10 Video Game Mechanics That Should've Sucked

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 22 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 193

  • @noxheart896
    @noxheart896 ปีที่แล้ว +24

    I think the main take way of Nuts and Bolts vs Tears of the Kingdom is that the build mechanics in the former completely replaced the original gameplay of the first two games.
    ToTK's ultra hand and zonai devices are an intergral part of Tears of the Kingdom yes, but it feels more like its building off of the precedents and mechanics that Breath of the Wild and the series as a whole had started. You still have your puzzle solving, platforming, and combat that every Zelda game has more or less had, it wasn't entirely shafted just for building like Nuts and Bolts.

    • @krvgames9258
      @krvgames9258 ปีที่แล้ว

      I agree with the build mechanic of Tears of the Kingdom is an integral part of Tears of the Kingdom but not replacing the original gameplay like what happened with Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts. And it was all thanks to Microsoft buying Rare that Nuts and Bolts gameplay was radically different from the first two Banjo and Kazooie games.

    • @nuclearsimian3281
      @nuclearsimian3281 ปีที่แล้ว

      Shame that they don't have the master sword like all other zelda games did.

  • @gorgha3988
    @gorgha3988 ปีที่แล้ว +66

    I never saw Bioshock infinite as a giant escort mission. To me Elizabeth was more of a companion or follower character, rather than an escort.

    • @dyingstar24
      @dyingstar24 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Mainly because she also can't die and actually supports booker with ammo, health, salts, and the ability to manipulate the battlefield with weird time powers.

    • @sdaubs
      @sdaubs ปีที่แล้ว +6

      To be fair, Booker is the dreaded escout here as he (we) can die and are the generally ones the slowing down progress

    • @thomasedwardharrison2879
      @thomasedwardharrison2879 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      In Bioshock infinite you are the escort mission

    • @guilhermevasconcelos7888
      @guilhermevasconcelos7888 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Actually Elizabeth is scorting us😅

    • @thanatoskw8285
      @thanatoskw8285 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yeah whoever wrote the list had an absolute garbage take on that. By that logic, any game with another character accompanying you is an escort mission/game.

  • @ShinySylveon420
    @ShinySylveon420 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Elizabeth gives you ammo and health and opens doors and tears. If bioshock infinite is an escort mission then we are the ones being escorted

  • @wariodude128
    @wariodude128 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    I think the best way to implement a game-long escort mission is to make it so the character can't be be hurt/killed or very rarely can be such. Bioshock Infinite and Last of Us knew this well.

    • @erakfishfishfish
      @erakfishfishfish ปีที่แล้ว

      Ico does it well even though Yorba is constantly under threat. It adds a ton of tension whenever you have to leave her behind in some sections.

  • @eleiaandsteven
    @eleiaandsteven ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I feel like Portal should be on the list. I've been telling people for years to play. The concept of a physics-based puzzle game makes a lot of people hesitant.

  • @sadowolf
    @sadowolf ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I don't know that some of these "should've" sucked; it's more that a lot of people thought they would because they were departures from what they were used to.
    - Final Fantasy XII's battle system essentially merged a single player experience with a more MMORPG look and feel. It was interesting on paper and even better in practice. And let's not forget FFXI was a flat out MMO so it wasn't *that* huge a departure.
    - The Leviathan Axe always looked awesome, it was just very different and you know how change makes people nervous haha. I even found myself lamenting that he wouldn't be wielding his signature blades, but I couldn't deny that the axe still looked like (and is) a great weapon to use. And as you mentioned it made it all the more awesome when you eventually did bring out the blades.
    - I always loved the idea of the painting in Okami, but I thought the biggest factor was frequency of necessity. Like is pointed out, the fact that it interrupts the gameplay would've made it a bit of a chore if it needed to be used constantly. Thankfully they got it right, and they have you use it just enough to feel like it's an integral mechanic but not so much that it feels like too much of the game relies on it.
    - Good one with Bioshock Infinite, and funny enough despite the fact that not a ton of games have nailed extended escort missions, The Last of Us did it just a couple months later haha.
    - Maybe it's just the type of gamer I am, but at no point would I think a boss that learns from your attacks is a mechanic that should suck. It may suck in practice depending on how well it's implemented, but the idea itself is something that more games should utilize.

