The description of the King matches my guy perfectly. The feminine archetype that tracks spot-on with me is the Lover. He and I have found joy, compatibility and love unlike anything either of us has ever experienced before. So at least in our case, I can attest to the King and Lover being a winning combination.
@@JillzGuerin I have my guesses (which tbh are highly mythology-based since the feminine archetypes are so tied to Greek mythology, _especially_ the Queen). **Please note** I have not studied this, I'm just guessing. -I think Queens are drawn to Kings and maybe Warriors romantically. -A Huntress and Warrior with similar goals could get _anything_ done--I'd want them both in my group for a project (work or creative) or for sociopolitical change. -A Mother would want a King husband to protect her home. She would care for him as he cares for her and as they both care for their children. -A Sage and a Magician seem similar, so depending on their specific personality traits, they might be bitter rivals, best friends, respected/valued colleagues, or significant others. -Mystics tend to be loners, right? Maybe someone tapping into their Magician side would seek knowledge or wisdom from a Mystic! Or a Sage. -Lover x Lover is the obvious romantic pairing, but their tendencies toward material indulgences could be a major issue. If only one of them is indulging, I get the impression the other would react differently: the male Lover would get distressed by the female Lover's extravagance and disregard for financial stability, while the female Lover would see the male Lover's indulgence and just throw the whole man away. -A Maiden may feel safest around a King for his protectiveness or a Lover for his emotional intelligence. She may also enjoy having Magician friends, especially if she has Sage leanings.
When watching your video I realized that my father is a shadow king and my husband is a healthy king. Makes me appreciate him even more because by being the healthy counterpart to my father he really helped me to heal and have a healthy relationship with masculinity ♡♡♡♡
i'm the mystic and my boyfriend's the magician. we've been together for a long time and we never broke up, we always talked things through calmly and mostly listened to each other. we're such a great, healthy couple, i'm really happy about our life.
I feel like as a major mystic i always wanted to be with a magician, i think my partner was a shadow warrior/lover. It really didn’t work after many years but now we are trying to mend it. If he doesn’t take action to change and grow wise i just can’t see it progress.
As a man, this has been so helpful to understand certain masculine behaviors. Thank you so much for the video, definitely picking up the book.
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My archetype is the lover and I’ve dated a guy who was also the lover. The intensity of the feelings and experiences were tremendous. But eventually we would just lead each other to mutual self destruction and unproductiveness. My current partner’s archetype is the warrior and I definitely feel like we help balance each other’s energy with the reality and etherealness of life. So interesting to know this! Tysm 💗
Thats super interesting! I am a mother and my man is a lover and our relationship is actually perfect haha He’s like a big bubble of love and happiness, he is very passionate and I love that about him. On my side I am more grounded, more nurturing and also more rational 😂 and our relationship just work so so well!
I'm the Mystic and my boyfriend is the lover. Our love for each other is so so intense, the one you'd find in literature and movies. Before meeting him, I really thought that "that" kind of love only exists in fiction, that it's "cheesy" and "unrealistic", but ironically he made that my reality, I became the "cheesy" character. Honestly he's the best thing that has ever happened in my life. Meeting him felt like I entered a new reality I wasn't even aware existed. I'm so so grateful for his existence and the very unusual way we met.
That’s really interesting! My boyfriend is definitely a lover but he also has a lot of the attributes of a king, I think of him like the king of hearts in a deck of cards. 😂 I’m the lover and the Maiden so I think that helps our lover energies not to flame up too much and completely consume us. I bring a playful lightness to our dynamic and he can also drop into his calm and nurturing king side so there is a time and place for us to indulge in our hedonism together. I have a bit of the mystic too so I like to surprise him with some doses of spiritual wisdom here and there!
my husband is the Warrior archetype, very similar to Momoa and Thor. I was surprised when you mentioned anxiety, because my husband has had terrible anxiety his whole life, and he was medicated for it when we met years ago. He's no longer medicated but does suffer from insomnia, and he doesn't even know why he's anxious, he's not in tune with his mental diet or his emotions (his mental diet is clearly what causes his anxiety, imo). He's a very charismatic, upbeat and go-getter man, workaholic for sure because he has a huge sense of responsibility and also has no boundaries and doesn't know how or when to stop "doing" and start "being". His idea of relaxation is to go out there and help someone build something. Last year he had a serious surgery and he couldn't work for 6 months, so he spent those six months building a huge garden for my dad, using the walking tractor, digging countless holes, and lots of hard work under the blazing sun even tho he was supposed to be on bed rest. He has told me a few times that if he stays home and does "nothing", he feels like he's wasting precious hours of his life, and that depresses him. He says life is meant to be lived every single day, go go go go. I knew years ago that I wanted to marry a man of action, not a man who thought lots of thoughts and then stayed on the couch implementing none of his thoughts lol. When I met my husband it was magic, he had the traits I had always wanted in a partner, because I knew I wanted to be the super feminine one who would feel relaxed and taken care of.
i strive to be like your husband when i am older. i feel the same way when im at home doing nothing, just wasting precious time. it doesnt matter how bad you feel, how much pain your in, you could be pissing blood and shitting bricks but you keep going and pushing yourself. your a lucky woman to have him
I'm the warrior type female, so I actually need another to out-warrior me, before I can settle down and do domestic. Haven't found my match yet, as an INFJ defender type, so I will just stay introverted and avoid prior abuses.
My most recent partner was the king, I think he was the first man I dated that fit this archetype and he showed me how much I value those qualities in a partner. He struggled with the shadow side of his archetype, I think mainly because he is so young. I see him embodying the king in a strong and healthy way in the future as he finds himself. Before him, most of the men I dated were lovers, certainly the man I dated just before him. As I heal my inner wounds I find myself gravitating towards men who fall into the king archetype, with a bit of the lover embodied as well. Thank you for these awesome videos, I love learning more about archetypes. I love how you used modern examples in pop culture and movies.
My husband is the Lover 100% and i am the lover in female archtypes as well. We are both passionate, intense, appreciate the finer things in life. I love the way you explained each type❤️ amazing video per usual ☺️
I'm a maiden and a lover and I'm drawn to the king type. My man is a healthy king, and I admire him so much. My ex situationship was a shadow king, insecure and controlling, which initially came off as magnetic power but he made me feel unsafe and insecure because he was probably looking for a mommy, not a woman to romance and cherish.
