This was a phantastic night to see five of the six original Phantoms in Toronto perform. Only Colm Wilkinson ( the first to play the role in Toronto) wasn’t there, since he was doing Les Miz in Toronto. Ciaran Sheehan, Jeff Hyslop, Peter Karrie, Ethan Freeman and Cris Groenendaal each took turns performing a part of the show. A memorable evening of the Phantom of the Opera in Toronto followed by a nice celebration mixing with the cast.
I was there that night! One of my all time favorite nights in a theater! 🎭
This was a phantastic night to see five of the six original Phantoms in Toronto perform. Only Colm Wilkinson ( the first to play the role in Toronto) wasn’t there, since he was doing Les Miz in Toronto. Ciaran Sheehan, Jeff Hyslop, Peter Karrie, Ethan Freeman and Cris Groenendaal each took turns performing a part of the show. A memorable evening of the Phantom of the Opera in Toronto followed by a nice celebration mixing with the cast.