  • @chawa623
    @chawa623 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    I LOVED the Guiding Wind mechanic in Ghost of Sushima, not only was it sumthing new n never been done before, but it feels soo right, especially since the game is based on Japanese culture

    • @mattm7798
      @mattm7798 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yeah it's blends so well with the world, I really want other games to find similar ways to guide the player to their target vs a giant icon.

    • @tubensalat1453
      @tubensalat1453 ปีที่แล้ว

      I don't understand why it should've sucked. Just because it's not your standard quest marker?

  • @jeremywhite7526
    @jeremywhite7526 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Guiding wind is the best mechanic ever should be mandatory in every open world game.

    @MAMAJUGO ปีที่แล้ว +3

    To Tears of the Kingdom's favor, there was no Pong television character that appeared out of nowhere, broke the fourth wall, and complained to Link that gamers nowadays don't like to go around collecting stuff and solving puzzles

  • @deang5386
    @deang5386 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    I actually enjoyed Banjo Kazooie Nuts n Bolts. Trying to build crazy vehicles and knowing you beat the challenges in the game with your own creations.

    • @arachnarmidillidia
      @arachnarmidillidia ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Same. Still sometimes play the game on my xbox 360

    • @cppblank
      @cppblank ปีที่แล้ว

      I agree, but I would still like a more traditional Banjo Kazooie game again.

  • @whatname6076
    @whatname6076 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Getting rid of turn based fights in Final Fantasy has sucked.

    • @FeiFongWang
      @FeiFongWang ปีที่แล้ว

      Extremely hard disagree there.

    • @erakfishfishfish
      @erakfishfishfish ปีที่แล้ว

      It depends. Both XII and VII:Remake did a great job going real time while still feeling like an ATB system. As an old school FF fan, the combat systems in those 2 games surprised me in the best way.

    • @whatname6076
      @whatname6076 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@FeiFongWang that’s fine but JRPG fans would hard agree. Any JRPG fan who gives you their top list every game in it is turn based. Even as recently as Persona 5 the “best of all time” as many say. Turn based.

  • @PhaserFelix
    @PhaserFelix ปีที่แล้ว +2

    "There is no bad mechanic, just one poorly made"
    -Sun Tzu art of war.

  • @codenameu.arctos3747
    @codenameu.arctos3747 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    How about the inverse of the FfXII- Yakuza 7 becoming turn based...and is frigging brilliant.

    • @raziel520
      @raziel520 ปีที่แล้ว

      I loved playing like a dragon. It was a beautiful spin off of the main story line

    • @FeiFongWang
      @FeiFongWang ปีที่แล้ว

      FF12 was brilliant to imo

  • @tehabi
    @tehabi ปีที่แล้ว +14

    Banjo nuts and bolts wasn't just a new mechanic. It put Banjo in a new genre. Conversely in Zelda it's used solely as a tool to get around and doesn't change much else. As it still feels like a Zelda game

  • @dylanogg347
    @dylanogg347 ปีที่แล้ว

    If Link's motorcycle could go airborne, perhaps everyone's favourite Wacky Racers could finally: Catch that pigeon! Catch that pigeon! Catch that pigeon!

  • @braddrcrushalot3785
    @braddrcrushalot3785 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I don't think a lot of fans of Final Fantasy are pleased with the series moving away from turn based combat. I played the XVI demo and went, oh good they've learned nothing about why fans since the 90s don't like this style of combat in the Final Fantasy series. Even the players who liked the change, a lot of them did not care for XV (especially the combat and oh you're not strong enough, so just die instantly versus using actually strategy) and XVI appears to be rushed game that repeats those same issues.

  • @moriconvallaria1279
    @moriconvallaria1279 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The FF12 Gambit system was not well received, it spilt the fanbase between those who liked it, and those who hated it.
    I liked it, and loved FF12, despite the underwhelming antagonist, and Vaan, who had no real arc. The music was really good, and the world was among the best ever created for a video game.

  • @JustOddStreams
    @JustOddStreams ปีที่แล้ว +1

    We never hated the mechanic of Nuts and Bolts it was that there was no story. The game was limited to build a bunch of stuff.

  • @TheIronDonkey
    @TheIronDonkey ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Big one for me: card battling in midnight suns. Didn't think a superhero game could pull it off, but it did!

    • @lachiefarrell3108
      @lachiefarrell3108 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      This!! I was excited initially until I heard about the cards then I was mostly turned off. But I'm so glad I picked it up on sale. One of the best games I've played in years!

