Had a bimalleolar left ankle fracture and opted for the non-surgical route. I ended up in a cast for 4 months due to my inept orthopedic doctor. Knowing I wasn’t getting the best care, I sought out another doctor. He was horrified when I told him I was in a cast for as long as I was. My leg being severely atrophied , the doctor said I’d have little to no chance of muscle recovery . But with initial physical therapy and over 2 years STRAIGHT of walking/jogging 4 miles a day , 5 to 6 times a week , I managed to essentially regain all my muscle strength/size back. I feel fortunate and lucky to have been able to do so and just want to let others know there is hope.
Thank you for sharing 😃👍 You give me hope I have loosen muscle in left leg sciatica .. leg drop , I'm doing kinetoterapie and exercise to regain muscle 💪😁
Never let any Doctor tell you, what is possible and what is not. Muscles shrink, when not used, and they grow back, when worked, streched, fed and rested enough and consistent. It`s a medical fact. Keep training every day , at least 1h, specifically targetting the affected muscle groups (no jogging or walking/cycling, no biceps training, I know it is way more pleasent ! but a real, painful and boring rehab on your weakest points, ignoring your ego). Keep adding new difficulty levels/weights (even when it means 1g a month) so that you see progress by yourself. Find ways to measure your progress, that you know you keep progressing. Finally, keep reading and learning from your mistakes every day. Come back after 3 years and share your progress. Then tell me, it is impossible.
I've had knee surgery wrist surgery broke my back and at first it is scary because it's much smaller but you just train it a little harder than the other side and it comes back. After all of that happened I Benched 405lbs Squatted 500lbs And deadlifted 605lbs It's not permanent if you get back in the gym. Cardio won't rebuild it. You must train with weights
Awesome man I’m so glad I read this. I really feel like I can beat this. My quads wasted away for reasons I won’t bother you with but I couldn’t or wouldn’t do the exercises I needed. Anyway I appreciate the words of wisdom !
I was about to say yah. People don't realize that you can sit there for months and do nothing however with the right surplus in calories and progressive stimulus you'll bounce all the way back really quickly as you've already developed the muscle pathways for it. The only way it's permanent is if you do nothing about it. Less running, more lifting weights for the rest of your life.
Please tell your story if possible or if you are comfortable. I developed atrophy after a few really bad bouts of sciatica years ago. My legs are pretty much equal in strength except for my calf which is almost completely non-existent these days. My healthy calf is strong and massive but my bad leg looks horrible. I go through rounds of depression because of it (yeah yeah yeah... all because of the aesthetics, I have tremendous quality of life and am a committed gym rat). I've started running on the treadmill again and seeing my legs in the mirror kind of upsets me. What I wouldn't give to have my old calf back again.
I don't know if its some weird medical issue, diabetes, or something else but my right side of my body any and every muscle is smaller, atrophied. Not just smaller than the left but atrophied. Like bone sticking out in some places. Its also a lot less tone. Mushy. Yet when I work out it grows. So idk. I say never give up. Research supplements. Get on a good diet. Take b12 and vit D. Excercise. Get good sleep. Have a good spiritual life. Remember the mind is powerful. Look at the placebo effect. Look at miraculous healings. Im not taking any doctors word and I dont think anyone ever should. Make your own future.
Tore my Achilles in 2016 and I still have atrophy from my boot... I used to be able to dunk, run without pain, etc. Now? Not so much... I'm still building it back up but it's hard. Keep the faith!
It happened to my cousin. After a year he was still limping around. He started coming to work with me roofing. Walking constantly on a sloped surface fixed his torn/ repaired Achilles tendon in no time.
Try using Russian Stim therapy. I broke my neck 20-years ago and lost about 3/4 of the center of my pectoral muscles. It's bothered me greatly for years until my chiropractor suggested trying Russian Stim. This IS NOT the same as a TENS unit because it operates at a higher frequency. He started attached pads to my pectoral muscles a month ago and I'm getting growth. In addition, I am also starting to feel as if I can control my pecs again when I wasn't able to do so previously. I know it's still early for me, but it's giving me a ton of hope. Something to think about!
I restored my muscle mass/atrophy by exercising, my left leg was wasted by arthritis I got shots and I hit the gym, that's like five yrs ago, I got about 95% of my muscle back. Don't give up🙏
I had a double open fracture to my right fibula and tibia leg muscle in 2006 and have worked so hard, in vain, to rebuild lost muscle. It can be depressing because, now in my late 60s I'm losing muscle mass too.
I broke my ankle and separated tendons hiking. I was in a cast for 5 weeks and a boot for 3 weeks. I went through PT and now I’m in the gym trying to get back in shape and getting my broken ankle back strong. It’s hard and my Ortho Dr did me no justice in keeping me in the cast and boot for so long.
I got a partial acl tear 3 years ago. The torn piece was stuck in my knee joint which made it impossible for me to put preasure on my leg or to use my knee joint at all. 5 months later I finally got surgery and I was finally able to move my injured leg. My injured leg lost a lot of muscle mass especially in the quad and calve. So what you're trying to say is I should give up and just accept that my muscle will never become as strong as it was before.. Sounds unreal and very pessimistic
I had acl surgery 10 years ago. I tore acl in March and had surgery in November. My right leg became weak and small, bcz when acl is damaged, you can't use your leg 100%. But I recovered. You should take rehab seriously, find some sport doctor, or mentor who will help you to rehab.
@@andreopupkinThats sounds great i had MCL injury my doctor put me in a knee immobilizer for 3 weeks 3 cm reduction has occured .for muscle how i regain i dont know . DOING all sort exs but not getting results
Man I’m screwed! 😅😅 had sciatica for a while and I was pretty much walking around with one leg for a year and my left calf is wayyyy smaller than my right 😢a few years later it’s still significantly smaller and weaker so everything you said is 100% spot on. I wish I was more active when I first got injured. It feels like an uphill battle I’m never gonna reach 😢
I had sciatica for 3 yrs but cuz of covid shutting docs down I couldn't even start to get help til about a year ago. Now the pain is minimal, but leg has atrophied about 8 months ago. In phys therapy last 6 weeks to try and bring it back, especially cuz I need muscle for knee replacement. I had some hope cuz therapist said I could get up to 80% back. Now I feel a little hopeless , especially if you only had sciatica 1 yr. I totally get what you mean by walking with only one leg. I still can't bend it and also much smaller. So sorry it's been a few years for you. I hope it changes! Good luck!
I had West Nile virus which was diagnosed by a lumbar puncture, which damaged my sciatic nerve. Long story short, my right calf is 50% smaller than my left. No more short skirts for me.
I don’t know if I fall into this category although I saw a podiatrist and had an MRI done on my left calf. The results came back saying I have significant atrophy in my gastrocnemius even though I’ve never had an injury in my entire life. The one thing I can say is I play the drums and used to skateboard growing up. I do remember favoring the kick drum rather than the hi hats and never challenged myself to skate switch. I feel like my right leg dominated my left and left it in the dust. Now that im older and more aware of my body and working out I’ve realized I might have made a terrible mistake growing up by not playing the drums and skateboarding completely balanced and equal on both sides. Now I workout my left calf like an animal and see very little progress. It is sad but I will never give up on trying to make it grow. Anyone out there have any thoughts?
Right now bro I’m struggling with calves too but check this, when I was an electrician I would always go up the ladder 🪜 Both knees facing to the left, now that I started hitting the gym I noticed the right calf of my right leg is thicker and the right calf of my left leg is thicker. I have tried to fix them by reversing the movements but for some reason it keeps targeting both right side calves, and I just figured out that my left side calve’s nerves are dormant so I have to stretch them while sitting down both knees facing right side, man I was stressing but doing this will wake up both my left side calves and actually put in the work
It’s sounds confusing and it is lol my lateral head on my right leg is thicker and my medial head on my left leg is thicker and it took me a while but I thick I found the solution and it will take some time and work but we don’t give up 😤
Dr. Seller is right. After I had surgery from a chest rapture my shoulders, arm, and chest area look a lot different because of the atrophy than the other side. Thank God I have been lifting weights for years so most of the muscle was kept. I could only imagine if I didn't lift weights and had natural muscle mass.
I’ve been unable to walk for 4 months for multiple leg injuries. Besides the muscle loss the roughest thing to deal with is the knee weakness. It feels like my knees will explode with i allow all my weight on them.
I am sorry sorry to hear about the string of injuries and all of the time off. All of the weakness can certainly create a sense of instability in the knees, or any joint surrounded by atrophied muscles.
@@Themindofreyrey without understanding your injury, specific diagnosis and medical history I can't make any specific recommendations on strengthening because I don't know if they would make you better or worse. However, we could get on a phone call or web cam call to discuss your situation and figure out what exercises can help you rebuild strength fastest. If you like to do that you can block my calendar here: www.docontherun.com/talk-to-the-expert/
I'm dealing with this issue with my upper right arm deltoid muscle. I was severely affected by carbon monoxide poisoning two years ago, it was a very close call as my organs went into suspension. I was a healthy and muscled 203-lbs prior but within weeks went to 158-lbs skin and bones. First time in my life I actually got to see my six pack as my body continued to consume its own body fat and muscle tissue. The whole body muscle spasms were the most incredibly painful especially the chest which left me locked up and unable to breathe. In the time since exposure, the spasms have stopped and organs ie; liver, kidneys, ect, have regenerated themselves and I feel good again, after eight weeks of being unable to have bowel movements, that function was restored. My weight stabilized at 180-lbs so I think I look incredible for my age. I have continued to work, hauling freight, doing pickup/deliveries/construction hauling and am very active but didn't regain arm muscles. This has left me weak, unable to lift objects, and very much in pain all the time now. I thought by continuing to be active with my job that the muscles would restore themselves and regain strength however this is not happening and I'm afraid the damage is permanent as now both arms are just sagging skin where the muscles used to be but only the right arm is weak and pained which now affects my job and normal living as I need my left hand to support the right arm even when sipping coffee because the coffee mug is too heavy. I have adapted to sleeping by keeping the right arm above the head at all times as any other position is extremely painful. I went through a very traumatic experience and lived but this has left me with long term inabilities and chronic pain and I wish there was an easy answer but it seems the damage is permanent. I'll continue working until a point I can no longer do my job then after that I don't know. Muscle Atrophy reversal, it's just a myth at least in my case.
Hi - glad to hear you came through, sorry to hear you’re still having issues. How long were you immobilised for? As a side note maybe try homeopathy - sometimes it works miracles for me, sometimes it doesn’t.
Hey James all things are possible when we put some effort into it, im not saying u didn't I feel ur frustration, I lost the muscle mass completely on my left leg I didn't know what was wrong, however I discovered it was arthritis so I had some steroids shots to ease the pain I used to throw the leg as if I have a stroke after the shots I went back to the gym, that was like 5yrs ago and I've managed to restore 95% muscle mass, im currently having pain in my knee again I would hate to lose that mass again, im telling u this to tell you u should try some sort of therapy or a little weight training maybe it'll work but don't give up, I really understand ur pain.🙏
Well this is disheartening. I also had a blood clot and couldn't even stand up due to a calf tear for over a month. Now, 2 years later my inner calf is totally flat compared to the other one and it's about 1 inch smaller in diameter. I had no idea atrophy could be permanent. :(
Sorry you are going through this! It certainly can. Sad, but true. How does it feel? Do you feel like you are getting your strength back, or does the calf muscle feel as weak as it looks?
