improve at and have that be your main focus for a day or two. 2) Play the role you have the most fun with. You can climb with all roles.
Well this comes a little bit late, but its necessary for every role to understand the basics before anything else, wich is winning conditions. The single most important aspect of the game are not the towers, the baron or the kills, it is the minions. The minions are the ones who give you acces to the turrets, they are the ones that help you open and gain control of the map and they are the ones dictating the pace of the game, wich is 1 minute 1 wave. So even before playing around dragon or baron or any fancy outplay stuff you have to be able to play around the minions no matter what role you take. For example in the gold elo Vi clip, her mistake was not just engaging 3 people, it was not pushing the botlane. If you see the clip again you'll see that there are already 3 people in mid and you have no allies, the minions were in the middle of botlane, if Vi were to push that sidelane without overextending at least 1 person needs to go there to block that wave, that is at least 1&1/2 minutes were you don't need to worry about losing bot tower, that also provides you vision of the that lane, opens that side of the jungle for you and your teamates to pick up enemies and delays the enemy to respond if you try to take dragon. Knowing low elo players, when the sidelanes get constantly shoved they tend to panic and that's exactly what you want. In the case of JG there is one concept that is equall to the minionwave wich is jungle timers/jg pathing, you need to know not only what starting path to make(normaly you have 2 or maybe 3 options at most) but also you have to make sure that, in most cases, you're able to clean your entire jg. The way to do it effectively and efficiently is to do a straight line from one side of the jg to the other, that way you can catch all the gold and, more importantly, the XP earlier than the laners and, if you're good at it, before the enemy jg. During earlygame if you have more XP you have more stats, and more abilities than the enemy wich means that you have the upperhand and you can be more aggresive. During midgame having your jg cleared gives you extra time without wasting gold and XP to gain vision control, counterjungle, take other important objectives or grouping. In lategame clearing the jg comes second to playing around major objectives, pushing sidelanes or grouping with your team, but it gives you time to think when you are not entirely sure what to do yet without wasting to much time. Stack the deck, then make a play. I hope this helps you.
1: The concepts provided aren't ones that you'd have to pick from two options. They are separated into phases. So you could pretty effectively practice all of it in a single game.
no one most of these junglers don't know how crazy it can get top lane if the opponent snowball of a few ganks. If the opponent manages to freeze the lane there might not be even any coming back for your toplaner. Then when their top laner finally destroys top turret and tps bot your bot lane will probably end up losing
Thats why you get a safe pick when you are first pick top, i for instance, play gnar.. Im not that great of a player, but im not that bad. There are times where you are perma ganked, sometimes even 3-4 people come and dive, which hurts a lot where you are in lanes that you should be punishing (nasus for instance). So its natural to have a very bad score. However, it does not matter if i play weak side, as long as i keep up in cs and xp, even if im 0-6, i still do decent damage, i still tank a bit. I mean im drawing a lot of pressure, and whether i like it or not, it is my job to absorb it, even if it results on a death. You as jungler, your job is to impact somewhere else while i absorb pressure, either dragon, steal their jungle, gank mid/bot. Something. Also, the job of the jungler (well, everyone's, with vision) is to recognize which side is the opponent playing, so you either stop them before they get an advantage or, perma gank your winning lane if they already have an irreversible advantage top. So if you have a 0-7 top laner, but your mid or bot, or even you, dont have a massive advantage, you are partially to blame. You have to be winning somewhere else. Sure, it happens that all laners suck, thats usually a lost game . But when you have close matches, which is most of the times (at least the % gets higher the higher your elo), this applies. Dont blame your top laner for absorbing the pressure, make sure you do something useful that is equivalent in return. Some enemy jungle camps at the very least, deep vision, whatever. But complaining and fighting ingame wont result in anything good either.
@no one Never heard such bullshit. You gank the lane thats better gankable in early. There is no reason to gank a Heimerdinger Top as Kha Zix. Rather focus on the lanes that fit to your jungler. Later you should stick to the wining lanes and win objectives.
This is the best LoL guide ive seen so far. Not only do you tell us what to do as junglers, but we learn what to do to help jungle as other positions. Plus its great game theory overall
@@nicholaszezulka4055 MAJOR F. i have only seen worse when the enemy supp pyke flash hooked me and my thresh threw his lantern in the opposite direction of my position.
ThePredator10000bc as a Thresh main, it brings me joy that if the lantern was near you, you would have at least clicked on it instead of running past it like everyone I play with
4:32 Actually thats not always true. I just finished playing my smurf up to diamond and there are times where you actually have to gank losing lanes especially in low elo. People tend to tilt so hard if they lose lane and don't get ganked that they just quit the game, so if you realize your toplaner is a tilter and you can actually still kill the enemy laner 2v2 you should think about doing so. Because having less impact on your own in a 5v5 can still be more beneficial than having more impact in a 4v5.
We actually have guides detailing the specific situations in which you would gank losing lanes on our site. There are always exceptions to the rule, but as a general rule, you don't want to gank losing lanes.
All I will say is in general do not reward bad behavior. If a player is tilting and starting fights in the team, do not acknowledge them and give them what they want. It only justifies their outbursts, and makes them more volatile for being rewarded for acting out. In short, you're still taking an incredibly risky bet by playing around a tilted player hoping that they will come out of their funk and become the anime hero.
this is true to some extent, however unless you have an advantage/are smurfing - helping such a losing lane can easily result in both dying or a 1 for 1 (and if the tilted laner dies then he will still tilt more), it is a safer bet to just mute and ignore the tilted player and hope they won't actually leave. if a teammate ragquits because of a losing lane it is likely he would ragequit for dying randomly in the late game/x teammate doing a bad play/losing baron/having an argument in chat/whatever reason you can name really - some games are just unlucky and what's important is to not tilt because of them yourself.
@@temaku8971 Completely agree. Trying to help someone who is in no mood to be grateful will only cause more blaming, more infighting, and the overall team losing over it. Just as implied in this video. You're right because the correct "strategy" here is a mental one: check your feelings at the door. Helping a rager only makes them feel like raging is helping them so they'll keep raging forever. Don't reward them with a bad move just to try and make them feel better.
people need to stop making videos about how to jungle in diamond, because people in every division watch them and think the rules are the same. In divisions below diamond everyone plays lanes out of position, and can be punished easily by junglers regardless of bounty, but not by junglers who learn the gospel of "don't gank losing lanes".
Thanks a lot. I just started the game and am still actually training in coop vs bots to become at least good enough not to be a pure detriment to my team. I only played one game against players so far and got my ass handed to me. This is mostly due to the fact that really understanding the pacing and phases of the game is really extremely overwhealming (LOL is also my first ever Moba... despite me being 39^^). This video alone explained a lot more to me than I would have expected. Watching good players play the game always seems so fluid and intuitive but it is a completely different story when you try it out for yourself for the first time. This video told me more about game phases than other videos about game phases despite it being about junglers^^
just to wanted to say that i wached this video and jumped into a game in my promos (won promos cuz of that game btw), following the advise, we were able to overturn a losing game into a comfortable win. thank you! wish i could send you my replay but i dont know how to...
Always hide first. You typically wait around 10-20 seconds and depending on how the enemy is reacting then you can start the Baron. If the enemy isn't responding by moving towards Baron then you start it. If they're nearby, wait a little longer for them to facecheck.
For me, when I play around my winning lane in gold elo, I have to pray my losing lane doesn't rage quit from feeling neglected or keep repeating the same mistake that put them in their current predicament in the first place. The spectrum of intelligence I've come across in ranked makes me wonder what kind of bonobo Riot will matchmake me with now. I once had a mundo complain about how him losing lane was my fault when he was rushing spirit visage against a riven who everyone knows does ad damage...
@@Orannis01 you'd be surprised how many people dont care about objective. All they care about is not getting beaten in lane and feel entitled to having a jungler babysit them or they'll lose the will to play before 15 minutes. It's a very common ultimatum in low elo.
@@Orannis01 and they dragged you with them. LoL is very morale based. Its more of who tilts/throws harder rather than who plays better. Feels like a 4v6 when they rage troll or genuinely have no macro when playing from behind.
What should I do if I'm the winning lane and my jungler doesn't play around me like you advise in this video? What should I do if I'm the losing lane and my jungler is trying to gank me when he should be playing around winning lanes? Lastly, what techniques/concepts should I be focusing on and applying to win botlane on a more consistent/reliable basis? (I play mostly Jhin)
Specifically for bot, you should be warding while you’re winning cause low elo junglers love to run into winning lanes to die 3v2. Try to manage the wave so that it’s neutral. Keeping the wave neutral will give you a chance to all-in and take turret or make it easier for jg to gank. If you see their jg topside or just know where it is then you can shove and roam/take plates.
learn how to manipulate waves, thats the best thing you can do to improve your laning. knowing how to cs undertower, freezing, creating slow pushes, and when to shove\back will help you immensely in surviving the lane. if youre losing lane and you manage to freeze the wave properly under your tower you open the enemy botlane to ganks, and i t will be extremely easy to punish them for it.
I mostly play Nunu and even though he’s one of the best invaders in the game, when I actually invade during the laning phase I feel that it has no impact in the game/enemy jungler at all because of the little value that being in the jungle gives to you right now. I prefer to focus on my own jungle pathing, spam ganking and getting objectives as soon as possible, so I literally never invade, I only track where the enemy jungler is going next. Is invading in this meta really worth it because of the heavy ganking, getting turret plates and ending the game early meta playstyle?
I would say that's correct. Counter jungling isn't that strong. It's something you want to do when it's available and there are no better options. Basically, you still want to do it, but don't make it your main strategy for winning the game.
Hey guys, very good video, here are my questions ? a) what should you do if your team isn't responding when you need to play around baron or drake, do you leave the objective and join them, or try to convince them cause you know it's the best option ? b) If Baron and drake are both down what do you do till the timer comes up to contest the objective ? Thank you in advance !
1) If they don't listen, then follow them if it's still a good choice, otherwise back ping and leave them. Then try again later in the game, eventually they'll listen. 2) If you're ahead try invading the enemy's jungle and taking their camps and denying their vision. That denies them gold while also creating picks for you.
Thanks for the great guide! I just wanted to point out that, as usual, this guide might have different outcomes if you are low elo. For instance, when i was in silver, i would snowball the bot lane and they would stick to their lane for a very long time. Even if i asked them to come mid or swap with top, they would stick to the bot lane, which would result in them constantly being extended and getting many 4 player ganks, from jungle and mid. So it happens a lot in low elo that if you feed your bot lane they will end up ruining the game. I think in low elo you should also pay attention to the players and see if they are skilled of if they are willing to help other lanes. If you see a vayne player that tries to 1v2 the bot lane as soon as they a kill, you feeding her won't do much and at the same time, if you let your top lane be ganked twice and don't help them, they will certanily tilt and throw the game.
just get fed with a carry jgler from your winning or even lanes.. no fed toplaner can carry a game solo, when you and/or your botlane/midlane is fed... its okay if they tilt top u can still win, when you and mid/bot is winning.. with yi/rengar/kindred/noc/... thats no problem.. i just won a game with a 0-9 yorick and an even botlane.. just got me and my midlaner leblanc ahead and we carried it with vision in midgame
just IN CASE you are really better than the enemy team!! if they are at the same lvl as you, you will never carry a game 1v9 or 2v8... its still a teamgame
Unfortunately that also applies to all other roles in low elo. It's not that bot lane is necessarily any worse at using their lead than other roles. Using to tell which one of your teammates have a high win rate or games played on their champion can help you in deciding to gank their lane though.
How we should exactly take baron after placing vision control around? Camp in bush and take them 1 by 1 or should we start baron and fight them as we spot them with our wards?