  • @thecunninlynguist
    @thecunninlynguist ปีที่แล้ว +2

    yeah...I remember how Prime's announcement made everyone go WHAAAT at it being a FPS. Definitively ballsy, and it worked.

  • @Trekmaster47
    @Trekmaster47 ปีที่แล้ว

    In Bioshock Infinite, nobody ever guns for Elizabeth. Nobody shoots at her. She's never in danger. She throws you money, salts and ammunition when you need them, so the game's only an escort mission in the fact that SHE'S escorting YOU.
    And Psy, the mushroom bit is not Captain Toad's hat. It's part of his actual head. Have you seen where Toadette's pigtails come from?

  • @JT_Ventures
    @JT_Ventures ปีที่แล้ว +6

    The escort mechanics in Prince of Persia Sands of Time is actually quite good. Farah is a likable character and a formidable fighter, and some puzzles require her cooperation to complete. She is also well written that her apparent death was really saddening.

    • @AngellMessiah
      @AngellMessiah ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Ico, you're literally holding her hand through the game

  • @RazorBladezX
    @RazorBladezX ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Difference between Banjo and Zelda is, they nuked the general gameplay for Banjo. Then with Zelda it was implemented into the game along with its core gameplay mechanics

  • @bahamut12th
    @bahamut12th ปีที่แล้ว +1

    i dont mind making the in game time keep going while in menus, but most people need the ability to just get up and walk away from the screen for any number of reasons, so having no means of pausing the game (even when in game time is paused and you can NOT go thru menus like skyrim) simply prevents a lot of people from playing some games

  • @tobiaswerth4751
    @tobiaswerth4751 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I disagree on the FF ditching turn based combat bit... just reading the comments here, makes it clear that it still is very heavily debated among fans. I think games like Persona 5 or Dragon Quest XI make clear, that you can innovate within the turn based RPG genre and still be successful. I cannot stand the action based combat in the new FF games.

  • @SilverSpectre266
    @SilverSpectre266 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Shiny Pokemon and Trading.
    For both of these mechanics, on paper they should have failed, or at least they likely would have if they were implemented today, but luckily they had the good graces of being released when they did so the reception was a lot more favorable and practically groundbreaking.
    With Shiny Pokemon, the concept of having a normal Pokemon being able to be caught in an ultra rare different color is astounding, but then you realize the fact of just how hard it is to get one (for its time). In the way that a chances for a shiny to even appear relying on a random unseen series of 6 number rolls and the chances being at least 1 out of 8000 odds at default, your chances are so astronomically low that it has become a hobby for enthusiast to spend hours hunting in the same soft patch of grass or soft reseting their game for literally over a thousand times just to get a chance for one to spawn. And then it spawning is only one thing because you still have to attempt to catch it like a regular pokemon, and all this just for 1 shiny. 1 out of a possible 151 during its original conception. Now there are over 1000 pokemon. And all this effort for something thats only a different color palette... Grinding in video games go hand in hand, but nowadays it has gotten so bad that most games get horrendous amounts of backlash for expecting players to sink tons of hours grinding away stuck in their games. Pokemon not only had the luck of being able to implement this at a time when they did, but the feature eventually became so popular that now anything deemed a creature collector is also expected to have some variant of a "shiny" for their creatures.
    Note: And yes there are ways to increase your odds, but we are talking about the base mechanic itself, and even then only recently have those methods gotten more reasonable. Before they required you to still go far out of your way just to increase those chances.
    Trading...man...this in itself shows that pokemon got lucky in releasing when it did. If any other game tried to release 2 versions of the same game but with exclusive pokemon in each one and expected you to buy both or manage to trade with someone who had the other copy they would be crucified online. But for its time it was groundbreaking. Trading was the talk of the playground where you had to find that friend that had a link cable, or be that person, and then find another person with the opposite game and hope that they had one of those exclusive ones you couldnt get and was willing to part with. It didnt help that breeding pokemon wasnt introduced until Gen 2. So on top of requiring two games, having to buy another accessory (the link cable), and resources being very, VERY limited in the older titles, you couldnt even duplicate your pokemon just yet in its original entries. So there were certain pokemon like starters, those one off gift pokemon, legendaries, etc. that were just not up for grabs in trades on top of evolution stones being incredibly scarce and finite at the time, which made trading a heavy bartering task. So in every aspect, trading should not have worked, but it did.