My dad is mostly a mix of king and magician and my brother is definitely a warrior type. He has empathy, but he’s quite clueless… and always on the go day and night. I would also add that my brother fits the joker archetype too
It's funny how, with every archetype you explained, I almost immediatily thought of someone from my family and friends that perfectly fits the type. Only when it comes to my husband, I cannot decide on one that's the most like him. Probably because I know him so well and see some characteristics of every archetype in him. ^^
Of course you reconized someone from you family and friends, the Archetypes theory comes from psychology, your husband have all Archetypes inside of him.
What about the jester or joker archetype? I think many men, my husband included, fit this archetype more than the ones you mentioned because they provide comedic relief to those around them. Otherwise, great video
I think this is a great suggestion. The "class clown" type is so well known. p g wodehouse and jim carrey come to mind. it also comes with social naïveté-wodehouse’s need to always make the joke got him in serious trouble. I don't think there are enough masculine archetypes compared to the seven for women. come to think of it, there’s no jester archetype for women either!
For the sake of sticking to 4 original archetypes, I would place the jester/joker closest to the magician because the joker does a kind of energy alchemy with cracking jokes to relieve the tension in the room/conversation and it definitely takes some brains+tact to exectute that in way that isn't offensive to anyone and ends up lifting the spirit. ... As it comes to women being the joker/jester types, I'd associate this tendency with the maiden archetype the most due to the their natural openness, curiosity and playfulness; perhaps also a mystic - a female version of Osho comes to mind :)
I would say lover because they love to make people laugh, are sensitive to the crowds emotions, and they know how to have a good time echoing all the lover traits. Another commenter summed it up well. The lover is the culture of the group. The magician brings the technology. The king brings peace and order. And the warrior provides protection.
Great video, I replayed a lot of segments back over and over again. If ya'll want the prescriptions, here are the segments I've found. King: 6:12 Warrior: 12:38 Magician: 17:06 Lover: 22:04 Takeaway: 22:50 Thanks again!
I've always felt that these four archetypes represent different aspects of the necessary framework of society, and kind of represent the evolution of a society. Because of this they need to be looked at in a distinct order, which unfortunately is not the order that they're generally listed in. They are ordered in the sense that none of the roles can exist without the previous ones being firmly in place. So here's what I think the order is, and what each represents. 1. The Warrior conquers the territory that the tribe inhabits and protects it from outsiders. Absolutely nothing can happen without the Warrior. Without him, there is no land, no food. Even basic survival is impossible. 2. The King brings law, which is the key element to allowing cooperation and civilization. This is the necessary precondition for a society to emerge. 3. The Magician brings technology, which enables the society to rise above subsistence and become wealthy and comfortable. 4. The Lover brings culture, art and literature. The things that ultimately separate us from the animals, and by which civilizations tend to retrospectively be evaluated All of these are all critically important, and none is more important than another, although in different ages, we have placed more or less value on different ones. It seems that the more well-off a society is, the more value it places on the later archetypes, while in bad times it places more on the earlier ones. What I think is often forgotten in good times is that the later ones are luxuries, while the earlier are necessities. And what is forgotten in bad times is that those later ones are what make life worth living. And it's important to note as well that it's critical that all four of these are present and healthy in the society. Failures in any can quickly lead to the demise of a civilization. I've often wondered how the various feminine archetypes would fit into this kind of framework. Not so much how an individual woman would interact with an individual man, but rather how the various feminine archetypes work together to fill the entire feminine space. I get it that the masculine and the feminine are intrinsically different, so they perhaps don't fit well into the same maps. A simple chart like I have here works well for the masculine, which is highly structured, but might not be as suitable for the unstructured feminine.
My husband seems to be a pretty even split between King and Magician. He is definitely the leader in our family, and is very emotionally stable and rational. He brings order to chaos and is very peaceful. But he also is extremely intelligent and prefers to be in an advisor role vs a leadership role most of the time. He prefers the puppet master/leading from the shadows role over the out front leadership role. But when he is in an out front leadership role he excels.... It's a very interesting combination.
I've noticed myself being more of "the King" archetype. I enjoy being "the Magician" though, since I like to advise and do more of the planning work. I think the fact that I'm the eldest boy of nine siblings has naturally just molded into more of this "King" archetype. One negative aspect of the archetype would be that most of the time this temperament comes across as boring or not exciting, for example, when drinking it feels almost unnatural to let yourself to get drunk (not feeling in controll (of yourself) feels very quite uneasy)and even wrong), which has it's positives and negatives. I've noticed that patience and listening yet decision making feel quite easy for me in most of the situations. Also minimal reactionary behaviour, I think, is an important trait. Thus I think Churchill was not the best example in the video regarding his temperament and actions; especially before the fight against the Germans.
Great video. My husband is The Lover. ❤ He and I are polar opposites but happily married 15 years somehow. We definitely balance each other out and bring out the very best in each other. ❤
I feel like my son may be the Lover. I mean, he's only 7 now but the description is 100% him. The tips you gave at the end of the description has helped me decide how to help him find balance because he feels and wants to experience things so intensly. I keep thinking he's going to create a bit of suffering for himself in his life because he won't allow himself to savor experiences and appreciate the present moment. I always new going out in nature was key :-). Thank you fo this video!
I watched this like 5 times and I finally see that my man is a Warrior type ☺️ I am so lucky! I saw the feminine archetype, take the test like 3 times and I am sort of Hunter/Maiden. I think it matches with Warrior archetype. I dated a King archetype for a long time, and he doesn't make me feel protected because it's more likely he was in Shadow version and always demand a recognition of status. With the Warrior, I feel protected because I know he's with me for ups and downs, not demanding a recognition of what kind of man he is.
