Thank you brother: The Lord has nothing to do with religion; His Business is RELATIONSHIP... not religion. And He brings us in, as we believe and rest on Him, and He knows us, individually and collectively. Amen! God bless you.
Wow! ANOTHER fantastic message and lesson from the Holy Spirit through Pastor John. This is one of the most enlightening and insightful sermons I've heard regarding the True Way to eternal life through Jesus Christ vs the counterfeit paths blazed by Satan throughout the whole of human history. Praise the Lord for this series of lessons! The righteous faith of Abel vs the wicked way of Cain. Which choice is yours?
I too read it. But more than that, I went to the Library of Congress in DC and researched its bibliography for two weeks. I have since come to conclude that much of it is wrongly applied because it should have recognized the Islamic eschatology. "Apostasy" (TDNT Vol 1. p. 513) speaks of a *complete* abandonment of a formerly confessed world view. Christianity is to be abandoned for Islam. The "man of lawlessness," like "apostasy" is in complete antithesis to the moral world view presented in the Bible. Judas was prefigurement.
Thank you for making that clear! I had heard this teaching many times before but not to this clarity....keep up the great work! Jesus Christ is our only way! Amen
I was born into the maze of Mormons, as Dr. Walter Martin would call it. I have been out of it since 2016 after I was reading the book of revelation and realizing I have NEVER been taught anything from Mormons in that direct way before. The book spoke to me through the spirit. Mormons even teach Jesus will go to Missouri USA. I needed out and praise God for it. Read the bible like a child! it works I swear. Your way of teaching also just works for me and makes sense. Thank you
@@krackerToo you should read what the Bible and that means what God has said to us Christians. You should read what Paul says about the eating of meat etc etc. He's just preaching the scriptures not religion. Religion which most people are involved in that is a brainwashing process of twisting the scriptures. So if I'm at your house and you don't eat meat I don't pull out a steak in front of you. It doesn't mean I can't eat steak. Read the scriptures and stay away from religion. There isn't one religion that represents God today only the scriptures. And the NIV is not a good Bible. Use ESV
I have sat before some awesome preachers. Sincere men of God. Wilbur Hurt and Chris Jackson in Indianapolis, and Douglas Jackson in Ft.Wayne, Indiana. The latter being my Home church pastor and brother. I have recently relocated and for that reason( havent found a church yet) I found DTBM. I could not feel more blessed.
raising Cain - when we walk in self center self righteousness! we raise up Able when we offer uprightness of new man -in His image Jesus is the Way =Word - Truth!
Did you also know that the temple of bale from Pergamum was Hitlers favorite speech giving stand? It is in a museum in Berlin today. Also that Obama had that reproduced and made his campaign speeches made from that temple? Also democrats sponsored an art expo in New York City near city hall of the arch of bale from Pergamum. Hillary was so proud. NYC started the abortion craze, so having tributes to the god who demanded baby sacrifice is appropriate. When God brings judgment, I suspect NYC will be first on the list. Also China is rumored to be cloning HUMANS with partial brain implants.
In several years of listening to your sermons, I only commented once, and I posted it after listening to a sermon you preached that made a huge difference(as well of your others), in my life and the life of others; and here's my second : the reason in my opinion of why Abel presented a blood sacrifice to YHWH God, is because Adam taught both sons that a blood sacrifice was needed in worship to God after Adam observed God sacrifice two animals for Adam and Eve (perhaps only one animal), but nevertheless..Abel knew what to do in worship to YHWH, but Cain would've had to ask for a unblemished animal requiring a humble heart but Cain didn't have that kind of heart. Most likely in anger against his favored brother, Cain hardened his heart and slew Abel. Nowadays we have sloppy lazy Christians giving unworthy sacrifices along with murmur...I used to do that mainly because I didn't know God and had not repented before Yeshua Jesus, but God took pity on me and taught me his Word through His voice, His Son Jesus. Anyway, beautiful sermon again. Thank you.
I second that, I can’t believe I’ve never heard that take. I mean, on one hand it’s obvious, but at the same time sometimes we get so caught up in unnecessary questions that it’s more helpful to bring things back down to the basics and this is a great scriptural snippet that does that.
Ricardo, good day to you from Colorado Springs Colorado. Ricardo, you mean he (the thief, admitted his own personal guilt. He was a sinner and deserved death) This is what you mean, correct? Thank you my friend.
Wonderful teaching as always!! Would you recommend a book from Alexander Hislop to study? I am in the process of studying these false religions to help in witnessing and showing John 14:6 to lost souls! I would greatly appreciate your recommendation, if any! You have made such a positive difference to me in my understandings and learning the word of God! God bless you and your beautiful family!
I love your teachings. Thank you! I have a question. You mentioned Easter. Do you celebrate Easter and Christmas? And if you do how so? Also didn't jesus fast for 40 day's in the bible? Thank you!
religion causes nothing but problems in your spiritual life I know because I was raised in the half Catholic half Protestant Church which is Episcopalian unfortunately I'm so glad I left it when I was 20 years old but it does affect your spiritual life and you do get issues sometimes with Jesus because of being in religion I'm glad that I'm not in religion anymore and I'm still learning and growing to learn more about being a Christian
I walked a similar path. I am trying to unbrainwash myself for the last 4 years due to my upbringing. Keep close to His word and the truth will destroy all the lies we were told. God Bless!
