Could you give me a part number to the new regulator rectifier or appointment in a direction where I can buy it? I have the exact same issue with my CB 750 from 1971.
So do i take out second box,or just add wires to it,i know ill jave to mount reg/rect somewhere too,i would assume take out,cause this one does both jobs?
Just installed one on my '72 Yamaha R5 great, easy install
Quick and to the point. Also applied to the CB350F
Great vid, so do we just yuck back the the now 3 wires coming from the harness?
Yuck? Is this misspelled? I think tuck back? I mounted the new regulator where the 3 wires in the back are. Zip tied anything loose looking.
Could you give me a part number to the new regulator rectifier or appointment in a direction where I can buy it? I have the exact same issue with my CB 750 from 1971.
So do i take out second box,or just add wires to it,i know ill jave to mount reg/rect somewhere too,i would assume take out,cause this one does both jobs?
Yes, the one box does both jobs, just remove both. I ended up mounting mine where the 3 wires were.