Hi all! This is Dustin Vuong Nguyen, the English voice of Zhou Yu and Xiahou Yuan in DW: Origins. I'm excited to see so much hype surrounding the game. See you on the battlefields in January!
When did they stop taking it seriously? This is a bit cash-graby modern-remake'eey for my tastes. And much of the game is not there. So can someone explain that to me? And how exactly its better??
@WilliamOfTheCoast this game ain't just for you then, but that's okay, not every game is for everyone. But if you can't tell the vast difference between Origins and the past 2 DW games, then it's just a you problem. It's pretty obvious, no one should have to explain it to you, you aren't a child.
@@toastedtongue1654 ..that's not an answer. there' is no VAST difference lol. Its the same game, i explained why in a different guy who was obviously on payroll to hype a game that he knew nothing about., different nit-picked features from other DW games, a smaller game overall and sitting ten dollars over the standard sixty. this should be a crime, its not worth that amount. its not even half a game.
@WilliamOfTheCoast then just don't play it, it's so simple. How does someone else liking a game even effect you?? Just move on. Goddamn niggas are weird these days.
Speaking to the improved visuals and the unprecedented level of detail, i've been enjoying the brief glimpses of terrified, surprised, angry, or otherwise non-plussed trooper faces as they get wrecked and fly through the air in slow motion during special attacks.
A mainline Dynasty Warriors game that isn't a mindless button masher which is actually pretty challenging and requires some thought put into it? Cats and dogs living together, mass hysteria!
Your point about Lu Bu being unfun for you is kinda fair, but as for the guy who play souls game as their comfort game, this game is exactly what i needed and more.
Bro same. Somehow I'm sold at Lu Bu fight than any other part. The feeling or dopamine you get after finally beating him is insane. Though I get that it'll probably get annoying if we have to encounter him over and over again in the story.
@@reezwaveSeems like there will be multiple Hyper Commanders. I've seen the footage of the 1v1 with Zhang Jiao of the Yellow Turban forces. I also assume at the Battle of Chi Bi, Cao Cao or Zhang Liao will be a Hyper mode commander since they were crucial to those fights. There probably won't be too many of them, but those that are there will provide a real fight.
Oh man I played the demo and it felt way too good! I played Dynasty Warriors 4 for so long growing up. Even some of the music was in the demo from that game.
The older Dynasty Warriors, like in its third and fourth iteration, were actually like this. You have to grab bases, build up morale and rescue other officers so that certain events get triggered (or not get triggered). I have to go to map and see where endangered officers were so that I could go and rescue them. It's nothing new - actually, I would say it was a return to form. The game gotten easier and easier from the Dynasty Warriors 6 onwards.
Also had the dueling system ect for 4 at least. I am so pumped to see it going in this direction. I love the series but they've all felt like boring button mash clones forever at this point.
I'm an old school Dw guy, been wanting them to go back to their roots that made them millions for years, so I was extremely worried about this game, but I played it. It's a good new start for new people to get into the series so it gets a thumbs up from me
The demo felt like the first true step up for Dynasty Warriors since 5, even speaking as someone who had fun with 7. Definitely was a lot harder than expected though, I'm not used to having the allies make such a huge difference in battle, but it's a welcome change. Presentation wise, it's the best the series has ever looked or sounded. Music was good too. Very excited to see what the game's like when it comes out!
I've had a tonne of fun with the demo, I really can't wait for the full release. One thing I really liked is that the pressure is back on, you gotta know where to be and when or your going to lose all your troops, which to me is a really fun puzzle to solve for each battle. I also really like the idea where the stages of the battle can be advanced by the player, the final charge doesn't have to happen straight away and that's cool, it gives me time to mop up the rest of the enemies and makes sure I have as many men as possible for the final fight. This to me is exactly the gameplay I wanted, the battle feels intense but isn't overwhelming they have done a great job with the demo too, its a nice variety of stuff we get to play with as well.
I just wish that there was a character creator in this game, it just feels like it would benefit a lot from it. Also really sad that Sun Ce ain´t plabable =( he is my favorite character!
This engine combined with Diablo style builds and loot is the future of ARPGs. Someone needs to do it. I know games like Darksiders have tried, but even there the mob density was nowhere close to this
They really need to adjust ally officer ai they die way to fast. So many times a dong zhuo no named general would 3v1 a group of ally officers and take them all out that should never be happening
The reason stuff like that happen is obviously as stated morale and the fact that certain enemy officers and allied officers have a courage meter if your enemy has courage and they are fighting someone without that courage the winner is clear especially with morale leaning in the enemy’s favor.
I did what you said. I paused the video, downloaded and played the demo, and came back to write this. I have never played one of these, but it was really, really fun!
Just pro tip here, changing your troop tactic to order to march, and sending them over to help the other side of the map, is actually giga impactful, wu will often solo their side if you send em to help
I'm going in blind with pure faith in this game (meaning I'm not playing the demo or watching too much gameplay). I've been a fan of the series since the very 1st Dynasty Warriors through all the crossovers & all....That last Dynasty Warriors ....Don't even want to bring it up because 1 release doesn't take away hundreds of hours of entertainment all the previous ones brought me. The future of the franchise looks bright if it manages to deliver these modern graphics & mechanics alongside the rich & beloved narrative of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms!
I just want to play as an OP Lu Bu again. I was hopeful, and after playing the demo... I think I'll wait to see how the actual game turns out before deciding to buy or not. Thanks for this video.
Heavily disagree with the Lu Bu fight. He actually feels like a boss fight for the first time in DW. Before he was just the same brainless AI and easily cheesable. Now DW is actually a proper action game and not just mindlessly mash on Square all day. Im all for it. It was my biggest gripe with the series for a long time.
most casual fans are dependent on arrow shot spamming or kiting around a tree while waiting for the musou gauge to auto-fill on red hp bar. Here you need to either evade or counter the attack which is more involving and tied to risks.
I personally found the troop attacks to be very effective when done correctly. Sometimes even one shotting or dealing heavy damage to officers or wiping out areas. Really enjoyed the demo however I cant see myself spending so much on the game and as its a koei game, will probably have to wait 10 years before it goes down to a reasonable price
Regardless of what side one lands on with it, how god damn COOL is it that this game is even on this level of discourse and interest now? I very much hope they pay close attention to what’s working and if anything isn’t, and keep going in this direction, it feels so damn good now. Just really want character creation and optional online co-op so you can get some very big challenges.
i hate muso games doing the mandatory "named guy is immovable until you play the game our way" like obviously you want them to not get steamrolled instantly but im sure there's a middle ground that isnt shut down everything but the one solution
Felt that way too. Soulslikes got brought up, but even those let you play more proactively-enemies either take hitstun at predictable thresholds OR can be made prone by rapidly attacking with big moves. Here, it felt like there wasn't a way to fight proactively. Wish they found some middle-ground like, I dunno, Kingdoms Hearts 2 revenge values, etc
... That basically how war works, and morale too. Instead thinking about what you just describe, its much better to tailor a reaction when you win against the odd. Even unlocking new Route of story etc. Always go outside the box about how to make the game interesting instead of playing inside the box. Tbh, DW should left Console for a really long time, their game is much better in PC with maximum capability.
admittedly i played on the normal difficulty but lu bu isnt that hard if you're smart about it. leading him into allied camps is 100% the play since you get closer to healing items if you run out, and the required troops for tactics also recovers faster. it *did* feel a little cheap but he doesnt have to be a souls boss if you didnt want him to be
I think the reason why people prefer the old DW games is because it was new for them at the time. I started with 2 and played 3 shortly after and they were Awesome. But over time, the franchise was criticized for being a “more of the same” kind of game with each installment. So I stopped playing at DW5. I picked it up again at DW8 and really enjoyed the presentation, but it was still the familiar square, square, triangle type action. Now we have DWO, a game that finally gives us something different and addresses the age old criticism…but people are complaining that it isn’t like the same games that were criticized before! Like why do people want DW2-8 all over again!?