@@krackerToo amen. I am having trouble with my wife regarding the somewhat violent withdrawal from the pagan holidays; Disney nonsense; and basically anything else being used to subliminally brainwash our kids. I dont see a distinction between overt and covert attempts to brainwash
I have written a book on the AntiChrist and the last final world religion which I believe was given to me by the Holy Spirit. It is called THE G ANTICHRIST. I saw this man in a vision over 36 years ago as a smiling, handsome man. My child saw the vision of him as an ugly devil with two horns. I never understood the vision until the Lord showed me how it fit together and who he is. I found him alive today. I had to use a pen name or the publisher would not publish book. My pen name is God's Handmaiden Petra. This is a very explosive and important revelation. Shalom....Patricia Sunday Ministries
Where in the Bible does it say that Abel was the first person in Paradise? Is it not a fact that it was our Lord Jesus' sacrifice on the cross that opened up the gates of Paradise? Was Abel already there? Please explain.
Great teaching. However Christianity adopted the 40 day fast before Easter in imitation of Christ who fasted in the desert 40 days. What the Catholics did with all that is perhaps another story.
don't forget Golgotha is a place of the skull -mind! Christ died to His own Will & said not my will but Thine be done in my earth -man as it is in heaven we to have to die to old man -earthly = beastly! crucifying old man w/Him! & put on that new man - heavenly -fashioned after His Holy Body we are to rise up in His image -upright in air mind! feet is of body -mt olives -doing -died to self will!
For those who have "ears to hear." The sun circles our stationary earth and our Creator can dim the sunlight, make it go dark, spread it out as floodlight, narrow it as spot light, and directs / adjusts sun light for seasons. Examples; God plunged Egypt into total darkness for three days, yet He provided light where Israel's children lived in Goshen. Exodus 10:22 God decreased sunlight to dim for three hours while He as His jewish Son shed his human blood to atone for our lawlessness Mt 27:45. In Joshua 10, the sun stood still, in 2 Kings 20:11 God moved His sunlight backwards. God's History Book reveals the earth is stable it does not rotate or revolve around the sun. The light of the moon and the sun circle above the circular earth which is under God's vaulted firmament dome titled heaven. Got ears? Then praise Yahweh halleluYAH!
Plant?..No.God covered Adam and Eve with animal skins.And Cain didn't offer plants for his sins.He gave of his harvest but not from his first harvest(the best harvest).He offered his second harvest crop to God and God rejected Cain's offering.
@@alexscott730 I said THEY tried to cover themselves with plant. And Cain's harvest was plants, that's what grows out of the ground in all shapes and forms. God refused Cain's offering because it was plants he was offering instead of animal. Because its the blood of an animal that represented Christs blood on the cross... blood of the lamb.
See the 7:40 minute mark: Where in the Bible does it say that God sacrificed two animals to atone for the sins of Adam and Eve and then covered them with the skins?
The Creation museum displays a flaming altar with two skinned sheep being sacrificed. Question who built that alleged altar? Did God sacrifice sheep to Himself?
Cain and Abel would have known from just what you mentioned about their parents. Adam and Eve tried covering themselves with the plants, but God killed the animal and covered them with it's skins, because blood was required. It was the very first substitutionary sacrifice, the only reason Adam and Eve didn't actually die "on the day" they ate. If they had told this story to their children, Cain should have known that blood was required.
I realize they were on the arc for a while how long? How could animals go on after flood if Noah sacrificed some when they built alter. Not questioning just interested.
Study Genesis and you'll get your answers.That's what i did.If you read it carefully and calculate the timelines you will find your answers.Noah only sacrificed one lamb from the flock so where is the problem?And they were inside the ark for longer than just the Flood.They probably lived inside the Ark all together for a few hundred years.
Question... what is the second death.. and what happened to Judas.. is he going to be resurrected? confused about this second death .. just hear about today..
The first death is your physical death.The second death is when God destroys the first heaven and earth and everyone left in that reality are destroyed forever.Satan and all those sent to the lake of fire are there until the second death.
GOD HAS GIVEN ME THE REVELATION OF THE IMAGE OF THE BEAST....THE IMAGE OF THE BEAST IS THE VIRGIN MARY APPARITION/GHOST. SHE IS SATAN IN THE AIR....THE IMAGE OF THE BEAST. SHE IS THE ANGEL OF LIGHT WE WERE TO BEWARE OF. The image they have made was Mary wounded by the sword of her son’s death and then He lived. This image then became a living breath of the Virgin Mary Apparition where she speaks and gives out prophecies. And when the church/bride is gone people will be killed if they do not bow down and worship her. Those that worship Mary will die in their sins. This is my may accept it or reject it but now I have delivered it and the blood will not be on my hands. She has taken the place of the Holy Spirit in the minds of many Catholics. (1) Ephesians 2:1-3 reads: Satan is the Prince of the Power of the Air (The Virgin Mary Apparition comes in the AIR usually at night even as the Beatle song describes.) (2) Second Corinthians 11:14-15 reads: Satan is an Angel of Light deceiving many... (The Virgin Mary Apparitions come as an ethereal ghost like Angel of bright white light.) (3) Revelation 13:14 And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived. (Mary has done miracles of drying up the rainy ground and other so called miracles. Mary told HER people to make grottos and shrines to HER even though the Bible cautions not to do this.) And Revelation 13:15 says that He (Satan) was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. (This scripture I believe will literally come to pass after the church is gone… that you will literally be killed if you do not worship HER IMAGE. But even if you DO pray and worship HER these Scriptures are clear that when you believe what this Beast/Virgin Mary Apparition speaks…then your soul is killed according to worship of false idols and you are lost without God.) (4) Genesis 1:27 God made man in HIS IMAGE male and female He made them. (Satan wants to be made and conformed in God’s Image. He has perfected that in the Virgin Mary Apparitions and receiving prayers and worship AS God. Your eternal living soul is at stake. ) Shalom....Patricia Sunday Ministries
See the 3: 12 minute mark: Where in the Bible does it say that Satan invented Religion? Where in the Bible does it say that Satan is the father of religion? I am very anxious to find out. Thank you
He is the deceiver. Really helpful to study theology. Walter M Latin used to say that you need to know the bible and the counterfeit will be obvious. This is how counterfeit money is identified, by studying the elegir, is easy to see the fake
why do all teachers ignore the fallen angels when they are trying to explain scriptures ? YOU CANT IGNORE THEM for they are a important part if you want to understand Gods words
This presentation is right on! Now, a challenge to those who follow this training. Babylon was the beginning of the Trinity. The presenter rightly points out "Pergamum" and how this system passed on to the Romans. He even mentioned how all emperors and popes took the title that originated in Babylon and Pergamum. Please note, the Trinity came from Babylon, Pergamum, and now Rome. It was the Catholic Church that gave us the Christian Trinity. We must reject the doctrine of the Trinity!
