BACK TO POLAND | Full Documentary | 2024 Tisha B’Av Film by Shloime Zionce

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ก.ย. 2024
  • Hasidic Embassy Presents: Back To Poland, a feature film by Shloime Zionce for Tisha B’Av 5774/2024.
    In a post October 7th world, Shloime Zionce takes the advice of antisemites and goes Back To Poland to search for the country’s Jews and their history.
    TYH for the successful production of this film.
    Produced by Shloime Zionce & Hasidic Embassy
    Cinematography & Editing by Shmuly Lichtman
    Graphic Design by Moshe Milstein
    In Partnership with LaLechet Tours -
    1413 38th St
    Brooklyn, NY 11218
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ความคิดเห็น • 1.5K

  • @kumarro11
    @kumarro11 27 วันที่ผ่านมา +526

    As a Pole, it is hard for me to understand the question "why didn't Poles/people save Jews from the Holocaust?" Only someone who doesn't know the history of World War II can ask it.
    This question is just as reasonable as the question. Why didn't Jews save themselves from the Holocaust?
    Let me remind you that Poland lost its independence in the first months of World War II (10.1939) and only regained it in 1989. Poles did as much for Jews as they could.
    Witold Pilecki was a Polish soldier who, as a VOLUNTEER, allowed himself to be captured and imprisoned in Auschwitz. He then infiltrated the camp's operations and sent reports to the commander. He began to create a resistance movement in the camp. He believed that liberating the camp was possible with a simultaneous attack from the outside and a revolt from within. The command of the Polish underground state did not decide to take this step. Poland did not have enough resources. They also feared the wrath of the Germans.
    It should be added that it was popular at that time for the Germans to kill 100 random Poles on the streets of cities for the murder of 1 German officer.
    Jan Karski delivered reports on German crimes against the Jewish population to the world, including Roosevelt. It was expected that the bombing of German cities would begin. Unfortunately, the free world did not take any action...
    According to the Germans, Poles were also considered a "lower race" or subhumans. During the war, 6 million Poles died, including 3 million Polish Jews. That is 20% of the population. Every Polish family lost someone. My nation bears a similar trauma to yours. No one helped my nation either. My nation fought and died fighting on all fronts on the side of the Allies. Then, after the war, it was betrayed by them. You have no right to judge them.

    • @yr5713
      @yr5713 27 วันที่ผ่านมา +26

      While this might be true that pols who would hide jews got killed for doing so
      He focuses alot on why there are no jews who stayed in Poland after the war which was because their houses were stolen from the jews during the war and the ones who returned and asked back for it were killed by the locals

    • @Matti_us_Alpe
      @Matti_us_Alpe 27 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@yr5713 Ok. As I know a bit of the history.... what happened during the Polish uprising against Russian Car? Poles were sent to Syberia and their houses, homes, land plots taken by Jews...

    • @Dawid.O
      @Dawid.O 27 วันที่ผ่านมา

      how many jews help Palestinains who are killed and raped in concentration camps in Israel?

    • @Dawid.O
      @Dawid.O 27 วันที่ผ่านมา

      In J*ish Death Camps in Israel Palestinians are r*ed by IDF.
      How many J*wsh help Palestinians?

    • @jakubtrelinski8109
      @jakubtrelinski8109 27 วันที่ผ่านมา +25

      @@yr5713 This is crazy man give me proves.

  • @alka__7136
    @alka__7136 26 วันที่ผ่านมา +96

    Helping Jews was punished with death for the whole family in Poland so we don't know what would we to in this situation. And there were still people helping them

    • @ScaniaVikings
      @ScaniaVikings 15 วันที่ผ่านมา

      You could have done what Denmark did - the entire nation and even the Danish King encouraged Danes to rescue the Jews and send them to Sweden. Denmark managed to save 92% of their Jewish population, very brave people!

    • @michal8976
      @michal8976 15 วันที่ผ่านมา

      ​@@ScaniaVikingslol in denmark there were only 6000 jews before World War XD in Poland there were 3.4 milion Jews in most of cities there were huge miniority sometimes even 30 % of city population they have own neibourhood etc to who you can sent 3.4 milion of people whitout army noticed? And name me a country with ocuppied poland have a border and was neutral bc soviets were allies to nazis

    • @alka__7136
      @alka__7136 15 วันที่ผ่านมา +15

      @@ScaniaVikings There were about 7,500 Jews in Denmark when the war started and 3,474,000 in Poland so that's the difference.
      And "you could have done" sounds weird because we didn't live back then.
      But I didn't know that the danish king encouraged people to help the Jewish citizens, very interesting.

    • @szcypior
      @szcypior 14 วันที่ผ่านมา

      ​@@alka__7136First send Jews to Sweden, and later established Frikorps Danmark.

    • @jankozie9130
      @jankozie9130 13 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

      did poland have a president during the occupation to encourage rescuing the jews, i dont think so, also around 300k poles were involved in helping the population of jews

  • @mqbeukulele6073
    @mqbeukulele6073 20 วันที่ผ่านมา +39

    That's very misleading material, full of hate and lies.
    Firstly, I'm baffled that the author didn't mention even once, that concentration camps were GERMAN camps on occupied Polish land and keept calling them "Polish camps".
    Secondly, Jews weren't only people that's have been persecuted by the Germans. Gypsies, Poles, Ukrainians (generally slavic people) etc... were also opressed and send to death camps.
    There were Poles that saved Jews despite the threat of death penelty (person that tried to save the Jew and that persons family were killed, for example Ulm family, that's been hiding Jews were killed. A father, pregnant mother and their seven children, including a newborn). That penelty was introduced only in estern countries, while on the west punishments for helping the jews were much milder). On the list of Righteous Among the Nations largest group of people are Poles.
    Ofcourse there were Poles that were collaborating with Germans (by that I mean, telling to the Germans who's Jewish etc...). Many Jews in camps and ghettos were helping in extermination of another Jews (forcing them to work, organising deportation of Jews to the camps). There were even Jewish police units under German commands inside the ghettos that were helping the Germans in deportations and extermination.
    Another thing is that Polish people after the war weren't stealing Jewish homes and other properties, it was stolen by communists from USSR and communist regime of Poland.
    After the war there were some persecutions of Jews, but it was result of that many communists, that were persecuting and killing polish partisants after the war, were Jewish (for exampple, a Katyan massacre, where over 10k Poles were executed by NKVD, many NKVD officers were Jews).
    You need to pay for entry to synagogoue because it was destroyed during the war and it was rebuild after the war ended. Money from tickets are gathered for keeping this place and restoration of it, like many other historical places, churches, castles etc... . Nobody is trying to "make" money on the holocaust, Polish people are taking care of death camps so people can learn about atrocities commited during II World War and see on their own eyes places of death of their ancestors (didn't you heard that lately in Germany, ex-death camp was soled into private hands and it's going to be a estate or some other thing, thst won't preserve suffering and history of the prisoners?)
    Maybe there's isn't a lot of Jews in Poland, but there's some of them and it's fault of communist regime. In the 60's communist goverment repressed the Jews and forced them to migrate from the country.
    There are some other things in the video that are misleading and historically incorrect.
    Sorry for my English, but it isn't my native language and shame on you Shloime for misleading the people with this video. If anyone tries to make money on Jewish suffering that's you and if you have any hatered towards people responsible for Holocaust, then it should be targeted toward the Germans, who started II World War and the Holocaust.

  • @krzysiekjasinski3251
    @krzysiekjasinski3251 20 วันที่ผ่านมา +43

    Przyjechał do Polski, obraził nas, obraził polskich Żydów którzy tu jeszcze żyją, czepia się że trzeba płacić bilety za wstęp, mówi że ukradliśmy domy i że nic nie robiliśmy, gdy ludzie ginęli w obozach. Totalny brak wiedzy i ignorancja, widać w jakim kraju kończył edukację. I tyle z tego naszego pamiętania i przywracania pamięci o naszych sąsiadach Żydach. Przyjedzie taki ignorant i... Szkoda słów. Zero doceniania tych, dzięki którym pamięć o Żydach jest wciąż żywa, są ludzie opiekujący sie grobami, synagogami, artyści, żydzi tu mieszkający, rabini, a ten przyjechał i powiedział że nikogo nie ma xD

    • @igwar4140
      @igwar4140 19 วันที่ผ่านมา

      niestety taka antypolska indoktrynacja jest teraz że Polacy to ogólnie chuje i zabijali tylko i ogólnie jesteśmy najgorszym narodem świata, tymczasem o niemcach nic nie piszą

    • @pshemko__
      @pshemko__ 14 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      Ortodoksyjni Żydzi ze Stanów mają podejście z góry do Polaków i innych nacji Europy Wschodniej czego jakoś nie demonstrują wobec Niemców. Cóż być może wiedzę o Torze mają dużą, natomiast o historii ich wiedza jest dość selektywna, bo pewnie nie wiedzą, że również Cyganie, Świadkowie Jehowy, homoseksualiści czy Polacy nie chcący się podporządkować i być tania siła roboczą byli traktowani w ten sam sposób.
      Ciekawe czy mógłby chodzić w jarmułce w ten sam sposób w Szwecji, Niemczech, wschodnim Londynie, Marsylii czy też Birmingham.

    • @thehilaryglow
      @thehilaryglow 9 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

      As an Israeli granddaughter of holocaust survivors, thank you for all that you do. We appreciate you and your leadership for taking the right steps to ensure safety. I enjoyed this movie but not the commentary that was uncalled for. Thank you and Shalom ❤

  • @paulinad1263
    @paulinad1263 27 วันที่ผ่านมา +142

    The synagogues are the property of the Jewish Religious Community and Polish haven't stolen them. Information is available on the Internet.

    • @pshemko__
      @pshemko__ 27 วันที่ผ่านมา +46

      It’s also worth noting that by paying an entrance fee in synagogues turned into museums, people support the maintenance and renovation of synagogues and cemeteries. It’s the case also in Prague and Budapest. Shloime was definitely trying to mislead people watching this documentary that everything is in the hands of Polish government.

    • @TM-100
      @TM-100 27 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Jews should be able to enter without paying a penny. It's the LEAST any self-respecting people should do considering the evil perpetrated against them. Regular taxes can contribute to their maintenance. Thinking it's ok to use a place of worship as a restaurant, etc is nauseating. 🤮

    • @bartomiejnozka8992
      @bartomiejnozka8992 26 วันที่ผ่านมา +17

      Shish, it's against the the narrative. We shall not talk about that. heh

    • @jankowalski6338
      @jankowalski6338 26 วันที่ผ่านมา +14

      you give give and they will always ask for more and play the victim

    • @agnieszkaolszewska6079
      @agnieszkaolszewska6079 26 วันที่ผ่านมา +10

      ​@@pshemko__Everything should be in Polish hands.

  • @ASDStudioMofie
    @ASDStudioMofie 27 วันที่ผ่านมา +139

    Note to remember: These are nazi germany camps, not polish camps.

    • @agnieszkaolszewska6079
      @agnieszkaolszewska6079 26 วันที่ผ่านมา +7

      Was there such an expression here?! Unbelievable!

    • @donataj2213
      @donataj2213 21 วันที่ผ่านมา +7

      Nie chcą tego zmienić i używają nazwy polskie obozy koncentracyjne!

    • @user-bw2id9fp1o
      @user-bw2id9fp1o 13 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      They were polish death camps. Stop spreading lies.

    • @donataj2213
      @donataj2213 13 วันที่ผ่านมา +6

      @@user-bw2id9fp1o a ty TVN z rosji piszesz, czy tylko oni ci płacą?!