Thank you, I'm guilty of trying to help the loosing lane get ahead. What you have said makes a lot of sense and I'll be changing my game play to reflect this 👍
In silver, lane swaps aren't a thing, and at 4:58, nunu wouldn't go do his raptor camp. He'd hover around river trying to get wards out so his team can try to fight over cloud drake. Why this matters? For blue side: cloud drake buffs hecarim directly with movespeed and damage, and buffs the rest of the team's movespeed which is virtually useless on trynd and naut, but can help Xayah stay safe, and help riven move around the map. For red side: cloud drake directly helps Janna in the same way it helps hecarim, but it also gives a boost to sivir's ultimate, and allows nunu to create his snowballs from farther away. It also makes Corki's positioning for The Package easier for him to land.
what should i do when a top laner is so fed we need 3 members to kill him while hes perma split pushing but if we send 3 members of the team the enemy team starts taking objectives?
Don't send people to him. Try to get ahead on other areas of the map. Make the top laner actually have to take an inhibitor by himself and if he does, that's fine, continue to play the game.
What does covering botlane exactly mean ? I know he had to be around bot but does he have to wait in a bush ? If there's no camps to farm around botlane, what should he do ?
If your lane is winning they should be pushing for tower, so they can move to fights faster than the enemies. Thus, you can counterjungle, deep ward, or just threaten a dive so that your laners can get free hits on the turret. If you know the enemy jungler is on the other side of the map, a dive will not go favorably, and there are no camps to farm on either side, only then move away.
@@abdusselamzahma7474 you take nunu's gromp blue and wolves. If entire bot side is clear, you simply wait on a bush near them. Eventually enemy will team come and try to kill your bot as they they are pushing for tier 2 and they won't expect you to be there.
@@berkecgl2823 But many pros say that waiting too long in a bush is a great mistake. Personally if I don't have camps nearby to farm I'd shove the wave or at least be in the lane. It would be a great waste of time to wait in the bush, especially if nunu was a good jungler who plays around his winning lane
This can mean using your Sweeping Lens to deny the enemy vision bot side. You have to keep in mind, that it's later in the game. It's perfectly normal at that point to spend 20 seconds hovering in a brush that you swept while your bot lane pushes the wave. You can then dive the enemy on the wave or rotate to take objectives off your bot lane's lane priority.
Nice video, Here’s my question, when the time comes to 20-30mins and my team has a bit gold advantage (maybe 2k lead), we try to control the vision in Baron and enemies’ jungle. But the enemies play very well that we can’t take the baron or catch one of them (usually they comes before we take down the baron, forcing us to leave or starting a even team fight. It ends up with leaving and losing the tempo or our team is not tanky enough such that we lose the fight). What should we do in this situation?
That's fine, sounds like a close game. Just be patient, be willing to reset to farm side waves, then re-establish vision. Continue this process until the enemy eventually messes up. The enemy can't play perfect for the whole game in solo queue.
Alright, I've been watching a lot of guides on how to jungle since I was trying to switch from support and they were good, sure, but it was hard to relate to the content and therefore also hard to internalize the things that were being said. Now this, I know I've made all of these mistakes myself many times, and with this I can start working on recognizing these during my own games in the future and actually improve. Neat.
When playing jungle, what is the most consistent way of climbing? Other than the tips shown in the video. I’m currently Silver Division 1, (Dropped down from Gold Division 4). I climbed up by spamming master yi with a top lane duo. However, this strategy seems to fall off, and I don’t have a duo partner anymore. Any advice?
I would recommend Jax jungle as he's a great solo carry champion for your elo. We have a video on this channel detailing it titled "Fastest way to escape elo hell"
That was my thinking, because I let myself get bullied into helping them, I'm not that bad of a guy outside the rift, I try to be helpful. When a laner loses you never hear the end of it as a jungler, because they basically expect you to save them.
from what i've seen across all ELOs, starting with silver is this: generally, you want to limit your champion pool to only few champions. try to have an AP and an AD one and avoid full physical or full magic comps every time. big champion pools are the main characteristic of silvers and golds. i would advise one/two-tricking over that any time. don't follow your streamers like that and think that if they can play many champions, so can you. they've invested thousands of hours into the game and possibly have more games played on that one champion than you have ranked games on all of your champions combined. let's start: SILVER LANERS like to overextend, mostly without wards during the laning phase and they'll ALWAYS try to get that turret plate or the turret itself after they score a kill on their laner. just by punishing that one mistake, you're guaranteeing yourself a transition from the early game. during mid game, especially bot laners, will overextend just to get your tower. even if you're playing a global map pressure champion, like nocturne or evelynn, they will never respect it. it's easily punishable and you're pretty much always guaranteeing a 5v4 for the following minute. silver JUNGLERS have pathing, "i'm a jungler and i must solo dragons" and on "revenge" (on high silver/low gold) issues. they will do an ok opener, like starting red, but they'll often ignore playing towards their champion's strong side. for example, if they're playing a champion that requires level 3 in order to unlock ganks and their early power and require level 6 as their primary powerspike, like evelynn, they'll often ignore krugs and just path towards their blue side. it's not a huge mistake at the first glance, but against someone with proper pathing, they'll fall behind every single time. silver junglers also have the helping complex, much like gold and plats do, so if you're camping a single like (like bottom) and you get them massively ahead, they'll EVENTUALLY react to it and even if they're guaranteed to lose a 3v2, they'll still proceed with the gank. they'll also want to solo dragons. i don't know what is it with them playing around a dragon at level 4 trying to solo it, but i found out it's a VERY common thing they do. if you see a vi, nocturne, udyr, shyvana, fiddle, kindred and probably some others too, expect that - they WILL force dragons for no reason. the next thing is the revenge issue and gold players are actually the biggest culprits of that. but what do i mean by that? that means if you take the enemy jungler's camp (for example their red), they'll see this as a provocation and they'll do EVERYTHING just to get back at you. they'll ignore every safety mechanism in the game and they'll only see that camp of yours that they feel so obliged to take from you just to get even. silver junglers also have quite a low CS count, with exception being master yi, so as long as you ban yi, you can win the game by farming well and using the spare time to gank. silver players in general play MANY champions. GOLD LANERS: much like silver, nothing has changed too much. players will still push towers for no reason and they'll make terrible calls and ask you to assist them. much like silver, they'll overvalue dragons and they'll flame you for not taking dragons, they'll flame you for them losing the lane 1v1, they'll flame you for EVERYTHING. players stuck in this division have most problems during the mid game (similar to silver players and similar to platinum). they'll still push turrets without any reason, but SOMETIMES they'll actually respect the enemy and they'll give it up. like silver, they do not know when they should and should not fight. they'll EXTREMELY OFTEN int trying to defend a dying tower. players in this elo often want to group as 5 and just go mid. no, it's not NA specific. the key thing here is to NOT LISTEN to them and group. go and break that 5v5 mid by pushing side lanes and the enemy team will often feel pressured to make that move of doing something. they'll either tower dive your 4 team members or they'll all rotate to kill you. your job is to react accordingly and spam ping your team what to do. even give them written instructions, but DO NOT LISTEN TO THEM. GOLD JUNGLERS have slightly better pathing than silvers and they execute ganks better. they still won't tower dive laners, unless they're sitting under tower with like 100 HP. as i said above, they still overvalue dragons and they'll want to solo it every single game. they absolutely SUFFER from the "revenge" complex mentioned in the silver section above, meaning for every camp you take, they'll want to get even with you. the key thing to note here is to NOT COUNT ON YOUR LANERS TO DO ANYTHING. if you invade their jungle, spam ping for about 30 seconds as you're making your way there. if you feel you'll get invaded (which you will more often than not if you've stolen their buff), spam ping your buff. in this ELO, recall times start to matter and you have to start optimizing that if you want to get to platinum and beyond. recalling when dragon is spawning, when you're on a power spike item and so on. you MUST start working on that - it will pay off HEAVILY in the next tier. gold players also like to play overly safe and they'll quite rarely call barons. practice your shot calling and get that objective done. you'll have tons of shit baron calls, but you'll learn from that. you won't if you don't even bother of making a call, but you have to have a reason for calling the baron at a specific time. that will matter hugely on platinum and especially on diamond. oh and ALWAYS have sweeper from here on out. PLATINUM LANERS are starting to become more proactive, but they need quite a long time to react to your call for help or invade, but they WILL react...... eventually. they will know how to establish a freeze and they know how to push the lane. what's bothering this ELO is the massive lack of game knowledge. platinum players are mechanically quite good at the game, but they aren't very smart. they'll make A LOT of pointless calls, mostly for dragons and they'll overly force turrets. their back timers have improved since gold, but are still terrible. after killing their laner, they will stay to pick up tower plates (much like silver and gold players) and they'll even greed the next wave. what will happen is that the enemy laner will come back to lane and start pressuring the said lane. why is that such a huge problem here and i haven't mentioned it in gold? because platinum junglers do know how to dive laners and they will do it. you'll have to think instead of them and aggressively ping them to back and buy. pinging 30 seconds before dragon spawns isn't enough, as they're still very slow to react, so try to warn them a full minute before it spawns. during mid game, they also tend to group mid and to 5v5, but the higher you go through that tier, the more a single laner will split apart from the group and start pushing towers. also, what stops platinums from climbing are the necessary rotations. for example, once a bot lane takes the tower, they'll continue going bot, instead of rotating to top or mid. you have to tell them to do so - this is the breaking point between platinum and diamond laners. baron calls on platinum are better, but they lack the understanding of item powerspikes. as a JUNGLER, what you MUST takeaway from that tier is the enemy jungle tracking, pressing TAB often and checking for items/CS - ESPECIALLY LATER ON, rotating with your laners if they do it. the better jungler wins phrase is strong in this ELO and it's the most frustrating tier to climb through the first time. there's so much you have to learn to climb efficiently and what i've said are the basics. it goes without saying that you have to tax your laners after the gank. even if they ping you to back (which they will), you have to push the wave and get that XP/gold so you don't fall behind. as i have mentioned too, the enemy junglers will know how to tower dive, they'll also know how to lane gank and they will punish overextending. tracking the enemy is most important skill you have to learn to become a diamond and punishing his poor pathing. also, DO NOT GIVE UP. this tier is very hard to progress through the first time you do it. it's very frustrating and may require you to do even hundreds of games just to get to diamond, even if you do things correctly. you're not a challenger player, you're someone still learning the game, so do not get mad/sad when you see streamers reach higher ranks with only 1/3 of your games. one more advice i can give you is to mute all. platinums are extremely toxic and you may not let it affect you, mostly due to frustrations with climbing and they're thinking just because they're doing well, they deserve diamond, but their team isn't letting them. as long as you can maintain a positive winrate, you will eventually get there. i think most people will stop at diamond 4, so there you have it. there's a lot to learn to progress through diamond and seeing what others don't see, but if you incorporated everything i mentioned above, you're sure to have very strong basics that you can upgrade in order to climb.
@@WhoTFMadeThisChange to be fair, it seems this one has the knowledge of everything by now and lets agree that he's given accurate behavior of most things which helps us be aware of our playstyle
love the video, just got into league and all I ever saw is "laning phase" this and "laning phase" that. This should help me out a lot even when not playing jungle :D
I think part of the issue, especially at low elo, is identifying which lanes to gank first, and communicating gank intentions. If bot lane is ahead, for example, and keep pushing to get turret, tell them to freeze lane so a gank may be possible. I think often times teams that are ahead just look to bully and then the jungler is forced to help other lanes because the winning lanes are pushed.
(talking about one of my recent game in gold-plat elo) What if you have a HUGE lead as a jungler (i was playing Rengar) you get all the gud objectives before 25mins, but you cannot look to end the game, what to do when you lose that tempo on an inhib-nashor pick and sadly allow the ennemy team to get back into the game ?
You need to secure Baron to close out games - that's the key. If you throw later on, that's fine, keep trying to re-establish vision around Baron and look for fights where you outnumber the opponent or get a pick from vision control.
so many good points in this video! every player needs to watch this and learn from it. i swear people avoid objectives after 20 mins when they should be the focus. everyone wants to split push for some reason...all. the. time.
would you say it's helpful when playing in plat or below, to tell your jungler in chat to not-gank when you think you're losing so he'll think about other plays?
Yes, you can, but roaming supports often roam in bad situations. As long as your roams are correct then it's fine to leave your ADC. Just tell them to play safe and back ping them.