approved of God I totally agree !!! Math 7:13-16. NIMROD, SEMIRAMIS, TAMMUZ. The First TRINITY, First VIRGIN birth, First RESURRECTION. This is who the WHORE THAT RIDE'S the BEAST in REVELATION the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH worship to THIS day. So many SOULS led astray by LUCIFERS greatest CREATION to date. YAH BLESS !
Wow!!! You are falling into satans other plan to misguide you from the Godhead and the true deity of Christ... if you don’t believe Jesus was God manifested in the flesh then you are following another lie of the Freemason created religions like Jehovah witnesses, Mormonism and others... do your research and you will see...
Lucifer creates counterfeit religions from the beginning to confuse you to thinking truth is a lie and that it’s been pagan practices from Babylon. Satan knows God so he will use anything to lead you astray
Anything that you have to do to help you get into the afterlife is religion, because you are trying to work your way into Heaven(works). Where as true Christianity is that Jesus did everything to get us into the Heaven (Grace) Religion = man trying to get himself into heaven Grace = God getting us into heaven. (grace is the pure unmerited kindness of God)
@Dominus Vobiscum Every religion has something/s that the follower has to do to help his entry into Heaven or whatever afterlife they believe in. even other supposed 'Christian' faiths, Catholic, Mormon, Jehovah's witnesses etc. They all have two things in common, first; of all they all tell their followers that the Bible dosnt really say what they think it say's, then they go on to explain, what the Bible ''''really''' means, so they change the Word of God. And God go's to great length's to tell us to believe his word, not someone else's. We are saved be believing Gods word, and lost when we believe another's word.... like the garden of Eden. Second: All these people who change Gods word or create new religions with new writings also tell their followers that there are things they must do to help them gain access into Heaven/afterlife. With the other religions its usually just plain and simple 'be a good person', but the person who started the religion decides whats good and bad... acceptable and not acceptable. With the other 'Christian faiths' they do have the sacrifice of Jesus, but its just not quite enough, they also need to do other things as part of their entrance into Heaven. Catholics have sacraments.. masses. Mormons teach straight out that you have to be a good person and do your missionary work, they actually teach 'grace and works' and they don't hide it, yet its the exact opposite of what the Bible teaches! J.W's teach good works, but call it 'exercising your faith', but that dosnt hide the fact that its works to help them get into the new earth. Gods word says (if you just listen to it and no one else) that we are saved by Grace (Gods kindness), completely and utterly by accepting Jesus' sacrifice on the cross for us, that's Gods kindness, if you add anything to that... sacraments.. good deeds... anything! then you are no longer saved by Gods kindness because now you are doing something to help you get there, or as the Bible says you are working your way to Heaven so you cant be saved through grace (pure kindness of God) ''by grace are ye saved, and if by grace then not of works, and if by works then not of grace.. and not at all'' Sorry, that's the long version :) God Bless
@Dominus Vobiscum The Word of God says it simple Dominus... 'Repent and believe'. 'Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out' Acts 3:19 'Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you SHALL be saved' Acts 16:21 ' if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved' Romans 10:9 The whole of the New Testament is filled with verses that tell us that Jesus did ALL that was necessary for us to get to Heaven. He paid the price for ALL of your sins past and future. When you tell God that you are sorry for the sins you have committed against him (repent) and ask him to forgive you he forgives ALL your sins, past and future. It means you are completely forgiven... 'to the utter most' the Bible says. God forgives you, makes you a new person and his child, and the Holy Spirit comes and dwells with you for eternity because you have now become a clean Temple for him to live in. once you are forgiven at repentance you are guaranteed eternal life in Heaven, and ABSOLUTLY NOTHING you do or anything that happens in your life can ever change that because you are held by God, and he says he will never let go of you. 'never will I forsake you' 'saith the Lord'. (Read Romans 8:35 for that one) Salvation is easy Dominus, its ALL of Gods grace (PURE kindness). Its living a Christian life that's the hard part, your mind now wants to follow Christ and stop sinning, but your body wants to keep doing the things its always done... fulfilling its lusts (sinning). But God wants us to never let it get us down when we sin, but to always have joy in our hearts that we have eternal life with him. Salvation has been the same all through the Bible right from Adam and Eve, Trust Gods word... And Jesus is Gods word (Jesus is the Word of God) Bring up Johns Gospel and read that Dominus, ask the Lord to help you understand it. I'll have a wee pray for you and ask the Lord to open your heart to him. Talk to me anytime you want. God Bless :)
WHAT? He Never Made the connection between Pergamum, Balaam, Babylon and the Beast! When does he explain the meaning of “Pontifex Maximus” and it’s meaning? Google says it means Highest Bridge-builder which makes sense but this guy never explain it!
