This was MUCH needed, I LOVE that they are simulating real world nursing and instead of memorizing ranges they are having us focus on symptoms! Symptoms are SO SO important.
Sarah - I just took my last nursing school exam, and I can now sit for the NCLEX. I would not have gotten through this program without your videos and quizzes. Thank you so much for everything you do! You are the patron saint of nursing students everywhere. Bless you!
I graduated as an LVN on June and I still watch these videos because I would like to continue my education next year 2023 😍 My goal is to do my LVN - RN bridge program
THANK YOU NURSE SARA! I JUST RECENTLY PASSED MY LOCAL BOARD EXAM! I really wouldn't have done that without you and I'll be soon taking NCLEX when the right time comes ❤️
I was able to take a few sample questions during my NCLEX. The whole format is changing, so having lab values available would be a great change to the exam.
I'm glad they're doing this. I've been a nurse for 5 years now and when I sat for the nclex I thought I was going to fail on the first question cause some of the questions based on what I remember had nothing to do with nursing clinical judgment or symptoms. Its important to walk into a doctors office and if they tell you lies about your health you can look at your lab values and be like uh no doc, these are real results lol
I think it’s still good to know them for yourself imo. For instance, when you do a check up and then you get to see your lab values result and you know them all is such a guud feeling. 😂 But as far as testing wise definitely good news.
Great news! Takes a lot of pressure of foreign trained nurses who measure labs different to the US. Even though I have just spent the last 6/8 weeks memorising them 😂
I have a question about the Next Gen NCLEX that I can't find a straight answer to save my life, would really appreciate some insight! I understand that the next gen multiple response can be +/- or 1/0, however, current multiple response are all-or-nothing. Will the +/- and 1/0 model of scoring multiple response questions entirely replace the all-or-nothing scoring system for multiple response, or will both be present?
yeah I noticed that too.. my professor in the past said it was all select that apply but when I did practice questions on ATI, it was all or nothing.. seems like case study questions give partial points but the other SATA may or may not..
Hello...I just got my ATT which is valid till 6 June question is if I take my date after 1 April,2023, do I hv to appear for next-Gen Nclex or the present one
A mole is 602,214,076,000,000,000,000,000 (six hundred two sextillion two hundred fourteen quintillion seventy six quadrillion) of something. A millimole per liter of potassium is a mole divided by 1,000 of potassium atoms in a liter of solution.
I heard only nursing students that began nursing school in or after fall 2021 will be tested on this new version. Is this true? So the ones that graduated before that won't be tested with the new version?
Hey, everyone. Thanks for watching. Don't forget:
*Lab values explained*:
*Fluid & Electrolytes*:
*Next Gen NCLEX Changes*:
NCLEX reviews:
TikTok: Nurse Sarah
This was MUCH needed, I LOVE that they are simulating real world nursing and instead of memorizing ranges they are having us focus on symptoms! Symptoms are SO SO important.
Please nurse Sarah help us study for the Next Gen NCLEX! I will be very thankful! God bless you!
Sarah - I just took my last nursing school exam, and I can now sit for the NCLEX. I would not have gotten through this program without your videos and quizzes. Thank you so much for everything you do! You are the patron saint of nursing students everywhere. Bless you!
I took my nclex in April 2022, and all lab value ranges were provided! No guesswork!
How?!? Omg that’s awesome!
I graduated as an LVN on June and I still watch these videos because I would like to continue my education next year 2023 😍 My goal is to do my LVN - RN bridge program
THANK YOU NURSE SARA! I JUST RECENTLY PASSED MY LOCAL BOARD EXAM! I really wouldn't have done that without you and I'll be soon taking NCLEX when the right time comes ❤️
I was able to take a few sample questions during my NCLEX.
The whole format is changing, so having lab values available would be a great change to the exam.
I am a foreign trained RN and hope to wrote my nclex soon and start practicing here in canada. Thank you sarah
Thank you so much for sharing. I’m an RN, but will share with my friends in nursing school.
this is amazing news for me as a new nursing student !! thank you for the update ❤
I'm glad they're doing this. I've been a nurse for 5 years now and when I sat for the nclex I thought I was going to fail on the first question cause some of the questions based on what I remember had nothing to do with nursing clinical judgment or symptoms. Its important to walk into a doctors office and if they tell you lies about your health you can look at your lab values and be like uh no doc, these are real results lol
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHARING THIS!!!!!! I'll be taking the NCLEX between May and August of 2024, so this is so amazing to know!
I think it’s still good to know them for yourself imo. For instance, when you do a check up and then you get to see your lab values result and you know them all is such a guud feeling. 😂
But as far as testing wise definitely good news.
My classmates and I will be taking the next gen NCLEX so this will be major relief for us
Great news! Takes a lot of pressure of foreign trained nurses who measure labs different to the US. Even though I have just spent the last 6/8 weeks memorising them 😂
So so happy that they're doing this!!
Thank you 😊🌹
Wow!!! that's great news! Im hoping to take my exam next year,
Meee too .. Best wishes
This is so cool! thanks so much for sharing these things, God bless you!
Why is the release date of the new NCLEX on April Fool's Day?
HEY, I am from INDIA and you are very nice NURSE, I watch all your videos. Thank-you
Thanks Mam I am worry about NCLEX exam for registred nurse
just amazing explanation
Definitely good news 😊
What a dream come true new nurses! Which us old timers had this 🙄
i know right. I did not practice it for 10 yrs :(
Thank you
Great newd🎉🎉🎉Thanks
Omg! Yesss! Thank you lord! Yea and it's true, it depends on the facility!
I have a question about the Next Gen NCLEX that I can't find a straight answer to save my life, would really appreciate some insight! I understand that the next gen multiple response can be +/- or 1/0, however, current multiple response are all-or-nothing. Will the +/- and 1/0 model of scoring multiple response questions entirely replace the all-or-nothing scoring system for multiple response, or will both be present?
yeah I noticed that too.. my professor in the past said it was all select that apply but when I did practice questions on ATI, it was all or nothing.. seems like case study questions give partial points but the other SATA may or may not..
Sadly I took my nclex on Nov 2022 and failed , but I’m not giving up coming for it by the end of next month!
That's what's up but I already memorized them
Very good
Thank you Sarah
This is not the point but I love the editing in this video:)
Thank u for sharing
Hello...I just got my ATT which is valid till 6 June question is if I take my date after 1 April,2023, do I hv to appear for next-Gen Nclex or the present one
Is there a waiting period after graduation to take NCLEX? I finish school in April, just curious.
It depends on when u get your Authorization to test from the board of Nursing
Will you have to do greenlight?
your school would have the answers. we got a memo about the process in our last semester.
A mole is 602,214,076,000,000,000,000,000 (six hundred two sextillion two hundred fourteen quintillion seventy six quadrillion) of something. A millimole per liter of potassium is a mole divided by 1,000 of potassium atoms in a liter of solution.
I wonder if these lab values will include therapeutic and toxic blood levels of drugs (ex digoxin, lithium, etc).
what about advance nursing practice ?
i hope to give us explanation please 🙏
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 yesss!!!!
Good news
Hey this is ASHFAQ KHAN from Pakistan i am a nursing student please tell me some advice that i get a highesr GPA please
Hi sara
Hi sarah please help me to pass NCLEX
Thank godddd! 🙄😂
I heard only nursing students that began nursing school in or after fall 2021 will be tested on this new version. Is this true? So the ones that graduated before that won't be tested with the new version?
Thank you so much for sharing. I’m an RN, but will share with my friends in nursing school.