Trick on how to analyze games, like review our own games. After a game I try to find where are my errors but it's hard to find. Some advice on how to review
Look at where the enemy got their leads and ask yourself if you could have done anything about it. If the enemy got first blood on top, look at your path, see if you could have anticipated the gank and counter ganked it or at least back ping your teammate. If the enemy jungler is getting multiple successful ganks, look to see if you could have ganked on the opposite side of the map or taken a different objective. You want to look at the key moments when there was a gold swing and try to figure out if you could have done better in those moments.
Amazing content. Thanks. I am being filled in the Jungler Position and can learn from your logical explanations. Very helpful. Although losing laners (including me) always cry for jungle-help. :) Happy Easter.
How do you vhoose when to influence the map for an objective (say drake when top is winning or rift herald when bot is winning) compared to ganking/counterganking for the winning lane?
Typically your priority is to play around your winning lane. Securing objectives on weaker sides of the map is only done as a secondary option if your winning lane doesn't need your help at that moment.
What if i perma gank a lane since enemy is immobile, kill him 4 times, and a minute later my laner loses 1v1, loses it again, again, again, goes from 4-0 to 4-9 while enemy mid from 0-4 to 11-5
Nothing you can do about that. Typically means bad luck, but don't let short term variance get you down! Focus on making decisions that grant long term wins.
@@ESPAngel217 jUsT hYpOtHeTiCaL fOr SuRe (im bronze 1). That game made me tilt so hard im only playing supp rn while im duoing with people ik have braincells. In my defense i can say i didnt flame at all. Hope i can pick up jgl again soon. Counting on you @skillcapped
Super Guide, many thanks. I used to be Main Jungle, but I swapped to Top side, with second role Jungle. Even if it's meant for Jungler, but it's gives a good idea also what to do for any Lane, and also what to expect or to advise the Jungler.
4:18 So, like hecarim, nunu is making a mistake for ganking bot lane (his team weakest lane)... Right? I not even play as jungler, but i watch all of your videos to keep learning something! Thank you :D (I'm PLAT1 at BR server - trying and dreaming to reach master)
Some oversimplified advice in this video, but mostly it is good advice. It's fine to help a lane as they begin to lose, but if your help isn't enough then staying won't change things enough -- you have to abandon that lane and they'll just have to hug their tower for while. When a lane is beginning to lose because the enemy jungler is harassing it, hanging around to even the numbers can be good too -- it's matter of how skilled your laner is, as even your best player won't do too well if they are getting 2v1'd through laning phase. But if you wait too long and that lane is severely losing, the laner won't be in a position to help you fight -- you'll be walking into a 2v1 yourself. The worst mistake I see players make is fighting near enemy towers when they aren't grouped. You can't easily tower dive without help, as the tower shots are too much of an equalizer. Players lurk around, unable to jump in but in range to get jumped. They can't farm minions, get safe kills, or stop the enemy from farming minions -- they just stand around rather than do something productive. Junglers are the worst with this. They feel like they are imposing their presence, but if you don't have a clear numbers advantage where you can immediately tower dive you should rotate elsewhere rather than waste your own time. Vision around Baron, as well as grouping to take Baron, isn't really possible until high elo. Yes, that's what you should do. Your teammates, by definition of being low elo, will be players who generally don't know this. It's good to teach that this is what you should do, but it should come with a "plan B" for when your team won't intelligently cooperate. When your team is grouping and trying to force towers rather than taking Baron, split push (carefully). They will stop trying to take the fight after one of them dies and back off like they should have done to start with. The enemy team will push out away from towers where you can at least take better fights against them, and your team will learn to at least not take big fights under an enemy tower. This generally leads them to looking for other things to do -- often they try to take dragon or Baron, if you are lucky. "Plan C" is solo Baron. :|
When you are winning lane and there's nothing you can gain from pushing and getting lane priority. Slow pushing can let you deny the enemy more minions, set up a tower dive, or set you up for more tower plates.
Try specifically killing enemy ranged minions and leaving the melees alive. This causes the wave to build up in one spot so you can collapse a huge minion wave on a turret.
After you've pushed a wave into the enemy's tower. This way it will take the enemy the longest to push a wave back and start damaging your tower. The absolute best condition is to take the enemy's outer tower, shove a wave past the destroyed tower, then roam, as it will take the enemy top a super long time to push back.
@@skillcapped What about laners that instantly clear waves? Or is laning phase supposed to be over by the time that happens? Even killing them and shoving in the lane never seems to stop them from steamrolling into my tower if I'm not there to intercept.
Literally have to ignore the lane and try to gain advantages elsewhere. Darius and Illaoi will struggle to truly hard carry a game. They have to destroy all the turrets, the inhibitor, then rotate and do the process all over in another lane. It takes them a long time so try to win the game elsewhere. They also fall off when everyone is full build. They are at their strongest when they have an early lead and everyone only has 1 or 2 items completed.
@@cedricroskos9280 The most important thing is experience in my opinion. And if you play an aggressive jungler you should always have your priority on objectives instead of farm.
There are multiple things you can do when the enemy is freezing the waving and zoning you away. 1: You can take jungle camps and scuttle if possible. 2: you can ask your jungler for aid to help push the wave into the turret. 3: you can roam to another lane and try to impact that lane. 4: You can team up with your jungler and invade/gank/take neutrals. 5: You can try to establish vision in the enemy jungle (only if you know you wont be caught) and or for other lanes/on objectives. Often when the enemy sees you leaving lane causing some mayhem somewhere else he will try to push the lane and take turret, at that moment he breaks his own freeze and you can go back to lane.
A good trick is faking a back: if the enemy falls for it he is going to shove the lane into you. If he doesn't and you don't have the resources to actually break the freeze you are either left with roaming or just sucking it up and hoping to scale/ that your team scales for you. Always keep in mind that keeping up a freeze usually requires the use of some resources in order to thin the wave when necessary; if an enemy is so far ahead that he can keep up the freeze indefinitely the lane has been lost a long time ago. Last, you might ask your jungle to come help a bit. If he is already around he just needs to scare off the enemy in order to crash the wave; no need to commit to a risky dive. Don't count on it since, as seen in video, you will most likely be a losing lane. EDIT: Keep also in mind that you are always going to have minion advantage when the enemy tries to lasthit your casters, so you might be able to poke him a little.
ill either ask the jungler to come break the freeze for me. Normally this works because junglers like free gold and xp, and if that doesnt work ill just sacrifice a wave and roam.
Some really good replies from other people that are accurate. The safest/most consistent way is to get your jungler to come and push the wave with you, but unfortunately in solo queue this is hard to make work. Typically you want to leave lane and either take jungle camps, roam/gank lanes, take a Scuttle, etc. If you're not in lane it can fool the enemy into thinking you recalled and push the wave to try and take tower plates.
Hey I got a question for you, In a lot of my games I get a lead as jungler and I notice that I have a lot of influence midgame. The only enemy inner turret left is on top and there's no drake. I try to go rotate to top and look for a Baron play but my team sticks to mid. What should I do? Stick with my team or push in top and force Baron or my own/ group with my team and force a 5v4 fight?
Keep pinging your team and don't get disheartened by them not listening the first time. Group with them if it's a winning play. Otherwise, back ping and don't group if grouping as 5 will only result in throwing.
There should be a follow-up guide on how to play being behind as a laner. Also I'd love to see a diving guide (when and how to do it properly), especially in early game
What if your top lane wins but your botlane loses, it's hard to play around top even if it wins because a losing botlane usually means lost game from losing a lot of dragons and towers. I've seen a lot of high elo dudes from reddit also say top is insignificant and play around bot.
This can be true from a very high level, but it isn't true in lower elo. Keep in mind you are using your winning lanes to get yourself fed. You get kills, soak minion experience, take turret plates, towers, counter jungle, etc. You can get huge leads off your winning lanes without needing them to carry you.
I always have problems with the respawn timers of the camps, and I make mistakes every time I farm my jungle, sometimes I farm a lot letting the lanes be by themselves, and when I want to gank a lane the enemies are playing safe, how can I fix that?
And as a jungler how can u help losing lane ? Sometimes they lose so hard that it's just impossible to win (u know the ennemy botlane heading to your jungle for example :/ ) How about playing with all lanes losing ?
Best time to help a losing lane is immediately after they first died. Typically the enemy will have used summoner spells to get the first kills. At the same time, they haven't had time to push their lead so they aren't really that far ahead. This is when you can turn a lane around before it gets out of control.
@@yukteshreddy4484 you have to rely on your team to peel you. Tell them exactly what abilities to use on who if you have to. Then play far back and dont make it easy to reach u
yuktesh reddy playing ad is all about patience. If they have a Malphite/Yasuo, wait for them to use the ult combo before you start doing your thing. Safety is always the most important thing in a teamfight. You want to do the most amount of damage possible, to the highest valued target possible, WHILE STAYING SAFE!
I don't really understand how leaving you winning lane makes them lose when they are ahead and letting your losing lane lose more without anything happening...
Think of an analogy of trying to move super heavy boulders. One boulder is already rolling down a hill, it takes much less effort to get it to keep going. The other boulder is rolling backwards, it will take a ton of effort to get it to a stand still, let alone to get it to start rolling. Your winning lane is a consistent way to continue gaining leads. Your losing lane is much harder to turn around.
Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides so you can say the whole game is a "base race", who can help their carry the most. Cuz sometime their fed member will break into our base but at that time my team should have done the same thing but on the opposite side...?
@@danielsoderborg What you really want when you have both losing and winning lanes is to get them out of lane as soon as possible. The winning lane needs out so that they can stomp the rest of the map. The losing lane needs out so they can start to just catch waves elsewhere and slowly catch back up to the rest of the field. Your winning side should either directly oppose their winning side after getting out, or create pressure elsewhere to help out your losing lane. A lost lane here doesn't mean 0-1 and down a couple plates. It's something like 0-3 and just bleeding resources. If you have a lane that is down just a little bit you can still gank them and turn it into a winning lane.
I feel that there's a bit of nuance you may be leaving out (though I suppose if you give too many details it can be harder to follow along) For example, while ganking a losing lane is often less profitable thank ganking a winning lane, you have to factor into account a few things: 1) If the enemy lane is losing hard enough, they may not even need your help at all. I've gone to gank many a lane that were ahead, only for the laners to win the fight by themselves by the time that I get there. Sure I can then help take tower or get an objective, but I personally normally play tanky jungles who aren't much better at damaging tower than say, a siege minion. Also enemies with multiple deaths in a row aren't even worth the gold that you're losing by not getting monsters during that time. Lanes that are behind normally sit behind tower anyways, so if you want to actually get anything done on a gank, you're most likely going to end up diving, causing more risk than would otherwise exist, possibly giving the behind lane shutdown gold if you do poorly. 2) The opposite applies in reverse for your own behind lane. They're likely to be pushed back to tower, meaning easy ganks. If you fail the gank, your laner isn't worth much gold, and if you succeed, they're worth shutdown gold, meaning you could possibly turn the lane around. Of course you shouldn't gank a 0/6 Garen into an 8/1 Riven who's 2 or 3 levels ahead of both of you, but so long as the gap's reasonable I would still give the losing lane a decent amount of attention, or at least SOME attention. Also make sure to pay attention to enemy jungler because if you can barely win 2v1, you'll be destroyed 2v2. 3) Morale is important. Especially in low ELO where a losing lane can afk/flame/int at the drop of a hat. Completely agree with you on securing objectives and using baron as a way to throw your weight around, though.
Skilled Cap in your plat game question at 12:23 I told myself well I have incomplete information but depending on death timers and trists power. I would throw a hail mary and try and kill the trist. if shes allowed to push uncontested with a cannon wave there, again considering her strength and death timers, very realistic chance she takes inhib tower.