@@JillzGuerin most loving and caring pisceans ♥️♥️♥️ 🥰 and what is your sign ? Just the compatibility is interesting. I'm a Leo 😌 not most compatible couple but we get along very well 💕
A lot of these make sense! My dad was a combination of the King, the Warrior, and the Magician (He struggled with the shadow side of the King archetype but he had the positive qualities of the warrior and magician archetypes). My dad could be a bit cruel at times (he was brutally honest and wasn’t always tactful with his words) but he worked like a mule to provide for me and my sisters and he would always be the voice of reason (despite the fact that he didn’t finish high school). Two of my coworkers who I work very close with one of them is a combination of the King and the Lover and the other is the Warrior Archetype, the other is more of the Warrior Archetype with some King qualities. The guy that I like now he’s definitely a combination of the Warrior Archetype and the Lover because he keeps a strong and brave face to the outside world but he shows his more loving, sweet and sensitive side to the people he cares about.
I fall in lover and warrier I shadow King and and magician. The last ten years beat my ass so now I'm shadow warrior and shadow lover. This helped really helped. I feel I have failed myself getting distracted with drama. Losing focus on goals. I know what what parts of me needing to change. I am changing/fixing broken Spirt. These are the times men need woman the most. Sometimes life beasts us down. I'm getting up yet again I dont have a woman. I just want to let woman know to stop bashing men and help lift their Spirt again that is how you gain the friendship and love we all desire. We alot of lonely people today and we need not to be we need compassion and understanding.
Great video! Really thorough explanations of these archetypes. As a young man, I think I definitely lean into the Lover and Magician archetypes. Although in the last 2-3 years I have also started to develop my Warrior side. I think a great example of a Warrior is someone like Rafael Nadal. Another great example of a Warrior and a Lover would be Joe Rogan. Great video as always! 👍
Me, before watching it (just after watching the 7 feminine archetypes): I bet my husband is a king. Me, after watching the video: He's definitely a healthy king.
Jillz, this is a brilliant explainer! You have a wonderful way of breaking down so much information in a fun and clear manner. Very informative and intriguing. I'll definitely be checking out the book you recommended. :)
My husband is the lover. With all the amazing good and all the painful bad. Maybe a little magician thrown in but not much else. I guess it’s good I’m a good balance for him and bring stability, I’m grounded, practical and nurturing.
Great video! I would only like to add that all of these are unconscious archetypes, which means that you can't really control the way you express the energy corresponding to each one. The way a man taps into any of these archetypes in a healthy way is by dealing with his emotional trauma and issues. If he doesn't take accountability for his own feelings, he'll just be a puppet to destructive energies that are beyond his control.
I'm the Lover and my man is the King, sometimes shadow king (he gets critical and controlling when he's going through frustrations). Sometimes I get hurt and cry s lot from his actions. But he always tries to build me up and I end up loving myself more than before.
Great video Jillz! I'll say my father is the king definitely, both the healthy and shadow side. I think I would like a SO to predominately have the warrior and lover archetype. I am the mystic 🕊🌹
My man was a warrior as a young man before I met him. Now, I know he's a lover and a magician. I'm a lover becoming a mystic. We're perfect for each other
Great!!. I'm guessing we need a healthy balance of all 4 so we don't get stuck in one archetype that is perhaps inappropriate in a certain situation. ❤
im a female who is mystic, mother, and huntress, but im also the magician. 100% resonate with it in the context of my career, im kind of a hacker and really good at tech but im also a quantum energy healer. i was also in my 'masculine' growing up that i was imbalanced, til i healed it of course.
this was really helpful. I know men can't be simply categorized any more than women, but in a broad sense i now realize what i am looking for, which personally is a king/lover mix. Also I think Obama is a perfect example of the modern 'good king.' Lead with his heart and could command a room without raising his voice. This is not a political comment but an observation of masculinity because of the topic of the video so please don't start
OMG my dad is a king archetype😂😂😂 he's all about being a reliable provider with a focus of doing the right and moral thing even if he might be put into disadvantage by doing so
This was super helpful and new information. It’s great to have a framework to understand what archetype I’ve encountered in the past (including shadows) and what I’m drawn to.
Magician Lover with a sprinkle of Warrior... A lot to figure out here. I Think if I work on my mind and body whilst allowing myself to feel I will become a Giant
Love this! You are so good at explaining things!😁 I wonder wether some archetypes match bether than others, that would be an interesting movie also. Like, my husband is a king🤴🏼, and I’m the Mystic. Is that a good match?😅
Great thing about Aragorn on Lord of the Rings is that he embodies every archetype at different moments of the books. Warrior and magician at the beggining, lover when he is with Arwen or when he cures and cares for Frodo or when he sings just for the sake of singing. And king, of course, in the third book. Great character to understand the ideal masculine worldview
I was wondering why Aragorn wasn't the go-to example for The King archetype, but patience was rewarded. Him being classified as the Lover makes sense. I think we get tunnel visioned with terms like these, believing that only the King can be a leader, and only the Warrior can fight. But as you said, every man is some combination of these archetypes, and Aragorn is a great example of that. Also, a fantastic example of the shadow Lover is the character of Jacob in Crazy Stupid Love, who is ironically played by Ryan Gosling. He has a line where he states to Emma Stone's character, who he's courting, that "I am trying to buy happiness, and its not working."
I'm the lover and my ex was a lover but things didn't go well between us there so much emotions and it turned toxic... Anyway now my partner is mixed healthy king and worrier i guess.... he always make me feel happy protected respected I'm so glad that we can balance energy he know how to communicate and try to understand at the same time he likes to lead and have discipline 💗 And i felt like my father is a king in his shadow that make sense how my partner helped me heal😭 And my brother is definitely a lover 😂😂 he's just so like me and he's an artist I've enjoyed this video so much thank yoooo💗
If i can relate to astrology then these archetypes signifies some planets energy so well:- King - Sun Warrior - Mars Magician - Mercury + Jupiter Lover - venus /Rahu
hackers don't typically hack for their own benefit, a lot of them do it in a "robin-hoodian" way. i wouldn't categorize hackers as a default into a shadow aspect of the magician archetype.
OK so I was watching this to understand my partner and I realize that my masculine energy is actually warrior so this is very interesting because I learned about others and how I look when I’m in my masculine energy
Interesting! I guess as a woman without a heavy female presence in my I've been too much in my masculine because I related to these archetypes more than the feminine, definitely oscillating between healthy lover mode and shadow mode dominantly (I'm an angsty creative) and warrior mode, secondary.