    • @szyszka6234
      @szyszka6234 12 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@user-bw2id9fp1o no, Poles hides Jews at the wwII, Nazi Germans killed Jews, Poles and others nationalities

  • @TheKosssteK
    @TheKosssteK 26 วันที่ผ่านมา +167

    I have watched the entire video and I must say that it is very biased and pretentious.
    14:30 in Poland there is a law that prevents people from taking pictures and video of people without their permission this is why this lady said that she doesn't want you to record her. Also it is their right not to allow you record inside the restaurant.
    Further more or maybe what is more important win many places in the video you stated that this place or that place was taken away from your people. Building is a building. This particular place you were not allowed to filmed in it used to be place where jews prayed but because there was a war it was destroyed. So after the war people of Cracow had to either level it and build something new or renovate it and repurpose it. The same thing about any other place that you mentioned in the video. You said it best yourself, there are very little jewish people in Poland or in Europe for that matter. Mostly because of what have happened to them during 2nd World War. So from my perspective jews just left their heritage here and moved somewhere else.
    18:18 this synagogue has been turned into museum because it has been ruined and then restored. Agreement between Cracow's museum and jewish community has been made to make it into museum. And because it is a museum you have to buy the ticket for the people who work there and who take cafe of it to have money.
    52:40 this part sounded like you think that people of Lublin knew about atrocities and that just lived their normal lives and didn't care about their brother, sisters, neighbours that were taken to Majdanek. As @kumarro11 said this part sounds like you are asking why polish people didn't try to save jews or more jews and to that I say that there are a lot of polish people risking their lives to hide and protect jews from being killed or transported to camps.
    I have watched the whole thing but 55:50 made me angry and I decided to post this response. In many places in the video you place your stickers where ever you like. I don't know how is it in USA but in Poland it is an act of vandalism and you can be given a ticket for that. But when you stuck your sticker on the rails of the Auschwitz concentration camp it was the straw that broke the camel's back.
    This whole video had a vibe of entitlement but in Poland we treat everyone equally so the fact that you are a jew doesn't give you the right to do such things. In Auschwitz many people have been tortured and killed, not only jews so if everybody felt entitled this place would be devastated long time ago.
    I believe that you wanted to make a documentary in a good faith but I must say it doesn't show the whole picture and therefore might be misleading.
    Edit: As a side note at the time of writing this response, two days earlier I have been out with some friends at the exactly he same place in Kraków where you have been and I have seen jews enjoying their time there. They might have been visiting, I don't know, I didn't ask but they were there :)

    • @MendelDanzo
      @MendelDanzo 26 วันที่ผ่านมา

      I feel it was powerful for him to put the sticker there. Do some research on what Tefillin is and how going back to Auschwitz, the place where g-d seemingly abandoned us, and putting a sticker symbolizing our undying faith in G-D even in the darkest of times, is real moving.

    • @kubabarbas5436
      @kubabarbas5436 25 วันที่ผ่านมา +34

      I couldn't agree more. Also his behavior in Poland was disgusting. He didn't go visit to actually get to know the country and understand what happened to the Jews and how. Most of his viewers share the opinion the Poles are complicit in murdering the Jews as the Polish State. He doesn't say much about Poland being occupied and brutalized by two allies: Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union He doesn't even acknowledge the fact Birkenau was part of Germany then. These people are so brainwashed and will never understand. I'm saying this as a very pro-Israeli person. All this hatred against the Jews that is happening in the US and Canada right now and these guys still blame the victims for the Holocaust not the actual perpetrators.

    • @MateuszOcalictocozgineoDariusz
      @MateuszOcalictocozgineoDariusz 24 วันที่ผ่านมา +12

      I’m Polish living in USA I’m pro Israel and love Jews
      Short statement
      Don’t expect much from religious Jews 😂😂😂😂😂
      As well don’t expect much from any religious person
      Please don’t mix religion with people of real faith in one true God
      Religion is poison Faith is freedom

    • @Bobobobobooooooo
      @Bobobobobooooooo 23 วันที่ผ่านมา

      He was not making an unbiased history documentary about the war. He made a personal trip to find his roots from his own perspective. And yes you can call that biased. I agree with him, world loves to scapegoat Jews and people don’t help Jews, with few exceptions. Large majority of Poland hates Jihadist terrorists continually votes for politicians who will keep these jihadists out of Poland, but would Poland offer support for Israel? No. Look how Israel is fighting this evil alone. No one is helping Israel. I’m from Latvia my family suffered as well, my family lost property and had family members sent to Gulags . That’s not the point of this documentary. That hippie was effin rude, she interrupted him during a prayer . She couldn’t fathom for one second that he clearly is from abroad that this might be emotional for him to see a synagogue turned into a cafe and that he might not know about some Polish laws about filming in public. She could’ve been a lot nicer about it. I work in hospitality I wouldn’t behave like that. Also the way she asked him where he’s from she was hoping he would say Israel, I read that straight in her face in that moment that she was a Hamas supporter. Ask her what she thinks about patriotic poles, I bet she would love to replace them with gang raping murderous jihadists instead. Yeah that clip from the museum was nuisance that’s true. But that’s about it. But it is his history too , you can’t deny that from him. It’s not just your history it is also his history. World has no issues using Jewish innovations but you you help them or support them noooo. Your phone your write your comment on is a Jewish invention

    • @Halo_Legend
      @Halo_Legend 23 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

      No such thing as a jewish political/financial statement in good faith.

  • @ptasptasznick9305
    @ptasptasznick9305 26 วันที่ผ่านมา +155

    80% in and not even a single reference that germans procured and conducted the Holocaust. If someone is disrespectful, it's You Shloime. Polish people give lots of money to preserve and care for remnants of jewish history. Shame on You for leaving out such important information.

    • @ptasptasznick9305
      @ptasptasznick9305 26 วันที่ผ่านมา +13

      Sorry - 48:06 - tehere is a word 'nazi'. Not german (as the plaque says), but always a word pointing to germans (for those who know a little bit of history).

    • @MendelDanzo
      @MendelDanzo 26 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Bruh it’s obvious that the Germans ran the war

    • @ivanj.conway9919
      @ivanj.conway9919 24 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@ptasptasznick9305 : Can you explain to me how this is any different than the Christian world, for the past 2000 years, claiming that Jews killed Christ, all because of the fanaticism of a few religious leaders, if even, that at all, sparking the antisemitism that has lasted to this day. Then there are sources that claim no Jew at all, of any sort, had anything to do with it. Has was pointed out in the film, Jews no longer exist in Poland, to this day. Communities that had endured there for over a 1000 years, and who I am sure, was as much Polish as any other. Those of us who are not Jewish cannot possibly, understand the pain of things of this nature. I am not saying you are incorrect in your point, but it is such a small point compared to the overall, picture here.
      Even today, with everything currently, going on; I am a super, passionate supporter of Israel and the Jewish People in their current, struggle, but as then so now, I know I am apart of the minority of people on this planet. So what has changed? What have we learned? Nothing it seems. Trying to shame this Brother, already adding to his terrible, pain seems a little harsh and cruel to me. Just saying. My Best. Out.

    • @rokasdobrovolskis
      @rokasdobrovolskis 23 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Don't even watch this disgusting propaganda film. We know the truth about them and what they are up to.

    • @jaroj2342
      @jaroj2342 22 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Jews do everything to avoid mentioning that it was the Germans who murdered them.

  • @pshemko__
    @pshemko__ 27 วันที่ผ่านมา +65

    In Europe, if you go to a historical religious site, no matter whether it’s a church or synagogue you have to pay an entrance fee. If a Christian goes to an old church or cathedral they still have to pay. In case of the Old Synagogue, it acts as a museum and that’s how the Jewish community of Krakow can fund restoration works and maintenance of the buildings. There’s no bad faith involved here. As a Polish atheist who was raised Christian I’ve visited synagogues in Prague and Budapest and paid the entrance fees, same as in Malta, Spain or Portugal where I had to pay to visit old churches outside of mass times.

  • @evaspr3145
    @evaspr3145 25 วันที่ผ่านมา +38

    It is a biased narrative of an ethnocentric Jew who visited another sovereign country with an attitude as he OWNS its streets and buildings. Your ancestors were Polish citizens with Jewish ancestry and should have fought in Polish armed forces when Hitler attacked in 1939. Sadly, Jews refused to contribute to share the responsibility of defending a country where they lived, which led to their own demise, later blaming others for not intervening on their behalf. Many Jews were saved by Poles, many were not, as Polish people themselves were exterminated by German and Soviet occupiers. Thus, blame Stalin and Hitler for the Holocaust, instead of Polish people who often sacrificed their own lives and their families to save Jews.

    • @piotrzet9927
      @piotrzet9927 12 วันที่ผ่านมา

      To nie ma dla nich znaczenia. Pamiętaj i nie tłumacz się. Nie wchodź do namiotu grzeszników i obłudników. To zakazane w kościele katolickim.

    • @MrBalrogos
      @MrBalrogos 10 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@piotrzet9927 Co ma do tego KK???

    • @leno_o17
      @leno_o17 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      KK powinien "wyjść z siebie" w takim razie

    • @frederickmuhlbauer9477
      @frederickmuhlbauer9477 18 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      Agree 100%

  • @tomasztomecki
    @tomasztomecki 26 วันที่ผ่านมา +35

    nothing was stolen from you, the Germans and Austrians murdered you, Poles rebuilt everything after the destruction, you should be grateful for keeping your memory alive

    • @ScaniaVikings
      @ScaniaVikings 15 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Rebuilt? Really? You had Anti-Jewish violence and discrimination even after WW2 from Poles and communists which is why the remaining Jews left your country...

    • @helmortkuper2626
      @helmortkuper2626 12 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Oy vey😢

    • @AB-fl6uq
      @AB-fl6uq 12 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      incorrect, dirty work of killing jews was given to the local polish police and they did with great satifaction, this is why my polish jewish grandfather Swore to never speak polish again, many local Poles were celebrating when jews were sent to the concentration camps. It doesn't mean I agree with everything was saidin the video.. as it more generalized ..but yes the locals were never friendly to us and hatred was felt even before the war

    • @bartoszkrolak3149
      @bartoszkrolak3149 12 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

      ​@@AB-fl6uqSo why millions of You lived in Poland if it was so bad there?

    • @leno_o17
      @leno_o17 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      ​​@@AB-fl6uq as well as many jews were celebrating Poles being murdered, does it mean jews are responsible for millions of Poles dying? And many Poles were friendly to you, dude, especially those who were killed for helping. Imagine someone who during the war was fighting against the nazi and organizing help for jews, and after the war was persecuted and tortured by jewish communists. He said that they were not worth helping.
      See how the generalisation works?

  • @pawelskonecki
    @pawelskonecki 25 วันที่ผ่านมา +127

    I am a Polish Jew. I was born and brought up in Poland. I think that your film material is very good, valuable and very interesting. Professionally done and in every way important and necessary. However, let me make two comments.
    1. The crimes against the Jews and other peoples of Eastern and Central Europe were not committed by aliens or any Nazis, but by Germans and Austrians who were willingly assisted by Lithuanian, Latvian and Ukrainian helpers. In Hungary, after the fall of Miklos Horta, also some Hungarians. The Poles were also victims of the Germans, the Soviets and Ukrainian nationalism. The experience of extermination is not unknown to the Poles. It is enough to go to Ponary to see where Jews and Poles lie in the same death holes. Please remember this.
    2. Placing stickers in unauthorised places is forbidden in Poland. Poles take great care of their surroundings. As you have probably noticed, Poland is very clean. Poles take great care of it. Such behaviour is considered as littering. Would you like to be considered as a badly behaved person.
    3. it is not true that there are no Jews in Poland. There are, and quite a lot of them, of course not as there were before the war. But it is not the same as it was before the war. The Jewish community in Poland is there and is doing quite well.