@@DocOnTheRun It improved so that I can walk on flat, even terrain but my leg doesn't know what to do when I try to walk up my driveway or a hill. It's weird. Also, can't wear heels anymore because I lose my balance completely.
@@sattice If that is the case, you might want to check out the "Strength in Balance" presentation I gave some time ago. I think a video reply may still available at docontherun.com
Broke my knee cap playing hockey. On crutches for 11 weeks. With this new info I should have opted for surgery. Wasn't aware of atrophy, fully aware now! Any success of reversal? Gonna start some new therapies and start tracking results. Will share if you all are interested!?
Only once 7 years ago was I promised an operation to correct this muscle atrophy. I don't quite know what the operation entailed, it was when the Dr said we'd try 6months physio therapy first put me off as i didn't see the point, I was heavy on the squat rack then. Now I try and find that operation after having tried 4 more Dr's since, even in india 2weeks ago, and nothing!
Ive been working out using a hockey specific manual. Lots of high dynamic exercises. It's been a long journey but thankfully I've gotten my injured leg within 1% of the healthy leg. Both sides seem equally as strong, I'm just happy I don't look weird in a swimsuit any more.@@Sahasra651
Well, shit... Great. I was injured in a car accident in March 2018... Suffered damage to my right leg and had to force my general doctor to refer me for MRI on my knee, confirming a torn meniscus. I underwent key hole surgery repair BUT WAS NOT TOLD about the use of the tourniquet which damaged nerve tissue in my leg. I lost what little ability to walk that I'd had after the car accident, and for two weeks I was on crutches, then using a walking stick which I needed for three years... My physios could see muscle wastage in my glute, my quad and my calf and in my foot... Some because of nerve inactivation and some because of physically being unable to bear weight through my right leg. After all this time I had hoped I could rebuild these muscles, but if I'm hearing you right, I'll never regain that fleshy muscularity. It's gone. 😡😡😡😣😣😣😭😭😭 I'm about to undergo exercise physiology after having has regular physio and neurological rehab... Yes I can walk now, and went for my first walk without a walking stick (5.6km) over 3.5 yrs after the surgery. I allegedly developed Global Functional Neurological Disorder (the doctors did not want to take ownership of or responsibility for their malpractice regarding the use of the tourniquet or the delayed diagnosis - 5 mths after the accident). Pathetic. I won't let it beat me. But researching for myself online seems to be the only way I can get real information. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
You have been through so much! But thank you for sharing your experience and story so others can learn from what you have had to endure. Stay strong, and don't give up!
Good advice I have had right leg and left leg atrophy many times over the last twenty years as an constant outdoors hiker, trail running and walking jogging today. You have to work out with the injury carefully constantly while you are injured and in atrophy for many months. No doctors ever unless emergency!
I have foot drop and havent been able to use my left leg in 10 years. Walked with a cane all that time and the muscle has completely atrophied away. I've been trying to regrow it recently and it's been an absolute bitch of a job but I'm slowly doing it. About the first three inches haven't come back at all but the lower calf is almost half the size of my right calf after months of daily rehabilitation and forcing myself to get up and walk.
@ thank you. Can you try and give me some advice? It seems like my left side of my body is more dominant, even though I’m right handed for writing. Weird… I know but maybe that’s more common. Im trying to loose 30 pounds in weight, any suggestions?
@@rattsjcfanpage01 I am sorry but I cannot offer individualized medical advice, treatments nor personalized recommendations regarding any viewers’ injury via comments or messages on this channel.
I have an atrophy in my right leg up to my hip, I had it for over 1 year for sure or even longer im not sure. But the last month+ that started causing balance issues where my weight will most of the time ahift to my right side which is the atrophied one which has been causing me those balance issues when I walk
Hello doctor. I am 22,male. No significant prior medical history except i got chicken pox in 2019 and also had kidney stones later that same year. Both resolved on their own with time. I had uti too when i got stones for which my doctor prescribed medicines. That too got better within few weeks. Now some 3-4 years later, I have considerable shrinkage/tissue loss from my left leg and joint pain for 2 weeks. At the same time i am developing a dent on my left forehead right above the eye. The shrinkage came to my notice when i was walking one day and i felt little difficulty in maintaing my gait and my left knee was also hurting mildly. When i was in the shower, i noticed that my left leg appeared a bit thinner than the right one. Since then i also have varying degree of pain and spasm in and around thr left thigh. Also, the facial dent was initially like a scar then it progressed into a bigger noticeable scar with pigmentation and now it is dent-like/groovy and still progressing. I am suspicious i might have localized scleroderma with parry romberg syndrome(which is not uncommon with localized scleroderma). Please help me what do i need to do at the moment. I was totally unprepared for this. It has come as a blow to my future plans.
Thank you for watching and I hope you found the video helpful! I cannot offer individualized medical advice via comments, but we can get on a webcam call if needed via docontherun.com I also offer strategies and thoughts on these sorts of questions in the Injured Runners Aid Station for those who don't need a full webcam call www.docontherun.com/aidstation/
Would strength training (squats, deadlifts, etc.) help? Can you do an interview with Mark Rippetoe who started the program called Starting Strength and wrote the book "Starting Strength?" When your muscles atrophy, do the muscles simply shrink, or do muscle cells die off and disappear? This is scary when you think about the fact that as we age, we lose even more muscle. I feel bad for anyone whose already permanently lost muscle due to inactivity from an injury.
My right leg is wasted away quite a bit from sciatica the last 3 years. I'm in physical therapy and I have some strength coming back, but she said max I would get back is 80%. I wonder too if you actually lose cells that can't come back or if they just all get smaller.
Strength training? ABSOLUTELY! Train for POWER . It's about pushing yourself to the MAX. Think " Mr. Olympia " in your MIND as you train, until NORMAL becomes your REALITY. All you really need to do is...TO DO IT!
In 1968 I got hit by a car. I was on my bicycle. I was in a cast for almost 6 months. I had a compound fracture. I was eight years old when that happened. I am 64 now, what this guy is telling you is the truth. My left calf muscle is still smaller than my right and I was in the army I went through Boot Camp. I ran, I exercised. I did everything. I’ve tried everything over the years to build it up,n once it’s permanent there is no fix.
Sadly, questioning doctors (as you call it, "be your own advocate") is highly frowned upon in the USA. Asking or saying anything that conflicts with what the doctor says will quickly get you a look of disgust (also known as "the stink eye"). And don't even THINK about asking how much anything will cost and whether or not it's covered by insurance. They will have no idea and most likely look at you like you are insane. Of course, this is automatic in any other country and follows common sense, but in the USA the only rules are #1 fall in line with doctors orders, and #2 hand them your credit card.
And they never give full price info. Althought it is clear that many people can not afford tretaments and are hesitant to go to emergency or hospitals not to get bankrupt. I am really shocked how people can be so insensitive.
@@d.i.a.5392 You are 100% correct. Many avoid treatment because the result will mean financial disaster. Doctors are insensitive to this, and will often send people for tests that may not even be covered by insurance. That happened to me, the doc sent me for a certain blood test, and I didn't question it. Then later, I got a big bill and when I called my insurance company, I was informed it's not covered. Small example of what happens routinely. It's a scam industry.
Buncha malarkey I was outta my boot within a couple weeks and doing 25 miles on my bicycle a day without a physical therapist after snapping my ankle and fibula
Glad you kept moving without any consequences. If you get outta your boot within a couple weeks and are able to do 25 miles on your bicycle...you won't get permanent atrophy!
I was in a walking cast for 6 weeks for Sesamoiditis. 4 years later my right foot has never been the same. Was never able to go back to running. My sports med doctor never warned me about the muscle loss until after I'd been out of the cast! She checked in with me every 2 weeks. I did still have pain at 5 week, and I had bone marrow edema in the sesamoid - so I don't know if there was anything I could have done differently. I'll check out your presentation.
@@elisabethklinge2115 that sounds terribly frustrating. I'm sure that all the confusion makes it even worse. Thank you for sharing your experience for others.
I’m confused with my calves cause my left calve is bulky and bigger however my right is smaller but has more definition. By the way my left ankle sprained twice, it was when I was playing basketball and volleyball. However my right I have only sprained it once which was in soccer. Right now am doing calve raises but more on the right and it doesn’t seem to quite be working rather it’s getting more definition.
I had 16 surgeries and the wasn't able to walk for about 3 years. I've made a full recovery health wise, like if you looked at me you'd never even know, but I'd like to go back to competing in martial arts. I didn't sustain any real injuries or have any organs removed from my surgeries but i did spend a lot of time just being immobile. When I tried to go jogging for the first time the other day, I nearly collapsed! Lmao 🤣 I should be satisfied that i can just do normal stuff like average people I guess, but I'm not. Is it possible and if so where do I need to start to get back into real shape to where I'd be able to compete again?
Its always best to start at the beginning. You have to figure out exactly what you can do to rebuild while making SURE you don't get an overtraining injury in the process.
@@DocOnTheRun thats the thing, i think I already have gotten an injury from just jogging 😂 like, imagine if you were bed-riddin for 8 months straight, then got up and tried to run around the block lol that's pretty much my sitch. I beat a terminal illness but that ish had me damn near in a coma for a while. Its like I'm healthy now, but it feels like I havent used my body in a really long time. I bruise super easy and my bones feel like their weaker now or just not as flexible maybe from being in the same position for so long.
I was really big into weight lifting and unfortunately overdid it. I messed up my chest, shoulders, biceps, and triceps. To much bench Im preety sure. I saw 2 different orthos and they said Im fine but my muscles significantly atrophied and Im afraid they will never come back. My arms are like toothpicks now and I dont know what to do. Im scared they might get to weak that I have to amputate. I did an emg and it came back ok though
I was in ICU for 9 days with Covid and lost about 30 lbs (mostly muscle loss) My thighs are both smaller now and both ache. I used to squat heavy (315 lbs for 5 reps or 365 lbs for 1 rep) Now I can only squat 135 lbs for 6 reps. Lost strength and muscle size. Can I get my strength and size back?
Same here, I had nerve damage to my right front delt as a kid. I'm 31 now and am committed to making my right front delt pop, just want to know if anyone has done it
Dealing with atrophy now right calf. Heel pad atrophy too. Had a intra articular calcaneum fracture I've been non weight bearing for 4 months only just starting to try and do more exercise standing now. Load bearing my muscle looks horrendous and one leg feels weightless compared to the other.
@@JESSEXTO Hi Jesse, thanks for the concern. Sorry to hear you can relate, I know its a nightmare to recover from. I am walking unaided now. Have been for around a month I still have pain around the outer ankle area when walking fast or for longer than an hour. The atrophy is getting better but because of the whole leg including quadriceps being smaller I have an imbalance now I got diagnosed with a tilted pelvis last week and given corrective exercises to fix this I have a review in two weeks but I'm getting stronger overall. May I ask how you are doing with your injury? I can also share any advice if needed or exercises I find useful if that helps. I was pretty much left to my own devices I lost my job so my past few months have been dedicated to learning about my body and how to heal myself get walking again etc.
Hey Doc, I have dealt with plantar fasciitis for about 6 yrs. It got a lot worse when training for a half Ironman and I could not get it better after that. I tried inserts, night splints, physical therapy, acupuncture, yoga and on and on and on. Last year I had enough and went to an orthopedic surgeon and he said I had a really tight calf. So, I had a gastroc release March 2023. Well, my calf muscle never come back, at all! I revisited the surgeon in May 2024 and he did 2 MRI's and all it showed was muscle atrophy. And the plantar fasciitis came back 6 months after the gastroc release. My main question is, is there a chance I can get the calf muscle back? Is that a simply answer question or do I need to schedule a virtual appointment with you?