If you do decide you want to tap more into the feminine, trying to imagine yourself as the feminine archetypes can be helpful! Sounds silly but it works!
The Artemis archetype is the logical, determined, female warrior energy. I HIGHLY recommend the book “Goddesses in Every Woman” it builds off of and corrects Jung’s rudimentary and largely incorrect archetypes and theory of the anima and animus.
This was really interesting! My boyfriend is definitely a Warrior 💪🏻 do you think there are femenine archetypes that do better with certain masculine archetypes? Like which ones would go well together. I’m not sure if that’s a thing but it sounds interesting to understand couple dynamics like that
I think probably! I was thinking about this when I was planning this video! I have my suspicions about what archetypes fit best together but they would just be guesses so I didn’t want to include it lol
Seeing how 🤔 💭 the man archetype type and female archetype go together as a combo. I really like your videos 📹 please keep making more. I wish you all the best with the rest of your videos 📹 take care.
After watching this I realized each one of the ninja turtles is one of the archetypes Leo is the king Ralph is the worrier Donatello is the magician and Mikey is the lover.
Hi, as someone who study psychology, i would like to ask you to make more clear that Archetype are like instincts we have all of them inside of us, there are many people treating Archetypes like zodiac sign here.
As a child, I was raised by my parents in a very strict, yet caring way, that made me much alike to the Warrior. As a teenager, I had my head full of knowledge and stories of heroes, that made me much alike to the Magician. As an adult, I started finally realizing my goals in life (carreer, success, house, family), that made me much alike the King. I have always had problems with love and relationships, until I met an old girlfriend from teenage years who invited me to her place, with her female friends. I spent 15 days with them, and in everyone of them, I saw the friend, the grand sister, the seducive woman, the queen, the teacher, the healer, the warrior and the mother. I had a very close relationship with two of them, very sweet and caring, and in the end, they had connected me with my Lover part. Now, I know I'm not complete, but I feel I'm closer to it.
I'm a mystic archetype and my crush is probably a mixture of the warrior and the king. And I've also noticed that though the magicians and the lovers are such a lovely archetype and they impresses me so much when i meet one , they're not what i tend to settle for. I've always wanted the warrior archetype man but the king would be a plus one if they have it too. And i guess for the mystic archetype women it would be beneficial to have the warrior archetype partner because it help them to get out of their shell when needed. And the mystic can calm them down and give them a taste of relaxation, something that might attract them in the first place toward each other. They both have something the other need.
Hey! ☺️ I appreciate how focus you are when being an entrepreneuer! Love the dedication you put into it! New buddy to your channel! Let us get big together!
Can you please make a video which female archetypes match well with these male archetypes? I am curious ☺️ by the way, my guy is a lover (dominant) + warrior & I am Hera(wife) these days but mine is changing over time.
Would be really interested to learn how the Masculine and Feminine Archetypes pair together. Like- are certain types drawn to each other?
I know I was thinking about this too! I have my suspicions but I couldn’t find any good info about it
@@JillzGuerin please do make a video about it 🙏🏽
The description of the King matches my guy perfectly. The feminine archetype that tracks spot-on with me is the Lover. He and I have found joy, compatibility and love unlike anything either of us has ever experienced before. So at least in our case, I can attest to the King and Lover being a winning combination.
@@JillzGuerinplease do another one please❤❤
@@JillzGuerin I have my guesses (which tbh are highly mythology-based since the feminine archetypes are so tied to Greek mythology, _especially_ the Queen). **Please note** I have not studied this, I'm just guessing.
-I think Queens are drawn to Kings and maybe Warriors romantically.
-A Huntress and Warrior with similar goals could get _anything_ done--I'd want them both in my group for a project (work or creative) or for sociopolitical change.
-A Mother would want a King husband to protect her home. She would care for him as he cares for her and as they both care for their children.
-A Sage and a Magician seem similar, so depending on their specific personality traits, they might be bitter rivals, best friends, respected/valued colleagues, or significant others.
-Mystics tend to be loners, right? Maybe someone tapping into their Magician side would seek knowledge or wisdom from a Mystic! Or a Sage.
-Lover x Lover is the obvious romantic pairing, but their tendencies toward material indulgences could be a major issue. If only one of them is indulging, I get the impression the other would react differently: the male Lover would get distressed by the female Lover's extravagance and disregard for financial stability, while the female Lover would see the male Lover's indulgence and just throw the whole man away.
-A Maiden may feel safest around a King for his protectiveness or a Lover for his emotional intelligence. She may also enjoy having Magician friends, especially if she has Sage leanings.
When watching your video I realized that my father is a shadow king and my husband is a healthy king. Makes me appreciate him even more because by being the healthy counterpart to my father he really helped me to heal and have a healthy relationship with masculinity ♡♡♡♡
That's beautiful. I'm so happy for you❤
i'm the mystic and my boyfriend's the magician. we've been together for a long time and we never broke up, we always talked things through calmly and mostly listened to each other. we're such a great, healthy couple, i'm really happy about our life.
Good for you I’m happy for you. I love a good love story, that’s inspiring.
I totally relate! I got mystic and I feel as tho my husband is the magician. We’ve been together 10 years and counting ❤
I feel like as a major mystic i always wanted to be with a magician, i think my partner was a shadow warrior/lover. It really didn’t work after many years but now we are trying to mend it. If he doesn’t take action to change and grow wise i just can’t see it progress.
As a man, this has been so helpful to understand certain masculine behaviors. Thank you so much for the video, definitely picking up the book.
My archetype is the lover and I’ve dated a guy who was also the lover. The intensity of the feelings and experiences were tremendous. But eventually we would just lead each other to mutual self destruction and unproductiveness. My current partner’s archetype is the warrior and I definitely feel like we help balance each other’s energy with the reality and etherealness of life. So interesting to know this! Tysm 💗
I'm studing psychology and Archetype is something like instincts witch means everybody has all of they.
So you have all of they not only the lover.