I made a comment in game when my losing lane was crying for ganks that I don’t waste time on losing lanes. He lost his shit and called me an idiot, inted and flamed me the whole game. He was gold 1 and I have a better win rate, more games and am stuck in silver. I just don’t understand how that happens. How am I technically and obviously better, but four ranks below him?
imo there are four skills u need to climb 1. Attitude: u need to be able to accept loses as they come and have that trying to always improve attitude, the "look at ur own mistakes and ignore the mistakes of others" like attitude, DON'T TILT, taking a pause if u tilt 2. Consistency: being able to play consistantly not bad, many ppl especially in low elo are those 10/0 or 0/10 players, thats not consistant at all, u need to be able to play atleast not bad when u are loosing and messing up 3. Macro Gameplay Knowledge: well obv u need to understand the game, about jungle pathing, camp respawn timers, match'ups, identifying win comditions etc 4. Micro Gameplay/Mechanical Skill: reaction time, combo knowledge and being able to pull them off, all in all bein able to do fancy plays etc well and u obv need a shit ton of games to actually climb because u'll always have unwinnable games or free wins, so in order to defeat randomness u gotta play alot ^^ (talking about atleast 100 Games) I dont know u or the loosing laner u are talking about, but he prob did some of these points better than u to get higher
You have a higher mmr then silver that’s why you play with gold/plat dudes. You have to play a lot of Games to get in the right division you deserve. It’s a mathematical thing. more Games means accurate division.
Good points. I have a hard time not just assuming ppl with less games in and lower win ratio paid for a boost. I’m fairly consistent with about a 55% winrate. Annoys the shit out of me to see a guy with 150 games and a 45% winrate in a much higher rank. Just doesn’t make logical sense to me at all
Richard Cagle The trick is to dodge bad matches before they happen in champion select. You lose a Bit LP but your MMR rise and so you get more LP if u Win.
What are some of the best ways to determine what path you should take as a jungler? I’m gonna use a few matchups Elise vs. Nunu Nocturne vs. Zac Qiana vs. Gragas Lee Sin vs. Vi Warwick vs. Amumu Give advice for Red Side (or both) please and thanks
Your path should first be determined by what lane you want to gank. Start the opposite side of the lane you want to path towards. Then watch side lanes to see who's giving the enemy jungler a leash and where he's starting. You then adjust your path based on the matchup. For example, let's say you start bot side at your Red on the Blue Team to path towards your top lane. You're playing Amumu vs Warwick. You spot that Warwick is starting at his blue. Both of you are starting on the same side of the map heading top. You should do Red > Raptors > Wolves > Blue that way you're top side as fast as possible, can counter gank top if it's needed, otherwise you can rotate towards the bot side to take the Scuttle there since Warwick beats you 1v1 in the early game.
If you're below diamond, just convince them to farm close to tier 2 towers and only get picks if you have the numbers advantage. That'll turn around 60% of the games you lose after laning phase.
If you're invaded try to head to the enemy's jungle on the opposite side and invade them there. Otherwise, play defensive and wait for the enemy to throw.
I mean, my junglers tend to always do silly invades or fights for scuttle crab without having prio from the lanes and guess who gets blamed? Usually it's me, cause i tend to get hard countered and can't contest anything early on, especially can't win 2v2 even if i come first
At the situation at 9:10 I think is misleading. I totally agree with 2 MIA, you can expect it to turn into a 2 vs 3, because of the MIA. However this isn't what happens, Tristana came up from bottom-when we look at this scenario initially she was accounted for. So if you're allowing an accounted for opponent to count as part of the enemies numbers, then we should also anticipate allies arriving as well, even though they didn't. Like, the logic is sound, but the scenario presented doesn't represent the point you're trying to make, since the 5th member never even shows up during this fight. It really turned into an opponent who wasn't anywhere near the fight at the beginning showed up.
Skill Capped: "Don't bother too much with losing lanes"
Mute em
@Smiley Whoops... I forgot bronze ELO players don't use punctuation...
So what? You just ignore them even more.
Dude I'm sorry to bring you the news but that happens even in Plat.. You are not gonna get rid of that soon
Same when you don't follow your ADC's play, you get spam pinged for 20 seconds and "rep support"/"support wtf?" in chat
Losing lane: "oMg jUngLEr NEveR gAnks"
Me in lane after my jg baits me in death, fails dive or just steal cs: get the f* out of my lane trash
Probably one of the biggest noob traps for jungle. The best case of ganking a lost lane is that they still lose lane, but a little less than they would have otherwise.
Winning lane: “omg jungles never ganks”
@@ajfergy5569 thx, its corrected now
Step 1: Every Lane losing hard
Step 2: Lose
well invade in low elo...most idiots just run botside so try topside buffs :o ;)
but im not low elo
Better Jungler Wins.
Not always... reason I hate Lee, Kha, yi.... they can carry late game in a way... I had a game where at start HONOR our jungler yay... later Lee sin fed as fuck and carried whole game alone... Fail teamwork in our part... no one protected adc and adc couldn't handle by herself.
Gamerdweeb Entertainment lol lee doesn’t carry late game he’s early game
my winning lane: adc
their winning lane : the champions that can instantly blast my adc out of existence in every team fight
As the ADC, relatable
Can't relate, my botlane always feeding
Its your adcs mistake if he heads into a fight when threats have their core abilities up. For example the enemy Team got a feeded zed, then the adc isnt even allowed to join the fight before zed used his r and preferable his other abilities too. After those abilities are out the adc can get in and clean up the fight with his dmg. In low elo you will see adcs doing this mistake way to often. They walk Near their teams Frontlinie while the enemy threat is still alive. Thats not the right play because even a flash Flash and peel cant save an adc when the enemys assasin dives in to him. An Adc is important for turrets, wave clear, dragon and baron which means he should never die to Provide constant supporting dmg for the team. I can say this because im an adc Main. Its not your fault when your adc isnt able to Position and teamfight properly.
As an adc main.. Phantom dancer, GA, and zhonya's are my best friends. If your ADC is dying to the assasins, its because they are itemizing wrong and positioning badly.
@@lafleurstudios qss is also some fantastic shit:D
Playing jungler in low elo is masochistic considering how the lanes treat you
@TheBlackiwid mute all until you get gold or Challenger, or just quit playing lol
TheBlackiwid I’m a good player but not a great jungler, I main it but I always feel bad for not ganking losing lanes. So I’m now realizing that I’m hardstuck bronze because one side of my team is bad and I attempt to play near them so they don’t do even worse and it all goes south so now I know this
@@snowfox5995 I'm a low elo jungler. High Silver/Low Gold. Honestly the biggest thing I've found is to gank when there is an opportunity... don't force it too hard. Be picky about your ganks. Don't settle for less and get burned for it/lose xp.
Counterjg a lot to disrupt the enemy jungler when he reveals himself elsewhere.
Farm up all other times.
Be careful about showing your map location... which is generally easy, because you are mostly farming your own jungle and ganking when good opportunities arise anyway.
For me, this style has worked pretty well on nocturne, diana, kha, and j4.
Exactly ! everything is your fault not ganking. I just mute chat and do the right thing.
Easy... /mute all
But why nunu ganking his losing lane? Answer: because he is 200 iq. He knows that it's low elo and heca will gank topside :D
Very good point actually. If Hecarim made the right play Nunu would have been hard punished and the game would have been over.
@@skillcapped lol now im not sure if i should make the right play or the wrong one anymore..
Retrax CraEZy yeah it seems making the obvious choice just makes you predictable.
I'm Gold, and i play more normal game than ranked, when i play ranked i actualy think like low elo to counter, and Its almost always GG (almost i sayd)
@@IrrelevantPlease Why does it matter if its predictable if it guarantees you a won fight? If hec goes bot and nunu anticipates it, the only thing that happens is your team wins even harder
The best guide i've ever watched, i just finished two games after watching this and i made a 16 mn win and 21 mn win with ww first gane 14-1-10 and second game 5-1-7. big shout out to you guys
Glad to hear!
Im so pumped to do this and get flamed because "OuR jUnGlER sUcKs" "hElP ToP InSTeAd". Lol
Myoui /mute all
my expectations: my laner understands why I’m not ganking their lane
my reality: “our jg doesn’t gank gg better jg wins [starts inting or just flames team or rage quits]”
Also, as a question, if your winning lane gets mad at you for ganking (yes, as a jungler, this actually happens since they’re like “omg it’s my gold” “bitch tower platings go off in a minute or two it’s our gold” anyways I digress) but you suspect they might just start inting or flaming if you continue helping out their lane, would you:
a) ignore them and continue helping out their winning lane
b) go to a losing/tied lane just to satisfy your stupid winning lane’s giant ego
Ignore them. Always mute someone who tries to give you advice. Play your own game.
@@skillcapped Sounds good, thanks!
@@skillcapped A bit hypocritical IMO XD
c:) say that you work at the soviet union and that is the team's gold hahahah
@@skillcapped hmm, so that's why my renekton top won't stop going in 1v3 even if I tell him to stop
Being low elo myself, I recognize the most common mistake to be trying to force fights in losing lanes to get them back into the game instead of preoritizing get the winning lanes far ahead to carry the game. Objective control is then a hard task, since usually the laners are focused on farming only and don't even try to roam a bit and put some wards, leaving jungler and support the only players that set up vision
this guide shouldve been named: how to win with 4 idiots
Better Jungler Wins!
But what if I'm the best jungler, I get leads to my whole Team and then they decide to throw?
@@ilivewatchinganime7974 Then just watch urself get demoted and complain about it. Or u could go next and tryharder. There will be unwinable games, get used to it.
@@Mago.- Yesterday I just lost my 100% Zac wr cuz of this... I legit can't understand why is it that there are so many boosted people in low Plat and I don't mean boosted like an insult I mean it like truly boosted... I swear it makes no sense how some people are there and I m like 99% sure they were not the ones who got themselfs on their elo. U don't afk farm mid gank or start randomly running away with full hp in a wining fight in Plat euw don't bullshit me.
@@joaoborges1764 those are the games i sayd will be unwinable, dude chill, 90some % wr zac in euw its still sick af, if u deal with bs what do i have left? I grinded my way to plat in latam south, i have to grind over some real fuckedup shit, at least in euw u get normal human beings most of the time, my region is doomed, full of apes and boosted garbage. Feels so ryze
@@joaoborges1764 I find it weird that I think of Mata in Faker's game when I see your comment
1:42 What if all of my three lanes are losing?
@@TheUlquiorraCifer well yes, but actually no.
try to play around bot lane bcs only ad carry can carry a losing team
Focus the enemy nexus
Once you've captured the herald, how do you transition it into a good play? Is a t2 worth more than a t1 turret in this case?
Use it to break the tower on the winning lane. Try to use herald before the 14 minute mark when plates are still up. T1 turret usually worth more than t2 except for mid tier 2 since it gives more map pressure.
@@skillcapped Thanks a lot for the help
fk that, i tell you something especially in low elo.. herald always goes on mid lane.. every other lane is a time waster.
@@tahmidk176 if Bottom is crushing it an already 2 towers down then it makes more sense to send herald Bot Lane because that lane is winning already. Now I agree in most low elo you should use it Mid but if Mid is losing then using Herald there would be a waste.
Me as a jg playing around winning lane
me: -_-
me: /mute all
Just ask them their rank and then ask them tian's rank... Btw he plays to his winning lane IN THE WORLD FINALS
so true
fun fact: the nunu in the enemy team played around his loosing lane and actually helped his team and the game. So think twice about any advice which is given to you.
I climbed from bronze to Gold losing Just a fews games, thanks for Your guides
I learned a lot from this
Glad to hear!
totally agree :)
I learned that when you are Platinum or better at knowing where you should be, your team will abandon you and do their own thing. Then lose, and blame you.
Diamond player: loses lane
Also diamond player: I'm gonna blame the jungler that hasn't ganked me the whole game, if he doesn't I'm going afk.
Happened just today but in silver elo... my toplaner Went afk and we lose the game
If a diamond player does that he won’t be diamond for long ( or he will be diamond for really really really long u feel me )
Happened to me today- almost won 4v5... if only we had that Darius.
@@fyche8284 it happened me in master, if you don't help these assholes, they are going afk, if you say something to them, they are going afk. You just no options sometimes, people just don't know how to play from behind and play for late game when the possibilities rise if the team play the right way..