  • @emptycradle1304
    @emptycradle1304 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    lol "Gone are the days of grinding for hours waiting for a specific enemy to spawn" thats right now its "Grinding for hours waiting for a specific item to spawn"

  • @RequiemSol
    @RequiemSol ปีที่แล้ว +1

    That Mr. Freeze fight was one of the best boss fights in the whole series! To me it was also the most challenging and therefore rewarding when I beat him!

    • @Ad-jl7si
      @Ad-jl7si ปีที่แล้ว

      Agreed. I purposely lost a few times to fo it again 😊

  • @generaltechnomage306
    @generaltechnomage306 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    For #10:
    Technically the FF series removed turn-based battles with FF11.

    • @ElNeroDiablo
      @ElNeroDiablo ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yeah, but that's the nature of being a MMO, whilst FF12 was back to the singleplayer RPG style. ❤

  • @FixRash
    @FixRash ปีที่แล้ว

    Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts and Cargo! The Quest for Gravity walked so Tears of the Kingdom could run

  • @awesomeobinradin
    @awesomeobinradin ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Okami was awesome and that dog has a permanent spot on my mvc3 roster

  • @mgk2020
    @mgk2020 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I prefer the turn-based battles in FF

  • @ZFAN675
    @ZFAN675 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    There's no "in should've sucked" it's all about preference.

  • @kaphasibad8369
    @kaphasibad8369 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I was just speaking about how certain games ,musik,ways of thinking are ahead of its time ....the Banjo Kazooie built vehicles was way ahead of its time nevertheless it just wasn't implemented in a game that would have benefitted like how it actually fits perfectly in Zelda.

  • @dashalpha
    @dashalpha ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I wish SquareEnix would do another game w/ the gameplay like FF12 had... (also w/ the collectible card game minigames again)

  • @nathanbeaudoin4437
    @nathanbeaudoin4437 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I knew it was only a matter of time before they mention nuts and bolts compared to tears of the kingdom. both are platforming adventure games and both had their most recent games being machine-building oriented.

  • @lavenderpants8695
    @lavenderpants8695 ปีที่แล้ว

    You are an absolute master of using your final entry into a compelling transition to click on another video. Can't say I've ever done it until your most recent entires. Job well done!

  • @sheldoncooper8199
    @sheldoncooper8199 ปีที่แล้ว

    I dare to say I NEVER died to Not being able to Pause in a Souls Game.

  • @Jazzer995
    @Jazzer995 ปีที่แล้ว

    Fantasian had the best way to deal with random encounters - a dimension vault where you could fight them all later, more games should implement this.

  • @graciesugarbee
    @graciesugarbee ปีที่แล้ว

    I love totk so much and tho I don't build many fun contraptions I'm so glad they're there! It's so much fun having the option too, and in a lot of cases it makes things much easier to traverse. I think my favorite shrine I've encountered after 110 shrines is the one near Zora's domain where you go in with no items but there's stuff to build a cart and then you go around to unlock a cage in the middle that has this super decked out cart in it. Bit of totk enemy spoilers:
    I LOVE that the yiga are just driving around creations 😭 it's so funny to see them off in the distance just flying around or on a "bike". I love that you can make all these crazy things but somehow the yiga have also figured out how to put these things together and make them work.

  • @BaxterAndLunala
    @BaxterAndLunala ปีที่แล้ว

    No pausing in a Fromsoftware game? I wouldn't be surprised if that's something they keep in Armored Core VI.

  • @terradraca
    @terradraca ปีที่แล้ว

    Here's the difference: In Tears of the Kingdom, the vehicle crafting was added to everything that was already there and you were never under any obligation to do it.
    In Nuts and Bolts, the vehicle crafting just completely elbowed aside everything else people loved about the franchise and that's why it was so poorly received.

  • @cppblank
    @cppblank ปีที่แล้ว

    No pausing does suck. Not only do I have a life outside of the game, I have a child. Pausing can be very necessary completely at random sometime.

  • @codygreene8783
    @codygreene8783 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Nuts and Bolts may have had some of the best experimental vehicle creation. But what it didnt have was a bear and bird transforming into the likes of a pumpkin or a washing machine. Besting a witch with beaks, eggs and the likes of colorfully adorable and magical characters.
    This is why I found the game to not be 100 percent for me. Though I loved it years later as a separate genre.