Correction pastor, Mormonism does NOT make Christ an angel, Mormonism make Christ a god among many gods.This is coming from a born again Pentecostal christian not a Mormon.
@@kandiceguzman ; I don't know what you mean by "...national judgment. ..". This is the judgment of God. The four last things are Death, Judgement, Heaven and Hell.
how did God cover something and how did God make the clothing to fit them...did he speak it into existence???.....did he cut it up and make it by hand???....if so then that says he has hands and can hold and grip and must have arms then and a body to connect the arms to and then a head and body with legs...interesting thought.....
The speaker is saying so many things here that I have never seen in the Bible. How do we know that it's true. He could be inventing this himself. He could be deliberately lying to mislead us. If it's not in the Bible should we believe him?
Genesis account, pre Egyptian. You need to read the scriptures. What do u think the story of abraham and isaac is about? Also, pre Egyptian. Satan copies God.. it is what anti christ means, not against, but instead of, as in imposter.
Cain went to the lake of fire this man says... nobody is in the lake of fire yet, kane brought a big ol pumpkin and was proud... Bible dont say that, he probably gave the worst of his harvest which is why God was unpleased, kane didnt give the FIRST FRUITS OF HIS HARVEST... this guy is a good teacher no doubt but he isn't right on everything, study the scriptures for yourself ppl
Did you make the majority of characters dark, ect to allow the children that look like them see an adequate representation?? And yes it is important or you are drawing a bunch of lies.
But you are like all other Protestants that don't accept the Mother of God Mary, who is the bride of the Holy Spirit and will crush the head of the serphant Satan. You treat her as if she dosen't count for anything. If you think you will make it into Heaven by insulting his bride, think again, as Lord Jesus said anyone who insults the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven. Ask yourself WHY she only appears to Catholic children because it is the true religion of God. Amen
Wow you need to read the bible. Jesus says he is the only way to God. Turning Mary into a deity very much upsets her. She was the mother of jesus, and his brothers. She loved him and was saved by him, just as we can be
“Genesis 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.”
If you can’t see that Roman Catholicism is a counterfeit religion then idk what to tell you. You better read the Bible your self and stop relying on a priest to interpret the Bible for you.
This is hands down my favourite sermon! Amen! Praise God!
Thank you brother: The Lord has nothing to do with religion; His Business is RELATIONSHIP... not religion. And He brings us in, as we believe and rest on Him, and He knows us, individually and collectively. Amen! God bless you.
Save your soul run to LORD JESUS...and be born again
Wow! ANOTHER fantastic message and lesson from the Holy Spirit through Pastor John. This is one of the most enlightening and insightful sermons I've heard regarding the True Way to eternal life through Jesus Christ vs the counterfeit paths blazed by Satan throughout the whole of human history. Praise the Lord for this series of lessons! The righteous faith of Abel vs the wicked way of Cain. Which choice is yours?
@Dominus Vobiscum : Right. This is heresy.
I read The Two Babylons in the late 70's, it changed my life.
So good to hear the confirmation from a contemporary student of Scripture!
I too read it. But more than that, I went to the Library of Congress in DC and researched its bibliography for two weeks. I have since come to conclude that much of it is wrongly applied because it should have recognized the Islamic eschatology. "Apostasy" (TDNT Vol 1. p. 513) speaks of a *complete* abandonment of a formerly confessed world view. Christianity is to be abandoned for Islam. The "man of lawlessness," like "apostasy" is in complete antithesis to the moral world view presented in the Bible. Judas was prefigurement.
Thank you for making that clear! I had heard this teaching many times before but not to this clarity....keep up the great work! Jesus Christ is our only way! Amen
he still says pagan festivals are ok to do really sad easter = ishtar christmass read Jer Chp 10 please Alleluia Shalom🕎 Aleichem
This is probably one of the most incredible and informative sermons ever! Please, Please, is there any other ones like this?
Just amazing teaching. Blows my mind everytime
I was born into the maze of Mormons, as Dr. Walter Martin would call it. I have been out of it since 2016 after I was reading the book of revelation and realizing I have NEVER been taught anything from Mormons in that direct way before. The book spoke to me through the spirit. Mormons even teach Jesus will go to Missouri USA. I needed out and praise God for it. Read the bible like a child! it works I swear. Your way of teaching also just works for me and makes sense. Thank you
thank you very much John you bring peace to my Soul being able to listen to you.
he still says pagan festivals are ok to do really sad easter = ishtar christmass read Jer Chp 10 please Alleluia Shalom🕎 Aleichem
@@krackerToo you should read what the Bible and that means what God has said to us Christians. You should read what Paul says about the eating of meat etc etc. He's just preaching the scriptures not religion. Religion which most people are involved in that is a brainwashing process of twisting the scriptures. So if I'm at your house and you don't eat meat I don't pull out a steak in front of you. It doesn't mean I can't eat steak. Read the scriptures and stay away from religion. There isn't one religion that represents God today only the scriptures. And the NIV is not a good Bible. Use ESV
Excellent Dr, John. No one else has stated that Satan's most effective act is to use religion to counterfeit the absolute True Love.