When i play master yi after the laning face i usually just say "Fetus Deletus!" and it usually works :)
Yi has cancer ability's so he can play late game
Rapha Ross he so easily counted
stack cc on a yi and hes a goner no matter how fed he is, you and ur team just has to play it correctly
I can’t kill what’s can’t be seen lol
It's called laning faze bro
"What do you think low elo junglers are worst at?"
Getting dressed alone.
Hey I'll have you know my mom tells me my outfit is great!
Mechanical skill.
@@Donaldburger mechanics are nearly entirely irrelevant for jungle role. there are only few champions that require high mechanics, like lee sin, nidalee, kindred, elise, but the rest are quite simple to execute. it's a role that requires a functioning brain in order to be successful in.
@@LikeVenom18 lee sin isnt a mechanic. I mean the only champions who really are mechanics champions are maybe corkie and heimerdinger. Maybe vi. Vi looks like she could fix a car.
I swear this post has so much r/woosh potential.
Jungle is easily the hardest role in the game.
That's why I optimize going at least 0/10 to see if they're qualified enough to play in my elo.
Jungle is the easiest role lmfao any brain dead retarded knuckle dragging inbred can play it.
@@WhoStoleMyNachos Why would you have 4 Barons? If you're that ahead you should end before 1.
Joa Lampela i think he’s being hyperbolic...either that or he needs to share kills because obviously not enough gold went to his actual carries to drag that shit on for so long
As a midlaner, what would be 3 things I could do to make my jungle happier?
1) Hug the side of the lane your jungler is on
2) When you see your jungler invade start pushing your lane to get lane priority
3) Place a control ward in the pixel brush in river
And it is always better to roam with the jungler than to afk tower after you hard shoved your lane and your jungler is looking for a gank in the sidelanes
mainly roam to help with fights that break out or not make yourself easily vulnerable to ganks
Be ready and able to help with early scuttles if you can help it. If your champ is roam heavy then roam with jungle for free kills. If you’re against a roam heavy champ and playing a safer one then keep wards on the pixel brushes in the river, and spam ping missing when you don’t see them.
Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides you guys should make a guide on tips for helping different roles in game . Would be extremely helpful for all lanes and educational
1 - We can learn a lot on your guides, but how to aply that in the game in a effective way? Should we try to practice just 2 or 3 concepts at once to make a easier transition on our gameplay or we can just try all at the same time? I ask this question because sometimes I find myself not doing things that I should be doing, sometimes too late and i blame myself because i know what i should be doing.
2 - Sometimes we like a role that we arent good... should we chose another secondary role or just practice? Overall, whats the best way to chose a main role?
1) Focus on learning one concept at a time. Identify exactly what you want to improve at and have that be your main focus for a day or two.
2) Play the role you have the most fun with. You can climb with all roles.
Well this comes a little bit late, but its necessary for every role to understand the basics before anything else, wich is winning conditions. The single most important aspect of the game are not the towers, the baron or the kills, it is the minions. The minions are the ones who give you acces to the turrets, they are the ones that help you open and gain control of the map and they are the ones dictating the pace of the game, wich is 1 minute 1 wave. So even before playing around dragon or baron or any fancy outplay stuff you have to be able to play around the minions no matter what role you take. For example in the gold elo Vi clip, her mistake was not just engaging 3 people, it was not pushing the botlane. If you see the clip again you'll see that there are already 3 people in mid and you have no allies, the minions were in the middle of botlane, if Vi were to push that sidelane without overextending at least 1 person needs to go there to block that wave, that is at least 1&1/2 minutes were you don't need to worry about losing bot tower, that also provides you vision of the that lane, opens that side of the jungle for you and your teamates to pick up enemies and delays the enemy to respond if you try to take dragon. Knowing low elo players, when the sidelanes get constantly shoved they tend to panic and that's exactly what you want.
In the case of JG there is one concept that is equall to the minionwave wich is jungle timers/jg pathing, you need to know not only what starting path to make(normaly you have 2 or maybe 3 options at most) but also you have to make sure that, in most cases, you're able to clean your entire jg. The way to do it effectively and efficiently is to do a straight line from one side of the jg to the other, that way you can catch all the gold and, more importantly, the XP earlier than the laners and, if you're good at it, before the enemy jg. During earlygame if you have more XP you have more stats, and more abilities than the enemy wich means that you have the upperhand and you can be more aggresive. During midgame having your jg cleared gives you extra time without wasting gold and XP to gain vision control, counterjungle, take other important objectives or grouping. In lategame clearing the jg comes second to playing around major objectives, pushing sidelanes or grouping with your team, but it gives you time to think when you are not entirely sure what to do yet without wasting to much time.
Stack the deck, then make a play. I hope this helps you.
1: The concepts provided aren't ones that you'd have to pick from two options. They are separated into phases. So you could pretty effectively practice all of it in a single game.
10 minutes top solo killed 7 times
all chat: "rEpOrT jUnGlEr"
no one most of these junglers don't know how crazy it can get top lane if the opponent snowball of a few ganks. If the opponent manages to freeze the lane there might not be even any coming back for your toplaner. Then when their top laner finally destroys top turret and tps bot your bot lane will probably end up losing
Réd Rôsé Everyone just goes botside because it is the most important role lategame and dragon
Thats why you get a safe pick when you are first pick top, i for instance, play gnar.. Im not that great of a player, but im not that bad. There are times where you are perma ganked, sometimes even 3-4 people come and dive, which hurts a lot where you are in lanes that you should be punishing (nasus for instance). So its natural to have a very bad score.
However, it does not matter if i play weak side, as long as i keep up in cs and xp, even if im 0-6, i still do decent damage, i still tank a bit. I mean im drawing a lot of pressure, and whether i like it or not, it is my job to absorb it, even if it results on a death. You as jungler, your job is to impact somewhere else while i absorb pressure, either dragon, steal their jungle, gank mid/bot. Something.
Also, the job of the jungler (well, everyone's, with vision) is to recognize which side is the opponent playing, so you either stop them before they get an advantage or, perma gank your winning lane if they already have an irreversible advantage top.
So if you have a 0-7 top laner, but your mid or bot, or even you, dont have a massive advantage, you are partially to blame. You have to be winning somewhere else.
Sure, it happens that all laners suck, thats usually a lost game . But when you have close matches, which is most of the times (at least the % gets higher the higher your elo), this applies. Dont blame your top laner for absorbing the pressure, make sure you do something useful that is equivalent in return. Some enemy jungle camps at the very least, deep vision, whatever.
But complaining and fighting ingame wont result in anything good either.
@no one Never heard such bullshit. You gank the lane thats better gankable in early. There is no reason to gank a Heimerdinger Top as Kha Zix. Rather focus on the lanes that fit to your jungler. Later you should stick to the wining lanes and win objectives.
If it's due to enemy ganks maybe
This is the best LoL guide ive seen so far. Not only do you tell us what to do as junglers, but we learn what to do to help jungle as other positions. Plus its great game theory overall
Loved this guide was actually so helpful, gaining a lot of LP from this knowledge
8:06 come here sonamains I know you got hurt watching that ult also
F in chat
@@nicholaszezulka4055 MAJOR F. i have only seen worse when the enemy supp pyke flash hooked me and my thresh threw his lantern in the opposite direction of my position.
ThePredator10000bc as a Thresh main, it brings me joy that if the lantern was near you, you would have at least clicked on it instead of running past it like everyone I play with
4:32 Actually thats not always true. I just finished playing my smurf up to diamond and there are times where you actually have to gank losing lanes especially in low elo. People tend to tilt so hard if they lose lane and don't get ganked that they just quit the game, so if you realize your toplaner is a tilter and you can actually still kill the enemy laner 2v2 you should think about doing so. Because having less impact on your own in a 5v5 can still be more beneficial than having more impact in a 4v5.
We actually have guides detailing the specific situations in which you would gank losing lanes on our site. There are always exceptions to the rule, but as a general rule, you don't want to gank losing lanes.
All I will say is in general do not reward bad behavior. If a player is tilting and starting fights in the team, do not acknowledge them and give them what they want. It only justifies their outbursts, and makes them more volatile for being rewarded for acting out.
In short, you're still taking an incredibly risky bet by playing around a tilted player hoping that they will come out of their funk and become the anime hero.
this is true to some extent, however unless you have an advantage/are smurfing - helping such a losing lane can easily result in both dying or a 1 for 1 (and if the tilted laner dies then he will still tilt more), it is a safer bet to just mute and ignore the tilted player and hope they won't actually leave.
if a teammate ragquits because of a losing lane it is likely he would ragequit for dying randomly in the late game/x teammate doing a bad play/losing baron/having an argument in chat/whatever reason you can name really - some games are just unlucky and what's important is to not tilt because of them yourself.
@@temaku8971 Completely agree. Trying to help someone who is in no mood to be grateful will only cause more blaming, more infighting, and the overall team losing over it. Just as implied in this video.
You're right because the correct "strategy" here is a mental one: check your feelings at the door. Helping a rager only makes them feel like raging is helping them so they'll keep raging forever. Don't reward them with a bad move just to try and make them feel better.
people need to stop making videos about how to jungle in diamond, because people in every division watch them and think the rules are the same.
In divisions below diamond everyone plays lanes out of position, and can be punished easily by junglers regardless of bounty, but not by junglers who learn the gospel of "don't gank losing lanes".
Give this dude 5k likes right now.
Thanks a lot. I just started the game and am still actually training in coop vs bots to become at least good enough not to be a pure detriment to my team. I only played one game against players so far and got my ass handed to me. This is mostly due to the fact that really understanding the pacing and phases of the game is really extremely overwhealming (LOL is also my first ever Moba... despite me being 39^^). This video alone explained a lot more to me than I would have expected. Watching good players play the game always seems so fluid and intuitive but it is a completely different story when you try it out for yourself for the first time. This video told me more about game phases than other videos about game phases despite it being about junglers^^
just to wanted to say that i wached this video and jumped into a game in my promos (won promos cuz of that game btw), following the advise, we were able to overturn a losing game into a comfortable win. thank you! wish i could send you my replay but i dont know how to...
Glad to hear!
Does this mean that they should be hiding in a bush with a control ward near baron, or start baron en turn if the enamy tries to contest?
Hide. If you can't see the enemy team, they are always in the best position to tear you guys apart. Always.
Always hide first. You typically wait around 10-20 seconds and depending on how the enemy is reacting then you can start the Baron. If the enemy isn't responding by moving towards Baron then you start it. If they're nearby, wait a little longer for them to facecheck.
Oké thank you guys!
For me, when I play around my winning lane in gold elo, I have to pray my losing lane doesn't rage quit from feeling neglected or keep repeating the same mistake that put them in their current predicament in the first place.
The spectrum of intelligence I've come across in ranked makes me wonder what kind of bonobo Riot will matchmake me with now.
I once had a mundo complain about how him losing lane was my fault when he was rushing spirit visage against a riven who everyone knows does ad damage...
Talk to them, tell them you're focusing objectives and making sure 2/3 lanes win. I find that helps them not tilt.
@@Orannis01 you'd be surprised how many people dont care about objective. All they care about is not getting beaten in lane and feel entitled to having a jungler babysit them or they'll lose the will to play before 15 minutes. It's a very common ultimatum in low elo.
@@Messatsu01 that's why they are stuck in their ELO
@@Orannis01 and they dragged you with them. LoL is very morale based. Its more of who tilts/throws harder rather than who plays better. Feels like a 4v6 when they rage troll or genuinely have no macro when playing from behind.
Seriously, no game I have ever played has the toxicity level of league
What should I do if I'm the winning lane and my jungler doesn't play around me like you advise in this video?
What should I do if I'm the losing lane and my jungler is trying to gank me when he should be playing around winning lanes?
Lastly, what techniques/concepts should I be focusing on and applying to win botlane on a more consistent/reliable basis? (I play mostly Jhin)
1. "come free kills bot" 9/10 jungler will come in low elo. source: I'm low elo
2. just tell him to focus other lanes.