Like Ares and Afrodite
Thats super interesting! I am a mother and my man is a lover and our relationship is actually perfect haha He’s like a big bubble of love and happiness, he is very passionate and I love that about him. On my side I am more grounded, more nurturing and also more rational 😂 and our relationship just work so so well!
I'm the Mystic and my boyfriend is the lover. Our love for each other is so so intense, the one you'd find in literature and movies. Before meeting him, I really thought that "that" kind of love only exists in fiction, that it's "cheesy" and "unrealistic", but ironically he made that my reality, I became the "cheesy" character. Honestly he's the best thing that has ever happened in my life. Meeting him felt like I entered a new reality I wasn't even aware existed. I'm so so grateful for his existence and the very unusual way we met.
That’s really interesting! My boyfriend is definitely a lover but he also has a lot of the attributes of a king, I think of him like the king of hearts in a deck of cards. 😂 I’m the lover and the Maiden so I think that helps our lover energies not to flame up too much and completely consume us. I bring a playful lightness to our dynamic and he can also drop into his calm and nurturing king side so there is a time and place for us to indulge in our hedonism together. I have a bit of the mystic too so I like to surprise him with some doses of spiritual wisdom here and there!
my husband is the Warrior archetype, very similar to Momoa and Thor. I was surprised when you mentioned anxiety, because my husband has had terrible anxiety his whole life, and he was medicated for it when we met years ago. He's no longer medicated but does suffer from insomnia, and he doesn't even know why he's anxious, he's not in tune with his mental diet or his emotions (his mental diet is clearly what causes his anxiety, imo). He's a very charismatic, upbeat and go-getter man, workaholic for sure because he has a huge sense of responsibility and also has no boundaries and doesn't know how or when to stop "doing" and start "being". His idea of relaxation is to go out there and help someone build something. Last year he had a serious surgery and he couldn't work for 6 months, so he spent those six months building a huge garden for my dad, using the walking tractor, digging countless holes, and lots of hard work under the blazing sun even tho he was supposed to be on bed rest.
He has told me a few times that if he stays home and does "nothing", he feels like he's wasting precious hours of his life, and that depresses him. He says life is meant to be lived every single day, go go go go.
I knew years ago that I wanted to marry a man of action, not a man who thought lots of thoughts and then stayed on the couch implementing none of his thoughts lol. When I met my husband it was magic, he had the traits I had always wanted in a partner, because I knew I wanted to be the super feminine one who would feel relaxed and taken care of.
So are you like a stay at home mother?
i strive to be like your husband when i am older. i feel the same way when im at home doing nothing, just wasting precious time. it doesnt matter how bad you feel, how much pain your in, you could be pissing blood and shitting bricks but you keep going and pushing yourself. your a lucky woman to have him
Thanks for your examples. Now I understand the warrior archetype more clearly :)
I'm the warrior type female, so I actually need another to out-warrior me, before I can settle down and do domestic.
Haven't found my match yet, as an INFJ defender type, so I will just stay introverted and avoid prior abuses.
many warriors are that way because of early trauma. my prescripton for him is magic mushrooms.
My most recent partner was the king, I think he was the first man I dated that fit this archetype and he showed me how much I value those qualities in a partner. He struggled with the shadow side of his archetype, I think mainly because he is so young. I see him embodying the king in a strong and healthy way in the future as he finds himself. Before him, most of the men I dated were lovers, certainly the man I dated just before him. As I heal my inner wounds I find myself gravitating towards men who fall into the king archetype, with a bit of the lover embodied as well. Thank you for these awesome videos, I love learning more about archetypes. I love how you used modern examples in pop culture and movies.
My husband is the Lover 100% and i am the lover in female archtypes as well. We are both passionate, intense, appreciate the finer things in life. I love the way you explained each type❤️ amazing video per usual ☺️
I'm a maiden and a lover and I'm drawn to the king type. My man is a healthy king, and I admire him so much. My ex situationship was a shadow king, insecure and controlling, which initially came off as magnetic power but he made me feel unsafe and insecure because he was probably looking for a mommy, not a woman to romance and cherish.
I really love how you get started right away not using up so much time for Blabla in the beginning. Thank you so much! 💕
Haha I’m glad!! 💕
...and ''blabla" lasted for 40 seconds 😂
This was really helpful to watch. It actually helped me understand my husband more and how to support him! My husband is a King.
Love that! 👑👑
You are so clear and well-spoken. I like that you can talk about these topics without getting too 'woo-woo'- its refreshing and engaging. Thanks!
My dad is mostly a mix of king and magician and my brother is definitely a warrior type. He has empathy, but he’s quite clueless… and always on the go day and night. I would also add that my brother fits the joker archetype too
It's funny how, with every archetype you explained, I almost immediatily thought of someone from my family and friends that perfectly fits the type. Only when it comes to my husband, I cannot decide on one that's the most like him. Probably because I know him so well and see some characteristics of every archetype in him. ^^
Haha yes I’m sure that’s because you know him so intimately! 💕
Of course you reconized someone from you family and friends, the Archetypes theory comes from psychology, your husband have all Archetypes inside of him.
What about the jester or joker archetype? I think many men, my husband included, fit this archetype more than the ones you mentioned because they provide comedic relief to those around them. Otherwise, great video
I think this is a great suggestion. The "class clown" type is so well known. p g wodehouse and jim carrey come to mind. it also comes with social naïveté-wodehouse’s need to always make the joke got him in serious trouble. I don't think there are enough masculine archetypes compared to the seven for women. come to think of it, there’s no jester archetype for women either!
For the sake of sticking to 4 original archetypes, I would place the jester/joker closest to the magician because the joker does a kind of energy alchemy with cracking jokes to relieve the tension in the room/conversation and it definitely takes some brains+tact to exectute that in way that isn't offensive to anyone and ends up lifting the spirit. ... As it comes to women being the joker/jester types, I'd associate this tendency with the maiden archetype the most due to the their natural openness, curiosity and playfulness; perhaps also a mystic - a female version of Osho comes to mind :)
I would say lover because they love to make people laugh, are sensitive to the crowds emotions, and they know how to have a good time echoing all the lover traits.
Another commenter summed it up well. The lover is the culture of the group. The magician brings the technology. The king brings peace and order. And the warrior provides protection.