You're talking about two camps of people and equating their wishes into one group. Think about what you're asking. Lots of us were still hoping for the infantry of 3-5 to make a return. Its not in this, which makes me less interested. Some people always liked the "easy to learn difficult to master" style of older games. Those who say they were easy and mindless, never played on harder difficulties. A lot of people don't want any Soulslike elements in the game because we are fatigued with these games and themes popping up in every action game.
i prefer the older style DW gameplay ...dw 5 being my all time favorite,, but I'm not against Origins ,,,and like you said i really think the gameplay is going To carry this game because is fun,,,the lack of playable character and weapons is a easier pill to swallow if you stop thinking this game is dw 10... this game is its own thing,, think of it like that and the lack of playable characters and free mode won't bother you so much...but if this was DW 10 i would be very disappointed because this is not dynasty warriros... now if they use this game as a base for dw 10 where they allow us to play with all our favorite characters i would be very happy
Same, my favourite game was DW4, this is not a DW game, they are trying to do something mainstream and ruining DW in the process. DW9 was a mess, now this, I hope DW10 goes in a better track otherwise I will just play DW4 till my final days :D
@@filipelopes8852 I think we'll be stuck with those oldies unfortunately. Only hope we got is remastered versions in the future, but combat will never get slower only faster. I've never played DW4 or 5, just 5 empires and all past that so I have something to look forward to one day aha
Finally they changed the boring ⏹️⏹️⏹️🔼 over and over combat. It took them freaking 9 games and some samurai warriors and orochi. It still feels like a musou game imo.
I'm a relatively new dynasty warriors fan I've known about the franchise and the warriors games in general for many years I've dabbled in the spin offs and only played like one mainline game very briefly (dynasty warriors 6) and i somewhat remember playing dynasty warriors online though only briefly I've always wanted to get into the warriors games myself and after watching your videos on playing all the dynasty and samurai warriors games i decided to do the same tho I'm only playing the mainline games and skipping the spinoffs/handheld versions (im talking about spinoffs like strike force or chronicles i still plan on playing ones that have the muso formula that are based on other franchises like one piece or Gundam) decided to start at DW4 and currently working through DW7XL i been loving these games so far (skipped DW6) and i already pre ordered origins soon as i finish DW8XL im jumping straight into origins and looking forward to diving in samurai warriors afterwards
This demo was a breath of fresh air. Dynasty warriors is my favorite franchise. And I hated the feeling of being a one man army. Being a God amoung ants. This version actually made you feel like a soldier absolutely amazing
As someone who just wants more DW8, SW4 and WO3, this demo is making me think that this needs to stay a spin off. I don't play Warriors games for their difficulty, I play them because I want to enjoy something with my brain turned off for a little bit. The PS2 games were still like that to me. I just don't want it to be as soulless as DW9.
Just tried the demo and yes this finally feels fresh, it feels next gen, it feels polished. I hope it doesn't lack too much content at launch but that might be a fool's wish.
I'm not a souls player, but I absolutely loved fighting Lu Bu in the demo. My only issue with it is it highlighted how much this game needs to add a "Retry from last checkpoint" option, instead of making us select from the timeline every time we lose.
I think it is pretty obvious from the intro of the demo that on release we will have at least a couple of missions to go through before Sishui Gate which will likely be there to ease the player into the game and its new systems and approach of gameplay. I expect on release Sishui Game will feel much easier than what it felt like in the current demo version. In regards to looks and such, I use a gaming laptop since 2017. My processor kinda struggles with most stuff, but surprisingly DW : Origins was really smooth! I hope it remains so on full release!
Loving the e direction they are going with this game. I’m super hyped for the full game release! Also the troop attacks are very useful because they deal decent damage and also breaks enemy officers resolve. Also loving the difficulty of the game, I like that I have to actually pay attention and focus.
After my disappointment with DW9, DW9E, SW5, HWAoC I was pleasantly surprised by DW:Origins from objectives feeling dire again, noticing allies feel involved THE TROOPS!!! It takes me back to the DW3/4 Era while being modern (even if I will probably still prefer DW3-5 and SW1/2/4) It's an interesting take and I went from "Not buying" to "Alright Koei.... one more try...." Now I'll be surprised if demo Lu Bu stays lol He felt great for the 1st time in 20y imo.
This is the future of ARPGs, IMO. It has the potential to fuse top down (mob density, loot and build variety) and over the shoulder ARPGs (the best action combat).
*Power creep has been a problem with each new DW game. However, DW Origins seems to be actively fixing this with a focus on defensive/ reactionary combat.* To address power creep, much needed game mechanics have been added to improve the quality of combat from a lateral perspective. Instead of making combat more flashy as they have been, they made combat more calculated. Historically with each new DW game, player controlled characters are buffed and enemies seem to be unchanged if not nerfed. This imbalance in power has made combat increasingly easier to a point where it's brain-dead. In prior DW, fighting officers was bland. You relentlessly attack until they panic block, then wait until they stop blocking so you can continue your attack, rinse and repeat. In DW Origins, you have to pay attention to your opponent's moves. If you don't dodge and parry their attacks, you can die. In prior DW, you can one-man-army an entire battle. You can disregard the flow of the battlefield in favor of just doing your own thing. In DW Origins, although you can still try to one-man-army, you are given a strong focus to think things through and work with your allies.
*With teamwork and officer combat being improved, I feel there's still one big aspect that could also be improved; wave clearing/ peasant combat.* The most satisfying wave clearing/ peasant combat comes from older Warriors games because of how they handle the physics of weapons. Each strike only extends as far as the actual weapon can physically reach. Each moveset have strikes that cover varying amounts of area from sweeping attacks to downwards/poking attacks. Lining up your attacks so they successfully hit and gauging the distance just right so the tip of your blade hits. This is just a level of satisfaction you don't get from newer DW games. In newer DW games, wave clearing/ peasant combat feels handicapped. Weapons have imaginary extended range and movesets have built in giant shockwave effects. Although movesets look more big and theatrical, the lack of needing to make those minor calculations when you fight through waves of peasants makes these movesets feel more for show than meaningful gameplay.
My first "dynasty warriors" game was ninety nine knights. I thoroughly enjoyed this demo. Lu Bu was really hard, but overall I think it's good for the game to challenge the player as well. It's a nice mix of 1v1 boss as well as army play imo
The only things I didn't like about the demo -Everything happens so fast, you've got no time to breathe, it's super chaotic -Constant spam of "x ally is in danger" dialogue (be it on easy, medium or hard), I don't hate the morale system nor the difficulty of the game, this point is about how often they keep asking for help, it's way too frequent -The constant zoom-in and out of camera, the game flow is interrupted a bit too much -Lu Bu fight feels like a Dark Souls Game, I personally hate this style of boss fight of "learn all the patterns and dodge everything otherwise you're dead in 2 hits", once you learn it, every fight becomes a joke, otherwise it's a bit too frustrating, it's not fun and it's only rewarding once in the entire lifetime of the game (the first time you beat it)... Also, it feels out of place, everyone is "normal" and Lu Bu is this Shin Akuma-like character throwing shockwaves and doing Broly screams... It doesn't give me Dynasty Warriors vibe That said, I put 17h on this demo, and still plan to buy it whenever I can, as given the lack of regional pricing this game costs 2/5 of my monthly salary, I just hope they tweak some things to tidy it up before release, and really hope this game sells well so we can get Musou games back in the market, I'm extremely eager to see what they would do with the next Samurai Warriors, given it's more stylized, maybe focusing now on Hideyoshi and everything that happens up to the very end of the Sengoku Jidai
I love the demo, it's what I always wanted from a DW game. There's a degree of skill that makes feels good. Like the older games I can just mash to win but doesn't always feel as engaging at times but this game here, makes me think of the DMC games you can dodge, parry, counter and it all feels so good. I hope we can a samurai warriors game like this
Thank you for encouraging viewers to play the demo before getting into the details. The new game had been on my radar, but after Dynasty Warriors 9 (and to a lesser extent, Samurai Warriors 5), I had no faith that the new game was going to do much to redeem the series. Barely minutes into the demo I realized how wrong I had been. This is what I've always wanted from this series: chaotic action on a grand scale. And yet, it's managed chaos, the way a battlefield might be. There's so much going on, so many options you have to influence the outcome of the battle with, if you can keep your strategic wits about you, even while tactically facing down the enemy in front of you. If the open world of DW9 was a misstep in the direction toward market trends in spite of the series' identity, this is a bold move not only back to form, but to fully realizing what the idea behind the games could be. It feels fresh in a way that none of the other games in the series have, an evolution instead of another iteration.