    • @MaxWeb2599
      @MaxWeb2599 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      The problem was that, other than zelda where it was part of the game, in nuts and bolts the Vehicles were the whole game

    • @siggybuttbrain7026
      @siggybuttbrain7026 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Yooka-Laylee proved they were right at the start of N&B tho most gamers nowadays just simply dont want to play those type of games anymore and its not worth pandering to a small minority, look at how nearly every 3d platformer that isnt mario has done in sales in the past 10 years, 90% are flops galaxy and Odyssey are pretty much the only outliers.

    • @aliastheabnormal
      @aliastheabnormal ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@siggybuttbrain7026 I played Yooka-Laylee and the game was just bad. It was a devolution of Banjo Tooie in every way. That's why it flopped.

    • @siggybuttbrain7026
      @siggybuttbrain7026 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@aliastheabnormal which is the exact thing banjo three would have been if it was made, nothing would have been able to catch that charm again unless they literally went back in time and made the sequel right after the second.

  • @TheOmegaDragon
    @TheOmegaDragon ปีที่แล้ว

    Kratos always had a beard. It only got more full.

  • @josephlinardon3540
    @josephlinardon3540 ปีที่แล้ว

    As a dad who has to contend with real life at unexpected intervals, not being able to pause a game is the reason I won't be buying them anymore. It's the biggest reason I put down dark souls 3 (my first soulsborn experience)

  • @DaRkMaGiCiAn5009
    @DaRkMaGiCiAn5009 ปีที่แล้ว

    Please tell me everyone sees Mr. Freeze turn into the joker for like a split second at 7:56

  • @pancakes8539
    @pancakes8539 ปีที่แล้ว

    I picked up Arkham city years after its release, but who on earth thought the mr freeze sections wouldn’t work? Did people really complain or have any skepticism about that?
    I feel like it doesn’t belong on a list that describes when games have gone against their own tropes or the tropes of the industry. Mr freeze didn’t go against anything it just innovated

  • @boblionia
    @boblionia ปีที่แล้ว

    People bigging up Bioshock Infinite for Elizabethe have never played Ico or The Last Guardian

  • @sunniedunbar6889
    @sunniedunbar6889 ปีที่แล้ว

    FF12 was a solid entry. The Gambit system was really satisfying. Made every Dragon’s Age game feel disappointing though.

  • @be3beru708
    @be3beru708 ปีที่แล้ว

    I love how EVERY media channel post SPOILERS of Zelda Tears of the kingdom just bc its new and big. (spoilers include mechanics)

    • @Jackie_XIII
      @Jackie_XIII ปีที่แล้ว

      Weve know how these mechanics work for Months dude. Plus were passed the point where general spoilers should be observed. Its been a few monts now, it'd be rediculous to hold everyone accountable to spoilers at this point.

  • @jaredrobinson7071
    @jaredrobinson7071 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    next first person metroid was why I bought the switch.

  • @Boone_Faustus
    @Boone_Faustus ปีที่แล้ว

    Dropping turn based battles is still Final Fantasy's biggest mistake.

  • @TraitsofGreatness
    @TraitsofGreatness ปีที่แล้ว

    Last of us 1 is an escort mission and people don’t want to mention that

  • @spoonshue
    @spoonshue ปีที่แล้ว

    As a dad, an adult, a husband, and just a general human the no pause thing is stupid. I like those games but life happens. No pause in menus is fine but to say you can do it ever means there are many times you will spend over 1/2 an hour fighting only to die cuz again…life happens

  • @quinnmiller9718
    @quinnmiller9718 ปีที่แล้ว

    You actually can pause in the Demon Souls remake. I used it multiple times, it was great,

  • @Abakedpotoker
    @Abakedpotoker ปีที่แล้ว

    I still stand by banjo kazooie nuts and bolts . I liked that game

  • @PKirkham1
    @PKirkham1 ปีที่แล้ว

    I’m so hard wired that the game won’t pause on the menu screen now that I always test a game to see if it will 😂

  • @justagundam
    @justagundam ปีที่แล้ว

    Well it helps Tears of the Kingdom that it's not the THIRD GAME IN THE MAIN SERIES.

