Nyamaropa is the only Chief who doesnt get any assistance from his assessors.they sit in fromt for nothing .wen they try to contribute he stops them and say “ musaenda kwese uko,ndatopedza soo “ 🤣🤣🤣🤣,that conduct leads to poor judgements,this is customary law and traditions,yu cnt know everything,mazano marairanwa vakadaro wana Sorojena .
Chief makugona manje. Hasha hadzina kunaka sezvo muri imi watinotevedzera mumaitiro pamwe matauriro nemagariro. Izvi zvinofadza chose zvamave kuita, very cool. Keep it up chief Nyamaropa, the custodian of our tradition and culture
Nyamaropa is the only Chief who doesnt get any assistance from his assessors.they sit in fromt for nothing .wen they try to contribute he stops them and say “ musaenda kwese uko,ndatopedza soo “ 🤣🤣🤣🤣,that conduct leads to poor judgements,this is customary law and traditions,yu cnt know everything,mazano marairanwa vakadaro wana Sorojena .
Very true hakuna maziva zvose
You can't undermine dare rako kudaro
Anenge atopedza
Muchimbo hurirei
Handina tsitsi nemukadzi anouya pane umwe hameno ikoko
Barika harina kutangira mugeneration ino saka kuchivanhu ririko zvaro harishamise ko kuzopa munhu chirwere ndokudii
Nxt part pls
anoda kusingiswa kuzadza munhu nhapitapi uchiziva ndokusungisa ndirini ahhh hutsinye husina basa,haa varume ava kaa
😂😂😂😂 ini ndikaenda kumatare aladai nhema ndodzingwa munzvimbo ndovamamisa pampering pamambo ipapo
Ava mambo ndimambo chaivo
𝐍𝐝𝐚𝐬𝐯𝐢𝐤𝐚 1𝐬𝐭🎉🎉🎉
Nhaimi Mai imi so mukapihwa 7thaza yacho chirwere chinobva here muchimbodeiko kumadhara
Vakadzi vechidiki awa vanenge vawinga pfuma kumadhara aya
Pfuma yacho ndeipi pakamudhara ikaka kungoti nyika yavo ndeyebarika
Pachirwere hapana kana mhosva nyangwe ukaenda kudare ripi
Mambo munogona
200 pagore shuwa hre iyi kkkk
Kkkkkkk aaaa 300 chete gore rese inotenga chii nxaa imi baba imi itai mushe