The Jake this Dr speaks total sense, more than I have ever heard from those at the hospital, they look at me as if I'm an alien. Inch for inch this Dr has conquered a problem which he has not even experienced and he could not have sussed it any clearer. Plaster casts on your legs can make you feel suicidal.
Thanks for your suggestion. I try to make the title fit the content as close as possible, so you find what is expected in the video. I may have already created a Doc On The Run Podcast episode or TH-cam video explaining solution post atrophy. If not, I will try to create one. Thanks!
thank you for watching and for adding your comments so others can learn from your experience. Do you feel like the smaller calf size really limits you and/or what you want to do at this point?
I have muscle atrophy in my legs and thighs now. The right thigh specially. I started to work out more. Would this be able to come back as before as i continue. WHat can i really do to rebuild my muscles back.
Thank you for watching! The length of time it takes to recover depends upon the cause of the atrophy and the amount of effort put into the recovery process. That can vary widely.
@@DocOnTheRun ok thanks. I know someone who was in a coma for 18 days after flatlining 3 times during a hernia surgery. He just got off the trachia and can talk but cannot walk...so I'm unsure how long he'll be able to walk. He does recover slowly tho
I have a Atrophied Arm due to Right Hemiparesis, my right arm in particular has serious atrophy and hope to reverse the effects of the progressive weakening of the muscles, I swear my arm is shrinking.
Because your helping people become aware of an issue, but you have no solution to the problem. It's like telling a guy to check for testicular cancer, and then saying, if you found it... I'm sorry 😞
I currently am having issues with my left leg, I believe it was caused by poor posture when constantly looking over my right shoulder and extending my right leg while driving a tractor for 8 plus hours 5 days a week. For me, yes there's probably some permanent damage, but when I have a little faith and hope about being able to run a half marathon in May, I just look at it like, "hey! This is for all the people who said it cant be done" or look up the story of Roger Bannister. I hope this helps anyone who feels more depressed and hopeless after watching this video. Also "if you can't fly then run. If you can't run then walk. If you can't walk then crawl but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward." MLKJ. People can use facts as a way to bring other people down, even if it doesnt seem intentional. Don't allow toxic thinking to hinder or hurt you. Rise above stupidity and pat yourself on the back when you do.
@@jarodlaughlin2788 people have been told they'd never walk again and yet they walked. Modern western medicine also often rejects tge idea of miraculous healing by our Healer, The Creator GOD. If anyone can heal us, He can if He wills it.
Most of my right leg was paralyzed from two severely ruptured discs in my lower back. 15 years later, I don't limp anymore but my right calve just doesn't work. I can do toe lifts all day with my left leg and I can't do a single one on my right leg. I still have hope though. Surely this can be reversed. If anyone has advice, please advise.
My 89 yr old dad has been extremely inactive since covid in 2020. I can see a severe decline in his tone and he's quite unsteady. He just fights me on any walking or exercise. He's otherwise healthy ie: blood work, sugar, cholesterol etc ... Is there ANYTHING I can do to reverse this and make him stronger? I'm afraid if he falls he's going to seriously injure himself. Would one of those little chair side peddlers help? He can;t even walk 30 steps without tiring and losing balance.
@@DocOnTheRun She said he should get out and walk more. She tells him to and he says ok then does nothing. Refuses. So my question to you was do you think there is a reasonable hope that one of those chair side peddlers would help.
@@CaseysJonesMom unfortunately, I cannot tell you whether or not there is any reasonable hope that the side Pedaler will help because I don't understand the limitations in your dad's physical condition. Since I haven't evaluated him, I can't tell you whether or not some certain regimen would help. The problem with offering techniques or strategies for improving fitness is that those techniques should always help if they are at the right time for the right condition. But if your dad does the right thing at the wrong time, it could potentially make him worse. Did you ask his doctor about the side pedaler? Did you ask him if he would actually use it, since he's refusing the other options? Certainly seems like you've got to find something!
Suffering from L4-L5 and L5-S1 disc bulge and sciatica severe pain in back which goes down right leg, ( now also to the left leg), my right leg is thin than the left leg by 1.5 cm at calf level also 1 cm shorter, i used to be a long distance runner, but got this injury after fall from a horse, but doctors say it's all in my mind, but only I know the pain
I'm fortunate that Dr. Chrostopher Segler has confirmed for me what i accepted years ago. Re: Muscular atrophy. This has been a great opportunity for me to realise that I can't change anything about the way I move, walk , or run. I only looked for this Video because I'm getting older and my legs really bother me.
Hello Rachael, I don't know what you're going through, but I am so sorry to hear that your legs really bother you. I am also very sorry that a video I created lead you to the conclusion that you can't change anything about the way you move, walk or run. And I certainly did not confirm that for you, nor would I suggest it. Especially since we haven't spoken, I haven't evaluated you and I don't know anything about your injury or associated limitations. Although any number of accidents, illnesses or injuries can cause muscle atrophy and temporary disability a single level of atrophy should ever define one station in life. I encourage you to search for other videos (on this or other channels that speak positively to you) that can help you work your way out of your present situation. I hope you won’t give up on yourself, or your potential to improve.
At 10 years old I broke my femur and got a short leg. For roughly 25 years I didn't have the proper shoes so I got scoliosis and osteoporosis. For the past three maybe four years I finally got the correct shoes and I growing muscle on my left leg but muscle cramps are going all the way from my left butt cheek all the way down to my ankle. Some people are telling me it might be sciatica but my muscles are rock hard in certain areas and they just seem to be Charlie horsing is this going to pass and about how long does it take because it's been about a year-and-a-half now with the muscle cramps
Hello Robert, thank you for watching and for adding your comments so others can learn from all you have been through. I cannot speculate on what is the cause of your discomfort or how long it will take for it to resolve because I don’t know anything about your case. What did your doctor tell you? And more importantly why don’t you have confidence in your doctors assessment?
Dr. I used to be a middle distance runner. And I did an athroscopy surgery for cartilage replacement one year ago. I was in bed for one month and then started physiotherapy. I didn't do physiotherapy properly as the pain was there. Now it has been one year and i have lost about one inch diameter from the right thigh. I am F 42 kg 5 '2 " tall age 27. It's difficult for me to climb stairs without support and can not even imagine running. Do you think I can get back to normal ? Any recommendations ? I have stopped even thinking about it as it's depressing and kept ignoring it. But now I need to take this seriously and take action. Please reply..
I am sorry to hear about the trouble. I can only imagine how frustrated you must be. We could easily get on a webcam call to discuss your situation in detail so I can offer recommendations. To do so you can block my calendar here: www.docontherun.com/talk-to-the-expert/
I had four surgeries on my leg internal fixation on my foot and now my thigh and calf muscles are wasting away it's been two and a half years I haven't listened to all the doctor's order but now I'm in the mindset of getting better how can I help my dying calf muscle get to the same size as the other one or just grow bigger
You literally have to exercise every moment possible with the weak muscle taking the brunt of it. In the house, car, job, bathroom, flex those muscles until they hurt, rest and do it again. Don't use heavy weights! Use 50% until exhaustion, and double your nutritional uptake. Most important thing, drink water and don't injure yourself. This is what I learned conditioning in the army, i was a beanpole when i joined, went from 140 to 185 in 4 years. Lost 15lb after i slowed back down.
@Doc On The Run Thank you too! After I was in an accident my left side of my neck down to left side of my elbow ( through left shoulder and trap muscle) has since never been the same. It's been 5 years and it's only felt worse. I always feel tightness of muscles that's so hard it feels like cement to the touch and it's so sore and achey I clench my jaw. The acne is 10/10 pain but only in those areas of my body. :( I have tried everything. 😭 I use to be extremely suicidal for years....the pain is that bad. I don't know what I'm doing wrong to heal.
I had an achilles surgery And unfortunately, I stayed so so much in a cast then a boot. So it was one week in a cast after the injury that I had the surgery + 3 weeks cast + 5 weeks in a boot. What I want to ask is that if I work really hard on my injured calf, can I get back my strength? To be as powerful as my healthy calf? I don’t care too much about the size
I suffered from Cervical degeneration of c6, c7 and now my right hand triceps is gone. My right triceps just vanished into thin air. Will it grow back with training? Is it reversible?
I had muscle atrophy from 6 months of non-weight bearing. He lied and told me it was gonna be 4 months. Though, it was still painful to walk. I didn’t start gaining muscles until 4 yrs later. Now it’s almost a decade and yeah, it’s abt 30% less. Even though I do calf muscle exercises 😔. I’m thinking of plastic surgery now. My legs have also always been skinny ☹️
I had lymphoma over ten years ago, and lamindectomy L4-5, and have sciatica. My left calf is atrophied. A good third smaller. I train and my legs are hard to train, but more importantly my left calf will not improve. Is this something that will not improve?
Thank you for watching and adding your comments. I cannot say whether or not it would improve based only on the information provided. What did your doctor say?
I Lost 2cm they said in my left leg because I have been in a brace for months. I just didn't feel safe walking without it because I was nervous my knee would give way. Now it's really hard to bend it and walk on my own. I am still trying and I can't even ride a bike all the way around. Will I be able to be back to normal ever? I am trying to eat more protein, do physical therapy and I am now in one of those simple braces that doesn't go the whole length of my leg just my knee only and it allows for flexibility! My other one was an extreme medical brace! The physical therapist told me I needed to stop using that one so I am. I do get occasional muscle spasms still and some pain so I am on ibuprofen about 1/2 of a 800 mg tablet morning and night. I also take gabapentin 300mg at night so I can sleep. I almost wonder if a muscle relaxant can help me to relax my leg muscles so I can start bending. The therapist said I am very tense and tight and she usually has to do a massaging on my knee and leg area so I can start bending it. I also notice I am much more flexible feeling after I sleep at night when I wake up I can actually feel laying on my side. If I take a muscle relaxant during the day, can it help with pain and to make it so I can move easier if I am so tight? And what is the best muscle relaxant for something like that? I just want to get back strength so I can even walk normal and safely and be okay on my own. The therapist did say my knee should be okay and I should be able to get there. It's been 4 months since I had surgery and I also did a Prp injection about a month or so ago. I am just willing to try anything and I don't want any more surgery that will make me immobile again!! I want to prevent that!!
Thanks for watching and for posting your comments so others can learn from your experience. Just curious, what did your surgeon say when you asked these questions?
I cannot advise you because I don't know anything about your circumstances and I don't make personalized recommendations or provide medical advice over social media comments.
I dont get it, do you mean by that if the atrophied muscle isnt rehabilitated, then the atrophy will be permanent?, so in my case i had multiple surgeries in my right leg due to congenital abnormality when i was toddler, and now im 19 with so much loss in my right calf that i feel ashamed of, does that mean i cant restore the muscle mass by exercising? And what are the distinguishable characteristics between permanant and temporary atrophy?
@@DocOnTheRun did you read the whole comment?, Because i dont have a problem about the definition of permanent or temporary atrophy. However, my problem is how can we detect if the atrophy is permanent or temporary?, Is it depend on the case or gene? Also in my case the atrophy has the tendency to be permanent or no?
@@me.know-it-all It al depends on the case, your history and specifics of what you have tried to do to rehab it. I cannot tell you specifically whether or not it is permanent in your case without having more information. We could certainly do a web cam consultation and figure that out, however.