    • @mattearl8213
      @mattearl8213 25 วันที่ผ่านมา +19

      I will add that Chachmei Lublin Yeshiva belongs to Jews and they pray and study there. You can find even something in youtube if you really want. Yeshiva was very famous and used to have many books before Holocaust, but they were burned by you know who.

    • @pawelskonecki
      @pawelskonecki 25 วันที่ผ่านมา +10

      @@mattearl8213 Yes the books were destroyed but a small part survived I saw them in the synagogue on lubartowska street

    • @Stan-mp8zz
      @Stan-mp8zz 24 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

      Very well said thank you

    • @Halo_Legend
      @Halo_Legend 23 วันที่ผ่านมา

      2. No, we're not xP
      There's shit on the ground all around. I guess not to such an extent as in america or western Europe, but still not Japan level clean (I guess it's my bad for expecting perfection). And by shit I mean trash (or occasional dog poop, nothing like the state of western Europe: human waste).

    • @donataj2213
      @donataj2213 21 วันที่ผ่านมา +13

      I have the impression that the author of the film does not know the history of Poland, his message points more to the guilt of the Poles for the death of the Jews, the word Germany does not go down this gentleman's throat too much. He suggests that we stole the property of the Jews, which to me is a slap in the face. Let's learn history and then point things out to other nations!

  • @MsMaasi
    @MsMaasi 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +110

    Just FYI on Polish law: You can record everything you like in the public space without anyones permission. You are not allowed to publish the likeliness of any person without their consent.

    • @Mug-82
      @Mug-82 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      You sound ignorant. The laws in Poland are under the floor as if the law really interests the citizens themselves...

    • @MsMaasi
      @MsMaasi 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +32

      ​@@Mug-82 What a weird comment. I am stating what the law is at this current time with no personal opinion, this was not an invitation on debating whether they are good or not

    • @HowlingWo1f
      @HowlingWo1f 27 วันที่ผ่านมา

      The law goes in the garbage when you’re talking about in schools, synagogues, homes, businesses, that have been stolen and still belong to us Jews.

    • @KA-cu5cd
      @KA-cu5cd 27 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@HowlingWo1f Dude this synagoge changed to restaurant is owned by Jewish community, they are renting this space............... Nothing was stolen here, maybe your integrity

    • @TM-100
      @TM-100 27 วันที่ผ่านมา

      WWII taught us about laws & what they are worth...

  • @aniacancer7762
    @aniacancer7762 26 วันที่ผ่านมา +122

    I think you should select the language you use carefully. You claim that Jewish property was stolen by Poles. My Polish grandparents lived before war in Vilnius which was back then a Polish city. My grandma was a successful businesswoman who run a grocery shop. They owned a house, a car and a shop. When Soviets came they had like 10 minutes to pack their stuff and run. They lost everything. It never crossed my mind to try to regain possession of my family's property, let alone accuse Lithuanians that they stole something from me. If you feel that something was stolen from you, send a bill to Germany!

    • @annaczerwonka5696
      @annaczerwonka5696 24 วันที่ผ่านมา +32

      Many, many families in Poland has similar story, our country was heavily affected by war. But I never heard them saying that Lithuanias, Belarusians, Ukrainians etc stole something from them. Never, ever, there is simply no such narrative in Poland. But Jews were robbed, and not by Germans who devastated Poland totally, but by Poles. Many of them had properties in Warsaw which was levelled to ground, and later rebuilt by hard work of Poles in extremely difficult time (country devastated totally, no reparations from Germany, no money from Marschall plan, country occupied and robbed by Russia, etc) and they still think we are obliged to return the rebuilt house to them. Interesting. No Pole would ever say such thing about their lost properties. Not to mention that due to what they do to Palestinians, how they truly stole their land and still doing this, how they oppress them, they really should just shut up and beg the Lor for mercy for their crimes.

    • @bohomazdesign725
      @bohomazdesign725 24 วันที่ผ่านมา +13

      The exact same story here, but it was a small manor with some land in what is today north-western Ukraine. My family also never "challenged" the possession rights to that property. We are just happy that after the war the Ukrainians that live there rebuild it to its former state.

    • @Archyski
      @Archyski 23 วันที่ผ่านมา +14

      Exactly. EVERYONE lost properties when the communist era began. If one group of people gets compensation, what about the rest ?

    • @Bobobobobooooooo
      @Bobobobobooooooo 23 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Also they have received more money in aid than any place on the planet , and they did nothing with that money except dig up some terror tunnels. They have no infrastructure because they don’t work they sponge off the Western working class because our governments send them billions

    • @Bobobobobooooooo
      @Bobobobobooooooo 23 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Yes we sure should should have a more nuanced conversation about what happened to Poland and Baltics where I am from during Russian and German invasion, as we all suffered, but he is not claiming that Poles stole his property. He wanted to say a prayer and that pro Hamas hippie treated him very badly. So I completely understand his sentiment in that moment. I also understand that it can be distressing to see a house of prayer converted into a cafe. He was not a nuisance. He prayed quietly, he was not sticking his ass in the air laying down in the middle of the room and screaming allahu Akbar That hippie was rude and disgusting. I would love to know what that wench thinks about patriotic poles, if it was up to her she would flood Poland with gang raping murderous jihadists.

  • @PiotrJaser
    @PiotrJaser 27 วันที่ผ่านมา +34

    Wielu ludzi myśli, że Polacy byli antysemitami, tymczasem prawda leży pośrodku. Byli antysemici, ale byli też liczni filosemici, szczególnie wśród inteligencji i artystów. Dzisiaj im lepsze wykształcenie, tym mniej antysemitów. Około 30% Polaków deklaruje sympatię do Żydów. Polityka Netaniahu sprawiła, że antysemityzm rośnie, ale przecież dzieje się tak nie tylko w Polsce.
    Jeśli o mnie chodzi, mam świadomość, że polscy Żydzi byli bardzo różni, dzielili się na wiele różnych grup. I mieszkali w tym kraju od prawie tysiąca lat, więc Polska była przecież ojczyzną dla bardzo wielu pokoleń aszkenazyjskich Żydów. Mam też świadomość, że było wielu wybitnych Polaków żydowskiego pochodzenia kształtujących polską kulturę i naukę. Polskiego dorobku narodowego nie można sobie wyobrazić bez tego drogocennego wkładu. Swego czasu Rafał Betlejewski zorganizował akcję pt. "Tęsknię za Tobą, Żydzie". Ona oddaje to co czuje bardzo wielu z nas. Odczuwamy pustkę. Wojna wyrwała nam coś, co było integralną częścią polskiego krajobrazu przez setki lat.
    Nie mówię w imieniu Polaków, bo my, oczywiście, też jesteśmy bardzo różni. Są wśród nas antysemici, są filosemici, są ludzie neutralni i obojętni. Ale generalnie ludzie lepiej wykształceni lepiej znają historię i starają się weryfikować różne informacje. Mity, stereotypy, kłamstwa, propagandę łatwo obalić - wystarczy uzbroić się w wiedzę.
    Dla mnie, Polaka z Warszawy, polscy Żydzi zawsze byli mi jakoś dziwnie bliscy.

    • @agnieszkaolszewska6079
      @agnieszkaolszewska6079 26 วันที่ผ่านมา

      No i..? To, co teraz robi Izrael...przekreśla wszystko

      @NEBUKADNECCAR 22 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Przeciez zydzi, ktorzy mieszkali w Polsce to nie byli nawet semici. Pojecie antysemityzmu jest niedorzeczne.

    • @MioszH
      @MioszH 16 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Właśnie ci dobrze wykształceni są antysemitami, bo znają prawdę o tym narodzie

    • @MrBalrogos
      @MrBalrogos 10 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@NEBUKADNECCAR No tak sie po prostu mowi, zydem moze byc kazdy i czarny i bialy i zolty,

  • @anonim9999
    @anonim9999 26 วันที่ผ่านมา +89

    The accusation that a building was "stolen" is ridiculous. After World War II, most buildings were destroyed, and those that survived were abandoned by the Jews. It was the Poles who rebuilt and renovated these buildings to preserve the history of Jews in Poland. And now a Jew accuses the owners who maintained this building for over 70 years of theft.

    • @kubabarbas5436
      @kubabarbas5436 25 วันที่ผ่านมา +17

      Not to mention the camps that were preserved and are being maintained by the Polish state as opposed to Austria and former CC there where villas with pools are built where the camps once were ( KL Gusen)

    • @milz5243
      @milz5243 18 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Abandoned? Wow. That’s one way to put it if the owner that building and his whole family were murdered! If you take such pride in maintaining these buildings, a Jew should be able to enter and pray there, for the families who didn’t get to come home to their properties! Not to mention how many polish jews did come back and were promptly either murdered or kicked out in the late 40s! Amazing… the amount of ignorance in that statement.

    • @Stan-mp8zz
      @Stan-mp8zz 14 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

      Nothing was stolen talk to the Germans

    • @piotrzet9927
      @piotrzet9927 12 วันที่ผ่านมา

      A czego sie spodziewałeś? Ze ci zapłacą. Ty ty masz im i całe pokolenia płacić za krzywdy wojenne. Bo Niemcy już spłacili im dług. Czas na Polskę. Po to tu przyjechał na inwentaryzację polskiego mienia z Brooklynu. Piwnice widocznie były za ciasne, więc szukają okazalszych lokali za darmo.
      I patrz znalazł jak szybko. Mają widocznie już działki co jest dla nich cenne.
      tak ogrywa sie frajerów którzy nie pilnują a sprzedają swój naród dla judaszowego narodu.

    • @farral
      @farral 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @milz5243 You are delusional.
      No one will let any jew to come into his house to pray. Do you allow Palestinians to come into jewish homes to pray? Yeah, we all know the answer.
      GTFO of Poland. You're not going to make next Palestine in here.
      Also, please be consistent with your lies. If you keep saying that Poland is so full of hate against you then do not come here. According to jews it's deadly dangerous here so for your own safety, stay away.

  • @xxcunninxx4882
    @xxcunninxx4882 27 วันที่ผ่านมา +78

    Forgot to mention that nobody wanted Jews in their country and only asylum they found was Poland, we live together for hundread of years together, sadly when war happend in 1939 people were afraid of their life becasue of death penalty for saving Jews.

    • @twinklestar94
      @twinklestar94 26 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

      Jews lived in Hungary, Lithuania, Holland, UK, Germany etc before the war, Poland wasn't doing any special favours.

    • @xxcunninxx4882
      @xxcunninxx4882 26 วันที่ผ่านมา +10

      @@twinklestar94 I'm talking about XIV century

      @NEBUKADNECCAR 22 วันที่ผ่านมา +19

      ​@@twinklestar94 During WWII there were about 65 mln of citizens in Germany and only about 520 thousand of Jews, not even 1%. While in Poland there were only about 34mln of citizens and 3,5 mln of Jews. Really Poland didn't do any special things? You are ridiculous.

    • @ScaniaVikings
      @ScaniaVikings 15 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Sweden took many Jewish refugees - especially from Denmark so I don't know what you are talking about.

