Star Trek Resurgence: Choose Westbrook, Bedrosian or Urmott as your First officer - All choices

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 2 ต.ค. 2024
  • Jara Rydek send a team to investigate, lock down the lower decks or vent the air out and outcomes.

ความคิดเห็น • 48

  • @svsguru2000
    @svsguru2000 ปีที่แล้ว +45

    I chose Westbrook, because I want someone who isn't a yes man. Urmott would probably just go along with anything I say, and Bedrosian went from being a complete suckup to resigning her commission, because I decided to not bomb the Tkon repository, and beam up the archive instead.

    • @Flusenjohnny
      @Flusenjohnny ปีที่แล้ว +4

      same ^^

    • @Frenki94
      @Frenki94 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      I don't understand how is Bedrosian a Starfleet officer in the first place, she outright questions every single order from Jara because she's not willing to commit genocide on the Tkon.

    • @KevinTheID
      @KevinTheID ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@Frenki94 Agreed, her opinions run counter to Starfleet and Federation values. I mean, I get that she has been hurt by the TKon and would lash out against them but she goes from a bright-eyed officer who looks up to Rydek to one that has both literally and figuratively lost sight of who she was.
      Plus, I refute her argument that beaming up the Tkon archive would "put the enemy above of our own" crew. The Resolute was already in danger, their former Captain had been bioformed, and an entire enemy ship capable to doing the same in the blink of an eye was bearing down on them. Saving an entire species from extinction is not only the correct thing to do but would not jeopardize them anymore than they already were.

    • @nickryan4126
      @nickryan4126 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      ​@@KevinTheID also seems like the Scion would think twice about blowing up the Resolute with all the Tkon on board.

    • @LGranthamsHeir
      @LGranthamsHeir ปีที่แล้ว +7

      @@Frenki94 It is a major plothole that is unexplained. Perhaps she was traumatized from combat experience during the Dominion War? (although given her age she's likely still a cadet when the war happened). She did admire Jara and seemed to follow her career closely from the time of the War. I also don't understand why Bedrossian turned 180 degrees from a Jara fangirl (likely also had a crush on her) into a hater just because she refused to commit genocide on a potentially hostile alien race.

  • @jonathanb1059
    @jonathanb1059 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    I chose Urmott because he had been loyal to me from the very beginning, stays cool under pressure and gives very good sound advice. Whereas Westbrook strikes me as a very impulsive and unbalanced person, who quickly reacts with anger, which shows he does not have the correct temperament or mind for the job. As for Bedrosian, she blamed me for her decision to use herself to amplify the shuttle's power, causing her to lose her sight and was also enraged to the point of resigning because I was unwilling to commit mass genocide of hundreds of millions of life forms who had nothing to do with the Scion of the Flame's actions (and I figured we needed Portal to continue to help us to survive).

    • @stu8729
      @stu8729 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      I chose Westbrook as he would always give the ideas.
      You are correct about the blood lust of Bedrosian

    • @pistolero6468
      @pistolero6468 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      That's interesting because I specifically chose Westbrooke over Urmott because Urmott was too loyal. He's competent no doubt but too timid to be a leader I think.
      Westbrooke isn't always right but he offers alternatives and is willing to challenge you. Respectfully too, unlike Bedrosian. Sure he blows up if you don't choose him as First Officer but the difference is he does it in private, not in front of the crew.

    • @Krypton853
      @Krypton853 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I choose Westbrook I like ppl who thinks for themselves here's the personality of each of the candidates.
      1 Urmott he may have been loyal in the beginning but I feel like he's more like by the book that follows protocol kinda guy. Why If he had a choice between the deflector and the shield he would most likely go for the deflector. Endangered Diaz and Edsilar
      2 Bedrosian have some sort of vendetta against the Scions of Tkon. She was ok from the beginning but she reminds me of Ashley Graham from Mass Effect.
      3 Westbrook on the other hand although Jara and him didn't get off to a good start in the beginning he thinks like an Individual.

  • @LGranthamsHeir
    @LGranthamsHeir ปีที่แล้ว +27

    1:40 - 1:52 Westbrook's observation was correct. Bedrossian was completely immature and inexperienced. It was shown clearly in her meltdown after Jara ordered the T'kon's archive to be transferred to the cargo bay. A more experienced officer should've known the first duty of a Starfleet officer is to save all biological lifeforms, even those that may harbor hostile intent against you (as long as they have not attacked you). At the very least she should keep her disagreement with herself and not confront Jara in public.

    • @JRGProjects
      @JRGProjects ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Bingo. That's why I chose Westbrook and he's Second Officer. Chain of Command.

    • @LGranthamsHeir
      @LGranthamsHeir ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@JRGProjects Plus he's the most senior officer aboard and knows the ship and its crew inside and out. Jara might be put off by his lack of respect towards her, but if I were her, I would pick Westbrook in a heartbeat, given this consideration

    • @VoidMaid
      @VoidMaid ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Honestly Bedrossian was kind of a lunatic throughout the entire game and demonstrated a lot of erratic behavior - I’d still take her over Solano though. Plus she looked pretty cool with that visor!