Made to the Lu Bu fight with full morale thanks to winning a couple duels towards the end, so glad they brought that back from DW4. Seeing Lu Bu leap from Shi Sui Gate was awesome. Died real dead. This is how he should be. "Hmph, watch well. This is the power of the strongest warrior unrivaled under heaven!" was the last thing he said before I died with full Dominating morale. Morale don't mean squat when he appears. True perfection.
The demo has new spins on the same concepts we've been seeing since they got creative in 3 and beyond. The issue is that the game has LOADS OF CONTENT MISSING that the numbered gave us for cheaper than 70 dollars. So think about this rationally, you're paying 70 for a game that has newer graphics but stops a quarter of the way in with levels and battles, then has the nerve to only give you a hand full of characters. All those wacky generals? There interactions? There personal stages? All wiped away. The 2 through 9 games gave at a standard 60 or 55 (cost) depending on location. Never has there been a Kokei Romance game or Warriors game that has done that, and they've been around since the 90s. Its inexcusable, you support bad business practices and you'll receive even LESS content.
@@BigCyan That has nothing to do with anything. I'm a 40k nut. Warhammer Space Marine II was 60 USD. And it was pushed back well into the "inflation" times. Due to development delay. This is SONY being greedy with another one of their remake-titles to push on their console and whatever dev they lock/partner with to cover costs. Games still release at 60 in 2024 bud.
@@BigCyan Sony has deep lock in ties with this game, like the other remake games that meet their critera. We've seen this before and they always have the same pattern. 1. Graphics Graphics Graphics don't ask about what's missing!, 2. Redesigns and lots of needless changes, cut content. 3. Claims rave reviews even when the game is heading off a cliff and these insane SUS defenders of the titles that really have no idea what they are on about. Resident Evil, FF7, Silent Hill 2, Metal Gear Delta, just to name a few. Hearing over and over again "Try something different" is starting to be a funeral march. When you see these games first introduced with that Blue PS Logo in the corner or on their Showcase and they match 1-3? Hold on to your lug nuts son, you're in for a ride of sad.
I've officially haven't played dynasty warriors in so long , last one I've played was on psp, only played the demos of the new ones and never really bought them not even the ps3 Era either, but holy crap origins is insanely good, I've literally decided to come back to the series after this demo.
I literally just played the demo and upon starting I definitely thought it was sweet and was running through the map killing. But as you mentioned officers on your team dies so easy and you really have to think about where your headed and who to assist more in each location. The combat has evolved so much that once again as you mentioned you can’t button mash your way through this. Im Loving it, especially not having to restart the entire battle and view moments where the battle went wrong. I will say i wish you could customize your character but other than that im loving the game
this demo was insanely good although a bit badly designed. You don't force players to beat Lu Bu, not at Si Shui Gate as it's the first battle of the second arc. Lu Bu is the strongest character in the entire roster. They should have made your goal to reach the retreat location while beating Lu Bu is secondary win condition. Due to the fact the all of Lu Bu's attacks are somewhat telegraphs and counterable, you can basically beat him in a straightforward manner. Still, for many people unfamiliar with tactical combat or players unused to controls with button dyslexia, they might have a bad first impression even when playing on the easiest difficulty because of the state of the inventory. You are not meant to beat Lu Bu at lv1 just starting out.
I see what they are trying to do. With Samurai 5 they tried to conzentrate on a smaller part of history and telling it more in detail. While this removed some characters that not appear in this time frame, it lifted up other or added them, as they now had a much bigger role. I think this is a good idea for Dynastie Worriors too. Adding new character thats now have time to shine because of the more detailed history. But they need to make the other generals playable! Also i want Samurai 6 and Origins 2 to build on this. So with Samurai 6 we not just get all the remaining story but also just as much love for the second half of the cast while keeping the character of the first part.
I remember Kojima once saying "the only way I could develop (the character of) Solid Snake more, is for him to be seen through the eyes of another person", and that's why we get to play as Raiden I think of Origins the same way, we already know the story and relationships that these characters have, now you can be a third person in that world, to watch them from afar, and to interact with them as you wish, and to see how they react in those different scenarios (I assume different endings will have to do with the outcome of battles and your bonds to the factions and certain characters), it's something we only had before with Empires, but that was never the goal of the game, so it wasn't very developed... But here we apparently can write our own story, before aiming for the "true ending" And while, of course, we can't have all characters here since Koei is pretty much testing the waters with this game (and in an interview the director already said there won't be character DLCs nor they're expanding after Chi Bi), I think it's a very cool thing
I do like some of the changes they've made, but I haven't liked any Dynasty Warriors games that make it so you can't just play the way you want to. I played DW2 and beat it with every single character, because as a kid I loved the feeling of getting to go and take out every officer, etc. Regardless I'm very glad they're taking this game seriously again, and I'm really like the direction they're going even if it's not for me.
The demo indeed is good. It has more strategy with the parry/evade mechanic and breaking their shield. Its very tough! A few tweaks I wish they would make: - easier way to get healed - its hard to keep officers alive, its impossible when Lieu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei move on and you are still with either Sun Jian or Xiahou Dun. Everyone needs help and your officers are indeed in danger if you can't help them. This is very hard. - there needs to be a training mode where you can exploit each mechanic and grasp how it works. This game is as much a army vs army as it is literally one on one fighter. Its unlike any dynasty warriors. It really meets its namesake as Dynasty Warrior.
@@sogetsu60 Yeah, gotta take that into consideration, the items we have in this demo seem to be like the first weapon drops you'd get by playing a stage on normal, considering how much some officers tank your hits, we'll definitely be stronger by the time we get to meet Lu Bu, since he's not even supposed to show on this battle, and had to be re-balanced for the demo
I kept losing, and I loved it. Been playing since DW2 and it became a brainless guilty pleasure for me after awhile. This one is challenging me and investing me.
I wish they did one more like DW2 tbh, but I know im in the minority :P I really liked being a competent warrior whose role was pretty important in the battle, as opposted to the only factor that matters. Even in this, you're pretty much the only one who kills officers for the most part which is incredibly unrealistic :P
I loved it. For me it’s like playing the golden era again. New mechanics are ok, Lu Bu should be the hardest boss, making him scary hard is what it should be! Can’t wait for the full release
DO NOT TONE DOWN LU BU. Since my original frustrating, sweat and rage inducing fight i had with him in DW2 as a kid, i have eagerly awaited to fight this feathered headed twat atop his red hare in every game in the series since. This man is iconic and meant to be difficult to face, even in the early games if you managed to kill a thousand men in a mission you was compared to him. He has been my favourite Character/person in gaming/history since learning about and facing him in DW2 dont ruin him by making him a push over.
I hope that like in previous games you are advised to avoid fighting lu bu at hu lao gate, it being an optional objective. Alternative routes to the main objective, avoiding stronger opponents but take longer, can be a great regular mission feature. Just more choice in how battles are won than just heading from one base or officer then the next.
I absolutely loved the Lu Bu fight, it truly felt like the fight that this legendary figure deserves. I've never felt so engaged in a battle in the entire series, and seeing my allies dwindle over the course of the fight, until it's just the 2 of us fighting all out felt incredible. It really sold that feeling that he's this legendary warrior that nobody else can stand up to, and if you aren't an extremely talented warrior, he will just absolutely steam roll you into the dirt.
I don’t play soul games but I’m a all times DW fan ever sense 3 this feels so nostalgic and it is a call back to 3 I hope they use this game for a dw 10 base no issues with LU BU I lost him about 10 13 times it’s good he’s good everything is good and the word good is a massive understatement for this game this game is flat out just god
As someone who never played souls game, this Lu Bu fight made me wanna try these games too. The Lu Bu fight was the best part of the demo for me. My only problem is that the hero difficulty is still not that difficult. I don't feel like I should be able to beat a boss on the hardest difficulty with just a couple of tries. Or maybe they'll add another difficulty when the game releases I don't know, but either way this is gonna be the best Dynasty warriors game by far and I can't for its release.