I injured my ACL in September 2022, after 3 months immobilzation with knee brace and bed rest started physiotherapy which did not help so went for ACL repair surgery( not reconstruction as i had partial tear) in January 2023 last week. Till today i have been doing physiotherapy vigorously, but till today i cannot balance by affected leg and it is really difficult to walk normally. I gained 1 cm muscle back but no change in my proprioception and balance. Can all of these be restored? If yes, how long does it take?
Thank you so much for a watching and I am sorry to hear about your condition. However I have no idea whether or not your condition is reversible because I don’t know enough about you or your case. If you would like, we could get on a call to discuss it in detail to help you figure that out.
Thanks for watching. I can't say what it is because I don't know anything about you, your particular case, or your medical history. What does your doctor think it is?
@@DocOnTheRun Disc bulge 40% I had herbal treatment I can walk I can cycle no pains no tingling sensation but hands nd feets loosing muscle might be 30% for now ..any excercise ?? Plus medicine I have been advised densymax with D3 60k
Hey everyone who's having this problem like myself .. sciatica .. back pain loss of mysche in left leg .. leg drop .. VITAMIN C Vitamin B6 B12 Zinc and Magnesium really helps 😬👍 And try eating healthy food ! Lots of fruits and vegetables 💪😃 Bless you all
My calf completely atrophied..moreover the doctor described how he had to pull the calf down to reattach it… I walk my dogs 3-4 miles every other day, snowboard/wakeboard and lift weights…and I haven’t noticed any size increase.
Hello Pehal, Thanks for watching and commenting. Unfortunately I have no idea if you would be able to heal with that routine, as I don't know anything about your injury, recovery progress thus far or your medical history. If you would like to discuss specifics with me personally, we could get on a web cam call or phone call. You can block my calendar for either here: www.docontherun.com/talk-to-the-expert/
Thank you so much for replying! You see i just didn’t walk at all in lockdown, so i’ve no injuries or anything. It would be good if you could perhaps tell me how much i should walk.
@@pehalchhabra2626 I cannot advise you without understanding your condition and present situation. If you would like to meet and discuss with me personally, we could get on a webcam call or phone call today or tomorrow to help you figure out what you should be doing. If so, you can pick a time that works for you and block my calendar for a private call here: www.docontherun.com/talk-to-the-expert/
I have atrophy of the big toe and had some foot drop, but I cycled 30 mins every day and the foot is now lifted. But walking was hard as the foit tended to twist inward and stressed the hip, so I got an ankle brace and a cane. Now walking 2 k's per day and the calf is coming back. Use the cane just to keep the foot lined up. Also at gym 45 mins each day, on the bike and rowing machine 10 mins each, and adding knee strengthening exercises. Walking barefoot on sand and grass helps, as does tying up the big toe and bandaging around the instep. A weak foot makes knees feel weak, so tighten it up and then you can go walking. When I went to physios they just recommended a thereband and foot stretches. I also found that leg stretches using a thereband set off fasciculations and did not improve leg function, so nuts to that.
Hi doc. I had a disc surgery L5-S1 with severe calf weakness, couldn't lift my heel off the floor. They waited with surgery for 6 months, in the meantime I lost a lot of my calf muscle mass. Soleus is very week, i get tired when walking on that calf. Is there any possiblity for strengthening back to my normal size. I did an ultrasound that showed fatty infiltration. I am a pro athlete and would do anything to return back to normal :(
I had covid and was in the hospital for 3 months. after 4 weeks I lost 45lbs and all my muscles atrophied but when the PT therapist moved my legs it caused a hematoma in my psoas muscle. The hematoma got on my femoral nerve and it paralyzed my left quad. After 6 months later my quad and muscle around my knee started to move. I use stretching and heat packs because therapists or Dr's never told me what to do to fix it. but now it's getting stronger the more exercise it. quad is a little mushy but seems to be getting a little stronger. is stretching good for my quad to help it heal if at all?
Sorry to hear about your hospitalization! I cannot tell you if stretching would help because I don't understand your situation. If you do the right thing, at the wrong time...it could just make you worse. If you want to speak with me directly you can pick a time that works for you and block my calendar for a private call here: www.docontherun.com/talk-to-the-expert/
Thank you for watching and I hope you found it helpful. Doing the right exercises at the wrong time, could make you worse. I would not be able to recommend any exercises for you because I don't what your injury is, how severe it is, nor where you are now in your recovery. What did you doctor recommend?
@Doc On The Run the doctor recommend me physiotherapy but after 3 weeks of physiotherapy i don't find any result. I feel like my knee is very weak, sometimes I get tired when I stand for a few minutes & can't I lift my leg up straight
I had surgery on a peronial tendon in my left foot. Surgery went ok but when they took the cast off two weeks later the surgical would had opened. So, I was left with an open wound. It took 7 months for the wound to close on its own. In the meantime..I couldn't walk and was told to put no weight on that foot. I used a suction vac to speed the wound healing but it still took 7 months and I had numerous infections. It got to a point where the antibiotics weren't working..they had to try several. Now Im dealing with atrophied left leg. Im walking, though Im walking like an old man and my left foot and leg are very weak..hard to get up stairs. I do numerous stretches daily...but Im wondering how long this is going to take..or will it ever get back to "normal"? Ive had a couple people suggest I sue the surgeon. I haven't done that..though at times I still get angry about this and not sure if I got the best medical care?..the wound opening shouldn't have happened. Initially I was told after the surgery I would be back walking in 6 weeks..but due to the open wound, ..it's now been 14 months. Its tiresome. Im now looking for a hands on physical therapist...as opposed to the generic p.t who just gave me some rubber bands to stretch with at home.
No. I was done with the boot after 4 hours. Done! Who the HELL gives a boot like that to someone with stitches on the top of their foot!! - all good though, they gave me the shoe that cuts the stitches open instead. Nope. I am DONE! I’m a dog Walker and I have MS! I almost collapsed going up the stairs today (day 28). I’m allowed to bare weight as tolerated. My dumb ass has been using the crutches - BIG MISTAKE. My back is out, I can’t sleep. I’m in SO much pain. Now I’m BEYOND worried about my legs. It’s nice I don’t have an legit doctors helping me though. - my soul hurts 💔
As a teenage boy 5 years of confusing why my muscle posture is not straight now i understand why my muscle posture is not straight sir is there another way to make my muscle posture normal? bc my heart is beating fast right now and i dont want to lose my dreams bc of this desease sorry for bad english
Hlw Dr. 🙏 Hope everything is alright there M suffering from brachial plexus injury in left arm ... It's been 10yrs ago , may I able to get back the muscle mass of my forearm n fingers 🤌 ?? Please reply n thank you to make this video 🙏😊
Had a bimalleolar left ankle fracture and opted for the non-surgical route. I ended up in a cast for 4 months due to my inept orthopedic doctor. Knowing I wasn’t getting the best care, I sought out another doctor. He was horrified when I told him I was in a cast for as long as I was. My leg being severely atrophied , the doctor said I’d have little to no chance of muscle recovery . But with initial physical therapy and over 2 years STRAIGHT of walking/jogging 4 miles a day , 5 to 6 times a week , I managed to essentially regain all my muscle strength/size back. I feel fortunate and lucky to have been able to do so and just want to let others know there is hope.
Thank you so much for so generously sharing your experience so others can learn from all you have been through!
Thank you for sharing
😃👍 You give me hope
I have loosen muscle in left leg sciatica .. leg drop , I'm doing kinetoterapie and exercise to regain muscle 💪😁
Never let any Doctor tell you, what is possible and what is not. Muscles shrink, when not used, and they grow back, when worked, streched, fed and rested enough and consistent. It`s a medical fact. Keep training every day , at least 1h, specifically targetting the affected muscle groups (no jogging or walking/cycling, no biceps training, I know it is way more pleasent ! but a real, painful and boring rehab on your weakest points, ignoring your ego). Keep adding new difficulty levels/weights (even when it means 1g a month) so that you see progress by yourself. Find ways to measure your progress, that you know you keep progressing. Finally, keep reading and learning from your mistakes every day. Come back after 3 years and share your progress. Then tell me, it is impossible.
well said!
Thanks so much.❤✔💯
Thanks for the knowledge
Thanks,but if you gave it years can it be reversed,
I've had knee surgery wrist surgery broke my back and at first it is scary because it's much smaller but you just train it a little harder than the other side and it comes back.
After all of that happened I
Benched 405lbs
Squatted 500lbs
And deadlifted 605lbs
It's not permanent if you get back in the gym. Cardio won't rebuild it. You must train with weights
How long were you out of commission for the knee surgery? And how long did it take to rebuild the weak muscle
@L Staff It was 6 months then probably 6 months after that to he at 100% strength
Awesome man I’m so glad I read this. I really feel like I can beat this. My quads wasted away for reasons I won’t bother you with but I couldn’t or wouldn’t do the exercises I needed. Anyway I appreciate the words of wisdom !
I was about to say yah. People don't realize that you can sit there for months and do nothing however with the right surplus in calories and progressive stimulus you'll bounce all the way back really quickly as you've already developed the muscle pathways for it. The only way it's permanent is if you do nothing about it. Less running, more lifting weights for the rest of your life.
What kind of wrist surgery?
20 years if drop foot and other nerve damage. I'm rebuilding muscles. It's tough but it's evident.
Wow! Thanks for watching and sharing your story to inspire others!
Can you share your recovery routine?
I have fooydrop also...how did you do it?
Please tell your story if possible or if you are comfortable. I developed atrophy after a few really bad bouts of sciatica years ago. My legs are pretty much equal in strength except for my calf which is almost completely non-existent these days. My healthy calf is strong and massive but my bad leg looks horrible. I go through rounds of depression because of it (yeah yeah yeah... all because of the aesthetics, I have tremendous quality of life and am a committed gym rat). I've started running on the treadmill again and seeing my legs in the mirror kind of upsets me. What I wouldn't give to have my old calf back again.
I don't know if its some weird medical issue, diabetes, or something else but my right side of my body any and every muscle is smaller, atrophied. Not just smaller than the left but atrophied. Like bone sticking out in some places. Its also a lot less tone. Mushy. Yet when I work out it grows. So idk. I say never give up. Research supplements. Get on a good diet. Take b12 and vit D. Excercise. Get good sleep. Have a good spiritual life. Remember the mind is powerful. Look at the placebo effect. Look at miraculous healings. Im not taking any doctors word and I dont think anyone ever should. Make your own future.
Tore my Achilles in 2016 and I still have atrophy from my boot... I used to be able to dunk, run without pain, etc. Now? Not so much... I'm still building it back up but it's hard. Keep the faith!
Awesome bro !!!
It happened to my cousin. After a year he was still limping around. He started coming to work with me roofing. Walking constantly on a sloped surface fixed his torn/ repaired Achilles tendon in no time.
Interesting. That could be a rough equivalent to doing eccentric stretches. Glad it helped him. Thank you for sharing his story.
@@DocOnTheRun when can you answer my story ? It’s okay none of the doctors can :(
@@JusZard not sure what you mean by answer your story?
you just depressed the crap out of me by telling me that my atrophy was for life. ugh thanks.
Same. I've been trying to rebuild the muscles, apparently in vain. 😩
Try using Russian Stim therapy. I broke my neck 20-years ago and lost about 3/4 of the center of my pectoral muscles. It's bothered me greatly for years until my chiropractor suggested trying Russian Stim. This IS NOT the same as a TENS unit because it operates at a higher frequency. He started attached pads to my pectoral muscles a month ago and I'm getting growth. In addition, I am also starting to feel as if I can control my pecs again when I wasn't able to do so previously. I know it's still early for me, but it's giving me a ton of hope. Something to think about!