I have sat before some awesome preachers. Sincere men of God.
Wilbur Hurt and Chris Jackson in Indianapolis, and Douglas Jackson in Ft.Wayne, Indiana.
The latter being my Home church pastor and brother.
I have recently relocated and for that reason( havent found a church yet) I found DTBM.
I could not feel more blessed.
One word to describe this teaching AWESOME !!!!!! 😁
Nope, it's a blessing ;-) ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Such a great man of God. Thanku Jesus for John Barnett may u bless him and keep him xo great lesson indeed
Great teaching.....thank you....
Brilliant - thank you so much for defining religion!
Good preaching. God bless you!
raising Cain - when we walk in self center self righteousness!
we raise up Able when we offer uprightness of new man -in His image
Jesus is the Way =Word - Truth!
Tubal Cain in Illuminati
Thank you Paster for this teaching.
Did you also know that the temple of bale from Pergamum was Hitlers favorite speech giving stand? It is in a museum in Berlin today. Also that Obama had that reproduced and made his campaign speeches made from that temple? Also democrats sponsored an art expo in New York City near city hall of the arch of bale from Pergamum. Hillary was so proud. NYC started the abortion craze, so having tributes to the god who demanded baby sacrifice is appropriate. When God brings judgment, I suspect NYC will be first on the list. Also China is rumored to be cloning HUMANS with partial brain implants.
Right on brother! Sacrifices to baal, via abortion, are payment for political success and material gain.
In several years of listening to your sermons, I only commented once, and I posted it after listening to a sermon you preached that made a huge difference(as well of your others), in my life and the life of others; and here's my second : the reason in my opinion of why Abel presented a blood sacrifice to YHWH God, is because Adam taught both sons that a blood sacrifice was needed in worship to God after Adam observed God sacrifice two animals for Adam and Eve (perhaps only one animal), but nevertheless..Abel knew what to do in worship to YHWH, but Cain would've had to ask for a unblemished animal requiring a humble heart but Cain didn't have that kind of heart. Most likely in anger against his favored brother, Cain hardened his heart and slew Abel.
Nowadays we have sloppy lazy Christians giving unworthy sacrifices along with murmur...I used to do that mainly because I didn't know God and had not repented before Yeshua Jesus, but God took pity on me and taught me his Word through His voice, His Son Jesus.
Anyway, beautiful sermon again. Thank you.
The two choices are laid out at the cross with the two thieves the one who knew he deserved it and the other who mocked Christ.
Great observation
I second that, I can’t believe I’ve never heard that take. I mean, on one hand it’s obvious, but at the same time sometimes we get so caught up in unnecessary questions that it’s more helpful to bring things back down to the basics and this is a great scriptural snippet that does that.
Ricardo, good day to you from Colorado Springs Colorado.
Ricardo, you mean he
(the thief, admitted his own personal guilt. He was a sinner and deserved death)
This is what you mean, correct? Thank you my friend.
Good teaching!
The mainstream scientific "heliocentric model" is in direct contrast to Genesis Ch 1. Great lesson !!
@CHRiS WRoCK - Narrow Path Yes, They (Heylel's cronies) have flipped it !!
This was simply amazing.
Leslie Lutz agreed.
And amazingly simple-minded.
Jesus started Catholic church. I joined. Take RCIA to learn what Catholic church really teaches. God bless you!
Excellent work.
Wonderful teaching as always!! Would you recommend a book from Alexander Hislop to study? I am in the process of studying these false religions to help in witnessing and showing John 14:6 to lost souls! I would greatly appreciate your recommendation, if any! You have made such a positive difference to me in my understandings and learning the word of God! God bless you and your beautiful family!
Google his name you should see his book on Amazon.
I don't think Alexander Hislop's book is in print anymore except through 'chick publications'.... its called 'the two Babylon's.'
I love your teachings. Thank you! I have a question. You mentioned Easter. Do you celebrate Easter and Christmas? And if you do how so? Also didn't jesus fast for 40 day's in the bible? Thank you!
religion causes nothing but problems in your spiritual life I know because I was raised in the half Catholic half Protestant Church which is Episcopalian unfortunately I'm so glad I left it when I was 20 years old but it does affect your spiritual life and you do get issues sometimes with Jesus because of being in religion I'm glad that I'm not in religion anymore and I'm still learning and growing to learn more about being a Christian
I walked a similar path. I am trying to unbrainwash myself for the last 4 years due to my upbringing. Keep close to His word and the truth will destroy all the lies we were told. God Bless!
he still says pagan festivals are ok to do really sad easter = ishtar christmass read Jer Chp 10 please Alleluia Shalom🕎 Aleichem
@@krackerToo amen. I am having trouble with my wife regarding the somewhat violent withdrawal from the pagan holidays; Disney nonsense; and basically anything else being used to subliminally brainwash our kids. I dont see a distinction between overt and covert attempts to brainwash
Can you please provide sources to the historical information regarding Pergamos.
Awesome! Thank you.