My husband is The Lover- empathetic, loves deeply, feels everything in extremes. I wouldn’t have him any other way ♥️
I was with a man like that but it was super tiring
Great video, I replayed a lot of segments back over and over again.
If ya'll want the prescriptions, here are the segments I've found.
King: 6:12
Warrior: 12:38
Magician: 17:06
Lover: 22:04
Takeaway: 22:50
Thanks again!
I've always felt that these four archetypes represent different aspects of the necessary framework of society, and kind of represent the evolution of a society. Because of this they need to be looked at in a distinct order, which unfortunately is not the order that they're generally listed in. They are ordered in the sense that none of the roles can exist without the previous ones being firmly in place. So here's what I think the order is, and what each represents.
1. The Warrior conquers the territory that the tribe inhabits and protects it from outsiders. Absolutely nothing can happen without the Warrior. Without him, there is no land, no food. Even basic survival is impossible.
2. The King brings law, which is the key element to allowing cooperation and civilization. This is the necessary precondition for a society to emerge.
3. The Magician brings technology, which enables the society to rise above subsistence and become wealthy and comfortable.
4. The Lover brings culture, art and literature. The things that ultimately separate us from the animals, and by which civilizations tend to retrospectively be evaluated
All of these are all critically important, and none is more important than another, although in different ages, we have placed more or less value on different ones. It seems that the more well-off a society is, the more value it places on the later archetypes, while in bad times it places more on the earlier ones. What I think is often forgotten in good times is that the later ones are luxuries, while the earlier are necessities. And what is forgotten in bad times is that those later ones are what make life worth living. And it's important to note as well that it's critical that all four of these are present and healthy in the society. Failures in any can quickly lead to the demise of a civilization.
I've often wondered how the various feminine archetypes would fit into this kind of framework. Not so much how an individual woman would interact with an individual man, but rather how the various feminine archetypes work together to fill the entire feminine space. I get it that the masculine and the feminine are intrinsically different, so they perhaps don't fit well into the same maps. A simple chart like I have here works well for the masculine, which is highly structured, but might not be as suitable for the unstructured feminine.
The feminine inspires the man to accomplish these 4 aspects of society
My husband seems to be a pretty even split between King and Magician. He is definitely the leader in our family, and is very emotionally stable and rational. He brings order to chaos and is very peaceful. But he also is extremely intelligent and prefers to be in an advisor role vs a leadership role most of the time. He prefers the puppet master/leading from the shadows role over the out front leadership role. But when he is in an out front leadership role he excels.... It's a very interesting combination.
I've noticed myself being more of "the King" archetype. I enjoy being "the Magician" though, since I like to advise and do more of the planning work. I think the fact that I'm the eldest boy of nine siblings has naturally just molded into more of this "King" archetype. One negative aspect of the archetype would be that most of the time this temperament comes across as boring or not exciting, for example, when drinking it feels almost unnatural to let yourself to get drunk (not feeling in controll (of yourself) feels very quite uneasy)and even wrong), which has it's positives and negatives.
I've noticed that patience and listening yet decision making feel quite easy for me in most of the situations. Also minimal reactionary behaviour, I think, is an important trait. Thus I think Churchill was not the best example in the video regarding his temperament and actions; especially before the fight against the Germans.
Great video. My husband is The Lover. ❤ He and I are polar opposites but happily married 15 years somehow. We definitely balance each other out and bring out the very best in each other. ❤
I feel like my son may be the Lover. I mean, he's only 7 now but the description is 100% him. The tips you gave at the end of the description has helped me decide how to help him find balance because he feels and wants to experience things so intensly. I keep thinking he's going to create a bit of suffering for himself in his life because he won't allow himself to savor experiences and appreciate the present moment. I always new going out in nature was key :-). Thank you fo this video!
Thank you this is so instructive, my dad is a mix between the king and the magician. And the man I love is a mix between the king and the lover :)
Glad you liked it!! ❤️❤️
I was literally thinking of Mufasa😍as a king example and I'm so happy you showed him😊
Haha mufasa is the best!!! 👏👏
I watched this like 5 times and I finally see that my man is a Warrior type ☺️ I am so lucky! I saw the feminine archetype, take the test like 3 times and I am sort of Hunter/Maiden. I think it matches with Warrior archetype. I dated a King archetype for a long time, and he doesn't make me feel protected because it's more likely he was in Shadow version and always demand a recognition of status. With the Warrior, I feel protected because I know he's with me for ups and downs, not demanding a recognition of what kind of man he is.
So accurate. The last man I dated was a mix between the Magician & Lover but he exhibited more of his shadow side, unfortunately.
my boyfriend is definitely a lover type and he is a pisces everything is true what you described, it was interesting, thank you
My husband is a Pisces!
@@JillzGuerin most loving and caring pisceans ♥️♥️♥️ 🥰 and what is your sign ? Just the compatibility is interesting. I'm a Leo 😌 not most compatible couple but we get along very well 💕
@@zhanetaharutyunyan8535 I’m a cancer!
@@JillzGuerin 😌♥️♥️♥️
I'm a maiden/mystic and my husband is a warrior/lover. Thank you for these videos!
Such a good combo!
A lot of these make sense! My dad was a combination of the King, the Warrior, and the Magician (He struggled with the shadow side of the King archetype but he had the positive qualities of the warrior and magician archetypes). My dad could be a bit cruel at times (he was brutally honest and wasn’t always tactful with his words) but he worked like a mule to provide for me and my sisters and he would always be the voice of reason (despite the fact that he didn’t finish high school). Two of my coworkers who I work very close with one of them is a combination of the King and the Lover and the other is the Warrior Archetype, the other is more of the Warrior Archetype with some King qualities. The guy that I like now he’s definitely a combination of the Warrior Archetype and the Lover because he keeps a strong and brave face to the outside world but he shows his more loving, sweet and sensitive side to the people he cares about.
My husband is the lover. He’s very emotional, whether good or bad. He wants to be a voice actor. He has struggled with addiction to food and games.