Specifically for bot, you should be warding while you’re winning cause low elo junglers love to run into winning lanes to die 3v2. Try to manage the wave so that it’s neutral. Keeping the wave neutral will give you a chance to all-in and take turret or make it easier for jg to gank. If you see their jg topside or just know where it is then you can shove and roam/take plates.
learn how to manipulate waves, thats the best thing you can do to improve your laning. knowing how to cs undertower, freezing, creating slow pushes, and when to shove\back will help you immensely in surviving the lane. if youre losing lane and you manage to freeze the wave properly under your tower you open the enemy botlane to ganks, and i t will be extremely easy to punish them for it.
@Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides Please answer this!
I mostly play Nunu and even though he’s one of the best invaders in the game, when I actually invade during the laning phase I feel that it has no impact in the game/enemy jungler at all because of the little value that being in the jungle gives to you right now. I prefer to focus on my own jungle pathing, spam ganking and getting objectives as soon as possible, so I literally never invade, I only track where the enemy jungler is going next. Is invading in this meta really worth it because of the heavy ganking, getting turret plates and ending the game early meta playstyle?
I would say that's correct. Counter jungling isn't that strong. It's something you want to do when it's available and there are no better options. Basically, you still want to do it, but don't make it your main strategy for winning the game.
Hey guys, very good video, here are my questions ?
a) what should you do if your team isn't responding when you need to play around baron or drake, do you leave the objective and join them, or try to convince them cause you know it's the best option ?
b) If Baron and drake are both down what do you do till the timer comes up to contest the objective ?
Thank you in advance !
1) If they don't listen, then follow them if it's still a good choice, otherwise back ping and leave them. Then try again later in the game, eventually they'll listen.
2) If you're ahead try invading the enemy's jungle and taking their camps and denying their vision. That denies them gold while also creating picks for you.
Thanks for the great guide!
I just wanted to point out that, as usual, this guide might have different outcomes if you are low elo. For instance, when i was in silver, i would snowball the bot lane and they would stick to their lane for a very long time. Even if i asked them to come mid or swap with top, they would stick to the bot lane, which would result in them constantly being extended and getting many 4 player ganks, from jungle and mid. So it happens a lot in low elo that if you feed your bot lane they will end up ruining the game. I think in low elo you should also pay attention to the players and see if they are skilled of if they are willing to help other lanes. If you see a vayne player that tries to 1v2 the bot lane as soon as they a kill, you feeding her won't do much and at the same time, if you let your top lane be ganked twice and don't help them, they will certanily tilt and throw the game.
just get fed with a carry jgler from your winning or even lanes.. no fed toplaner can carry a game solo, when you and/or your botlane/midlane is fed... its okay if they tilt top u can still win, when you and mid/bot is winning.. with yi/rengar/kindred/noc/... thats no problem.. i just won a game with a 0-9 yorick and an even botlane.. just got me and my midlaner leblanc ahead and we carried it with vision in midgame
just IN CASE you are really better than the enemy team!! if they are at the same lvl as you, you will never carry a game 1v9 or 2v8... its still a teamgame
Unfortunately that also applies to all other roles in low elo. It's not that bot lane is necessarily any worse at using their lead than other roles. Using to tell which one of your teammates have a high win rate or games played on their champion can help you in deciding to gank their lane though.
How we should exactly take baron after placing vision control around? Camp in bush and take them 1 by 1 or should we start baron and fight them as we spot them with our wards?
Camp in the brush at first. Wait 10-20 seconds. If they aren't responding then you can start Baron.
Thank you, I'm guilty of trying to help the loosing lane get ahead. What you have said makes a lot of sense and I'll be changing my game play to reflect this 👍
In silver, lane swaps aren't a thing, and at 4:58, nunu wouldn't go do his raptor camp. He'd hover around river trying to get wards out so his team can try to fight over cloud drake. Why this matters?
For blue side: cloud drake buffs hecarim directly with movespeed and damage, and buffs the rest of the team's movespeed which is virtually useless on trynd and naut, but can help Xayah stay safe, and help riven move around the map.
For red side: cloud drake directly helps Janna in the same way it helps hecarim, but it also gives a boost to sivir's ultimate, and allows nunu to create his snowballs from farther away. It also makes Corki's positioning for The Package easier for him to land.
what should i do when a top laner is so fed we need 3 members to kill him while hes perma split pushing but if we send 3 members of the team the enemy team starts taking objectives?
Don't send people to him. Try to get ahead on other areas of the map. Make the top laner actually have to take an inhibitor by himself and if he does, that's fine, continue to play the game.
Lose usually
@@skillcapped did you just suggest giving the split pusher a free inhib?
@@blahblahboii not free, you're gaining elsewhere on the map. You're trading objectives, map control/power
What does covering botlane exactly mean ? I know he had to be around bot but does he have to wait in a bush ? If there's no camps to farm around botlane, what should he do ?
If your lane is winning they should be pushing for tower, so they can move to fights faster than the enemies. Thus, you can counterjungle, deep ward, or just threaten a dive so that your laners can get free hits on the turret. If you know the enemy jungler is on the other side of the map, a dive will not go favorably, and there are no camps to farm on either side, only then move away.
@@TurkeyMeat I was talking about 4:54 where the enemy botlane isn't overextended and t1 is taken so they adviced to cover botlane
@@abdusselamzahma7474 you take nunu's gromp blue and wolves. If entire bot side is clear, you simply wait on a bush near them. Eventually enemy will team come and try to kill your bot as they they are pushing for tier 2 and they won't expect you to be there.
@@berkecgl2823 But many pros say that waiting too long in a bush is a great mistake. Personally if I don't have camps nearby to farm I'd shove the wave or at least be in the lane. It would be a great waste of time to wait in the bush, especially if nunu was a good jungler who plays around his winning lane
This can mean using your Sweeping Lens to deny the enemy vision bot side. You have to keep in mind, that it's later in the game. It's perfectly normal at that point to spend 20 seconds hovering in a brush that you swept while your bot lane pushes the wave. You can then dive the enemy on the wave or rotate to take objectives off your bot lane's lane priority.
Low Elo Junglers struggle the most with...
e M o T I O n A l.... s T a B i L i T y
Sad but true
Nice video,
Here’s my question, when the time comes to 20-30mins and my team has a bit gold advantage (maybe 2k lead), we try to control the vision in Baron and enemies’ jungle. But the enemies play very well that we can’t take the baron or catch one of them (usually they comes before we take down the baron, forcing us to leave or starting a even team fight. It ends up with leaving and losing the tempo or our team is not tanky enough such that we lose the fight). What should we do in this situation?
That's fine, sounds like a close game. Just be patient, be willing to reset to farm side waves, then re-establish vision. Continue this process until the enemy eventually messes up. The enemy can't play perfect for the whole game in solo queue.
Content like this helps greatly with improving how I play jg. I do good sometimes, but definitely still need to learn
Alright, I've been watching a lot of guides on how to jungle since I was trying to switch from support and they were good, sure, but it was hard to relate to the content and therefore also hard to internalize the things that were being said.
Now this, I know I've made all of these mistakes myself many times, and with this I can start working on recognizing these during my own games in the future and actually improve. Neat.
When playing jungle, what is the most consistent way of climbing? Other than the tips shown in the video. I’m currently Silver Division 1, (Dropped down from Gold Division 4). I climbed up by spamming master yi with a top lane duo. However, this strategy seems to fall off, and I don’t have a duo partner anymore. Any advice?
I would recommend Jax jungle as he's a great solo carry champion for your elo. We have a video on this channel detailing it titled "Fastest way to escape elo hell"
There is a mentality too low elo players that is like " that lane doesn't need help because they are winning"
I am Gold and this has been exactly my mentality (until now)
the reason for that is that the losing laners always are crying their asses of
That was my thinking, because I let myself get bullied into helping them, I'm not that bad of a guy outside the rift, I try to be helpful. When a laner loses you never hear the end of it as a jungler, because they basically expect you to save them.
from what i've seen across all ELOs, starting with silver is this:
generally, you want to limit your champion pool to only few champions. try to have an AP and an AD one and avoid full physical or full magic comps every time. big champion pools are the main characteristic of silvers and golds. i would advise one/two-tricking over that any time. don't follow your streamers like that and think that if they can play many champions, so can you. they've invested thousands of hours into the game and possibly have more games played on that one champion than you have ranked games on all of your champions combined. let's start:
LANERS like to overextend, mostly without wards during the laning phase and they'll ALWAYS try to get that turret plate or the turret itself after they score a kill on their laner. just by punishing that one mistake, you're guaranteeing yourself a transition from the early game. during mid game, especially bot laners, will overextend just to get your tower. even if you're playing a global map pressure champion, like nocturne or evelynn, they will never respect it. it's easily punishable and you're pretty much always guaranteeing a 5v4 for the following minute.
silver JUNGLERS have pathing, "i'm a jungler and i must solo dragons" and on "revenge" (on high silver/low gold) issues. they will do an ok opener, like starting red, but they'll often ignore playing towards their champion's strong side. for example, if they're playing a champion that requires level 3 in order to unlock ganks and their early power and require level 6 as their primary powerspike, like evelynn, they'll often ignore krugs and just path towards their blue side. it's not a huge mistake at the first glance, but against someone with proper pathing, they'll fall behind every single time. silver junglers also have the helping complex, much like gold and plats do, so if you're camping a single like (like bottom) and you get them massively ahead, they'll EVENTUALLY react to it and even if they're guaranteed to lose a 3v2, they'll still proceed with the gank. they'll also want to solo dragons. i don't know what is it with them playing around a dragon at level 4 trying to solo it, but i found out it's a VERY common thing they do. if you see a vi, nocturne, udyr, shyvana, fiddle, kindred and probably some others too, expect that - they WILL force dragons for no reason. the next thing is the revenge issue and gold players are actually the biggest culprits of that. but what do i mean by that? that means if you take the enemy jungler's camp (for example their red), they'll see this as a provocation and they'll do EVERYTHING just to get back at you. they'll ignore every safety mechanism in the game and they'll only see that camp of yours that they feel so obliged to take from you just to get even. silver junglers also have quite a low CS count, with exception being master yi, so as long as you ban yi, you can win the game by farming well and using the spare time to gank. silver players in general play MANY champions.
LANERS: much like silver, nothing has changed too much. players will still push towers for no reason and they'll make terrible calls and ask you to assist them. much like silver, they'll overvalue dragons and they'll flame you for not taking dragons, they'll flame you for them losing the lane 1v1, they'll flame you for EVERYTHING. players stuck in this division have most problems during the mid game (similar to silver players and similar to platinum). they'll still push turrets without any reason, but SOMETIMES they'll actually respect the enemy and they'll give it up. like silver, they do not know when they should and should not fight. they'll EXTREMELY OFTEN int trying to defend a dying tower. players in this elo often want to group as 5 and just go mid. no, it's not NA specific. the key thing here is to NOT LISTEN to them and group. go and break that 5v5 mid by pushing side lanes and the enemy team will often feel pressured to make that move of doing something. they'll either tower dive your 4 team members or they'll all rotate to kill you. your job is to react accordingly and spam ping your team what to do. even give them written instructions, but DO NOT LISTEN TO THEM. GOLD JUNGLERS have slightly better pathing than silvers and they execute ganks better. they still won't tower dive laners, unless they're sitting under tower with like 100 HP. as i said above, they still overvalue dragons and they'll want to solo it every single game. they absolutely SUFFER from the "revenge" complex mentioned in the silver section above, meaning for every camp you take, they'll want to get even with you. the key thing to note here is to NOT COUNT ON YOUR LANERS TO DO ANYTHING. if you invade their jungle, spam ping for about 30 seconds as you're making your way there. if you feel you'll get invaded (which you will more often than not if you've stolen their buff), spam ping your buff. in this ELO, recall times start to matter and you have to start optimizing that if you want to get to platinum and beyond. recalling when dragon is spawning, when you're on a power spike item and so on. you MUST start working on that - it will pay off HEAVILY in the next tier. gold players also like to play overly safe and they'll quite rarely call barons. practice your shot calling and get that objective done. you'll have tons of shit baron calls, but you'll learn from that. you won't if you don't even bother of making a call, but you have to have a reason for calling the baron at a specific time. that will matter hugely on platinum and especially on diamond. oh and ALWAYS have sweeper from here on out.