    • @LGranthamsHeir
      @LGranthamsHeir ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@VoidMaid She looks like one of Geordi LaForge's daughters 😅😆

  • @Arthus850
    @Arthus850 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    My first choice was Bedrosian, but then she revealed her bloodlust when she got enraged that I didn’t want to murder millions of innocent Tkon. So I ended up choosing Urmott since he’s loyal, smart, logical, merciful, and has a cool head on his shoulders. As for Westbrook, he has a brilliant mind, but he came off as both impulsive and arrogant to me, neither of which are good qualities in a first officer, and confronting me for my choice afterwards only strengthened my belief that I made the right choice.

  • @JRGProjects
    @JRGProjects ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I chose Westbrook. I trusted him with the deflector, he knows this ship inside and out, and Urmott seems too rigid for me. Also I trusted him when Solano went off the deep end.

  • @NX1701
    @NX1701 ปีที่แล้ว +23

    Westbrooks reaction to being passed over tells me he isn't ready

    • @jamalsoto5967
      @jamalsoto5967 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Westbrook is to arrogant to be first officer.

    • @jonathanb1059
      @jonathanb1059 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Agreed, he did not have the temperament or correct mind-set for the position, often acting out impulsively and with anger.

    • @LGranthamsHeir
      @LGranthamsHeir ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Westbrooks might be ambitious and hot-headed, yet I would still pick him over Bedrossian (too young and relatively immature as an officer) or Urmott (too much of a bureaucrat who doesn't seem to know other ship duties beyond the Ops division).

  • @mannholloway
    @mannholloway ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I chose Westbrook because i need a 1st officer who wouldnt cosign everything i said.

  • @theareid3794
    @theareid3794 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Lt girl was never in the running because of how fast she’d change her mind.
    I felt bad cause I chose the blue guy to help me mutiny but then turned around and choose the chakotay impersonator as the first officer. Then the blue guy died and I felt bad for not picking him

  • @fgtrhwu2
    @fgtrhwu2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Westbrook kinda looks like Chakotay

  • @1300l
    @1300l ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Urmott would never question why he isn't the first officer i feel. But they had to fill the scene.

  • @KevinTheID
    @KevinTheID ปีที่แล้ว +15

    I chose Westbrook and even after seeing all of the other potential choices and outcomes, I still stand by that decision.
    Westbrook might be a bit arrogant and clearly has room to improve but the fact that he stood up to Rydek and reminded her before they went down to the Tkonian vault that as the Captain she should not be leading an away mission showed me that he was ready to be First Officer and could grow into the role given a chance. Plus, I supported his choice earlier on to use the deflector and he showed a humble side to him after leaving Sickbay that clearly displayed he simply felt no one ever listened to him and was why he was being arrogant in the first place - to show confidence in abilities others felt he lacked.
    I chose Urmott to help me in the mutiny because he cared about the crew in a way that Solano hadn't in a long time as we saw in his first meeting with Rydek but he was simply not made to be a First Officer. I felt that he carried too much emotional baggage for the role and he had yet to really sort out, plus I felt that he would end up just being a "yes man." I really felt he should remain in his current role to be closer to the crew as well.
    I liked Bedrosian in our first meeting but as time went on, I felt that she had a serious issue with immaturity and a "do this or I quit attitude;" a mindset a bridge officer of her rank should not have. Plus, the reasons why she resigned in my playthrough run counter to why she looked up to Rydek in the first place.

    • @GenGamesUniverse
      @GenGamesUniverse ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I don't like the idea of the first officer saying "Captain MUST remain on the ship" when people like Picard or Janeway were able to go on away missions. I didn't choose Westbrook's option of blowing the struts away from the Resolute considering you had two petty officers out there working on getting the ship back to 100% with Mr. Vulcan (I know his name, but I love calling him that since it reminds me of Neelix when he would call Tuvok "Mr Vulcan") helping out.
      I think it came down to either Bedrosian or Urmott. I think I may choose Bedrosian for my first officer SINCE she was the one to help get the transporters back up and running at a cost of her, she takes no prisoners when it comes to things like leaving the T'Kon to die when they slaughtered innocent starfleet officers, as well as beaming up the T'Kon archives instead of destroying them etc.

    • @KevinTheID
      @KevinTheID ปีที่แล้ว +7

      @@GenGamesUniverse It isn't the first officer saying that the Captain should remain on the ship and not lead away missions but rather Starfleet protocol. There is room for leeway with it though as Rydek points out in one her dialogue options where she essentially says that: "It is the Captain's prerogative to ignore that protocol." As for blowing the bolts, the entire crew approved of flipping the hull polarity and it was Westbook who suggested that in the first place so not sure what you mean there.
      I told Solano that Bedrosian deserved a commendation for her actions on the shuttle but everything after that shows she is too swayed by her own personal biases (rather than the spirit of being a Starfleet officer) and was consequently immature and spiteful whenever she lashed out at Rydek choosing the humanitarian course of action. For instance, leaving the T'Kon to die when they surrendered goes completely against the idea of rendering aid to a defeated enemy and destroying the archives is tantamount to genocide of an entire race that had nothing to do with the current conflict; both choices conflict with Federation values.