I fall in lover and warrier I shadow King and and magician. The last ten years beat my ass so now I'm shadow warrior and shadow lover. This helped really helped. I feel I have failed myself getting distracted with drama. Losing focus on goals. I know what what parts of me needing to change. I am changing/fixing broken Spirt. These are the times men need woman the most. Sometimes life beasts us down. I'm getting up yet again I dont have a woman. I just want to let woman know to stop bashing men and help lift their Spirt again that is how you gain the friendship and love we all desire. We alot of lonely people today and we need not to be we need compassion and understanding.
Ugh my heart! You started talking about The Warrior, and I feel like I’m going to happy cry thinking of my husband 💕💕💕
Great video! Really thorough explanations of these archetypes. As a young man, I think I definitely lean into the Lover and Magician archetypes. Although in the last 2-3 years I have also started to develop my Warrior side. I think a great example of a Warrior is someone like Rafael Nadal. Another great example of a Warrior and a Lover would be Joe Rogan. Great video as always! 👍
Love the joe rogan example!! Totally forgot about him!
Me, before watching it (just after watching the 7 feminine archetypes):
I bet my husband is a king.
Me, after watching the video:
He's definitely a healthy king.
I totally love this!! My boyfriend is a fireman total Warrior vibes and I think I will get him out in nature to balance more of his Lover hehe 💗
Dad was King and Magician. His benevolence came out more through his Magician. He was a Veterinarian
My man is a warrior-lover and I am a mystic. Thank you so much for this video!
My boyfriend is definitely the mix of the Magician and the Lover, and I love him very deeply. ❤️🔥
Jillz, this is a brilliant explainer! You have a wonderful way of breaking down so much information in a fun and clear manner. Very informative and intriguing. I'll definitely be checking out the book you recommended. :)
Yay so glad you enjoyed!! ❤️❤️
@@JillzGuerin ❤❤❤
A mixture of the king and magician with a touch of lover
My husband is the lover. With all the amazing good and all the painful bad. Maybe a little magician thrown in but not much else. I guess it’s good I’m a good balance for him and bring stability, I’m grounded, practical and nurturing.
Wow…my husband is a warrior 100%..very protective but scared of emotions…very aware of his strengths and weaknesses.. 😄
Great video! I would only like to add that all of these are unconscious archetypes, which means that you can't really control the way you express the energy corresponding to each one. The way a man taps into any of these archetypes in a healthy way is by dealing with his emotional trauma and issues. If he doesn't take accountability for his own feelings, he'll just be a puppet to destructive energies that are beyond his control.
I'm the Lover and my man is the King, sometimes shadow king (he gets critical and controlling when he's going through frustrations). Sometimes I get hurt and cry s lot from his actions. But he always tries to build me up and I end up loving myself more than before.
Great video Jillz! I'll say my father is the king definitely, both the healthy and shadow side. I think I would like a SO to predominately have the warrior and lover archetype. I am the mystic 🕊🌹
Glad you liked it! 🥰
My man was a warrior as a young man before I met him. Now, I know he's a lover and a magician. I'm a lover becoming a mystic. We're perfect for each other
Great!!. I'm guessing we need a healthy balance of all 4 so we don't get stuck in one archetype that is perhaps inappropriate in a certain situation. ❤
My friend is probably the lover! I should probably share this video with him
im a female who is mystic, mother, and huntress, but im also the magician. 100% resonate with it in the context of my career, im kind of a hacker and really good at tech but im also a quantum energy healer. i was also in my 'masculine' growing up that i was imbalanced, til i healed it of course.
I see the lover and the king archetypes strongly in my partner. My father was exactly like this as well. Very well done video, thanks ❤
Glad you liked it! 💕
this was really helpful. I know men can't be simply categorized any more than women, but in a broad sense i now realize what i am looking for, which personally is a king/lover mix.
Also I think Obama is a perfect example of the modern 'good king.' Lead with his heart and could command a room without raising his voice. This is not a political comment but an observation of masculinity because of the topic of the video so please don't start
My brother is classic King type of man really tall,good looking and surprisingly smart
OMG my dad is a king archetype😂😂😂 he's all about being a reliable provider with a focus of doing the right and moral thing even if he might be put into disadvantage by doing so
I am Sage woman and i would love to have King and Magician man by my side💜
This was super helpful and new information. It’s great to have a framework to understand what archetype I’ve encountered in the past (including shadows) and what I’m drawn to.
I LOVE this thing about you that the things you say and the advice you give are just so logically and understandable. Thanks💚
Magician Lover with a sprinkle of Warrior... A lot to figure out here. I Think if I work on my mind and body whilst allowing myself to feel I will become a Giant
Love this! You are so good at explaining things!😁 I wonder wether some archetypes match bether than others, that would be an interesting movie also. Like, my husband is a king🤴🏼, and I’m the Mystic. Is that a good match?😅
I was thinking about that while I was writing it! I think king would be a great match to a mystic or maiden!
my husband is definitely also a mix of king and lover. As an engineer though, magician too. I am a mix of maiden/lover
The switch up of the lover when you talked about the shadow or the lover.. I screamed..😂
I am the mage and lover.
Just got rid of the shadow lover side.
Super happy to be self improving.
Great thing about Aragorn on Lord of the Rings is that he embodies every archetype at different moments of the books. Warrior and magician at the beggining, lover when he is with Arwen or when he cures and cares for Frodo or when he sings just for the sake of singing. And king, of course, in the third book. Great character to understand the ideal masculine worldview
I am the mystic archetype and I often tend to attract magician types.
My current man is a complete warrior type and can see magician too... My dad is a king and love type
I was wondering why Aragorn wasn't the go-to example for The King archetype, but patience was rewarded. Him being classified as the Lover makes sense.
I think we get tunnel visioned with terms like these, believing that only the King can be a leader, and only the Warrior can fight. But as you said, every man is some combination of these archetypes, and Aragorn is a great example of that.
Also, a fantastic example of the shadow Lover is the character of Jacob in Crazy Stupid Love, who is ironically played by Ryan Gosling. He has a line where he states to Emma Stone's character, who he's courting, that "I am trying to buy happiness, and its not working."
Why did my eyes start watering when you mentioned Mufasa? 😭😭😭
My husband is between the warrior and the lover.