I have written a book on the AntiChrist and the last final world religion which I believe was given to me by the Holy Spirit. It is called THE G ANTICHRIST. I saw this man in a vision over 36 years ago as a smiling, handsome man. My child saw the vision of him as an ugly devil with two horns. I never understood the vision until the Lord showed me how it fit together and who he is. I found him alive today. I had to use a pen name or the publisher would not publish book. My pen name is God's Handmaiden Petra. This is a very explosive and important revelation. Shalom....Patricia Sunday Ministries
Where in the Bible does it say that Abel was the first person in Paradise? Is it not a fact that it was our Lord Jesus' sacrifice on the cross that opened up the gates of Paradise? Was Abel already there? Please explain.
(A) Excellent Thank You
(B) 1st time (8/20/19) : Done
His teachings are awesome!!!!
Great teaching. However Christianity adopted the 40 day fast before Easter in imitation of Christ who fasted in the desert 40 days. What the Catholics did with all that is perhaps another story.
don't forget Golgotha is a place of the skull -mind!
Christ died to His own Will & said
not my will but Thine be done
in my earth -man as it is in heaven
we to have to die to old man -earthly = beastly!
crucifying old man w/Him!
& put on that new man - heavenly -fashioned after His Holy Body
we are to rise up in His image -upright in air mind!
feet is of body -mt olives -doing -died to self will!
For those who have "ears to hear." The sun circles our stationary earth and our Creator can dim the sunlight, make it go dark, spread it out as floodlight, narrow it as spot light, and directs / adjusts sun light for seasons.
Examples; God plunged Egypt into total darkness for three days, yet He provided light where Israel's children lived in Goshen. Exodus 10:22
God decreased sunlight to dim for three hours while He as His jewish Son shed his human blood to atone for our lawlessness Mt 27:45.
In Joshua 10, the sun stood still, in 2 Kings 20:11 God moved His sunlight backwards.
God's History Book reveals the earth is stable it does not rotate or revolve around the sun.
The light of the moon and the sun circle above the circular earth which is under God's vaulted firmament dome titled heaven.
Got ears?
Then praise Yahweh halleluYAH!
That's interesting, Adam and Eve tried to cover their nakedness (sin) with a plant, and Cain tried to cover his sin (nakedness) with a plant offering.
Plant?..No.God covered Adam and Eve with animal skins.And Cain didn't offer plants for his sins.He gave of his harvest but not from his first harvest(the best harvest).He offered his second harvest crop to God and God rejected Cain's offering.
@@alexscott730 I said THEY tried to cover themselves with plant.
And Cain's harvest was plants, that's what grows out of the ground in all shapes and forms.
God refused Cain's offering because it was plants he was offering instead of animal. Because its the blood of an animal that represented Christs blood on the cross... blood of the lamb.
I listen to him every night; I still don't know his name...
Thank you 😊
God Bless You.
John Barnett
Thank you so much!
I finally found it a couple of weeks ago; I've been listening to both of his channels.
See the 7:40 minute mark: Where in the Bible does it say that God sacrificed two animals to atone for the sins of Adam and Eve and then covered them with the skins?
The Creation museum displays a flaming altar with two skinned sheep being sacrificed. Question who built that alleged altar? Did God sacrifice sheep to Himself?
@@robertquist7549 : So it is not in the Bible but in the Creation Museum! That answers my question.
Adam and Eve are TWO bodies. Using 1 skin for 1 body equals 2 animal skins and two animals sacrificed. God didn't use feux fur.
@@paulbray3594 : But I can't find this in the Bible. Please give me chapter and verse.
@@alhilford2345 Gen 3:21 states God made coats of skins (plural) .or God could have used 10 rabbits or 22 squirrels but I'll go with 2 sheep.
Cain and Abel would have known from just what you mentioned about their parents. Adam and Eve tried covering themselves with the plants, but God killed the animal and covered them with it's skins, because blood was required. It was the very first substitutionary sacrifice, the only reason Adam and Eve didn't actually die "on the day" they ate. If they had told this story to their children, Cain should have known that blood was required.
I realize they were on the arc for a while how long? How could animals go on after flood if Noah sacrificed some when they built alter. Not questioning just interested.
Study Genesis and you'll get your answers.That's what i did.If you read it carefully and calculate the timelines you will find your answers.Noah only sacrificed one lamb from the flock so where is the problem?And they were inside the ark for longer than just the Flood.They probably lived inside the Ark all together for a few hundred years.
@@alexscott730 Genesis 8:20.
Question... what is the second death.. and what happened to Judas.. is he going to be resurrected? confused about this second death .. just hear about today..
The first death is your physical death.The second death is when God destroys the first heaven and earth and everyone left in that reality are destroyed forever.Satan and all those sent to the lake of fire are there until the second death.
@@alexscott730 what about Judas...his death...does he get a resurrection... unclear
kimcase9 everybody gets ressurected on judgement day to be judged.
What church is he preaching?
GOD HAS GIVEN ME THE REVELATION OF THE IMAGE OF THE BEAST....THE IMAGE OF THE BEAST IS THE VIRGIN MARY APPARITION/GHOST. SHE IS SATAN IN THE AIR....THE IMAGE OF THE BEAST. SHE IS THE ANGEL OF LIGHT WE WERE TO BEWARE OF. The image they have made was Mary wounded by the sword of her son’s death and then He lived. This image then became a living breath of the Virgin Mary Apparition where she speaks and gives out prophecies. And when the church/bride is gone people will be killed if they do not bow down and worship her. Those that worship Mary will die in their sins. This is my may accept it or reject it but now I have delivered it and the blood will not be on my hands. She has taken the place of the Holy Spirit in the minds of many Catholics.