      @NEBUKADNECCAR 15 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

      @@ScaniaVikings Apparently, you don't understand what he is writing about. He means past centuries before WWII. I read the numbers and before WWII there were ridiculous low number of Jews in Sweden.

  • @cpt.flamer7184
    @cpt.flamer7184 27 วันที่ผ่านมา +53

    I don't like how any other victim of war is not mentioned, even briefly. I know it's a story about Jews and their tragedy during the war and that's fine, but deliberately not mentioning anything else gives this false impression that the war was solely to exterminate the Jews, like Germans wanted to kill them and Poles just didn't do anything and later stole Jewish estates...
    3 millions Polish civilians died in ww2, some of them for helping Jews, some just for being Polish, their history isn't much different of the Jewish one. Even Auschwitz at the beginning was a camp mainly for Polish prisoners, only when the 2nd part of the camp - Birkenau was built it became a place of Jewish extermination. Of course most people who were killed there were Jewish, but numbers of other nations are significant enough that it's unfair to them to not mention them when talking about victims of Auschwitz. Not only Jews and Poles, also Russian, Roma and even Germans who were oppose the Nazi were killed there.
    The story of Polish Jews is inseparable from the story of the Poles, many Jews even consider themselves Polish just of other faith.
    Also is kinda baffling how you feel entitled to walk into every building that used to be Jewish just because you are a Jew xD It doesn't work this way, just like you can't enter any church just because you are a Christian.
    Reading comments i feel like many people have no idea about the situation in Poland during the war and nothing wrong with it, but videos like that enforce the false narration, it's not like there are lies in it, just things that were untold gives false impression of the history.

    • @mikeragone6489
      @mikeragone6489 25 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      You missed the premise of this particular video. In response to people yelling "go back to Poland" this video attempts to find why there are basically no Jews in Poland now (yes we know there are some remnants here and there). This video is not about WWII in general, but about the specific phrase yelled at Jews of "go back to Poland".

  • @skiband2000
    @skiband2000 26 วันที่ผ่านมา +55

    Your refusal to pay for entrance to the Alte Shul museum and your claim that it was stolen from the Jews are completely incorrect.
    When you tour a synagogue that has been converted into a museum, you are required to pay an entrance fee, such as at the Hurva Synagogue in Jerusalem.
    The Alte Shul was completely ruined during the war by the Nazi Germans; only the bare walls without a roof remained.
    In 1956, the Polish state fully financed the renovation of the ruined synagogue. In 1958, the Krakow Jewish Congregation ceremoniously turned over the synagogue for museum purposes. It currently serves as a branch of the Historical Museum of the City of Krakow - the Judaic Museum.
    Similarly, the Hevra synagogue has been returned to the Krakow Jewish Congregation and is now being leased to private operators who oversee the current commercial activities.

    • @agnieszkaolszewska6079
      @agnieszkaolszewska6079 26 วันที่ผ่านมา +15

      Nie ma sensu tlumaczyc tym ludziom.."Naród wybrany" i już. Bez dyskusji. Wszystko im sie należy.

    • @MendelDanzo
      @MendelDanzo 26 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

      @@agnieszkaolszewska6079calm down lil bro

    • @robertrodriguez7653
      @robertrodriguez7653 26 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@agnieszkaolszewska6079you being upset that we believe that we are the chosen people just shows you have an internal issue with us and have antisemitic feelings. you are disgusting

    • @nsz-lf6yk
      @nsz-lf6yk 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

      ​@@MendelDanzoSIOSTRO.Agnieszka to kobieta,zapewniam że jest spokojna jak 38 milionów Polaków.
      To Żydzi fikaja.

    • @MendelDanzo
      @MendelDanzo 19 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@nsz-lf6yk maybe she wouldn't be so apathetic if she was part of the Jews who suffered in her country

  • @andrewrajcher7263
    @andrewrajcher7263 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +262

    I am the son of Holocaust survivors from Poland and I visit Poland three time a year. I read, write and speak fluent Polish, so communication there, for me, is not a problem. I am the longest serving volunteer (over 18 years) at the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw.
    This documentary is SO MISLEADING. It seems like he went to Poland and INTENTIONALLY AVOIDED meeting any Polish Jews.
    He was in Kraków exploring everywhere EXCEPT the Kraków Jewish Community Centre. THERE he would find Jews!!
    In Lódź, he went to the cemetery of course, but he didn't visit the synagogue and the Jewish centre, with its Jewish guest house. THERE he would find Jews!!
    And, of course, did he go to Warsaw where there are plenty of LIVING POLISH JEWS? The answer is NO. Did he meet with Poland's Chief Rabbi, Michael Schudrich, who could have pointed him in the right direction to meet LIVING Polish Jews IN Poland? Of course not!
    According to estimates, today, there are between 25,000 and 30,000 Jews in Poland - it seems that he went out of his way NOT to meet them.This "documentary" is SO misleading and should be viewed with EXTREME skepticism.

    • @channarubin8267
      @channarubin8267 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +20

      Before the Shoa, there were 3,3 MILLION Jews living in Poland.
      Today it are about 25 000.
      So just look at those numbers - it is not even 1% left (and i did not count how many jews there would be today with children and grandchildren from those 3,3 Millions!)
      if you count 4kids per family- it would today be 16,3 Millions. We have 25000
      So Shloime is right.

    • @pshemko__
      @pshemko__ 27 วันที่ผ่านมา +28

      Agreed - I like his previous videos but this particular one was extremely misleading. There’s no mention of the life of contemporary Polish Jews, no interviews with members of the Jewish community in Poland. Also, he acted quite ignorant when they asked him to pay for the ticket at the old synagogue the maintenance of which is funded through donations or entrance fees.

    • @pshemko__
      @pshemko__ 27 วันที่ผ่านมา +20

      @@channarubin8267 There are probably more Poles with Jewish heritage. It’s just some of them converted to Christianity, became assimilated. There were quite a few secular Jews who joined the communist party and had nothing to do with Judaism. My aunt’s husband is quarter Jewish but doesn’t feel any connection with Judaism as his grandparents converted to Christianity. I have some very distant Jewish ancestry from the 18th century (9 generations before me).
      The Jewish population is actually growing - there are Jewish communities in Warsaw, Krakow, Wroclaw or Łódź where they still feel safer compared to Western Europe as there are far less Muslim immigrants and there aren’t many woke antifa youths.

    • @tomekg6629
      @tomekg6629 26 วันที่ผ่านมา

      I live in Warsaw and here the local Jewish community are "dyed Jews". They are mostly actual converts with one single Jewish ancestors deep in the past, who didn't cultivate Judaism. And most them have suprematist views. They would not have vibes with American Jews.

    • @tomasznasiowski5075
      @tomasznasiowski5075 26 วันที่ผ่านมา

      I knew the guy was prejudiced when he started talking that the synagogues were stolen. WTF?! There were agreements between the authorities and jewish community. Without them he wouldn't even have chance to see anything, because they would be simply ruined.

  • @ShatzMat
    @ShatzMat 23 วันที่ผ่านมา +69

    This is an commercial for a tour operator disguised as a documentary. His confrontational attitude was an act to give the documentary a "plot". Poland has done the best it can to preserve the memory of it's lost Jews who were exterminated by the Nazis. When we Jews travel back there to see that history we should appreciate that. The Polish population's behavior during the Holocaust was mixed and complicated. Shlomie Zionce is young and uneducated in this sensitive topic. He was there to film a commercial. He didn't give the issue much thought.

    • @pshemko__
      @pshemko__ 22 วันที่ผ่านมา +13

      This is the right comment. There were Poles who saved Jews, the underground state which was powerless was trying to do its best, there were also Poles assisting in Holocaust (minority but those cases were more common in eastern parts of Poland but also in other countries like Lithuania, Slovakia). The majority was indifferent because they were scared of the consequences or just wanted to survive.
      Unfortunately, it looks like this was just a commercial for a tour operator which mostly stirs up negative emotions and reveals maybe 20% of truth.
      This is quite sad as I strongly support Israel in its right for self- determination and right to exist in the global map but movies like this one just add more negativity.

    • @fly20yoc
      @fly20yoc 13 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Please be very specific about what is bothering you regarding this film?

    • @Fuera-b7z
      @Fuera-b7z 11 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@ShatzMat ok, Shlomie might be indeed young and uneducated but what about the Hasidic Embassy? Uneducated as well? Just accidentally producing well-made pseudo-document that will circulate in the web spreading hate and misinformation freely? Who will take responsibility if consequences of hate, in this case anti-Polonism, will have effects in real life?

    • @japimacho
      @japimacho 9 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

      Thank you for this normal comment. As many people have already mentioned, we were completely conquered by the Germans and Russians. We had nothing to say and to prove it to us, the invaders immediately introduced brutal rules. Murdering and persecution of the Polish intelligentsia, soldiers, any people associated with the pre-war Polish state (officials, railway workers, scouts, etc.), elderly people who opposed the invader Prussia during regaining independence in 1918, and ordinary people. Auschwitz was established in 1940 exclusively for Poles. Birkenau for Jews was not established until two years later. Considering such conditions, I believe that many Jews were saved and many Poles were involved. This is why the "Żegota" organization was created. Did some Poles help the Germans? As I understand it, you are Jewish, I don't know if you are from Israel or live somewhere else. Do you have prisons in Israel, who goes there, for what crimes, even for murders? In Poland we also have full prisons and we had them before the war. I don't know how it happened, historical sources are silent about it, but I suspect that such people could have been released just before the Germans entered. And for such a criminal who murdered and stole before the war, he probably did the same during the war, with the silent consent of the Germans. But the Polish Underground State always tried to eliminate such people. I will not apologize for such garbage, and neither will the Polish state. I don't even intend to be ashamed of them, and life is worth nothing to me, you can only try to isolate such people from society. As I mentioned earlier, we saved as many Jews as we could. Could more Jews have survived and how many more (2, 3, 100, 1000 people or maybe more)? Jews also had their own organization, it was called "Żagiew". Have you heard of her? It is being erased from the pages of history. If you can, please write back if you know about it. Some Jews converted to Christianity before or long before the war or their ancestors. They stopped being Poles of the Mosaic faith and decided to be Polish Christians. It was difficult for the Germans to locate such Jews who had voluntarily become members of the Polish Christian community. And here Jewish communities rushed to "help" the Germans by providing such data. As you say, history is not that simple and colorful. Moreover, in many cases, the history of Poland was not written by Poles but by those who ruled us - occupied us. The history of Polish-Jewish relations is also changing. As far as I know, a different history was written by Jewish historians right after the war, those who survived the war and were our neighbors. And a different story is beginning to be told by modern Jewish historians. Mutual relations are also not helped by films like this one and the authors of these films. Every year, young Jews from school come on a tour of the extermination sites. In the 1990s, the Polish side came up with a project to make these trips to places of culture, nature, to get to know us Poles, but also to get to know each other. And Auschwitz and these other death camps were supposed to be just for good measure, a small percentage of these trips. It worked for a few years. But the Jewish side decided that this cannot be the case and now there are only tours around the camps. What this is all for, I don't know. Someone in an earlier comment quoted data about what percentage of Poles hate Jews. This is also a complex topic. But such films certainly do not improve Poles' relations with Jews. Thank you once again for your normal comment and understanding of each other's history, especially the history of the war. And please write whether you have heard about this Jewish organization "Żagiew" or whether you can learn about it from the Jewish media.