I restored my muscle mass/atrophy by exercising, my left leg was wasted by arthritis I got shots and I hit the gym, that's like five yrs ago, I got about 95% of my muscle back. Don't give up🙏
I had a double open fracture to my right fibula and tibia leg muscle in 2006 and have worked so hard, in vain, to rebuild lost muscle. It can be depressing because, now in my late 60s I'm losing muscle mass too.
@@hermillajattan8411 Thank you for sharing your story💙 You helo people have hope, this video depressed me to you right we better not give up
Atrophy IS REVERSIBLE! This guy is saying worst case senario
even after years?
What about atrophy from diabetes?
@@victorlopes5759 yes but will take longer you mean I think
@@electricescape1190 not sure sorry
I advise people to look up a high protein diet.
I broke my ankle and separated tendons hiking. I was in a cast for 5 weeks and a boot for 3 weeks. I went through PT and now I’m in the gym trying to get back in shape and getting my broken ankle back strong. It’s hard and my Ortho Dr did me no justice in keeping me in the cast and boot for so long.
Sorry sorry to hear about the fracture and associated tendon injury! Glad to hear you ar finally back in the gym and getting stringer again!
I came here looking for solutions, and all this video did was got me depressed
Thanks for watching and I am sorry you did not find it useful.
@@DocOnTheRun I found it brilliant
@@harjrai5188 That you so much for watching and for your comments. Glad you found it helpful.
I got a partial acl tear 3 years ago. The torn piece was stuck in my knee joint which made it impossible for me to put preasure on my leg or to use my knee joint at all.
5 months later I finally got surgery and I was finally able to move my injured leg. My injured leg lost a lot of muscle mass especially in the quad and calve.
So what you're trying to say is I should give up and just accept that my muscle will never become as strong as it was before..
Sounds unreal and very pessimistic
I had acl surgery 10 years ago. I tore acl in March and had surgery in November. My right leg became weak and small, bcz when acl is damaged, you can't use your leg 100%. But I recovered. You should take rehab seriously, find some sport doctor, or mentor who will help you to rehab.
@@andreopupkinThats sounds great i had MCL injury my doctor put me in a knee immobilizer for 3 weeks 3 cm reduction has occured .for muscle how i regain i dont know . DOING all sort exs but not getting results
Man I’m screwed! 😅😅 had sciatica for a while and I was pretty much walking around with one leg for a year and my left calf is wayyyy smaller than my right 😢a few years later it’s still significantly smaller and weaker so everything you said is 100% spot on. I wish I was more active when I first got injured. It feels like an uphill battle I’m never gonna reach 😢
Thanks for sharing your story! It must be really tough going through that.
I had sciatica for 3 yrs but cuz of covid shutting docs down I couldn't even start to get help til about a year ago. Now the pain is minimal, but leg has atrophied about 8 months ago. In phys therapy last 6 weeks to try and bring it back, especially cuz I need muscle for knee replacement. I had some hope cuz therapist said I could get up to 80% back. Now I feel a little hopeless , especially if you only had sciatica 1 yr.
I totally get what you mean by walking with only one leg. I still can't bend it and also much smaller. So sorry it's been a few years for you. I hope it changes! Good luck!
I had West Nile virus which was diagnosed by a lumbar puncture, which damaged my sciatic nerve. Long story short, my right calf is 50% smaller than my left. No more short skirts for me.
I was off my feet for 2yrs...one leg atrophied....but excercises for that one leg brought it back
How much time you need to back your muscle ?@@smca7271
I don’t know if I fall into this category although I saw a podiatrist and had an MRI done on my left calf. The results came back saying I have significant atrophy in my gastrocnemius even though I’ve never had an injury in my entire life. The one thing I can say is I play the drums and used to skateboard growing up. I do remember favoring the kick drum rather than the hi hats and never challenged myself to skate switch. I feel like my right leg dominated my left and left it in the dust. Now that im older and more aware of my body and working out I’ve realized I might have made a terrible mistake growing up by not playing the drums and skateboarding completely balanced and equal on both sides. Now I workout my left calf like an animal and see very little progress. It is sad but I will never give up on trying to make it grow. Anyone out there have any thoughts?
Same bro
Most likely your nerves are all so tight, u can’t work it if it isn’t stretched and having that muscle memory back
Right now bro I’m struggling with calves too but check this, when I was an electrician I would always go up the ladder 🪜 Both knees facing to the left, now that I started hitting the gym I noticed the right calf of my right leg is thicker and the right calf of my left leg is thicker. I have tried to fix them by reversing the movements but for some reason it keeps targeting both right side calves, and I just figured out that my left side calve’s nerves are dormant so I have to stretch them while sitting down both knees facing right side, man I was stressing but doing this will wake up both my left side calves and actually put in the work
It’s sounds confusing and it is lol my lateral head on my right leg is thicker and my medial head on my left leg is thicker and it took me a while but I thick I found the solution and it will take some time and work but we don’t give up 😤
The lunges are the only thing that make your calfs brilliant! Farmer's walk with heavy dumbells either side.
Dr. Seller is right.
After I had surgery from a chest rapture my shoulders, arm, and chest area look a lot different because of the atrophy than the other side. Thank God I have been lifting weights for years so most of the muscle was kept. I could only imagine if I didn't lift weights and had natural muscle mass.
For sharing your comments and it just points out how important it is to be proactive!
I’ve been unable to walk for 4 months for multiple leg injuries. Besides the muscle loss the roughest thing to deal with is the knee weakness. It feels like my knees will explode with i allow all my weight on them.
I am sorry sorry to hear about the string of injuries and all of the time off. All of the weakness can certainly create a sense of instability in the knees, or any joint surrounded by atrophied muscles.
@@DocOnTheRun Thanks Doc! Any recommendations on how to begin strengthening them again?
@@Themindofreyrey without understanding your injury, specific diagnosis and medical history I can't make any specific recommendations on strengthening because I don't know if they would make you better or worse.
However, we could get on a phone call or web cam call to discuss your situation and figure out what exercises can help you rebuild strength fastest. If you like to do that you can block my calendar here: www.docontherun.com/talk-to-the-expert/
You need to train in a pool or hot tub. 1/2 hour a day . Less gravity in water… easier and less pain
odd considering all the injuries body builders get and are still able to focus on a part to rebuild it for symmetry
….Crickets 🤔
I'm dealing with this issue with my upper right arm deltoid muscle. I was severely affected by carbon monoxide poisoning two years ago, it was a very close call as my organs went into suspension. I was a healthy and muscled 203-lbs prior but within weeks went to 158-lbs skin and bones. First time in my life I actually got to see my six pack as my body continued to consume its own body fat and muscle tissue. The whole body muscle spasms were the most incredibly painful especially the chest which left me locked up and unable to breathe. In the time since exposure, the spasms have stopped and organs ie; liver, kidneys, ect, have regenerated themselves and I feel good again, after eight weeks of being unable to have bowel movements, that function was restored. My weight stabilized at 180-lbs so I think I look incredible for my age. I have continued to work, hauling freight, doing pickup/deliveries/construction hauling and am very active but didn't regain arm muscles. This has left me weak, unable to lift objects, and very much in pain all the time now. I thought by continuing to be active with my job that the muscles would restore themselves and regain strength however this is not happening and I'm afraid the damage is permanent as now both arms are just sagging skin where the muscles used to be but only the right arm is weak and pained which now affects my job and normal living as I need my left hand to support the right arm even when sipping coffee because the coffee mug is too heavy. I have adapted to sleeping by keeping the right arm above the head at all times as any other position is extremely painful. I went through a very traumatic experience and lived but this has left me with long term inabilities and chronic pain and I wish there was an easy answer but it seems the damage is permanent. I'll continue working until a point I can no longer do my job then after that I don't know. Muscle Atrophy reversal, it's just a myth at least in my case.
Hey James, thanks for sharing your experience. Kudos for keeping such a great attitude through it all!
Hi - glad to hear you came through, sorry to hear you’re still having issues. How long were you immobilised for? As a side note maybe try homeopathy - sometimes it works miracles for me, sometimes it doesn’t.
Hey James all things are possible when we put some effort into it, im not saying u didn't I feel ur frustration, I lost the muscle mass completely on my left leg I didn't know what was wrong, however I discovered it was arthritis so I had some steroids shots to ease the pain I used to throw the leg as if I have a stroke after the shots I went back to the gym, that was like 5yrs ago and I've managed to restore 95% muscle mass, im currently having pain in my knee again I would hate to lose that mass again, im telling u this to tell you u should try some sort of therapy or a little weight training maybe it'll work but don't give up, I really understand ur pain.🙏
You should try nofap . It's healing me.
bro i'm so sorry to hear this. I think you may need to to an actual training program and see after some months if this is true.
Well this is disheartening. I also had a blood clot and couldn't even stand up due to a calf tear for over a month. Now, 2 years later my inner calf is totally flat compared to the other one and it's about 1 inch smaller in diameter. I had no idea atrophy could be permanent. :(
Sorry you are going through this! It certainly can. Sad, but true. How does it feel? Do you feel like you are getting your strength back, or does the calf muscle feel as weak as it looks?
@@DocOnTheRun It improved so that I can walk on flat, even terrain but my leg doesn't know what to do when I try to walk up my driveway or a hill. It's weird. Also, can't wear heels anymore because I lose my balance completely.
@@sattice If that is the case, you might want to check out the "Strength in Balance" presentation I gave some time ago. I think a video reply may still available at docontherun.com
Broke my knee cap playing hockey. On crutches for 11 weeks. With this new info I should have opted for surgery. Wasn't aware of atrophy, fully aware now! Any success of reversal? Gonna start some new therapies and start tracking results. Will share if you all are interested!?
I’m on the same page! I was on crutches for some time after surgery on my right knee. I wish the ortho surgeon would’ve informed me about this. 😞
Only once 7 years ago was I promised an operation to correct this muscle atrophy. I don't quite know what the operation entailed, it was when the Dr said we'd try 6months physio therapy first put me off as i didn't see the point, I was heavy on the squat rack then. Now I try and find that operation after having tried 4 more Dr's since, even in india 2weeks ago, and nothing!
@@JESSEXTO so was your leg in any form of boot ?
Hi Jeff. I had patella surgery and immobilized for 7 weeks. Knee is stiff as stone and can't bend. Would appreciate your experience and knowledge
Ive been working out using a hockey specific manual. Lots of high dynamic exercises. It's been a long journey but thankfully I've gotten my injured leg within 1% of the healthy leg. Both sides seem equally as strong, I'm just happy I don't look weird in a swimsuit any more.@@Sahasra651
Well, shit... Great. I was injured in a car accident in March 2018... Suffered damage to my right leg and had to force my general doctor to refer me for MRI on my knee, confirming a torn meniscus. I underwent key hole surgery repair BUT WAS NOT TOLD about the use of the tourniquet which damaged nerve tissue in my leg. I lost what little ability to walk that I'd had after the car accident, and for two weeks I was on crutches, then using a walking stick which I needed for three years... My physios could see muscle wastage in my glute, my quad and my calf and in my foot... Some because of nerve inactivation and some because of physically being unable to bear weight through my right leg. After all this time I had hoped I could rebuild these muscles, but if I'm hearing you right, I'll never regain that fleshy muscularity. It's gone. 😡😡😡😣😣😣😭😭😭 I'm about to undergo exercise physiology after having has regular physio and neurological rehab... Yes I can walk now, and went for my first walk without a walking stick (5.6km) over 3.5 yrs after the surgery. I allegedly developed Global Functional Neurological Disorder (the doctors did not want to take ownership of or responsibility for their malpractice regarding the use of the tourniquet or the delayed diagnosis - 5 mths after the accident). Pathetic. I won't let it beat me. But researching for myself online seems to be the only way I can get real information. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
You have been through so much! But thank you for sharing your experience and story so others can learn from what you have had to endure. Stay strong, and don't give up!