  • @themisfitjoe
    @themisfitjoe ปีที่แล้ว +3

    the issue with FF12 going away from the explicit turn based system was they weren't novel or new, they were just copying the trend of the gambit system. For me the series lost its charm in that decision. It was a core mechanic that they eliminated to follow a trend

    • @FeiFongWang
      @FeiFongWang ปีที่แล้ว

      What gambit system trend??? First time I've heard of that bud. You telling me the most popular games like Metroid Prime or GTA San Andreas had a gambit system? Only other game I remember from that time was Dragon Age: Origins, and that can't out later. And FF12 is more than just that one mechanic that let's your party act smarter. This is a baffling comment.

  • @Failedlegend
    @Failedlegend ปีที่แล้ว +5

    #1 FF12: "removing turn based battles Should've Sucked" naw it did and does still suck, this change ruined the series...the removal of random encounters from RPGs in general was a great change and almost no one thought otherwise

    • @MetalHev
      @MetalHev ปีที่แล้ว +1

      FF12 is awesome though, and after playing literally all of them at least once, 12 is the one I always go back to. And X-2, for reasons.

    • @bulkvanderhuge9006
      @bulkvanderhuge9006 ปีที่แล้ว

      Turned-based combat and the amount of random encounters in FF series is WHY I quit playing FF, it's annoying AF

    • @carriejones4230
      @carriejones4230 ปีที่แล้ว

      I loved turn based rpgs. I also loved the gambit system in 12, it's one of my favorite games. Now every game is playing like every other game. If every game's mechanics are similar to every other game, regardless of genre, there will be no variety. That would be repetitive and dull.

    • @Failedlegend
      @Failedlegend ปีที่แล้ว

      @@carriejones4230 theres a difference between evolving/trying new things and complete changing genre my fav numbered FFs are 6 and 9 so its not like I played FF1 than hated everything that was different from there. (For example if the pixel remasters had removed random battles that would have been cool)

  • @rn6312
    @rn6312 ปีที่แล้ว

    I like big arrows telling me where to go in an open world game.

  • @darkhole333
    @darkhole333 ปีที่แล้ว

    Nuts and bolts was a really solid fun game. Just shouldn't have been banjo.

  • @RonnyLive19881
    @RonnyLive19881 ปีที่แล้ว

    I bought a 360 just to play Banjo Threeie, it is what everyone wanted. What we got felt NOTHING like a Banjo game.
    Tears of the Kingdom still feels like Zelda but most importantly, it is better than Breath of the Wild. The best game in the past decade. Comparing the two has some similarities but 5 minutes of either game when build will show you what we all already know, Nintendo found a way to do it better.

  • @BoyProdigyX
    @BoyProdigyX ปีที่แล้ว

    I've never played a Souls game, and even though recently I've been considering it, finding out I can't pause the game EVER just turned ME off of it. If nature calls, I'm answering it!

  • @psudodrake
    @psudodrake ปีที่แล้ว

    Deadspace: Lack of a UI

  • @BlestNekun
    @BlestNekun ปีที่แล้ว

    Personally I want a Dead Space style Metroid game. Alas, I doubt it'd happen.

  • @AngellMessiah
    @AngellMessiah ปีที่แล้ว

    Ico is the first escort mission game

  • @SwaggBoi69
    @SwaggBoi69 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    All games should be able to pause the game otherwise wtf is it there for

  • @RyuzakiTaiyou
    @RyuzakiTaiyou ปีที่แล้ว

    I still want my pause button.

  • @westonlong
    @westonlong ปีที่แล้ว +1

    why would the wind suck? That was such a awesome innovation and everybody took notice, are you on drugs my friend?

  • @Match25
    @Match25 ปีที่แล้ว

    though the main reason i dont play souls games is because of the lack of pause

  • @samwiseb2799
    @samwiseb2799 ปีที่แล้ว

    To TOTK credit Atleast the ultra hand mechanics of building vehicles is unique in its implementation along with being creative.
    That’s miles better than BOTW runes mechanics.
    If any game deserves criticism for being shallow and being lazy it should be BOTW.
    Rune mechanics are boring
    Durability sucks
    Climbing and gliding are Skyrim tier mechanics of being slogfests,
    Shrines and Korok seeds got boring fast.
    Dungeons were meh
    Puzzles were meh
    Bossss were meh
    Items were ugh.
    I prefer the “lock and key design” the older Zelda games had because it Atleast had balance and a degree of depth unlike BOTW which turned everything into Stealth Archer Syndrome.
    Granted I’m aware TOTK is basically BOTW but Atleast it’s an improvement in some ways like better dungeons, bossses, better sage abilities, the ultra hand being way more unique and innovative than rune physics which were done better in Half Life.