    • @farral
      @farral 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Everything about this commercial add is bothering me. Especially the lies, but I guess I should get used to it by now

  • @ThePfil
    @ThePfil 26 วันที่ผ่านมา +21

    Entitled much, eh? My ancestors used to own half of Europe, yet I don't go around saying it's mine. It seems you tried really hard not to meet any Jews, as there are so many here. Also, filming people when they say they don't wish to be filmed? She should sue you

  • @maciej009
    @maciej009 23 วันที่ผ่านมา +17

    Albo Żydzi w szkołach tego nie uczą, albo autor filmiku w szkołę tylko kamieniami rzucał, bo nie wie, jakiego narodu przedstawiciele, są najliczniejszą grupą, odznaczoną medalem Sprawiedliwi wśród Narodów Świata.

    • @igwar4140
      @igwar4140 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

      W sumie obie twoje teorie są prawdziwe. Obstawiam że to przez połączenie braku wiedzy, nakłamania historii i chęci zrobienia kontrowersyjnego filmu "dokumentalnego", który będzie się klikał doprowadziły do stanu w jakim został opublikowany. Co najlepsze nie obraża i znieważ tylko Polaków ale i jednocześnie innych żydów zakłamując tak fakty.

    • @ozjaszgoldberg3193
      @ozjaszgoldberg3193 15 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Polecame dokument "defamacja"

  • @iwonadanielewicz8121
    @iwonadanielewicz8121 26 วันที่ผ่านมา +35

    I kto za to odpowiada? Dlaczego nie ma informacji o Niemcach?

    • @agnieszkaolszewska6079
      @agnieszkaolszewska6079 26 วันที่ผ่านมา +3 Żydzi są sprytni..przebiegli.

    • @twinklestar94
      @twinklestar94 26 วันที่ผ่านมา

      When he says Nazis it's clear he is referring to the Germans

  • @julitajulita7075
    @julitajulita7075 24 วันที่ผ่านมา +11

    I'm from Łódź ( in English Lodz ). You should soend more tine in this city. There's a Jewish community here. My best friend's father was even someone important in it before he died. You should also see in Warsaw Polin Museum. It is dedicated to commemorate a thousand years old history of Jews in Poland.
    My whole family comes from Lodz, there lived here long before WWII. I remember my greatparents talking about how hard it was for a Jew to pretend being Polish during war just for this simple reason they couldn't speak Polish properly. Almost only young generation, educated in Polish schools before the war spoke Polish fluently. And before the war 30 % of Lodz inhabitants were German. They could perfectly distinquish between Jews & Poles. Not to mention that in occupied Poland, not like in France or other Western European countries, helping Jews in any way was punished by death. Not only death of the person who helped but also his whole family and sometimes even neighbours.
    And about so called "stolen" property - remember that after the war Poland felt under soviet occupation and had to remain in soviet zone for nearly 50 years. It were commies who nationalised a lot of private properties. After 1989 all buildings of religious purposes were returned to the religious communities. Of course if they wanted. Due to the decline of Jews living in Poland after the war not all synagogs were wanted by remaining Jews. So some of them were turned into museums. As for private properties - a lot of them after the war were only rubbish. Nothing left. Some of them were also nationalised by commies, in the same way as properties of Poles. After 50 years the process of restoration of properties was difficult and in many cases impossible due to many legal reasons. Poles are in exactly the same situation, Jews aren't discriminated against at all.

  • @ingridarcher69
    @ingridarcher69 20 วันที่ผ่านมา +14

    Shloime, I have followed your channel since the beginning. I really hope that you will take the time to read and absorb the many meaningful and valid comments…… People have taken the time to watch this video and have shared, respectfully, their observations and knowledge bases about an incredibly sensitive, horrific period of history and about the current, everyday life situations….. I am shocked by what I see as a ‘passively aggressive’ approach, by you - in your presentation…..’overall’……👎😢

    • @kacperwalkowiak2564
      @kacperwalkowiak2564 8 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

      he will never respond

    • @ingridarcher69
      @ingridarcher69 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      @@kacperwalkowiak2564- Disappointing👎

  • @PinkHawk191
    @PinkHawk191 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +48

    My Bubbie’s family was from Poland. Thank you for showing me where my family comes from. I’m learning so much about who I am and where I come from. I am an Ashkenazi American Jew. I am a Reform Jew. I can’t fast due to medical issues which I got the ok from my Rabbi to not fast. I wish those that do fast and easy fast.

    • @jsw7814
      @jsw7814 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@PinkHawk191 what part of Poland

    • @ttee6990
      @ttee6990 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +9

      Even if u dont fast you cud say tehillim in memory of all those that perished in all our years of suffering and bring comfort to their souls in heaven. Every word you say will bring more peace to them. Every mitzva u do for your grandparents soul will bring them to a better place in heaven. You can do your part as well.

    • @FayJacobowitz
      @FayJacobowitz 26 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Thank you a very important documentary I really appreciate and enjoyed it very much

    • @PinkHawk191
      @PinkHawk191 26 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@jsw7814 I don’t know what part of Poland. I need to ask my aunt who knows since I forget since it’s a lot of information to take in when I’m with my family.

    • @jolantareflinska9940
      @jolantareflinska9940 22 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

      Jesli jestes Aszkenazi to twoje korzenie sa z Ukrainy a nie Polski.

  • @ulysse9471
    @ulysse9471 26 วันที่ผ่านมา +27

    How can something abandoned be stolen? If it was not repurposed it would have fallen into ruin. Now matter where in the world, if the owner abandons a property and stops paying taxes, the property is confiscated and repurposed. That's the way things work in the world, like it or not.

    • @chinaskee1015
      @chinaskee1015 20 วันที่ผ่านมา

      These properties weren't abandoned. They were stolen by the Nazis when they killed the Jews who lived there.

  • @klemensior15
    @klemensior15 26 วันที่ผ่านมา +18

    As many people mentioned, this is not all the story and it lacks some historical background. Many building are still there and are not ruined because they were restored and preserved to tell the story of the Holocaust in Poland as well as centuries of jewish history in Poland. You can't simply tell that something was stolen from you because you need to pay a small price to keep it running and maintain it. Why in some cases there is no interest in sponsoring such places by jewish communities from US or other places but you are blaming people who really took their passion, time and want to show to other people tough history of Poles and Jews in Poland. These people show respect to all Jews, these in the past and current who want to see how their relatives lived in Poland for centuries.Germans put a lot of effort to split Poles and Jews and it would be great to see how many activities are done by people who are not Jews to show the history and remember Jews so this does not happen again! Like museums, festival of jewish culture in Krakow, Wroclaw. How many books about holocaust and history are written to preserve the memory of Jews in our history.
    Yes, there is no many Jews in Poland but how can be if most of them were exterminated by Germans alongside with Poles who helped them and yes sometimes betrayed them too. But only in Poland you could be killed because of helping Jews during WW2. As with everything, history is not simple and would be good to try all the sides of the story.
    I am not hating, I would just ask for showing the whole story, to not provide next barriers between Poles and Jews. In that matter, everyone should be careful to show the respect and help restoring our relationships.
    I like you, you seem to be a good man and maybe creating another movie with a help of the people who could show all the tough history could help you and your viewers to see all the sides of the story.
    And yes, I feel that putting a sticker on rails in Auschwitz may be disrespectful in someone's eyes and to me, this was not a thing I'd like to see and I feel uncomfortable as this is a place with terrible history of both nations and should not be a place where you put whatever sticker you want to show respect to everyone who died there and who maintain this place for everyone to learn this tragic history.
    Thank you

  • @lucasglowacki4683
    @lucasglowacki4683 26 วันที่ผ่านมา +18

    I’m a Catholic Polish Canadian. Immigrated with my parents in 1984 when I was 10. I never understood antisemitism and always thought that the Holocaust was not only a Jewish but also a Polish tragedy. We lived together in peace for a thousand years and Poland had the most Jews of any nation on earth. The brain drain alone was devastating…such a shame, we are practically brothers and we’re both attacked by Soviets and fascists. I’m just glad the Jews are in Israel keeping the Middle East in check…it’s their God given land!

    • @ozjaszgoldberg3193
      @ozjaszgoldberg3193 15 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Nie jesteś Polakiem, i nigdy nim nie byłeś twoje opinie na temat Izraela pokazują to

    • @MrBalrogos
      @MrBalrogos 10 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Most of Israelis are not Jews just Syonists.

    • @leno_o17
      @leno_o17 วันที่ผ่านมา

      ​@@ozjaszgoldberg3193 co?

  • @14shmullie
    @14shmullie 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +62

    Thank you for giving me the opportunity to experience this virtually.

  • @yalereisner8209
    @yalereisner8209 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +33

    How did you manage to visit Kraków and not find any Jews?! There’s a lively Jewish community in Kraków. You should have gone to shul at a time when there were services or visited the JCC at pretty much any time. Then you would have seen where the Jews are.

    • @LinguistRevolutioner
      @LinguistRevolutioner 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +11

      There’s a Jewish community in Warsaw too. Couple thousand strong and growing. There still are Polish Jews, albeit not anywhere near as many as there used to be. The Jewish history of Poland is not over.

    • @bartomiejnozka8992
      @bartomiejnozka8992 26 วันที่ผ่านมา +14

      That would be against the narrative.

    • @sgebert
      @sgebert 25 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Yale that's because he wasn't looking. He knows there are no more Jews in Poland, and nothing - not even Jews in Poland - would have convinced him otherwise.

  • @elianayocheved770
    @elianayocheved770 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +19

    Incredible watch on this Tisha B'Av, Shloime. This kind of documentary needed to be made. I'm glad also you and your father got so much meaning out of this trip. Thank you for sharing. 💙

    • @ShloimeZionce
      @ShloimeZionce  28 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      Much appreciated!

  • @superspeederbooster
    @superspeederbooster 27 วันที่ผ่านมา +6

    Many synagogues in Poland are left to rot not even restaurants inside, being totally honest it's good that there is something there so it's not completely abandoned.
    Unfortunately there is not enough Jews to keep synagogues as synagogues tickets are necessary for upkeep costs, I know it's painful but Jews should understand how money works...

  • @ProudtoBefat-n8d
    @ProudtoBefat-n8d 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +31

    Wow wow wow I'm speechless the whole film is beautiful and the shots and editing are also insane Shlomi you hit it again your a soul one of a kind

  • @piotrkobeszko6812
    @piotrkobeszko6812 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +10

    Great documentary.
    Just not enough explanation why polish jews are no more? Who were the natzi ? Were natzi polish Christian citizens? Who built concentration camps? Which nation is responsible for killing polish jews?
    Documentary does not explain natzi ideology?
    I had to search internet to find out why after almost thousand of years jews are no longer part of poland.

    • @agnieszkaolszewska6079
      @agnieszkaolszewska6079 26 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      Nie oglądałam tego filmu, nie mam nerwów ze stali. Ta nacja uważa się za wybrana i już. "Handlowe plemię"..

    • @MendelDanzo
      @MendelDanzo 26 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @mafes28
    @mafes28 27 วันที่ผ่านมา +26

    Presenting history requires objectivness which you apparently lack...It makes me sad!And moving as Jews throgh Poland using a German luxury car Mercedes Benz is kind of ironic, isn't it?

    • @TM-100
      @TM-100 27 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Ya, Mercedes should give him the car!!

