I've had a used montego for like 4 years now, i got it with like 120,xxx on it. I've only had to replaces the tires, battery, and 1 HID bulb, and a few oil changes and she's been a champ. I honestly love this car. Cool to see someone else with one.
My favorite thing about the car was the Enkei wheels! Hahaha. Interior looked nice too though. Not a lot of Mercury vehicles left in full service, I suspect. I am surprised you didn't try a private sale to get more money, but I'm sure the dealer was far less hassle.
Yeah, I wanted to keep those wheels (I didn't check but they may have fit the Grand Prix), but the old ones were just too dangerous to drive on and I didn't want to change them out in the dealer parking lot. There were two tax benefits that came with trading it in; the plates transferred to the new car and sales tax is calculated after the cost of the trade-in. That, and no trips to the DMV!
I have one, I am gonna tell you that I love it, but I am not a liar, this piece of crap man, I bought it for 1,360, 245k, I completely rebuilt the suspension as it was shot, the body was beautiful as well as that lincoln interior, If I could get it past 4,000rpms it might pucker your butt a hair, it's almost like if you were to swap a 4.0 v6 into it and a basic forced induction kit, with the works, this now 4,000lbs v6 auto sedan would be a mean car, now the real issue, Idk wtf is up with mercury but man I am glad they sold out, ford made the taurus, get a taurus. or a MKZ if you have it, or hell, get a impala. don't buy these, I am 2,000 in the hole just simply in simple throttle body and sensors and tires and brakes, hell I go through rakes like crazy and no I barely speed. But I agree, if it didn't cost me 2 cars to enjoy 1, I would be keeping this car for a long time, but I mean, I heard and seen and know all about what you went through on that, I even occasionally get this real exciting, heart attack inducing, unexpected acceleration, nothing like being 27 and almost dying from this thing, no mechanic can find the issue or get it to happen, so its not fixable.
Dude 245k miles car is not crap you got it with very very high miles making it too 200k shows the car was good Especially no trans issues that's a solid car
Just got a 2005 with 130K for $900 and I'm impressed. Other than being sluggish especially on hills, it's quite good.
I've had a used montego for like 4 years now, i got it with like 120,xxx on it. I've only had to replaces the tires, battery, and 1 HID bulb, and a few oil changes and she's been a champ. I honestly love this car. Cool to see someone else with one.
My favorite thing about the car was the Enkei wheels! Hahaha. Interior looked nice too though. Not a lot of Mercury vehicles left in full service, I suspect. I am surprised you didn't try a private sale to get more money, but I'm sure the dealer was far less hassle.
Yeah, I wanted to keep those wheels (I didn't check but they may have fit the Grand Prix), but the old ones were just too dangerous to drive on and I didn't want to change them out in the dealer parking lot.
There were two tax benefits that came with trading it in; the plates transferred to the new car and sales tax is calculated after the cost of the trade-in. That, and no trips to the DMV!
@@CarsSimplified Boss. Def worth it then.
I have the same one mine 05 but runs like 2023
On the video it looks like a right hand drive car. What was that?
Oh, I forgot to flip back the footage; I was using my phone to record that, and the user-facing camera flips the screen. That was just the Montego.
@@CarsSimplified and I thought you were in England!
Looking at one now. Pretty beat up inside, how much should I ask?
I have one, I am gonna tell you that I love it, but I am not a liar, this piece of crap man, I bought it for 1,360, 245k, I completely rebuilt the suspension as it was shot, the body was beautiful as well as that lincoln interior, If I could get it past 4,000rpms it might pucker your butt a hair, it's almost like if you were to swap a 4.0 v6 into it and a basic forced induction kit, with the works, this now 4,000lbs v6 auto sedan would be a mean car, now the real issue, Idk wtf is up with mercury but man I am glad they sold out, ford made the taurus, get a taurus. or a MKZ if you have it, or hell, get a impala. don't buy these, I am 2,000 in the hole just simply in simple throttle body and sensors and tires and brakes, hell I go through rakes like crazy and no I barely speed. But I agree, if it didn't cost me 2 cars to enjoy 1, I would be keeping this car for a long time, but I mean, I heard and seen and know all about what you went through on that, I even occasionally get this real exciting, heart attack inducing, unexpected acceleration, nothing like being 27 and almost dying from this thing, no mechanic can find the issue or get it to happen, so its not fixable.
Dude 245k miles car is not crap you got it with very very high miles making it too 200k shows the car was good
Especially no trans issues that's a solid car