pretty much it will open all the scripts running, and add only a few require lines to the top all the scripts, that go to lua files, for setProperty and also getPropertyFromClass/setPropertyFromClass we use a variable to keep track of the original function, and we define the function to look if the arguments are anything from 6.3 not in 7.3, or changed, in which case with setPropertyFromClass it just adds backend. to the beggining of the first argument if it needs to, or other things if it needs to then passes the changed arguments to the original function, that method fixes lots of things but to fix notes its a whole other mess involving looking for files and folders
ok so, how exactly does this work?
pretty much it will open all the scripts running, and add only a few require lines to the top all the scripts, that go to lua files, for setProperty and also getPropertyFromClass/setPropertyFromClass we use a variable to keep track of the original function, and we define the function to look if the arguments are anything from 6.3 not in 7.3, or changed, in which case with setPropertyFromClass it just adds backend. to the beggining of the first argument if it needs to, or other things if it needs to then passes the changed arguments to the original function, that method fixes lots of things but to fix notes its a whole other mess involving looking for files and folders
Well, have a download link somewhere?