    • @mafes28
      @mafes28 18 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@TM-100 No, he should have avoided while visiting Poland - the place where most of the Shoah took place - any linkeage to the opressors and murderers...the Germans...otherwise I read it as not telling the whole story right. Look at the comment of @andrewrajcher7263...mayby you will understand my point

    • @TM-100
      @TM-100 16 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Just DON'T visit Poland

  • @wendilandkammer8368
    @wendilandkammer8368 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +90

    This made my heart ache.
    It made me weep.
    All those synagogues, the school. But the stones and the earth remember.
    So I reposted this to my fb page. I want others to see this journey.
    It's important.
    Thank you for making this.

    • @marsettenmohn
      @marsettenmohn 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

      Ever heard of Simon of Trent or the USS Liberty?

    • @joshberman9318
      @joshberman9318 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +13

      @@marsettenmohn no room for hate.

    • @michellelansky4490
      @michellelansky4490 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      ​@@marsettenmohnwho was Simon of Trent?

    • @heaven44
      @heaven44 27 วันที่ผ่านมา

      R שלמה for the same reason that you went back to revisit the destruction of the entire Jewish population of Poland, there are a large segment of Jews which sware never to set again their feet on the blood soaked countries in Europe that flourished with Jews centuries, never ever to forgive the poles ,the Hungarians ,the Romanians ,the slovaks ,and many more which were out right complicite in the extermination of million of our Jewish brothers and sisters and as you see it for yourself there are plenty of poles which are antisemites which hate us with a pattion, for some of us Jews it's just horrific even to step one inch in those countries never again to look back at them , and I guess that each and every pole is really happy that yuden rein accomplished what they have been longing for the past who knows how long ,

  • @karolkowalczyk33
    @karolkowalczyk33 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +11

    Check the list of Polish names in yad vashem. You still have to learn a lot. You prezent your judgments very easy. Stop learn and better say less nthan to much

  • @kula8531
    @kula8531 17 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

    Good to see you back in Poland. Welcome !

  • @jerzybrudnicki6815
    @jerzybrudnicki6815 15 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

    Legal rights of legitimate offspring of former owners (of whatever nationality / ethnic group) of property in Poland is exercisable under Polish law and has been so for the Jews worldwide as well for over quarter of a century. Those Jews that could prove their lineage and trace it back to the legitimate owners have long successfully reclaimed their property in Poland. Since the Jews purport to be civilized and law-abiding people they should know the story ends here and they have already been compensated by the Germans. Having said that, all places of Jewish worship such as synagogues or yeshivas should be returned to the Jewish communities without restrain. To be clear: most of them have already been returned- nice catch of those that have not been yet. All in all, the film itself is misleading to say the least and portrays Poland and the Poles in the typical stereotypical way well known to the Jews worldwide- as it is purposefully and continually re-instigated and fueled by them.

  • @polishenglishnorwegiandutch
    @polishenglishnorwegiandutch 20 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

    It is so sad to be in a Jewish neighbourhood in Cracow and not meet any Jews. There are Jews in Cracow and Poland. Moreover 20-25% of Poles have Jewish roots. Thank God that there are Jews in Poland. It there weren’t, it would mean that Nazis have won. Unfortunately the History of Poland was written only by winners of WWII, among them Russia which hated us. This is how the myth of Polish antisemitism was born. Stalin was the one who rounded up Jews and sent them to Germany because he had a pact with Hitler, Russian communist party was the one which ordered to lay off all the Jews from governmental positions both in Poland under the occupation and in USSR. Nobody has the right to stop you from filming anywhere in Poland unless on a private property. That Synagogue you visited is a listed building and it means that it has praying hours and sightseeing hours, like many listed churches or old mosques. It means that you need to buy the ticket of 1-2 dollars to sightsee it during those hours. Also, the poor retired guy that was supposed to guard it doesn’t speak good English. He works there to earn more money to his modest pension. You can do visit synagogue or a church for free if you are willing to participate in religious celebrations or outside of praying hours. You keep saying that buildings were stolen from you - Jews but Jews at that time were also Poles. 3 millions of Polish Jews were murdered in Holocaust and on top of that 3 millions of Poles of non-Jewish origin were slaughtered during WWII - 20% of our population. Our - Polish society became ripped to shreds by Holocaust too. Moreover, instead of a chance to recover we were left to fight Soviet occupation for 43 more years (1939-1945; 1945-1989). It is very sad that Poland lost 20% of its population and 53% of our territory. All the big cities were destroyed and buildings rebuilt by our own money because there was no Marshall Plan for Poland like it was for Germany. Poles after the occupation rebuilt Jewish synagogues, cemeteries and houses along with other non-Jewish places. Nazis and Soviets used tombstones to built pavements or bridges and Poles put them in cemeteries again, showing them respect after occupation. I believe it’s worth remembering about Żegota - a governmental organisation in occupied Poland, first in Europe solely dedicated to save Jews; about Jan Karski, a Pole who as a first person alerted the world (Churchill and Roosevelt) about Holocaust; about Witold Pilecki, who volunteered to go to Auschwitz to write a first report which shown what was happening there and was murdered by Soviets because of that; about Irena Sendler who was a nurse who saved Jewish children; about Janusz Korczak who went to the gas chamber instead of being saved with Jewish orphaned children he took care of; about Ulm family who were murdered by Nazis for hiding Jews among many others. Poles are not antisemites and Jews in Poland are not only found as ashes in concentration camps. They live among Poles and you didn’t contact with Jewish Centers or any Jews on social media. „Nothing about restaurant is Jewish except of Jewish food” - isn’t food a point of a restaurant? There are both kosher and non-kosher stores and restaurants in Cracow if you only look for them in Google maps. Some of the tombstones wait to be restored, just like the one on Christian cemeteries if you visit them you will see. Poles are not defined by the tragedy that happened to us. It’s sad that you show it this way but it is your choice.

  • @box128
    @box128 26 วันที่ผ่านมา +7

    Unlike other countries occupied by the Nazis, such as France or the Netherlands, in Poland, helping Jews was punishable by death for you and your family. The premises where the restaurants are located belong to the Jewish community, which rented them about 20 years ago.
    Yes, before the war, there was significant anti-Semitism in Poland. In my opinion, it wasn’t so much about the Jews but rather a mix of poverty and unemployment. In such a mix, people look for someone to blame, and it’s easiest to find it among others - “foreigners.” Regardless of race, religion, time, or place in the world.
    Another smaller wave of anti-Semitism occurred in the 1990s when the communist system collapsed, and many fell into poverty. They blamed the imagined new government, believing that 90% of them were Jews, and that’s why the country was in such a bad state - which was absurd. Today, if you are visibly Jewish in Poland, outside of football stadiums - where hooligans are - you are definitely safer than in France, Germany ....

    • @pshemko__
      @pshemko__ 26 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Also, antisemitism before the war was much more common in smaller towns and in poorest regions of Poland. Jews living in larger cities had a pretty good life.

  • @Rina0777
    @Rina0777 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +7

    Thank you so much. Hope everyone has an easy and meaningful fast.

  • @olitokolito1298
    @olitokolito1298 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +6

    Toda! This is an amazing video and even though I visited Lublin you saw so much more than me. Thank you so much for showing us the steps our ancestors took.

  • @Flaky03
    @Flaky03 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +37

    I went with a jewish group to Poland, and while we were in Auschwitz there was a muslim group who started yelling "free Palestine" at us. Everyone there threw the Muslims out so fast...

    • @based4573
      @based4573 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      They are right though, should have given the German land to Jews instead of Poles if they liked them so much

    • @cpt.flamer7184
      @cpt.flamer7184 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +11

      @@based4573 What? xD

    • @chocolatecity2
      @chocolatecity2 27 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      ​@@based4573 and all of the Jews in the Middle East and North Africa where should they have gone?

    • @based4573
      @based4573 27 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@cpt.flamer7184 YT deleted my comment. Look up how much land Germ-Many gave away to Pole-Land, its about 100,000km^2, 5x of Ezrael's land. Why not take a slice of that, as they are the ones who committed the acts Ezrael uses as justification.

    • @based4573
      @based4573 27 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@chocolatecity2 the exodus you are talking about was caused by the European invasion of Pal-Esstein. If it never happened, Joooohs would still live in Morocco, etc. Even if the MENA Jooohs would have been kicked out somehow, they would have simply fled to the Ezrael next to Germ-Many, which is now instead all Pole-Lish land.

  • @user-jn1lv6uh5c
    @user-jn1lv6uh5c 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +55

    Some facts: 6 milion of polish citizens died during II WW. Half of them were of polish origin and half of them were jewish. Germans and russians occupied Poland. The russian occupation lasted until 1993. Germans created and operated concentration camps.

    • @Rubiagirl86
      @Rubiagirl86 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

      1989 not 1993 :)

    • @yalereisner8209
      @yalereisner8209 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Put another way, 10% of the ethnic Poles perished, while 90% of the Jews were murdered. There’s no comparison.

    • @zibix7173
      @zibix7173 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

      @@Rubiagirl86 1993

    • @irenamagdalena9604
      @irenamagdalena9604 28 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Socialism destroys a lot of religious communities and symbols

    • @Rubiagirl86
      @Rubiagirl86 28 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@zibix7173 No. Poland stopped to be communist country in 1989 and set free from USSR. Check in Google.

  • @Stan-mp8zz
    @Stan-mp8zz 24 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    Im a Polish Catholic i remeber my grandma telling me about her jewish friends before the war

  • @wendylnyc447
    @wendylnyc447 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

    Shloimie, thank you for sharing. This was very emotional for me as my father Was from Sulaki Poland and when my grandmother saw what was about to happen she and my father snuck on a boat to the US.

  • @maiahswanson904
    @maiahswanson904 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +92


    • @metanoian965
      @metanoian965 27 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      why ?

    • @agnieszkaolszewska6079
      @agnieszkaolszewska6079 26 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

      ​@@metanoian965Naród wybrany..poza prawem i moralnością. Polska ma ich dość!

    • @andrewrajcher7263
      @andrewrajcher7263 26 วันที่ผ่านมา +10

      It is a "mocumentary" - pretending there are no Jews in Poland today. That is rubbish!

    • @metanoian965
      @metanoian965 26 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@andrewrajcher7263 Yes, there are Zyd. Some make vids @ themselves being Zyd.
      Zyd are involved with importing darkness out of Africa and Hindukush.

    • @thegovtdoesntcareaboutyou
      @thegovtdoesntcareaboutyou 25 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@maiahswanson904 same

  • @vanquish206
    @vanquish206 25 วันที่ผ่านมา +12

    I have Jewish and Catholic Polish ancestry and wish for the bonds of our Jewish and Polish nations to forever be united 🇵🇱🇮🇱❤️

    • @IhaveBigFeet
      @IhaveBigFeet 16 วันที่ผ่านมา

      No thanks. Poland is fine on its own, these people would never be patriotic to Poland as they have their own agenda. Matter of fact they would campaign for things against the interest of the Polish nation if it would benefit them.

  • @idaselinahobbs9031
    @idaselinahobbs9031 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +173

    I am a Christian from Poland and l truly enjoyed watching this documentary. I support and stand for Israel. Todah raba. Am Israel Chai. ❤️🇮🇱❤️🤗🙏

    • @jsw7814
      @jsw7814 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

      @@idaselinahobbs9031 what a beautiful comment.