Good advice I have had right leg and left leg atrophy many times over the last twenty years as an constant outdoors hiker, trail running and walking jogging today. You have to work out with the injury carefully constantly while you are injured and in atrophy for many months. No doctors ever unless emergency!
Thanks for sharing your experience with others!
Curious what you mean by no Dr's ever? U don't think we should see them?
I have foot drop and havent been able to use my left leg in 10 years. Walked with a cane all that time and the muscle has completely atrophied away. I've been trying to regrow it recently and it's been an absolute bitch of a job but I'm slowly doing it. About the first three inches haven't come back at all but the lower calf is almost half the size of my right calf after months of daily rehabilitation and forcing myself to get up and walk.
Thanks for sharing your story. Shows how important determination and hard work can be to overcoming a very difficult situation.
awesome I am recovering from a broken knee and am only just now after 8 weeks starting to put weight on it.....great
Thank you for watching. Heal fast!
I have diabetes and neuropathy in my legs. After watching this I’ll give up hope of reversing my atrophy 😥
Don't do thT look more into thers good type 2 diabetes reversed and muscle train
I have cp and one of my legs and calf’s are bigger than the other… how can I make both legs even? I do think it’s permanent, do to brain damage.
Thanks for watching. I am sorry to hear about that. I can only imagine how frustrating and difficult that must be.
@ thank you. Can you try and give me some advice? It seems like my left side of my body is more dominant, even though I’m right handed for writing. Weird… I know but maybe that’s more common. Im trying to loose 30 pounds in weight, any suggestions?
@@rattsjcfanpage01 I am sorry but I cannot offer individualized medical advice, treatments nor personalized recommendations regarding any viewers’ injury via comments or messages on this channel.
I have an atrophy in my right leg up to my hip, I had it for over 1 year for sure or even longer im not sure. But the last month+ that started causing balance issues where my weight will most of the time ahift to my right side which is the atrophied one which has been causing me those balance issues when I walk
Hello doctor. I am 22,male. No significant prior medical history except i got chicken pox in 2019 and also had kidney stones later that same year. Both resolved on their own with time. I had uti too when i got stones for which my doctor prescribed medicines. That too got better within few weeks. Now some 3-4 years later, I have considerable shrinkage/tissue loss from my left leg and joint pain for 2 weeks. At the same time i am developing a dent on my left forehead right above the eye. The shrinkage came to my notice when i was walking one day and i felt little difficulty in maintaing my gait and my left knee was also hurting mildly. When i was in the shower, i noticed that my left leg appeared a bit thinner than the right one. Since then i also have varying degree of pain and spasm in and around thr left thigh. Also, the facial dent was initially like a scar then it progressed into a bigger noticeable scar with pigmentation and now it is dent-like/groovy and still progressing. I am suspicious i might have localized scleroderma with parry romberg syndrome(which is not uncommon with localized scleroderma). Please help me what do i need to do at the moment. I was totally unprepared for this. It has come as a blow to my future plans.
Thank you for watching and I hope you found the video helpful! I cannot offer individualized medical advice via comments, but we can get on a webcam call if needed via docontherun.com I also offer strategies and thoughts on these sorts of questions in the Injured Runners Aid Station for those who don't need a full webcam call www.docontherun.com/aidstation/
Would strength training (squats, deadlifts, etc.) help? Can you do an interview with Mark Rippetoe who started the program called Starting Strength and wrote the book "Starting Strength?" When your muscles atrophy, do the muscles simply shrink, or do muscle cells die off and disappear? This is scary when you think about the fact that as we age, we lose even more muscle. I feel bad for anyone whose already permanently lost muscle due to inactivity from an injury.
My right leg is wasted away quite a bit from sciatica the last 3 years. I'm in physical therapy and I have some strength coming back, but she said max I would get back is 80%. I wonder too if you actually lose cells that can't come back or if they just all get smaller.
Strength training? ABSOLUTELY! Train for POWER . It's about pushing yourself to the MAX. Think " Mr. Olympia " in your MIND as you train, until NORMAL becomes your REALITY. All you really need to do is...TO DO IT!
In 1968 I got hit by a car. I was on my bicycle. I was in a cast for almost 6 months. I had a compound fracture. I was eight years old when that happened. I am 64 now, what this guy is telling you is the truth. My left calf muscle is still smaller than my right and I was in the army I went through Boot Camp. I ran, I exercised. I did everything. I’ve tried everything over the years to build it up,n once it’s permanent there is no fix.
Thank you so much for adding your comments so other can learn from your experience. Real world experience is so much more valuable than theory.
Sadly, questioning doctors (as you call it, "be your own advocate") is highly frowned upon in the USA. Asking or saying anything that conflicts with what the doctor says will quickly get you a look of disgust (also known as "the stink eye"). And don't even THINK about asking how much anything will cost and whether or not it's covered by insurance. They will have no idea and most likely look at you like you are insane. Of course, this is automatic in any other country and follows common sense, but in the USA the only rules are #1 fall in line with doctors orders, and #2 hand them your credit card.
And they never give full price info. Althought it is clear that many people can not afford tretaments and are hesitant to go to emergency or hospitals not to get bankrupt. I am really shocked how people can be so insensitive.
@@d.i.a.5392 You are 100% correct. Many avoid treatment because the result will mean financial disaster. Doctors are insensitive to this, and will often send people for tests that may not even be covered by insurance. That happened to me, the doc sent me for a certain blood test, and I didn't question it. Then later, I got a big bill and when I called my insurance company, I was informed it's not covered. Small example of what happens routinely. It's a scam industry.
Buncha malarkey I was outta my boot within a couple weeks and doing 25 miles on my bicycle a day without a physical therapist after snapping my ankle and fibula
Glad you kept moving without any consequences. If you get outta your boot within a couple weeks and are able to do 25 miles on your bicycle...you won't get permanent atrophy!
Sounds like you don’t belong here. Gee who coulda guessed
Doctors at the va did a gastrocnemius recession without my consent and now I have muscle atrophy.
I was in a walking cast for 6 weeks for Sesamoiditis. 4 years later my right foot has never been the same. Was never able to go back to running. My sports med doctor never warned me about the muscle loss until after I'd been out of the cast! She checked in with me every 2 weeks. I did still have pain at 5 week, and I had bone marrow edema in the sesamoid - so I don't know if there was anything I could have done differently. I'll check out your presentation.
@@elisabethklinge2115 that sounds terribly frustrating. I'm sure that all the confusion makes it even worse. Thank you for sharing your experience for others.
I’m confused with my calves cause my left calve is bulky and bigger however my right is smaller but has more definition. By the way my left ankle sprained twice, it was when I was playing basketball and volleyball. However my right I have only sprained it once which was in soccer. Right now am doing calve raises but more on the right and it doesn’t seem to quite be working rather it’s getting more definition.
Thank you for watching and for sharing your story and experience with others.
High quality diet is also important
I had 16 surgeries and the wasn't able to walk for about 3 years. I've made a full recovery health wise, like if you looked at me you'd never even know, but I'd like to go back to competing in martial arts. I didn't sustain any real injuries or have any organs removed from my surgeries but i did spend a lot of time just being immobile.
When I tried to go jogging for the first time the other day, I nearly collapsed! Lmao 🤣 I should be satisfied that i can just do normal stuff like average people I guess, but I'm not. Is it possible and if so where do I need to start to get back into real shape to where I'd be able to compete again?
Its always best to start at the beginning. You have to figure out exactly what you can do to rebuild while making SURE you don't get an overtraining injury in the process.
@@DocOnTheRun thats the thing, i think I already have gotten an injury from just jogging 😂 like, imagine if you were bed-riddin for 8 months straight, then got up and tried to run around the block lol that's pretty much my sitch. I beat a terminal illness but that ish had me damn near in a coma for a while. Its like I'm healthy now, but it feels like I havent used my body in a really long time. I bruise super easy and my bones feel like their weaker now or just not as flexible maybe from being in the same position for so long.
I was really big into weight lifting and unfortunately overdid it. I messed up my chest, shoulders, biceps, and triceps. To much bench Im preety sure. I saw 2 different orthos and they said Im fine but my muscles significantly atrophied and Im afraid they will never come back. My arms are like toothpicks now and I dont know what to do. Im scared they might get to weak that I have to amputate. I did an emg and it came back ok though
I was in ICU for 9 days with Covid and lost about 30 lbs (mostly muscle loss) My thighs are both smaller now and both ache. I used to squat heavy (315 lbs for 5 reps or 365 lbs for 1 rep) Now I can only squat 135 lbs for 6 reps. Lost strength and muscle size. Can I get my strength and size back?
Same question
you should be able to
Yes because muscle memory
Same bro 😭
I thought if you can get strength back in the muscles and overload them, they would grow. Unless there is nerve damage? I'm asking as a layperson.
Same here, I had nerve damage to my right front delt as a kid. I'm 31 now and am committed to making my right front delt pop, just want to know if anyone has done it
Dealing with atrophy now right calf. Heel pad atrophy too. Had a intra articular calcaneum fracture I've been non weight bearing for 4 months only just starting to try and do more exercise standing now. Load bearing my muscle looks horrendous and one leg feels weightless compared to the other.
Thanks for watching, commenting and sharing your story so others can learn from your experience. Heal fast!
I’m so sorry to hear. I can 100% relate. Are you seeing any progress?
@@JESSEXTO Hi Jesse, thanks for the concern. Sorry to hear you can relate, I know its a nightmare to recover from. I am walking unaided now. Have been for around a month I still have pain around the outer ankle area when walking fast or for longer than an hour.
The atrophy is getting better but because of the whole leg including quadriceps being smaller I have an imbalance now I got diagnosed with a tilted pelvis last week and given corrective exercises to fix this I have a review in two weeks but I'm getting stronger overall.
May I ask how you are doing with your injury? I can also share any advice if needed or exercises I find useful if that helps. I was pretty much left to my own devices I lost my job so my past few months have been dedicated to learning about my body and how to heal myself get walking again etc.
Hey Doc,
I have dealt with plantar fasciitis for about 6 yrs. It got a lot worse when training for a half Ironman and I could not get it better after that. I tried inserts, night splints, physical therapy, acupuncture, yoga and on and on and on. Last year I had enough and went to an orthopedic surgeon and he said I had a really tight calf. So, I had a gastroc release March 2023. Well, my calf muscle never come back, at all! I revisited the surgeon in May 2024 and he did 2 MRI's and all it showed was muscle atrophy. And the plantar fasciitis came back 6 months after the gastroc release. My main question is, is there a chance I can get the calf muscle back? Is that a simply answer question or do I need to schedule a virtual appointment with you?
Hi doc, do injury may lead to muscle wasting?
Thank you
Thanks! Very informative
My pleasure...glad you found it helpful! Thanks for watching!
this is the type of doctor that works on youtube and not in the actual medical industry.
Hey Jake, thanks for watching and sharing your comments. Just curious...what to do mean by saying I do not work in the medical industry?