LANERS are starting to become more proactive, but they need quite a long time to react to your call for help or invade, but they WILL react...... eventually. they will know how to establish a freeze and they know how to push the lane. what's bothering this ELO is the massive lack of game knowledge. platinum players are mechanically quite good at the game, but they aren't very smart. they'll make A LOT of pointless calls, mostly for dragons and they'll overly force turrets. their back timers have improved since gold, but are still terrible. after killing their laner, they will stay to pick up tower plates (much like silver and gold players) and they'll even greed the next wave. what will happen is that the enemy laner will come back to lane and start pressuring the said lane. why is that such a huge problem here and i haven't mentioned it in gold? because platinum junglers do know how to dive laners and they will do it. you'll have to think instead of them and aggressively ping them to back and buy. pinging 30 seconds before dragon spawns isn't enough, as they're still very slow to react, so try to warn them a full minute before it spawns. during mid game, they also tend to group mid and to 5v5, but the higher you go through that tier, the more a single laner will split apart from the group and start pushing towers. also, what stops platinums from climbing are the necessary rotations. for example, once a bot lane takes the tower, they'll continue going bot, instead of rotating to top or mid. you have to tell them to do so - this is the breaking point between platinum and diamond laners. baron calls on platinum are better, but they lack the understanding of item powerspikes. as a JUNGLER, what you MUST takeaway from that tier is the enemy jungle tracking, pressing TAB often and checking for items/CS - ESPECIALLY LATER ON, rotating with your laners if they do it. the better jungler wins phrase is strong in this ELO and it's the most frustrating tier to climb through the first time. there's so much you have to learn to climb efficiently and what i've said are the basics. it goes without saying that you have to tax your laners after the gank. even if they ping you to back (which they will), you have to push the wave and get that XP/gold so you don't fall behind. as i have mentioned too, the enemy junglers will know how to tower dive, they'll also know how to lane gank and they will punish overextending. tracking the enemy is most important skill you have to learn to become a diamond and punishing his poor pathing. also, DO NOT GIVE UP. this tier is very hard to progress through the first time you do it. it's very frustrating and may require you to do even hundreds of games just to get to diamond, even if you do things correctly. you're not a challenger player, you're someone still learning the game, so do not get mad/sad when you see streamers reach higher ranks with only 1/3 of your games. one more advice i can give you is to mute all. platinums are extremely toxic and you may not let it affect you, mostly due to frustrations with climbing and they're thinking just because they're doing well, they deserve diamond, but their team isn't letting them. as long as you can maintain a positive winrate, you will eventually get there.
i think most people will stop at diamond 4, so there you have it. there's a lot to learn to progress through diamond and seeing what others don't see, but if you incorporated everything i mentioned above, you're sure to have very strong basics that you can upgrade in order to climb.
Actually accurate on silver, cuz it's my elo
jesus christ the commitment
@@WhoTFMadeThisChange to be fair, it seems this one has the knowledge of everything by now and lets agree that he's given accurate behavior of most things which helps us be aware of our playstyle
love the video, just got into league and all I ever saw is "laning phase" this and "laning phase" that. This should help me out a lot even when not playing jungle :D
I think part of the issue, especially at low elo, is identifying which lanes to gank first, and communicating gank intentions. If bot lane is ahead, for example, and keep pushing to get turret, tell them to freeze lane so a gank may be possible. I think often times teams that are ahead just look to bully and then the jungler is forced to help other lanes because the winning lanes are pushed.
Sona: I'M HELPING! 8:07 hahaha
(talking about one of my recent game in gold-plat elo)
What if you have a HUGE lead as a jungler (i was playing Rengar) you get all the gud objectives before 25mins, but you cannot look to end the game, what to do when you lose that tempo on an inhib-nashor pick and sadly allow the ennemy team to get back into the game ?
You need to secure Baron to close out games - that's the key. If you throw later on, that's fine, keep trying to re-establish vision around Baron and look for fights where you outnumber the opponent or get a pick from vision control.
Is it true that every even integer greater than two is the sum of two prime numbers?
The conjecture has been shown to hold for all integers less than 4 × 1018, but remains unproven despite considerable effort.
@@skillcapped there is a rumor of the conjecture has been proven for all integers in the last days in a paper about 60 pages..
so many good points in this video! every player needs to watch this and learn from it. i swear people avoid objectives after 20 mins when they should be the focus. everyone wants to split push for some reason...all. the. time.
I've never seen a jungle guide as good as this one. The first guide that helped me. Thank you!
would you say it's helpful when playing in plat or below, to tell your jungler in chat to not-gank when you think you're losing so he'll think about other plays?
as a bronze top laner i always do it, obviously now i need to learn how to not feed xD
Should I follow the same logic while playing hard-roaming support (like Bard)? Can I leave my carry at all if his skills are questionable?
Yes, you can, but roaming supports often roam in bad situations. As long as your roams are correct then it's fine to leave your ADC. Just tell them to play safe and back ping them.
@@skillcapped Should the roaming support always stick to the jungler?
Trick on how to analyze games, like review our own games. After a game I try to find where are my errors but it's hard to find. Some advice on how to review
Look at where the enemy got their leads and ask yourself if you could have done anything about it. If the enemy got first blood on top, look at your path, see if you could have anticipated the gank and counter ganked it or at least back ping your teammate. If the enemy jungler is getting multiple successful ganks, look to see if you could have ganked on the opposite side of the map or taken a different objective. You want to look at the key moments when there was a gold swing and try to figure out if you could have done better in those moments.
as a P4 100LP 0-1 Promos Jungler this video still helped me recap my basics and some possible errors I make in my own play Cheers bro!
Amazing content. Thanks. I am being filled in the Jungler Position and can learn from your logical explanations. Very helpful. Although losing laners (including me) always cry for jungle-help. :) Happy Easter.
A tradução em Português pros BR que não são fluentes ajudou muito. Obrigado a quem adicionou a legenda sz
How do you vhoose when to influence the map for an objective (say drake when top is winning or rift herald when bot is winning) compared to ganking/counterganking for the winning lane?
Typically your priority is to play around your winning lane. Securing objectives on weaker sides of the map is only done as a secondary option if your winning lane doesn't need your help at that moment.
What if i perma gank a lane since enemy is immobile, kill him 4 times, and a minute later my laner loses 1v1, loses it again, again, again, goes from 4-0 to 4-9 while enemy mid from 0-4 to 11-5
just hypothetical, right? xD
hahaha i love how relatable this is
i lvl2 gank top , then enemy tps, i gank him again, my top is 2/0
goes back resets, loses 1v1...
Nothing you can do about that. Typically means bad luck, but don't let short term variance get you down! Focus on making decisions that grant long term wins.
Just variance. If you continuously make the right decisions, you'll on average win.
@@ESPAngel217 jUsT hYpOtHeTiCaL fOr SuRe (im bronze 1). That game made me tilt so hard im only playing supp rn while im duoing with people ik have braincells. In my defense i can say i didnt flame at all. Hope i can pick up jgl again soon. Counting on you @skillcapped
It's like, I knew al this stuff, but never practiced it or understood it completely till you explained it and showed examples. Ty
Super Guide, many thanks. I used to be Main Jungle, but I swapped to Top side, with second role Jungle. Even if it's meant for Jungler, but it's gives a good idea also what to do for any Lane, and also what to expect or to advise the Jungler.
you forgot one part of the equation, the losing lane is tilting when you don't gank and help them recover, whether or not it would be the wrong play.
I think I understand the message of the video. It's to set up a tent in bot lane silly, so Hashinshin can complain xD
4:18 So, like hecarim, nunu is making a mistake for ganking bot lane (his team weakest lane)... Right?
I not even play as jungler, but i watch all of your videos to keep learning something! Thank you :D
(I'm PLAT1 at BR server - trying and dreaming to reach master)
Yes, Nunu should be playing to his top side.
Some oversimplified advice in this video, but mostly it is good advice.
It's fine to help a lane as they begin to lose, but if your help isn't enough then staying won't change things enough -- you have to abandon that lane and they'll just have to hug their tower for while. When a lane is beginning to lose because the enemy jungler is harassing it, hanging around to even the numbers can be good too -- it's matter of how skilled your laner is, as even your best player won't do too well if they are getting 2v1'd through laning phase. But if you wait too long and that lane is severely losing, the laner won't be in a position to help you fight -- you'll be walking into a 2v1 yourself.
The worst mistake I see players make is fighting near enemy towers when they aren't grouped. You can't easily tower dive without help, as the tower shots are too much of an equalizer. Players lurk around, unable to jump in but in range to get jumped. They can't farm minions, get safe kills, or stop the enemy from farming minions -- they just stand around rather than do something productive. Junglers are the worst with this. They feel like they are imposing their presence, but if you don't have a clear numbers advantage where you can immediately tower dive you should rotate elsewhere rather than waste your own time.
Vision around Baron, as well as grouping to take Baron, isn't really possible until high elo. Yes, that's what you should do. Your teammates, by definition of being low elo, will be players who generally don't know this. It's good to teach that this is what you should do, but it should come with a "plan B" for when your team won't intelligently cooperate. When your team is grouping and trying to force towers rather than taking Baron, split push (carefully). They will stop trying to take the fight after one of them dies and back off like they should have done to start with. The enemy team will push out away from towers where you can at least take better fights against them, and your team will learn to at least not take big fights under an enemy tower. This generally leads them to looking for other things to do -- often they try to take dragon or Baron, if you are lucky. "Plan C" is solo Baron. :|
I really liked that Sona ult at around 8:00 especially the message "Im helping"
When and how to set up slow push as adc?
When you are winning lane and there's nothing you can gain from pushing and getting lane priority. Slow pushing can let you deny the enemy more minions, set up a tower dive, or set you up for more tower plates.
Try specifically killing enemy ranged minions and leaving the melees alive. This causes the wave to build up in one spot so you can collapse a huge minion wave on a turret.
When is it appropriate for a top laner to roam or pressure the map during laning phase?
After you've pushed a wave into the enemy's tower. This way it will take the enemy the longest to push a wave back and start damaging your tower. The absolute best condition is to take the enemy's outer tower, shove a wave past the destroyed tower, then roam, as it will take the enemy top a super long time to push back.
@@skillcapped What about laners that instantly clear waves? Or is laning phase supposed to be over by the time that happens? Even killing them and shoving in the lane never seems to stop them from steamrolling into my tower if I'm not there to intercept.
Defiantnight you cant really do much about that, just let him push u and wait for jungle to fk him up i guess
If the enemy top is a fed Darius or illoi how am I supposed to deal with this as a jungler?
Assuming they are constantly pushing for tower while having tp up
Literally have to ignore the lane and try to gain advantages elsewhere. Darius and Illaoi will struggle to truly hard carry a game. They have to destroy all the turrets, the inhibitor, then rotate and do the process all over in another lane. It takes them a long time so try to win the game elsewhere. They also fall off when everyone is full build. They are at their strongest when they have an early lead and everyone only has 1 or 2 items completed.
To be honesy as a diamond mid/top player i learned a lot from this... About how you look at the tower health and making the enemy face check you
Im new to the game and jungle and this was super helpful for my understanding of my game overall. Thanks for the great video
As a jungler: what Farm should I habe at what Minute. I always Think that Till 20 min 100 cs is Good and After that 10 cs per min is that right ?
6 per 10 minutes at a minimum for aggressive/average junglers. 8 per 10 minutes as a minimum for farm junglers
@@skillcapped I guess that is when you are ahead right?
Englische Wörter schreibt man übrigens klein.
@@a.b.c.d.e... das weiß ich, aber mein Handy hat kein Bock drauf.
@@cedricroskos9280 The most important thing is experience in my opinion. And if you play an aggressive jungler you should always have your priority on objectives instead of farm.
What do I do if I lost control of the wave and I can't break the freeze/regain advantage? Do I just lose or is there a way around it?
There are multiple things you can do when the enemy is freezing the waving and zoning you away.
1: You can take jungle camps and scuttle if possible.
2: you can ask your jungler for aid to help push the wave into the turret.