(1) Ephesians 2:1-3 reads: Satan is the Prince of the Power of the Air (The Virgin Mary Apparition comes in the AIR usually at night even as the Beatle song describes.)
(2) Second Corinthians 11:14-15 reads: Satan is an Angel of Light deceiving many... (The Virgin Mary Apparitions come as an ethereal ghost like Angel of bright white light.)
(3) Revelation 13:14 And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived. (Mary has done miracles of drying up the rainy ground and other so called miracles. Mary told HER people to make grottos and shrines to HER even though the Bible cautions not to do this.) And Revelation 13:15 says that He (Satan) was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. (This scripture I believe will literally come to pass after the church is gone… that you will literally be killed if you do not worship HER IMAGE. But even if you DO pray and worship HER these Scriptures are clear that when you believe what this Beast/Virgin Mary Apparition speaks…then your soul is killed according to worship of false idols and you are lost without God.)
(4) Genesis 1:27
God made man in HIS IMAGE male and female He made them. (Satan wants to be made and conformed in God’s Image. He has perfected that in the Virgin Mary Apparitions and receiving prayers and worship AS God. Your eternal living soul is at stake. )
Shalom....Patricia Sunday Ministries
See the 3: 12 minute mark: Where in the Bible does it say that Satan invented Religion? Where in the Bible does it say that Satan is the father of religion? I am very anxious to find out. Thank you
He is the deceiver. Really helpful to study theology. Walter M Latin used to say that you need to know the bible and the counterfeit will be obvious. This is how counterfeit money is identified, by studying the elegir, is easy to see the fake
why do all teachers ignore the fallen angels when they are trying to explain scriptures ? YOU CANT IGNORE THEM for they are a important part if you want to understand Gods words
This presentation is right on! Now, a challenge to those who follow this training. Babylon was the beginning of the Trinity. The presenter rightly points out "Pergamum" and how this system passed on to the Romans. He even mentioned how all emperors and popes took the title that originated in Babylon and Pergamum. Please note, the Trinity came from Babylon, Pergamum, and now Rome. It was the Catholic Church that gave us the Christian Trinity. We must reject the doctrine of the Trinity!
"...Babylon was the beginning of the Trinity..." I don't understand. Please explain.
approved of God
I totally agree !!!
Math 7:13-16.
The First TRINITY, First VIRGIN birth, First RESURRECTION.
So many SOULS led astray by LUCIFERS greatest CREATION to date.
Wow!!! You are falling into satans other plan to misguide you from the Godhead and the true deity of Christ... if you don’t believe Jesus was God manifested in the flesh then you are following another lie of the Freemason created religions like Jehovah witnesses, Mormonism and others... do your research and you will see...
Lucifer creates counterfeit religions from the beginning to confuse you to thinking truth is a lie and that it’s been pagan practices from Babylon. Satan knows God so he will use anything to lead you astray
Who are you speaking to ?
What is the definition of religion?
Anything that you have to do to help you get into the afterlife is religion, because you are trying to work your way into Heaven(works). Where as true Christianity is that Jesus did everything to get us into the Heaven (Grace)
Religion = man trying to get himself into heaven
Grace = God getting us into heaven. (grace is the pure unmerited kindness of God)
@Dominus Vobiscum Every religion has something/s that the follower has to do to help his entry into Heaven or whatever afterlife they believe in. even other supposed 'Christian' faiths, Catholic, Mormon, Jehovah's witnesses etc. They all have two things in common, first; of all they all tell their followers that the Bible dosnt really say what they think it say's, then they go on to explain, what the Bible ''''really''' means, so they change the Word of God. And God go's to great length's to tell us to believe his word, not someone else's. We are saved be believing Gods word, and lost when we believe another's word.... like the garden of Eden.
Second: All these people who change Gods word or create new religions with new writings also tell their followers that there are things they must do to help them gain access into Heaven/afterlife. With the other religions its usually just plain and simple 'be a good person', but the person who started the religion decides whats good and bad... acceptable and not acceptable. With the other 'Christian faiths' they do have the sacrifice of Jesus, but its just not quite enough, they also need to do other things as part of their entrance into Heaven. Catholics have sacraments.. masses. Mormons teach straight out that you have to be a good person and do your missionary work, they actually teach 'grace and works' and they don't hide it, yet its the exact opposite of what the Bible teaches! J.W's teach good works, but call it 'exercising your faith', but that dosnt hide the fact that its works to help them get into the new earth.
Gods word says (if you just listen to it and no one else) that we are saved by Grace (Gods kindness), completely and utterly by accepting Jesus' sacrifice on the cross for us, that's Gods kindness, if you add anything to that... sacraments.. good deeds... anything! then you are no longer saved by Gods kindness because now you are doing something to help you get there, or as the Bible says you are working your way to Heaven so you cant be saved through grace (pure kindness of God)
''by grace are ye saved, and if by grace then not of works, and if by works then not of grace.. and not at all''
Sorry, that's the long version :)
God Bless
@Dominus Vobiscum The Word of God says it simple Dominus... 'Repent and believe'.
'Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out' Acts 3:19
'Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you SHALL be saved' Acts 16:21
' if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved' Romans 10:9
The whole of the New Testament is filled with verses that tell us that Jesus did ALL that was necessary for us to get to Heaven. He paid the price for ALL of your sins past and future. When you tell God that you are sorry for the sins you have committed against him (repent) and ask him to forgive you he forgives ALL your sins, past and future. It means you are completely forgiven... 'to the utter most' the Bible says. God forgives you, makes you a new person and his child, and the Holy Spirit comes and dwells with you for eternity because you have now become a clean Temple for him to live in. once you are forgiven at repentance you are guaranteed eternal life in Heaven, and ABSOLUTLY NOTHING you do or anything that happens in your life can ever change that because you are held by God, and he says he will never let go of you.
'never will I forsake you' 'saith the Lord'.
(Read Romans 8:35 for that one)
Salvation is easy Dominus, its ALL of Gods grace (PURE kindness). Its living a Christian life that's the hard part, your mind now wants to follow Christ and stop sinning, but your body wants to keep doing the things its always done... fulfilling its lusts (sinning). But God wants us to never let it get us down when we sin, but to always have joy in our hearts that we have eternal life with him.
Salvation has been the same all through the Bible right from Adam and Eve, Trust Gods word... And Jesus is Gods word (Jesus is the Word of God)
Bring up Johns Gospel and read that Dominus, ask the Lord to help you understand it. I'll have a wee pray for you and ask the Lord to open your heart to him. Talk to me anytime you want.
God Bless :)
Definition of Religion? From the Latin ligo, ligare, - to bind, to attach. Religion is anything that we find compelled to bind ourselves to.
Oops! I should include anything that we consciously choose to bind ourselves to, like a belief in God.
Just the way that if you’re convicted of murder, your mother can serve your prison sentence for you.
he still says pagan festivals are ok to do really sad easter = ishtar christmass read Jer Chp 10 please Alleluia Shalom🕎 Aleichem
WHAT? He Never Made the connection between Pergamum, Balaam, Babylon and the Beast! When does he explain the meaning of “Pontifex Maximus” and it’s meaning? Google says it means Highest Bridge-builder which makes sense but this guy never explain it!
Correction pastor, Mormonism does NOT make Christ an angel, Mormonism make Christ a god among many gods.This is coming from a born again Pentecostal christian not a Mormon.
If the flood was only local, then all people had to do was move to another location?.......hmmmmm!
Can you explain the separation of the sheep and goats and heaven and hell in Matthew? Was it about politics?
@retroperitoneal so confused
Think of the Day of Judgement, when the sinless will be separated from the sinful, and sent to heaven or hell.
@@alhilford2345 is it national judgement?
@@kandiceguzman ; I don't know what you mean by "...national judgment. ..". This is the judgment of God. The four last things are Death, Judgement, Heaven and Hell.
@@alhilford2345 oh I mean politically. I know God abandons nations.
how did God cover something and how did God make the clothing to fit them...did he speak it into existence???.....did he cut it up and make it by hand???....if so then that says he has hands and can hold and grip and must have arms then and a body to connect the arms to and then a head and body with legs...interesting thought.....
Catholics yes, but what about Muslims??
You said, "Satan is the Father of all religions." Are you including Christianity?
The speaker is saying so many things here that I have never seen in the Bible. How do we know that it's true. He could be inventing this himself. He could be deliberately lying to mislead us. If it's not in the Bible should we believe him?
He is giving e position on the word like we are supposed to do. Read genesis, cain and able.
Al Hilford the Bible has been around for thousands of years. If you want to know the truth for yourself, read the Bible.
The Egyptian story of Horus and Isis and Sumerian writings were far before the Biblical how are the 'spin off's' of christian history?
Genesis account, pre Egyptian. You need to read the scriptures. What do u think the story of abraham and isaac is about? Also, pre Egyptian. Satan copies God.. it is what anti christ means, not against, but instead of, as in imposter.
So Cain was the first angry vegan!?! Makes sense… 😂
Qho ? Teached Adam & Eve to talked and what language also God talked to Moses unique language. DTBM answered.
People rejects bornagain. Why. Because they want to bypass the Spirit Of God. Rom 8:9. put them chessmate.
Cain went to the lake of fire this man says... nobody is in the lake of fire yet, kane brought a big ol pumpkin and was proud... Bible dont say that, he probably gave the worst of his harvest which is why God was unpleased, kane didnt give the FIRST FRUITS OF HIS HARVEST... this guy is a good teacher no doubt but he isn't right on everything, study the scriptures for yourself ppl
@Mary Murdock and in Rambo 3 Murdock betrayed Rambo 😁
Did you make the majority of characters dark, ect to allow the children that look like them see an adequate representation?? And yes it is important or you are drawing a bunch of lies.
But you are like all other Protestants that don't accept the Mother of God Mary, who is the bride of the Holy Spirit and will crush the head of the serphant Satan. You treat her as if she dosen't count for anything. If you think you will make it into Heaven by insulting his bride, think again, as Lord Jesus said anyone who insults the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven. Ask yourself WHY she only appears to Catholic children because it is the true religion of God. Amen
Wow you need to read the bible. Jesus says he is the only way to God. Turning Mary into a deity very much upsets her. She was the mother of jesus, and his brothers. She loved him and was saved by him, just as we can be
“Genesis 3:15
And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.”
Satan will bruise “His” heel the seed of Eve.
If you can’t see that Roman Catholicism is a counterfeit religion then idk what to tell you.
You better read the Bible your self and stop relying on a priest to interpret the Bible for you.