  • @giantnerd14
    @giantnerd14 ปีที่แล้ว

    I still mourn the death of turn-based Final Fantasy games, especially since the Tactics side series is basically abandoned at this point.

    • @FeiFongWang
      @FeiFongWang ปีที่แล้ว

      You are in the extreme minority

    • @giantnerd14
      @giantnerd14 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@FeiFongWang Based on FFT sales, I doubt it. But hey, have fun with the Dragon's Dogma DMC hybrid that is FF16.

    • @FeiFongWang
      @FeiFongWang ปีที่แล้ว

      @@giantnerd14 when was FFT released

    • @FeiFongWang
      @FeiFongWang ปีที่แล้ว

      @@giantnerd14 And i would gladly take a Dragon's Dogma DMC hybrid, which sounds sick, over a game were your characters stand around like goobers until you pick your highest damage attack for the 345th and heal/esuna occasionally. What EXACTLY does turn based combat add that action combat cant?

    • @giantnerd14
      @giantnerd14 ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@FeiFongWang By that logic I can say you just hammer the attack button and do the occasional combo. If anything else, turn-based allows me to control the entire party instead of leading around questionably-competent bots.
      As for FFT release dates; June '97, Feb '03, Oct '07, and May '07 for the remake of the first game. Oct '95 if you add in the first Tactics Ogre, the direct ancestor of the FFT series.

  • @teddybearclarence
    @teddybearclarence ปีที่แล้ว

    I don't know but I am not exactly a fan of the building part in TOTK... not what I play it for tbh...

  • @M32Mirach
    @M32Mirach ปีที่แล้ว

    Song title?

  • @DRCEQ
    @DRCEQ ปีที่แล้ว +2

    FF12's combat system was a massive reason why it sucked. I tried the programmable gambit system. I really did. I went to GameFAQs and used the meta scripts that everyone else was using to break the game. I followed them to the letter.... and they did not work. I still had to micromanage everything.

    • @range4luv2
      @range4luv2 ปีที่แล้ว

      It was the first and to this day only game i ever bought, popped in and went wtf is this and took it right back to the store same day. I love FF but 12 was a bust for me.

  • @tb1235
    @tb1235 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    You can technically pause a soulslike IF it has a photo mode. But it doesn't allow you to stop and check your inventory while "paused".

  • @WuffMC
    @WuffMC ปีที่แล้ว

    Thats why i call the ne zelda game
    The legend of zelda: nuts n bolts

  • @lykoszero
    @lykoszero ปีที่แล้ว

    People like not being able to pause in a single player game? wtf

  • @LinkXLI
    @LinkXLI ปีที่แล้ว

    Wow nice segway into another video at the end there

  • @okami93kage91
    @okami93kage91 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Nuts and bolts was great.

  • @Jeremy-ql1or
    @Jeremy-ql1or ปีที่แล้ว

    When I heard FF12 was going to be getting rid of the turn-based combat I was very excited. I hate turn-based games. It doesn't even seem like a video game.

  • @Saddonghussein
    @Saddonghussein ปีที่แล้ว

    Well ffxii suck because it was a MMO offline which is the dumbest was to play a MMO game, not because of the enemies been there

  • @Susiruhtinas
    @Susiruhtinas ปีที่แล้ว

    10. It DOES SUCK. It sucked back then and still sucks. Turn based style was the heart of combat in FF. FFXII still is one the games in the series I really dislike. Granted, not only because of that. It really is Final Fantasy, only by name.
    1. This also sucks. When you are playing offline, there is not reason not to have pause.

  • @PremonitionGamingVid
    @PremonitionGamingVid ปีที่แล้ว +1

    FF12 removing turn-based was absolute trash idk what you're going on about.

  • @cosmic0_0wizard
    @cosmic0_0wizard ปีที่แล้ว

    You still get the blads of caos

  • @HindSight-hl7jf
    @HindSight-hl7jf ปีที่แล้ว

    Turn based combat has always been trash to me. Never got the appeal of waiting to attack a enemy 🤷🏾‍♂️

  • @twistedmental1608
    @twistedmental1608 ปีที่แล้ว

    Guiding wind was stole from Zelda

  • @bansheewv89
    @bansheewv89 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Yeah, the no pause in dark souls games definitely makes you adapt to your surroundings. Makes ya adapt pissing into bottles

  • @cppblank
    @cppblank ปีที่แล้ว

    Should've is the wrong word here.