    • @Tofegast
      @Tofegast 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

      I am yewish not Israëli

    • @jsw7814
      @jsw7814 28 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@Tofegast I am both

    • @MarieElenaCambria1
      @MarieElenaCambria1 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +8

      @@jsw7814 Lovely comment. My entire (very grass roots, clergy level Catholic) family fled Poland during WW2 as they were hiding Jews. My mother is of Jewish decent. I want nothing more than to visit Poland & Israel. My family has a tree planted in Yad Vashem - the Road of the Righteous. It's a very humbling honor. I was born in the US. I began chasing God the day my feet hit the ground. We need to pray our King home to restore this Earth as promised. "And the Spirit of the Living God said, 'Come' and the Bride of Christ said, 'Come'".
      May the Living God of Eternity wrap you & your loved ones in a veil of protection. May He find you when you search for Him. Continue to Seek Him out. He is not far from you and he does hear & respond to our prayers.
      Stay Safe. Stay Free.
      ꧁•♥ Believe♥•🕊꧂

    • @jsw7814
      @jsw7814 28 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@MarieElenaCambria1 how can I contact you

  • @glenhatchell5635
    @glenhatchell5635 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +10

    Shloime, this is an amazing continuation of the story you are telling and your development as a film maker. Also, if I walked into a room where I didn't know anyone and then I saw your Dad, I would migrate towards him. Thank you, and thanks to Peter Santenello, for educating me on so many levels through your videos.

  • @goldensaurian
    @goldensaurian 24 วันที่ผ่านมา +6

    Shulem aleichem. Next time visit Jewish Religious Community in Krakow or JCC (Jewish Community Center) and learn a few things about Poland before you start to spread false narrative. Za gezint

  • @kubabarbas5436
    @kubabarbas5436 25 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

    A quote from you viewer, to the point, shame on you, Shliome, for being so biased and anti-Polish, I recommend to you to go to Canada or the US to see all the hatred for the Jews and Israel now in 2024. Enjoy this comment :
    2 days ago (edited)
    I am the son of Holocaust survivors from Poland and I visit Poland three time a year. I read, write and speak fluent Polish, so communication there, for me, is not a problem. I am the longest serving volunteer (over 18 years) at the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw.
    This documentary is SO MISLEADING. It seems like he went to Poland and INTENTIONALLY AVOIDED meeting any Polish Jews.
    He was in Kraków exploring everywhere EXCEPT the Kraków Jewish Community Centre. THERE he would find Jews!!
    In Lódź, he went to the cemetery of course, but he didn't visit the synagogue and the Jewish centre, with its Jewish guest house. THERE he would find Jews!!
    And, of course, did he go to Warsaw where there are plenty of LIVING POLISH JEWS? The answer is NO. Did he meet with Poland's Chief Rabbi, Michael Schudrich, who could have pointed him in the right direction to meet LIVING Polish Jews IN Poland? Of course not!
    According to estimates, today, there are between 25,000 and 30,000 Jews in Poland - it seems that he went out of his way NOT to meet them.This "documentary" is SO misleading and should be viewed with EXTREME skepticism.

  • @MosheGavrielBinkovitz
    @MosheGavrielBinkovitz 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

    Thank you very much for the exciting and important video!
    My late father was born in Poland, not in Krakow, but in Warsaw (1904-1994), but through the video I imagined the streets of Warsaw, which probably also abounded in Jewish and rooted life!
    My grandfather was the butcher of the town and I'm sure the whole street was full of Yiddishkeit until the beginning of the war.
    My father's entire family was murdered and only he survived the horror of the war years and immigrated to Israel and built a new family with 13 grandchildren!

  • @MarcinArcin
    @MarcinArcin 26 วันที่ผ่านมา +6

    ❤ jak wchodzisz do muzeum trzeba kupić bilet chyba że przyjdziesz w dzień w którym wpuszczają bez opłaty ale bilet i tak trzeba pobrać. Takie mamy zasady w tym muzeum Stara Synagoga.

  • @SinaHomayoni
    @SinaHomayoni 21 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    Everyone in palastine is starving and dieing since 75 years ago, but nobody even talking about it

  • @PeterJ-cb3vk
    @PeterJ-cb3vk 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +29

    As a reminder, the Holocaust was carried out by Nazi Germany throughout Europe. The atrocities were committed by the Germans of that era. In occupied Poland, the Germans established the concentration camps, the atrocities were carried out by the Germans. I realize that we live in politically correct times and quite often the word "nazis" is used instead of the word "Germans" but by omitting the word "Germans" it is an attempt to change the facts and obscure the history. I am beginning to think that this is intentional, and it is shameful. Who is doing this in the media? Now, the modern-day Germans are not responsible nor are they guilty of the crimes. But their great-grandparents and grandparents are.
    Israel's Shimon Peres on a visit to the Warsaw Ghetto Monument in Warsaw on the anniversary of the Uprising in 1943 stated emphatically that "the Polish nation is NOT responsible for the Holocaust". Last year in 2023 at the same memorial, the German Foreign Minister stated unequivocally that Germany and Germany alone is responsible for the Holocaust.

    • @stephenfisher3721
      @stephenfisher3721 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

      It is much more complicated than that .
      Various national or ethnic groups sided with the Nazis in hopes of independence from the Soviets or others. The Nazis also found local people in each country to assist them in the Final Solution.

    • @sorischwartz4346
      @sorischwartz4346 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +6

      Many ppl of other nations were only too happy to join. Full towns were killed by zealous neighbors. My great uncle survived the camps and was killed by the ppl who stole their house when he came back

    • @planesense7390
      @planesense7390 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      sadly its a fact that many poles and other nationalities happily joined the nazis in their evil deeds...that is not to say that there werent polish heroes who saved Jewish lives also

    • @bartomiejnozka8992
      @bartomiejnozka8992 26 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@planesense7390 Interesting. Any sources of "poles .... happily joined the nazis"? Imagine "happily joining" your attacker. Someone who killed 6mln Poles.

    • @bartomiejnozka8992
      @bartomiejnozka8992 26 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

      @@stephenfisher3721 Mainly Germans.

  • @DawidKołodziejczyk-i1k
    @DawidKołodziejczyk-i1k 12 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    As I can see from the comments, lots of us Poles got at least irritated by this individual. Some Jewish people are known to be extremly arrogant so is this fellow ,therefore we shouldn't be supprised, if I may I would suggest not to overreact. This is the way some Jewish people are and no one can do much about it, we can camly point out their wrongs and not expect any constructive conversation since Choosen People are always right.

  • @Motb-ei4cu
    @Motb-ei4cu 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +10

    Thank You Shloime, beyond interesting and so moving! Best video by far

    • @ShloimeZionce
      @ShloimeZionce  28 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      Much appreciated

  • @MarieElenaCambria1
    @MarieElenaCambria1 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    Greetings. I am so excited to finish watching this. My entire (very grass roots, clergy level Catholic) family fled Poland during WW2 as they were hiding Jews. They were fortunate to have the capital but none the less left everyone they knew and everyone they loved behind them in a past life. My mother is of Jewish decent. I want nothing more than to visit Poland & Israel. My family has a tree planted in Yad Vashem - the Road of the Righteous. It's a very humbling honor. I was born in the US. I began chasing God the day my feet hit the ground. This is the legacy left to me by my through my Polish decent; a reverence and a hunger for God and the willingness to abide in all His good common sense laws that protect true freedom.
    May the Living God of Eternity wrap you & your loved ones in a veil of protection. May He find you when you search for Him. Continue to Seek Him out. He is not far from you and he does hear & respond to our prayers.
    Stay Safe. Stay Free.
    ꧁•♥ Believe♥•🕊꧂

  • @katarzynazabinska6487
    @katarzynazabinska6487 27 วันที่ผ่านมา +6

    My grandfather was 10 years old when the Nazis came to Poland. He lived in the outskirts of Lublin. He watched as every single Jewish person in his town was brutally murdered. He saw several of his classmates being shot outside with their families through his kitchen window. My grandmother was 16 when the Nazis occupied her town. She was living in Staszów and lived through what was called Black Sunday. On that day, the Nazis ordered all the Jews from the town to congregate in the center and they would march. As they started to funnel into Krakowska street, the Nazis fired into the crowd and murdered most of the people. She said the river was red with blood. Everyone who survived was marched to Bełżec or put on a train to Treblinka where they perished. Any Jewish family who didn't appear in the town center was brutally murdered in their homes. Both my grandparents were Catholic so they were bystanders to these tragic events.

    • @bartomiejnozka8992
      @bartomiejnozka8992 26 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Just one detail. Nazis = Germans. Thank You ;)

    • @twinklestar94
      @twinklestar94 26 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      I'm sure it was traumatic for them to witness.

    • @pawelskonecki
      @pawelskonecki 25 วันที่ผ่านมา +7

      10 years old when the Nazis came to Poland - No Nazis - GERMANS AND SOVIETS !!!!!!

    • @mirekzieklinski1909
      @mirekzieklinski1909 24 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Nazis = GERMANS

  • @Nerdny
    @Nerdny 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +28

    This was absolutely beautiful and so appropriate for the day. Shloimy , you outdid yourself in this one! You are doing important work. Keep on going. Am yisrael chai!

    • @ShloimeZionce
      @ShloimeZionce  28 วันที่ผ่านมา +6

      Thank you so very much! Your kind worlds really mean the world to me.

  • @chaimbochner7474
    @chaimbochner7474 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +59

    Beautiful work Shloime. So emotional and rich - showing the rich and beautiful life our ancestors had in Poland. And the sad fact that they were brutally murdered for being Jewish.

    • @jsw7814
      @jsw7814 28 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Your Bochners from Galitzia?

    • @peter.p.createe
      @peter.p.createe 27 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Bruttally murdered by nazis...

    • @metanoian965
      @metanoian965 27 วันที่ผ่านมา

      they were never Polish People. According to their rabbis they segregated from the human cattle to be pure = lol

    • @jsw7814
      @jsw7814 27 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@metanoian965 dude, stfu. Quit talking out of your rear lol.

  • @davidcstanton
    @davidcstanton 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

    Fantastic video, as expected! I just absolutely love being Jewish, and I wish that all Jews-irrespective of whether they're practicing or non-practicing-join arm-in-arm in the pursuit of love of God and each other! 🙌

  • @pl-hq5hr
    @pl-hq5hr 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +18

    My family also suffered during war. I heard stories from grandparents. They never knew any NAZIS. They were talking about GERMANS. But putting the blame right hearts your throat. You dared to say it only once... Germans did it, Poles did all we could to help.

    • @ShloimeZionce
      @ShloimeZionce  28 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      I’m sorry your family suffered.
      “Poles did all they could to help.”
      Which side were the poles helping?

    • @pl-hq5hr
      @pl-hq5hr 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +12

      @@ShloimeZionce 3 aspects. if it dont open your eyes, you will stay blind Forever.
      1. polish undergroud army Armia Krajowa with scarse weapons they had delivered weapons to Warsaw ghetto to make Warsaw ghetto uprising even possible, it was approx 200 Jews, who refused to be gased but chose honourable death in combat.
      2. for helping a Jew it was a death penalty, not for helper, bu all family, learn of history of Ulm family, please.
      3. Pilecki. Rotmistrz.

    • @chaimbochner7474
      @chaimbochner7474 28 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@pl-hq5hr There are way too many emotions. Do you see the energy of emotions? I'm wondering that if you're right, wow did I here so much negativity towards the poles from the older generation?
      Many were greatful to the swedish. We are greatful to all those that helped. It was very betraying when my grandmother went to school with polish friends, to be betrayed and made fun of...

    • @peterj5083
      @peterj5083 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +10

      ​@@ShloimeZioncewhat a stupid question !!

    • @pl-hq5hr
      @pl-hq5hr 27 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

      @@chaimbochner7474 I can't care less about your emotions, I care about facts. Check out your Yard Vashem ranking on racheous among nations and stop making fool out yourself.