I've been searching for the high I got from dynasty warriors gundam 3 and reborn for years. Gundam breaker gave that to me, unfortunately the craziness wasn't ever there in the mainline DW series. I started with 3, good game but not bombastic. However...THIS game looks like it will give me that dopamine rush!
In Dynasty Warriors 2 Your Army also Charges if you take down certain Officers( I like Dw2 He fei more than Dw3 Version because Cao Cao Forces Actually Fullly Advances Which i feel is Needed to Win.
i tried the demo and played the mission 4 times, the first time i heard that guitar start playing i was so excited and hyped but my enjoyment went away very quickly with how overwhelming and uninteligeble i find the game to be, i played the mission 4 times and i still don't know ANYTHING of what is going on i didn't know until this video that you could dodge block or parry enemies i even looked at the controls and it showed nothing of the sort so i got so sick and tired of not being able to understand anything after trying 4 times that i just uninstalled, i hope the chill the hell out and make a tutorial mission taking it slow
Super excited for a new DW but the defense heavy combat absolutely gutted the entire experience for me. I'm down for vulnerable team mates and rushing to save them at a different base or capturing a control point but I can't do that when I need to stop and wait for a turn-based parry off vs every officer. Can't justify buying a game I don't enjoy the game play for.
Unfortunately no coop means no buy for me. I’ve been playing dynasty warriors since the first game but have past the most recent ones due to no coop. Gameplay felt good but I play these games with friends.
I am so glad they are given the proper treatment to their flagships series, I grew up with DW and feared they wouldn't touch it again after the failure of DW9 and their success with the spin-offs titles, I am glad I was wrong and they cooked with Origins, we are so back now.
So does this game actually feel like you’re in a battle? Other Warriors games it feels to me like you’re an untouchable god where a single swing kills a dozen mooks who just stood around awaiting slaughter. Like why even have an army on your side if they didn’t do anything?
this game is immersive, you are given info about the progress of the battle, each individual skirmish is displayed and indicators of who is winning, your allied generals will actually try to come help you corner a general, massive grand scale army maneuvers receive dedicated cutscenes, tons of side objectives are presented dynamically which changes the battle front and line of war, the battlefield rewind feature helps you pick up on weird developments (which could make you unlock new scenarios, unlock new partner characters and items).
This game is a banger, so different to the old style of dynasty warriors and a much needed change for the future of the franchise, im actually liking that you have your own soldiers also!!
totally, i loved that in DW4 where you could essentially train your bodyguards. Here it seems like you can actually recruit them or have a different layout with mixed guard types.
If the boss fights are souls-like then i am IN!!!! I have been playing Dynasty Warriors since number 3 and over time everything just got so mindless and far too easy.. i need LuBu to be a challenge. He was a HUGE threat since he was unbelievably strong. So make him that way in-game, it’ll make me much better at getting the game mechanics down
I really liked the demo, I had cero expectations and it was nice. It kinda made me feel like when I used to play DW5. My only worries are that this would not be a local co-op 😢 and that the characters are gonna be less. Lu Bu was immortal for me xD but okay, understandable
The game is a let down imo. No legacy warriors to play fully is a joke. Who asked to play as a nobody the whole game and its missing battles. Im ok with how the battles play out now, i can get behind this new way of fighting. Its a tease to let me play a companion for a bit. How can you have all these old characters from the games that were always playable now not fully playable, i just cant understand that choice. Honestly lu bu wasnt that bad. It took me two tries. He def can kill you fast though if you dont know what you’re doing
A lot looks great. I just dont like the dark souls fighting style for bosses or generals in this cause, i also hate the roster cut honestly. Ill probably wait to see if they add more roster to it but for me its the amount of characters that mattered most.
I played the Warriors series more along the PS2 (DW3-SW timeframe) era and got both SW4 and DW8 empires and Strikeforce. I can not say I've been with the series as long as anyone else has been, nevertheless. It's good to see Koei do something different and try out new things. In my opinion, the more newer installments were becoming unfun as far as combat/mechanics went, despite some improvements here and there.
fighting lu bu made me not want to buy this game. i was on historian difficulty and won the battle first try but after 7 tries against lu i gave up. thats the demo on easy? i thought..... plus all my teamates bailed after the first restart
Ok so I have a few things that could have made this game a top seller. 1.coop would have added so much depth to the boss battle's in this game and the bosses are tough enough to take on two players at the same time.2 character customization should have been implemented instead of playing a nameless wandering guy with no actual purpose.3 this game would have been epic if it had the empires concept to it . They used the counter mechanic witch is from dynasty 9 empires. if they would have placed that into the game it would give you constant replayability. from what I can tell it's gonna be very streamlined. No choices to make no actual alterations to battle's it just leads you to a final battle at the end of a victory
I know this game might be the point of division within the community, those who love it for the changes it made, and those who hate it cuz it no longer the "turn your brain off hack-and-slash game". But holy hell this game feel so damn good to play, THIS is how you evolve your game, there is a reason God of War went for the direction that it is today.
I came in the demo expecting drunk hack & slash but got met with red healths and many honorable deaths by Lu Bu. 😂 Hard run just made it challengingly more fun.
I'll be buying this day one and I have never said that about this franchise. Lu Bu was the best part. Souls my ass bud, difficulty doesn't mean SOULS LIKE. Also, when we get to Lu Bu in the actual game, we'll be more than ready for him.
@@siekensou77 Nah mate, they just don't know what Lu Bu's about in the game, entire franchise if to be honest. Let them complain, we enjoy the fight with Lu Bu anyway.
Hi all! This is Dustin Vuong Nguyen, the English voice of Zhou Yu and Xiahou Yuan in DW: Origins. I'm excited to see so much hype surrounding the game. See you on the battlefields in January!
Thanks for stopping by on my video! Super excited to get into the game!
@ looking forward to seeing more coverage from you!
Zhou Yu has been my favourite character since DW7. I was disappointed by DW9 but I'm so hyped for Origins!
@@vahitcantekin2618 Glad you're hyped! I hope to make you proud!
Love to see the artists that work on these games be involved in the community as well!
It feels so good to see Koei take this franchise seriously again.
And make it tough again.
When did they stop taking it seriously? This is a bit cash-graby modern-remake'eey for my tastes. And much of the game is not there. So can someone explain that to me? And how exactly its better??
@WilliamOfTheCoast this game ain't just for you then, but that's okay, not every game is for everyone. But if you can't tell the vast difference between Origins and the past 2 DW games, then it's just a you problem. It's pretty obvious, no one should have to explain it to you, you aren't a child.
@@toastedtongue1654 ..that's not an answer. there' is no VAST difference lol. Its the same game, i explained why in a different guy who was obviously on payroll to hype a game that he knew nothing about., different nit-picked features from other DW games, a smaller game overall and sitting ten dollars over the standard sixty. this should be a crime, its not worth that amount. its not even half a game.
@WilliamOfTheCoast then just don't play it, it's so simple. How does someone else liking a game even effect you?? Just move on. Goddamn niggas are weird these days.
Speaking to the improved visuals and the unprecedented level of detail, i've been enjoying the brief glimpses of terrified, surprised, angry, or otherwise non-plussed trooper faces as they get wrecked and fly through the air in slow motion during special attacks.
A mainline Dynasty Warriors game that isn't a mindless button masher which is actually pretty challenging and requires some thought put into it? Cats and dogs living together, mass hysteria!
Your point about Lu Bu being unfun for you is kinda fair, but as for the guy who play souls game as their comfort game, this game is exactly what i needed and more.
Bro same. Somehow I'm sold at Lu Bu fight than any other part. The feeling or dopamine you get after finally beating him is insane. Though I get that it'll probably get annoying if we have to encounter him over and over again in the story.
The Lu Bu fight made it what I expected it to be, a fight. Instead of spamming musuo just to flinch him.
And this is why I think the game could become mainstream popular. Most people love Souls games.