I'm the lover and my ex was a lover but things didn't go well between us there so much emotions and it turned toxic...
Anyway now my partner is mixed healthy king and worrier i guess....
he always make me feel happy protected respected I'm so glad that we can balance energy he know how to communicate and try to understand at the same time he likes to lead and have discipline 💗
And i felt like my father is a king in his shadow that make sense how my partner helped me heal😭
And my brother is definitely a lover 😂😂 he's just so like me and he's an artist
I've enjoyed this video so much thank yoooo💗
my partner is a warrior in life and a king towards me, my brother is heavy in shadow king, my dad is the lover through and through
My husband is a shadow lover with magician thrown in. Hes mercurial.
Thank you 💚 I think my love is a mix of the king and the lover but don't know him so well yet 😁
Well speaking from experience it’s a 🔥🔥🔥 combo!
If i can relate to astrology then these archetypes signifies some planets energy so well:-
King - Sun
Warrior - Mars
Magician - Mercury + Jupiter
Lover - venus /Rahu
I resonated with most of these but the lover really hit hard.
I’m a major Sage & minor Lover energy, and my Husband is major Warrior & minor King energy.
hackers don't typically hack for their own benefit, a lot of them do it in a "robin-hoodian" way. i wouldn't categorize hackers as a default into a shadow aspect of the magician archetype.
OK so I was watching this to understand my partner and I realize that my masculine energy is actually warrior so this is very interesting because I learned about others and how I look when I’m in my masculine energy
So interesting and fun topic!!! Great video thanks for the examples!!!
Other masculine archetypes is prince, eros, hero, father, outlaw for example. Feminine archetypes queen, muse, princess, vixen, maiden, mother, diva, goddess
I was lately waiting for you to talk about masculine archetypes thank you
You’re so welcome! 💙
Interesting! I guess as a woman without a heavy female presence in my I've been too much in my masculine because I related to these archetypes more than the feminine, definitely oscillating between healthy lover mode and shadow mode dominantly (I'm an angsty creative) and warrior mode, secondary.
If you do decide you want to tap more into the feminine, trying to imagine yourself as the feminine archetypes can be helpful! Sounds silly but it works!
@@JillzGuerin Thank you 🙂🙏
The Artemis archetype is the logical, determined, female warrior energy. I HIGHLY recommend the book “Goddesses in Every Woman” it builds off of and corrects Jung’s rudimentary and largely incorrect archetypes and theory of the anima and animus.
My dad was a shadow king . My bf is a lover and shadow liver sometimes.
I wonder if J.K. Rowling was inspired by these archetypes 😅 Gryffindor- King; Huffelpuff- Lover; Slytherin- Warrior; Ravenclaw- Magician
Really good summary - great job!
John Wick. The perfect Shadow Warrior!😅 Great video, keep it up!
This was really interesting! My boyfriend is definitely a Warrior 💪🏻 do you think there are femenine archetypes that do better with certain masculine archetypes? Like which ones would go well together. I’m not sure if that’s a thing but it sounds interesting to understand couple dynamics like that
I think probably! I was thinking about this when I was planning this video! I have my suspicions about what archetypes fit best together but they would just be guesses so I didn’t want to include it lol
@@JillzGuerin 😂 maybe you can tell us your guesses in the comments? I’m quite curious 😂😂
You're definitely a pooper archetype
Funny enough, my dad sent me this and I just subscribed! I absolutely love your content! Thank you for sharing your wisdom!
Seeing how 🤔 💭 the man archetype type and female archetype go together as a combo. I really like your videos 📹 please keep making more. I wish you all the best with the rest of your videos 📹 take care.
I wish there was a quiz so I could have him take it 😂
After watching this I realized each one of the ninja turtles is one of the archetypes Leo is the king Ralph is the worrier Donatello is the magician and Mikey is the lover.
Hi, as someone who study psychology, i would like to ask you to make more clear that Archetype are like instincts we have all of them inside of us, there are many people treating Archetypes like zodiac sign here.
i feel like my boyfriend is definitely a lover but has some characteristics of the warrior as well
As a child, I was raised by my parents in a very strict, yet caring way, that made me much alike to the Warrior.
As a teenager, I had my head full of knowledge and stories of heroes, that made me much alike to the Magician.
As an adult, I started finally realizing my goals in life (carreer, success, house, family), that made me much alike the King.
I have always had problems with love and relationships, until I met an old girlfriend from teenage years who invited me to her place, with her female friends. I spent 15 days with them, and in everyone of them, I saw the friend, the grand sister, the seducive woman, the queen, the teacher, the healer, the warrior and the mother. I had a very close relationship with two of them, very sweet and caring, and in the end, they had connected me with my Lover part.
Now, I know I'm not complete, but I feel I'm closer to it.
Fascinating to see the female archetypes in all of them 😃
@@MarshmilloJB the thing is, we all have the four (or more) archetypes in ourselves. It's just that some of us don't know it.
@@florianpierredumont4775 fascinating! Like a percentage breakdown of each one
Beethoven surely was a mix between the King and the Lover as well…
I'm a mystic archetype and my crush is probably a mixture of the warrior and the king. And I've also noticed that though the magicians and the lovers are such a lovely archetype and they impresses me so much when i meet one , they're not what i tend to settle for. I've always wanted the warrior archetype man but the king would be a plus one if they have it too. And i guess for the mystic archetype women it would be beneficial to have the warrior archetype partner because it help them to get out of their shell when needed. And the mystic can calm them down and give them a taste of relaxation, something that might attract them in the first place toward each other. They both have something the other need.
Mine is a mix between King and a Lover, but he's a Magician as a profession.
As a dominant mystic archetype I feel the king and love resonate most
Hey! ☺️ I appreciate how focus you are when being an entrepreneuer! Love the dedication you put into it! New buddy to your channel! Let us get big together!
Can you please make a video which female archetypes match well with these male archetypes? I am curious ☺️
by the way, my guy is a lover (dominant) + warrior & I am Hera(wife) these days but mine is changing over time.
You’re beautiful both inside and outside💕thank you for all of the rich content! Sending loveee 💚💚
My dad is definitely a king.👑