  • @fly20yoc
    @fly20yoc 13 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    Guys relax ,
    I think that the purpose of this film is mostly to show those demonstrators who keep yelling
    “go back to Poland”
    1. They don’t know what they are talking about.
    2. Maybe they DO know the history of the polish Jews and they simply mean “go back the the gas chambers”.
    Well. The Jews have a right to live in peace and dignity.

    • @ShloimeZionce
      @ShloimeZionce  13 วันที่ผ่านมา +1


    • @shazzshank6393
      @shazzshank6393 11 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@ShloimeZionce You won't even respond, anyways your country will be gone pretty soon. No more of you ! Ungrateful juice

  • @DavidBerger-qt8eq
    @DavidBerger-qt8eq 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +5


  • @hokhmah
    @hokhmah 26 วันที่ผ่านมา +11

    There are jews in Poland, I don't understand why it wasn't shown in this documentary. In Cracow every year an amazing festival of Jewish culture takes place.
    Also, I wanted to point out that the old synagogue functions as a museum and the money from the tickets is used to look after it. Polish people also have to buy tickets when visiting polish museums. But in general I enjoyed the documentary and the tribute to Jewish heritage.

  • @Pasza95
    @Pasza95 12 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    41:50 not only jews were burned in these crematoria. Many Poles and other nations were also

  • @davidhardy5656
    @davidhardy5656 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Thank You for including us on a great Pilgrimage. Sharing the journey with your Father is a blessing.
    The light of goodness and truth outshines the darkness of evil.
    Shloime, never be silent and keep up the great work. Shalom

  • @classiccuisine7001
    @classiccuisine7001 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +8

    Excellent Documentary! Keep up the great work!

  • @skullmaster6888
    @skullmaster6888 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +29

    As a Polish nationalist, I am all for positive Polish-Jewish relations. In 2024 there is no reason for us to be negative to each other as peoples.

    • @chaimbochner7474
      @chaimbochner7474 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      I guess people left with the message that Poland is bad today. Maybe that's the worng message... He was trying to explain that when you scream back to poland, let's see if we can find the "back to poland"

    • @skullmaster6888
      @skullmaster6888 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +13

      @@chaimbochner7474 Well, it's not easy to be a Christian Pole in Israel either. You get spat at. I don't think relations between us should be so tense, there is no reason for that. I think Israeli school trips could see more of Poland than just Auschwitz, and there could also be Polish school trips to Israel - it would be a good initiative at building bridges. Besides, now Israel needs allies more than ever.

    • @chaimbochner7474
      @chaimbochner7474 27 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@skullmaster6888 I agree. I was disgusted to see the clips of “so called” frum Jews, spitting at other people.

    • @agnieszkaolszewska6079
      @agnieszkaolszewska6079 26 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

      ​@@skullmaster6888Israel needs allies?! For what?! They've had allies all over the USA..the world, in fact. They've bought them!

  • @yosefkinn3990
    @yosefkinn3990 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +8

    Beautiful video am YISROEL chai 🇮🇱 some of family members came from Poland very 😢touching & emotional and spiritual video. Keep making more so the world can see the yidden jews are still here & not going anywhere anytime soon

  • @beckyfinkelstein1688
    @beckyfinkelstein1688 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +9

    I cant even imagine how emotional and meanuful this trip was for you and for your father and for your family. Thank you for sharing this with us. May Hashem continue to give you the strength to help klal yisrael. Iy'H this will be the last tisha baav!

  • @eunicemuthyala944
    @eunicemuthyala944 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +19

    Amazing and mind blowing! I’m at a loss of words to express what I’m actually feeling. Nice job and God bless the Jews always and forever! You will always thrive no matter who is against you !!!

  • @sylvia7000
    @sylvia7000 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

    lovely to see your prayers in that room where your grandpa prayed

  • @joshuabray37
    @joshuabray37 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

    Excellent job, Shloime and Hasidic Embassy. That was very moving and educational! I've been to Krakow and Auschwitz twice (in 2001 and 2008). It was very interesting and moving to see it from your perspective.

  • @gna8an
    @gna8an 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +15

    A masterpiece, in all ways. Emotionally, artistically, intellectually, and thoughtfully. A timeless message delivered by a perfect messenger in a misty sensitive way. THANK YOU!

    • @ShloimeZionce
      @ShloimeZionce  28 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Thank you!

    • @igwar4140
      @igwar4140 19 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Not really intelectually. This film is portrayed like the Poles were guilty of murdering the jews. Were as we all educated people know it was the work of Germans.

  • @davidganim7274
    @davidganim7274 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +15

    Im sorry to say but what I have been through the way you father hugs you makes me cry more then anything

  • @kiavra1789
    @kiavra1789 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +43

    This is beautiful.
    I'm halfways in, and I'd like to comment on when you started to put on Tefillin remarking "who know's when was the last time a Jew prayed here" struck home for me.
    I travel a lot BH, and I found it easiest for me to put on Tefillin in Europe (besides Eretz Yisroel, of course) because of that thought. It felt like I'm bringing the kedushah wherever I go, especially in the places where I come from (primarily around Hungary. My family comes from all over, in that area)
    I even went to Romania, and I was putting on Tefillin in a place where someone may have never done before (it was outside of the city center with new homes, in an AirBnB). It's a very emotional thing to experience.

    • @marsettenmohn
      @marsettenmohn 28 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Ever hear of Simon of Trent or The institute of sexual research that the Nazi's burned down?

    • @RivkohTziporah
      @RivkohTziporah 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +1


  • @TzviDeutsch
    @TzviDeutsch 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    Wow, it was beautiful. It was very emotional and very warm. Shlomie thank you so much for this film 🎥

  • @mindysilver5465
    @mindysilver5465 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +6

    Wow wow wow!!! How sad that there's almost nothing left of the bustling jewish community of years ago 😢. Thank you for this!!

  • @angerycamel2
    @angerycamel2 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +7

    Best thing I could have watched on tisha b'av. You lifted my soul Shloime!

  • @connermarone
    @connermarone 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +11

    Amazing! Thank you so much for this very moving proud to be Jewish 😁✡️

  • @unicorn1620
    @unicorn1620 25 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Wow, thank you so much. This was so beautiful and touching and sad and uplifting all in one. Subscribed and will definitely be sharing with friends. Thanks again! Am Israel Chai! 🇮🇱💙

  • @moshylox9255
    @moshylox9255 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +10

    very emotional and warm film very well done. my grandparents are also from Poland so it means a lot for me the history

  • @nathwilsplanes
    @nathwilsplanes 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +18

    Thank You Shloime, beyond interesting and so moving

  • @DevoirieSpielman
    @DevoirieSpielman 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +23

    This was absolutely incredible! Checks all the boxes. Thanks for sharing the inspiration! Very well done!!! And the professionalism is at a 💯 plus!

    • @ShloimeZionce
      @ShloimeZionce  28 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      Thanks so much!!

  • @happy-if5tr
    @happy-if5tr 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +9

    Thank you so much shloimy,
    I hope this will calm down the streets.
    Keep going with this, we need people like you out there!!!!!

    • @marsettenmohn
      @marsettenmohn 28 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Have you heard about the USS Liberty? Or the Dancing Israelis on 9/11?

    • @marsettenmohn
      @marsettenmohn 28 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Ever hear of the Dancing Israeli's on 911?

    • @ShloimeZionce
      @ShloimeZionce  28 วันที่ผ่านมา

      I hope so too

  • @yosefyitz
    @yosefyitz 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +14

    Emotional and amazing job. I have relatives named Levertov, likely from city. Poland was just another temporary land during our long and painful exile which will be over very soon with moshiach now!

  • @anthonybarton2103
    @anthonybarton2103 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +33

    Thanks for taking me along with you

    • @ShloimeZionce
      @ShloimeZionce  28 วันที่ผ่านมา +12

      Glad you enjoyed

    • @PankoParadox
      @PankoParadox 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

      @@ShloimeZionceyour awesome

    • @orsataf9278
      @orsataf9278 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      @@ShloimeZioncewe love you ❤

  • @jonmadof
    @jonmadof 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +16

    Thank you so much for making this! I was looking for something appropriate to watch on Tisha B'Av, and so glad I came across this. :)

    • @ShloimeZionce
      @ShloimeZionce  28 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

      Glad it was helpful!

  • @leibylandau1300
    @leibylandau1300 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +14

    This video moved me deeply. The portrayal of the Holocaust and the Jewish people in Poland was incredibly powerful and emotional. It touched my heart in a profound way, reminding me of the immense suffering and resilience of those who lived through such unimaginable horrors. Thank you for creating such a respectful and moving tribute to this important part of history.

    • @irenamagdalena9604
      @irenamagdalena9604 28 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Don’t forget please about socialism in Poland after llnd WW , it was no chance to keep any religion and cultural symbols during 50 years . Thank God for everything what we still have

  • @user-vj9df7kn6q
    @user-vj9df7kn6q 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +8

    You shld make a map where all your stickers are and people go find them and stuff video was amazing!!!

    • @ShloimeZionce
      @ShloimeZionce  28 วันที่ผ่านมา +7

      That is a crazy idea. I love it! Let’s see if we can make it happen.

    • @goodthoughts2025
      @goodthoughts2025 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +5


  • @infowarriorone
    @infowarriorone 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +51

    This is your best video so far, very well produced. I'm not Jewish but the history fascinates me. I also appreciate anyone who stands up for Human rights.

    • @marsettenmohn
      @marsettenmohn 28 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Ever heard of the USS Liberty?

    • @Whynot-b9f
      @Whynot-b9f 28 วันที่ผ่านมา

      ​@@marsettenmohnit does not come in here at all!! Ur getting off topic! Maybe start talking about the titanic??? Moron

    • @joshberman9318
      @joshberman9318 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +14

      @@marsettenmohn iv'e heard of auschwitz.NEVER AGAIN! stop the hate!

    • @GreenCanvasInteriorscape
      @GreenCanvasInteriorscape 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

      When someone spies on an ally like Jonathan Pollard you're mad after he's released from prison for 30 years, the US spied on Israel and you're still mad that there were consequences? What did LBJ have to do with it? 😂😂😂

    • @orsataf9278
      @orsataf9278 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      We love you 🥰

  • @ayreslevi
    @ayreslevi 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +10

    Excellent documentary. Deserves to have its own entry on IMDB.

    • @ShloimeZionce
      @ShloimeZionce  28 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

      How does one go about this?

  • @alexanderyitzchaksanin7137
    @alexanderyitzchaksanin7137 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Thank you Shloime! It's an amazing opportunity to see those Jewish places, also for your family history. I wanted to travel in Ukraine for all Jewish places, but because of the war i can't

  • @ptasptasznick9305
    @ptasptasznick9305 26 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

    Also as to Majdanek... You don't take into account that all the buildings that You point to, were not there during german occupation of poland (WWII). Have You got any evidence that people outside of poland helped those in extermination camps? Any other countries? You ommited the information that Poland was the ONLY country under german occupation where there was a death sentence for helping Jews (helper as well as his/her family!). I stress this out - ONLY. country.. This should make everybody think - why was that? Why germans introduced most strict punishment in Poland? Why singling us out? Maybe it was because the help to Jews was exteptionally big in Poland? Hasn't that crossed your mind? Think about that befor commenting back.

    • @pawelskonecki
      @pawelskonecki 25 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Majdanek was originally intended for Soviet prisoners of war and later became a place of extermination for many nationalities.