Sorry, I don't know that. I've never tried it. Unfortunately I can't try this anymore because I no longer have the device at home. Maybe it would work if I used a smartphone and the appropriate app to read the card or key to open the door
Pozdravljen. Če nimate administratorske kartice lahko odprete pokrov na zadnji strani kontrole pristopa in za pet sekund pritisnite gumb za ponastavitev na matični plošči da napravo ponastavitev na tovarniške nastavitve. Zakaj pa je reset tipka vam žal ne znam povedat ker še tega nisem nikoli probal. Je pa logično da se s tem ne da resetirat naprave saj bi lahko vsak enostavno resetiral in si nato sprogramiral novo kartico in odprl vrata.
Hello. I don't know exactly what password you mean. You need an administrator card to access the menu. If you don't have an administrator card, you can open the cover on the back of the access control and press the reset button on the motherboard for five seconds to reset the device to factory settings.
can you use your smartphone's nfc as a card?
Sorry, I don't know that. I've never tried it. Unfortunately I can't try this anymore because I no longer have the device at home. Maybe it would work if I used a smartphone and the appropriate app to read the card or key to open the door
no, because nfc generates new code everytime
Pozdravljen. Imam to napravo, a kartice ne morem nastavit kot administratorsko. Kako resetirat napravo? S spodnjim gumbom poleg usb vhoda ne gre
Pozdravljen. Če nimate administratorske kartice lahko odprete pokrov na zadnji strani kontrole pristopa in za pet sekund pritisnite gumb za ponastavitev na matični plošči da napravo ponastavitev na tovarniške nastavitve. Zakaj pa je reset tipka vam žal ne znam povedat ker še tega nisem nikoli probal. Je pa logično da se s tem ne da resetirat naprave saj bi lahko vsak enostavno resetiral in si nato sprogramiral novo kartico in odprl vrata.
Hello ,i have a dahua model dhi asc1202b-d ,and i dont know the password to acces it ,do they got password from factory? And if yes what is it?
Hello. I don't know exactly what password you mean. You need an administrator card to access the menu. If you don't have an administrator card, you can open the cover on the back of the access control and press the reset button on the motherboard for five seconds to reset the device to factory settings.
would have been aperfect video if it was detailed