    • @Frenki94
      @Frenki94 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      I had a scene from Battlestar Galactica Razor movie in mind when I played this scene, when Lee chooses Kendra Shaw as the new XO even though she challenges him at every point. You kinda want a first officer who won't always agree with you, but is capable in it's own right. Bedrosian doesn't work in a command structure of a ship of any kind, and Urmott is best were he is, at operations.
      Westbrook is the best choice IMO, shame he didn't switch to command red at the end.

    • @KevinTheID
      @KevinTheID ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@Frenki94 Well put and I agree completely.

    • @pauldoser9873
      @pauldoser9873 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Ditto to both your comments. I knew I was going to have to select a first officer and was leaning heavily towards Urmott, until Westbrook pointed out I should stay on the ship. Then I started seriously considering him. He tended to come up with interesting solutions and, as a science officer, he had a different skill set than Rydek, the former security officer. I kind of fretted about the choice I'd made until he very strongly supported rescuing the bad guys and then I knew, even with his rough edges, he was my kind of Starfleet officer.

  • @chrispeplinski7306
    @chrispeplinski7306 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I choose westbrook based on his experience

  • @MatthewBluefox
    @MatthewBluefox 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Why did Araxi only react "white" when Jara picked her as XO? :(

    • @manugames92
      @manugames92  9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Maybe she has not much confiddence with more responsabilty. And what means react white?

    • @MatthewBluefox
      @MatthewBluefox 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@manugames92 Green for happy, white for neutral and red for angry.

  • @FreeThePorgs
    @FreeThePorgs ปีที่แล้ว +1

    If you pick #1 the lieutenant wouldn’t that require a promotion to LT. commander??? While a LT rank is a “LT” officer rank and still a officer but doesn’t seems like the rank of a first officer.

    • @JesusKreist
      @JesusKreist ปีที่แล้ว +1

      In official capacity that is usual. To give him or her seniority over the rest of the crew.
      But it is not required at all.
      In the Starfleet the First Officer is not tied to a minimum rank. Theoretically an ensign on the bridge crew can serve as a First Officer.
      Technically First Officer is a job description like science officer, helm, tactical station, ... and not a rank.
      Since there are no LT commanders on board a field promotion to give the new #1 seniority is not needed. If there were a field promotion would be highly advised.

  • @spartan078ben
    @spartan078ben 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I feel like this game gives you a lot of false choices. Like in the beginning, when Carter searches for Miranda, finds her in the computer core, and fights with her, instead of the choices between calling security and going to sickbay, in reality, you would do both. And nothing says the Doctor can't examine her in the brig. But as soon as they figured out the security officers were potentially compromised with T'Kon and missing, the rest of the delegation should have been isolated and examined. Ridek should have had Solano, Spock, and the other officers escorted to sickbay for examination immediately.

    • @manugames92
      @manugames92  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The doctor should've prepared a mutiny right after Solano rejected examination.

  • @resolute123
    @resolute123 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    More woke shit. Two senior officers and you chose a LT? Granted Data was not the highest ranked officer on the Enterprise, but he held a field grade commission when he was the 2nd officer. while this feminist chose a company grade officer to fill the role as 1st officer.

    • @BullGator-kd6ge
      @BullGator-kd6ge 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      The point of the video is to show the different options available cause that’s the literal point of the game. In my playthrough, Lt Bedrosian was mad I didn’t commit genocide against to T’Kon memory vault so Urmott and Westbrook were my only choices. I didn’t even know Bedrosian could’ve been an option til I watched this.

    • @rcslyman8929
      @rcslyman8929 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Bedrosian's definitely a choice you can make, albeit the worst one from any sort of metric. She is very literally the "post-modern feminist hire", just to tick a box. She's severely inexperienced, shows none of the ethical standards of a Starfleet officer, zero respect for the Chain of Command when decisions conflict with her skewed viewpoints. She leaves her post of her own accord when the ship's in a heightened alert status and combat is a very likely thing to happen. Granted she comes back during the main fight, but that shouldn't even be some type of kudos to mention in the first place. First Officer? I'd have drummed her out of the fleet myself if she hadn't dropped the resignation on her own.

  • @nonrepublicrat
    @nonrepublicrat 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Is this woke Star Trek?

  • @bow2augusto
    @bow2augusto 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Westbrook is the only logical choice IMO. He has seniority, the crew's support, along with a different perspective on most things, which is important. Westbrook reminds me of both Riker and Chakotay and has leadership qualities. The girl is a dummy and the blue guy is just lame. Also, seniority is seniority .