Renata Tebaldi: Puccini - La Bohème, 'Mi chiamano Mimì'

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ม.ค. 2025
  • Renata Tebaldi (Pesaro, Italy, 1 February 1922 -- San Marino, 19 December 2004) was an Italian lirico-spinto soprano popular in the post-war period. Acclaimed as one of the most beloved opera singers of all time, she primarily focused on the verismo roles of the lyric and dramatic repertoires... en.wikipedia.or...
    Lyrics & English Translation
    Yes, they call me Mimi,
    But my name is Lucy
    My history is brief
    To cloth or to silk
    I embroider at home or outside...
    I am peaceful and happy
    And it is my pastime
    To make lilies and roses
    I like these things
    That have so sweet smell,
    That speak of love, of spring,
    That speak of dreams and of chimera
    These things that have poetic names
    Do you understand me?
    They call me Mimi,
    And why I don't know.
    Alone, I make
    Lunch for myself.
    I am not religious,
    Although I am spiritual in mind.
    I live alone, alone.
    There is a white little room
    I look upon the roofs and heaven.
    By when the thaw comes
    The first sun is mine
    The first kiss of April is mine!
    Rose buds in a vase
    Leaf and leaf I watch it!
    That gentle perfume of a flower!
    But the flowers that I make
    Ah me! They don't have odour!
    About me I would not know how to tell
    I am your neighbour who come unexpectedly
    to bother you.
    A link to this wonderful artists personal Website: www.renata-teba...
    Please enjoy!
    I send my kind and warm regards,

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