The Jake this Dr speaks total sense, more than I have ever heard from those at the hospital, they look at me as if I'm an alien. Inch for inch this Dr has conquered a problem which he has not even experienced and he could not have sussed it any clearer. Plaster casts on your legs can make you feel suicidal.
It would have been helpful to provide a solution post talking about atrophy.
Thanks for your suggestion. I try to make the title fit the content as close as possible, so you find what is expected in the video. I may have already created a Doc On The Run Podcast episode or TH-cam video explaining solution post atrophy. If not, I will try to create one. Thanks!
@@DocOnTheRun awesome! Thanks
I had a cast for two weeks in high school and at age 57 that calf is still smaller.
thank you for watching and for adding your comments so others can learn from your experience. Do you feel like the smaller calf size really limits you and/or what you want to do at this point?
Was just told i have muscle atrophy by a orthopedic surgeon..he said you cant get surgery..
What did you think of that recommendation?
I have muscle atrophy in my legs and thighs now. The right thigh specially. I started to work out more. Would this be able to come back as before as i continue. WHat can i really do to rebuild my muscles back.
How are you know?
Lots of weights training will get it back train hard
How long does it take to recover from muscle atrophy??
Thank you for watching! The length of time it takes to recover depends upon the cause of the atrophy and the amount of effort put into the recovery process. That can vary widely.
@@DocOnTheRun ok thanks.
I know someone who was in a coma for 18 days after flatlining 3 times during a hernia surgery.
He just got off the trachia and can talk but cannot walk...so I'm unsure how long he'll be able to walk.
He does recover slowly tho
I am very sorry to hear that. I certainly hope he makes a full recovery!
I have a Atrophied Arm due to Right Hemiparesis, my right arm in particular has serious atrophy and hope to reverse the effects of the progressive weakening of the muscles, I swear my arm is shrinking.
Sounds terrible...I am so sorry!
These sort of videos make things worse rather than help. Pleaee stop these sort of nonsense.
Thank you for watching and for your comments. Why do you think awareness of the risk of atrophy might make things worse?
Because your helping people become aware of an issue, but you have no solution to the problem. It's like telling a guy to check for testicular cancer, and then saying, if you found it... I'm sorry 😞
I currently am having issues with my left leg, I believe it was caused by poor posture when constantly looking over my right shoulder and extending my right leg while driving a tractor for 8 plus hours 5 days a week. For me, yes there's probably some permanent damage, but when I have a little faith and hope about being able to run a half marathon in May, I just look at it like, "hey! This is for all the people who said it cant be done" or look up the story of Roger Bannister. I hope this helps anyone who feels more depressed and hopeless after watching this video. Also "if you can't fly then run. If you can't run then walk. If you can't walk then crawl but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward." MLKJ.
People can use facts as a way to bring other people down, even if it doesnt seem intentional. Don't allow toxic thinking to hinder or hurt you. Rise above stupidity and pat yourself on the back when you do.
@@jarodlaughlin2788 people have been told they'd never walk again and yet they walked. Modern western medicine also often rejects tge idea of miraculous healing by our Healer, The Creator GOD. If anyone can heal us, He can if He wills it.
@@anomalous77 best comment yet.
i dont think its literally permanent but it is hard to get it back
Most of my right leg was paralyzed from two severely ruptured discs in my lower back. 15 years later, I don't limp anymore but my right calve just doesn't work. I can do toe lifts all day with my left leg and I can't do a single one on my right leg. I still have hope though. Surely this can be reversed. If anyone has advice, please advise.
My 89 yr old dad has been extremely inactive since covid in 2020. I can see a severe decline in his tone and he's quite unsteady. He just fights me on any walking or exercise. He's otherwise healthy ie: blood work, sugar, cholesterol etc ... Is there ANYTHING I can do to reverse this and make him stronger? I'm afraid if he falls he's going to seriously injure himself. Would one of those little chair side peddlers help? He can;t even walk 30 steps without tiring and losing balance.
Thanks for watching and commenting. Sorry to hear about that, and I understand why you're concerned. What did your doctor recommend?
@@DocOnTheRun She said he should get out and walk more. She tells him to and he says ok then does nothing. Refuses. So my question to you was do you think there is a reasonable hope that one of those chair side peddlers would help.
@@CaseysJonesMom unfortunately, I cannot tell you whether or not there is any reasonable hope that the side Pedaler will help because I don't understand the limitations in your dad's physical condition. Since I haven't evaluated him, I can't tell you whether or not some certain regimen would help. The problem with offering techniques or strategies for improving fitness is that those techniques should always help if they are at the right time for the right condition. But if your dad does the right thing at the wrong time, it could potentially make him worse. Did you ask his doctor about the side pedaler? Did you ask him if he would actually use it, since he's refusing the other options? Certainly seems like you've got to find something!
Suffering from L4-L5 and L5-S1 disc bulge and sciatica severe pain in back which goes down right leg, ( now also to the left leg), my right leg is thin than the left leg by 1.5 cm at calf level also 1 cm shorter, i used to be a long distance runner, but got this injury after fall from a horse, but doctors say it's all in my mind, but only I know the pain
I am so sorry to hear about the injury. Sounds terrible!
I'm fortunate that Dr. Chrostopher Segler has confirmed for me what i accepted years ago. Re: Muscular atrophy. This has been a great opportunity for me to realise that I can't change anything about the way I move, walk , or run. I only looked for this Video because I'm getting older and my legs really bother me.
Hello Rachael, I don't know what you're going through, but I am so sorry to hear that your legs really bother you. I am also very sorry that a video I created lead you to the conclusion that you can't change anything about the way you move, walk or run. And I certainly did not confirm that for you, nor would I suggest it. Especially since we haven't spoken, I haven't evaluated you and I don't know anything about your injury or associated limitations. Although any number of accidents, illnesses or injuries can cause muscle atrophy and temporary disability a single level of atrophy should ever define one station in life. I encourage you to search for other videos (on this or other channels that speak positively to you) that can help you work your way out of your present situation. I hope you won’t give up on yourself, or your potential to improve.
Hi ,i have a 7 year old ,she is diagnosed with muscular atrophy ,i need help ,i am SA
At 10 years old I broke my femur and got a short leg. For roughly 25 years I didn't have the proper shoes so I got scoliosis and osteoporosis. For the past three maybe four years I finally got the correct shoes and I growing muscle on my left leg but muscle cramps are going all the way from my left butt cheek all the way down to my ankle. Some people are telling me it might be sciatica but my muscles are rock hard in certain areas and they just seem to be Charlie horsing is this going to pass and about how long does it take because it's been about a year-and-a-half now with the muscle cramps
Hello Robert, thank you for watching and for adding your comments so others can learn from all you have been through. I cannot speculate on what is the cause of your discomfort or how long it will take for it to resolve because I don’t know anything about your case. What did your doctor tell you? And more importantly why don’t you have confidence in your doctors assessment?
Dr. I used to be a middle distance runner. And I did an athroscopy surgery for cartilage replacement one year ago. I was in bed for one month and then started physiotherapy. I didn't do physiotherapy properly as the pain was there. Now it has been one year and i have lost about one inch diameter from the right thigh. I am F 42 kg 5 '2 " tall age 27. It's difficult for me to climb stairs without support and can not even imagine running. Do you think I can get back to normal ? Any recommendations ? I have stopped even thinking about it as it's depressing and kept ignoring it. But now I need to take this seriously and take action. Please reply..
I am sorry to hear about the trouble. I can only imagine how frustrated you must be. We could easily get on a webcam call to discuss your situation in detail so I can offer recommendations. To do so you can block my calendar here: www.docontherun.com/talk-to-the-expert/
I had four surgeries on my leg internal fixation on my foot and now my thigh and calf muscles are wasting away it's been two and a half years I haven't listened to all the doctor's order but now I'm in the mindset of getting better how can I help my dying calf muscle get to the same size as the other one or just grow bigger
Diligent effort on schedule, with frequent reassessment. Work hard. Refuel frequently.
You literally have to exercise every moment possible with the weak muscle taking the brunt of it.
In the house, car, job, bathroom, flex those muscles until they hurt, rest and do it again. Don't use heavy weights! Use 50% until exhaustion, and double your nutritional uptake. Most important thing, drink water and don't injure yourself.
This is what I learned conditioning in the army, i was a beanpole when i joined, went from 140 to 185 in 4 years. Lost 15lb after i slowed back down.
Wished I hadn’t watched this, just one week in boot and already can see muscle loss, so in my 60s have I completely shot it.
Sorry you didn't find the video helpful. Wishing you the best in your recovery.
I had a hip fracture two years ago and it was united. After 3 surgeries, my hip and thigh muscles got atrophied. Will this be cured?
Thank you for watching, and so sorry to hear about your injury. But I have no idea based on that amount of information.
''How do I know? Well I have a friend that I met in 1994...''
Basically saying ''trust me, bro''.
Thank you for watching and adding your opinion to the dialogue.
Does atrophy show up on an MRI or Xray?
Thanks for watching. Great question! I will try to make and episode on that question.
@Doc On The Run Thank you too! After I was in an accident my left side of my neck down to left side of my elbow ( through left shoulder and trap muscle) has since never been the same. It's been 5 years and it's only felt worse. I always feel tightness of muscles that's so hard it feels like cement to the touch and it's so sore and achey I clench my jaw. The acne is 10/10 pain but only in those areas of my body. :( I have tried everything. 😭 I use to be extremely suicidal for years....the pain is that bad. I don't know what I'm doing wrong to heal.
I had an achilles surgery
And unfortunately, I stayed so so much in a cast then a boot. So it was one week in a cast after the injury that I had the surgery + 3 weeks cast + 5 weeks in a boot. What I want to ask is that if I work really hard on my injured calf, can I get back my strength? To be as powerful as my healthy calf? I don’t care too much about the size
You can always get stronger!
Hi, I have gone through the exact same thing. My left calf is a lot smaller and it’s actually very painful, too. Did that happen to you? Pain?
0:12 i honestly thought it was mike from breaking bad
Does metformin effect leg muscles
I suffered from Cervical degeneration of c6, c7 and now my right hand triceps is gone. My right triceps just vanished into thin air. Will it grow back with training? Is it reversible?
I had muscle atrophy from 6 months of non-weight bearing. He lied and told me it was gonna be 4 months. Though, it was still painful to walk. I didn’t start gaining muscles until 4 yrs later. Now it’s almost a decade and yeah, it’s abt 30% less. Even though I do calf muscle exercises 😔. I’m thinking of plastic surgery now.
My legs have also always been skinny ☹️
So sorry to hear about your difficult path. Just curious...who lied to you?
@@DocOnTheRun my surgeon
I had lymphoma over ten years ago, and lamindectomy L4-5, and have sciatica. My left calf is atrophied. A good third smaller. I train and my legs are hard to train, but more importantly my left calf will not improve. Is this something that will not improve?
Thank you for watching and adding your comments. I cannot say whether or not it would improve based only on the information provided. What did your doctor say?
@@DocOnTheRun nothing, ambivalent
@@kendrury4028 seems crazy to not get clear answers from your doctor
Can u reverse bum atrophy from kenalog steroid injection?
Thank you for watching. I only treat foot and ankle injuries, not bum injures.