    @TYRANT_GODS ปีที่แล้ว

    God of war 2018 is a reboot and sequel. Not a remake.

  • @jsmith3946
    @jsmith3946 ปีที่แล้ว

    Okami not a big franchise it had one game and bomb big time a lot of these when done in other games before the ones the writter brought up

  • @BlakeTheDrake
    @BlakeTheDrake ปีที่แล้ว

    Stopped watching after the first entry. FFXII was indeed the exact point when the series became irrevocably *lost* - assuming one ignores FFXI as the radical departure it was - and while the disappearance of the turn-based battle-system wasn't the *whole* reason for this shift, it was certainly symptomatic of it. Personally, playing FFXII for 'a few hours' just confirmed to me that I wasn't a fan of the franchise anymore, and that the series I'd loved since FFIV in fact no longer existed - and nothing they've done since, *particularly* the bastardized 'remake' of FF7, has changed that. When I heard about Square-Enix pivoting heavily to NFT's, my response was basically just "Yeah, that tracks."
    But hey, maybe you just accidentally let an entry slip in from *another* list named '10 Video Game Mechanics That Totally Sucked and Ruined Otherwise Great Franchises.'

  • @jorrellrichardson3181
    @jorrellrichardson3181 ปีที่แล้ว

    lack of pausing is garbage still

  • @dyingstar24
    @dyingstar24 ปีที่แล้ว

    Banjo kazooie nuts and bolts wasnt hated cuz it had the build-a-vehicle system, it was hated cuz it was soulless, empty, and pissed all over fans of the franchise with the horribly tone-deaf intro...
    Seriously, who thought it was a good idea to not only make the protagonists as fat and lazy slobs after being dormant for so long, but also to throw out everything the franchise stood for, stating that gamers dont want collectathon platformers because they have short attention spans...

  • @unchartedrocks1
    @unchartedrocks1 ปีที่แล้ว

    I highly disagree with Dark Souls. Idk why some like it. It’s awful. If I pause a game then pause. There’s nothing special about it. I have to use the bathroom, or answer the door, or change my controller, only to be killed by a boss or minor NPC becuz I couldn’t pause. It’s a dumb mechanic. Sekiro is better.

  • @fullmetalsoldier6511
    @fullmetalsoldier6511 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ff12 battles still suck to this day and led to ff13's horrible system because of how many people vocally didn't like 12's system.
    Guiding wind is legitimately a triumph
    The leviathan axe is nice but let's be real if they hadn't brought back the blades and added other weapons we'd all be complaining
    Bioshock part honestly is just wrong, most critics and fans alike bashed infinite for being a overly simplified version of the first 2. Looked nice but the biggest draw to bioshock its story was at an all time low here taking any real choice or interest away from the player in favor of telling the story of the side character killing millions of innocent men to remove the chance of him going bad. I don't know about you but that's a horrible message, the dlc was OK
    Mr Freeze idea is nice, nice way to upgrade it is to make more ways to defeat the boss letting the player to try more techniques and lock of less since they have a plethora of things to try leaving less players mad
    To be fair it sucked in B&K and it still sucks to me in Breath of the Wild. None of it feels like Zelda and much like twilight princess is more of a niche Nintendo fans are enjoying despite many voices hating it.
    Demons Souls had a great idea since it allowed you to go to a safe space when you wanted a ⏸️ it's the follow ups Dark Souls the squandered the idea by going open world and removing the hub system

  • @Miasma707
    @Miasma707 ปีที่แล้ว

    Because of the shift of intelligence in the younger generation this fights become irrelevant. It doesnt make zelda tears of the kingdom brilliant. It makes you all look kinda silly, i skipped this robot dicking building abomination and i have link tattood on my shinbone so dont even think about calling me not a fan of zelda😊

  • @Eradicatetheobvious
    @Eradicatetheobvious ปีที่แล้ว

    This guy sucks at making lists… Guiding Wind should have sucked? I thought it was a brilliant mechanic that provided even more uniqueness to Ghost of Tsushima. It made finding collectibles actually enjoyable for once