3: you can roam to another lane and try to impact that lane.
4: You can team up with your jungler and invade/gank/take neutrals.
5: You can try to establish vision in the enemy jungle (only if you know you wont be caught) and or for other lanes/on objectives.
Often when the enemy sees you leaving lane causing some mayhem somewhere else he will try to push the lane and take turret, at that moment he breaks his own freeze and you can go back to lane.
A good trick is faking a back: if the enemy falls for it he is going to shove the lane into you. If he doesn't and you don't have the resources to actually break the freeze you are either left with roaming or just sucking it up and hoping to scale/ that your team scales for you.
Always keep in mind that keeping up a freeze usually requires the use of some resources in order to thin the wave when necessary; if an enemy is so far ahead that he can keep up the freeze indefinitely the lane has been lost a long time ago.
Last, you might ask your jungle to come help a bit. If he is already around he just needs to scare off the enemy in order to crash the wave; no need to commit to a risky dive. Don't count on it since, as seen in video, you will most likely be a losing lane.
EDIT: Keep also in mind that you are always going to have minion advantage when the enemy tries to lasthit your casters, so you might be able to poke him a little.
ill either ask the jungler to come break the freeze for me. Normally this works because junglers like free gold and xp, and if that doesnt work ill just sacrifice a wave and roam.
Some really good replies from other people that are accurate. The safest/most consistent way is to get your jungler to come and push the wave with you, but unfortunately in solo queue this is hard to make work. Typically you want to leave lane and either take jungle camps, roam/gank lanes, take a Scuttle, etc. If you're not in lane it can fool the enemy into thinking you recalled and push the wave to try and take tower plates.
Hey I got a question for you,
In a lot of my games I get a lead as jungler and I notice that I have a lot of influence midgame. The only enemy inner turret left is on top and there's no drake. I try to go rotate to top and look for a Baron play but my team sticks to mid. What should I do? Stick with my team or push in top and force Baron or my own/ group with my team and force a 5v4 fight?
Keep pinging your team and don't get disheartened by them not listening the first time. Group with them if it's a winning play. Otherwise, back ping and don't group if grouping as 5 will only result in throwing.
@@skillcapped oh thanks man was also eomdering what to do about the situation he described
love your videos guys. Been watching quite a bit and it's making a huge improvement to my own gameplay.
There should be a follow-up guide on how to play being behind as a laner. Also I'd love to see a diving guide (when and how to do it properly), especially in early game
What if your top lane wins but your botlane loses, it's hard to play around top even if it wins because a losing botlane usually means lost game from losing a lot of dragons and towers. I've seen a lot of high elo dudes from reddit also say top is insignificant and play around bot.
This can be true from a very high level, but it isn't true in lower elo. Keep in mind you are using your winning lanes to get yourself fed. You get kills, soak minion experience, take turret plates, towers, counter jungle, etc. You can get huge leads off your winning lanes without needing them to carry you.
I always have problems with the respawn timers of the camps, and I make mistakes every time I farm my jungle, sometimes I farm a lot letting the lanes be by themselves, and when I want to gank a lane the enemies are playing safe, how can I fix that?
Get more comfortable skipping a camp or two if there's a gank opportunity. Typically become more gank heavy once it gets closer to the 10min mark
Learned so much from this video! Thank you so much for the guides!
These are simple things that I never realized how wrong I was playing this game, thanks man, really helpful hints.
And as a jungler how can u help losing lane ? Sometimes they lose so hard that it's just impossible to win (u know the ennemy botlane heading to your jungle for example :/ )
How about playing with all lanes losing ?
Best time to help a losing lane is immediately after they first died. Typically the enemy will have used summoner spells to get the first kills. At the same time, they haven't had time to push their lead so they aren't really that far ahead. This is when you can turn a lane around before it gets out of control.
Can I get some tips on carrying as ad when I'm fed and their team has a wombo combo. My team is not that fed
Positioning is everything.
@@werewolf4358 How can I when, like my previous game ap malphite, before that fkng wukong flashing one shots me. Game over
@@yukteshreddy4484 you have to rely on your team to peel you. Tell them exactly what abilities to use on who if you have to. Then play far back and dont make it easy to reach u
yuktesh reddy playing ad is all about patience. If they have a Malphite/Yasuo, wait for them to use the ult combo before you start doing your thing.
Safety is always the most important thing in a teamfight.
You want to do the most amount of damage possible, to the highest valued target possible, WHILE STAYING SAFE!
@@iwantlee9510 TQ. I'll try and comeback if I have anymore problems
I don't really understand how leaving you winning lane makes them lose when they are ahead and letting your losing lane lose more without anything happening...
Think of an analogy of trying to move super heavy boulders. One boulder is already rolling down a hill, it takes much less effort to get it to keep going. The other boulder is rolling backwards, it will take a ton of effort to get it to a stand still, let alone to get it to start rolling. Your winning lane is a consistent way to continue gaining leads. Your losing lane is much harder to turn around.
Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides so you can say the whole game is a "base race", who can help their carry the most. Cuz sometime their fed member will break into our base but at that time my team should have done the same thing but on the opposite side...?
@@danielsoderborg I think the losing line must play defence and try not to feed and wait for the winning lane to win the game
@@danielsoderborg What you really want when you have both losing and winning lanes is to get them out of lane as soon as possible. The winning lane needs out so that they can stomp the rest of the map. The losing lane needs out so they can start to just catch waves elsewhere and slowly catch back up to the rest of the field. Your winning side should either directly oppose their winning side after getting out, or create pressure elsewhere to help out your losing lane.
A lost lane here doesn't mean 0-1 and down a couple plates. It's something like 0-3 and just bleeding resources. If you have a lane that is down just a little bit you can still gank them and turn it into a winning lane.
@@Zachbasanese ohh this is a good answer
I feel that there's a bit of nuance you may be leaving out (though I suppose if you give too many details it can be harder to follow along)
For example, while ganking a losing lane is often less profitable thank ganking a winning lane, you have to factor into account a few things:
1) If the enemy lane is losing hard enough, they may not even need your help at all. I've gone to gank many a lane that were ahead, only for the laners to win the fight by themselves by the time that I get there. Sure I can then help take tower or get an objective, but I personally normally play tanky jungles who aren't much better at damaging tower than say, a siege minion. Also enemies with multiple deaths in a row aren't even worth the gold that you're losing by not getting monsters during that time. Lanes that are behind normally sit behind tower anyways, so if you want to actually get anything done on a gank, you're most likely going to end up diving, causing more risk than would otherwise exist, possibly giving the behind lane shutdown gold if you do poorly.
2) The opposite applies in reverse for your own behind lane. They're likely to be pushed back to tower, meaning easy ganks. If you fail the gank, your laner isn't worth much gold, and if you succeed, they're worth shutdown gold, meaning you could possibly turn the lane around. Of course you shouldn't gank a 0/6 Garen into an 8/1 Riven who's 2 or 3 levels ahead of both of you, but so long as the gap's reasonable I would still give the losing lane a decent amount of attention, or at least SOME attention. Also make sure to pay attention to enemy jungler because if you can barely win 2v1, you'll be destroyed 2v2.
3) Morale is important. Especially in low ELO where a losing lane can afk/flame/int at the drop of a hat.
Completely agree with you on securing objectives and using baron as a way to throw your weight around, though.
Skilled Cap in your plat game question at 12:23 I told myself well I have incomplete information but depending on death timers and trists power. I would throw a hail mary and try and kill the trist. if shes allowed to push uncontested with a cannon wave there, again considering her strength and death timers, very realistic chance she takes inhib tower.
I made a comment in game when my losing lane was crying for ganks that I don’t waste time on losing lanes. He lost his shit and called me an idiot, inted and flamed me the whole game. He was gold 1 and I have a better win rate, more games and am stuck in silver. I just don’t understand how that happens. How am I technically and obviously better, but four ranks below him?
Best not to argue or type to people. If someone cries for ganks mute them immediately and play your own game.
imo there are four skills u need to climb
1. Attitude: u need to be able to accept loses as they come and have that trying to always improve attitude, the "look at ur own mistakes and ignore the mistakes of others" like attitude, DON'T TILT, taking a pause if u tilt
2. Consistency: being able to play consistantly not bad, many ppl especially in low elo are those 10/0 or 0/10 players, thats not consistant at all, u need to be able to play atleast not bad when u are loosing and messing up
3. Macro Gameplay Knowledge: well obv u need to understand the game, about jungle pathing, camp respawn timers, match'ups, identifying win comditions etc
4. Micro Gameplay/Mechanical Skill: reaction time, combo knowledge and being able to pull them off, all in all bein able to do fancy plays etc
well and u obv need a shit ton of games to actually climb because u'll always have unwinnable games or free wins, so in order to defeat randomness u gotta play alot ^^ (talking about atleast 100 Games)
I dont know u or the loosing laner u are talking about, but he prob did some of these points better than u to get higher
You have a higher mmr then silver that’s why you play with gold/plat dudes.
You have to play a lot of Games to get in the right division you deserve.
It’s a mathematical thing.
more Games means accurate division.
Good points. I have a hard time not just assuming ppl with less games in and lower win ratio paid for a boost. I’m fairly consistent with about a 55% winrate. Annoys the shit out of me to see a guy with 150 games and a 45% winrate in a much higher rank. Just doesn’t make logical sense to me at all
Richard Cagle
The trick is to dodge bad matches before they happen in champion select.
You lose a Bit LP but your MMR rise and so you get more LP if u Win.
although there are more than 5000 likes, i still want to give another like, your gays deserve it!
"if you are losing your lane, abandon all hopes. You are nothing to me " - the jungler
What are some of the best ways to determine what path you should take as a jungler?
I’m gonna use a few matchups
Elise vs. Nunu
Nocturne vs. Zac
Qiana vs. Gragas
Lee Sin vs. Vi
Warwick vs. Amumu
Give advice for Red Side (or both) please and thanks
Your path should first be determined by what lane you want to gank. Start the opposite side of the lane you want to path towards. Then watch side lanes to see who's giving the enemy jungler a leash and where he's starting. You then adjust your path based on the matchup. For example, let's say you start bot side at your Red on the Blue Team to path towards your top lane. You're playing Amumu vs Warwick. You spot that Warwick is starting at his blue. Both of you are starting on the same side of the map heading top. You should do Red > Raptors > Wolves > Blue that way you're top side as fast as possible, can counter gank top if it's needed, otherwise you can rotate towards the bot side to take the Scuttle there since Warwick beats you 1v1 in the early game.
This is one of the most amazing ,useful and explanatory guides I have ever seen.
what should i do when im ahead but my teammates not after laning phase?
rotating properly and getting those towers will help them get ahead
If you're below diamond, just convince them to farm close to tier 2 towers and only get picks if you have the numbers advantage. That'll turn around 60% of the games you lose after laning phase.
Identify which of the enemy's is the furthest ahead and avoid them. Just like how you'd play around your winning lanes, avoid the enemy's.
Yo,give to this guy 4999 likes!
I'm assuming you're asking this so you can be the 5000th.... right?!
What should i do when all my lanes are losing and i'm beeing invade?
Advice from a bronze player: Wait until your team helps for a number advantage. Your team will be there first.
If you're invaded try to head to the enemy's jungle on the opposite side and invade them there. Otherwise, play defensive and wait for the enemy to throw.
I mean, my junglers tend to always do silly invades or fights for scuttle crab without having prio from the lanes and guess who gets blamed? Usually it's me, cause i tend to get hard countered and can't contest anything early on, especially can't win 2v2 even if i come first
At the situation at 9:10 I think is misleading. I totally agree with 2 MIA, you can expect it to turn into a 2 vs 3, because of the MIA. However this isn't what happens, Tristana came up from bottom-when we look at this scenario initially she was accounted for. So if you're allowing an accounted for opponent to count as part of the enemies numbers, then we should also anticipate allies arriving as well, even though they didn't.
Like, the logic is sound, but the scenario presented doesn't represent the point you're trying to make, since the 5th member never even shows up during this fight. It really turned into an opponent who wasn't anywhere near the fight at the beginning showed up.