I Lost 2cm they said in my left leg because I have been in a brace for months. I just didn't feel safe walking without it because I was nervous my knee would give way. Now it's really hard to bend it and walk on my own. I am still trying and I can't even ride a bike all the way around. Will I be able to be back to normal ever? I am trying to eat more protein, do physical therapy and I am now in one of those simple braces that doesn't go the whole length of my leg just my knee only and it allows for flexibility! My other one was an extreme medical brace! The physical therapist told me I needed to stop using that one so I am. I do get occasional muscle spasms still and some pain so I am on ibuprofen about 1/2 of a 800 mg tablet morning and night. I also take gabapentin 300mg at night so I can sleep. I almost wonder if a muscle relaxant can help me to relax my leg muscles so I can start bending. The therapist said I am very tense and tight and she usually has to do a massaging on my knee and leg area so I can start bending it. I also notice I am much more flexible feeling after I sleep at night when I wake up I can actually feel laying on my side. If I take a muscle relaxant during the day, can it help with pain and to make it so I can move easier if I am so tight? And what is the best muscle relaxant for something like that? I just want to get back strength so I can even walk normal and safely and be okay on my own. The therapist did say my knee should be okay and I should be able to get there. It's been 4 months since I had surgery and I also did a Prp injection about a month or so ago. I am just willing to try anything and I don't want any more surgery that will make me immobile again!! I want to prevent that!!
Thanks for watching and for posting your comments so others can learn from your experience. Just curious, what did your surgeon say when you asked these questions?
I'd patella dislocation about 2 years. Got thinner thighs after... Will it be reverse?
I have a similar situation and want to know if it’ll reverse too. Do you have issues with eccentric loading?
Can this happen with arms?
I'm 15yrs old, now tell me how can I fix this legs💔🤸🙂
I cannot advise you because I don't know anything about your circumstances and I don't make personalized recommendations or provide medical advice over social media comments.
I dont get it, do you mean by that if the atrophied muscle isnt rehabilitated, then the atrophy will be permanent?, so in my case i had multiple surgeries in my right leg due to congenital abnormality when i was toddler, and now im 19 with so much loss in my right calf that i feel ashamed of, does that mean i cant restore the muscle mass by exercising?
And what are the distinguishable characteristics between permanant and temporary atrophy?
"permanent" atrophy means it will always be smaller and cannot be rebuilt to its former size. Temporary atrophy is not lasting.
@@DocOnTheRun did you read the whole comment?, Because i dont have a problem about the definition of permanent or temporary atrophy.
However, my problem is how can we detect if the atrophy is permanent or temporary?, Is it depend on the case or gene?
Also in my case the atrophy has the tendency to be permanent or no?
@@me.know-it-all It al depends on the case, your history and specifics of what you have tried to do to rehab it. I cannot tell you specifically whether or not it is permanent in your case without having more information. We could certainly do a web cam consultation and figure that out, however.
@@DocOnTheRun you know that sounds permanent. He said years.
What if it’s symmetrical ? Not one sided muscle atrophy from misuse?
I’m on my 8th week and my doctor won’t see me for another two what do I do
If you need advice and your doctor won't see you fast enough, why not get an opinion from another doctor via webcam right away?
I injured my ACL in September 2022, after 3 months immobilzation with knee brace and bed rest started physiotherapy which did not help so went for ACL repair surgery( not reconstruction as i had partial tear) in January 2023 last week. Till today i have been doing physiotherapy vigorously, but till today i cannot balance by affected leg and it is really difficult to walk normally. I gained 1 cm muscle back but no change in my proprioception and balance. Can all of these be restored? If yes, how long does it take?
Thank you for watching and I’m sorry to hear you’ve had so much trouble. I can’t make any recommendations because I don’t treat knee injuries.
Hey I been paraplegic since January, my legs have became extremely skinny, do you think it’s reversible in my legs
Thank you so much for a watching and I am sorry to hear about your condition. However I have no idea whether or not your condition is reversible because I don’t know enough about you or your case. If you would like, we could get on a call to discuss it in detail to help you figure that out.
@@DocOnTheRun I would love to schedule a call
@@DocOnTheRun I would love to schedule a call
Both hands feet lossing muscle what is it ?
Thanks for watching. I can't say what it is because I don't know anything about you, your particular case, or your medical history. What does your doctor think it is?
@@DocOnTheRun Disc bulge 40%
I had herbal treatment I can walk I can cycle no pains no tingling sensation but hands nd feets loosing muscle might be 30% for now ..any excercise ?? Plus medicine
I have been advised densymax with D3 60k
Hey everyone who's having this problem like myself .. sciatica .. back pain
loss of mysche in left leg .. leg drop ..
Vitamin B6 B12
Zinc and Magnesium really helps 😬👍
And try eating healthy food ! Lots of fruits and vegetables 💪😃
Bless you all
Proactive and positive - Love it. Great post
My calf barely coming back from my Achilles fracture, even after all my activities…I’m considering an implant.
After 7 months how is it? Did it return, I was non weight bearing in a splint for 8 weeks after a full rupture just now starting to do exercises
My calf completely atrophied..moreover the doctor described how he had to pull the calf down to reattach it… I walk my dogs 3-4 miles every other day, snowboard/wakeboard and lift weights…and I haven’t noticed any size increase.
How old was that patient ?
If i walk for 30 mins daily, will i be able to heal from muscle atrophy?
Hello Pehal,
Thanks for watching and commenting.
Unfortunately I have no idea if you would be able to heal with that routine, as I don't know anything about your injury, recovery progress thus far or your medical history.
If you would like to discuss specifics with me personally, we could get on a web cam call or phone call. You can block my calendar for either here: www.docontherun.com/talk-to-the-expert/
Thank you so much for replying! You see i just didn’t walk at all in lockdown, so i’ve no injuries or anything. It would be good if you could perhaps tell me how much i should walk.
@@pehalchhabra2626 I cannot advise you without understanding your condition and present situation. If you would like to meet and discuss with me personally, we could get on a webcam call or phone call today or tomorrow to help you figure out what you should be doing. If so, you can pick a time that works for you and block my calendar for a private call here:
@@DocOnTheRun Thank you for replying again. And no i wouldn’t like to call. Have a wonderful day.
I have atrophy of the big toe and had some foot drop, but I cycled 30 mins every day and the foot is now lifted. But walking was hard as the foit tended to twist inward and stressed the hip, so I got an ankle brace and a cane. Now walking 2 k's per day and the calf is coming back. Use the cane just to keep the foot lined up.
Also at gym 45 mins each day, on the bike and rowing machine 10 mins each, and adding knee strengthening exercises. Walking barefoot on sand and grass helps, as does tying up the big toe and bandaging around the instep. A weak foot makes knees feel weak, so tighten it up and then you can go walking.
When I went to physios they just recommended a thereband and foot stretches.
I also found that leg stretches using a thereband set off fasciculations and did not improve leg function, so nuts to that.
Hi doc. I had a disc surgery L5-S1 with severe calf weakness, couldn't lift my heel off the floor. They waited with surgery for 6 months, in the meantime I lost a lot of my calf muscle mass. Soleus is very week, i get tired when walking on that calf. Is there any possiblity for strengthening back to my normal size. I did an ultrasound that showed fatty infiltration. I am a pro athlete and would do anything to return back to normal :(
I had covid and was in the hospital for 3 months. after 4 weeks I lost 45lbs and all my muscles atrophied but when the PT therapist moved my legs it caused a hematoma in my psoas muscle. The hematoma got on my femoral nerve and it paralyzed my left quad. After 6 months later my quad and muscle around my knee started to move. I use stretching and heat packs because therapists or Dr's never told me what to do to fix it. but now it's getting stronger the more exercise it. quad is a little mushy but seems to be getting a little stronger. is stretching good for my quad to help it heal if at all?
Sorry to hear about your hospitalization! I cannot tell you if stretching would help because I don't understand your situation. If you do the right thing, at the wrong time...it could just make you worse. If you want to speak with me directly you can pick a time that works for you and block my calendar for a private call here:
God bless you that sucks I hope this luck changes for you bc it sounds like u been through it
Omg this video has just depressed me beyond what I already am
Thank you for watching. Don't let bad news slow you down. Do the work to rebuild your strength anyway!
You have to start from scratch. Don’t work the muscles until they are 100% relaxed, and then train the muscles again. This is what I’m doing
@@alextrevino4769 thanks for watching and for sharing your experience and approach with others.
Iam sad i have a Quadriceps atrophy & I can't run, jump, or raise my leg . What exercises do you recommend me to do at home?
Thank you for watching and I hope you found it helpful. Doing the right exercises at the wrong time, could make you worse. I would not be able to recommend any exercises for you because I don't what your injury is, how severe it is, nor where you are now in your recovery. What did you doctor recommend?
@Doc On The Run the doctor recommend me physiotherapy but after 3 weeks of physiotherapy i don't find any result. I feel like my knee is very weak, sometimes I get tired when I stand for a few minutes &
can't I lift my leg up straight
I had surgery on a peronial tendon in my left foot. Surgery went ok but when they took the cast off two weeks later the surgical would had opened. So, I was left with an open wound. It took 7 months for the wound to close on its own. In the meantime..I couldn't walk and was told to put no weight on that foot. I used a suction vac to speed the wound healing but it still took 7 months and I had numerous infections. It got to a point where the antibiotics weren't working..they had to try several. Now Im dealing with atrophied left leg. Im walking, though Im walking like an old man and my left foot and leg are very weak..hard to get up stairs. I do numerous stretches daily...but Im wondering how long this is going to take..or will it ever get back to "normal"? Ive had a couple people suggest I sue the surgeon. I haven't done that..though at times I still get angry about this and not sure if I got the best medical care?..the wound opening shouldn't have happened. Initially I was told after the surgery I would be back walking in 6 weeks..but due to the open wound, ..it's now been 14 months. Its tiresome. Im now looking for a hands on physical therapist...as opposed to the generic p.t who just gave me some rubber bands to stretch with at home.
Thank you for watching and sharing your story so others can learn about the risks of surgery. Wishing you a speedy recovery!
No. I was done with the boot after 4 hours. Done! Who the HELL gives a boot like that to someone with stitches on the top of their foot!! - all good though, they gave me the shoe that cuts the stitches open instead. Nope. I am DONE! I’m a dog Walker and I have MS! I almost collapsed going up the stairs today (day 28). I’m allowed to bare weight as tolerated. My dumb ass has been using the crutches - BIG MISTAKE. My back is out, I can’t sleep. I’m in SO much pain. Now I’m BEYOND worried about my legs. It’s nice I don’t have an legit doctors helping me though. - my soul hurts 💔
So sorry to hear about your story! Sounds brutal. Stay strong and heal fast!
LOL!! Of course muscle atrophy is reversible.
As a teenage boy 5 years of confusing why my muscle posture is not straight now i understand why my muscle posture is not straight sir is there another way to make my muscle posture normal?
bc my heart is beating fast right now
and i dont want to lose my dreams
bc of this desease
sorry for bad english
How do you feel now
Sir right thener atrophy in hand surgery after recovery time
It certainly can happen!
Hlw Dr. 🙏
Hope everything is alright there
M suffering from brachial plexus injury in left arm ... It's been 10yrs ago , may I able to get back the muscle mass of my forearm n fingers 🤌 ??
Please reply n thank you to make this video 🙏😊
Sorry to hear about your injury. I only specialize in foot and ankle injuries in runners.
@@DocOnTheRun thank you sir
Hey is it possible to have this in the jaw? My jaw muscles have been shrinking very much these past few days. Both sides please helppp(
You mean your face muscle shrink in both side
Is muscle atrophy caused due to poor posture reversible
Hey how are you mow ??