@@reezwaveSeems like there will be multiple Hyper Commanders. I've seen the footage of the 1v1 with Zhang Jiao of the Yellow Turban forces. I also assume at the Battle of Chi Bi, Cao Cao or Zhang Liao will be a Hyper mode commander since they were crucial to those fights.
There probably won't be too many of them, but those that are there will provide a real fight.
Oh man I played the demo and it felt way too good! I played Dynasty Warriors 4 for so long growing up. Even some of the music was in the demo from that game.
The older Dynasty Warriors, like in its third and fourth iteration, were actually like this. You have to grab bases, build up morale and rescue other officers so that certain events get triggered (or not get triggered). I have to go to map and see where endangered officers were so that I could go and rescue them. It's nothing new - actually, I would say it was a return to form. The game gotten easier and easier from the Dynasty Warriors 6 onwards.
Also had the dueling system ect for 4 at least. I am so pumped to see it going in this direction. I love the series but they've all felt like boring button mash clones forever at this point.
I'm an old school Dw guy, been wanting them to go back to their roots that made them millions for years, so I was extremely worried about this game, but I played it. It's a good new start for new people to get into the series so it gets a thumbs up from me
The demo felt like the first true step up for Dynasty Warriors since 5, even speaking as someone who had fun with 7. Definitely was a lot harder than expected though, I'm not used to having the allies make such a huge difference in battle, but it's a welcome change. Presentation wise, it's the best the series has ever looked or sounded. Music was good too. Very excited to see what the game's like when it comes out!
I've had a tonne of fun with the demo, I really can't wait for the full release.
One thing I really liked is that the pressure is back on, you gotta know where to be and when or your going to lose all your troops, which to me is a really fun puzzle to solve for each battle.
I also really like the idea where the stages of the battle can be advanced by the player, the final charge doesn't have to happen straight away and that's cool, it gives me time to mop up the rest of the enemies and makes sure I have as many men as possible for the final fight.
This to me is exactly the gameplay I wanted, the battle feels intense but isn't overwhelming they have done a great job with the demo too, its a nice variety of stuff we get to play with as well.
no coop is such a low blow :/
I just wish that there was a character creator in this game, it just feels like it would benefit a lot from it.
Also really sad that Sun Ce ain´t plabable =( he is my favorite character!
Wow same Sun ces been my favorite since 3 us Sun Ce fans aren't eating too good unfortunately
This engine combined with Diablo style builds and loot is the future of ARPGs. Someone needs to do it. I know games like Darksiders have tried, but even there the mob density was nowhere close to this
They really need to adjust ally officer ai they die way to fast. So many times a dong zhuo no named general would 3v1 a group of ally officers and take them all out that should never be happening
I feel like they did that on purpose in terms of making the demo challenging.
@@musouprince7796 don't give them too much credit. It could be intentional and a basis for the final game.
The reason stuff like that happen is obviously as stated morale and the fact that certain enemy officers and allied officers have a courage meter if your enemy has courage and they are fighting someone without that courage the winner is clear especially with morale leaning in the enemy’s favor.
The combat effectiveness of officers depends on their morale
Morale and courage are two different things btw
I did what you said. I paused the video, downloaded and played the demo, and came back to write this. I have never played one of these, but it was really, really fun!
Glad you enjoyed it!
Just pro tip here, changing your troop tactic to order to march, and sending them over to help the other side of the map, is actually giga impactful, wu will often solo their side if you send em to help
u r right it did feel like a souls-like at the end , i loved that but tbh they should've made him this punishing only on the hard difficulty
I'm going in blind with pure faith in this game (meaning I'm not playing the demo or watching too much gameplay). I've been a fan of the series since the very 1st Dynasty Warriors through all the crossovers & all....That last Dynasty Warriors ....Don't even want to bring it up because 1 release doesn't take away hundreds of hours of entertainment all the previous ones brought me.
The future of the franchise looks bright if it manages to deliver these modern graphics & mechanics alongside the rich & beloved narrative of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms!
I just want to play as an OP Lu Bu again. I was hopeful, and after playing the demo... I think I'll wait to see how the actual game turns out before deciding to buy or not. Thanks for this video.
Heavily disagree with the Lu Bu fight. He actually feels like a boss fight for the first time in DW. Before he was just the same brainless AI and easily cheesable. Now DW is actually a proper action game and not just mindlessly mash on Square all day. Im all for it. It was my biggest gripe with the series for a long time.
Right? It's lu bu. He's not supposed to be a pushover
most casual fans are dependent on arrow shot spamming or kiting around a tree while waiting for the musou gauge to auto-fill on red hp bar. Here you need to either evade or counter the attack which is more involving and tied to risks.
@LocherYT Well Dynasty Warriors 2 Lu Bu has to be Avoided. He can easily defeat You in that game
it was quite a shock when mashing square did not work!!!
I personally found the troop attacks to be very effective when done correctly. Sometimes even one shotting or dealing heavy damage to officers or wiping out areas.
Really enjoyed the demo however I cant see myself spending so much on the game and as its a koei game, will probably have to wait 10 years before it goes down to a reasonable price
Regardless of what side one lands on with it, how god damn COOL is it that this game is even on this level of discourse and interest now? I very much hope they pay close attention to what’s working and if anything isn’t, and keep going in this direction, it feels so damn good now.
Just really want character creation and optional online co-op so you can get some very big challenges.
i hate muso games doing the mandatory "named guy is immovable until you play the game our way" like obviously you want them to not get steamrolled instantly but im sure there's a middle ground that isnt shut down everything but the one solution
Felt that way too. Soulslikes got brought up, but even those let you play more proactively-enemies either take hitstun at predictable thresholds OR can be made prone by rapidly attacking with big moves. Here, it felt like there wasn't a way to fight proactively. Wish they found some middle-ground like, I dunno, Kingdoms Hearts 2 revenge values, etc
... That basically how war works, and morale too.
Instead thinking about what you just describe, its much better to tailor a reaction when you win against the odd. Even unlocking new Route of story etc.
Always go outside the box about how to make the game interesting instead of playing inside the box. Tbh, DW should left Console for a really long time, their game is much better in PC with maximum capability.
we are so fucking back babyyy
admittedly i played on the normal difficulty but lu bu isnt that hard if you're smart about it. leading him into allied camps is 100% the play since you get closer to healing items if you run out, and the required troops for tactics also recovers faster. it *did* feel a little cheap but he doesnt have to be a souls boss if you didnt want him to be
Ok, I'm going to check the demo tonight - this might be the first Warriors game I will play at launch!
The demo, to me, felt like "What if DW4 was made today?" I love the new perfect dodge and blocking
I was hoping you'd come back to talk about this :) I just started watching your channel a couple days ago.
I think the reason why people prefer the old DW games is because it was new for them at the time. I started with 2 and played 3 shortly after and they were Awesome. But over time, the franchise was criticized for being a “more of the same” kind of game with each installment. So I stopped playing at DW5.
I picked it up again at DW8 and really enjoyed the presentation, but it was still the familiar square, square, triangle type action. Now we have DWO, a game that finally gives us something different and addresses the age old criticism…but people are complaining that it isn’t like the same games that were criticized before! Like why do people want DW2-8 all over again!?
I 100% agree! This franchise was desperaly in need of a combat overhaul!
It's because they are so used to it and don't like change . That's why they accept the same game over and over at top of the line prices
Try Warriors Orochi 3. It's also a Good Game series
You're talking about two camps of people and equating their wishes into one group. Think about what you're asking.
Lots of us were still hoping for the infantry of 3-5 to make a return. Its not in this, which makes me less interested. Some people always liked the "easy to learn difficult to master" style of older games. Those who say they were easy and mindless, never played on harder difficulties.
A lot of people don't want any Soulslike elements in the game because we are fatigued with these games and themes popping up in every action game.
@KalvinStrange Dynasty Warriors 2 Infantry on Hard Mode can Defeat a Maxed out Character
It is absolutely amazing
i prefer the older style DW gameplay ...dw 5 being my all time favorite,, but I'm not against Origins ,,,and like you said i really think the gameplay is going To carry this game because is fun,,,the lack of playable character and weapons is a easier pill to swallow if you stop thinking this game is dw 10... this game is its own thing,, think of it like that and the lack of playable characters and free mode won't bother you so much...but if this was DW 10 i would be very disappointed because this is not dynasty warriros... now if they use this game as a base for dw 10 where they allow us to play with all our favorite characters i would be very happy
Yeah nothing beats the slow combat of SW1 and DW5 and the amazing songs and voice cast and such :'((
Same, my favourite game was DW4, this is not a DW game, they are trying to do something mainstream and ruining DW in the process. DW9 was a mess, now this, I hope DW10 goes in a better track otherwise I will just play DW4 till my final days :D
@@filipelopes8852 I think we'll be stuck with those oldies unfortunately. Only hope we got is remastered versions in the future, but combat will never get slower only faster. I've never played DW4 or 5, just 5 empires and all past that so I have something to look forward to one day aha
I mean it's very clearly not DW10.
This is a sandbox for experimentation.
A very successful experimentation sandbox.
Finally they changed the boring ⏹️⏹️⏹️🔼 over and over combat. It took them freaking 9 games and some samurai warriors and orochi. It still feels like a musou game imo.
Just played the demo and it was fun will probably buy it.
I'm a relatively new dynasty warriors fan I've known about the franchise and the warriors games in general for many years I've dabbled in the spin offs and only played like one mainline game very briefly (dynasty warriors 6) and i somewhat remember playing dynasty warriors online though only briefly I've always wanted to get into the warriors games myself and after watching your videos on playing all the dynasty and samurai warriors games i decided to do the same tho I'm only playing the mainline games and skipping the spinoffs/handheld versions (im talking about spinoffs like strike force or chronicles i still plan on playing ones that have the muso formula that are based on other franchises like one piece or Gundam) decided to start at DW4 and currently working through DW7XL i been loving these games so far (skipped DW6) and i already pre ordered origins soon as i finish DW8XL im jumping straight into origins and looking forward to diving in samurai warriors afterwards
This demo was a breath of fresh air. Dynasty warriors is my favorite franchise. And I hated the feeling of being a one man army. Being a God amoung ants. This version actually made you feel like a soldier absolutely amazing
As someone who just wants more DW8, SW4 and WO3, this demo is making me think that this needs to stay a spin off. I don't play Warriors games for their difficulty, I play them because I want to enjoy something with my brain turned off for a little bit. The PS2 games were still like that to me. I just don't want it to be as soulless as DW9.
Had a few drinks and died in the first 5 minutes. Guess DW needs more concentration now than the previous games?
Its nice they going old school with this DW, couldn't wait for release and more to come!
Just tried the demo and yes this finally feels fresh, it feels next gen, it feels polished. I hope it doesn't lack too much content at launch but that might be a fool's wish.
Played DW3 as a kid. Just bought DW8 and I am really looking forward to Origins!
I'm not a souls player, but I absolutely loved fighting Lu Bu in the demo. My only issue with it is it highlighted how much this game needs to add a "Retry from last checkpoint" option, instead of making us select from the timeline every time we lose.
I think it is pretty obvious from the intro of the demo that on release we will have at least a couple of missions to go through before Sishui Gate which will likely be there to ease the player into the game and its new systems and approach of gameplay.
I expect on release Sishui Game will feel much easier than what it felt like in the current demo version.
In regards to looks and such, I use a gaming laptop since 2017. My processor kinda struggles with most stuff, but surprisingly DW : Origins was really smooth! I hope it remains so on full release!
I recently saw the Dynasty Warriors movie and it was pretty good
Loving the e direction they are going with this game. I’m super hyped for the full game release! Also the troop attacks are very useful because they deal decent damage and also breaks enemy officers resolve. Also loving the difficulty of the game, I like that I have to actually pay attention and focus.
After my disappointment with DW9, DW9E, SW5, HWAoC I was pleasantly surprised by DW:Origins from objectives feeling dire again, noticing allies feel involved THE TROOPS!!! It takes me back to the DW3/4 Era while being modern (even if I will probably still prefer DW3-5 and SW1/2/4) It's an interesting take and I went from "Not buying" to "Alright Koei.... one more try...." Now I'll be surprised if demo Lu Bu stays lol He felt great for the 1st time in 20y imo.
Great Video!
This is the future of ARPGs, IMO. It has the potential to fuse top down (mob density, loot and build variety) and over the shoulder ARPGs (the best action combat).
*Power creep has been a problem with each new DW game. However, DW Origins seems to be actively fixing this with a focus on defensive/ reactionary combat.*
To address power creep, much needed game mechanics have been added to improve the quality of combat from a lateral perspective. Instead of making combat more flashy as they have been, they made combat more calculated.
Historically with each new DW game, player controlled characters are buffed and enemies seem to be unchanged if not nerfed. This imbalance in power has made combat increasingly easier to a point where it's brain-dead.
In prior DW, fighting officers was bland. You relentlessly attack until they panic block, then wait until they stop blocking so you can continue your attack, rinse and repeat. In DW Origins, you have to pay attention to your opponent's moves. If you don't dodge and parry their attacks, you can die.
In prior DW, you can one-man-army an entire battle. You can disregard the flow of the battlefield in favor of just doing your own thing. In DW Origins, although you can still try to one-man-army, you are given a strong focus to think things through and work with your allies.
I played dw 8 empires after tried out Origins. I realize how braindead the gameplay was
*With teamwork and officer combat being improved, I feel there's still one big aspect that could also be improved; wave clearing/ peasant combat.*
The most satisfying wave clearing/ peasant combat comes from older Warriors games because of how they handle the physics of weapons.
Each strike only extends as far as the actual weapon can physically reach. Each moveset have strikes that cover varying amounts of area from sweeping attacks to downwards/poking attacks.
Lining up your attacks so they successfully hit and gauging the distance just right so the tip of your blade hits. This is just a level of satisfaction you don't get from newer DW games.
In newer DW games, wave clearing/ peasant combat feels handicapped. Weapons have imaginary extended range and movesets have built in giant shockwave effects.
Although movesets look more big and theatrical, the lack of needing to make those minor calculations when you fight through waves of peasants makes these movesets feel more for show than meaningful gameplay.
In Dw3 and Dw2 trying to One Man Army would get You defeated
I’ll get the game once I see a mod that let’s us play as all 40+ heroes for as long as we want.
The General Sword works like DW4/5 by the way. Got different charge attack depending on how many normal attacks you do before
My first "dynasty warriors" game was ninety nine knights. I thoroughly enjoyed this demo. Lu Bu was really hard, but overall I think it's good for the game to challenge the player as well. It's a nice mix of 1v1 boss as well as army play imo
The only things I didn't like about the demo
-Everything happens so fast, you've got no time to breathe, it's super chaotic
-Constant spam of "x ally is in danger" dialogue (be it on easy, medium or hard), I don't hate the morale system nor the difficulty of the game, this point is about how often they keep asking for help, it's way too frequent
-The constant zoom-in and out of camera, the game flow is interrupted a bit too much
-Lu Bu fight feels like a Dark Souls Game, I personally hate this style of boss fight of "learn all the patterns and dodge everything otherwise you're dead in 2 hits", once you learn it, every fight becomes a joke, otherwise it's a bit too frustrating, it's not fun and it's only rewarding once in the entire lifetime of the game (the first time you beat it)... Also, it feels out of place, everyone is "normal" and Lu Bu is this Shin Akuma-like character throwing shockwaves and doing Broly screams... It doesn't give me Dynasty Warriors vibe
That said, I put 17h on this demo, and still plan to buy it whenever I can, as given the lack of regional pricing this game costs 2/5 of my monthly salary, I just hope they tweak some things to tidy it up before release, and really hope this game sells well so we can get Musou games back in the market, I'm extremely eager to see what they would do with the next Samurai Warriors, given it's more stylized, maybe focusing now on Hideyoshi and everything that happens up to the very end of the Sengoku Jidai
I love the demo, it's what I always wanted from a DW game. There's a degree of skill that makes feels good. Like the older games I can just mash to win but doesn't always feel as engaging at times but this game here, makes me think of the DMC games you can dodge, parry, counter and it all feels so good. I hope we can a samurai warriors game like this
Thank you for encouraging viewers to play the demo before getting into the details. The new game had been on my radar, but after Dynasty Warriors 9 (and to a lesser extent, Samurai Warriors 5), I had no faith that the new game was going to do much to redeem the series. Barely minutes into the demo I realized how wrong I had been. This is what I've always wanted from this series: chaotic action on a grand scale. And yet, it's managed chaos, the way a battlefield might be. There's so much going on, so many options you have to influence the outcome of the battle with, if you can keep your strategic wits about you, even while tactically facing down the enemy in front of you.
If the open world of DW9 was a misstep in the direction toward market trends in spite of the series' identity, this is a bold move not only back to form, but to fully realizing what the idea behind the games could be. It feels fresh in a way that none of the other games in the series have, an evolution instead of another iteration.
Made to the Lu Bu fight with full morale thanks to winning a couple duels towards the end, so glad they brought that back from DW4. Seeing Lu Bu leap from Shi Sui Gate was awesome. Died real dead. This is how he should be. "Hmph, watch well. This is the power of the strongest warrior unrivaled under heaven!" was the last thing he said before I died with full Dominating morale. Morale don't mean squat when he appears. True perfection.
This game looks like the holy grail of ARPGs. I hope they keep the difficulty up.
Love the demo long time fan of dynasty warriors
The demo has new spins on the same concepts we've been seeing since they got creative in 3 and beyond. The issue is that the game has LOADS OF CONTENT MISSING that the numbered gave us for cheaper than 70 dollars. So think about this rationally, you're paying 70 for a game that has newer graphics but stops a quarter of the way in with levels and battles, then has the nerve to only give you a hand full of characters. All those wacky generals? There interactions? There personal stages? All wiped away.
The 2 through 9 games gave at a standard 60 or 55 (cost) depending on location. Never has there been a Kokei Romance game or Warriors game that has done that, and they've been around since the 90s. Its inexcusable, you support bad business practices and you'll receive even LESS content.
I think your forgetting about inflation. All DW games are still the same price of release. 70 is the norm now for new games
@@BigCyan That has nothing to do with anything. I'm a 40k nut. Warhammer Space Marine II was 60 USD. And it was pushed back well into the "inflation" times. Due to development delay. This is SONY being greedy with another one of their remake-titles to push on their console and whatever dev they lock/partner with to cover costs. Games still release at 60 in 2024 bud.
@@TKUltra971 also the game is not just on PlayStation so you missed with that statements
@@BigCyan Sony has deep lock in ties with this game, like the other remake games that meet their critera. We've seen this before and they always have the same pattern. 1. Graphics Graphics Graphics don't ask about what's missing!, 2. Redesigns and lots of needless changes, cut content. 3. Claims rave reviews even when the game is heading off a cliff and these insane SUS defenders of the titles that really have no idea what they are on about.
Resident Evil, FF7, Silent Hill 2, Metal Gear Delta, just to name a few. Hearing over and over again "Try something different" is starting to be a funeral march. When you see these games first introduced with that Blue PS Logo in the corner or on their Showcase and they match 1-3? Hold on to your lug nuts son, you're in for a ride of sad.
@@TKUltra971 you do know sony doesn't control pricing or anything else for the games you mentioned.
I've officially haven't played dynasty warriors in so long , last one I've played was on psp, only played the demos of the new ones and never really bought them not even the ps3 Era either, but holy crap origins is insanely good, I've literally decided to come back to the series after this demo.
I literally just played the demo and upon starting I definitely thought it was sweet and was running through the map killing. But as you mentioned officers on your team dies so easy and you really have to think about where your headed and who to assist more in each location. The combat has evolved so much that once again as you mentioned you can’t button mash your way through this. Im Loving it, especially not having to restart the entire battle and view moments where the battle went wrong. I will say i wish you could customize your character but other than that im loving the game
this demo was insanely good although a bit badly designed. You don't force players to beat Lu Bu, not at Si Shui Gate as it's the first battle of the second arc. Lu Bu is the strongest character in the entire roster. They should have made your goal to reach the retreat location while beating Lu Bu is secondary win condition.
Due to the fact the all of Lu Bu's attacks are somewhat telegraphs and counterable, you can basically beat him in a straightforward manner. Still, for many people unfamiliar with tactical combat or players unused to controls with button dyslexia, they might have a bad first impression even when playing on the easiest difficulty because of the state of the inventory. You are not meant to beat Lu Bu at lv1 just starting out.
Lu Bu is Usually not Even in Si Shui Gate Battle at all in Dw4. He's in Hu Lao Gate
I see what they are trying to do. With Samurai 5 they tried to conzentrate on a smaller part of history and telling it more in detail. While this removed some characters that not appear in this time frame, it lifted up other or added them, as they now had a much bigger role.
I think this is a good idea for Dynastie Worriors too. Adding new character thats now have time to shine because of the more detailed history. But they need to make the other generals playable!
Also i want Samurai 6 and Origins 2 to build on this. So with Samurai 6 we not just get all the remaining story but also just as much love for the second half of the cast while keeping the character of the first part.
I remember Kojima once saying "the only way I could develop (the character of) Solid Snake more, is for him to be seen through the eyes of another person", and that's why we get to play as Raiden
I think of Origins the same way, we already know the story and relationships that these characters have, now you can be a third person in that world, to watch them from afar, and to interact with them as you wish, and to see how they react in those different scenarios (I assume different endings will have to do with the outcome of battles and your bonds to the factions and certain characters), it's something we only had before with Empires, but that was never the goal of the game, so it wasn't very developed... But here we apparently can write our own story, before aiming for the "true ending"
And while, of course, we can't have all characters here since Koei is pretty much testing the waters with this game (and in an interview the director already said there won't be character DLCs nor they're expanding after Chi Bi), I think it's a very cool thing
I do like some of the changes they've made, but I haven't liked any Dynasty Warriors games that make it so you can't just play the way you want to. I played DW2 and beat it with every single character, because as a kid I loved the feeling of getting to go and take out every officer, etc.
Regardless I'm very glad they're taking this game seriously again, and I'm really like the direction they're going even if it's not for me.
On Hard Mode in dw2 it's Guan Du is way Harder than Dw3 Version
The demo indeed is good. It has more strategy with the parry/evade mechanic and breaking their shield. Its very tough!
A few tweaks I wish they would make:
- easier way to get healed
- its hard to keep officers alive, its impossible when Lieu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei move on and you are still with either Sun Jian or Xiahou Dun. Everyone needs help and your officers are indeed in danger if you can't help them. This is very hard.
- there needs to be a training mode where you can exploit each mechanic and grasp how it works. This game is as much a army vs army as it is literally one on one fighter. Its unlike any dynasty warriors.
It really meets its namesake as Dynasty Warrior.
Thank you for your opinion
Sho literally said Lu Bu will be harder in the official release
But we will also be stronger.
@@sogetsu60 Yeah, gotta take that into consideration, the items we have in this demo seem to be like the first weapon drops you'd get by playing a stage on normal, considering how much some officers tank your hits, we'll definitely be stronger by the time we get to meet Lu Bu, since he's not even supposed to show on this battle, and had to be re-balanced for the demo
DW is back! My only disappointment is there may not be a lot of content.
I kept losing, and I loved it. Been playing since DW2 and it became a brainless guilty pleasure for me after awhile. This one is challenging me and investing me.
I wish they did one more like DW2 tbh, but I know im in the minority :P I really liked being a competent warrior whose role was pretty important in the battle, as opposted to the only factor that matters. Even in this, you're pretty much the only one who kills officers for the most part which is incredibly unrealistic :P
yea fair point. You have to help out everyone
i was culture shocked and promptly defeated because all my allies dropped like flies. My last DW was DW3 lol
I loved it. For me it’s like playing the golden era again. New mechanics are ok, Lu Bu should be the hardest boss, making him scary hard is what it should be! Can’t wait for the full release
DO NOT TONE DOWN LU BU. Since my original frustrating, sweat and rage inducing fight i had with him in DW2 as a kid, i have eagerly awaited to fight this feathered headed twat atop his red hare in every game in the series since. This man is iconic and meant to be difficult to face, even in the early games if you managed to kill a thousand men in a mission you was compared to him. He has been my favourite Character/person in gaming/history since learning about and facing him in DW2 dont ruin him by making him a push over.
At 6:03 In Warriors Orochi 3 and 3 Ultimate the Enemy Troops actually get More Aggressive and Attack Back like older dw games
I hope that like in previous games you are advised to avoid fighting lu bu at hu lao gate, it being an optional objective. Alternative routes to the main objective, avoiding stronger opponents but take longer, can be a great regular mission feature. Just more choice in how battles are won than just heading from one base or officer then the next.
Man if they can hit the sweet spot, it will be the first one I buy in 20 years.
I absolutely loved the Lu Bu fight, it truly felt like the fight that this legendary figure deserves.
I've never felt so engaged in a battle in the entire series, and seeing my allies dwindle over the course of the fight, until it's just the 2 of us fighting all out felt incredible. It really sold that feeling that he's this legendary warrior that nobody else can stand up to, and if you aren't an extremely talented warrior, he will just absolutely steam roll you into the dirt.
I don’t play soul games but I’m a all times DW fan ever sense 3 this feels so nostalgic and it is a call back to 3 I hope they use this game for a dw 10 base no issues with LU BU I lost him about 10 13 times it’s good he’s good everything is good and the word good is a massive understatement for this game this game is flat out just god
As someone who never played souls game, this Lu Bu fight made me wanna try these games too. The Lu Bu fight was the best part of the demo for me. My only problem is that the hero difficulty is still not that difficult. I don't feel like I should be able to beat a boss on the hardest difficulty with just a couple of tries. Or maybe they'll add another difficulty when the game releases I don't know, but either way this is gonna be the best Dynasty warriors game by far and I can't for its release.
I've been searching for the high I got from dynasty warriors gundam 3 and reborn for years. Gundam breaker gave that to me, unfortunately the craziness wasn't ever there in the mainline DW series. I started with 3, good game but not bombastic. However...THIS game looks like it will give me that dopamine rush!
Dw3 XL had Very Hard Difficulty
Seems cool but I have no idea what im doing lol
In Dynasty Warriors 2 Your Army also Charges if you take down certain Officers( I like Dw2 He fei more than Dw3 Version because Cao Cao Forces Actually Fullly Advances Which i feel is Needed to Win.
i tried the demo and played the mission 4 times, the first time i heard that guitar start playing i was so excited and hyped but my enjoyment went away very quickly with how overwhelming and uninteligeble i find the game to be, i played the mission 4 times and i still don't know ANYTHING of what is going on i didn't know until this video that you could dodge block or parry enemies i even looked at the controls and it showed nothing of the sort so i got so sick and tired of not being able to understand anything after trying 4 times that i just uninstalled, i hope the chill the hell out and make a tutorial mission taking it slow
Super excited for a new DW but the defense heavy combat absolutely gutted the entire experience for me. I'm down for vulnerable team mates and rushing to save them at a different base or capturing a control point but I can't do that when I need to stop and wait for a turn-based parry off vs every officer. Can't justify buying a game I don't enjoy the game play for.
This is basically DW 10
Unfortunately no coop means no buy for me. I’ve been playing dynasty warriors since the first game but have past the most recent ones due to no coop. Gameplay felt good but I play these games with friends.
I am so glad they are given the proper treatment to their flagships series, I grew up with DW and feared they wouldn't touch it again after the failure of DW9 and their success with the spin-offs titles, I am glad I was wrong and they cooked with Origins, we are so back now.
If you want to play peak dynasty warriors play DW 5 5XL 5 Empires... And Play DW Origins if you want something new and exciting
Also Dynasty Warriors 3 and 3Xl, Dynasty Warriors 2
So does this game actually feel like you’re in a battle? Other Warriors games it feels to me like you’re an untouchable god where a single swing kills a dozen mooks who just stood around awaiting slaughter.
Like why even have an army on your side if they didn’t do anything?
1000% feels like a battle.
Also you gotta work for the 1000 kills this time.i havent gotten it yet but also only ever gotten near it at the end when the giant 2 armies clashed
this game is immersive, you are given info about the progress of the battle, each individual skirmish is displayed and indicators of who is winning, your allied generals will actually try to come help you corner a general, massive grand scale army maneuvers receive dedicated cutscenes, tons of side objectives are presented dynamically which changes the battle front and line of war, the battlefield rewind feature helps you pick up on weird developments (which could make you unlock new scenarios, unlock new partner characters and items).
In Dynasty Warriors 2 You can get Killed on Hard Mode easily
This game is a banger, so different to the old style of dynasty warriors and a much needed change for the future of the franchise, im actually liking that you have your own soldiers also!!
totally, i loved that in DW4 where you could essentially train your bodyguards. Here it seems like you can actually recruit them or have a different layout with mixed guard types.
If the boss fights are souls-like then i am IN!!!! I have been playing Dynasty Warriors since number 3 and over time everything just got so mindless and far too easy.. i need LuBu to be a challenge. He was a HUGE threat since he was unbelievably strong. So make him that way in-game, it’ll make me much better at getting the game mechanics down
I really liked the demo, I had cero expectations and it was nice. It kinda made me feel like when I used to play DW5. My only worries are that this would not be a local co-op 😢 and that the characters are gonna be less. Lu Bu was immortal for me xD but okay, understandable
I mean, with the game only going up to the Battle of Chi Bi, the characters will definitely be less than normal
I like Guan yu weapon
The game is a let down imo. No legacy warriors to play fully is a joke. Who asked to play as a nobody the whole game and its missing battles. Im ok with how the battles play out now, i can get behind this new way of fighting. Its a tease to let me play a companion for a bit. How can you have all these old characters from the games that were always playable now not fully playable, i just cant understand that choice. Honestly lu bu wasnt that bad. It took me two tries. He def can kill you fast though if you dont know what you’re doing
The question is are the main characters playable all through the whole missions?
No, they are not.
A lot looks great. I just dont like the dark souls fighting style for bosses or generals in this cause, i also hate the roster cut honestly. Ill probably wait to see if they add more roster to it but for me its the amount of characters that mattered most.
I played the Warriors series more along the PS2 (DW3-SW timeframe) era and got both SW4 and DW8 empires and Strikeforce. I can not say I've been with the series as long as anyone else has been, nevertheless. It's good to see Koei do something different and try out new things. In my opinion, the more newer installments were becoming unfun as far as combat/mechanics went, despite some improvements here and there.
fighting lu bu made me not want to buy this game. i was on historian difficulty and won the battle first try but after 7 tries against lu i gave up. thats the demo on easy? i thought..... plus all my teamates bailed after the first restart
Do they tell you where to go? Im having a hard time with it
Ok so I have a few things that could have made this game a top seller. 1.coop would have added so much depth to the boss battle's in this game and the bosses are tough enough to take on two players at the same time.2 character customization should have been implemented instead of playing a nameless wandering guy with no actual purpose.3 this game would have been epic if it had the empires concept to it . They used the counter mechanic witch is from dynasty 9 empires. if they would have placed that into the game it would give you constant replayability. from what I can tell it's gonna be very streamlined. No choices to make no actual alterations to battle's it just leads you to a final battle at the end of a victory
I know this game might be the point of division within the community, those who love it for the changes it made, and those who hate it cuz it no longer the "turn your brain off hack-and-slash game".
But holy hell this game feel so damn good to play, THIS is how you evolve your game, there is a reason God of War went for the direction that it is today.
I came in the demo expecting drunk hack & slash but got met with red healths and many honorable deaths by Lu Bu. 😂
Hard run just made it challengingly more fun.
I'll be buying this day one and I have never said that about this franchise. Lu Bu was the best part. Souls my ass bud, difficulty doesn't mean SOULS LIKE. Also, when we get to Lu Bu in the actual game, we'll be more than ready for him.
I dont understand complaining about lu bu being too difficult.
It's lu bu. Thats the whole point
@@siekensou77 Nah mate, they just don't know what Lu Bu's about in the game, entire franchise if to be honest. Let them complain, we enjoy the fight with Lu Bu anyway.
not just that. through all the media about this era/story including the original historical fiction titled Romance of Three Kingdoms.